Smart fraction ... less smart fraction ... dumb fraction La Griffe could have told them. So, doubtless, could messers Rushton and Jensen. From the Independent:-
The study sample was huge: 65,000. One would, of course, expect that as a fraction of their respective populations Chinese participation in higher education would surpass whites. But one would also expect that Gauss would get ‘em in the end, and the best degrees will go where the right-hand curve is longest. However, this being a government study I doubt that Jews were eliminated from the “white” contingent. Also, South Asians weren’t mentioned at all - perhaps because on average Pakistani students could be expected to weight SA results downward, and the distribution was, therefore, unremarkably general. I must admit to being puzzled by the report’s finding that women out-perform men, though. That is calling Gauss a thorough-going liar, so what’s at work here? Comments:2
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 04:13 | # LaGriffe writes: 3
Posted by onetwothree on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 17:13 | # The study presumably includes worthless soft degrees like Education, pyschology, etc? 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 17:26 | # Ah, an answer. Yes, the people who gave us Media Studies certainly won’t exclude same for the purposes of agreeing with Richard Lynn’s latest estimates. 6
Posted by who on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 13:37 | # Kills you all knowing Jews do better than “whites,” doesn’t it? 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 14:19 | # Bad choice of words. Try to employ that famous semitic verbal IQ, always assuming that Nature didn’t play a cruel trick on you, and leave you out of the brain game. Really, the answer to you, and all racist Jews, is that you have not had the moral worth to employ your intelligence to constructive ends. And you have not been sufficiently intelligent to fool enough of us - meaning all of us. We can, to quote James’ favourite film-maker, SEE. How does it feel to be named, little hate-monger? 8
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 18:31 | # What must really knaw at the soul of the supremacist Jew, with all the great intellectual power they possess, and indeed all Jews, is the fact that the same whites that condemned them to hell (Arbeit Macht Frei) are those that brought them salvation. 9
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 22:47 | # “Kills you all knowinh Jews do better than Whites”? Well, Israel’s Sephardic majority do not “do better than whites”, so perhaps the hybrid Ashkenazim’s White blood partially accounts for their intellectually superior performance. 10
Posted by who on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 15:27 | # What is it like going through life so angry? How can life be pleasurable when your only pleasure is in hate and anger? I genuinely feel sorry for those who post on this web site. 11
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 19:55 | # I genuinely feel sorry for those who post on this web site. Why do you think those who post on this web site even care what you think or give a damn about your sympathy? 12
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 08:03 | # Angry? Yes, at times, as all sentient beings can become, and usually with the same old crew of White-society wreckers - Jews and the dupes whom they cozen in their perpetual alien effort to reign supreme in countries in which they have no right to be present. “How can life be pleasurable”? Life, for the most part, is agreeably pleasurable, (thanks for asking), as it is for many other rather pampered Far East expats. I have 2 Filipina domestic “helpers”, or maids, as they were formerly known, and, thanks to my informal tutorials, they now realise that Jews and their insane Palestine landgrab are the main reasons for the bloody Islamic insurgency which afflicts their native land. 13
Posted by alex zeka on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:18 | # I for one feel pity for anyone who thinks that: “Kills you all knowing Jews do better than “whites,” doesn’t it?” is a meaningful sentence. Can I have that again, only in English? (As I have to say ever more frequently, due to my university’s decision to start hiring almost exclusively superannuated cockle-pickers.) Post a comment:
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Posted by nz conservative on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 01:47 | #
In my view, women have better memories and are better at soaking up information. Males however, are better critical thinkers and are more likely to be spectical about what they are taught.
Most people i know that have a lot of common snese also have mediocre memories.