So how you did mark Holocaust Memorial Day? Not with much, in my case. I passed up the opportunity to read and inwardly digest all the usual fayre and the usual Blair. But I did stop to read news of the latest victim of the Boer genocide: not an Afrikaner farmer this time but the well-known historian and hotelier David Rattray. His killing is also reported by the Telegraph. But it is the thread to that first link - the Mail on Sunday article - that caught my attention. As a sample of opinion it is small. But it contains the unmistakable melancholy of one who has had all his foolish illusions chased out of the door and the old, hard lessons hammered home at the highest of costs - loss of sovereignty, loss of homeland, loss of life:- Unfortunately this is our way of life in South Africa now - the politicians are not concerned that over 2000 farmers have been murdered, nor does 20 to 30,000 murders a year phase them at all - Mbeki and our Police Commissioner Selebi have stated publicly that the situation is ‘nothing to fuss about’ and our Minister of Safety and Security has publicly stated that rather than whinge we should ‘leave the country’. - R.Mcgregor, JHB, South Africa Sadly his murder is one of many taking place here as violent crime in South Africa spirals out of control. We all live in fear of such attacks and yet President Mbeki stated last week that “crime is not out of control”. - Jean Collen, Johannesburg, South Africa This poor man is but one of hundreds who have been murdered in recent years in SA. It’s strange how it rarely comes to the attention if the British press. - Malcolm, Herne Hill London We lived in South Africa for nearly 30 years and love the country but returned to the UK when our eldest son narrowly escaped being murdered for his motor car. Having been back in the UK now for nearly 10 years we feel our lives are just as much at risk here. Sad to say the whole world has become a very violent place. - Maeve Hopkins, Wales That’s South Africa for you. It only gets worse, will it ever get better? No not with the government we have there. A shame though, hence alot of South Africans come to the UK for safety. - Anite, Herts - Ex South African Having experience over many years of life in south africa, I find it so saddening that those who help and respect black Africans are so often caught up in the terrible climate of killings - usually for money and goods, but sometimes just for revenge. - Barbara, London, UK This is just another senseless murder to add to our appalling crime statistics, and our government tells us that crime isn’t out of control! - Eddie Keys, Johannesburg, South Africa One is past being surprised that “men” invade white homes in rainbow-land and take their murderous, their rapine revenge ... along with whatever useless gewgaws they can steal. One is past being surprised because far outside SA, despite the liberal Establishment’s best obfuscatory efforts, we too have had to grow accustomed to black violence. The constant drip-feed of murder reports has taught us to be shrewd judges of the mental weakness and fatal aggressivity that mark the black gang killer, the wildly violent burglar, the knife-frenzied mugger. Even when racial details of the killers are left mysteriously vague we are very rarely wrong. In broader terms, the post-Empire generations of Englishmen have been forced to re-learn what their fathers knew well. It is the same lesson that the Boers of Apartheid knew well, and that the men of the old Confederacy knew well. The wilful, utopian forgetting of it has cost countless white lives. But these are our dead, and they are too precious, it seems to me, to be remembered on only one day a year. Comments:2
Posted by Rusty Mason on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 03:39 | # Oh, no! I guess I missed it! When was it? Why didn’t someone tell me? I’m going to speak to my local commissar about this. 3
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:56 | # The situation will become even much worse in South Africa. Today a secret SA police document became public. BTW, I don’t think that the “transformation” will stop at 79%. Full text: from the headquarters of Web: SECRET SA POLICE DOCUMENT REVEALS DRAMATIC RACIAL TRANSFORMATION BY 2010 In a South African Police circular in the possession of TAU SA, the SA Police Service’s plans to completely transform the SAPS into a racially “representative” force by 2010 is set out in stark, unambiguous terms which would have done credit to any apartheid era government document. Distributed under the auspices of SAPS National Commissioner Jackie Selebi, the circular details the Section 20 plan for Employment Equity for the period 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2010. The fifteen-page report goes into great detail, outlining racial quotas and goals to be reached by 2010 under the Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 1998. It says that each division, province and component must develop an implementation plan aligned to the SAPS Section 20 plan on “how to meet the set numeric and non-numeric targets” as defined in the plan. Each province must develop a framework on how it is going to monitor and manage Employment Equity at station/unit levels. The plan is defined as a programme to “promote the constitutional right of equality and the exercise of true democracy, to eliminate unfair discrimination in employment, to redress the effects of past practices and to achieve a diverse workforce broadly representative of the South African community”. Affirmative action measures will be implemented to ensure that suitably qualified persons (our italics) from designated groups (racial and gender) are equally represented in all occupational categories and levels in the workforce. The rationale for this reconstruction of the SAPS is described as a “transformation process which will help to expedite the promotion of diversity and the successful implementation of the Employment Equity Plan based on equal dignity and respect for all”. The document also says that the SAPS wants to achieve “service delivery improvement”. The ideal quotas are listed as 79% black, 2,50% Indian, 8,90% Coloured and 9,60% White. There is a “realistic” figure also given which of course indicates that the ideal may not be met. But they are aiming at the ideal. ENFORCEMENT So there it is. Those who do not promote and achieve the equality goal will be punished. Nowhere in the document is the word “merit” used. In a normal country - especially one categorized as the crime capital of the world - a logical reaction would be to seek reasons for the huge increase in crime, and try to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. But South Africa is not a normal country, not least its government which is so racially and ideologically obsessed that it ignores the obvious and takes a path which will further exacerbate the crime situation rather than alleviating it. Where else in the world does this bizarre behaviour exist? DECLINE The murder case load per SAPS officer is more than 20 times that of the UK or US. Efficiency has dropped markedly. A recruitment drive after the year 2 000 pushed many trainees through the system who were not up to the task. “There is a continuing legacy of barely literate police officers who struggle to take or write proper statements”. (Mail & Guardian December 21, 2006) Court judges complain bitterly about the competence of police officers investigating and prosecuting crimes. Free State Judge Arrie Hattingh described police work done with “laxity and incompetence” in a murder case. The murder weapon disappeared from the police station, and key DNA tests had not been processed a year and a half after the crime because of staff shortages and broken laboratory equipment. Because of low literacy levels, many policemen cannot give a coherent account in the witness box. Yet those with lack of capacity “are moved up the hierarchy too quickly as the result of quota-based affirmative action”. ( M & G 21 December 2006). South Africa’s internet is full of warnings on how to survive a hijacking, what to do to prevent burglaries, how not to advertise when your house is empty. The general feeling is that calling the police is simply not worth the trouble. Of course there are notable exceptions and many policemen are top quality dedicated people trying to do their job. But the reputation of the SAPS has taken a severe hammering over the pas ten years, and not without reason. In a TAU bulletin more than six months ago, we outlined the numerous problems surrounding the SAPS. The situation has not improved - even the Commissioner of Police has received bad publicity for his association with a man charged with murder and drug dealing. The new SAPS transformation plan reveals an attitude phenomenon quite pervasive within the South African government - either an inability or unwillingness to admit that it is taking the country downhill. The Johannesburg Sunday Times has now printed a separate Careers supplement just for public service jobs. To our knowledge, this is the first time in modern South African press history that this has happened. There are thousands of vacancies, the country’s infrastructure is falling apart, yet each job ad carries the preference for what is euphemistically called “the designated groups”. This means whites cannot apply. SAPS press releases say they are tackling crime, but the situation deteriorates. The SAPS’s latest move to transform the force will make things worse, not better. The empirical evidence is unassailable - replacing qualified non-blacks with the ideologically correct has resulted in a serious degeneration in service delivery. Everyone complains about crime, even those churches who carried the torch for the pre-1994 revolutionaries. Insurance companies issue warnings via the internet about how to secure one’s house. Organisations and foreign governments finance crime statistic publications because the SAPS cannot be trusted to do so. Certain sections of our once-safe cities are no-go areas - Nigerians have taken over the once-cosmopolitan flatland Hillbrow, and South Africa is now a global drugs player. The UN’s Office on Drugs and Crime blames South Africa’s heroin boom on “weak law-enforcement capabilities”. FACE Organised crime run by foreign syndicates has mushroomed, something unheard of 12 years ago. Hijacking has become a new crime statistic category since the new government took over, as has baby rape. Human trafficking is also a new category. Muti (witchcraft) murders of the most horrific kind are on the increase. Vigilantism is escalating. Cash in transit robberies soared 75% to 385 for the year ending March 31, 2006. White, coloured and Indian policemen are accused of racism when they complain of falling standards, and they are being driven out of the SAPS according to a report by the civil rights group Afriforum. Law enforcement in South Africa is rife with corruption - fraudulent traffic warrants are issued, fake roadworthy certificates are regularly printed and distributed, and three Johannesburg policemen were recently arrested for selling drivers licenses to undeserving drivers. ATM cash payouts are now regularly bombed - 18 were hit in the last year. Tourists are attacked in the most public of places. Assaults on policemen went up 76,7% during 2005/6. This is the highest in five years. Poor pay and job insecurity have taken their toll. Policemen are often attacked as a result of poor service delivery in black communities, according to the SAPS. During his daughter’s house robbery, an ANC official visited the police station which had not answered his repeated phone calls for help. He found the policemen watching late-night porn on TV, while the phone rang incessantly, unanswered. Despite all this evidence, the SAPS will continue to replace qualified personnel with those who meet a strict racial profile. But if we are looking for common sense or an ethical approach, this may be asking too much. The Sunday Times (3.12.06) reported that the Commission of Police was driving around in a 4 x 4 stolen in Japan. We rest our case. 4
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 17:20 | # What, has Holocaust Memorial Day come and gone already? Gosh, shucks, darn, missed it again. No special prayers at my church either. Better report the priest for “constructive hate speech by omission”—dissing the Universal Day of Mourning for the Elect of Yahweh. 5
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 04:51 | # I spent part of Holohoax Mennorahial Day re-reading Prof. Arthur Butz’s masterly ‘Hoax of the Twentieth Century’. 6
Posted by Rnl on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 20:19 | # The ugly truth about democratic South Africa [...] South Africa is now the most violent country outside a war zone. The country, writes Scott Baldauf of the Christian Science Monitor, has “the highest recorded per capita murder rate in the world – with 59 homicides per 100,000 people. ... The U.S., by comparison, had six.” So violent is the “free” South Africa that, for a period, the freewheeling African National Congress government imposed an official blackout on national crime statistics. It now releases them once yearly. In 2003, South Africa had 21,553 murders (population 44.6 million). In comparison, the “high crime” United States (population 288.2 million) suffered 16,110 murders in the same year. According to Baldauf, the number of homicides in South Africa dipped to 19,824 in 2004. The U.S., with 293 million at the time, had 16,150. The last statistics available, courtesy of the CBS, “showed that between April 2004 and March 2005, 18,793 people were murdered in South Africa, an average of 51 a day in a nation of 47 million.” There were 24,516 attempted murders, 249,369 assaults with grievous injury, and 55,114 reported rapes. (And by rape we don’t mean what American women consider rape: waking up the next morning after a romp between the sheets with a hangover and some regrets.) As ghastly as the official figures are, they’re most probably doctored. Rob McCafferty, author of “Murder in South Africa: a Comparison of Past and Present,” notes that “Interpol have South African murder statistics that are roughly double the official South African state statistics, while the South African Medical Research Council claims there are approximately a third more murders in South Africa than the official police statistics reveal.” A discrepancy of over 10,000 murders is, shall we say, more than a margin of error. [...] Take the travails of my extended family. Ordinarily, a one-case study does not a rule make. But not in this instance - you’d be hard pressed to find a family in democratic South Africa whose members have not been brutalized by barbarians. Mine includes a sister-in-law suffering permanent neurological damage after being assaulted by five Africans; a brother burglarized and beaten in his suburban fortress at 2:00am by an African gang (wife and infant son were miraculously spared). My father’s neighbor was shot point-blank in front of his little girls, as he exited his car to open the garage gates. My husband’s cousin and uncle were hijacked; aunt beaten within an inch of her life and raped. Two of his colleagues (that we know of) were murdered; one shot by African taxi drivers in broad daylight, as he left his girlfriend’s apartment. Post a comment:
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Posted by Andy Wooster on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 02:03 | #
In broader terms, the post-Empire generations of Englishmen have been forced to re-learn what their fathers knew well.
I’ve often shook my head at this very idea, this “re-learning” or re-proving what was once taken for granted.
I’m reminded of this passage from Thomas Jefferson.
“Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the State, and thus save the expense of supplying by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep-rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions, which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.” [Emphasis mine].
It’s as if Jefferson somehow had post-apartheid South Africa in mind when he wrote this in 1782.