Some reflections at the year’s end It is clear that the special position of the English intellectuals during the past ten years, as purely negative creatures, mere anti-Blimps, was a by-product of ruling-class stupidity. Society could not use them, and they had not got it in them to see that devotion to one’s country implies ‘for better, for worse’. Both Blimps and highbrows took for granted, as though it were a law of nature, the divorce between patriotism and intelligence. If you were a patriot you read Blackwood’s Magazine and publicly thanked God that you were ‘not brainy’. If you were an intellectual you sniggered at the Union Jack and regarded physical courage as barbarous. It is obvious that this preposterous convention cannot continue. The Bloomsbury highbrow, with his mechanical snigger, is as out-of-date as the cavalry colonel. A modern nation cannot afford either of them. Patriotism and intelligence will have to come together again. It is the fact that we are fighting a war, and a very peculiar kind of war, that may make this possible. George Orwell, sounding very modern as he commends love of country in his essay The Lion and the Unicorn, published in 1941.
Naturally, some of these events were greater than others. But all, in their way, were unprecedented. Blacks have looted often enough, but always in times when a moral bonfire was to be expected. No such pass could be extended in post-Katrina NO, where the white norm would have been to rise to the challenge. Instead, white Americans glimpsed hopeless, irredeemable Africa in their midst and for a moment the narrative of white racist causality, so precious to liberals, was falsified. Although its scale was relatively small, Lozells also punched a neat hole through the myth of white racism. What use was it in the face of an entrenched and murderous, mutual hatred between Caribbs and Pakistanis? The kind of ethnic competition and polarity for which our big provincial cities are heading obviously won’t be resolved by demonising the English. But liberalism simply has nothing else to offer. If the broad Parisian avenue to assimilation ever beckoned to multiculturally-tired, post-9/11 English liberals it has been barricaded forever now. Those 18 days of fire singed every elite hair in France. The calls for more openness to difference, more cohesiveness, more social justice go out. But they are reflexive. What sane Frenchman is not even more suspicious of les banlieus than he was before? North Cronulla showed why he should be. It came to pass because liberalism recognises no point beyond which progress is barred. Indeed, it has no strength of its own by which to bar progress, if one may call it such. “Freedoms” thought absurd yesterday – like same-sex marriage and, now, gay adoption - pass onto the statute books today. The eternal pursuit of individual freedom opens the way for every favoured group to have more and more of what it dares to want. At its core, liberalism cannot parent any kind of assimilation because, actually, it parents self-indulgence. Liberalism does not exist to unite or assimilate anything but, to borrow a Jungian expression, to individuate everything … to disperse us all upon a sea of perfectly blind non-judgementalism. In North Cronulla the tide turned. Non-judgementalism was swept away by righteous white Australian anger. Those 5,000 young Aussies did us all a huge favour, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for having the guts to do it. That the press and politicians tarred them by association with neo-Nazis says nothing about them and all we need to know about liberals. I trust ordinary Australians can tell they are being manipulated so as not to damage the grand project in the same way. These four events were all extraordinary. But there is absolutely no doubt that the greatest shock of all for liberals in 2005 was detonated by the four “British” suicide bombers on 7/7 - and so nearly replicated two weeks later by Somali immigrants. Other attacks have been thwarted according to London’s mayor, Ken Livingstone. It is hard to over-emphasise how damaging 7/7, in particular, was for the racial egalitarian aspect of liberalism’s grand project. “Home-grown” Islamic suicide bombers leave no elbow room for the usual catch-all of white racism. The intense and high-powered effort to convince us that mainstream Islam is tolerant and peace-loving is merely a sticking plaster, and the elites know it. For the first time, our professional hand-wringers and bien pensants are having to think about demanding change from Muslims, and they clearly don’t know how to set about it. There won’t be any change, of course. Competing EGI’s aside, Islam is too deep-rooted and too deeply critical of the liberal West. How sweetly ironic it is that our modern addictions to consumerism, libertinism and alcohol and our respect for the rights of woman should protect us from liberalism’s racial-egalitarian goal. Taken together, then, these six events from the second half of 2005 look very like harbingers of a stressful future. There will be more of them. That’s just what comes of the God-awful mess our elites are at once responsible for creating and incapable of acknowledging. Fortunately, we are still free to draw our own conclusions. Mine are broadly positive. No matter how hard our elites try, they will never possess a degree of control sufficient to liberate the accursed white heterosexual male from his propinquity to, in left-speak, oppress and emiserate others. There will never be sufficient propagandising, never sufficient RDNE pseudo-science, never sufficient MSM distortion, never sufficient “academic” black martyrs, never sufficient human rights, never sufficient institutions to wreck, never sufficient incarcerated “haters”, “deniers” and “neo-Nazis” to keep the grand project on track. Impossibly, wonderfully indomitable human nature will always pop up somewhere and put a spoke in the liberal wheel. And if it isn’t our own particular strain of human nature that performs this precious task, don’t worry. It will be somebody else’s. Pakistani and Somali Muslims sick-with-religion, an acquisitive black American underclass, the sullen misfits of les banlieus … there will always be these and countless more like them to model for us the strengths of a diversity we cannot accommodate, much less assimilate. The elites, of course, will learn no humility whatsoever from this. As the stress-fractures mount up so they will lecture us that, ultimately, it is our fault. We have failed the vibrancy test. We English, we French, we Dutch, we Americans and Canadians, Australians, Austrians, Germans and Swedes … we the white-skinned have been insufficiently inclusive, insufficiently open to difference. We are responsible for diversity’s failures. We are responsible for everything. It is, perhaps, the ultimate expression of the antipathy elites feel for their own people. Consider how the Western press perceived “youths” in Clichy-sur-Bois, and was so very coy about skin-colour. Jacques Chirac perceived racism, but only in the (real) French. In more contrast still, the Australian MSM perceived drunken violence and neo-Nazis at North Cronulla, and even – as Mark has pointed out - white supremacist cells. Terrorists yet. Lawrence Auster adds the cogent observation that:-
That the liberal elite, including that part of it which considers itself of good Conservative character, is as psychologically incapable of understanding love of kind as ever it was in Orwell’s day is perhaps the abiding political mystery of our age. But North Cronulla and Paris also reveal how little liberals actually think about events that should shake them to the core. Among journalists there is an extraordinary capacity to behave like a flock of starlings on the wing. The deft uniformity with which the party-line was adopted demonstrates how unthinking news presentation has become in the Pee-Cee age. Somebody somewhere in the flock flexes a wing tip in a certain, correct way, typing the word “youths” or “neo-Nazis”, and the self-same movement ripples flawlessly through the rest. Some Kelly-style political calculation – a branch of animal cunning – attends proceedings, perhaps. But of real, critical thought there is scarcely a sign. Post-7/7 Britain is probably the one genuine exception to the brainless starling phenomenon and, to continue the bird-brained analogy, the best cockpit right now for observing the thought processes of worried liberals. But that is only because the British model of multiculturalism had been pretty effectively holed below the water line by CRE chief Trevor Phillips over a year before Britain’s “home-grown” Islamic terrorists wrote their little page in history. It was a debate the left forced on itself. Mohammad Sidique Khan and friends certainly quickened it. But I suspect that their principal contribution to British life has been to substantially alter the way policing is conducted:-
In another context, again in yesterday’s Telegraph Boris Johnson MP observes that:-
The “What to demand of Muslims?” debate, meanwhile, is showing signs of coalescing around that most surprising of requirements: patriotism. The earlier concentration on imams’ loyalty and “Britishness” has been jettisoned by the Home Office. It was, anyway, all just words. So now the search is on to find something meaningful, something really capable of uniting everybody. But again Orwell – the good Blair – is our guide:-
Liberals can only answer as to “what England is” in terms of civic values: tolerance, tolerance, diversity, respect, diversity, tolerance, tolerance, tolerance. Etcetera. They haven’t got a hope in hell of making this work. This is how Orwell finishes his essay:-
It is obvious now, is it not, that Orwell’s “everlasting animal stretching into the future and the past” is the England-loving English themselves. Only the English can answer as to what England is, for it is all of a piece with their own love of kind. Our elites will never recognise this simple truth. The years will roll on with them disregarding every stress fracture, moving us ever closer to the total state because no other agency will offer any purchase on the situation. We shall stand and suffer the dispensations of our diverse new friends as they pursue their genetic and other interests. Let us hope that the conclusion, when it comes, will be peaceful as well as peacefully illiberal. But there will certainly be another twenty or thirty New Years to see in - perhaps some years even as interesting as the one just passed - before that good day dawns. Comments:2
Posted by Phil on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:14 | # The word “elite” is used quite often although its nature and character require some description. In the “elite”, I count three important components: (a) Cosmopolitan media (b) University Academics (c) “Human Rights” and “Civil Rights” Lawyers These are three most destructive limbs of the “elite”. They are not necessarily rich (as is commonly misunderstood). The average journalist doesn’t make the same amount as the average banker in the City but the average journalist’s capacity for destruction is far greater. Bankers don’t determine what you read in the Newspaper, journalists do. The University academics consider themselves an aristocratic class within democracy. And in this enterprise they are joined by the “Civil Rights” lawyers (a breed which has the numbers in America and is now rapidly growing in Britain to similar proportions). These limbs of the “elite” are characterised by smugness and moral vanity. Those are their defining characteristics. Living in the richest nations ever devised in the history of man, ensconced in their comforts, utterly safe from all physical harm (except for the poor suckers who got attacked by the supposedly innocuous “youths” in France), they pontificate upon the morality of society. And their fads and their prejudices become law - gay marriage, diversity, multiculturalism, love of “asylum seekers”. Its position is now under the most serious threat since the height of the Cold War. The intensifying subterranean conflict between ethnic groups in the West will make their position more and more untenable. But the real destruction of this elite will not be felt until it feels the heat of “diversity” to the same degree as the rest of us do. When violence spirals out of control (as it did briefly in France), the moral platitudes won’t be worth the air they emit. But all of that is still some time off. I see little however to dissuade me that anything other than conflict looms in our not too distant future. Our policies become more senile by the minute and there is little mainstream opposition. So, there seems to be very little prospect of real change in the near future. But change will inevitably occur. The current system is a house of cards. It is built on a false understanding of human nature and it cannot last forever. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:25 | # Phil, I would add the political elite of all parties to your list and also include within that category Civil Service mandarins. 4
Posted by Phil on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:34 | # Yes those were notable omissions. I would say however that the political class follows “elite” opinion. And it is intimidated by it. The prospect of shrill journalists condemning someone in unison is more chilling than the prospect of 20 percent of the electorate vehemently disagreeing with you, even though the latter would vastly outnumber the former. The Civil Service mandarins have become a pernicious element in more recent times. The credit for that must go to New Labour for massively expanding the size of the state and then staffing it with the “right” kind of people. In the annals of history Blair’s reign as Prime Minister will go down as one of the most destructive. But he didn’t start this process and he won’t be the end of it. 5
Posted by RobertinArabia on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 02:41 | # Friday, December 30, 2005 I spoke to a friend who is an activist for the ultra-Leftist Sosialistiese Partij or Socialist Party about non-Western immigrants recently. My friend agrees that there are many problems about intergrating non-western foreigners into Dutch society, but does not understand the significance of the Islamic religion. At a certain point he remarked that all the Muslims he knows through his party work are such good people and that they overwhelmingly support leftist and ultra leftist parties. I always wonder if people are trying my out when they say such things. People know that I am conservative and patriotic but generally I only let my real thoughts be known to an intimate circle of friends and when I discuss contentious matters I generally spoon feed Leftists conservative insights. Giving them the whole thing at once will choke them like a snake devouring a hog. So I just said: “well, perhaps that is why your side of the political spectrum is so happy to let Muslims and non-western immigrants in? What I wonder about is why these immigrants, who are generally very patriotic about their countries and zealous about their religions vote for parties that are anti-nationalistic and hostile to religion and tradition?” I could see that it got him thinking. I will have to check back and see if the seed that I planted fell on fertile ground. If I find a sapling it will take some tender loving care in order to nurture a beautiful tree of Conservative wisdom in the desert of Dutch progressive closed mindedness. There are two connected matters. One, the Left has an interest to increase the number of voters by importing a captive voter base. Two, the ideology of the imported voter base must be such that it has buttons that the Left can push in order for the voter base to deliver the goods. The Leftists ritually don the cloak of disinterested altruism when defending open borders and Multiculturalism. The Leftist creed is worship at the altar of the State. According to the Left the State must be given as much power as possible at the expense of other arrangement for co-operation, such as voluntary associations, churches, businesses, the family and the other groupings which are the temples of the Right. The State is a monopolist of power over a given population and territory, whereas the other associations, the ones preferred by the Right are in competition with each other, giving people choice and thusly freedom. Because of the downfall of socialism in Eastern Europe the creed of the Left has been discredited with white voters in Western countries. The arrival in the Middle Class of about eighty percent of blue collar workers since the 1970ies has further eroded support for the Left. It is no coincidence that the Left since 1990 has been more vociferous in the support of size of immigration and the rights of immigrant groups. With full power over the discourse on immigration, basically by making it impossible to debate it, the Left got control over the composition of the total voter base. With every election the number of immigrant voters increases. They overwhelmingly support the Left. Thusly the Left can subvert democracy. I say “subvert democracy”. Because the “Demos” in Democracy means “people” or “nation”. The total power of the State to define who is a citizen, based on the untransparent machinations of State bureaucracy, based on State territorium and time, not on any of the traditional source of legitimacy as a member of the nation is the ultimate highest expression of Leftist State power worship and totally negates the idea of nationhood or Demos. Consequentially elections become empty RITUALS of democracy rather than a means to express the will of the people. A people with a common heritage and a sense of shared destiny. The support for immigration is therefore both ideologically and practically of major importance to the Left. The second matter is the motivation of non-western immigrants to vote for Leftist parties. As remarked to my socialist friend, the immigrants come from backgrounds that are strongly particularistic and that place great emphasis on tribe and blood, on religion and nationalism. Why support the Left then when living in the West? It would be more naturaral to support political forces that are more ideologically congruent or isomorph to the ideologies the immigrants brought from their original societies. Well if WE invaded a foreign nation, would we support the local nationalists and particularists that patriotically oppose our presence? Or would we support those local unpatriotic political forces that would be looking to strengthen our community of colonists at the expense of their own nation? We would be supporting the latter traitorous forces. Especially if we would be lacking the strength to maintain our community by our own economic and military force. From the particularist Point of View of the immigrants, support of the Left is a duty to their group. So the Left and the immigrants live in perfect political symbiosis, despite the fact that their ideologies are diametrically opposed. So my socialist friend was wrong. The immigrants are not selfless supporters of the Leftist shrine of the State and worshipper equality, but hardnosed, rightwing political entrepreneurs looking for a bargain. It takes one, to know one! However, as the size of the immigrant groups grow the costs of the policy, which have to be born by the host population increase and a truly rightwing position makes more and more sense for that segment of the population most hurt by Leftist strategy. posted by Snouck @ 2:08 PM 3 comments links to this post 6
Posted by Mark Richardson on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 05:49 | # Snouck is a good anti-leftist, but I wonder if he understands the limitations of the mainstream right. Here in Australia we have a right-wing government, but immigration levels have soared to record numbers. BTW, terrific post GW. 7
Posted by José María on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 16:54 | # The real elites have money, big money, and where is it? In the Banks. So journalist write what that elite wants they write. How could uou believe that those delegated elites were really free to write anything they like? With internet, for the first time in History, there is a real opportunity to write freely and to arrive everywhere. If internet keeps its freedom we have a chance to weaken real elites. The news are everywhere, the strength and bias of MSM is that they print only what is in the line of their agenda and hide important details or even full news that could contradict it. Great post anyway. 8
Posted by Calvin on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 01:09 | # The comments by Phil and Robertinarabia posted above are outstanding. We need to streamline this and hammer it home by repetition. Post a comment:
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Posted by Phil on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 00:50 | #
The finest post I have ever read at MR. Outstanding, even by your very high standards, David.