SPLC Trumpets: “Academic Paper Rebuts Cal State Professor’s Anti-Semitic ‘Scholarship’” The SPLC, which has been trying to get Kevin MacDonald’s academic tenure revoked, with some minor victories, is now trumpeting a paper by David Isadore Lieberman titled “Jews Will Be Jews: A Scientific Racialism for the 21st Century” as “Academic Paper Rebuts Cal State Professor’s Anti-Semitic ‘Scholarship’”. I started reading the paper despite the fact that it was being trumpeted by a disreputable source—hoping to find some real scholarly criticism of MacDonald’s scholarship. Here is a representative passage:
I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but much of it seems to boil down to such arguments: “Those who MacDonald cites on particulars would object to his use of their data for his thesis.” In the above too-typical paragraph, Lieberman goes so far as to admit that this isn’t really a valid criticism of MacDonald’s scholarship but then turns right around and calls MacDonald’s omissions of, what Lieberman admits are, irrelevancies as “suppressing information that does not conform to his theory”. It is hard to get motivated to read such a paper. If someone grinds their way through the lefty-blogger type rheotoric to find some nuggets of real scholarship within Lieberman’s paper, let me know. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 22:04 | # Based on the excerpt James posted it sounds as if Prof. Lieberman is merely recycling long-discredited, worthless Frankfurt-School Jewish make-believe academic “scholarship” whose rightful place is on the trash heap. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 22:05 | # I refer of course to the Adorno & Co. “authoritarian personality” tripe. 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 22:11 | # Yes, Fred, the victim of ethnic aggression is required to believe that his protestations reveal a personality flaw. Delightful. 5
Posted by Scimitar on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 00:11 | # Authoritarian values… you mean like trying to suppress points of view you disagree with through frivilous lawsuits and employment based harassment? Isn’t that what the SPLC excels at? 6
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 01:54 | # More news to cheer Heidi up - Senator Richard Durbin, co-religionist of Hebrew Heidi, wants a bill passed which will give citizenship to illegal immigrants. I bet the Senator wouldnt support such madness if alien Whites’ disregard for US laws and territorial integrity caused them to fetch up in the US. 7
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 13:38 | # It is hard to get motivated to read such a paper. Indeed, but you don’t need to. That’s what KMac’s salary is for. If the past is any guide two things are true: 1) Lieberman’s criticism is hot air, not hard data. Authoritarian values Never fails to give me a dark chuckle, when jews point fingers at anyone for their authoritarian personalities. No one forms a rigid, hierarchical, messianic cult like jews. 8
Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 16:53 | # I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but much of it seems to boil down to such arguments: “Those who MacDonald cites on particulars would object to his use of their data for his thesis.” Yes. Lieberman’s primary claim has always been that MacDonald misrepresented the contents of Jaff Schatz’s “The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland”. Perhaps you recall the h-net antisemitism mailing list in which MacDonald and a bunch of Jewish ethnic cheerleaders participated. One day, Schatz showed up and argued that the data in his book weren’t true in any objective sense. They were true only to the extent they were used to build an argument whose conclusion he liked. Lieberman’s account is here: http://www.h-net.org/~antis/papers/dl/macdonald_schatz_02.html The fundamental flaw in Lieberman’s “critique” is that everything he questions is, in legal evidentiary terms, cumulative. They’re all empirical examples—like the behavior of Jewish Communists in Poland—of truths that can be established on purely theoretical grounds. As long as there is a genetic difference between Jews and their gentile hosts, and as long as Jews are not walled off like mitochondria and vertically transmitted like mitochondria notwithstanding that genetic difference, they are not “us” and do not belong among us. Of course, the empirical examples recounted by MacDonald are too numerous for Lieberman to attempt to disprove all of them. And after one has read MacDonald, of course, one can see the empirical confirmation of the theoretical truth confirmed in plain view in real time. There is only one way to attempt to disprove the implications of MacDonald’s work (as opposed to his thesis, which is somewhat different): attempt to disprove the findings of Jewish researchers like Kobyliansky, Bonne-Tamir, and Hammer, who have consistently found genetic differences between Jews and their gentile hosts. 9
Posted by Matra on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 19:55 | # More news to cheer Heidi up - Senator Richard Durbin, co-religionist of Hebrew Heidi, wants a bill passed which will give citizenship to illegal immigrants Is Durbin Jewish? I thought he was an ethnically European Catholic. He has an Irish-American father and a Lithuanian mother (Litvak?) and attended Catholic schools. Either way he’s one of the worst senators on immigration. 11
Posted by James OMeara on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 21:40 | # As soon as I saw that I said to myself, ‘I bet Dave will be getting an award from the ADL or some other such organization promoting jewish interests, for his work refuting the anti-semitic cliche that jews form organizations to promote their interests’. 12
Posted by VLC on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 20:25 | #
because they’re jews. Neil Gabler can write a book about how jews created and still run Hollywood but if a non jew had written the same book but with a negative preface explaining why this is a bad thing that book would have been on the ADL’s black list. Jews are by default ethnocentric utilitarians - “is it good for the jews?”.
this is what I wrote on another MR page:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 23:34 | # How do Jews do it? Let me count the ways. (Sincerest apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning fans for what you are about to read.) 14
Posted by semitic-scholar on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 02:19 | # I do wonder if we sometimes overplay our hand: http://www.mercurynews.com/breakingnews/ci_7025526 Clearly protecting Jewish status is the supreme function of western statesmanship, but must the goyim have this always rammed down their throats? Some of the virulent anti-semites among them even object openly .... it could get bloody if they start to think of themselves as human. 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 17:49 | # A film to check out (and watch the YouTube preview). 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 17:53 | # Incidentally, that was a very good article posted by “Semitic-scholar” just above my last comment. Everyone should read it for a glimpse of the level on which the Simon Wiesenthal Center operates. 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 21:56 | # Behind-the-scenes Jewish pressure on his university is having the effect of tightening the screws on Prof. Kevin MacDonald. Jews, remember, not being Europeans racially but a Euro-Asiatic mix, don’t believe in the principle of free speech: Asiatics don’t have the gene for it; don’t know what it is; laugh at it; think it’s some sort of political tactic of the weak who aren’t in a position to simply crush. Of course, it goes without saying the Jews never omit to take advantage of “the principle of free speech” when they’re too weak to crush. Does that mean they believe in the principle? No. they’re simply biding their time. Until they can crush. Are non-Jews going to get a fair deal under Jewish hegemony? Three guesses. What’s the best race of people in the world to live under, the fairest, most decent, most generous, most willing to accord you due process and so on, if you’re not a member of that race? The Anglo-Saxons hands-down. How do the Jews rank in that regard? Near the bottom of the scale. Was the U.S. better off under the old Anglo-Saxon hegemony that ruled from the Constitution till the 1960s? Whadda you think? What’s been the effect of the transition which took place in the 1960s from the old Anglo-Saxon hegemony to the new Jewish hegemony? The effect has been the transformation, under the Jews, of what was something approaching paradise on earth to an unlivable hell-hole and getting worse by the second. Thank you, Jewish hegemony! Thank you very much and thank you, brain-dead and comatose Anglo-Saxons for letting it happen! Jews were not meant to rule with the exception of Israel (and one glance at the kind of shape Israel’s in leaves doubts even as to that). They don’t know how to rule. The first thing Jews do, if they can, is make sure there are plenty of Negroes around. Jews can’t stand a place that doesn’t have tons and tons and tons of Negroes. Jews come to a place and look around looking for Negroes, and if there aren’t lots of them the Jews start agitating to import them in vast numbers, “no upper limit” as Jewish puppet David Blunket put it. Once they have plenty of Negroes in the place the second thing they do is try to get white women to marry, sleep with, procreate with, go out with, worship, all of the above, Negro men or lacking Negroes, Mexicans, Arabs, or, if nothing else is available, Oriental men. Those are the two first things Jews do anywhere they have any power or influence. And it goes downhill from there — downhill in a handbasket, all the way to the place things in a handbasket usually go (or, according to the expression anyway). So, that’s Jews. Sorry, you can have it. I don’t want it. Tried it, been there, done that, now you can take it back, I don’t want it, wouldn’t touch Jewish hegemony with a ten-foot pole. Now, whom do I see about getting the old Anglo-Saxon hegemony back? 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 23:40 | # (The late Tom Lantos, a Jewish refugee to the U.S.K. from Hungary and a traitor to his adopted country, was cut from the same Eurochristian-hating Ashkenazi cloth as Abe Foxman.) 19
Posted by Oppio on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 13:28 | # As soon as I saw that I said to myself, ‘I bet Dave will be getting an award from the ADL or some other such organization promoting jewish interests, for his work refuting the anti-semitic cliche that jews form organizations to promote their interests’. This is greats…!! Post a comment:
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Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 21:44 | #
Here’s Heidi’s take on being told, essentially, that her hatreds are genetically determined and she just can’t help it.