Story of Intersection Individuation & Gender Differentiation (another old version, probably better)

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 15 April 2018 14:23.

I thought that I had a different, perhaps better version of this piece among my old papers. And so it is the case that with Spring cleaning I’ve found it. I will be bringing the whole thing up to date, to clarify it, weeding out some of the failed attempts at refined terminology (I will probably abandon “specificatory language games” and go back to “specificatory structures”; I will be corresponding dasein/midtdasein with Being and routine and sacrament with Selfhood and Autobiography) and setting out some of the more important ideas more clearly for implementation. Nevertheless, before then, I want to put up at least the first page of this old version, circa 1992-3. 

One of the things I will be doing in subsequent re workings and implementations of this thesis, is to set out the thesis statement, or thesis statements, plural, more simply, as thesis statements are normally supposed to be.

In brief, my thesis is that the focus on individual actualization, at the expense of social concern and accountability, effects a rupturing of social, human ecological bounds; for primordial, practical reasons, females have tended to have some advantages on basic levels of Maslow’s hierarchy, while males have had some disadvantages, that they and society have compensated and overcompensated for in exchange for more male position of Self Actualization. Within the disorder of modernity effected by the implicative force of self actualization, females will increase some advantages, including to actualization; and males will be punished, in perverse irony, for trying to compensate for basic deprivation. However, feminists have not tended to acknowledge this; and it is the effort here to try to accommodate the human needs of both genders, including our need for decent and fair relations with each other - as proposed through a more circulating and optimal negotiation of these “motives”, for both genders, including optimization of gender differentiation. To begin with, it helps to note that socialization (accountability to classification, close relationships and third person relations), being (dasein and midtdasein), selfhood (autobiography, routine and sacrament) and self actualization (achievement, authentic, functional range of autonomy, recognition, appreciation) all have pleasurable and useful aspects, as well as toxic reflexive effects if pursued too far.

Notably, both the male and the female pursuit of self actualization have served to rupture our racial classificatory bounds, socialized accountability as such.

It wasn’t until years later, when I had to teach argumentative writing (as a substitute) that I actually learned how an argumentative essay was supposed to be structured. In defense of myself, I didn’t think I was ready for grad school, and wanted to take some more undergraduate courses, but they wanted to throw me into the deep end…



As this article examines processes actively constructing Neo Traditional, Modern and Post Modern (occidental) Cultural Patterns of gender, it does not simply reinterpret their Stories Told but puts them at risk. With apologetic reticence, if the reader would like to reconstruct Stories Told, for example, that male persons simply possess and act out from an innate constitution, say the larger hypo- thalamus and testosterone surges, directed toward derivative cultural patterns, such as religious repression or sexploitation, which have nothing to do with Stories Lived in interpersonal communication with female persons, read no further.

While this article’s rendering of Cultural gender Patterns may appear in cursory inspection to model Traditional Stories Told of causal necessity, the premise here is that these are Social Constructions. Though not as easily transformed by the agency of person positions as are Altercast moments, Episodes, Autobiographies, or second person Relationships, with due respect for the profundity of their various features, these Cultural Patterns may be responsibly changed as well {1}.

“There has been little consideration of the darker side of self actualization” - Carol Wilder-Mott

Two versions of the thesis will follow. The first will attempt relatively ordinary language; a technical version will follow.

Using A. H. Maslow’s notion wherein a “hierarchy of motives”, when people’s basic needs (“low grumbles”) are satisfied, they do not stop complaining, but only move to a higher order of complaint (“high grumbles”):

Thesis: Since by occidental culture (Socialization) females tend to be in a more Addressive Position, their basic needs (Being, Selfhood) are satisfied more readily. Thereupon, a male Hierarchizing Positition (A quest of Self Actualzation) tends to be formed. These positions have advantages and disadvantages - constraining biases and affording overcompensations; while in some cases male hierarchicalization does represent a Maslowian differentiation of fulfillment, in other cases, ignored by feminists in quest of empowerment (Actualization), overturning patriarchy, etc, or in protecting their (Being) against male resentment, it represents a Freudian/Nietzschean sublimation of privation and deprivation compulsion; and traditional reservation in compensation for proving himself despite these harder tests. True, hierarchizing upon the female addressive position has often been malevolent, hardly sublimated. But Legitimate reasons for the Traditional institutionalization have been summarily dismissed by liberal’s anachronistic Modernism. There are two important reasons why Legitimacy has been ignored. The first is due to the incommensuration between the two positions; and specifically, in this case, male complaints act into the interpretive scheme of females, their basic needs (Being/Selfhood) satisfied, as boring and immature; and female complaints act into the interpretive schemes of males, who are struggling with the basics (Being/Selfhood) or in stressful expectation toward achievement (Actualization), as conceited, superficial, or manipulative. The second important reason why Legitimacy of hierarchicization has been institutionalized has been ignored due to the reflexive disorder of Modernity - wherein the Addressive Position of females has re emerged with increased significance, exacerbating its afforded overcompenations (over liberalness, liberalization of social bounds, or un-socialization as it were, in Modernist loop; incitement to genetic competition) through increased pandering solicitation and lack of need to tolerate critical reality testing and the like “metacommunication.”

The following thesis cannot be enunciated in proper manner without its purveyors being ostracized by ordinary language philosophers - “Reflexive what? contextual force? What? I just want the straight facts!” This treatise uses Coordinated Management of Meaning Theory. Readers unfamiliar with the theory are referred to the addendum where a synopsis is provided to clarify essentials of the theory and its terminological usage.

Thesis 2: The Taken for Granted Depth Grammar of both Cartesian Modernist Individuation and Neo Traditional Gender Differentiation is Traditional Ionic Teleology. Within this Ionic tradition, a telos of gender differentiation was TFG as its inference was made apparent by Charmed Loops to two separate gender positions of agentive flex-bilies which co-evolved through practical activity. This TFG teleology of two positions of differing agentive flex-abilities, viz. of Prefigurative Contextual Force over Reflexive Effect of Practical Force as bequeathed to females (e.g., “female morality”, Gilligan, 1982, more positive, as its basic flex-abilities for agency tend to be more readily satisfied), separated from Implicative force Reflexively Needing Prefigurative force as bequeathed to males (e.g., “male morality”, Kant, 1785; and “sociopathology”), contextualizes a Strange Loop; i.e., Incommensurate gender agendas of Cartesian Modernist individuation reflexively recontexting the need (“be different so you can fit in” ...overcompenating and reversing modernists attempt to differ from traditional conformity; but the genders go in opposite directions), the “need” for neo-traditional gender differentiation and vis a versa.

Partition:      Part One - “Theory”

Section A. Correlates CMM actional terms into ordinary language (cultural terms) of agency in order to make CMM terminology and its communication perspective on the cultural gender separation of agency more intelligible; this also serves to deconstruct and transform the cultural terms into CMM’s alternative language game of Optimal Competence.

Section B. Is a hermeneutic of five cultural patterns obstructing Optimal Competence:

1. A Charmed Loop of Gender Differentiation inferred as a Telos

2. The Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement which reconstructs these two positions to hyperbole (to runaway, as opposed to their being delimited to reconstruct homeostatic Cultural Pattern - this parenthetic phrase added 2018)

3. The Cartesian Technology of Individuation (exacerbates the rupture of social Cultural delimited Pattern - this parenthetic phrase added 2018)

4. Incommensurate Gender Agendas of Individuation (also exacerbates in same way)

5. A Strange Loop of Individuation and Gender Differentiation (reconstructs the runaway)

Part Two - “Practical”

Section A. Diagrams a modernist male and female in episode B. Conclusion C. Recommendations



Posted by Aristotle, father of racial classification on Mon, 23 Apr 2018 14:44 | #

Washington Post, “Artistotle, the father of scientific racism”, 6 April 2018:

“But these ideas are even older than Klein realizes. To understand the underlying assumptions of Murray and others, it’s helpful to look back to the granddaddy of all racial theorists: Aristotle. In understanding the role Aristotle played in laying the groundwork for “race science,” we can better understand how ingrained it is in Western science and philosophy, and why the alt-right’s embrace of “western civilization” has a particularly chilling edge.

Most famous as a philosopher, Aristotle — who, it’s worth noting, is Murray’s favorite philosopher — was just as influential in what we would today consider the field of natural science. Indeed, Aristotle’s philosophical and political ideas cannot be separated from his methods of empirical observation. He spent years of his life observing and classifying animals. Charles Darwin himself said that “my two gods [Linnaeus and Cuvier] are mere school-boys to old Aristotle.” …”



Posted by Eco-Faggotry on Mon, 23 Apr 2018 15:07 | #

Greg Johnson makes the classic, faggot, false either or for a Hitleresque world-view and mishandling of both Aristotle and the idea of ecology, by calling for an elitist world view placing “nature” over a people centric (anthropocentric) worldview.


This is an epistemological blunder of the highest order and a false either/or.

Pervasive ecology, which is the platform here, puts praxis (people and their interests) at center, and recognizes that it is entirely in our interests to steward nature - our habitat, resources - and human ecology, or group differences properly.

To put “nature” and the “elite” first as the faggot does, in his blatant fetishism for outdated Hitler shit, is the road to natural fallacy unhinged to runaway uncorrected by praxis - such as the cataclysm of Hitler’s “principled” war-mongering runaway; as ‘just the way it is - if you don’t fight, if you don’t win, you are not worthy of him’... ‘you are not aligned with the “law” of nature and the “divine” purpose for which you are to serve.’

“the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe.” - Hitler plucked that bullshit out of thin air; it is a natural fallacy, or a ‘god’ principle, worthy of the dumbest Christian.

...and before anyone says that I am exaggerating and seeing Hitler and Hitler idolatry where it isn’t, look at the imagery that Johnson uses with this discussion:



Posted by DanielS on Fri, 27 Apr 2018 07:02 | #

With regard to the maximizing incentive of the story of Self Actualization, particularly the popular American version - “be all you can be” in the “land of opportunity” and “individual freedom” in Lockeatine empirical enlightenment, the “fiction” of social classifications (sociology and hermenteutics) be damned….

...along with Maslow’s model, in which each step progresses lineally on top of a maximal quantity fulfillment of prior need steps in hierarchical order…..

I like to offer Bateson’s caveat:

“I don’t have to tell you about the tyranny of patterns. That’s the rubric under which we meet. What you may not know is that you have to accept them.”

Patterns are not lineal and impervious, they are cyclical and open ended ..they may progress, but they may also regress..  they may stretch and reach (as in the “farther reaches”), expanding beyond normal systemic bounds or they may contract and regroup and reorganize in stasis and homeostasis.

They may be causal, as in determinism of emergence, but with humans in particular, there is a degree of agency, particularly in terms of how these processes count.

In service of stability, happiness, fairness, practicality, truth to our nature and justice - but especially in service of racial systemic maintenance, incl. negotiation of the pivotal component of gender relations - we ought to commend a circularity of socialization, being, self/auto/routine/sac/, actualization…both within and beyond the life span (beyond the life span, meaning, in this case, valuation of some as largely playing the part within the group for their entire life span, not just a segment of the process in their growth, maturity and differentiation).


Posted by TT Metzger on Fri, 01 Jun 2018 14:14 | #


Tom Metzger <>


bcc: me

What do the terrorist group Hamas and the anti-violence group Black Lives Matter have in common? What does the democracy of Israel have in common with the antisemitic Ku Klux Klan? What does the Islamic Republic of Iran, which throws gays off rooftops, have in common with gay-rights activists? What do feminists have in common with radical Islamic sexists who support the honor killing and genital mutilation of women? Nothing, of course. Unless you subscribe to the pseudo-academic concept of interesectionality.

Intersectionality – the radical academic theory according to which all forms of social oppression are inexorably linked — has become a code word for anti-American, anti-Western, anti-Israel and antisemitic bigotry. Nowhere has adoption of this radical paradigm been more pronounced than on college campuses, where — in the name of “identity politics” and “solidarity” — artificial coalitions are formed among causes that have nothing to do with each other except a hatred for their fellow students who are “privileged” because they are white, heterosexual, male and especially Jewish.

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Next entry: DanielS, MR Radio: Introduction to Theory of Native European/ White Nationalist Advocacy Parts 1-6
Previous entry: A Narrative of The Intersection of Individuation and Gender Differentiation

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:43. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)
