Street-Fighting, Forum-Fighting, And Reporter-Fighting Discourse

Posted by Guest Blogger on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 01:24.

By Stanley Womack

At Resisting Defamation, we have been mystified by the tendency in many awakening Euro-Americans to use hateful language about other demographics, to indulge in uniforms or dead dictators, or to become centered on other demographics without understanding that the development of a defensive white-centric political identity is our key need.

Some Euro-Americans have fallen into the trap of believing that their anger and their new understandings are an appropriate basis for their message.  That is, they believe that their anger at African-Americans is an appropriate emotional context to use to convey statements about African-Americans.  But only very rare is revealing your personal insights or emotional responses the best line to use to accomplish change in society or among the diverse white American peoples.

Examples From Other Demographics

Consider some examples. If you ask Jews how they justify violent ethnic cleansing in south-west Asia, they will usually quietly claim that they are merely reclaiming the territory God gave their ancestors.  It’s so breath-takingly dishonest that it stuns reality-based hearers and leaves little room for counter-response.  They win.

If you ask African-Americans how they justify the claim that a mixed-race Obama is an African-American, they will usually quietly claim that his physical appearance is how white Americans judge or classify him, and that is justification enough.  Nice passive-aggressive twist - it’s our fault.  We at Resisting Defamation actually love the tightly wrapped lapse of judgment found when that claim is deconstructed—it’s a masterpiece. They win.

If you ask American Latinos how they justify claims to pre-eminence in the southwest USA, they will usually quietly claim that the border moved beneath them.  That is wonderfully dishonest, untrue, and sloppy history, but it can stop a discussion cold.  It would take a two-week seminar to sort out the truth of Mexico, USA, and border history - but by that time it’s too late to impact the claim.  They win.

If you ask aware Euro-Americans how they justify a claim to pre-eminence in the USA, there will be no answer except for outrage and anger.  We could have a cutting answer ready along the lines of “We have the right of conquest to keep what we conquered 300 years ago.”  Or something a bit more extreme, “The only real question is why we haven’t conquered the northern Mexican states yet and added them to the USA.”  I’m not advocating these positions, only the possibility that they are show-stoppers in public discourse.

If you are confronting American Latinos berating our immigration system in the hope you will say something about distinctions between demographics or culture, so you can be accused of racism or bigotry, just say that you support the Mexico’s immigration laws that govern its southern border … the beatings, the forcible deportations.  And tell them the USA simply needs to adopt the Mexican plan.

There are so many examples of the need for show-stopper claims or defenses.  On the charge of racism, a remark could be made that any racism is the fault of the tribal chiefs’ cheap sale of enslaved Africans.  That is, any racism in America is the fault of the Uncle Tom African tribal enslavers & sellers in Africa. That would stop the show.

Our own specialty is to develop an understanding about naming and labeling, and how to denounce any label used for us in a variety of ways, which serves to change the subject and to take the offensive.  Here’s an example.  One of our members was at a Human Relations Forum recently, and was accosted by a Jew who demanded to know who was white.  (Their trick question to run us off the road with fine distinctions.]  Our member simply replied that “Anyone who has been called white boy, white trash, non-Hispanic white, lily-white, white bread, mayonnaise, gringo, white privilege, WASP, white flight, round eyes, redneck, hillbilly, cracker, typical white person (thanks Obama), goober, Yankee dog, acting white (thanks Obama), and Wonder Bread is a white person.”  It shut him up, all he could say was, “I see.”  We didn’t even have to get into “gentile“, “shiksa“, or “goyim” although we can easily escalate to that level if necessary.

Then the Jew turned to a young Muslim and berated him for Arab-Americans’ failure to speak up against Arab counter-attacks. That poor guy had never thought it through, and could have simply said, “But we don’t control the media and we are not allowed any op-ed pieces to express our feelings.” He got all defensive and the Jew promptly attacked him over and over.  Of course, the Arab-American could have simply said, “How many babies in Lebanon and Gaza did you kill today?”  Now, that would have changed the subject.

Academic Truthfulness In The Claim Or the Defense

If you’ve been reading closely, you’ll have noticed that none of the responses by the other demographics, or even some of our own suggestions, are not academic truth, but are practical responses at the street, forum, and media levels that will change the subject and disrupt the planned discourse.

Getting Over The Juvenile Assumption

Somehow we need a mechanism for developing the cutting statement and/or response for this level of combat, and disseminating it to other Euro-Americans.  Someday we’ll get over the juvenile assumption that academic truth wins the fight - not so.  By the time the research is done, documented, and communicated, it will be two weeks after the incident arose.  Nothing wrong with the truth, and history should be the truth, but for instantaneous discourse we need a library of phrases, and experimental conferences to teach us how to talk in public discourse.

Remember - the goal of our adversaries is to constantly torment us by cherry-picking unpleasant incidents from the past to generate “white embarrassment” (not “white guilt”) because “white embarrassment” silences us.  That secret (silencing us) is what allows them to advance their murderous agenda on school and college campuses, in the pages of the newspaper, and in entertainment productions.  If you think ethnic cleansing is painful, look around you and see the destruction of our neighborhoods, our hospital system, and our municipal budgets in California by free loaders.  And that’s just the beginning.

How do we know the goal is “white embarrassment” and not “white guilt”? Because the accuser demographics have no guilt themselves.  Just consider the continuation of black slavery in black Africa.  No black guilt.  They don’t know the meaning of the word.  Just consider the continuation of the violent ethnic cleansing of non-Jewish Semites in southwest Asia.  No Jewish guilt. They don’t know the meaning of the word.  They pretend to for the entertainment industry and the human relations industry, but they don’t really get it.

Just consider the lack of remorse by Latinos over their own country’s histories of civil rights violations, serfdom customs, political oppression, and revolution. No Latino guilt. They don’t know the meaning of the word, thus it cannot be guilt that is intended and it is, in fact, silence by embarrassment that is planned.  It works as long as we let it work.

Stanley Womack is a director of Resisting Defamation.

Tags: Activism



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 01:46 | #

“One of our members was at a Human Relations Forum recently, and was accosted by a Jew who demanded to know who was white.  (Their trick question to run us off the road with fine distinctions.]  Our member simply replied that ‘Anyone who has been called white boy, white trash, non-Hispanic white, lily-white, white bread, mayonnaise, gringo, white privilege, WASP, white flight, round eyes, redneck, hillbilly, cracker, typical white person (thanks Obama), goober, Yankee dog, acting white (thanks Obama), and Wonder Bread is a white person.’  It shut him up, all he could say was, ‘I see.’ ”  (—from the log entry)

Priceless.  Love that!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 01:50 | #

I think the common term for what you’re looking for, Stanley, is come-backs.  You’re looking to build a “library” of good, effective, show-stopping come-backs for our guys to familiarize themselves with and have at their fingertips, for firing back when the Jews and other race-agitators bait us with their stock phrases designed to knock us off balance and score quickie points before the audience.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 02:01 | #

Professor Kevin MacDonald, in a recent post, ,

describes how the other side actually devote time and effort specifically to learning the various verbal techniques, attacks, and come-backs for score points against us.  Most of the verbal stuff they come at us with is carefully worked out by their side in advance as good ways to knock us off balance and score quickie points before onlookers.  That’s apparently why they so commonly use hit-and-run, taking pot-shots then disappearing, surprise verbal drive-by, and so on, never sticking around for an actual debate.  In an actual debate they lose and know it.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 03:14 | #

If you ask aware Euro-Americans how they justify a claim to pre-eminence in the USA, there will be no answer except for outrage and anger.

It’s because they’re not a homogeneous group. If you ask Americans how they justify a claim to preeminence, the answer is “Manifest Destiny”, at least in the Jeffersonian sense. 

One of our members was at a Human Relations Forum recently, and was accosted by a Jew who demanded to know who was white.

As the ex-PF video showed, Negros taunting a Jew about the Holocaust, the term cry, “white boy”, cry, means that, according to Mr. Womack’s definition, Jews are “white”.  For an American, an Italian or a German, the answer will be “Who cares?” However, Mr. Womack cannot embrace an ethno-nationalist position because it may portend exclusion for his people.


Posted by exPF on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 03:14 | #

I appreciate the novel approach to pursuing white interests.

Resisting Defamation clearly realizes that in the future it will be vital to control the use of language,
being more strict perhaps in what we do and do not allow than any other generation of white men.
Clearly the coffee-house critiques of the early 1900s and the news broadcasts post-1950 have done us so much harm that the dictum of freedom of speech may need to be modified. So I appreciate your recognition of our need to control “the narrative” as the Israelis call it. It is, as our good-hearted
and mild mannered forbears failed to appreciate, truly a matter of life and death.

Yet I see one problematic element in Resisting Defamation’s modus operandi:

Our own specialty is to develop an understanding about naming and labeling, and how to denounce any label used for us in a variety of ways, which serves to change the subject and to take the offensive.

Bo Sears acrimoniously attacked Peter Brimelow, editor of in a series of emails shown here. I feel that Peter Brimelow is a hero of the nascent WN movement and attacking him is not far from defamation itself. Clearly the leadership of Resisting Defamation was sufficiently non-collegial in their exchanges with this man that he was lead to publicly state that your group might in fact be moles.

Do you intend to confront similarly high-placed and loyal white activists in this way in the future?

Holding Brimelow to this standard is an example of practicing universalism. Normally one gives one’s own group a pass and holds them to a lower standard while using universalist moralist language to extort and demand things from other groups.


Posted by exPF on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 03:30 | #

[quote=Desmond Jones]As the ex-PF video showed, Negros taunting a Jew about the Holocaust, the term cry, “white boy”, cry, means that, according to Mr. Womack’s definition, Jews are “white”.

Anybody who missed that video should really check it out:

Multiculturalism’s Glorious Triumph


Posted by exPF on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 03:46 | #

Damn, Scrooby-Doo, I wouldnt have figured you for a fan of interracial porn.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 04:02 | #

That’s our Jewish lurker’s way of “debating,” PF.  Notice he always waits till GW has gone to bed, so there’s no one to take the stuff down till morning.  The proper way to handle this would be to have someone who knows how to “photoshop” place a very visible Star of David conspicuously on the girl(s) in these pics (around the neck; tattooed on the skin somewhere, etc.), then leave the pix up in a special blog section, feigning inability to get rid of them.  Label the special section “Black-on-Jewess Porn which we are unable to get rid of, sent in by Jewish trolls.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 04:44 | #

We can call this blog section “Once You Go Schwartz You Never Go Back!,” reserved especially for Jewish women to send in pix and share how they’ve put Alon Ziv’s recommendations into practice, finally getting some of good orgasms for once.  There’d be space for testimonials like, “Thanks, Professor Ziv!  Without your book I’d have gone my whole married life not knowing what an orgasm was!  But thanks to you, I now shagg only Sub-Saharans while my Jewish husband only watches and plays with himself.  We’re both so satisfied now, we can’t thank you enough!”


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 04:45 | #

Isnt there anyone in a different time zone who handle this sort of housekeeping?


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 09:15 | #

When I was first becoming racially aware, I read something in the AmRen comments section that has stuck with me.  It was something to the effect ‘stereotypes are pattern recognition’.  It was so obvious and it defanged that word forever for me.  As a comeback it also allows you to get into discussion of group averages, where your opponent will be slaughtered.

Like Fred, I also don’t think that we need labels (e.g. WN) to describe our position because it’s just normalcy.  ‘It’s called being normal’ is an excellent generic comeback for any attempted smear.  It points out that your opponent is perhaps mentally ill (which may get him riled up) and you get to praise other groups for their normal behaviour (leaving your opponent to explain, for example, why Nigerians would have no right to oppose mass immigration of Chinese into their country).

I would also recommend listening to Jared Taylor’s interviews and debates (  Some of his opponents are cretins whom he dismantles with ease (e.g. Donahue) while others are smarter (and Jewish, e.g. Tim Wise).  He deals with many of the standard liberal comebacks and if you listen to them several times (I used to listen to them on my iPod on the way in to work), you will have them at the ready the next time you are discussing race with an anti.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 12:17 | #

Our dearly beloved Diamed has been outed as a fraud by yours truly, at VNN:


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 14:13 | #

That’s an EXCELLENT comeback, Dasein:  “Stereotypes are pattern-recognition.”  Gotta remember that.

On a different topic:  I agree with PF above where he says everyone needs to view the video he linked there.  The Negro calls for the enslavement/killing of whites and the whiny Jewish guy tells him, “I’m Jewish!  I’m on your side!”  The “Civil Rights” upheaval of the 1960s was mainly just a tribal war the Jews were waging on Euros, using the Negroes to bludgeon them.  The Jews are still at it, of course.  They don’t give a damn about the Negroes.  What they’re after is to knock Euros off their perch, bring them down and, if possible, eradicate them.

In something like 2001 or 2002 I went to the site of a someone who had come to Richard Poe’s blog, where I was a “regular,” to post some comments critical of Poe.  I followed her back to her blog, where she said things about Jews I say now but which I was a billion light years from seeing then.  They all shocked me to the core.  I remember one thing she said was the Jews had stirred up the Negroes in this country, stirred them up against whites.  That of course is the most true, the most tame, mild, self-evident, elementary truth in existence but back then it shocked me to the core — “How could anyone SAY THAT?????  How could someone be so wrong, yet so smug????”  I remember how upset I was, finding this person absolutely unbelievable.  Now when I think back on the things I saw at her site I realize she was restrained compared to what a throrough truth-teller would need to say on that subject.

To any, let’s say, first-time visitor to this blog who is shocked at my comment above, that the Civil Rights upheavals of the ‘60 were mainly just a tribal war the Jews were waging on Euros, stay calm, stay open to new points of view, keep thinking, listening, and observing, and you’ll come to see it.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 14:57 | #

More on the Diamed front, the Capt’s comment reminded me of this…

See here at Tanstaafl’s place, in these comments.

Somehow I didnt notice the handle the first time I read it.

Same Diamed, seems like it.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:12 | #

Fred, I watched that video too.

You have a Jewish guy admitting, in effect, that he is not white, and then the punchline, these blacks, representative of the forces his people have unleashed on white society don’t give him any kudos, any respect. That’s right mate you pulled down our world but you’ve pulled it down on top of yourself as well!

As the old saying goes, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:23 | #

I just read Diamed’s comments in the Tanstaafl thread Lurker linked just above.  Diamed takes exactly the position:  against restriction on immigration of what he considers “non-white cognitive élites” in total disregard of the race-replacement portent of such a policy.  He doesn’t really see race, it would appear.  Therefore, he doesn’t really understand race-replacement.  He doesn’t care what race the U.S. or Europe is as long as it’s “high-IQ.”  That right there is a fundamental point of disagreement with’s position, which is we insist on preserving our race warts and all, and reject any notion of voluntary wholesale race-replacement of ourselves in a spirit of “racial self-improvement.”  We don’t need to change into any other race to “improve.”  We have lower IQs than yellows, Parsis, and Hindu Brahmins?  Fine, we can deal with that.  We have higher crime rates than Chinamen?  That’s OK, we’ll muddle through somehow.  We get more skin cancer than Negroes and our women get more breast cancer than Japanese women?  Well, we’ll find some way to change that.  We have smaller dicks than Negroes?  We’ll take it, our wives don’t seem to complain as long as the Jews like Alon Ziv aren’t whispering stuff in their ear about it.  And so on.  We like the way we are and we plan on staying that way.  So no, Diamed, we’re not buying cognitive-élitism-based race-repalcemenet of whites:  the appropriate blog for you, given your ideas, would be, not


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:33 | #

Fred, you beat me to it.  My sentiments exactly.


So long as they produce more money than it costs to upkeep them, immigrants do zero, zilch, nada harm to native whites. They don’t restrict the white birth rate, white ability to work at jobs, or anything else. For once I’d like to understand the argument about how an immigrant working inside America, making more money than he costs, somehow harms americans. Why, because he provided a valuable good or service to everyone nearby worth a lot of money? Because an inefficient white monopoly could not keep gouging its customers for high prices and poor products like GM?

I’m guessing Dieamud drives a Tata.

CC’s evisceration at VNN is well worth reading.


Posted by Armor on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:39 | #

I would also recommend listening to Jared Taylor’s interviews and debates (—Dasein)

I have listened to the Taylor/Wise debate on the AmRen website. Tim Wise sounds like a nice chap if you can forget that he wants to replace us with third-worlders. I think this particular debate doesn’t work because, although Taylor is right and Tim Wise talks rubbish (and speaks very fast), it sounds as if Tim Wise had a defensible position.


Posted by Fr. John on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 16:20 | #

“Professor Kevin MacDonald, in a recent post, ,
describes how the other side actually devote time and effort specifically to learning the various verbal techniques, attacks, and come-backs for score points against us.” - Fred Scrooby

Fred - it seems others are awakening to this BOLSHEVIST (i.e., Jewish) tactic.

Could the Hegemonic hold of the Deicides be at an end, just as they thought they now controlled all, including the ‘house n*****’ of the “White” House?

Pray God it is so…..


Posted by Darren on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 16:35 | #

Take a look at his discussion on miscegenation (point “E”).

He believes that we could “breed out” negroes with no negative affect on white racial or cultural traits. This is based on the grossly unrealistic assumption that we could somehow engineer it to be so that every black is paired with a white mate - something that is not going to happen. (Even if this could somehow be engineered, I do not agree with his claim that the results would incur “no genetic cost”)

Will anyone of the white males here, Diamed included (assuming he is white), please raise their hand if they are interested in being paired with a negress?

(Thank you - this proves my point why this will never work).

Here is the reality - mulattoes, historically and con temporarily, either retain their “black” identity or become an ethnic group unto themselves. So it is more likely that a mullato offspring (in the real world, not Diamed’s fantasy) will pair with a black or another mullato.

As for the GNXP position, I am not totally aware of what it is, but from my occasional readings of GNXP and Razib, I just take it as:

“okay, we’re honest enough to acknowledge racial differences unlike our more leftist brethren, but we believe it is still nonetheless immoral to use this information to justify preserving our uniqueness, and that I, as Razib Khan, am just as qualified as anyone else to comment on the direction of western civilization and believe that any old brown chap can participate in it its continuance, cuz ethics can somehow transcend biologically determined patterns of behavior”.

No thanks!


Posted by the Narrator... on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 17:29 | #

That’s an EXCELLENT comeback, Dasein:  “Stereotypes are pattern-recognition.” Gotta remember that.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on February 18, 2009, 01:13 PM

I agree Fred.
Truth is always truth, so no matter what convoluted BS the lefties concoct to prop up their warped ideology, simply defining their own phrase-isms in plain language will undermine them…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:36 | #

“As for the GNXP position, I am not totally aware of what it is”  (—Darren)

It’s strong support for more or less unrestricted immigration into Euro countries of yellows and browns who are endowed with high intelligence, combined with strong disapproval of large-scale immigration of browns and blacks who are poorly so endowed.  The position holds intelligence to be the only valid criterion for setting immigration policy, strongly disapproving of race being any criterion whatsoever.

At this blog we’re about preserving our race, and we’ll take whatever intelligence goes along with that.  We find our intelligence perfectly adequate and suited to our needs.  We’re very happy with our race and our race’s intelligence.  Our race is in need of no “betterment” supposedly to be achieved through mixing with non-whites, thank you.  In the eyes of GnXpers that attitude of ours makes us laughably inept and backward hillbillies, rednecks, and knuckledraggers and unspeakably vile fascists, Nazis, bigots, racists, and probably anti-Semites and male chauvinists to boot.  It makes us the worst scum in their eyes.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:39 | #

One sees immediately that Diamed’s position and GnXp’s are identical.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:57 | #

I like the reference in the entry’s title to street-fighting because the other side, ring-led by the Jews, are the dirtiest street-fighters around.  People condemn the pre-1933 German National Socialists as street-fighters but those National Socialists learned their street-fighting precisely from the Jewish-led communists.  The Jews in the Russian and Central-European Empires are who invented filthy XXth-Century political street-fighting.  The Jews still use it today.  The anti-communists of the 1920s and ‘30s had to copy the techniques of the Jews or go under.  Survival meant they had no choice.

The dirtiest thing about the way Jews fight is they fight from ambush.  They don’t openly declare war, so the other side doesn’t even know it’s under tribal attack till it’s been half-disabled by stealth Jewish assault.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 19:31 | #

Using words as weapons may let you win a “street fight” but such use mutilates communication.  Violence is superior to the use of words as weapons because violence leaves open the option of negotiation.


Posted by weston on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 19:35 | #

Our dearly beloved Diamed has been outed as a fraud by yours truly, at VNN:


  Good work.  I love seeing the fraud Diamed’s feet held to the fire.  You’re a pleasure to read when you’re in attack mode; you’ve got a certain flair for it.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 20:43 | #

I’m prepared to go out on a limb here, if it snaps off under my weight, so be it:

Diamed remarks on the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates at VNN thusly:

“...I was never aware it was our goal to turn non-whites into second class citizens and then everything would be fine, and we hate jews for not letting us turn non-whites into our slaves and serfs we can abuse like the Saudis and UAE abuse their hired help, silly me. I thought we wanted homogeneity.”

And then he quotes the CIA Library on UAE demographics at VNN thusly:

‘“Emirati 19%, other Arab and Iranian 23%, South Asian 50%, other expatriates (includes Westerners and East Asians) 8% (1982)
note: less than 20% are UAE citizens (1982) ”’ - Diamed, 18 February, 2009 at 3:53 am

Previously, in Robert Reis’ post for Majority Rights on just this topic Diamed said the following, which in important ways is in stark constrast to his position at VNN:

“However, you seem to be ignoring the fact that these muslims have around 80 IQ and all basically live on state largess due to happening to sit on top of oil and natural gas that they aren’t even smart enough to dig up themselves.  Basically they are just rent-seekers getting in the way of white industry which both has a use for the oil, and the ability to retrieve it.  A nation of parasites.”

“It would be better if they simply paid their own citizens well in even the least prestigious jobs and let their land consist only of their people.  They aren’t nationalist in any sense of the word.” - Diamed, December 19, 2008, 08:49 AM

Later on in the same thread silver chimes in with the following:

“Nevertheless, the population of the UAE somehow managed to become composed of almost 75% foreigners.  Okay, they don’t have the same rights as citizens, but that’s not my idea of a government “for the people.”

Laughably, the country has a male:female ratio of 2.7! More great “management.”’

“And that they hate Jews.  That’s what happens when you develop Jews-on-the-brain syndrome: you’ll talk up anything that hates them.  Never underestimate this factor.” - silver,  December 20, 2008, 03:42 AM

Note how silver quotes demographic statistics regarding the UAE.  Note how silver adopts a defensive position regarding Jewry.  Note Diamed’s use of extreme, degrading language regarding Arabs.  Note how, at VNN Diamed has adopted nearly all of what silver offered, previously, at Majority Rights.

Is Diamed really silver?

I had to have your scalp, Diamud, I had to have it.


Posted by exPF on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 20:49 | #

tra la la


Posted by exPF on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 20:55 | #

Something about the genuine, down-syndrome smile on the face of the one in white, and the hellish LSD-trip-gone-wrong character of the video, made me want to share it with you.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 21:03 | #

Detroit fo real, nom sayin’.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 21:31 | #

stereotypes are pattern recognition

That’s brilliant and should stop any honest intellect in his tracks. For the honest ordinary folk the variation “stereotypes are wisdom” or “stereotypes are little pellets of truth” might work better.

It may also help to point out that stereotypes come in essentially two flavors. The traditional type as described above and the reality-inverting propaganda type introduced more recently under the politically correct regime. Under PC the traditional type is taboo and only the propaganda type is tolerated.

As Luke O’Farrell (Stephen Whittle) wrote in From Rousseau with Loathing: Learning Self-Hate from Jacques and the Jews:

If there’s white guilt to instill and white self-hatred to encourage, no-one works harder or more enthusiastically than Jews. And they have the power and influence to get results. One of their favorite techniques is to deny stereotypes that are true and encourage stereotypes that are false. Generally speaking, stereotypes either reflect reality or invert it. Blacks are stupid, violent and promiscuous. Jews are selfish, greedy and dishonest. Those stereotypes reflect reality, so the media and governments of Western nations deny them. Whites are racist, xenophobic and bigoted. That stereotype inverts reality, so the media and governments of Western nations encourage it.

Of course it is for making observations such as this that Wittle now sits in prison.


Posted by Armor on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 22:26 | #

“stereotypes are little pellets of truth”

According to a French saying, every legend holds a parcel of truth.
If some people say so about legends, it applies even better to stereotypes.

“Is Diamed really silver?”

No, their styles are completely different. In fact, Diamed isn’t a dissimulator, or he would use different monickers depending on what he says in which forum. The strange thing is that he keeps the same name to say somewhat contradictory things. Maybe he hasn’t made up his mind yet: he is thinking aloud. Razib Khan probably has a consistent position, but you can never tell what Diamed is going to say next. You just know it will be something over the top.


Posted by exPF on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 22:58 | #

There was an article in a Canadian newspaper where a student from the middle east said he thought it was OBNOXIOUS for white Canadians to ask him about his ethnicity. He said he was as Canadian as anyone else - and then, in support of this argument, he mentioned how he likes to drink Canadian beer and appreciates hockey.

There seems to have been an effort in the press, especially in the 90s when all this was slightly plausible, that foreigners drinking anglo-saxon alcoholic beverages and playing anglo-saxon sports somehow made them equal claimaints to our ethnic or national identity.

I think they ran the exact same line in papers in Britain and Australia, except instead of hockey it was football and rugby, and the names of the beers were changed. “These Malawian refugees have become typically British - after all, they love a pint of Boddingtons and love watching Man U on the telly.”
“These Lebenase nationals are becoming so typically Australian its frightening; they are donig this by drinking X beer and watching rugby.”


Posted by q on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 23:50 | #

Re: Posted by exPF on February 18, 2009, 07:49 PM | #tra la la

Negroes nowadays are exceptionally disgusting, I agree. But back before the Jews radicalized them, they were pretty cool.

Eg. -


Posted by exPF on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 23:53 | #

A woman raises a chimp as her child, teaching him to log onto computers, clothe himself,
drink wine from the glass, brush his own teeth and watch television….

The chimp attacks her friend, bites off her hands and eats her face.

During the 911 call, the woman kept saying “He’s eating her! he’s eating her!”.

I guess the chimp literally ate the woman’s face.

Isn’t this a metaphor for multiculturalism?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 00:23 | #

“Isn’t this a metaphor for multiculturalism?”  (—PF)

Yes, the more so as there is a perfectly sound, respectable school of anthropology that maintains chimps are properly classified as humans, not apes (only chimps, not gorillas, orangutangs, or gibbons, which are thought to be rightly classed as they are, apes).  Chimps are genetically very close to us, closer than they are to gorillas for example.  There can be absolutely no doubt whatsoever but that if it is ever discovered that people can breed with chimps the Jews will start harrassing European-race folk to start doing so, as the only way to prove they’re not racist, fascist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and anti-Semitic.  What’s more, there’ll be Euro-race folk who’ll believe them and start doing for that reason:  to show how unracist, etc., they are.


Posted by q on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 00:25 | #

Isn’t this a metaphor for multiculturalism?

It’s a metaphor for modern-liberalism. (Which only white people practice.) Go figure?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 00:37 | #

The aim of the Jew is always to get the European race-replaced.  The central currents of Jewish group behavior for the past two hundred years have all flowed in that fundamental and unwavering direction.  Communism?  Communism was to get Euros race-replaced.  Race-denial?  That was to get Euros race-replaced.  Orchstrating the outbreak of World War II?  To get Euros race-replaced.  Setting up the U.N.?  Same.  Pushing the Negro Civil Rights movement since 1900 for all they were worth?  Ditto.  The decades-long struggle to pry the U.S.‘s borders open, which finally bore fruit in 1965?  Three guesses.  Playing the strongest role of any in keeping the borders open since then?  Yup.  Multiculturalism, Tolerance, Diversity, Inclusion?  Whaddya you think?  Replacing white men in man-woman relationships in all Jewish Hollywood and TV productions with Negroes, Mexicans, or in a pinch Orientals, anything but white?  (Looks innocently around while distractedly whistling some tune.)  And on.  And on.  And on.  It never stops.

And never will.

The central aim of the Jew is always, always, always to get the European race-replaced.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 00:42 | #

Yes, the more so as there is a perfectly sound, respectable school of anthropology that maintains chimps are properly classified as humans, not apes

And that is why I will never take anthropologists seriously.


Posted by q on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 00:50 | #

Jews ~ communism - communism ~ Jews.


Posted by Armor on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:01 | #

” filthy XXth-Century political street-fighting “

I think a library of neat comebacks to win short fights would also come useful in a judicial court. I don’t think that polically-correct judges are interested in hearing deep, serious, philosophical arguments.

a student from the middle east said he thought it was OBNOXIOUS for white Canadians to ask him about his ethnicity. He said he was as Canadian as anyone else - (—exPF)

He had been reading too much Jewish/leftist literature. Non-whites will not say spontaneously that they are Westerners. They have to be groomed by the “anti-racists” before they learn to say that. In France, the media will say that African immigrants are as French as anyone else, but Africans themselves will say that they are African. If they say they are French, it only means they are entitled to benefits.

What would be a neat comeback in the case cited by exPF? I can only think of complicated explanations. It is clear that the obnoxiousness and aggression came from that Middle-Eastern student. When a third-worlder claims that he is as much of a Canadian/European/American as any Canadian/European/American, it is an attack against our identity. He claims he can be us ! Ideally, we would tell him to go back to his third-world country. But what else can we say? What’s needed is a powerful comparison of some kind.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:06 | #

Not sure the Negros were ever cool.

The 1943 Detroit race riots


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:10 | #

What would be a neat comeback in the case cited by exPF?

If you immigrated to South Africa instead of Canada would that make you a Zulu?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:12 | #

“When a third-worlder claims that he is as much of a Canadian/European/American as any Canadian/European/American, [...w]hat’s needed is a powerful comparison of some kind.”  (—Armor)

Tell him Sorry, this isn’t the Island of Dr. Moreau.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:13 | #

Great comeback there by Desmond.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:15 | #

Of course it will be followed by;

“In comparison, Canada and Australia are countries established on foreign lands built through immigration.”


Posted by danielj on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:17 | #

In comparison, Canada and Australia are countries established on foreign lands built through immigration.

Then you tell them they obviously have no idea what they are talking about since the word they were looking for was colonization and not immigration.


Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:24 | #

The central aim of the Jew is always, always, always to get the European race-replaced.  >Fred Scrooby

True, but the answer to the problem is elusive.  Do you honestly think that if we deport the Jews entirely to Israel then they will cease to be a threat in our affairs?  Impossible.  Nuclear-armed Israel is a danger beyond what words can describe.  And the global scope of Jewish influence would make it difficult to limit their machinations anywhere.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:32 | #

Armor: Maybe he [Diamed] hasn’t made up his mind yet: he is thinking aloud.

This would be good if it were true.  Brother Occam, however, commends the view that Diamed has undeclared ethnic interests that prevent his absorbtion into the European cause.

Generally, I don’t mind expressions of difference of opinion (between Europeans, I mean).  If none of us had different areas and different degrees of knowledge, Truth would be singular and the possibility to improve our learning absent.  We are not born with all the highly specialised and relatively hidden knowledge we now possess.  We come to the table, or should come to the table, hungry to impart and receive knowledge, and to grow.

If Diamed is indeed one of ours, this is what he needs to understand.  He is still pretty young and his views are certainly not fixed, nor must they become so, for they are not just incomplete, they are wrong.

In this spirit, it is absolutely necessary for us to reach out to - and well beyond - those like Diamed who do not yet give valuational primacy to genes.  MR was originally established to try to carry that valuation at least a little way towards the mainstream ... to try to reach a wider political cross-section than simply the racially-aware.  This was so not least because I wanted to learn certain lessons about political interaction (somewhat cryptically informing this post:

We should be able to bear one another’s faults and failings without bad feeling.  We cannot say one minute that we are brothers, and the next that this or that person is the lowest form of bacterial life that ever got swilled down a sewer.  But in practise it is not possible to eliminate such aggressivity - certainly from American WN.  The European ethnocentric passions of The Great Issue are too strong, something that Silver, in all his calls to speak reasonably, never understood.  The worry is, of course, that Silver is right in one important sense and our passions and our passionate language will keep us ghettoised.

Would I, then, endorse a movement towards the mainstream that concentrated on Islamification, racial differences and the condition of the white American psyche in postmodernity?  Yes, if it wasn’t a front for a Jewish takeover, and if its line of attack was to lead people to our knowledge and values rather than away from them.  Such a Euro-centric movement could profitably accommodate the Diameds and Silvers.  It would not threaten our position as the upholders of our people’s Truth.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:32 | #

Do you honestly think that if we deport the Jews entirely to Israel then they will cease to be a threat in our affairs?  Impossible.  Nuclear-armed Israel is a danger beyond what words can describe.  And the global scope of Jewish influence would make it difficult to limit their machinations anywhere.

We also have to rout them from central banks, the United Nations, trade unions, colleges and all kinds of other highly sensitive areas that they occupy. However, forced removal of the Jews would neutralize a major part of their threat. The nuclear weapons are not an issue. Israel only has around 400 and could only succeed in turning some desert to glass absent the highly advanced delivery technology the lack which would only make oil extraction an easier job with a lot less (numerically) radical, bearded Saracens trying to muscle in on Chevron’s racket.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 01:39 | #

Our member simply replied that “Anyone who has been called white boy, white trash, non-Hispanic white, lily-white, white bread, mayonnaise, gringo, white privilege, WASP, white flight, round eyes, redneck, hillbilly, cracker, typical white person (thanks Obama), goober, Yankee dog, acting white (thanks Obama), and Wonder Bread is a white person.” It shut him up, all he could say was, “I see.” We didn’t even have to get into “gentile“, “shiksa“, or “goyim” although we can easily escalate to that level if necessary.

Fuck-ing LUSH! I love it. It is now in the repertoire.


Posted by exPF on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 02:28 | #


I thought that was a great post on the Minds and the Bloods. Anonymous’s comment, basically that delayed childbirth prevents the onset of manhood and psychological realism in men, was also brilliant.

I view liberalism as a kind of accretion, a growth that has taken place in the soil of the successful, prosperous, industrialized Anglo-saxon world. Notice how our recent history is relatively benign when viewed in contrast with the histories of other countries such as the former Soviet republics and the former states of Yugoslavia. In the areas formerly administered by the Ottoman empire, I can detect no residue of liberalism. I think this speaks to the trends we see in our own historical development and the common sense wisdom that success makes one fat and sloppy, or in our case, soft-hearted and fuzzy-minded.

You’ll recall that some germanic chieftans sent a threat to Julius Caesar worded in the following way: “You will feel the wrath of the germans, who haven’t slept beneath a roof in 14 years!”

Essentially, the germans were bragging to Caesar that they hadn’t slept beneath a roof in 14 years.

I never knew anyone from ‘rough beginnings’ who was a liberal. I never knew anyone who had
an experience of life’s tougher side, who could see that and remain liberal.

The premise of liberalism I think is to allay suffering - hence the competitions of who has been
more victimized, with the winner taking the prize of whatever the liberal is willing to give him.

Liberals seek to allay suffering as their main political motivation because they lack the life experience
of what suffering is, they lack the world-understanding that suffering is part and parcel of life, and most of all they cannot face suffering, much less have the balls to actually cause it. This is because they have not suffered but are inwardly preyed upon by a feeling of guilt over the ease of their own lives and the haunting thought that someone might have to accept a less than ideal life beyond one’s control.

A “Mind” is, to my mind, someone who maintains residues of this thinking.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 03:06 | #

Yet again I’m going to propose a link to Tanstaafl’s site. Come on lets live a little. After all MR still links to Steve Edwards’ blog, he has been AWOL for yonks and his site went belly up ages ago.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 06:34 | #

I much appreciate Lurker’s requests, and I would appreciate the link.

I know GW considers “American WN” somewhat, well, different. I think I understand why, and I’m not at all offended. I’d propose if you do link me that it be under a new category, analogous to “Whites in Africa”, called “Whites in the US”. Perhaps there are others currently in “General” that belong there as well.


Posted by Reloader on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 07:42 | #

A woman raises a chimp as her child, teaching him to log onto computers, clothe himself,
drink wine from the glass, brush his own teeth and watch television….

The chimp attacks her friend, bites off her hands and eats her face.

During the 911 call, the woman kept saying “He’s eating her! he’s eating her!”.

I guess the chimp literally ate the woman’s face.

Isn’t this a metaphor for multiculturalism?

“Even though this chimp was owned since it was 3 days old, you cannot nurture out of a chimp what genetically it has inside of it.” -8:05 in the clip

I commented on another blog how similar Africans and chimps are.  No matter how long you know them, or how “cool” they seem, they are as unpredictable and as dangerous as Chimps.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 11:17 | #

“how similar Africans and chimps are.  No matter how long you know them, or how ‘cool’ they seem, they are as unpredictable and as dangerous as Chimps.”  (—Reloader)

It’s known that Negroes are closer to chimpanzees genetically.  (For obvious reasons, this fact is not exactly, let us say, “advertised.”)  Therefore, researchers who’ve engaged in these bizarre and of course unspeakably immoral experiments aimed at breeding human-chimp hybrids( * ) would have had a better chance of success had they used not European volunteers but West-Central African ones — Negroes from the land of the chimpanzees.

( *  one Soviet Russian scientist early last century, for example, is said to have recruited Russian women volunteers for artificial insemination; the results remain somewhat unclear but as far as is known there were no “takes” despite a few dark rumors Stalin had ordered his scientists to create an invincible army of ape-men in preparation for going up against the Germans)


Posted by Why White Flight? STAND AND FIGHT on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 11:57 | #

[Chimp attack] - Isn’t this a metaphor for multiculturalism?

Lashing out and trying to break free is what a caged creature or confined group eventually does: it’s a natural and very healthy reaction.  Notice how after the attack the chimp tried to run away - it wanted to be free from being confined and having its will thwarted under the unnatural circumstances of confinement; the chimp couldn’t stand having its will thwarted and freedom denied any longer.  This is the situation Whites in America currently find themselves in…we have become too domesticated by the Jewed-system and must break free in order to forge our own destiny.

Whites in America these days as feeling exceptionally hemmed in as many here know, and as a result I expect the White backlash to be underway within the next few years - like a confined animal whose anger and frustration only compounds as long as it remains confined, the urge for Whites to begin to collectively defend ourselves, our land, and our interests is growing stronger by the day.  We will eventually break free - the urge to reassert our collective will is undeniable.

Whites are being squeezed by by Jews, Negros, and various mud immigrants from all over the world on the East Coast—on the West Coast Hispanics and Asians are squeezing Whites out…Hispanics and Central American Amerindians also press in to White lands from the South as well.  There is only so much more we can take.

That leaves the vast center as the last White holdout, and the area from which the White resistance will gather strength, organization, and manpower from which to plan a strategy against the race-replacers.


Posted by Dasein on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:45 | #

What would be a neat comeback in the case cited by exPF?

If you played Kabaddi, would this make you Bangladeshi?

Though this may be hard to remember.  Lacrosse perhaps, which you could also use later to justify the British presence in Canada, just to confuse them.


Posted by Dasein on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:24 | #

Isn’t this a metaphor for multiculturalism?

I try to avoid using the term multiculturalism.  What we’re really concerned about is multiracialism (and ultimately, mongrelization).  If people think that the problem is multiculturalism, politicians can placate them by demanding that immigrants fully integrate (i.e. miscegenate).  Strategically, multiculturalism should be encouraged.  It keeps racial aliens separate from Euros.  It allows us to tread water while we sort out a way to repatriate them.


Posted by Armor on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:25 | #

” It’s known that Negroes are closer to chimpanzees genetically. “

—> For example, chimpanzees always talk loudly in the theater when they watch a movie. They are very annoying.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:03 | #

“ It’s known that Negroes are closer to chimpanzees genetically.”

Modern Africans are, well, modern.  The archeological record of them goes back a mere 15,000 years.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:43 | #

GW: “Brother Occam, however, commends the view that Diamed has undeclared ethnic interests that prevent his absorbtion into the European cause.”

Gee, I wonder what ethnic interests that would be?

Diamud said at VNN: “...and we hate jews for not letting us turn non-whites into our slaves and serfs…”

Recall, Diamed came here huffing and puffing, the Big Bad Wolf, ready to blow the non-Whites’ house down.  Would anyone like to know what Brother Occam has to say on the matter?  Obviously, it was bait: to get us to agree to and mirror his language calling for the extermination of all non-Whites in a desperate Turner Diaries style gambit that would result, if either consistently prescribed or actually carried out, in the utter ruination of our movement.

Then, when able to make main posts, he recommended the miscegenation of the high IQ Whites with Jews specifically, and other intelligent non-Whites, which would in effect forever sever the bond between them and the rest of our racial body.  In other words, to decapitate our race, just as the Judeo-Bolsheviks did with the pistol and with the gulag.

Diamed stabbed us in the back!

“We cannot say one minute that we are brothers, and the next that this or that person is the lowest form of bacterial life that ever got swilled down a sewer.”

LOL! See above.


Posted by exPF on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 20:07 | #

racial consciousness metrics gave the website statistics for as doubling in the last year.
Going from 100,000 unique hits each month to 200,000.

at, a firestorm of angry comments have been stirred up by the
statement of Eric Holder the new black US AG that America is a nation of cowards vis-a-vis race.

Most of the people commenting on that website voiced exasperation: Aren’t we beyond this? aren’t we finally over this? I have transcended race but obviously Mr. Holder hasn’t. etc. etc.

They emphasized the fact that they really have transcended race and now, having paid the price
of admission (i.e. killing any feelings of racial identity or loyalty within themselves), they want to finally be left alone. They want immunity from browbeatings and opportunistic shake-down artistry.

Several posters gave a proud blow-by-blow account of how they regulate their own thought processes with regard to racial matters, such as: “I only notice someone’s race in the moment before they open
their mouth, then I notice that the person is either an f——ing idiot or has something worth saying. After that point they are an individual to me. As soon as they say something, I am beyond race.”

I think this gentleman wants a cookie!


Posted by Dasein on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 23:14 | #

Fred, more confirmation of the theory you outlined earlier of why Africans are sensitive about the comparison.  The following comment lasted less than 40 minutes:

‘Why are Africans so sensitive about being compared to monkeys?’

Apparently this simple question may be one for the arsenal.


Posted by exPF on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 23:36 | #

that cartoon is hilarious. It even seeing the page of a major publication is a triumph.

and how about that 2 page editorial from a black woman explaining to us how
precisely political cartoons should be made, and what they may and may not contain.

why is it that every non-white in the entire world thinks they can terrorize us with
the power of our own moral imperatives? “should” “should not”, “must”, “must not”
these people think white morality is just something they can rearrange to make us their slaves.

Apparently, white peoples brains can be controlled like a play train set.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 02:20 | #

“You are the dead. Remain exactly where you are. Make no movement until you are ordered.”


Posted by Valerian on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 03:41 | #


I view liberalism as a kind of accretion, a growth that has taken place in the soil of the successful, prosperous, industrialized Anglo-saxon world. Notice how our recent history is relatively benign when viewed in contrast with the histories of other countries such as the former Soviet republics and the former states of Yugoslavia. In the areas formerly administered by the Ottoman empire, I can detect no residue of liberalism. I think this speaks to the trends we see in our own historical development and the common sense wisdom that success makes one fat and sloppy, or in our case, soft-hearted and fuzzy-minded.

You’ll recall that some germanic chieftans sent a threat to Julius Caesar worded in the following way: “You will feel the wrath of the germans, who haven’t slept beneath a roof in 14 years!”

Essentially, the germans were bragging to Caesar that they hadn’t slept beneath a roof in 14 years.


exPF, what you said in the above quotation is a realization that I came to these last 2-3 months. Liberalism, in all of it’s variants, is a product of the Anglo-saxon world-view and through causality, was influenced by ancient Germanic traditions from the past. Kevin MacDonald in his book Culture of Critique pointed out that stark instances of individualism, nuclear families, and hunter-gathering traditions of the Northern Germanic cultures influenced the Anglo-saxon world through previous generations and up to this day; these are not the same cultural tendencies that different cultures around the world do not share. Bottom line, Classical Liberalism is just another cultural/political perception of the world that is not at all universal.

With that said, I also want to add to the discussion about comebacks against lefties. Personally, I went through a sort of violent intellectual transition from previous “modern” tendencies till now.  Alain de Benoist has helped me in that direction towards a Pagan, Eurocentric, Hellenistic, Particularist world view.
From this worldview I gained an insightful look towards the world and how it really is; living in Southern California also helps to see a radical new look at the world. Everybody in America or anywhere else in the world, one time or the other, has always been influenced by the society they lived in and those influences shape their understandings of the world. There is no objective view points,  every person looks at the world through the influences, ideas, understandings that have shaped their minds since they were kids and reality is interpreted through a world-view containing all those previous mental thoughts. Everything is an interpretation of an interpretation; not saying that their is no truth but only that truth cannot by comprehended without an interpretation.

Take for example non-white immigration; (A) will be a view that exists in itself away from Marxist or Nationalist thought; (B) will be a Marxist interpretation; (C) will be a Nationalist interpretation :

(A) Non-white immigration in this country is increasingly making the country diverse according to various US government sources.
(B) America is becoming diverse and an end to white majority rule will have better consequences for the future and bring about a Socialist change.
(C) Third World immigration is creating a division in the United States between battling, alien cultures that will spell the doom of the original people living in the nation.

Both Marxists and Nationalists both believe their way is the superior position and the argument between the two camps will never come to an agreement. Why can’t the argument come to an agreement? The two sides both have their own interpretation on the issue. Here is where Nationalists have the Marxists by the balls, “the argument is an exercise in the impossibility of two mutually opposed worldviews to ever come at an agreement”. Both perceptions of reality are acknowledged here in this world wide conflict and everything about how you take in the world through cognitive experience or any experience for that matter is changed by what world-view to ascribe to.  The use of this device can be applied to arguments with Leftists to show the subjectivity in the nature in the way they interpret phenomenon.  Their subjectivity disqualifies them from having a concrete objectivity for the world; this already causes a division in the thinking between Nationalists and Marxists; this division will always be there between the two. If the Marxists themselves can never allow themselves to understand Nationalism, what makes them think that even more divergent cultures and mutually opposed groups will ever understand each other? What makes them think that the world can be crafted to their specifications if their is obvious differences in worldviews between the peoples they want to mold? Point out that the Nationalist sees the inherent subjectivity in life and that not only is mixing of two opposing cultures dangerous, it can never be done with the two or more cultures already being that much differentiated. Nationalists will always have the moral high ground because unlike Marxists, Nationalists know their limitations.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 05:14 | #

“Modern Africans are, well, modern.”  (—GW)

Many of the ways in which Negroes are evolutionarily more primitive than Euros are explained in this free online book:


Posted by exPF on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 05:51 | #

Valerian said:

Both Marxists and Nationalists both believe their way is the superior position and the argument between the two camps will never come to an agreement. Why can’t the argument come to an agreement? The two sides both have their own interpretation on the issue. Here is where Nationalists have the Marxists by the balls, “the argument is an exercise in the impossibility of two mutually opposed worldviews to ever come at an agreement”.

I don’t get it. Why do you think nationalists have marxists by the balls?

You live in Socal - what are the feelings and thoughts of whites who live in your area?

Are they proud to be white? Do they sense what is going on?


Posted by Valerian on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 06:33 | #

I don’t get it. Why do you think nationalists have marxists by the balls?

You live in Socal - what are the feelings and thoughts of whites who live in your area?

Are they proud to be white? Do they sense what is going on?

I was basically saying that the notion of subjectivity can be used against Marxists in a debate. Since both sides have a different interpretation or worldview on the current issues the very fact that there are differing interpretations on both sides of the debate can be identified and how the difference in itself can relate to real world experiences between differing cultural groups. I hope that’s a better clarification.

A lot of whites seem clueless on the big picture and their trajectory of thinking is not in the same vain as ours when it comes to Nationalist ideals. The intellectual climate of Southern California has created a people that are despondent to a wider perspective and most people only focus on their daily lives, likes and dislikes, materialistic goals and never on higher values like self-improvement, community organization and activism,  helping out your fellow brothers. Depending on where you live or where you’re from you will get a mixture of different beliefs from whites that are all too divergent.  A lot of white people I’ve met have irked indirectly their feelings about race and they are starting to become more pro-white; to tell you the truth, whites, in general, here need a huge restructuring of how they think because there will never be a serious presence of white nationalism in this area if people stay the way they are. There is not a true, unified European culture here that can fight a civil war here when it happens. A lot of whites here have a modified version of Christianity that conforms to the modernist disease here; this Christianity allows church going whites to be flexible to the modernist thinking here and it turn makes them feel very little affection to fellow whites and all based on their version of Christianity. Yeah man, southern California is a bizarre fucking place. It would take serious scholarship to show the decay and incoherency in this part of the State.


Posted by exPF on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 06:58 | #


What do you think is going to happen in the future in the USA?

Do you see conflict as being inevitable?

What percentage of whites do you estimate are “on page” with pursuing white


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 15:52 | #

Regarding my comment above of 4:14 AM, I just went back to the book, Erectus Walks Amongst Us, just to pick out a quote or two that mentioned the greater primitiveness of the Negro to “document” my statement which GW had found fault with.  Skimming a few pages, I came across the sentences which I’ve boldened in the excerpt below and was going to track down the actual citations of the genetics and so on, but don’t have time right now.  They’re all in the book.

What I’d like to do here is simply paste the entire text surrounding the sentences I just referred to into this thread as a sample of the quality of this book, for any who may hesitate as to whether or not they should read the book.  The whole book reads exactly like this.  It’s extremely readable, extremely right, and extremely “on our side.” 

Yes there is no doubt but that JWH and others whose judgement on these matters is trustworthy will find objectionable details in this work.  But to quibble over those and decline to read the whole book on those grounds would be to miss an education on certain fundamental and crucial topics of biology which is absolutely necessary, as necessary as an acquaintance with Frank Salter (for any newbies who don’t know Salter, click on “Ethnic Genetic Interests” under “Important Issues” near the top of left-hand margin of this site’s home page, just under the Boticelli painting).  I’d add this book to the list of those works (Salter, Kevin MacDonald, Rushton, others) that should be considered pre-requisites for participation at this blog. 

Egalitarians love diversity not as an end but as a means.  They do not want to preserve the diversity of the peoples of this planet; they want to destroy it.  Making all human contact diverse is simply their means of destroying human diversity.  Mix the races physically and they will mix biologically on their own:  diversity to destroy diversity.  The loss of biological diversity, which most of us would not wish on the living things we love and value, egalitarians wish upon man himself.
Some egalitarians openly encourage miscegenation, some even condemn the failure to miscegenate as “racist,” and still others argue that everyone might as well miscegenate because everyone is already a mixture.  In the sense that the races share most alleles (as do people and chimps), everyone is a mixture but, as we shall see in the next chapter, there are major differences between (1) people within a population interbreeding and (2) people from very different populations interbreeding.
It is not necessary to involve the government in people’s intimate decisions in order to reduce miscegenation and preserve the uniqueness of the Earth’s peoples.  People themselves, given their freedom, can accomplish this.  They can segregate themselves, as suggested in Chapter 31.  They can boycott movies, television, and books that show or advocate miscegenation.  And they can ostracize those who practice, encourage, or condone it.  Parents can disapprove of their children dating interracially and withhold benefits, such as weddings, gifts, inheritances, and social support from children who defy their wishes and reject their own people as mates.  They can cite statistics showing that they are many times as likely to get a sexually transmitted disease from a black as from a white, and, for females, many times as likely to be beaten, raped, or murdered. 

Many things can be done [by private individuals to discourage miscegenation] but until people come to believe that it is desirable and morally good to preserve their own genetic heritage nothing will be done.
The race mixers love to point out that white men fear that black men will take “their” women.  Of course they fear that:  for a white man it would be a significant loss in fitness.  The biological purpose of a male of any species is to pass on his alleles, and the principal way he does this is by impregnating females.  But he gets a big bonus if he impregnates a woman who already has more of the same alleles he has, i.e., someone of the same race, and his fitness falls if he lets someone of another race impregnate “his” women (and similarly for women).  This biological purpose implies, of course, that he must not only compete against other men, particularly men of a different race, but win that competition.  If he does not even try to win and, indeed, facilitates his own failure, his unique collection of alleles, including the alleles that made him a biological loser, are out of the game. 
The incidence of miscegenation is greatly increased by welfare.  As we saw in Chapters 5 and 12, Eurasian women normally choose “dads,” not “cads,” because, until modern times, they and their children could not survive without the support of a man.  With the state now supporting them, however, they can choose “cads” and still survive, and therefore are more likely to make that choice.  Blacks are more likely to be cads, and therefore the absence of welfare would induce Eurasian women to once again choose dads and would significantly reduce miscegenation.  Other studies have shown that partners who are genetically similar to each other tend to have happier marriages and, without welfare, the importance of having a happy marriage increases.

Another way of looking at miscegenation is from the viewpoint of eugenics.  If blacks and whites engage in miscegenation the mulatto progeny will have characteristics of both races.  Will the two races regard the mullatos as “improved” children?  Although there are no polls on this question, evidence suggests that more blacks would see it as an improvement than whites.  As we have seen, blacks are genetically primitive humans who have evolved a lesser distance away from our [ape common ancestor].  They have alleles that are many millions of years old — chimpanzees and gorillas have them but Eurasians don’t.  Admitting those and other primitive alleles into the white genome would undo hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years of white evolution.  Both blacks and whites regard the primitive features of blacks as undesirable (p. 96).  Both white and black children prefer playing with white dolls.  And the push behind integration has been blacks wanting to be around whites, not whites wanting to be around blacks.
Mulattos resent the fact that they can never be “white” and must accept a lower status as “black.”  They become hostile towards whites, who are the higher status group, even though they would have an even lower status if they were not partly white.  Thus, whites who have mulatto children create enemies of whites, including themselves, another reason for whites to oppose miscegenation. 
Most mixed-race breeding occurs at the margins, where a white woman is undesirable to white men (overweight, ugly, old, addicted to drugs, mentally ill, low IQ, etc.) or has been rejected by a white man, resulting in a deep hatred of all white men, or the black man may be rich and/or famous (e.g., Tiger Woods, O.J. Simpson), though there are some cases where the explanation is not readily apparent (e.g., blond German model Heidi Klum).


Posted by q on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 01:57 | #

Desmond Jones in an above post references:  The 1943 Detroit race riots.


That’s why I renamed Detroit, DetRIOT!  GET IT!?


Posted by Valerian on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 02:16 | #


What do you think is going to happen in the future in the USA?

Do you see conflict as being inevitable?

What percentage of whites do you estimate are “on page” with pursuing white

1. From my own observations and theoretical assumptions I think the USA is going to no longer be a unified nation in the future. I think it’s going to split up into many different republics, city-states, federations, confederacies, and nations in themselves. America has always been a divided nation; whether it be politics, intellectual thinking, perception, and regional biases, America should have always been at best a confederacy as Jefferson and the Anti-Federalists saw to it. This current bloated Nation-state we have is the bastard child of Hamilton and his ilk.

2. I could be wrong but I think Machiavelli coined that term. Machiavelli and I came to similar conclusions, reality is a cold place and a brutal answer to it is the best solution. Conflict is unavoidable here in America and So-cal; So cal especially because unless you know how to deal with people here, most people here will come across as superficial assholes to people that are new to the area. Reason for this is because most people here are stand-offish, superficial, materialistic, despondent, and they don’t have a higher cause to fight for. If Whites here can be shown the fortunes of Nationalism and anti-liberal thinking then those ideas will spread. Hopefully I can make a flyer pretty soon that can address that.

3. It really depends how you define white interests but in the definition of whites here ready to burst out and create white racial groups that look out for their self interests, maybe 10 percent. There is a lot of people that have teetering ideas towards being pro-white so in the end it’s going to take a catastrophe to wake them up. We will see what happens soon.


Posted by q on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 02:21 | #

“What do you think is going to happen in the future in the USA?”

Mexico City + Calcutta + Bogota x 10!

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