The Housemaster at Majority Radio

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 04 March 2007 23:48.

Soren has, as he promised, interviewed Constantin von Hoffmeister, and the file is uploaded to the Radio page.

The original announcement of the interview was received with protest from some MR regulars.  But the interview itself is a considerable success and, I think, cautions against too hasty a judgement.  I recommend it.  File size 42.4 MB.  Run time 1 hr 1 min 49 secs.

Just to keep you in the picture, the next show is likely to be Fraser II, conducted by James Bowery.  After that Geoff Beck is back.  Sort of.  I will be interviewing him.  But, happily, he will do the editing.

Tags: MR Radio



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:50 | #

Excellent interview!

Here’s a Steve Sailer piece à propos of the first part where the Parsis were mentioned. 

As for Königsberg (and East Prussia), my view is they have to be resurrected as part of a Prussian rebirth, preferably not attached to any “German nation.”  (Germany was actually better off before Bismarck created the Kaiserreich.)  Königsberg can’t be “international” or in any way part of Russia.  That’s nonsense and this ridiculous Kaliningrad Oblast thing cannot last, by the way.  I posted several comments to this effect at the now-discontinued forum Occidental Dissent and before that at Großdeutsches Vaterland, it being an interest of mine.

Constantin is right about the EU having good and bad qualities.  One of its good ones is, as I think he refers to, its validation of distinct ethno-racial-cultural communities around Europe, making it easier for them all to survive and thrive — provided, as he also says, the EU leadership and bureaucracy aren’t anti-European which unfortunately they are at present.  If the EU machinery can be taken over by sane men the EU could be something good.  A perfect example is the way in which Kaliningrad Oblast could become autonomous, recover its real identity, and go its own way, separating from Russia, under EU auspices. 

English as the lingua franca isn’t a great idea (although today, of course, it is the international lingua franca).  There’s something unsatisfactory about English.  It’s a pigin, not really a proper language.  When you look at the English of 1100 and that of 1300 you realize there’s no way to have gotten from the one to the other by normal linguistic evolution, and what must have happened is during the latter 1100s and the 1200s a merchant’s pigin developed in the London area between Norman French, Anglo-Saxon, and probably Jewish merchants, the result being today’s English.

Esperanto lacks all authenticity.  It’s not good as a language, let alone a lingua franca.

I liked Constantin.  He’s a good guy with fundamentally the right ideas.  He’s a little bit confused but he can be reasoned with.  One of his confusions seems to be in regard to not drawing national distinctions within Europe — a mistake I don’t think Normal Lowell makes.  A better attitude is Salter’s “Universal Nationalism.”

I agree with him in being a supporter of Israel and Zionism.

(The musical interlude was too long — unless “filler” was needed or something.)

Great job, Soren!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 02:27 | #

I also agree with him that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the word Negro, a perfectly polite, clear word which the left insisted on rejecting starting around the year 1970 in favor of terms whose meaning was less clear and/or which were cumbersome.  Bo and Stanley would prefer to accord to each group the right to name itself, an excellent viewpoint but there should also be limits on the amount of frivolous language distortion and deliberate lefist word-obfuscation that can be imposed on everyone by them for illegitimate political/social reasons.  We have a right to preserve the linguistic integrity of English, especially where those infringing on its integrity do it for wrong political purposes.  I wish to insult no one and no group.  At the same time, I need to see good reasons for some group’s changing its name every five minutes before I’ll change my own English usage of terms, particularly when the new terms introduce important (and deliberate) confusions in regard to what is being discussed.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 02:30 | #

“that can be imposed on everyone by them”

Imposed on everyone by leftists, not by Bo and Stanley.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 02:59 | #

Excuse me, I just looked up the spelling of pidgin:  “pigin” in my comment above is wrong:  there should be a d in there. 

So:  English is a kind of pidgin, not really a proper language.


Posted by stanleywomack on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 04:13 | #

Fred, just a side note. I’m advised by my African American acquaintances that, concurrently with seeking to end the use of the three “N” words, there will be a campaign to change their name to “Black African Americans,” because they have discovered a lot of European Africans and Asian Africans trying to get advantages within quotas as African Americans. The more things change….

We don’t believe this game-like behavior of name-changing will ever stop because it offers unending waves of hilarity when former labels become evidence of your lack of sensitivity. On a couple of levels, changing the name one wants for one’s group is a key to political power, shutting up anyone who violates the naming protocol.


Posted by yllica on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 04:16 | #

Fred said: I agree with him in being a supporter of Israel and Zionism.

Fred, what does “supporting” Israel mean? Do you simply like the idea that Jews have their own space? Which would seem a boon for Europeans if enough of them want to live there, but rather a disaster for local non-Jews?

Support for “Zionism” as distinct from Israel suggests rather more - Guessedworker’s comments about Zionism at the dangerouslysubversivedad’s blog just about sum up my views.

I would happily vote for politicians who would make Jewry a problem for other people, I’m more concerned for my people than for others, but I wouldn’t vote for Jewish plans to merely extend their problem-making.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 13:44 | #


Should America continue giving Isarel 3.5 billion dollars-this is an underestimate- year to Israel?

Did you support the invasion of Iraq?

Do you think America should attack Iran?


Posted by Roy A.Armstrong on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 13:49 | #

I particularly enjoyed your great interview with Constantin v.Hoffmeister, whom I met in New Orleans… very detailed and objective. Constantin has had led an interesting life and continues to amaze many people.
Roy AA
Former Dist. One
US Congress candidate


Posted by David Stennett on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 14:17 | #

An excellent interview with my good friend Constatin von Hoffmeister (Soren, you should have asked Constatin about the ‘von’ in his last name) ... as always.

Seemingly, people did not fully get the gist of what Constatin was saying in regards to Kaliningrad (it’s no longer Königsberg, just accept it and move on and you’ll feel better about yourself).  The Russians won it in battle .. fair and square.  However, instead of being a pathetic “German Nationalist” and crying that it’s the “real East Germany,” Constatin doesn’t whine ... he says it’d be a nice gift that Russia could give back to Germany in some form (not that Russia owes Germany any apology), and make it a pan-EU oblast under control of Russian authorities or something.  I’m all for it.  Hail Evropia!

In regards to the Latin being a pan-European language—I’ll let my mentor’s piece “Latin is our Hebrew” speak for itself:

Latin is our Hebrew! (reprint from the Euro-American Student Union home page—circ. 1997)


“Why should I study Latin? It’s a dead language!” How many times has a Defensor Culturæ heard that one? The usual reply is some banality, such as “Studying Latin will help your comprehension of English,” or “Studying Latin will make it easier to learn French.” (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, or Rumanian: pick one or more!)
Nonsense! The reason for studying - and mastering - Latin is that the language is the bedrock of Western Civilization. There is no finer way to preserve the integrity of the High-Culture of the West than to master the literary language of Cicero, Descartes, Spinoza, Freud, and Wittgenstein - inter alios.

Before Western Civilization committed suicide in 1914 (and for a considerable period after) fluency in Latin and, to a lesser extent, attic Greek were the hallmarks of the well-educated man. In the final days of the Third Reich, as Allied bombers pulverized city after city, instruction in Latin and English continued until the German schools closed down completely. What then are the reasons for mastering the lingua erudita occidentalis?

Latin is the sole Western language without an associated political entity. It is pan-European, devoid of nationalism, which has been the bane of the West.
Latin is not a “dead language”: classical scholars have constantly updated the language to cover the most recent advances in all fields of human endeavor. Alicia in Terra Mirabile enjoyed a fleeting popularity, while Snoopius (as the Latin edition of “Peanuts” is called) has proved a delight with younger students. That people do not speak can be explained by the fact that no encouragement is given for one to do so. (It’s worth mentioning that several years ago, I was in Marienbad, Czechoslovakia, and contracted a scabies infection. While I speak German quiet fluently, I had no idea what the German word for “scabies” is. To my surprise, it turned out that “scabies” is a perfectly good Latin word meaning “the scab, mange, itch.” The butchered English pronunciation drew a blank from the apothecary, but when I wrote the word, she immediately recognized it, went back and prepared an uguntum sulphuratum niger, which while rather messy took care of the condition.) Until nationalism emerged following Napoleon, university lectures were delivered in Latin. That meant one might study anywhere, as the language of instruction from St. Petersburg to New York was the same. Until the convulsions of 1848, in countries as diverse as Hungary and Iceland, parliamentary debates were conducted in Latin; while in the United States, Latin was used in a myriad of communities in the south and southwest as the language of civil affairs well into the 20th century.

The syntax of Latin enforces a program of “mental gymnastics.” The sequence of subject-object-verb forces one to retain all portions of the sentence, all dependent clauses and modifiers until the end. Latin is a gestalt language. The serial syntax of the Germanic languages (subject-verb-object) allows for incomplete sentences. Latin does not permit this. If a Latin sentence is prematurely terminated the action is lost. One might know who and where, but he won’t know what. This forces one to expand his period of retention: a mental fitness program, as it were.

Finally, Latin is the sole, unbroken cultural link of all periods of Western Civilization. It’s “Europe’s Hebrew”! When, after centuries of political impotence, the Jewish people were able to restore Israel, their liturgical language became the everyday language of Eretz Israel. (An amusing aside is the fact that the scholars, who updated Hebrew to encompass all of the changes since biblical times, left out swear words. If an Israeli is in need of profanity, he’s forced to use Arabic!)

As Europe moves toward political unity, it must acquire linguistic unity. Allowing Amerikanisch (as the Germans call it) to become the common language of Natio Europa would be catastrophic. The United States’ hubris in advancing itself as the best and most perfect of earth’s societies and its huddled masses the world’s envy has yet to create a civilization, as opposed to a way of life. A high culture must be rooted in tradition. It was the Jews unfailing dedication to tradition that allowed for the restoration of Israel. Through out the centuries of oppression, the resolute Jew ended every Seder with, “Next year in Jerusalem!” A boy proved he was a scion of the House of Abraham by reading in Hebrew those portions of the Torah a rabbi touched with a feather, translating it into the vernacular and explaining what it means.

Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, perhaps the most venerable rabbi in the United States, astounded Jewry when in 1945 he proclaimed that the Jews weren’t a “chosen” anything, that the Bible far from being “the word of God” was in fact the work of a Jewish Hesiod (probably Josiah: one should see Elliot Friedman’s 1988 tome, Who Wrote the Bible? for clarification), but that Judaism constituted “a distinct civilization.” If that can be said for Judaism - and I totally agree with Rabbi Kaplan, even though I am not Jewish - it can certainly be said for Magna Europa: the heartland of Europe and by extension those portions of the globe settled by Europeans and Europeanized.

The responsibility for inculcating a revived Latin as “Euro-speak” lies with parents. The sinkhole of public education is a standing disgrace. The purpose of government schools is to confirm those who govern in the name of Divine Plutocracy in their possession of power. Pecunia omnia vincet! is the operative maxim. As Catherine the Great stated, “Paper will put up with whatever foolishness is placed upon it!” The same applies to plastic.

The pristine, bookless schools are dedicated to 1) providing employment to bureaucrats masquerading as educators, and 2) churning out docile voting-cattle, for whom militant consumerism is the be-all and end-all of existence. Yes, there was a time when grammar schools were called that, because Latin grammar was the focus of the curriculum; but that was when the European high culture was turning out men like Mozart. (Mozart’s first opera was Hyacintus et Apollo: a Latin masque for the students at Salzburg’s university. The embarrassing homoerotic nature of the Greek myth with avoided by creating a sister for Hyacinthus. The 10-year-old Mozart was already fluent in Latin, Italian, French, and English - in addition to his native German - but then Wolfgang never spent a day in a school room. His university-educated father taught him everything, including mathematics through calculus.)

That more and more parents are opting for Internet-assisted home schooling is a welcome sign. The defeat of voucher programs at the recent cattle-poll simply confirms the fact that the public school system is beyond redemption. Parents are the sole recourse for exceptional children. (“Exceptional” meaning gifted, not a newspeak euphemism for “retarded.”) If one’s child is gifted, the parents are the sole agency for developing those gifts. The public school is the Procrustean Bed of the Intellect. A revival of a classical education must, perforce, develop within the catacomb of the home.

None other than Thomas Jefferson stated that if he had to choose between all of his material possessions (which were considerable: over 7,000 acres of the finest farm land and 127 slaves to work it) and his education in the classics, he would gladly surrender all he owned. A concerned parent isn’t forced to make that drastic a decision; the choice is between providing one’s offspring with a meaningful education, or shipping him off to a perpetual day-care center, which varies the amusement as the years fly by.

To teach Latin to one’s progeny requires one first learn it. Given the resources available via the Internet, there’s no reason young people contemplating marriage and building a family cannot acquire the requisite skills to begin teaching Euro-Hebrew to their offspring, as soon as they are able to learn it. The American Classical League offers Cambridge University’s home-study course in Latin on several CDs. For the rank beginner, there’s Transparent Language’s Latin Now! which is routinely on sale for less than $25. Wheelock’s Latin Grammar is the definitive work on the subject and readily available through any bookseller or Barnes & Noble or Amazon. In short, all one need do to learn Latin is to muster the requisite dedication to learn anything.

The legacy of over two millennia is yours to claim, with a modicum of effort. Lingua latina est nostra lingua hebraica!

SEMPER FIDELIS (et Semper Prudens)!
“Ursus Major” [GJL]


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 15:52 | #


“This David Stennett person” deserves our respect.  He has served America in uniform, and now serves her European peoples in those limited capacities open to him, as to us.  He is a close friend of Tom Sunic as well as Constantin, and has a past association with JW Holliday, and that’s only what I know about!

We have room for disagreement between us.  But let us disagree only about ideas - and then leave open the possibility of change.


Posted by Mantakas on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 17:24 | #

C. von Hoffmeister is a performance artist and a Uranian poet; not a mindless, boorish ‘politician’. I am not at all surprised by the nearly entirely negative response towards an interview with Constantin in a previous thread: not everyone, especially not National Socialists or so-called White Nationalists, has an eye for art and a sincere, ardent, & wholly radical weltanschauung that would benefit ALL Europeans (Eurasians?) and not just a tiny, arrogant clique of this. And from the ashes: the Phoenix!


Posted by Stanley Womack on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 18:41 | #

We knew David Stennett a decade ago when he lived on the West Coast (USA) and had an email & web site (as I recall) that promoted a very pro-Euro agenda. We learned he left for Europe and since then we have been unaware of his activities.

David, good to see your writing again. I remember well your
Euro-American Student Union. Let us know your web site address.


Posted by Crass Materialist on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 20:37 | #

Guessedworker writes: “But the interview itself is a considerable success and, I think, cautions against too hasty a judgement.”

The problem is that it is easy to make a controversial interview into a success by not asking any tough questions.  For example, the comments on the original von Hoffmeister thread (which Soren dismisses as just being the equivalent of “Hoffmeister is wicked”) focused on Mr. von Hoffmeister’s opinions on, for example, Jews and Jewish Bolsheviks, whom he has praised.  In the interview, the “JQ” is offhandedly disposed of at the beginning in about a minute; in contrast, we instead hear voluminous details about Mormons, Mormon underwear, Mr. von Hoffmeister’s personal history and drunken college adventures, as well as more commentaries about Esperanto.  One cannot make a “judgment”, hasty or otherwise, about any of this, for little of substance was discussed.

I do commend Mr. Hoffmeister for his rejection of “spiritual racialism” and his embrace of “crass materialism” with respect to race.  The problem though is that he doesn’t actually incorporate racial materialism in his writings or statements.  On his website, he makes dogmatic comments about how many (if not most) Jews are racially European, essentially eschewing the materialistic knowledge of Jewish population genetics and ethnic history.

In the interview he states that the Parsis are “the only true Aryans” to be found in India, and he bases that on that “Parsis are indistinguishable from modern Europeans” and that, if sitting in a German bar, they would look like the Germans.

If I may be more crassly materialistic than Mr. von Hoffmeister, materialistic genetic data suggest that Parsis are a mix of the original Persian migrants with the South Asian hosts; Persians and South Asians (and, hence, Parsis) are genetically distinct from Europeans.  If Parsis are “Aryan”, then this must mean that no Europeans are “Aryan”, since the two groups are in fact highly unlike and of markedly different origins.  There is no “Aryan” group that would contain both Mr. von Hoffmeister and a typical Parsi, unless by “Aryan” you mean any generalized non-Negroid, non-Mongoloid, non-Amerind Caucasian.

Further, most pictures of Parsis (if you wish to concentrate on that) show people who do not look European, much less specifically Germanic; for example:

Racial materialism means an emphasis on facts and data.


Posted by arlette baldacchino on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 01:01 | #

Thank you Soren for bringing us this excellent interview with Constantin.

I have communicated with Constantin for a number of years and although his writings are provocative, to say the least, he continues to evoke thougts and inspire feelings precisely due to the nature of his works.

In this interview however, we see a different side to Constantin.  A more spontaneous side, perhaps a more human side where he expresses his same thoughts but without the harshness that most times comes out in his written works.

Well said Constantin, and thanks again to Soren and Majority Rights Radio.


Posted by a Finn on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:46 | #

I am suspicious to the core about any ideology that contains bolshevist elements and their admiration. Finns fought against them fiercely in two wars. Almost everybody here have relatives who fought against them. Some of my relatives died in that war. Soviet union was deadly threat to Finland from beginning to the end.

If there ever is evil empire again, we have only one message: Come here and you dance with our land mines, have dates with our bullets and sing in the rain of cluster bombs.


Posted by Greg on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:44 | #

Wonderful interview with Constantin von Hoffmeister.  It was both informative and entertaining.

More and more of our people are becoming aware of this man and the revolutionary path that he is paving. Hopefully, this interview will be heard by many because I’m sure that it will enlighten and inspire anyone who is truly concerned with the survival of our race.

Remember: The truth is a bitter pill to swallow. And for many in the nationalist and “far Right” movement, this man’s ideas will challenge most of what they claim to hold dear and sacred. But that is exactly WHAT IS NEEDED at this point in time. If we are serious and if we are to progress and if we are to succeed, we must, once and for all, part company with the past.


Posted by national futurism on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 16:51 | #

words of wisdom from von Hoffmeister (from his website):

16. harassing heathens harrowing horror hearth helios!

17. ruins red roasting rodents rattles roars renegade rebel rhymer

18. All buildings that predate 1800 will be demolished.

19. Shakespeare will be shot. Queen Elizabeth will be raped with a chainsaw.


Posted by Stanley Womack on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 04:02 | #

Finn’s prose is the best poetry I’ve read here:

Come here and you
dance with our land mines,
have dates with our bullets and
sing in the rain of cluster bombs.

Hard to top that! That should be set to techno music. With sirens & flashing lights.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:00 | #

A propos of my comment of March 6, 3:50 AM, here‘s a good article by someone I’ve never heard of named Max Shpak.  I plan on looking this guy’s stuff up, whoever he is, and reading more of it:  I have lots of questions he seems to have lots of answers for.


Posted by JB on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:19 | #

what’s going on ? the earlier thread about CvH contained quotes that needed some answers from the guy in case we somehow misunderstood his writings even though most of it seems clear to me


The Jews were certainly overrepresented in the Soviet government. But this fact is utterly irrelevant and meaningless. These brave Jews divorced themselves from their reactionary religion and embraced European socialism (Russian Bolshevism), thus automatically becoming honorary Aryans. Hence, the Bolshevik Jews were not bad Jews but good Europeans (in the Nietzschean sense as like all true overmen they overcame their own former selves, morphing into something new, noble and self-sacrificing)… Only traitors to Europe do not appreciate the hard work that they did for the betterment of our race. The accomplishments of the Jewish Bolsheviks will always be remembered by any self-respecting European patriot.

taken from here:

but the interview was Soren lobbing softballs at him. I’m very disappointed. CvH’s National Futurism is just nutty and if you have doubts read this page:

4. The NFUPE advocates the implementation of a central control center to deal with the task of forcefully decentralizing the coming European empire. The central control center will be in charge of overseeing the peaceful dismemberment of all nation states within the empire. This process will be set in motion in accordance with the inherent right of all ethnicities to live amongst their own.

6. The words of the future are: Freedom - Equality - Sisterhood. As opposed to the patriarchal notion of brotherhood, sisterhood symbolizes the non-linear and anti-authoritarian nature of the coming society. Matriarchal and liberating, the coming society will have shed the shackles of the obsolete superman ideology.

13. See hope land on far planets, settle the soil, concluding triumphantly pioneer work coasts and cities. Planetary meetings to raise levels for levelling. Where blood goes water will emerge. Always long ships shall start their proton drives anew. The patron saint of the NFUPE is Yuri Gagarin.

16. harassing heathens harrowing horror hearth helios!

17. ruins red roasting rodents rattles roars renegade rebel rhymer

18. All buildings that predate 1800 will be demolished.

19. Shakespeare will be shot. Queen Elizabeth will be raped with a chainsaw.(hoho that’s so funnay)

23. The Song of the Space Sirens: All naturalistic traits are now boosted with the Plutonic Fleece. The mobilize the master myth, the New Man Barbarian must be willed and nourished.

cmon guys let’s be serious, this isn’t a game.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:40 | #

Hoffmeister has lots of good thoughts but is confused.  Whether he’ll solidify over time remains to be seen.  His stuff is a mixture of clear vision and good sense on the one hand, and on the other, pure tripe which if it had any value greater than zero would be called “bordering on insanity” but it doesn’t, so it’s just pure tripe.  His mind is like a ship that’s dragging its anchor.  He needs to be more anchored, less scattered, more coherent.  When his scribblings get into free-association fantasy mode they of course don’t deserve anyone’s attention.  In his interview he wasn’t free-associating, so he knows it’s wrong to do that, or that most people don’t like it.  He shouldn’t write that way either.  If he doesn’t sober up he’ll rightly remain a non-entity.


Posted by natural futurism on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:41 | #

Fred: “When the stuff you come up with has a breakdown of characteristics like that your readers are entitled to employ frankness in letting you know what they think of it and of you”

Don’t be unreasonable Fred.  Since von Hoffmeister has poked his head aboveground, he should not be criticized, and we should not look closely at, or question, his writing or comments.  Interviews of von Hoffmeister should stress the types of underwear worn by Mormons or the type of paint used to decorate college dorm bathrooms, not his views on Jewish Bolsheviks or any of the other concerns brought up in the first thread announcing his interview.  And, the next time people at this blog criticize Linder, Beck, or White, you know how to defend them.

Now go back to your red roasting rodents and stop questioning the beliefs of von Hoffmeister.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 03:15 | #

Hoffmeister is little more than a class clown. This is how he was characterized on another list.

http://community livej.ournal. com/nationalistj ews/5403. html

On Tolerance
Dear khavers,

I have received several requests to ban Mr. Hoffmeister and/or
remove his latest entries which praise Eichmann, Bolshevism and
Imperialism. I understand and share your feelings, but it wouldn’t
be wise to do so. Banning and deleting poetry, however outrageous,
is a sign of weakness. By allowing these posts to remain, we will
keep a copy of Mr. Hoffmeister’s bizarre views for everyone to name
and shame; we will also demonstrate how sure of our strength we
really are.

Mr. Hoffmeister’s views are alien to philosemites, Neonazis and
National-Bolsheviks alike; as already explained, they are a slight
modification of Duginism, a marginal pseudo-intellectual current
which has lost all its appeal by the end of the 1990s. Mr.
Hoffmeister may have added some racial elements to it, contradicting
the very basis of Imperialism/ Eurasianism (which he does not see as
a problem, advocating contradiction) , but essentially it remains the
same lofty bullshit about “the great Eurasian Empire” and
the “Brotherhood of Russia and the Greater Israel”. It has nothing
to with reality NOR with the ideal JN aspires to.

All of this shows that Mr. Hoffmeister is neither a rational thinker
nor an ideologist, but an aesthete who simply likes the sound and
look of political concepts. At one point I though he represented a
certain current within the political spectrum, but after talking to
him I must admit that a_eisod was right: he represents no one but
his own contradictory aesthetics which just happen to include the
Jews. To argue with him is futile, but it is equally stupid to
censor him, emulating the short-sighted approach of the mainstream
Jewish lobbies. Let him do whatever he wants to: he’ll soon tire of
it and find another nationalist group to give advice to. Mr.
Hoffmeister needs groups like ours, but we don’t need him.

Now for a final word of caution. Our discourse is totally marginal
by the standards of contemporary Jewry, that three-headed beast of
Zionism, anti-Zionism and mainstream Judaism. It is therefore only
natural that JN ideas will attract non-Jewish extremists, freaks and
cranks of all stripes. Do not make the mistake and think that these
are our allies just because they are “against the system” - that’s
Leftist bullshit. There is no common “system” at all. The GOG is not
the same as “World Capitalism”, the “Fascist State” or the “ZOG” -
to us, these are phantoms while the GOG is real. We have our own
interests to protect. So while non-Jews are welcome to be our guests
(especially if they can behave themselves, which unfortunately
doesn’t always seem to be the case), our allies must be Jewish.


Posted by Robert of the Rohirrim on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 05:15 | #

Gratias tibi ago, David Stennett. 

There’s a very good book for those interested in reviving Latin as a spoken language,  _Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency_ by John C. Traupman. 

For those wanting to learn Latin with your children, Karen Mohs has an excellent workbook and flashcard series for Latin and Greek at www . greeknstuff . com.

An interesting article about Latin by Arthur Schopenhauer:
www . merriampark . com / schopen . htm

“If the threatened calamity should ever come, and the ancient languages cease to be taught, a new literature shall arise, of such barbarous, shallow and worthless stuff as never was seen before.”

There are several free Latin and Greek grammars and forums online at www . textkit . com.



Posted by D.S. on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:17 | #

Ave, Robert of the Rohirrim!

Also, do not forget the nifty weekly news review broadcasts in Latin from Radio Nuntii Latini (in Classical, not Church Latin!):

(click on “Transi in paginam audi Nuntios Latinos” in the middle page, and there it will take you to the stories in Latin)

Nostra Lingua Latinae Non Mori Est!  Populi Aquilae Volat!



Posted by alex zeka on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 17:43 | #

Some highly pertinent questions Hoffmeister hasn’t answered (and wasn’t asked):

1. You say that Marxism has “universal appeal”. To whom is this appeal actually directed?

2. You refer to the Bolshevik Jews as liberators. Given what took place in the Ukraine, would you say that killing Slavs is a good way to liberate them?

3. Why oh why is it necessary or fun to call for the rape of Elizabeth II with a chainsaw? Are you writing for morons or adolescent boys?

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
