The Lessons Kosovo Teaches As readers of Majority Rights will know by now, the European Union has endorsed and plans to act in support of the illegal and completely immoral Kosovan ‘independence’ action. With senior Western officials claiming that the butchering of the nation of Serbia is worth clashing with Russia over, the UN and NATO sending reinforcements to the new ‘border’, and many EU member states joining the US in ‘recognising’ Kosovo as a nation state, it would seem that the whole Western world stands unified in support of the legal atrocity. Or, rather, much of its government. The populace of the West, those within it who know the score on Kosovo, Serbia, and the Albanian demographic invasion, are not happy with this, and I hope many readers will join me in cheering on the Serbians who refuse to tolerate and actively demonstrate against this evil. While the saga unfolds, it is worth taking a moment to look at the reasons behind the actions of Western governments in all of this. The strangely un-named Western official mentioned above is reported by the Telegraph as saying that “Europe has stood up and been counted” in backing Kosovan “independence”, and as far as that goes he’s absolutely right. When diplomats like that talk about “Europe”, the last thing on their minds is the real Europe of historical and cultural and ethnic history. What they mean is the EU (sometimes jokingly and more accurately described as the EUSSR) and, certainly, that has been counted, measured and found wanting time and again. Yet still it goes on, an empty, meaningless and soul-less entity with no real tangible goal other than to dissolve nationalities, peoples, histories, and everything that makes European identities real. What we are seeing in the actions of the EU (and the US, sadly) is nothing else than a continuation of an ongoing international effort to abolish nationhood, race, and natural identity itself. A commenter at View From the Right illustrates this principle very well by pulling out an excerpt of a congratulatory letter sent by US president George W Bush to the ‘president’ of ‘Kosovo’:
Kosovan demographics are about 95% Albanian, with a surviving 5% Serbian. The ‘multi’ in this equation is horribly one-sided. British readers may remember the remarks made by Greg Dyke on becoming director of the BBC that the BBC was ‘hideously white’. It appears that Mr Bush has been taking notes from Mr Dyke and is now rejoicing that Kosovo is no longer ‘hideously Serb’. The base line in all ‘diversity’ and ‘multi-’ talk, whether the talk is of multiculturalism or multi-ethnicism, is always that the greater the dilution of the indigenous population, the closer to the extermination of the homeland and the people thereof, the better. The Serbs, having had to face the sharp end of this truth unmasked, are simply faster to realise this than many of us in the anaesthetised West, with the result that as well as protesting and planning rallies against this genocidal plan, some Serbs are taking matters very literally into their own hands. The Brussels Journal explains the matter well when it says:
The Brussels Journal mistakes Mr Bush’s comments for an inability to understand that there is no Kosovar nation. I think the inability lies with the Brussels Journal, in an inability to accept that Mr Bush knows damn well there is no such thing as a Kosovar nation (one doesn’t become the absolute leader of the most powerful nation on earth by being a complete dunce), but he does not care. Why should he? The governments of the world are moving away from all the old tried and true models of governance and care for the populace towards a New World Order model where the people are answerable to the government (not the government to the people) and the State defines the Nation rather than the Nation defining the State. The old models arose in a bottom-upwards way from a racial and ethnic group organising itself for its benefit and health, looking for and trying methods to improve its lot in a way that benefitted its members, but the new models are imposed arbitrarily in a top-down way that benefits nobody but the social engineers at the top. The controlling interests, the people pulling the strings, are the ones behind this and benefitting from it, and this plan of genocidal destruction of national and ethnic integrity is shown at its most explicit and educational in today’s Kosovan situation. More recent events, especially condemnation from international forces such as the UN and EU of Serbs’ protests in Belgrade and Serbs’ attacks on embassies of the powers who would so butcher their nation, only serve to highlight this truth. “That’s the way to do it!” Comments:2
Posted by wjg on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 16:00 | # Adam, Very well said. In regards to… “The base line in all ‘diversity’ and ‘multi-’ talk, whether the talk is of multiculturalism or multi-ethnicism, is always that the greater the dilution of the indigenous population, the closer to the extermination of the homeland and the people thereof, the better.” ...I would clarify that this only applies when White Nations are being destroyed. When the shoe is on the other foot the tenor changes from self-determination/democracy in action/social justice to ethnic cleansing/genocide. The bald-faced hypocrisy of this is one of the main reasons I have come to detest the “aristocracy” of the NWO and its nominally white satraps, janissaries, and commissars. As you say, as dense as Shrub appears even he doesn’t believe the bilge he pukes to the masses. But for how long can the congregants of the multicult delude themselves into thinking third world hominid tsunamis usher in “diversity”? It is the exact opposite. 3
Posted by Englander on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 16:05 | # Guessedworker’s comment goes some way to answering my question, but I shall ask it anyway: Do the Serbs have more historical right to Kosovo? 4
Posted by GT on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 16:06 | # The lesson? Without U.S. backing neither the European Union nor an independent Kosovo would exist. The solution to the EU and Serbian problem is the fracturing of the United States. 5
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 16:43 | # Darwin:
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:12 | # Englander, View it as a question of the future rather than a question of the past. What right will Serbs have to part of their own land in the future? None. What right will the English have to England, in whole or in part? 7
Posted by Englander on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:23 | # I understand that question, Guessedworker, and my answer would be in accordance with your own, but when I first heard about Kosovo’s forthcoming independence, I immediately thought that it sounded like the natural breakup of a multi-ethnic state, and therefore something that us nationalists would support, or at least value the example it sets. I admit to knowing nothing of the history of this part of the world, (I doubt if many ordinary folk outside of the region do) so I have been meaning to get the nationalist’s take on who really has a claim to Kosovo; who built the city, who is responsible for making it what it is. Those were my initial questions. 8
Posted by MacGregor on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:37 | # If there is an ‘immoral’ dimension to the Kosovo situation, it is the failure of all parties to orchestrate a _partition_, not the ethnic Albanian desire for independence. That is a perfectly natural and proper desire. It would seem the world’s most etrenched bastion of multiculutralism, Canada, is unlikely to recognise Kosovo: 9
Posted by Kubilai on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:43 | # Englander, Some history for you Englander. The major Albanian claim is that there are descendants of the ancient Illyrians who originally claimed the aread around 2 AD. Those claims, as far as I know, have not been proven. Maybe Silver, our resident self-hating “Serb” will grace us with his own version of the facts? Hope this helps. 10
Posted by MacGregor on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:45 | # Canadian Jew George Jonas (author of the book Vengeance, on which the film Munich was based) writes against Kosovo independence: 11
Posted by Kubilai on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:47 | # No doubt that Canada has its own “Kosovo” tinderbox. I don’t know which side I fall on in this. To pull for the thieving Albanians and let the cascade of independence claims come pouring in? Or to pull for what is right and ethnonationalist and squash the invaders? Such a hard choice. Certainly my emotions are for the Serbs. 12
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:52 | # Kosovo proves that, for the Western elites, the traffic goes one way: away from the old nation state and the identification of blood and soil. It might appear that there is justice to recognising the Albanian claim on Kosovo. But actually recognition of the new statelet is recognition of dispossession, and is of a piece with the Labour government in England pushing civic values or the French government declaring les beurs as French as any son of the soil. 13
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:58 | # “I interfere, therefore I am…” Old socialist saying. “If it ain’t broke, let’s break it so we can show our concern and compassion with endless gasbagging.” Another old socialist saying. Fred Hari’s a shining example: “We’ll save the Planet only if we’re forced to…” Sorry, I meant Johann Scrooby. 15
Posted by Matra on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:15 | # Independence for ‘Kosova’ also indicates there is little to gain from befriending the Americans and the EU. For most of the decade Serbs have grovelled to them. They even sent troops and police to Afghanistan only a few years after the US instigated a cruel bombing campaign against them. So what exactly have the Serbs gained from all their grovelling? 16
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:22 | # GW—No, I was joking and reinforcing a point. Fred is a serious liability for MR. I am not, but if you don’t want stuff like that, I will stop. 17
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:32 | # The adaptiveness of Islam prevails. Demographics is destiny for Christian Serbs.
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:35 | # Nux, I want you to concentrate on the issues at hand, not on Fred - who has ears, and has heard you. It is not necessary to continue. 19
Posted by MacGregor on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:12 | # No doubt that Canada has its own “Kosovo” tinderbox. I don’t know which side I fall on in this. To pull for the thieving Albanians and let the cascade of independence claims come pouring in? Or to pull for what is right and ethnonationalist and squash the invaders? Such a hard choice. Certainly my emotions are for the Serbs. I sentimentally support the Serbs as well, and attended one of the anti-independence rallies this past weekend myself, but an ethnonationalist should also be a universalist. The dispossession the Serbs have experienced is tragic, but should be treated as a fact. Kosovo should be partitioned. 20
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:24 | # I sentimentally support the Serbs as well… Why? Albanians are white, apparently a Germanic tribe, and surely not that ethnically distant from the Serbs. We’re all whites together, right? 22
Posted by Kubilai on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 20:09 | # Desmond’s one-hit wonder rages on, apparently. No one has made your claim that Europeans, since being all white, are interchangeable, Desmond. As a matter of fact, it has been agreed by all here that ethnicities and sub-races should be allowed to maintain their distinctiveness. Enough of the strawman argument and grow up a little, will you? BTW, where is it claimed that Albanians are Germanic peoples? 23
Posted by MacGregor on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 20:37 | # Why? Albanians are white, apparently a Germanic tribe, and surely not that ethnically distant from the Serbs. We’re all whites together, right? I support the Serbs a) because they are Christian b) because Kosovo played such a crucial role in their history and c) because it is a geopolitical imperative. 24
Posted by Robert Reis on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 21:09 | # I have mixed emotions on this subject. World War One was initiated as a result of a Serbian plot to murder the heir to the Austrian throne. A statue was erected by Serbs in honor of the assassin. I believe the stature still exists. I would not be opposed to a policy that supplies unlimited weaponry to Serbs and Albanians on the grounds that they deserve each other. Cheers, Robert 25
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 21:15 | # MacGregor, There is not really a left or right on “race”. There is only awareness or sleep. The aware are ethno-nationalists and, by extention, universal nationalists. The sleepers dream they are this or that, and think they have meaningful opinions, or cleave to important principles. But they are asleep. Everything inside their head is received, and that is all there is. Intelligence, experience, human virtue ... nothing changes that. Once you are aware in a definitive sense you step outside of the standard spectrum of opinion, and look to orient yourself by the words and deeds of others who have gone before. The least of the aware, the most Neanderthal Stormfronter, is higher in the natural order of things than the Greatest of the Good who, being blind-folded to this reality, effortlessly commits harm to his people in everything he does. That’s how it works. 26
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 21:58 | # Eric Margolis (apparently Albanian and whose hero appears to be Skanderberg) writes:
Posted by Rusty Mason on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 22:00 | # I hope someone is compiling a list of names so that we can remember who got us into this communist, multicultural mess when all hell breaks loose. 28
Posted by MacGregor on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 23:57 | # MacGregor, There is not really a left or right on “race”. There is only awareness or sleep. The aware are ethno-nationalists and, by extention, universal nationalists. The sleepers dream they are this or that, and think they have meaningful opinions, or cleave to important principles. But they are asleep. Everything inside their head is received, and that is all there is. Intelligence, experience, human virtue ... nothing changes that. There are those who would like to preserve and perpetuate racial identity (itself a modern aberration, note), and there are those who would like to transcend it. I also insist that racialism isn’t an essential component of ethnic nationalism, but I do agree about its universalist character. To be an ethnic nationalist is to subscribe to a scientific view of the ethnie that applies to all peoples, and all peoples deserve our encouragement in attaining ethnic self-governance. Once you are aware in a definitive sense you step outside of the standard spectrum of opinion, and look to orient yourself by the words and deeds of others who have gone before. The least of the aware, the most Neanderthal Stormfronter, is higher in the natural order of things than the Greatest of the Good who, being blind-folded to this reality, effortlessly commits harm to his people in everything he does. That’s how it works. I disagree, with qualifications. Racialists and ethnic nationalists in general do share a few common aims, but the racialist has an added motivation that separates him from the broader persuasion. Thus it is necessary to judge him separately. There’s no reason we shouldn’t evaluate a person in multiple fields: his ethnic nationalism puts him in good company, his racialism in bad. In absolute terms the racialist ethnic nationalist is on equal footing with the non-racialist non-ethnic nationalist. 29
Posted by Englander on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 00:23 | # Racialists and ethnic nationalists in general do share a few common aims, but the racialist has an added motivation that separates him from the broader persuasion. Thus it is necessary to judge him separately. There’s no reason we shouldn’t evaluate a person in multiple fields: his ethnic nationalism puts him in good company, his racialism in bad. Can you explain this? I don’t see any real difference between racialism and ethnic nationalism, except that one is a far broader term. 30
Posted by MacGregor on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 00:52 | # Can you explain this? I don’t see any real difference between racialism and ethnic nationalism, except that one is a far broader term. Racialism posits a value in human biology beyond the context given to it by community, while ethnic nationalists only necessarily refer to biology as a metaphor for continuity. Ethnic nationalism is in fact the broader term: most racialists are ethnic nationalists, but not all ethnic nationalists are racialists. Racialism is a more precise concept and has elements that are extraneous to ethnic nationalism. 31
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 00:58 | # MacGregor, Well, let’s agree terms. Outside of America and Canada there is little need for racialism. Racialism is simply the best that can be achieved in a mixed European setting, though heaven know we have our arguments here about that. Anyway, both models of awareness - racialism and ethnic nationalism - profess self-preference and segregation. They are, up to a point, heirachical value systems. Racial supremacism, however, passes a particular judgement on the lives of out-group members beyond that of simple preference. I understand that in this world judging a man by, as liberals like to say, “things which he cannot change” is demonised to hell and back. But is it demonic? There are supremacists led by comparitive logic - not just by racial prejudice - to the conclusion that the white race is the most advanced and able of all races, and its destiny is to rule over other races. Some of these people simply refuse to subscribe to egalitarian lies any longer, and this does not appear to me to be an unethical position. But ... is it immoral to rule over other peoples and races? If it is, Jewry is immoral. The Dar al-Islam is immoral. Hundreds of tribes and ethnies have, at one time or another, been sunk in deepest immorality. The truth is that supremacism is probably the default setting for all Mankind. Where tribes do not profess it, the likely reason is that they are simply in a position of weakness. Put them in one of strength and they will adopt the same posture as their formerly strong competitors. So I see the very mild segregationist advocacy of modern European activists as a unique and possibly aberrant phenomenon. Most probably, we should be supremacists like everybody else. But we do not need to be - and that, given the political supremacy of liberal ideology, is just as well. 32
Posted by rocket on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:05 | # i have to at least admit this : this is one case that in this region of the world that the segregationalist has a world historic argument . one cant read barbera tuchmanns’ ‘‘the guns of august’’ and not see that this gordion knot must be unravelled or more trouble is ahead. but the operative question is ‘‘how does one unravel it ?’‘ i mean sheeeeeesh , this is where world war 1 started. also , graham greenes ‘‘the 3rd man ‘’ as a 4 corner aftermath in vienna was a mess. 33
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:11 | # Racialism is a function of decline. Belligerent nationalism is a function of ascendancy. 34
Posted by silver on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 03:03 | #
What is there to say? The deed is done. Demographics is destiny and we are simply witnessing the denouement of a multi-decade process of displacement and replacement. Invoking history at this point is neither here nor there.
In delivering a speech in front of one million Serbs gathered in Kosovo to celebrate the 1989 sixhundredth anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo Milsoevic used the opportunity to ... preach multiculturalism:
And yet, just moments later in the same speech he exhibited the same confusion and contradiction that plagues today’s multiculturalists:
Posted by silver on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 03:53 | #
What use is a “historical right” when “The Other” is 95% of the population? Serbs have an attachment to Kosovo that approaches religious fervour. Almost all good Serbian nationalists will have the following paintings hanging in their homes: Seoba Srba sa Kosova (The Great Migration from Kosova ~ 1690) Kosovska Devojka (The Kosovo Maiden) The regard these paintings are held in sometimes approaches the veneration of religious icons. My father, who grew up in Pristina, first lectured me on the Ottoman conquest in front of them, helping to instill a sense of the holy importance of Kosovo in me. When Kosovo fell into Serbian hands in 1912, Serbs were euphoric, but even as they commemorated the event with patriotic ditties (Trubite braco, silinije, bolje, opet je srpsko Kosovo polje!—[play] trumpets brothers, stronger, louder, the fields of Kosovo are once again Serbian!), Serbs did not consolidate their hold on the land by flooding into it or transferring out the Albanians. (In 1912, who would have cared or attempted to stop them?) The consequences of that failure are today clear, and, in truth, have been so for decades. For me, the great tragedy is not the loss of Kosovo, which was a foregone conclusion, but the failure to appreciate the lesson it teaches. This lesson may be learnt yet, but signs that it will become a springboard for a new understanding of societal arrangements are so far few. 36
Posted by Matra on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:32 | # I sentimentally support the Serbs as well… Why? Albanians are white, apparently a Germanic tribe, and surely not that ethnically distant from the Serbs. We’re all whites together, right? Serbs are Europeans with the same religion that has shaped the cultures of most other European nations. Culturally and socially the white Serbs are more like us than Albanians who seem more Asiatic - even those who are blonde Christians. The defeat of a European nation relatively similar to the rest of Europe by a nation with one foot in Asia is a defeat and warning for our civilisation. What is most disturbing about it is not that the Albanians merely swamped the Serbs in the latter’s historical heartland but that when the Serbs, belatedly, tried to do something about the situation the USA-dominated West made a decisive intervention on the side of the Albanians. 37
Posted by Matra on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:48 | # An example of Serbs being more European than Albanians is how they have behaved in other parts of the West compared to Albanians. Serbs in other European nations and the New World have usually mixed well with the locals and stayed out of trouble - though I’ve heard of some minor problems in Sweden (Roma perhaps?). The contrast with Albanians couldn’t be greater. 38
Posted by Prozium on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 13:19 | # The dissolution of Yugoslavia is being cheered on by the smart guys in Washington for the following reasons: 1.) The smaller states will be economically fragile and therefore easier to vacuum up into the EU. The transnational bureaucracy being erected in Europe eviscerates representative institutions and is easier for elites to control. 2.) The Albanians are wildly pro-American. Bush may have more supporters in Albania/Kosovo than he does in America. He was over there recently. 3.) It weakens Serbia which is Russia’s major ally in the Balkans. Hence the furious Russian reaction. 4.) It can be chalked up as another “triumph” for liberal capitalist democracy. 5.) It furthers Brzezinski’s evil grand strategy of rolling back Russia in Eurasia. 39
Posted by VanSpeyk on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 15:32 | # A friend of mine is Serbian, she lives in Belgrade. The anti-American, anti-Western feelings are very widespread there now. Virtually everybody, whether they see themselves as pro-Western or liberal, is very much against Kosovo indepedence. I don’t tell her this but actually I support this development. Not out of love for Albanians, whose reputation as the scum of Europe is propably well deserved, but because I think ethnic nationalism is an idea that holds the best hopes for White survival. More and more people need to understand that the way to end ethnic conflict is separation, not integration. But what pisses me off, is all this emphasis on Kosovo as a “multi-ethnic” state. Western elites now oppose the independence of North Kosovo (which is still majority Serbian) because this would mean Kosovo would be ethnically homogeneous. And we sure as hell can’t have that, now can we. A thing I’ve noticed is that more and more you see being multi-ethnic being passed off as a requirement of “mature democracy”. I always thought the Wesley Clarck quote that has been floating on the internet - how supposedly the war of 1999 was about making sure there are no mono-ethnic nations in Europe - was bogus but I’m beginning to doubt that now. I disagree with your conclusion that this weakens Russia because it weakens her principle Balkan ally. If Serbia would accept the loss of Kosovo and would move on they would, in maybe 5 to 10 years, become an EU member. This would surely strenghten Russia’s position. Whereas the new Eastern European members push the EU in a more confrontational direction with Russia, Serbia would definetly prevent anti-Russian measures. By the way, I read two of Brzezinski’s books, because I have a fondess for geopolotical “Great Game” theorizing. It always seemed to me that his political stance was heavily influenced by his (Polish) ethnicity. I mean, a Democrat like a lot of so-called White ethnics, but also a Cold War hawk (i.e. traditional Polish anti-Russian feelings). 40
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 16:09 | # “It always seemed to me that his political stance was heavily influenced by his (Polish) ethnicity.” Your kidding right? A member of a white ethnic group pursuing interests not necessarily congruent with the best interests of the USA. Who’da thunk it?
Posted by Matra on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 19:35 | #
That is from the Centre for Research on Globalisation They didn’t mention the Thai massage parlor staffed with girls flown in to provide the service. More:
Conservatives continue to insist there is no American Empire. 43
Posted by lenny on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 10:41 | # The precedent of Kosovo : Whenever a nonwhite/non-christian immigrant group attempts to cause trouble and dismember the host country of parts of its territory, the whites/christians defending their own national territory are ipso facto Nefariously Evil Aggressors, their leader (regardless of any elections he may have won) is ipso facto a “dictator”, and they may (nay, should) be bombed at will by the morally superior USA and NATO. 44
Posted by bluerose799 on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 17:06 | # It’s about time to recognize the historical right of Kosova (Dardania) to have its destiny fulfilled-That is full independence. Kosova never was a Serbian province. It was there, since the times of birth of European civilization, a very distinct Dardanian/llyrian identity. Always populated by Dardanias who, although under constant pressure of forcefully migration by Serbian shovinism, Tito’s Yugoslavia & Milloshevic’s Serbia, still make up 92% of the population. They speak ilirian language with the dialect GEGE. Serbs always have been a minority there. We know that Serbs appeared in Balkans (then llyria) only by the 6th Century AD, and they speak a language more similar to Ukrainian then Russian. They have always been a minority and ‘the story’ of Kosova being the Heartland of Serbia is just a pure Serbian nationalist fantasy. Facts Speak Louder Than Words and Serbian’s Lies Will Collapse by Themselves. Serbs always have been considered as oppressors there, not just by Albanian majority, but also by other ethnic groups too. Serbs just occupied Kosova during the rise of the Serbian nationalism early 20th century from Ottomans, who by then were loosing the Balkans after 500 years of occupation. The borders of Kosova are well established and recognized. Now Kosova should be Free! 45
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 02:49 | # What do Serbs look like? What race are they? Here’s a sampling (click on each thumbnail to see it enlarged): They are a type of Slav and wholly European-looking, not North-African- or Middle-Eastern-looking. They’re white. (Three-fourths of them or more should have no trouble whatsoever blending physically into Anglo-Australian society, by the way. Look for yourself.) 46
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 13:20 | #
Just to clarify: That comment of mine was in no way intended as justifying any variety of inappropriately excessive Slavic immigration, such as too many Poles coming into England. It was meant solely as an observation à propos of the constant hand-wringing and non-stop personal psychological turmoil and profound agonizing expressed by a certain poster over the supposed impossibility for Serbs to physically blend into Anglo-Australian society. In most cases, given the way Serbs look (and act, I’m sure), any such impossibility has to be wholly imaginary on his part, a non-problem, a fake, dreamed-up, non-existent dilemma — pure B.S. in other words — and that’s assuming this individual even is what he claims, namely a Serb. I continue to have my doubts, based partly on precisely that. I’ve personally met around fifty or so Bosnians (Moslem Serbs) plus a number of Orthodox ones, and they look like these photos, like a kind of Slav. You could think you were in Moscow (a place I’ve never been, but that’s my impression.) And most of those I’ve met are the Moslem ones. Serbs don’t look like Arabs or North-Africans. I just ran into a Serb I know two nights ago, a tall, willowy, fair, light-blonde blue-eyed young woman, late-20s, with a very pretty, distinguished-looking, wholly European face you’d think of as, if you had to choose, a Slavic face, something like you’d expect to see on a good-looking European Russian like one of these figure skaters or tennis players. This gal is so striking, I was having an important conversation with someone but couldn’t devote all my attention to it because in the corner of my eye was this girl, sitting some distance away talking to someone, who kept intruding on my awareness like a lightning bolt you can’t ignore striking somwhere off to the side. I got up, went over and chatted with her a bit, then sat back down to finish talking to this guy, but with my chair at a different angle so she wouldn’t be in the corner of my eye distracting me. (And yes I’m aware not everyone in these thumbnails can be assumed to be a Serb — clearly there will be an admixture of non-Serb guests, even a couple of Negroes I spotted — but unless I’m mistaken the majority can be assumed to be Serbian.) 47
Posted by Anglo-aussie reader on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 09:54 | # No one doubts the assimilability of a few Serbs, but (1) they’re pale, sickly shade of white, versus the pinkish-white of Anglo-Saxons; (2) lack the elegant Nordic bone structure; and (3) possess a thinner build versus the thick, powerful build of Western Europeans. One can recognize a Serb almost immediately, especially on sunny days or at a shirtless beach where the Anglos quickly glow lobster-red. 48
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 13:03 | # Australia sounds like a place I want to be. But getting back on topic: Anglo-Aussie Reader, I’m sorry, I’m not buying it. I’m not buying this other poster’s never-ending schtick about Serbs being unable to blend in, which has supposedly caused him such untold spiritual anguish (what a load of invented nonsense!) and I’m not buying the explanation you give just above. I’m not buying any of it. It’s crap, one-hundred-percent crap, and this poster I refer to is deviously mendacious. (That’s assuming you’re not the poster in question signing with a different name. And if you are, good: I’ve said it to your face.) 49
Posted by Anglo-aussie reader on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 05:00 | # My prior comment ommitted to note perhaps the greatest difference, in hair and eye color. Anglo-Aussies never have black hair and black facial hair as many Serbs do, while Serbs rarely have (undyed, genuine) blonde hair. Taken as a whole, first-generation Serbs are very distinct. 50
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 05:38 | # Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…........................... 51
Posted by Anglo-aussie on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 07:41 | # Sure… two ethnic groups 10,000 years separated look exactly alike (hey, is this a race-realist site or what)... 52
Posted by vi on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 16:40 | # you all here have no idea do you know that your lovely NATO dropped bombs on my house and i live in CACAK .... this is not in Kosovo. KOSOVO i METOHIJA: kosovo in albanian doesn’t mean nothing kosovo in serbian means: the field of the crows my grand mother is refugee from kosovo… her neighbour diseappear 6 years ago…we know that he’s dead now but U.S. asses didn’t move to help us finding the others people who dissapeared… NOW englander you should keep calm cause you are not such peacful as you’re trying to say…do I need to remind you the massacre that you did to Irish people??? a war between Christian people??? by the way…serbia stopped muslim invasion of the ottoman in the europe and the only way you can say thank you is killing children…in my country… I’m thinking now about Milica…2 years old…was living in belgrade… and I would like to understand why TACHI is the prime minister of kosovo ? HE was the main chief of UCK and killed from his hand a lot of people..they told in on EuroNEWS…as if it was normal.. second the other albanian who as been released by HAG and who wrote in a book (because HE WROTE A BOOK ABOUT THIS) about the traffic of organs…hearts…ect of serbian deads??? that he killed… I really don’t understand…the only think I can see is that you only want the end of serbian people. KOSOVO is from the begining OUR land… albanians migrated to kosovo because german were killing them during the 2nd world war and Tito said: yeah come come.. and hey, its not my foult if they’re having 10 kids in 10years… i just want to remind you: FRANCE: 8 MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS
and oh, I’m a serbian girl, attractive, everyone (even albanian!!!) love me!!!
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 17:29 | # Vi, many readers of this site, including myself, are on your side (except for the Northern Ireland thing). The bombing of Belgrade was not wanted by the American people. The same criminals who bombed Belgrade and gave Kosovo to the Moslems want the racial destruction of every man, woman, and child of European race in the world. They want the world to consist solely of Negroes, Mexicans, North Africans, Middle-Easterners, Orientals, Subcontinentals, and so on, with no European peoples left and the Jews controlling everything as they did in Russia under communism (how could the Jews miss, once Europeans are eliminated? — it’ll be a sure thing). 54
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 18:24 | # Vi, part of what you favor corresponds to Norman Lowell’s regionalism. If you don’t know him, he’s in Malta and here‘s his site. 55
Posted by silver on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 20:10 | #
And it’s not just Serbs, lol. An Italian friend of mine owns a gas station in seaside town. His blond, Italian girlfriend came to visit him from Melbourne one day. What did she think of it down this way, I asked her. It’s nice, she said, but…a smile crept across her face as she tentatively said, it’s so….Aussie. My friend’s brother chimed in, she didn’t have to tell us, he reassured her, we all feel the same way. Racial/cultural Reality 101. But no, Scrooby would have this Australian poster ignore the evidence of his own bloody lying eyes and defer to Scrooby’s superior wisdom. As for Vi, joj majko moja. This is just so typical of the Balkans, of Serbs in particular. Always aggrieved, always wrong, it’s only ever us. “We win the wars but lose the peace,” a saying goes. Peasants! Sickening peasants! Ho boy, when I think of these people I can’t help but think, give us B92; give us liberalism; the Serbian knucklehead must be dragged kicking and screaming into the modern era! I can’t help but feel an attachment to my people, but we must accept that we possess faults aplenty. Sorting those should be our first order of business, not intoning bitter cris de coeur at the moon. 56
Posted by John on Tue, 18 Nov 2008 04:16 | # I am a 51 year old American of Norwegian heritage. My Grandfathers and Great Uncles were American citizens who proudly fought in WW1. My Father and Uncles were in WW2. My kids are in Iraq. I say Clinton had no business in Kosovo, and that the Serbians are heroes in the Crusade to end all Crusades. I admire them for their tenacity and I think of them as the keepers of the faith at the doorstep of the Apocalypse. The Muslim hoards must be stopped and Serbia is the vanguard. I have read of the tower of skulls. I have learned of the Nazi Turks and their atrocities. And a few years ago when thy burst out of the confines of their squatting urban centers into the countryside robbing and killing, they got what they deserved in return. “An eye for an eye”. They want to spread Islam world wide. The left wing liberal bleeding heart “politically correct” blind ass communist pinko faggots in America were roused out of their malignant maline malaise at 9/11; you would think they could learn. They live in a fantasy world not the cold hard world of reality. It seams they are going back to sleep. I as an American apologize for my governments actions against Serbia and Serbians, and if it was up to me I would pin a medal on your flag and cry out Serbia forever. 58
Posted by belivuk on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 12:16 | # I am a citizen of the USA but I have Serbian heritage. In response to kreshiks comments, please recall that Albanians already have a country…its called Albania…NOT kosovo. Does Kosovo even remotely sound similar to Albania??? The region of kosovo is sacred to the Serbs, it IS Serbian land and it has historical significance. Yeah…maybe 10,000+ albanians have died for that land but guess what…ITS NOT YOURS. Unfortunately, the Serbs have gotten a bad rap for being murderers and bloodthirsty criminals. This is NOT true at all. In war, there will always be crimes and atrocities. It is an inherent part of conflict. Croatia, Bosnia, etc….they were all doing the same things but no one talks about what their bloody raids or “cleansings”? Serbs are wonderful people with probably the biggest hearts in the world. I have travelled extensively and in my travels, I have never met so many people that warmly invite you into their home and give you a place to rest your head but in Serbia. There is a reason why people in the balkans in general dont like albanians…think about it (this is not to say that every albanian is scum). Kreshnik FUCK YOU! Its one thing to live in a country as a minority, abide by the laws and work hard to provide a good life for your family. We all want this…everyone should have a right to a better life….its another thing to walk into a country and after 10 years pretend like you own the fucking place and start kicking people out who have been there for generations. That is exactly what the siptari have done in Kosovo. If my history is correct, don’t albanians come from Turkey? Why don’t your people try to do that in Turkey and see what happens? Turkey would squash you like ants! In closing, recall that the Serbs were practically THE only resistance to the Ottoman Turks. If it hadn’t been for the Serbs, middle and western Europe would be totally different places today (possibly much more muslim). Serbia is a sleeping giant and one day, the Serbs will have had their fill of all this bullshit they have had to endure politically, economically and socially. When that that day comes, you’d better watch out. Oh yeah, and Kreshnik, Kosovo je srbija! Don’t you forget it. 59
Posted by the truth on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 13:03 | # all you guys think you know about the kosovo/serbia war, NO. i read most of those comments and half of you have no clue, why dnt you guys get your facts strait because serbians are the modern day terriost, im from kosova and i can personally say FUCK SERBIA because for the past generation they have been attacking albanians and bosinans and covering it up so for all you guys that think you know about the balkens, just fuckin keep your mouth shut ass holes 60
Posted by duncan on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 14:10 | # Kreshnik, when I read arguments as intelligent and eloquent as yours, I can’t understand why anyone would think that Serbians are murderous thugs. The more you carry on like that, the more of an embrassment you are to Serbia and its people. 61
Posted by Remi on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 02:54 | # I am an American citizen and when it comes to KOSOVO I support Albanians, I have seen of what kind of life Albanians lived under the rule of the Serbian government, I also have read that Albanians were the only country to defeat the Turks during the ottoman empire, but guess what Albanians have paid a big price, getting throw ed out of their own homeland mostly by Serbian government and the Powerful countries at the Time, so most of the Albanian lands were chopped in pieces, Kosovo was given to Yugoslavia Cameria was Occupied by Greece and half Macedonia was Albanian and half Greek, I do want to remind the Serbian people that you are a Russian decent and came to Balkan in the late VI Albanians lands will reunite from SHQIPERIA TO the red apple,,, and if you dont know what red apple means it is the city NIS where 200000 Albanians lived there, >>>>Enough with the propaganda the world knows that Serbians are good at that, but they wont buy that anymore> So Kosovars I’m pleased that you got the Independence from that terrorist Country, and I do want to thank all Albanians for saving the thousands of Jews from the Nazis ! 62
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 03:26 | #
Yet they voluntarily became muslims? More research needed for you Remi. 63
Posted by kosova on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:19 | # i noticed that most of u don’t really know a lot about kosovo. ‘‘albanians migrated to kosovo because german were killing them during the 2nd world war and Tito said: yeah come come’‘... hahahahahahah read man read much more cuz u know nothing about(German did not care to kill albanians,in contrary they considered albanians ‘pure aryan race’)Albanians were not affected during World War II
Posted by Frank on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:31 | # No way did the Germans view the Albanians as pure. What’s with the “Illyrian race” BS. You’re all mulattoes. 65
Posted by kosova on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:44 | # i only said what germans used to say think about us…otherwise we do not deny that albanians are illyrian race….we all know that thegoal of the Nazis was to assimilate Jews as i said albanians were not affected in world war 2,that means that SERBIAN VI has to read much more because today is more precious talking with facts, but Serbs do not ever act in that form 66
Posted by kosova on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:56 | # P.S 67
Posted by Frank on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 18:10 | # I’m doubtful the Germans viewed y’all as pure. Mulatto is defined as one drop. 68
Posted by Frank on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 18:11 | # I don’t wish for Albanians to be removed, but I’m annoyed when they claim to be pure blooded. 69
Posted by Frank on Sat, 15 Jan 2011 19:09 | # Y’all have a rich heritage, and I commend you for establishing a proud race. It’s just more mixed than the Germans would consider pure. You’re claiming to be something you’re not. Overtime if you maintain you’re purity, you might find Albania the purest in the world. The rest of us are intermarrying into nothingness, ancestors and traditions forgotten and lost. We’re all disappearing. 100 years from now, who’ll even remember the English let alone the Southerns of America? They’re on the road to extinction. So, I’m not in anyway saying Albania should also go extinct. Y’all might actually resist suicide, though apparently it’s overwhelmingly tempting. Post a comment:
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Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 15:50 | #
Interesting article in American Chronicle, sent to me by reader Micheal R.
Towards the end, this article mentions Adrian Karatnycky’s 1999 offering, “The Condescension of the Christian West”, which is also worth a read.