The worship of the Silk Mother is about 4,000 years old and still continues…

Mrs Wu and Mrs Lee-il are its caretakers..

This is the story of a trade route that changed the world…

..a route that was over 5,000 miles long

It began with a single commodity - a material spun from the cocoon of a moth.

It became the clothing of emperors.

This was The Silk Road. It ran all the way from China’s ancient capital…

Through Central Asia, through mythical cities such as Samarkand and Persepolis..

Until it reached the bazaars of Istanbul and the merchants of Venice.
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Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 14 May 2016 23:36 | #
As a religious artifact, reverence for the (probably mythical) figure of the Silkworm Mother is a generalised form of ancestor worship - a fixing of the historical moment of the emergence of the Han from their tribal antecedents. Folk religion is a transport of folk memory, folk myth, folk unity. Probably every people has had some form of folk religion at some point, maybe as heroic legends, maybe as creation myths. If Europeans had them, they did not much survive the imposition of the Christ cult. The Han are blessed.