The Wall Street Bailout Could Have Been a Consumer Jubilee (Within Measurement Error) Total Wall St. Bailout: $2.56 trillion Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 14:50 | # The Negro who was appointed by the Clinton Democrats to run Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines, made ninety million dollars in income heading that organization for seven years (or was it seventy million heading it for nine years? I forget which) exactly during the time when it was being run straight into the ground, taking the world’s banking and financial industry with it. Raines isn’t going to be called to account whatsoever, there’ll be no congressional inquiry, and of course he’ll get to keep his ninety million or seventy million in ill-gotten gains, and there isn’t a thing the American people can do about it — or people abroad for that matter, of whom plenty have been severely affected by this scam which our Jewish/communist/Bushite crony-capitalist ruling clique has pulled off in order to put fortunes in their pockets. Check out Franklin Raines’ record of honest, competent management, management that doesn’t make the first thing that pops into your head be the thought that “Oh Christ, here’s another typical bungling dishonest totally incompetent Clinton-appointed affirmative-action Negro making his pile of ill-gotten gains.” No, Franklin Raines doesn’t make you think that: And not a penny, not one red cent, of the money he stole will ever be recovered by the American people, nor he called to account or punished in any way whatsoever. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 14:55 | # The chief culprits directly responsible for the mess, of course, aren’t any Negroes or Jews but Clinton, Bush, and Rove. (Now, as with Tony blair and Nicolas Sarkozy, whether or not a single one of them would have gotten into office in the absence of (fill in the blank) ______ money behind the scenes is another question entirely.) 4
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:07 | # Bozo the Economist asks: You mean take taxpayers money and give it back to them so they can spend it? Yes, as with any other government transfer program—the bailout, “tax incentives”, “entitlements”, etc. Of interest to a non-bozo economist: 1) The coincidence of the two figures being equal. 2) “What might have been”, given Wall Street’s credit problems are founded on consumer credit defaults. 5
Posted by danielj on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:13 | # Would a consumer debt jubilee have been better for the economy? It is certainly in line with Christianity since the term Jubilee comes straight from the Bible so Christians should have no problem with this idea. Additionally, the Jubilee year required reallotting productive property (ie.e land) and commanded the “hollowing” of the year and the requirement that the land lie fallow. (Incidentally, erasing the debt record is one of the major plot devices of the movie Fight Club.) 6
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:45 | # Would a consumer debt jubilee have been better for the economy? The macroeconomic cause of the problem is systemic centralization of wealth so, yes, it would have been better than bailing out the financial centers because it would have tended to decentralize wealth. Far from <a >ideal</a>—but better. The theology of the Jubilee year is controversial—especially given that Jews have one interpretation and Christians another—but you’re correct about Christians having a closer interpretation here. Indeed it its quite insane of politicians who have staked their reputations on being “Christian” that they aren’t playing the Jubilee angle of this bailout for all $2+ trillion of its worth. 7
Posted by danielj on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 18:12 | # Would that kind of massive diffusion of capital wouldn’t cause any kind of price inflation? What would the paid off creditors due with all of the money? Would they invest in anything worthy of our consideration? I wholeheartedly concede that a consumer debt jubilee would have been preferential to the crony “bailout” that occurred. It certainly would have availed me of my curse to live amongst the great unwashed in proximity to a major city. To the extent that it would have enabled swift, assortive migration en masse it would have been a huge boon for American nationalism which required nothing of us except guilt tripping those “Christian” politicians. Unfortunately, Whites seem to be immune from feeling any guilt induced by other Whites e.g.: forced integration, desegregation busing, et cetera. Perhaps, it is a legislative strategy we could follow. I have often thought about how easily an incoming president could simply slash the military budget by vastly reducing our overseas presence and bringing home most troops from foreign soils, thereby enabling himself to give a massive citizen’s dividend to the populace. My concerns are about the “jubilee” are as follows: Without a redistributing of productive capacity/property wouldn’t we end up in the same situation? If the great unwashed are availed of their consumer debt as well would they not play chase and be banging down the doors of the new homelands in Idaho, Washington, Montana and Wyoming? 8
Posted by danielj on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 18:14 | # Apologies to the gallery for not proofreading any of my comments. I shall do my utmost to avoid errors in any of my comments for the rest of the day. 9
Posted by cladrastis on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 18:26 | # Bowery, You post a lot of threads about banking, finance, taxes, and politics and appear to know a lot about these subjects. What is the ideal banking system (if it can even be called such) and how does it function in a healthy society? Can the existing system be reformed or must it be uprooted and supplanted in toto? This includes the question, what is money or coinage, and should it backed by a commodity? If so what? Should all money be loaned interest-free? Does creating a local banking system for different provinces (or nations) that operate on divergent principles (such as whether or not inflation and interest exist) slow down or disrupt interprovincial or international trade? Links to previous articles are welcome as is a new exposition on the topic. I’m just now beginning to truly understand the mechanisms behind the fraudulent fractional reserve banking system, and I think removing this impediment is central to altering the relations of power in our society (as well as “saving the planet” in all its splendor). 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 18:55 | # Here are some Steve Sailer posts, together with a few videos, that explain what happened (they’re for them most part in reverse order, so they start at the bottom). The third from last link (third from the bottom) links in turn to a video illustrating Bush’s direct involvement in the massive theft starting early in his first term, a video which nicely corroborates Steve Sailer’s article implicating Bush and Rove directly (second link from the bottom): 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 19:27 | #
This particular point has relevance to one of the ways in which the E.U. has done wrong instead of right, namely its elimination of national currencies. The answer to the question (it was put to James Bowery, but if I may I’d like to throw in my two cents) is: Of course local banking systems (and national currencies) “slow down or disrupt international trade,” making it a little less efficient and decreasing profits accordingly. BUT look what we get in return for that slight added cost: THE ANCIENT NATIONS OF EUROPE! Look what we get with the E.U.‘s present financial, banking, and trade streamlining: EVERY EUROPEAN NOW A TURK OR NORTH AFRICAN WITH WHITES NOWHERE IN SIGHT. Clear-cutting of timber also saves a few dollars over selective cutting and responsible conservation practices but is frowned on and in many areas forbidden because the disadvantages outweight the benefits in efficiency: everyone is happy to pay the extra bit in order that all will enjoy the universally acknowledged benefits for all. IT SHOULD BE THE SAME WITH NATIONAL CURRENCIES AND BANKING SYSTEMS: you’re preserving something of extreme value which otherwise would be lost forever from too much streamlining and cost-cutting. Everyone should be willing to pay the extra bit in return for that conservation. In this age of computers and hand-held calculators that extra bit can’t come to much, so that paying it in return for the preservation of whole nations is a bargain to say the least. The Euro should be scrapped. 12
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 23:13 | # O/T JWH seems to have dropped out of the fray. Oh dear. Is there anyway to become one of the invited? 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 00:31 | # “The Euro should be scrapped.” The name of the currency shouldn’t be capitalized, of course. Make that, “The Euro should be preserved. The euro should be scrapped.” 14
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 00:39 | # “JWH seems to have dropped out of the fray.” - Lurker Maybe Google did it. If not, too bad. His writing has been invaluable to me in learning about genetic testing. In the past I’ve made the effort to cut and paste portions of his posts and provide the link to promote his website at other venues. If as many people as possible can’t read it, its effectiveness is obviously severely limited. Why let silver have the last laugh? 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 01:59 | # If JWH is doing that because of Silver, it’s really unfortunate, as he, JWH, is one of the strongest voices for our side. He shouldn’t let Silver, who is fundamentally no friend of our side, control the agenda in that way. 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 02:01 | # If the going ever got rough — if the crunch ever were to come — there’s no question but that Silver would side with our opponents, and that very enthusiastically. 17
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 02:43 | # Indeed, I agree with Fred & the Capt. Ive certainly learned stuff via JWH’s site, check it every day. 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 03:06 | # Likewise, Lurker — I’ve learned an enormous amount from it, and I, too, check it every day. Not only that, but there’s a significant amount of material posted there which I either haven’t read yet or haven’t read as carefully as I’d like and need to go over again. Now I’m cut off from it. If anyone’s in contact with JWH, could he please ask him to consider lifting that restriction? 19
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 03:47 | # cladrastis, you ask important questions that I intend to answer in a future essay. The basic idea is a minimal interecological regime that supports assortative migration and territorial reallocation so that opinions in the social sciences (including economics and subdisciplines such as monetary policy) are ethically tested in controlled experimental conditions by consenting adults and their children. The minimal interecological monetary regime must therefore pay primary attention to liquid value of land and land equivalents. 20
Posted by MOB on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 11:34 | # James, I hope you’ll forgive me for injecting this into your thread, but since others have already lamented therein of JWH’s new policy of Invitation Only, I’d like to add a comment to theirs. I learned of it from an email this morning from a friend who has made Western Biopolitics his first stop every morning since it began. Since the present log-in refers to using a Google account password, I even created a Google account for that purpose, which I wouldn’t have otherwise done. It didn’t work. One more high-quality Western-oriented source of specialized knowledge enters the cloister. JWH, in one of his other lives as well as his blog, has also been for me the person who was most able to communicate genetics concepts and dynamics in such a way that I could visualize and understand them—I don’t know what work he does, but he’d make an excellent teacher. Recently a coincidence happened when in the morning I had copied and reformatted an entire lengthy thread from MR into Wordperfect, and later in the day I read JWH’s angry words about the MR moderator allowing Silver’s participation—I had one by one removed every single one of Silver’s contributions. JWH was right; Silver wastes readers’ time with useless static. My own preference would be that JWH transcend his anger, which has increased over time, and contribute to MR, making it that much better. I figure if James Bowery can lower his exalted self to post openly at MR, JWH should be able to do so, too. That way, everyone benefits. MOB 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 13:11 | #
Apparently, this is a very exclusive club. I haven’t been invited to join. Exclusive clubs have their place where intellectual advancement is all, and where the gain to the wider world will eventually be the greater for that exclusivity. There is no other objectively useful justification for cloistering oneself away. In all other instances, therefore, the justification will be subjective. It’s very negative. He’s a good man whom the great majority of us admire and respect. He does not hold on to the goodwill which exists for him, and falls away far too readily into recrimination at the noisy, perhaps, but tiny minority of gainsayers. It is a tragic waste. He has all the talents required to walk out into the world (at least, digitally) and make the case for our rights and interests. How do we make our way forward if our most talented advocates cannot bring themselves to make their truths ours? 22
Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 15:50 | # Solution: No government bailouts for anything or anyone. Period. Let the markets self correct, they’ll eventually do so anyway. P.S. I’m kinda worried about JWH. I hope he’s okay. 23
Posted by AlmostMusicPhD on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 18:01 | # Gee, think of all the poor saps who went to expensive Grad. Schools, having their Student Loans forgiven. (me, for one!) I owe 40K plus, and, until and unless I can find a job to repay the darn thing, I kinda go for this idea. Let’s “redistribute” the banker bailout to the citizen bailout. Ay——-men. 24
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 20:05 | # Dave Johns, what self-correction can the markets do when the government subsidizes property rights at the expense of producers? 25
Posted by John on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 20:08 | # I’d like to see people stop using and trading their valuable time for slave chits, aka Federal Reserve Notes. The Lakotas are pointing us in the right direction, imo. Is it time, and does the current economic situation, brought about as in the last depression by the criminal activities of the money monopolists underscore the need for a “whites only” mutual currency? 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:39 | # I don’t see how the above comment by Silver is relevant to anything or helpful in any way. I respectfully move it be deleted. 27
Posted by silver on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:43 | #
If the crunch ever came, separation would be all but assured, and I’d have little to do but hope to help with finalising the details of it. “Opponents,” in this case, would be those who wished to prevent separation. On the other hand, if by “crunch” you mean developments intended to lead to, or which by themselves would lead to, wholesale slaughter, I’d stand on the side of peace; if you understand that as “opposing” you, I’d regard it as an all too typically skewed analysis, but that’s your business.
And thank goodness for that. I hope that it wasn’t a personal decision on his part, but rather the result of external pressure. Slime like him should be a prime target of groups like the JDL or JDO; the may not be able to shut down racialist debate completely—thankfully!—but weeding its revolting (and, from a racialist perspective, ultimately counterproductive) extremities is a task they’re well suited for. Alex Linder is fortunate that he’s so over-the-top revolting, and thus counterproductive, eliminating him would only hurt Jewish interests. 28
Posted by JLH on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:49 | # Silver, I think you’re over the top revolting, and have for a long time. 29
Posted by silver on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:52 | #
I disagree. I think it’s perfectly relevant. Characteristic insistence on deletion and sequestration only highlight your side’s political immaturity. It’s too a great a tast for any one individual, but something has to drag you s.o.b’s, kicking and screaming, into political relevance. 30
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:52 | # I second that, Fred! Silver, You went way too far that time. You need to cool off, take some time to think. This thing is eating you up, and that’s not what it’s meant to do. Why not leave the source of your frustrations be. Give MR a break, and go open a few doors in liberal thinkers minds? 31
Posted by silver on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:54 | #
Fine. What does the street think? You might it impossibly difficult to admit, but I’m the insider there, JLH; not you. 32
Posted by silver on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:01 | # GW, I posted that in one of the calmest states I’ve ever posted anything here. I’m not at all being “eaten up.” My sole interest is results and that which might produce them. Rienzi might be able to conduct a choir but is thoroughly incapable of producing results and you’re infinitely better off without him. Others are permitted to state their opinion that they’d be better off without my “interference,” so if you’re committed to a “big tent” (as you have been, should be and are congratulated for being), my opinion on what ails you and what could be done to correct matters should be allowed to stand. 33
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:07 | # Actually, the topic of “Who killed JWH?” might not be as irrelevant to the topic of my post as many might believe. Who knows how the economic crisis has hit him? I can believe that many assets are going to start being “disappeared” during the current economic crisis. All the more reason for there to exist some kind of reasonable judiciary, so that if people are actually facing the reaper in some sense, they can mete out justice using the few resources they have left before becoming homeless, high-protein feed for ethnic urban gangs. 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:10 | # It shouldn’t be allowed to stand when you say you hope certain participants are dead. 35
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:11 | # (that was addressed to Silver, in his last comment) 36
Posted by torgrim on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:29 | # “It shouldn’t be allowed to stand when you say you hope certain participants are dead…addressed to Silver”-(Fred) I agree. Being way over the top, is even suggesting, that the JDL/JDO, as a solution, in your contest with JWH..,Silver. 37
Posted by torgrim on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:40 | # “I’d like to see people stop using and trading their valuable time for slave chits, aka Federal Reserve Notes.” (John) I wish the Nation of Lakota well. We are about to see, if there is a sovereign nation, in this Land. 38
Posted by weston on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 00:10 | #
Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 00:36 | # “Dave Johns, what self-correction can the markets do when the government subsidizes property rights at the expense of producers?” James, are you alluding to the fact that the U.S.A. is already in the firm clutches of socialism? If so, I regrettably agree with you. 41
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 01:22 | # DJ asks: James, are you alluding to the fact that the U.S.A. is already in the firm clutches of socialism? It’s worse than mere “socialism”. It’s multicult fascism: Take from the producers to give to the centers of multicult wealth and political power. Here’s how it “works”: 1) Confuse people about the distinction between “wealth” and “income”—probably the worst single political economic crime possible to commit in public discourse and one of which the wealthiest man in the US, Warren Buffett, is guilty. 2) Progressively tax income while claiming you are taxing the “wealthy”. 3) Respond to all of the pathologies you create in this confusion by a proliferation of public sector “fixes” that eventually result in the public sector overtaking economic activities by “virtue” of its taxation of all economic activities. 4) Allow the truly wealthy, whose property rights would disappear in an instant in the absence of government protections, to continue to accumulate net assets without limit and without paying the costs of protection of those property rights—shifting them onto the heavily taxed producers. 5) Continue to increase the overall taxation of producers until the goose that laid the golden egg, the middle class, is dead. 6) Decry the profligacy of the middle class as it ceases to have children hence family values, and goes into the abyss of usurious debt, the economy collapses due to a failure of consumer demand and the government centralizes even more power by handing over even more wealth to the creditors in exchange for equity stake. 42
Posted by torgrim on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 05:31 | # “Here’s how it works”, James Bowery. If you are under 50 years of age, write down what James has said…. A warning to heed. 43
Posted by torgrim on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 06:00 | # Hell, even if you are over 50 years of age, take heed! Those, of us, that have produced this miracle of abundance, ie., positive carrying capacity, have been selectively, dispossessed, through the machinations of what passes for the “free market”, ie. (the Fed System), I agree with every point! Well said! Sir! 44
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 06:22 | # How fraudsters walked off with hundreds of millions, indeed almost certainly billions, which the crooks in the federal government plan on making good by taking it, in one way or another, out of your and my hides and probably our children’s and grandchildren’s hides too: 45
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 06:25 | # Bush and Rove should be rotting in jail right now for that collapse. Needless to say, they won’t be touched, because every crook in D.C. colluded in the scam and took his cut of the proceeds. 46
Posted by John on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:21 | #
We have an alternative to usury in Sweden
Perhaps your hatred of Silver (a pseudonym I’ve never used) blinds you. Mine was a meta-comment. I believe the counterfeiting operation aka the Federal Reserve or a system like it is necessary for the depression of the 1930s as well as the current economic crisis. Under such a system, all “money” is borrowed into existence (look up the word “note” in a law dictionary), so James’ suggestion seemed rather silly to me (with all due respect). What I suggest is to abandon debt money (Federal Reserve Notes) altogether—and I think an exclusive mutual currency might be a way of actually being able to do that while at the same time strengthening economic bonds among white people. 47
Posted by John on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:57 | # Addendum to the above post: It was an unfortunate characterization to call James’ suggestion “silly”. It’s not silly at all to want to get rid of all debts. I meant to edit that but pressed the button too early. I would add however, that such a Jubilee as James suggests, with the current debt money system, doesn’t really extinguish the debt but merely unfairly transfers it to the debtors’ progeny. 48
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:07 | # John, why do you think I was so parsimonious in my post as to mention only the equality of the two quantities without any adorning commentary? 49
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:23 | # John, my comment referred not to yours just above it, but to one of Silver’s which is no longer there because it did subsequently get deleted. Sorry for the confusion. 50
Posted by John on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:29 | # Good point. Sometimes I react to what I read from the first impression without reading it through carefully enough. My apology. Your post doesn’t prescribe a jubilee. If anything, it implies that the bailout was a sort of anti-jubilee. Or a “jubilee” for the banksters. And thinking about it some more, with the collapse that’s just around the corner, a good time to start boycotting the Fed would have been around 1913. Nonetheless, a mutual currency for white people might mitigate some of what is to come. 51
Posted by John on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 15:47 | #
Oh. Sorry about that. I though you thought Silver was up to his old tricks. I know he really pushes your buttons and brings out the worst in you sometimes, though I most always take your side. This forum is not big enough for the two of you and if one of you left I’d hope it’d be you that stayed (fwiw). 52
Posted by silver on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 23:15 | #
Weston, you have to consider the sort of people I’m dealing with here. Politically, you’re almost unquestionably the most unreasonable, obstinate, obdurate and cocksure bunch in existence. That’s compounded enormously by the very untoward comments with which I made my introduction here; a great deal of my unpopularity arises from that and from the annoyance I struggle to mask at not being permitted to live those comments down (something I regard as incredibly unfair). Aside from that, putting forward the case for racialism to aracialists is a very different proposition to seeking to alter the contours of racialism itself. My apparent failure in the latter isn’t reason to doubt my competence in the former. 53
Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 00:32 | # RUSSIAN ANALYST PREDICTS DECLINE AND BREAKUP OF USA
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 05:05 | # Finding it hard to keep track of all the ways in which the Wall Street thieves and D.C. crooks are robbing you blind? Want to see whose pockets your hard-earned finances are being siphoned into via this latest scam, the “Mortgage Meltdown”? Consult “Bailout Watch,” a handy chart, updated as the various money-stealing schemes unfold day-to-day: 55
Posted by tragic waste on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 01:01 | # “Guessedworker”: It is a tragic waste. Which you yourself are predominantly responsible for. 56
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 14:17 | # And on the lighter side: Top socialites face ruin… $50 billion at stake after Wall St broker Bernard Madoff is arrested over ‘world’s biggest swindle’ Gee, I wonder what ethnicity Bernard Madoff belongs to? 57
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 02:29 | # Brief but pithy entry over at Snouck’s on the financial meltdown and the ill-advised U.S. federal bail-out: 58
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:18 | # Elie Weaselwords demands that his losses in the Madoff scandal be made good by the taxpayers. I have no doubt whatsoever but that every single large-scale Jewish investor who lost money in the Madoff scandal will be fully reimbursed by the American taxpayers: the Jews who control the Obama Administration will see to it. Didn’t someone here say the other day that Jewish organizations are already earmarked to receive a billion dollars of the bailout money? (A billion dollars of taxpayer money, in other words, to go to keep the borders open, fight “racism,” and further dispossess Euros in this country and accelerate race-replacement.) We can be sure a billion is just the tip of the iceberg of what will end up going to the Jews. Certainly, all Jewish losses in the Madoff scandal will be made good by the government. The Jews may not trumpet it as it is happening — I certainly wouldn’t, in their shoes. So, it’ll be kept very quiet. But it will certainly happen. Wiesel: “L’affaire Madoff a englouti toutes mes économies” [Dimanche 03/01/2009 16:40] L’écrivain et rescapé de la Shoah, Elie Wiesel, a révélé avoir perdu toutes ses économies suite aux malversations financières de Bernard Madoff. La fondation humanitaire créée par le prix Nobel de la paix avait également placé quasiment tous ses avoirs (15 millions de dollars) dans le Fonds Madoff. “Il est très attristant de voir disparaître en un instant toutes nos économies et tout le fruit du travail que nous avons accompli durant 40 ans”, a déploré Elie Wiesel avant d’exiger de l’administration Obama de dédommager les associations caritatives victimes de ce scandale, au même titre que les banques. Wiesel: “The Madoff Affair has swallowed up my life savings” [Sunday Jan. 3, 2009] Writer and Shoah escapee Elie Wiesel has revealed the loss of his life savings as a result of the Bernard Madoff investment fraud. Furthermore, the humanitarian foundation created by the Nobel Peace Prize winner had invested nearly all its funds (15 million dollars) with Madoff. “It is a very grievous thing to see all our savings and all that we’ve accumulated through forty years of work disappear in an instant,” lamented Elie Wiesel before demanding that the Obama Administration reimburse charitable organizations that were victimized by the scandal to the same extent as it bails out the banks. 59
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:30 | # Hat tip for the Elie Weaselwords press release goes to where I saw the link tacked on to the end of an interview segment (in French) with Weaselwords in which the old charlatan’s comments on the Obama Administration, on “American racism” and the need to stamp it out, and so forth, read like a press release from the Progress by Pesach Jewish looney-toon outfit. (Those who can read some French will see what I mean.) Everything this man does, everything this man says, is a genocidal attack on Euro-race peoples. Period. Every dime that finds its way into his pocket advances the Jewish genocide of non-Jewish white people. And the Jews who run the Obama organization are soon going to put plenty of American taxpayers’ money into this man’s pocket. 60
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:34 | # The latest Jewish looney-toons outfit, “Progress by Pesach,” for those who may have missed it: These pathetic el-sicko Jewish clowns would be hilariously funny if they weren’t so genocidal — with non-Jewish whites, us in other words, on the receiving end of the genocide. 61
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:45 | # Excuse me, the dateline on the Elie Wiesel press release should have been translated as March 1, 2009. (I was interpreting the date European-style in the original French, but Jan. 3 wasn’t a Sunday, March 1 was, so it was American-style.) 62
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 19:33 | #
Just to clarify, the verb “exiger” used in French there means something more forceful than “asking.” It means to demand, to insist on, to require, to stipulate, to put as a condition. So that’s what Wiesel is doing vis-à-vis the Obama Administration, not asking for full restitution of his money from the U.S. government but demanding it, insising on it, requiring it, stipulating it, laying it down as a condition. That’s taxpayers’ money, Mr. Wiesel, not yours. Are we taxpayers supposed to make financial restitution for the losses of Wall Street investors now? Also, where’s the fifty billion Madoff stole? It’s come out that his company never purchased any securies with its money. It made no investments. The money just sat somewhere, apparently. Has it all, every penny, been doled to “investors” in the form of fake “stock dividends”? Is any of it recoverable? Is any of it squirreled away in Israel? 63
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 19:37 | # never purchased any securities with its money. 64
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 19:43 | # If taxpayers bail out people like Wiesel now, then the next time Wiesel’s investments turn a profit can we expect the taxpayers will get a cut? Or is it to be only losses that get socialized, while profits remain as private as ever? 65
Posted by q on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 01:28 | # Also, where’s the fifty billion Madoff stole? That’s the key question our government will never delve into. Why? Because the true answer to that question would most certainly topple the corrupt system our current power structure is propagating. Post a comment:
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Posted by Bozo The Economist on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 14:12 | #
You mean take taxpayers money and give it back to them so they can spend it?