The Woolwich Outrage - can’t have the lower orders getting too excited

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 22:42.

The British media were doing so well to avoid covering the riots in Stockholm.  No bad news could be tolerated, you see.  Nothing to be allowed to penetrate the carapace of blissful multcultic ignorance.  Not while this UKIP surge was on everyone’s mind.  Then, right out of the blue, a completely savage and random attack by two black Moslems on a serving soldier.  In broad daylight in London.  A virtual beheading.  Rivers of blood.  A sole middle-aged white woman standing up for right.  The Metropolitan Police Service checking Health and Safety regs for twenty minutes before finally showing their faces and shooting the bastards.  The Muslim Council of Great Britain gets in early with a bit of damage limitation.

Cue the media.  Cue their control instincts.  “Comments are closed”.  “Comment removed”.  “Edited by a moderator”.  Meanwhile, nothing will shake our determination to have business as usual blah, blah.  Meanwhile, with lightning speed the EDL Twittered and Facebooked it’s way to Woolwich.  Meanwhile, the media pile in with an anti-white, anti-EDL message.  A handy bit of misdirection.

And so it goes.  Just one DT article carried comments for a very few hours.  You can read them here.



Posted by Morgoth on Wed, 22 May 2013 23:32 | #

The EDL Facebook page (where they organize) went from 18,000 members at 15.00 pm to 55,000 members or ‘‘Likes’’ by 00.25 am.

Now we can whine and whinge about the big picture and Neo Cons etc etc but from a purely English and on the ground point of view it was great to have 100’s of lads kick off. The Daily Mail is reporting riots and police clashes and, for the first time I know of, Mosques are being attacked.

Indeed, the EDL was considered dead, this resurrection is down to English people not Jewish bloggers or American foreign policy.


Posted by ukn_leo on Thu, 23 May 2013 00:05 | #

Didn’t take long:

Lord Carlile (oy vey!), a former independent reviewer of terror laws, has said the killing should cause the Government to rethink the decision to drop the planned Communications Data Bill from the Queen’s Speech, which would have extended email and internet monitoring to the security service.

Full-scale legislation was dropped from last month’s Queen’s Speech in the face of Liberal Democrat opposition to what critics dubbed a “snooper’s charter”.

Speaking on BBC2’s Newsnight, Lord Carlile said: “We have to learn proportionate lessons from what has occurred.

“We mustn’t rush to judgment. But we must ensure that the police and the security services have for the future the tools they need which wil enable them to prevent this kind of attack taking place.

“I hope that this will give the Government pause for thought about their abandonment for example of the Communcations Data Bill and possibly pause for thought about converting control orders into what are now called Tpims, with a diluted set of powers.

“Lone wolves, even though they are always inevitably connected at least with internet training, are very difficult to catch so we must give the authorities proportionate tools to catch them.”




Posted by wobbly on Thu, 23 May 2013 00:07 | #


Spot on.


Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 23 May 2013 02:32 | #


When are you going to fight back?

As Venner just wrote, the times call for “new, spectacular, and symbolic gestures to stir our somnolence, shake our anesthetized consciousness, and awaken the memory of our origins.”

Are the English capable of such gestures?

Must sympathetic foreigners be imported to do the job for them?

I suspect if such acts were applied to your adversaries and publicised on film, there would be more public support than you currently imagine.


Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 23 May 2013 02:37 | #

‘The Woolwich Horror’ would have been a better title for this piece, referring to Lovecraft.


Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 23 May 2013 03:23 | #

Now will you wake the fuck up, Britain?!!


Posted by Bill on Thu, 23 May 2013 05:06 | #

Prehistoric barbarism in a postmodern Britain.

Decapitation in the High Street, i pods, casual conversations with blood stained killers, photo-calls, Even the MI 5 goons couldn’t make this up - could they?

Remember the decapitation in Manchester about 5 years ago?  A neighbour complaining of noise had his cut off and and the killer casually dropped it in the wheely-bin.

That particular murder was covered up tight as a drum.  Nary peep leaked out, even the trial reports much later were low key.  Job well done by the BBC.

I note even the Mail were jolted sufficiently to give the Woolwich Butcher’s top spot moving to one side their usual celebrity worship.  Also of note was the Mail opened up comments which soon went to two and half thousand.

Cameron’s pulled a masterstroke in deflecting this butchery on to terrorism.  It’s their culture innit!

The EDL and Facebook, indeed the whole pent up hatred and frustration of the British people should be directed not at the immigrants themselves but to our traitorous bastards at Westminster.  Oh to witness a Chauchesku moment with millions surrounding that Tower of Babal.

Will this latest outrage make any difference to our politicians thinking?  No, of course it won’t, not one jot.  They’re in for the long haul and nothing, and I mean nothing is going to stop this NWO project.

What difference did the London Tube Bombings make?  None, other than create more anti-hate laws to stop us criticising the their pet project. 


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 May 2013 07:03 | #


The politicians will never depart from their chosen course.  A very clear indication of this is to be found in a Daily Express article by Ann Widdecombe in which she demonstrates most concisely and conclusively that the animating spirit of the Same Sex Marriage bill is:

... not about liberty and equality but about oppression and state orthodoxy, about Soviet-style persecution in the work place for an opinion given in a private context, about compelling conformity even where conformity is not necessary.

No change will flow from the political class.  None whatever.  It will have to be replaced.


This event in Woolwich is not the trigger for some war on the streets.  Time will pass.  The ripples on the surface of the pond will disappear.  The Establishment will get its way and things will go on as before, or seem to.  But opinion among the English will harden that bit more.  The understanding of our collective self ... the sense of “us”, our people, our young men, our soldiers, will be clarified that little bit further.  Moslems, and immigrants generally, will be seen that much clearer as “them”, and their presence among us resented that much more.  The world will be driven that bit further apart, and no amount of political unction will affect a coming together again.  Not all the multiculti bien pensant in Islington will fool us again.

In short, this event will feed into the anti-Establishmentarian zeitgeist.  The people supporting, defending, furthering multiracialism in our land will be targeted politically, as a class.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 23 May 2013 07:05 | #

This Woolwich incident has proved once more if proof were needed, that the printed press, and to a lesser degree television, is way behind the curve of the Internet.

This is of huge benefit to the ordinary person in the street who can access stories that are unadulterated and free from MSM disfigurement, censorship and spin.

It is is difficult to see how the MSM can counter the immediacy of the Internet and must fund much frustration in high places.

Facebook could prove to be a game-changer.  If only the millions of celebrity worshipping facebookers could be persuaded to peep behind the curtain, what a difference it would make.

Hopefully (and unfortunately) it is such instances as the Woolwich butchery that will ping their radar.  It’s an ill wind….

We can only dream.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 May 2013 07:09 | #

Posted May 23, 2013 at 12:18 am | Permalink

War is never outdated. Don’t confuse premature with outdated. In the end, we will have to fight them. Surely you don’t think they’re going to go peacefully? But we have to wait until the foundation is laid and more people are awake and ready to act. The Leftist/Islamic coalition is a marriage made in hell. The White Leftists will just double down – admitting they were wrong is death to them and they will never do it. Sure maybe in some places there will be a “political solution” – but that will be based on the ability and willingness to crush the Coalition. And if we become that strong we may not want to settle for anything but deportation.

Screw you Jaego, for conflating the term “White Lefist” with liberalism, alliance with Islam, with anything but coalitions of Whites and Whites only, in their entire group interests.

The White Left, particularly when you capitalize both words, is about a union of Whites, White nations and coalitions of White groups only.

The White Left is not Marxist (rather it is for private property etc), is not liberal, does not include Islam, Judaism and non-Whites. Nor is it passive.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 23 May 2013 08:28 | #

I see they were taking calls at the DT Comment, comment section up ‘till 6.30 pm last night, garnering 400 + comments.

Interesting to see if they will open up comments on all fronts, judging by the amount of noise this savagery has generated I suspect they will, not to accept comments will be construed as undemocratic.  Couldn’t have that now could we.

A place I hadn’t visited in many a moon is Guido Fawke’s blog.  When last I took a look over in that direction (got to be measured in years) I couldn’t fathom exactly what sort of clientele frequented the place, if asked I would say they are or were a mixed bunch of metrosexual odds and sods.

Anyway, last night I ventured over to Guido Fawkes blog….to gauge the temperature.

At first glance there were 167 comments (last night) expressing almost universal outrage.  When I went over later, comments had been terminated.

Now this morning, I see comments have been reinstated and are flowing copiously.  I haven’t read any as yet (this visit) in order to get the general flavour of comment I’ll leave that to when I’ve finished here.

Guido’s blog attracts thousands of comments, most are of the throw away one liner types of no substance and much foul language. 

I’ll just nip over.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 23 May 2013 08:49 | #

I note the EDL Facebook page is now well north of 70,000 likes.


Posted by Dude on Thu, 23 May 2013 08:50 | #

Accepting comments on this piece “‘The terrorists will never win, because they can never beat the values that we hold dear.” That was David Cameron’s response”


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 23 May 2013 11:14 | #

If there were widespread “British” Muslim terrorist attacks on UK soil, and there somehow erupted a genuine reactive indigenous rebellion, such that the police could not restore order and the military were called out, upon whose side would the military come down? Would they shoot nationalists, Muslims, or both equally as ferreted out?

It distresses me to think that I honestly haven’t the foggiest idea as to the answer.

Re: “The Woolwich Horror”: I’m always amazed at how many WNs independently enjoy Lovecraft. I discovered him decades ago, and have read every story, some, like At the Mountains of Madness and The Shadow Out of Time, many times.

I think this fact illustrates something of psychological significance.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 May 2013 11:33 | #

Dude, comments for that piece closed at 473.  Even Kirkup’s piece about Jeremy Hunt and the BMA has comments disabled.  Presently, only the Delingpole article about a radio chat between himself and Toby Harnden has comments open.  None of them about the radio chat, obviously.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 23 May 2013 13:36 | #

Some incoherent thoughts.  Policing a multi racial Britan.

I’ve often used the term to describe the machinations of our elites in planning our dispossession as the rabbit hole, and how its depth is unfathomable.  How deep does it really go?

All of which, make me think of our police force.  Don’t ask me how or why this subject keeps cropping up in my head because my thoughts are not crystalised, I can only suppose, deep down, I see the state of our British police force as bordering on corruption.

I once posted over at Inspector Gadget’s blog, (which is now defunct,) one day he cleared his blog desk and was gone, never to be seen again.  Perhaps I should say, that with hindsight, I probably posted a mere handful of comments.

In one comment I suggested that the time was fast approaching when he and his colleagues would be called upon to perform duties which would be distasteful, and that he/they would, in order to pay the mortgage, carry out duties contrary to their conscience.

IOW’s, they would hold their nose (fig.speaking) as they beat the crap out of their own kind.  Which on reflection I suppose, they’ve been doing for years.


Something I regularly come across as I wander around the Internet is a reference to something called Common Purpose.  Now the mention of Common Purpose, and it’s connotations to its reputation of be a sleeping government led Quisling organisation, raises all sorts of reactions, among all sorts of people.

The gist of Common Purpose it is said, is that it is an organisation made up of a myriad of local and (national?) officials in key areas of administration nationwide.  The story goes that when a certain set of planned circumstances reach critical mass, the dormer Common Purpose teams will be activated.

Caviat! If anyone out there can be more concise please feel free to correct.  I’m just a passer-by regarding the doings of Common Purpose.  Just Google Search.  The police and Common Purpose.

Meanwhile- Back to the police.  It is also said that the British police force is an integral component of Common Purpose, thereby being directly complicit in any clandestine activity in direct counter to the interests of the British people.

If there is any credence in this story then the rabbit hole goes even deeper than I imagined.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 May 2013 14:08 | #

All DT comments across all categories have been disabled.  There is nothing operating at all.

They just can’t handle the pressure.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 May 2013 14:10 | #

There’s a news piece on three days of Swedish riots, also removed from the British media, here:


Posted by Dude on Thu, 23 May 2013 14:22 | #

Yes, they opened the door only to slam it shut when they saw the weather outside GW.

The Spectator has a thread open, obviously with less viewers


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 May 2013 15:18 | #

Delingpole’s thread is open again.  I found that my user name had been banned from the DT blogs in the interim.  Obviously, bannings have no exclusionary effect.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 May 2013 16:04 | #

Does anybody know the identity of the victim yet?


Posted by Dude on Thu, 23 May 2013 16:39 | #

And Toby Young’s was open and most comments were quite mild, with a few critics of the general drift, but they then wiped all the comments (at least visibly) and closed it off.

No DanielS. No doubt his family are both dealing with the pain and being themselves managed by the police counsellors.


Posted by Dude on Thu, 23 May 2013 16:41 | #

Lee Rigby


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 May 2013 17:17 | #

God that’s sad. Such a young guy, he seems really cool too, patriotic, bedecked in that ornate, patriotic garb.

Absolutely sickening. He looks like a great friend.


Posted by Morgoth on Thu, 23 May 2013 17:24 | #

The Telegraph’s Jewish writer Jake Wallis Simons has a very irritating and very Jewish habit of writing articles that deflect blame onto the British ‘‘Far Right’‘. Since the death of Lee Rigby he has written blogs against the EDL. Now, however, his Facebook page and his dignity are under severe attack,he has issued an apology, of sorts. just for fun here are a few choice examples of the abuse he’s receiving :

  ‘‘Sometimes, Mr Simons, it’s just better to keep your mouth shut and let people show their respect to the poor man that has been murdered.
Like · 44 · ‘’

‘‘And you call your self English!!? Piss off!
like · 8 · ‘’

  ‘‘Your career must be at an all time low if this is how you have to get yourself a story.
Like · 9’‘

‘‘I find you rather disgusting your in favour of extremist muslims. The edl stand for against extremism. What happend was yesterday was shocking and rather sick. The flag of St George is deemed offensive the union jack is deemed offensive, drinking is deemed offensive the list continues. Our country is hitting the shit our country has no identity anymore
Like · 10 ·’‘

‘‘This piece of amphibian shit who the best part of him ran down the crack of his mamas arse and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress is up!!’‘

‘‘You spineless backtracking twat!
Like · Reply · 226’‘


Posted by Bill on Thu, 23 May 2013 17:45 | #

Cameron’s tactics in diffusing the savagery of the act of two men hacking a man to death with knives and meat cleavers resulting in decapitation is truly masterful.

By deflecting the whole saga of this stone age savagery in the middle of London on to an abstract conception of something called terrorism he has successfully laid the blame elsewhere.

Nothing to do with two men, no, it was terrorism wot did it.

Terrorism has tried to divide us says Cameron.  To whom was Cameron addressing these words outside No 10?  Was it you?  It certainly wasn’t me.

Off he scuttles to plead with the heads of the communities not to make trouble.  They can be rest assured he will keep his knuckle dragging fruitcakes in check.

This is liberalism at its most devious.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 23 May 2013 21:41 | #

” Listen, Hymie, we Jews have put so much lipstick on the multiculti pig that the stupid Goyim now think they’re dating Marilyn Monroe”.


Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 23 May 2013 23:32 | #

GW, as much as I respect you and your site, I’m unconvinced.

Something needs to change. A new course of action, a novel kind of performance art, must be performed by the English.

A freedom struggle, a liberation war.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 24 May 2013 07:46 | #

Checking back, disappointed no one has offered an answer:

If there were widespread “British” Muslim terrorist attacks on UK soil, and there somehow erupted a genuine reactive indigenous rebellion, such that the police could not restore order and the military were called out, upon whose side would the military come down? Would they shoot nationalists, Muslims, or both equally as ferreted out?

I really wonder about this. In the US, there is not the slightest doubt that the military, loyal only to itself (the few true patriots in it notwithstanding), would shoot anyone the elites told it to. We do have complete civilian control over our armed forces. I suspect this due to what Graham Lister repeatedly criticizes (aptly, in this single case) as America’s “thin” culture.

But I have often wondered about ‘thicker’ European societies. Would regular soldiers in the British army really shoot their nationalist brothers? And shouldn’t this question be considered by nationalists?


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 24 May 2013 11:14 | #


I suspect the Western European ruling class would react just like I suspect the USA’s ruling class would react. They’d do whatever it takes to restore order as fast as possible so as to minimise the interruption of commerce. If that means turning the newly transformed politically correct military on its own native citizens, so be it. They will use whatever means necessary to restore order. Once order is restored, we all know what comes next: pandering to the Muzzies and additional repressive laws against engaging in nationalistic activities. TPTB absolutely despise nationalism. They are at war with nationalism. Any and all nationalism.

We need to remain cognizant of the fact that the motivations of our ruling class—both in Western Europe and the USA—is NOT about racial loyalties, its about maintaining/protecting their own power and control.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 25 May 2013 02:10 | #


That may all be true, but it does not address the substance of my question. Of course the elites in Europe will viciously attempt to put down any national patriot rebellions. But will their armies go along, if it comes to it?

We know what would happen in the US. But the US has an unbroken history of civilian control over the military; its armed forces are, sadly, highly (if unequally) diversified; and US ethnoculture is ‘thin’ (and this doesn’t even take into account PC indoctrination). The ZOG, or however we wish to describe TtreasonousPTB, would call out the military, and it would do its job - for the elite. The military today are like the police today: they have internal ‘ethics’ which stress intragroup loyalty over extrinsic loyalties, whether to ‘natural justice’ (eg, “Dirty Harry”), or Traditional America. Following their orders, and ‘protecting the men’, is what they’re about - which is one reason I am much less pro-military or pro-police than a lot of dumb ‘conservatives’.

But European militaries, esp ones with ancient traditions, like the British, are not the same as the US armed forces. They are not nearly as diverse; many have indeed had involvements in civilian affairs in the past, and sometimes outright control; European national ethnocultures are ‘thick’ (though getting thinner all the time). Would working class British infantrymen actually shoot working class English national patriots if told to do so by Westminster?

Your cynicism may be correct, but I’m not sure. The wise man attempts to be realistic at all times. Cynicism per se is no more valid than starry-eyed optimism.

Anyway, I want to hear from some of the English. Cmon you wankers, ANSWER THE QUESTION!

After all, no English patriot should be under the slightest illusion that England or the UK will be saved except through violent civil war. The Muslims, at least (and perhaps ALL of the non-indigenous), will never leave Britain without a fight. So my question is far more relevant than issues of artistic degeneracy, or racial science, or the reality or non-reality of God, etc.



Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 25 May 2013 04:28 | #

The Asians expelled from Uganda by Idi Amin, himself a member of that country’s Muslim minority, did not put up any fight whatsoever :


Posted by Hymie in Afula on Sat, 25 May 2013 11:01 | #

Rakhines start to institute Buddhist cross-border =aliya= in view of creating their own ethnic Zion:

Note: Rakhines & Bamars are both Buddhist ethnicities, but the Rakhines have never forgotten that they were once an independent Kingdom.


Posted by wobbly on Sat, 25 May 2013 11:56 | #

But will their armies go along, if it comes to it?

How could anyone know?

Which is why it’s not the question. The question is can the hostile elite trust them 100% to do so, answer, no. So what will they do? They’ll do what they’re already doing, slowly but surely reduce the size of the national armed forces and replace it with a shrunken EU force. When they attack - and it will be them who attack - they’ll use private security companies recruited from among the immigrants and there won’t be an army to stop them.


Posted by Morgoth on Sat, 25 May 2013 12:16 | #

@ Leon

The British Army is probably the most conservative pillar left within the British establishment, indeed, its hierarchical structure has barely changed since the First World War. The front line troops will be working class, you then have an officer corp of working class career men and middle class bureaucrat’s, at the top you have old school Tory types from the Shires. An example of this could be seen this week with an ex General now Tory mp calling for the deportation of all extremists.

And so to answer your question I can see two scenario’s.

1. The Army flat out refuse to engage White British.

2. The Army engage and kill some White British but the morale totally collapses and in order to make amends actively side with white British.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 25 May 2013 18:35 | #

Just four days after the suicide of Dominic Venner, in a bid to awaken the conscience of France:

... a knife-man has stabbed a French soldier in the neck while patrolling the business district of La Défense in Paris:

The Soldier will survive.  The attacker is described as being of North African appearance, bearded and wearing a jilbab.  He has not been found.

Meanwhile, Stockholm suffered a sixth night of violence on Friday night:

The fire-total has dropped from Thursday’s ninety to seventy.  So that’s all right!  Some Swedes don’t think so, though:

About 200 right-wing extremists were reported to cruise around Stockholm suburbs in their cars late Friday, but intense police surveillance apparently prevented any kind of serious violence.

There are also rumours that the Swedish police are not all playing by the book.  A commenter at the DT slipped this on a some innocent thread:

Reports from people living Stockholm is that the Swedish government and politicians have lost control of the police and that elements of the police have turned against the immigrants.

People living in Stockholm say there is also a fear that the Swedish government may have resort to calling in the Swedish Army to put down the police rebellion.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 May 2013 19:49 | #

Extremism and the Displacement of the Political Spectrum

Written by Colin Liddell

A near Orwellian police state with bans on weapons, bans on words and thoughts, and an incessant flow of PC propaganda is no defence against the insanities created by “multicultural Britain,” as we saw yet again in London, where we were recently ‘treated’ to an iPhone clip of a Sub-Saharan Muslim lecturing us with hands crimsoned with the blood of an off-duty British soldier that he and an associate had just hit with a car and then butchered with knives and a meat cleaver on the streets of Woolwich in South East London.

The basic problem is not the nature of Sub-Saharan Africans or the nature of Islam. These have been well-known for a long time and are what they are for a variety of reasons that it is superfluous to go into here. No, the real problem is one of politics and ideology, and, in short, of the systemic dislocation of the political spectrum.

In the wake of such horror, we can expect to hear the usual cries for “tolerance” and the throb-in-the-throat pleas not to let the “extremists” win. But the trouble is the extremists won long ago. What other word can you use for political parties like the Conservative and Labour Parties that have been creating cultural chaos and enacting genocide and race replacement on a massive scale?

The only extremists are those holding the reins of government, as they have been doing for the last 60 years. But they would have you believe that they are the “moderates,” the reasonable ones, and that the extremists are the “unrepresentative” Muslims who committed the Woolwich atrocity and the “Far Right” parties and organizations who have opposed mass immigration and the kind of multiracialism that has Sub-Saharan Muslims living cheek-by-slashed-jowl with troops serving the interests of America and Israel.

The Muslims who committed this atrocity are not extremists. They are following one of the broadest roads in a major world religion, a religion that grew up among a band of desert cutthroats and expanded by conquest, violence, intimidation, slavery, and mass rape; a religion that tolerates nothing but itself and drives its more logical adherents to acts of violence.

A so-called “moderate” Muslim is nothing more than a bad Muslim, someone who probably drinks alcohol and eats pork as well. A good Muslim is one who acts within the genocidal dictates of the religion’s founder. Needless to say, the rest of us should avoid good Muslims like the plague and be wary of bad Muslims in case they start taking their religion seriously.

The so-called “racists” and “fascists” who oppose multiracial Britain and wish not only to stop mass immigration but also to start the necessary process of “exigration” – the removal of the unassimilatable immigrant population – are not the extremists either. These people are common sense moderates, who, despite the lies of their higher and betters and the endless extremist propaganda of the “multicultural” state, realized at some gut level that the ruling elites were creating a madhouse.

The extremists are David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, John Major, Margaret Thatcher, Jim Callaghan, Harold Wilson, Douglas Hume, Harold McMillan, and Anthony Eden, the prime ministers who facilitated the process by which Britain has been transformed into the Bedlam it is today.

The extremists are the media, the BBC and the newspapers of the oligarchs, who have bandied about the word “racist” in an attempt to suppress any opposition to the Third World colonization of Britain, in effect creating a society whose every second thought is now race.

The extremists are the academics, who have used their intelligence to blind themselves for the pleasures of sneering at lowly common sense and basking in the glow of a false moral smugness, while furthering their lie-driven careers.

But the extremists are also the majority of the British people who have voted for these politicians, listened to these journalists, and respected these academics, all the while feeling that something was deeply wrong.

Read more>>



Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 25 May 2013 19:59 | #

Al Ross,

I think the situations are totally different. Many peoples at different times have meekly suffered ethnic expulsions. But I think in today’s PC UK the Muslim colonists will not leave without a fight. Their continuing aggressive behavior suggests as much.


That’s why it’s important to resist further defence cuts, the integration of the military into any EU force structure (I wasn’t aware that the EU itself even had a military), and as you note, the “privatization” of national security. It is also why that I strongly favor total US troop withdrawal from Europe (among other reasons, chiefly, that the continuing US troop presence subsidizes European defence expenditures, which in turn effectively subsidizes European social(ist) democracy, which is a large part of what has brought your economies to their current crisis). I can easily foresee US/NATO troops being used to put down any local nationalist rebellions. 


Let us hope your two scenarios are correct and exhaustive. I assume you would therefore agree about the importance of getting remaining American troops off UK soil?


Posted by wobbly on Sat, 25 May 2013 20:25 | #


Agree on all points, privatization of the police also.


Posted by Morgoth on Sat, 25 May 2013 20:31 | #


Well, the idea of American troops fighting British troops on British soil for the sake of third worlders is starting to become a little detached for me. Much more worrisome are the Police. I enjoy listening to the podcasts of Harold A Covington, I would regard him as the among the most ‘‘extreme’’ and therefore truthful of any I come across within the Nationalist scene. He makes the point that the establishment know the military is likely to side with whites in America so the Police are being fully tooled up into a military force in their own right. If the Police, who are already politicized, become so powerful that they can handle any and all civilian outbreaks the intentions of the military are a moot point.

Its an interesting, though somewhat predictable, subject. The Liberal Elite loath the army but love the police.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 25 May 2013 21:42 | #

Why do Thorn and Leon always travel as a tag team?

Why do they always go light (to say the least) on the J.Q., on rightist culpability, and why do they always promote Jewish Christianity?

Regarding the Liddell article that Thorn is currently trying to divert with:

Collin Liddell is definitely a smart guy, but the cookie-cutter requirements he is beholden to over there at Alternative Right have him missing on a few important points. He is required by their platform to portray “the left” as the enemy and to avoid naming the Jew.

He says:

“The fact that extremes exist in any system is not a problem in itself, and, in the grand scheme of things, may even be necessary. The problem we have in the West is that “the bulge” has been dislocated so that now the weight of opinion and power has been dislocated to the extreme Left for the last 60 years.

What is ‘centric’ or moderate about the ideas on which modern Britain is based? Nothing! The viewpoint that race is a construct, that blood exerts no pull on the human heart, that loyalty to your own kind is evil, and that we are all blank slates is self-evidently an extremist Leftist one, but it is one that has become displaced towards the centre of our society.

What is “extremist” about the wish to prevent your country being colonized and your race sunk in a flood of Third World immigration, degradation, and animalistic violence? This is self evidently a centric notion, but in today’s insane world this is given the name “far-right,” “fascist,” or “racist,” all words signifying extremism and evil.”

Let me take this one paragraph at a time:

“The fact that extremes exist in any system is not a problem in itself, and, in the grand scheme of things, may even be necessary. The problem we have in the West is that “the bulge” has been dislocated so that now the weight of opinion and power has been dislocated to the extreme Left for the last 60 years.”

When you stretch “leftist” concepts beyond the unionized interests of the group, they are no longer leftist but liberal, as they have been for the last 60 years.

“What is ‘centric’ or moderate about the ideas on which modern Britain is based? Nothing! The viewpoint that race is a construct, that blood exerts no pull on the human heart, that loyalty to your own kind is evil, and that we are all blank slates is self-evidently an extremist Leftist one, but it is one that has become displaced towards the centre of our society.”

The view that race is a construct is a leftist one, however, only as it is realist. When it becomes idealist as it has at the hands of Jewish academics, it become liberal, because it takes on the idea that anything can be made of anything, anything goes, anything can be made of anyone, anyone will do just the same. That is not a union, that is liberal by definition.

“that blood exerts no pull on the human heart, that loyalty to your own kind is evil”

These too, would be unionizing notions and their denial would be liberal, not White Leftist - in fact, just the opposite.

The blank slate is similarly an extremely liberal notion.

“What is “extremist” about the wish to prevent your country being colonized and your race sunk in a flood of Third World immigration, degradation, and animalistic violence? This is self evidently a centric notion, but in today’s insane world this is given the name “far-right,” “fascist,” or “racist,” all words signifying extremism and evil.”

Yes, and who wants to call these things “the far right”? but those who Collin Liddell cannot name for the cookie-cutter requirements over there at Alternative Right.


Posted by Morgoth on Sat, 25 May 2013 22:07 | #

This was the situation in Newcastle today, when 5000/7000 Englishmen walk down the streets chanting ‘‘Stick your fucking Islam up your arse’’ and ‘‘Whose Streets? OUR streets?’’ it is not to be sniffed at, indeed, its fantastic to behold.

Its worth baring in mind that Newcastle is one of the least Islamified of British cities. On Monday they will march on Downing Street !.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 May 2013 23:14 | #

Why do Thorn and Leon always travel as a tag team?

Danny, you really need to get a grip on yourself. Thorn and Leon Haller work completely independently. I can assure you of that. The fact that Leon’s comment followed mine is purely coincidental.  I advise you to stop straining your brain by constantly over-analyzing every little trivial matter. It could very well drive you into psychosis, you know.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 25 May 2013 23:20 | #

Thanks for that video, Morgoth.

Northumberland Police say 1500 to 2000 people:

The antifas managed 300 to 400, supposedly.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 25 May 2013 23:23 | #

This is how the Malaysian Muslim government dealt with a bunch of Filipino fellow - Muslims when the interlopers displaced Malaysians from a village earlier this year :

Emulation please.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 25 May 2013 23:46 | #

Couple of points.

The EU doesnt have its own military. At least not yet.

There are almost no US troops (Army or Marines) based in the UK and thats been the case for many years now. The USN no longer has any significant presence either. The US military presence is almost entirely airbases especially Lakenheath and Mildenhall. That must include some USAF Security Forces personnel - what used to be the USAF Security Police. But surely they can only number in the 100s.

Of course troops could be flown/shipped in but that applies anywhere. My point being - there isnt a large armed US force thats on the ground, in-country now.


Posted by Morgoth on Sat, 25 May 2013 23:53 | #


The numbers involved in a march are always disputed, I cited the EDL numbers which would have naturally erred on the side of more, however the establishment will tend to play the numbers down. I’s say 3000/3500 are in that vid.

I would have been there myself but I had to work, my sisters chap did go, to my unending shame as I always thought him a bit of a drip. I work with working Englishmen and I have never seen such anger, I suppose people like us who spend so much time indulged in the misery of Europeans in the multicult become immune to the horror and suffering and when people who don’t pay attention have it thrust upon them its a sea change. That said, the ‘‘grooming’’ epidemic sends me insane, to the degree I simply cannot read or watch things regarding it.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 25 May 2013 23:54 | #

Posted by Thorn on May 25, 2013, 06:14 PM | #

  Why do Thorn and Leon always travel as a tag team?

Danny, you really need to get a grip on yourself. Thorn and Leon Haller work completely independently. I can assure you of that. The fact that Leon’s comment followed mine is purely coincidental.  I advise you to stop straining your brain by constantly over-analyzing every little trivial matter. It could very well drive you into psychosis, you know.

I don’t believe you Thorny.  It’s happened too many times.

You are the one devoted to trivia. Don’t you worry about my psychology.


Posted by Selous Scout on Sun, 26 May 2013 02:08 | #

Saturday, 25 May, 2013

North African settler-immigrant attacks French soldier in France:

How much more of this can you people take?

Just asking.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 26 May 2013 06:11 | #


I have deleted your comment at 47.  You cannot post incitements to violence (or anything that malign parties might claim to be incitement to violence).  I don’t care how aggravated you feel, or how frustrated with the response of Europeans to the provocations they face, you are breaking UK law and European law, probably US law too.  We cannot allow that.  You must comment within the bounds of law - and basic commonsense, for heavens sake.

The house rules are only three: keep it legal, keep it civil, if at all possible keep it thoughtful.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 26 May 2013 08:21 | #


I enjoy listening to the podcasts of Harold A Covington, I would regard him as the among the most ‘‘extreme’’ and therefore truthful of any I come across within the Nationalist scene. He makes the point that the establishment know the military is likely to side with whites in America so the Police are being fully tooled up into a military force in their own right.

I don’t know much about Covington (someday I might read his novels - but that’s a long time off; I’ll read Englishman Derek Turner’s recent one much sooner). I wish his Northwest Front well, from what I know of it.

[BTW, “extreme” absolutely, positively DOES NOT CORRELATE with “truthful”, at least in the US (perhaps this is true in totalitarian countries like Britain or France). In my experience it is the paleoconservatives (some of them, anyway) and academic race-realists (but not WNs, let alone neo-nazis) who tend to be the most truthful among ideological groupings.]

Assuming the views on military and police in the USA you attributed to Covington are accurate, I must disagree. I wouldn’t necessarily say the truth is exactly the opposite, but it’s certainly closer to the opposite than to that stated. I have some different friends and acquaintances amongst whom are both ex-military as well as ex-cops. I’ve asked their opinions on these matters (they’re all pretty conservative/nationalist, btw).

The US military is a highly racially integrated institution, including in its command structure (notwithstanding affirmative action liberal pleading about the lack of minorities (and, still more ludicrously, women!) among senior personnel; they are still overrepresented when real qualifications are considered). The whites in it certainly once were far more conservative than the general population. But that was a while ago (pre-90s). The military, esp beginning 2 decades ago with the evil Clinton Admin, has made huge ‘strides’ not only in fostering structural racial integration, as well as vicious affirmative action promotions (how did an airhead like Colin Powell ever become National Security Advisor and Chairman of the JCS, as well as Defense Secretary and later Secretary of State?), but in weeding out any (white, and ONLY white) “racists” (defined as anyone who might publicly question any aspect of the PC Agenda, but especially the Racial PC agenda, which of course is the major PC concern; feminist and homosexualist issues are really just comic sidelights).

There still are some true white soldiers (esp, my ex-SEAL acquaintance told me, in the special forces, which are the least affirmative actionized branches of the services, except for fighter pilots - even the military is concerned about handing the ‘keys’ to billion dollar planes to morons), and it’s possible that the white soldiery is still somewhat more conservative (‘conservative’ in the relevant, that is, ‘tribal’, sense) than the general white population if only because it is hugely disproportionately male (obviously), heterosexual, Christian, rural, and working class, and probably patriotic.

But what is the content of their patriotism? Is it racial - a psychological association of “America” with “White America” - or just generic; that is, a patriotism that sees, say, if not Obama (given his leftist/pacifist/Ivy League-ist orientation), then Michael Jordan or Denzel Washington or some Asian or Jewish general, as just as “American” as George Washington or John Wayne or Douglas MacArthur, and sees any nonwhite American as closer in spirit and ‘tribe’ than some European national? I don’t know the answer, but I have neither read nor heard anything suggesting that today’s US military, even its not overwhelmingly large white components, is particularly traditionalist in its attachments. I think whites in the military are a lot like whites in the general US population, only perhaps a bit less liberal, as one might expect of persons volunteering to become warriors.

And again, don’t forget there are a lot of nonwhites in the military. I’ve heard the number is about a third. I found this:

As of 2010, it says whites are 71%. But “whites” definitely includes Jews, and might include even certain Middle Eastern types (Chechens, Turks, maybe Arabs, for all I know). So the 2/3 vs 1/3 breakdown might be accurate.

I don’t think the US military would be either pro- or antiwhite. It would follow its orders. Claims about “white supremacists” or “superpatriots” in the military are more hopeful than substantive (and probably mostly fodder for, if not propaganda from, antiwhite hate groups like the ADL and the SPLC). Real patriots, let alone race patriots, tend to get weeded out in favor of determinedly neutral careerists.

The police, OTOH, is a more interesting issue. Yes, American cops, esp in the big cities, are becoming more militarized. And PC indoctrination is in full force there, too. But my cop friends tell me that there is still a lot of racial tension within urban police depts, and that it never really goes away. This is due to the facts that most street crime is committed by nonwhites (and so most of the dangerous dirtbags cops have to deal with are nonwhites, and this does wear over time), as well as the continuing racial politicization of police depts, esp urban ones. This politicization ranges from constant “civil rights” harassment and threats from “the community” (mostly black), to simmering white (esp male) anger over manifest and totally recognized and understood affirmative action injustices in officer promotions (which are possibly even worse for the police than the military).

Moreover, my cop friends have told me that the PC indoctrination is having very little real psychological penetration among white officers. If anything, things may be moving in a more positive direction. For example, recent years have seen the rise of a number of “white officers’ associations”, and attempts to organize such associations (ones for nonwhites are ubiquitous, of course).

Finally, let’s not forget that American law enforcement ranges from the Feds, who are possibly the least communally patriotic (though I once had the opportunity to meet a whole bunch of Secret Service officers, and they were a uniformly conservative bunch; “conservative”, though whether also secretly racialist, no one divulged to me), all the way to the local sheriff of a small town or county, who would be far more likely to side with his community (as he’s often from it) in any conflict than with outside powers.

In any event, how white military or police might come down in any general racial conflict in the US is tough to say, though I suspect commonsense would prove the most predictively accurate: at all levels, whites would side with ‘lawful’ authority, and just do their jobs to maintain maximum order, unless and until the situation spun completely out of control, and nonwhites were hunting and exterminating whites as whites indiscriminately, in which case they would join with other whites simply for survival reasons.

But due to America’s ‘thin’ ethnoculture, I don’t think there will ever be any kind of large-scale WN rebellion here. I’m not sure there would be a WN effort even if nonwhites were butchering whites in the streets, which is not how I see white extinction in America unfolding (rather, it will be due simply to continuing, peaceful immigration colonization, and expanding miscegenation, with pure blooded whites an ever-shrinking presence, until they either finally vanish, or a remnant returns to its ancestral European lands). I think particular whites would just try to protect their own families and properties, perhaps joining with their immediate neighbors out of pure self-interest (not racial pride or instinct).

But I think the possibility of nationalist rebellion in the UK, however remote such might appear at the moment, is much, much greater. After all, you not only possess an ancient land and ‘thick’ communal history which you are being dispossessed of, but your dispossessors are both racially alien, and aggressively ideologically so. It really is true that most of America’s aliens colonizers just want to fulfill individual dreams. More Mexicans than whites are criminals and welfare deadbeats, but having interacted with innumerable Hispanics as a Southern Californian for most of my life, I can assure you that most Mexicans do not hate whites (they don’t exactly love us, either, of course). They mostly want to make money off us, legitimately if possible, illegitimately if opportunity arises. They’ll happily take our country if we give it to them, but the idea that Mexicans are going to perpetrate constant terrorist outrages is far-fetched (and note: I am as fierce an antimmigrationist as you’ll meet).

But Muslims? Oh boy, your leaders were beyond stupid introducing this civilizational cancer into your old country ...

I think the Muzzies will only increase their terrorist attacks, and I have to think nationalists will one day strike back ... which brings us back to the question of military allegiances.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 26 May 2013 08:36 | #

Why do Thorn and Leon always travel as a tag team? (DanielS)

Thorn and I have no connection whatsoever. We have never met, or even corresponded except on these boards. We’re obviously of similar minds on the main issues; so what? I have many friends who share my perspective.

We’re actually fairly standard American conservatives who haven’t sold out our principles in order to be PC. In the 50s we would have been called “mainstream conservatives”, not “WNs” (just look at National Review magazine from the 50s-early 60s).

I assure you: the number of persons in the US, and even globally, who would agree with us is millions or tens of millions greater than the number of those who would accept your weird blend of Christ-hating, Jew-hating, and Nazi-hating. I have met, on the Right, anti-Christians, antisemites and anti-Nazis, but never anyone combining all three positions. I know antisemites who are also anti-Christian, but they are not anti-Hitler. I know an antisemite who is pro-Christian as well as pro-Nazi (a bit of a stretch intellectually, i think, but that’s his opinion).

I neither know nor know of anyone like you (maybe Lister?). It is you who are odd, not us.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 26 May 2013 10:12 | #

I assure you: the number of persons in the US, and even globally, who would agree with us is millions or tens of millions

Ok. So you and Thornblossom hold the same anachronistic, falio-conservative position.

greater than the number of those who would accept your

Wrong. People are never going to accept the absurdity of Christianity - they already reject it. You are trying to lump nominal Christians (as in, “I’m not Jewish or Muslim” into agreement with yours and Thorn’s foolish acceptance)

weird blend

Nothing weird about it: mine is the most normal position for one who cares about all people of European extraction; including the ends of maintaining their distinctions.

of Christ-hating,

How can I hate something or someone that never existed?

I will say this, however, I have never thought about hating Christianity until I experienced the way that Thorn, in particular, but you as well, have tried to bludgeon thinking on its behalf. And then to impose this utter suicidal stupidity - so yes, my opinion of Christianity has taken a turn for the worse, largely thanks to you and Thorn.


You keep saying that. And it increases my distrust of you and Thorn.

I don’t hate Jews. I respond to the hateful destruction of European peoples as perpetrated by their patterned and elite interests.

and Nazi-hating.

Well, Nazi-hating. I think its fine to discuss Nazis, what they might have had right, the challenges they might have been up against; and to be sympathetic to Germans and German nationalism as one group among European peoples; but such discussions ought to be balanced off with criticism of their project, its (serious) mistakes. First of all, they were fighting against other European peoples.

Belarusians and Ukrainians were anti-Soviet if not anti-Russian, and significantly anti-Jewish. So making those people into enemies was poorly conceived straight away. There were territorial disputes with the Poles and Czechs that were on a different level, but they wanted nations of their own and with the supremacist and genocidal outlook of the Nazis, one can hardly blame them for resisting. Nevertheless, through the most salient example of Pilsudski, The Poles were anti-Soviet and willing to fight. And of course the Poles are significantly anti Jewish. Thus, the whole bit about the Nazis having to invade and conquer Eastward and into Russia in order to defend themselves is wrong. There were were alliances to be had; and any nation attacking Germany would be suicidal. The Nazis did not have to attack their neighbors, but they did. They invaded Western nations and bombed them too. The result was 55 million dead Europeans. Apparently, they did not get the worst, most culpable of the Jews, but rather they played into the stigmatization of racialism by killing off the more ordinary Jews.

Yes, it is normal to be against the Nazis and Christianity.

A good sum of the dumb right: Hitler + Jesus + Darwin

I have met, on the Right, anti-Christians, antisemites and anti-Nazis, but never anyone combining all three positions.

Yes, because the right is the kind of imposed stupidity.

I know antisemites who are also anti-Christian, but they are not anti-Hitler. I know an antisemite who is pro-Christian as well as pro-Nazi (a bit of a stretch intellectually, i think, but that’s his opinion).

That’s the right for you..

neither know nor know of anyone like you (maybe Lister?). It is you who are odd, not us.

Wrong, it is me who is normal and the majority who may not have not been afforded opportunity to be articulate of their best interests.

The Majority are pro Nazi? no. The Majority are believing Christians? no. The Majority would approve of Jewish destruction of European peoples if the fact could be demonstrated? Of course not.

...the majority would approve of objectivist destruction of our people? Hopefully not.



Posted by Bill on Sun, 26 May 2013 13:42 | #

A Sunday morning ramble.

First, a bit about the EDL video’s.

Is it possible that the EDL faithful, who were presumably the core or all of those assembled in the Newcastle video could be augmented to include a goodly proportion of the tens of thousands of chanting football crowds throughout Britain?

The thin blue line looked threadbare to me, they were no match for a vibrant testosterone crowd like that.  I understand the British police force numbers about 150,000.

A crown of a million would overwhelm them, so they would need support.  From whom?

The principle defence we have lies in our numerical superiority, but that ratio is narrowing by the day, soon, there will be more of them than us.  Not only is it those arriving daily via Heathrow but also those who are already established here, for they are breeding exponentially.  The clock is ticking.

I reckon Britain’s population of non whites must be increasing at near the rate of a million a year, soon whites will be in a minority and our numerical advantage gone.

I’m sure I read once where the cost of a new entry into France was 100,000 Euro’s for each new immigrant.  No wonder I was convinced that Britain’s economic woes were due to mass immigration.

There’s not the merest hint (other than political mischief - plenty of that) that immigration will be reduced, the present steady figure of around half a million a year seems set in perpetuity.

Right from the beginning I always believed mass migration into Britain was being planned and orchestrated by the UN via the EU.  I remember reading UN growth charts predicting Britain’s population would rise to 70 million by mid century and then tail off.  What a bunch of jokers!  The same article went on to say that after 2050, Britain’s population would stabilise at around this figure of 70 million.  We must be well past that figure now.

I’ve always wondered who these people are who sit around a table producing all of this stuff, and pass it onto the EU for implementation?  There’s a whole industry hatching laws and and producing statistics cross the whole spectrum of life, creating legislation that is rubber stamped by our politicians.

I also remember watching a BBC News feature where a familiar BBC face (I’m sure it was Paul Mason) who was describing to his audience (with the aid of charts) the numbers of immigrants scheduled to enter Britain over the coming years.  I distinctly recall the figure of 7 million being mentioned.  I sat and watched all of this in a state of disbelief,  I must have been hallucinating.  I was thinking, if I was outraged by what I was seeing and hearing why weren’t tens of millions of other viewers watching feeling the same.  I never did see any comment anywhere.

I opened this comment referring to our dwindling white numerical superiority, and how it is one of the few weapons we possess.  I should have added the caveat that numerical advantage would only be an advantage proving the masses was savvy as to what was going and were aware of the consequences of mass immigration, and that it was an elite weapon to destroy us and our nation.  But alas that is and not been the case and as a consequence the road has been long and hard.

The only other instrument our people possessed by way defence was/is, the Internet, without which, we would be practically defenceless.

I made it my business that by using this instrument the Internet (thanks again GW) I would endeavor to inform the wider world.  For our people to be targeted for extinction without their knowledge or means of defence by their representative is a heinous crime.  A crime against humanity in fact..

And this where I’m at.  Am I making a difference?  I don’t really know.  Hopefully, perhaps a smidgen, I’d like to think so anyway.  What with an ever growing army of similar keyboard warriors hunkering down tirelessly pushing the envelope, then I suppose we are, they do say the pen is mightier than the sword.


Posted by jrackell on Sun, 26 May 2013 17:00 | #

(via Age of Treason blog)

Swedes Take to the Streets to Defend their Neighborhoods

Faced by another night of terror at the hands of predominantly immigrant rioters, Swedes grown tired of the police’s inability to put an end to the unrest took to the streets Friday night to defend their neighborhoods.
In the Stockholm suburb of Tumba the police decided to abandon their earlier non-intervention policy as a large group of police officers rounded up and dispersed a group of vigilantes trying to fend off rioters.
The decision to round up vigilantes while, according to Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving, ”doing as little as possible” to stop rioters, met with a wave of protests in various social media and on the Internet. Representatives of some vigilante groups contacted Fria Tider to give their view of last night’s events.

– The number of police officers on the streets is simply staggering. The police appear to have focused all their resources on stopping the Swedes, Fredrik Becklin, spokesman for the nationalist youth organization Nordisk Ungdom (Nordic Youth), said Friday night.

– It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire, said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.

So the Swedish government, through the strong arm of the police, are viciously attacking native Swedes who are organizing their own self defense against the rioters. 

It’s as if the immigrant riots in Sweden are part of government policy that, even if the government didn’t instigate the riots, it’s serves their purposes to have the riots happen and continue.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 26 May 2013 19:49 | #

@ 53

It’s as if the immigrant riots in Sweden are part of government policy

It is government policy, the purpose being to goad the two factions into war.  That is why the non white immigrants have been invited into all white lands, they are a proxy battering ram to destroy us.

Divide and conquer and let them exhaust themselves.  There’s something about that in Pike’s letter.  Maybe Sweden is ahead of the curve.

It also sounds like a liberal thing where they reward the other whilst punishing their own.

There is a name for it but I can’t bring it to mind.

Pike’s letter…

....We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilisation….


Posted by Bill on Sun, 26 May 2013 20:33 | #

@ 53

It is happening here before our eyes at this very moment.

Last weeks events are still reverberating in the halls of the political class but not in the way someone not familiar with our work here would imagine.

We here know the how the government operates through it’s propaganda arm the media.

It is anti British dressed up in faux patriotsm and sophist spin.  They are very good at it.  It nearly fools all of the people all of time but doesn’t quite make it.

The pattern of behavior of our politicians is a well trodden path, any incident and they run to the community head honchos and prostrate themselves before them begging for forgiveness.  What can they do to stop a repeat of whatever happening again.

This of course incenses the the average Brit who goes into a silent rage.  WTF do our politicians think they’re doing?

The reaction is the EDL assemble in their thousands straining at the leash, what the community hotheads think I don’t know but it won’t be much different than the EDL’s, it’s like two rottweilers nose to nose.

Meanwhile Cameron is posing and threatening and reassuring his own people while all the time pandering to the communities, in total, silently sowing the whirlwind.

Cameron reassures his handlers that all is well.


Posted by Paul on Sun, 26 May 2013 22:12 | #

What was interesting was that the assailant made a clear explanation and justification of the attack - a formal declaration of war of sorts - to a bystander. Has this statement been getting much coverage?

“The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers, and this British soldier is one, is a eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. By Allah, we swear by the Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone. So what if we want to live by the Sharia in Muslim lands. Why does that mean you must follow us and chase us and call us extremists and kill us? Rather you lot are extreme. You are the ones. When you drop a bomb, do you think it hits one person or rather your bomb wipes out a whole family. This is the reality. By Allah, if I saw your mother today with a buggy I would help her up the stairs. This is my nature. But we are forced by the Qur’an in Sura at-Tawba [Chapter 9 of the Qur’an], through many, many ayah [verses] throughout the Qur’an that [say] we must fight them as they fight us, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I apologise that women had to witness this today, but in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your governments. They don’t care about you. Do you think David Cameron is gonna get caught in the street when we start busting our guns? Do you think the politicians are going to die? No it’s going to be the average guy, like you, and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so we can…, so you can all live in peace. Leave our lands and you will live in peace. That’s all I have to say. Allah’s peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, as-salamu alaykum.”


Posted by Silver on Sun, 26 May 2013 23:11 | #

The house rules are only three: keep it legal, keep it civil, if at all possible keep it thoughtful.

Ah, now I see: daniels squeezes in on a technicality.


Posted by CFE on Sun, 26 May 2013 23:32 | #


It is government policy, the purpose being to goad the two factions into war.

But not until they’re more evenly matched?


Posted by Paul on Mon, 27 May 2013 01:14 | #

Some of the news stories on this report that the assailant said, “By Allah, we swear by the Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you”. However, they don’t report the entire sentence: ” By Allah, we swear by the Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone.” They don’t seem to report any of the other parts of the statement either.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 27 May 2013 04:12 | #

Do not panic Silver, there is no technicality enjoining the participation of colored men - yet.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 May 2013 12:45 | #

Just a reminder: the EDL is set to march on Downing Street @ 3:00 pm GMT.

Those not participating in the march owe a giant debt of gratitude to them.

A mighty H/T to the EDL!

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

John Stuart Mill

English economist & philosopher (1806 – 1873)




Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 27 May 2013 14:48 | #

If, let us say. that nationality is inherited from one’s father, Thorn, can you be sure that John Stuart Mill is not the Scotsman that every educated person knows him to be?


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 May 2013 15:45 | #

Thanks for pointing that out, Al.

Being a crass Americano pleb, I was unaware of the fact that John Stuart Mill was the son of a Scotsman [James Mill]. In fact I never heard of James Mill.

Thanks to the internet, I quickly learned James Mill was a prolific writer, and one heavy duty, no nonsense, deep thinker!



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 May 2013 16:57 | #

Listen to the sniveling duplicitous David Cameron brown nosing the Muzzies. He speaketh with fork tongue. He states he will not let extremists succeed. What he is really saying is he not only plans to investigate extremism within the Muzzie community; he, in the same breath, indirectly but clearly sends the message he will quash any group (such as the EDL) that openly opposes Muslim presence in the UK. What an elitist POS.


Posted by Morgoth on Mon, 27 May 2013 19:28 | #

There is so much going on at the minute its very hard to keep track. We had the killing of Lee Rigby followed by the usual pathetic nothingness from the establishment, a resurgent EDL and the subsequent vilification in the press, an 85 year old grandmother gets arrested for telling Pakistani’s to live in Pakistan but a Muslim defiles a war memorial with pro Islam propaganda walks. An ‘‘Anti Islam backlash’’ is under way across the land, Anjem Choudry goes on the BBC and tells us we deserve to be slaughtered and now there is a debate on whether to ban extremists, will that include the EDL and BNP?

Its like watching the entire white population get chucked into the boiling pot without the slow steady warming that comes first, surely now they get it, surely to Christ this the grand awakening. Judging by my workmates it actually does seem to be.

The footage from today’s EDL rally is interesting, its seems to have been a rather messy affair but a look at what constitutes the Anti Fash these days is revealing. They aren’t middle class white whigger junkies anymore…

@Thorn, excellent quote


Posted by jrackell on Mon, 27 May 2013 20:08 | #

more anarcho-tyranny from Sweden.


But while the Stockholm riots keep spreading and intensifying, Swedish police have adopted a tactic of non-interference. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained to the Swedish newspaper Expressen on Tuesday.

”We go to the crime scenes, but when we get there we stand and wait,” elaborated Lars Byström, the media relations officer of the Stockholm Police Department. ”If we see a burning car, we let it burn if there is no risk of the fire spreading to other cars or buildings nearby. By doing so we minimize the risk of having rocks thrown at us.”

...and the Tyranny

Swedish parking laws, however, continue to be rigidly enforced despite the increasingly chaotic situation. Early Wednesday, while documenting the destruction after a night of rioting in the Stockholm suburb of Alby, a reporter from Fria Tider observed a parking enforcement officer writing a ticket for a burnt-out Ford.

When questioned, the officer explained that the ticket was issued because the vehicle lacked a tag showing its time of arrival. The fact that the vehicle had been effectively destroyed – its windshield smashed and the interior heavily damaged by fire – was irrelevant according to the meter maid, who asked Fria Tider’s photographer to destroy the photos he had taken.


(via Parapundit)


Posted by wobbly on Mon, 27 May 2013 20:47 | #


now there is a debate on whether to ban extremists, will that include the EDL and BNP?

That’s how they’ll use it.

a look at what constitutes the Anti Fash these days is revealing. They aren’t middle class white whigger junkies anymore…

Yes, that was always on the cards eventually but it’s good to see it finally happening. Lots of Jews mixed in with Blacks and Muslims visually proving anti-racism is just a codeword for anti-white.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 28 May 2013 04:04 | #

I note the EDL’s 18,000 likes on Facebook before last Wednesday has now gone past 130,000.


Posted by jrackell on Tue, 28 May 2013 23:06 | #

Anarcho-tyranny Swedish style:


But while the Stockholm riots keep spreading and intensifying, Swedish police have adopted a tactic of non-interference. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained to the Swedish newspaper Expressen on Tuesday.

”We go to the crime scenes, but when we get there we stand and wait,” elaborated Lars Byström, the media relations officer of the Stockholm Police Department. ”If we see a burning car, we let it burn if there is no risk of the fire spreading to other cars or buildings nearby. By doing so we minimize the risk of having rocks thrown at us.”


Swedish parking laws, however, continue to be rigidly enforced despite the increasingly chaotic situation. Early Wednesday, while documenting the destruction after a night of rioting in the Stockholm suburb of Alby, a reporter from Fria Tider observed a parking enforcement officer writing a ticket for a burnt-out Ford.

(via Parapundit)


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 May 2013 23:53 | #

The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden


Posted by Bill on Wed, 29 May 2013 05:07 | #


Anarcho-Tyranny—Where Multiculturalism Leads

Thanks for that, the term continued to elude me.  Thanks also for your commentary.

Unwilling to control immigration and the cultural disintegration it causes, the authorities instead control the law-abiding.


Posted by Frankie on Wed, 29 May 2013 05:24 | #

Cut through to the average man.  Pass this around and post on comment streams.


Posted by Dude on Wed, 29 May 2013 13:06 | #


Posted by Morgoth on Wed, 29 May 2013 23:33 | #

Paul Weston has now passed over into full Nationalism, this is an excellent speech. Much of what he says reminds me of the discussions of the DT threads and the stark facts that are used as battering rams.

The ‘‘Counter Jihad’’ is proving itself an excellent entry point for many good people.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 30 May 2013 17:45 | #

Muzzie Slices Up French Soldier in Copy Cat Attack

Jew Hollande says theories must be explored as to why the attack happened.

French anti-terror soldier has throat slashed in Paris by ‘man of North African origin in Woolwich copy-cat attack’

Read more:
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Posted by Lurker on Sat, 01 Jun 2013 17:37 | #

I note round our way all the war memorials now have flowers, poppies, cards etc for Lee Rigby. Someone should start recording this, the MSM dont give a shit of course.


Posted by wobbly on Sat, 01 Jun 2013 22:37 | #

One of the woolwich killers at a muslim rally (at a UAF anti-edl demo apparently although hard to tell)

“kuffar are pigs” etc


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 21 Dec 2013 14:41 | #

I can’t see why we should have to put up with this, why England should have to put up with it.

“The distraught family of Lee Rigby left court in tears today as one of his remorseless killers smiled and kissed the Koran after he was found guilty of his murder.”


Posted by Monuments for Heroes on Mon, 06 Apr 2015 05:57 | #

Colin Liddell makes some good points in criticism of the Rigby memorial.

A hero is not an accidental victim but one who deliberately acts, courageously and effectively against daunting enemies. For that, a hero should be memorialized boldly and in the right place, where the stand took meaningful place.

Almost everything about this memorial is wrong. Firstly, it just looks terrible. Its tone is meek and mild, almost apologetic. It is a memorial to timidity and a desire not to offend the very people who had no compunction about sawing off Rigby’s head. In short, it is a memorial to the continuation of victimhood.

But, secondly, even if the memorial had been well designed, iconically assertive, and placed in the correct location, with a message that mentioned the actions and Islamic motivations of his murderers, the fact is…

The only reason to remember something as dispiriting as this is to feel a sense of vicarious pain and humiliation, leading to outrage and anger, resulting in an immediate desire for vengeance to blot out the humiliation while also removing the threat.


The only “vengeance” our governments allow us for such atrocities is to continue supporting pointless wars in the Middle East and Africa against peoples who are merely struggling in their primitive ways to achieve their own forms of nationalism and self-determination against the same globalist system that seeks to crush our national identities through mass immigration and multiculturalism. In fact, the two methods are related, as the wars in Africa and the Middle East serve to swell the flood of migrant refugees to Europe.

What we need of icons

Most of all we need heroes who can exact vengeance and impose justice on the political and business elites that allowed this situation to develop in the first place.

The beheading of a British soldier in broad daylight by Muslim fanatics, along with the mass rape of thousands of British children by Muslim gangs, should not be an excuse for PR spin and meaningless memorials tucked away out of sight to help the families of victims achieve a little “closure.” The only closure any of us need is the closure of Britain’s borders after the removal of the culture and communities responsible for these gross insults and indignities committed against the indigenous.

Given the extremely high stakes, the actions necessary to achieve that would indeed be worthy of the greatest memorial ever built — a memorial to victory and salvation, not acquiescence and extinction.


Posted by Lee Rigby family release video tribute on Sat, 21 May 2016 07:26 | #

Lee Rigby family release video tribute


Posted by Rigby Memorial trashed on Sat, 20 May 2017 03:24 | #

Westmonster, 19 May, 2017:

Lee Rigby memorial trashed days before anniversary of his murder, son’s teddy bear stolen. Disgusting!

Sick vandals have trashed a memorial set up in the memory of Lee Rigby, who was murdered near to his barracks in South London.

Rigby was murdered on 22nd May 2013 after he was knocked down and hacked to death with a meat cleaver by two jihadis who were intent on murdering a soldier.

Thugs cut down memorial flags that were left by mourners and supporters and even stole a teddy which was left by Rigby’s son, Jack.

A police spokesman said: “Police were called at 11:44hrs on Thursday, May 18 to a report that flags at the Lee Rigby memorial in Hillreach, Charlton, SE15 – opposite the Royal Artillery Barracks – had been damaged, with some possibly stolen.

“Officers have attended and are making enquiries; a crime scene is in place.”

It is believed to have been vandalised as the anniversary of the horrific murder is coming up. What is England coming to when sickening stuff like this is going on?



Posted by DanielS on Sat, 20 May 2017 09:42 | #

Apparently, they did not get the worst, most culpable of the Jews, but rather they played into the stigmatization of racialism by killing off the more ordinary Jews.

I didn’t have this quite right at the time. Though I maintain that the Nazis wound up serving “anti-racism” by “didactically” going over the top; the Jews they killed were not necessarily the more ordinary Jews in all respects - Yes, they were more likely to be grounded and accountable, i.e., not to have as much capacity or propensity flee over the border right away - but at the same time with that, they were more prone to mixing with Europeans. I am beginning to favor the theory that the Jews who were assimilating with Germans and other Europeans would be held in contempt by more hard-core ethnocentric Jews and Germans both. And these Jews, not being quite as ethno-centric themselves, were thus among the more vulnerable. That is not to say that their being more “ordinary” in their increased affinity for European ways and propensity for assimilation should be taken as strictly more “normal”, and not a part of their group evolutionary strategy - without negative consequences for all sides; on the contrary - it would weaken capacity for coherent group defense - especially for Europeans (being generally less ethnocentric anyway). Nevertheless, that is also not to say that the better option would not have been intensified means of separatism, and coordination of that end among powers that could understand its necessity.

This is of course J.Q. 101 for readers of MacDonald but it should be re-confirmed because it make sense. After all, who do racialists (ethnocentric people) hold in most contempt? The liberals and the mixers.

More, while Jewish group evolutionary strategy probably is that virulent, the over-reaction of the Nazis wound up serving “anti-racism”, stigmatizing European group defense by “didactically” going over the top; at the same time, this only increased the “warrant” of Jews to be fervently ethnocentric and self protective.


Posted by Lee Rigby's 31rst Birthday on Thu, 05 Jul 2018 10:20 | #

Today would have been Lee Rigby’s 31st birthday.
If he had not been murdered by an Islamist on the streets of London.
Today we keep his family and loved ones in our thoughts.
Gone, but not forgotten.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
