The world is only White

Posted by Guest Blogger on Wednesday, 27 January 2010 11:27.

by The Narrator

The ongoing debate/discussion about the pertinent steps to be taken to secure the sanctity and survival of the White race in America into the future continues its (seemingly) irrelevant pace.

Do we work within the system or try to reform it to our side?

Honestly, I’d say the answer is neither.

For one thing, the writing is on the proverbial wall, as this NYT article illustrates.  There is a clickable map at that site showing the percentage of minority students by state.

For another thing, it is entirely possible that, for a percentage of our ideological adversaries, the establishment of an official White Community (complete with social, economic and political advocacy) would be seen as the final victory over Western Civilization and Western Man.

After all, the pursuit of a “party” at this point is the pursuit of a chair at the table of what was once our own house. It is to psychologically and philosophically acquiesce ownership of our own civilization.

In that, I sincerely doubt the Left fears to see the rise of White Nationalism as a political option for White Americans who are, circa 2010, probably around 53% of the population of America. Once we become a White American Party we have accepted the terms and conditions of our enemies. We are, then, mere players in the new Gnostic world order of global community.

Put another way, when we accept the role as being yet another ethnic/cultural group WITHIN OUR OWN CIVILIZATION we have acknowledged defeat.

What then is our course of action?

For us Americans, it is not ‘Triumph of the Will’ that should inspire us, but ‘Zulu’. For that is closer to our current predicament. Whether we like it or not our immediate first step is to act and function in much the same way as Colonialists and Settlers in the 18th and 19th century did. We must accept that, for all intents and purposes, we are in the wilderness of the New World (or Darkest Africa), surrounded by violent savages incapable of being civilized, yet we are damned determined to create a functioning society for our people there. In this perspective, our historical culture is our homeland, our civilization from which we colonists have come. There, we are an everlasting majority.

Even if a functioning political party could be put together it would be ten years before it could ascend to relevant heights. By then we would have no majority with which to work our will within the system.

So we must look across the spectrum of space and time and see White people and only White people. We must set ourselves apart and beyond non-Whites. We must indoctrinate one another into the worldview that sees them as obstacles or objects impeding (or irrelevant to) our progress. We must view them much the same way we view mountains in the way of our railroads or wolves preying upon our flocks. What we must not do is seek a place at out own tables with the wolves or expect to converse cordially and reciprocally with the mountains.

We are one kind. They are another.

In that, I mean that we must view Whites as our kind and equals and non-Whites as not, because unless and until we are prepared to think and function in such a way, all attempts to stave off our demise will fail as the scenario (as it is) will inevitably be that of ‘two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner.’

Our political, philosophical and social adversaries are not blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians etc. Our adversaries (or allies) are always and only Whites.  A White man can be an enemy, but a non-White is merely an obstacle.

What I am most specifically speaking of is relegating those not of us to the extreme periphery of our experience and existence. And to those who would take moral umbrage to such a notion I would point out that we already do it in a variety of ways.

For example, how many people do we pass on the street, or in offices, or clubs, or parks etc. whom we compartmentalize as being outside of our social circle and thus outside of our concern or general acknowledgment? How many nightly news stories of human tragedy do we consider with any real depth?

So you see, we already have lines drawn.

Naturally, though, those lines form circles that emanate outwardly placing some closer than others. What we must do is fix the form and function of those lines to place Whites solely within and non-White completely without.  To do otherwise is to continue to ‘spin our wheels’ in the same muck that has stagnated us socially and culturally for decades.

Attempting to speak of our interests, politically or socially, within the polyglot system simply works to wall us in rather them wall them out.

What then should be the rallying call for our people in America?


‘Abandon Ship!’

Looking at demographic projections it is a foregone conclusion that the United States of America is not a “shinning city upon a hill” but rather, the Titanic. The nation is sinking and nothing is going to change that. At this point the idea of vying to be a member of the crew when the bow is already underwater is insane.

What is needed is a Lifeboat Movement.

We need leaders to begin constructing the political, cultural, economic and social lifeboats with which our people can escape to safety.

There is already such a sentiment among an increasing percentage of us. Already Whites are distancing themselves from the ship of state. Not physically (in most cases) but philosophically and ideologically. White Americans are backing away from the mutated Marxist-Ghetto, Neo-Babylonian, third world -Ship of State- America.  There is no real struggle to regain the controls by the rapidly decreasing majority because, at this point, only the dimmest of bulbs aren’t noticing the increasingly vertical tilt that the RMS AMERICA is taking.

There is a strong sense of inevitable doom in the air. Our people are looking for a way out, not a way back in.

Our people are looking for the lifeboats.


To further illustrate the rapidly crumbling status of Whites within the United States, below is an update to an article I posted here last April called Painting a Picture in which I posted Census information on current estimates of numbers of Whites by states within regions. Below I have placed the updated estimates beside the originals.

Keep in mind that, though the percentage drops may look small, the two estimates are only nine months apart.  Also, the percentages are for ‘non-Hispanic whites’, which includes people from the Middle East and North Africa.

White demographic estimates - April 2009 January 2010

Maine: 95.5% 95.3% -.2%
New Hampshire: 93.4% 93.1% -.3%
Vermont: 95.3% 95.2% -.1%
Massachusetts: 79.7% 79.2% -.5%
Rhode Island: 79.3% 78.8% -.5%
Connecticut: 74.4% 73.8% -.6%
New York: 60.3% 60.0% -.3%

Original total was 82.5% White. New total is 82.2%

District of Columbia: 32.5% 33.1% +.6%

Pennsylvania: 81.8% 81.4% -.4%
New Jersey: 62.2% 61.7% -.5%
Delaware: 68.7% 68.3% -.4%
Maryland: 58.1% 57.7% -.4%
West Virginia: 93.6% 93.5% -.1%
Virginia: 67.3% 67.0% -.3%

Original total was 71.9% White. New total is 71.6%

North Carolina: 67.5% 67.2% -.3%
Tennessee: 77.2% 77.1% -.1%
South Carolina: 65.3% 65.2% -.1%
Georgia: 58.5% 58.1% -.4%
Florida: 60.8% 60.3% -.5%
Alabama: 68.6% 68.4% -.2%
Mississippi: 58.9% 58.7% -.2%

Original total was 65.2% White. New total is 65%

Ohio: 82.7% 82.5% -.2%
Kentucky: 88.0% 87.8% -.2%
Indiana: 83.5% 83.2% -.3%
Illinois: 65.0% 64.7% -.3%
Michigan: 77.6% 77.5% -.1%
Wisconsin: 85.4% 85.1% -.3%

Original total was 80.3% White. New total is 80.1%

North Dakota: 89.9% 89.6% -.3%
South Dakota: 86.4% 86.1% -.3%
Minnesota: 85.7% 85.4% -.3%
Nebraska: 84.5% 84.1% -.4%
Iowa: 90.6% 90.3% -.3%

Original total was 87.4% White. New total is 87.1%

Kansas: 80.7% 80.3% -.4%
Missouri: 82.3% 82.1% -.2%
Oklahoma: 71.8% 71.4% -.4%
Arkansas: 76.0% 75.6% -.4
Texas: 47.9% 47.4% -.5%
Louisiana: 62.3% 61.9% -.4%

Original total was 70.1% White. New total is 69.7%

Washington: 76.1% 75.5% -.6%
Idaho: 85.6% 85.1% -.5%
Montana: 88.2% 87.9% -.3%
Oregon: 80.5% 80.0% -.5%
Wyoming: 87.3% 86.8% -.5%

Original total was 83.5% White. New total is 83.0%

Nevada: 58.0% 57.1% -.9%
Utah: 82.3% 81.7% -.6%
Colorado: 71.3% 71.0% -.3%
Arizona: 59.1% 58.4% -.7%
New Mexico: 42.3% 41.7% -.6%

Original total was 62.6% White. New total is 61.9%

California: 42.7% 42.3% -.4%

Alaska: 66.1% 65.7% -.4%

Hawaii: 24.7% 24.9% +.2%

And as a fairly large percentage of Whites in America are elderly (and thus will not be replaced when gone) the percentage drop for Whites will accelerate over the next fifteen years.

Add to that, continued high rates of legal immigration from non-White countries, continued mass migration across the southern border, higher rates of miscegenation and increasing numbers of childless or one-child-only Whites and it should be evident to all that establishing a political party to pursue legislative seats in America is an exercise in frivolity.

The ship is going down and nothing is going to change that. We must abandon ship. We need lifeboats!




Posted by NR on Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:26 | #

Lifeboats, that can carry European Americans to South America, Russia, and Eastern Europe.


Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 27 Jan 2010 17:48 | #

Yes, the American state makes it increasingly unpleasant for White men (our women have it considerably better).  Between the danger of non-White crime, the ridiculous expense and risk involved in starting a family, the lack of any employment security, etc it is very hard to rationalize staying here.  Honestly I’m considering leaving as a long term plan.  It just isn’t worth the hassle and stress, plus the idea of further enriching a regime that is diabolically evil disgusts me.


Posted by torgrim on Wed, 27 Jan 2010 20:04 | #

“It just isn’t worth the stress and hassle, plus further enriching a regime that is diabolically evil disgusts me.”  Gudmund

Diabolically evil….well said, target ON!

As an example, Bill Gates and Gary Hart are blaming the victim today, for America’s social and economic disaster…an apt example of the above quote, in my opinion.

The example in the above well written piece by Narrator, of the Titanic with the “bow down and going under”, is most appropriate, for the ship of state, however, in California, it is more like a roman slave galley with those pulling the oars, weak, thin, dehydraded and ill….a Ghost Ship.


Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 27 Jan 2010 20:22 | #

As an example, Bill Gates and Gary Hart are blaming the victim today, for America’s social and economic disaster…an apt example of the above quote, in my opinion.

Exactly, the plutocrats can be blamed 99% for the creation of the disaster and they shift the blame onto us, their White subjects.  What absolute scum.

You know some people say that White America will not go out with a bang but given how incredibly obnoxious our ruling class and racially alien underclasses are becoming I don’t think revolutionary violence is an unrealistic scenario.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 27 Jan 2010 23:37 | #

What I believe will happen as a result of the demographic decline of White Americans is that they will be dragged through the stages of radicalization and racial awakening whether they like it or not.  The more salient non-Whites become, both in media discourse and where one lives, the more one will be forced to come to terms with the implications of it.  There does seem to be a quality of inevitability to it.  The question is can this inevitably growing discontent be managed by the governing class.  It doesn’t seem to me that it can be managed forever.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 00:21 | #

What I believe will happen as a result of the demographic decline of White Americans is that they will be dragged through the stages of radicalization and racial awakening whether they like it or not.

Why now and not before? The WASPs were driven out by the Catholics and the Catholics driven out by the blacks. Now Mexicans are driving out the blacks. Why will the pattern change? of Cities flyer.pdf


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 00:23 | #

You said it before, and some are now just finding it out, “you can’t unring the bell”.


Posted by AD on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 02:08 | #

You said it before, and some are now just finding it out, “you can’t unring the bell”.

But you might just be able to unbake the American cake.  It’s tricky stuff, and you won’t salvage all that went into it, and there will be some messy residue, but there’s reason to believe it could be done.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 02:17 | #

Why now and not before?

But it did happen before.  I’m sure you recall the examples of the Klan’s opposition you have brought to our attention.

The WASPs were driven out by the Catholics and the Catholics driven out by the blacks. Now Mexicans are driving out the blacks. Why will the pattern change?

What happened before was that after having been displaced the initial populations found new territory in which they could resettle and find a condition of satisfactory stasis.  Of course the calibration of the system in terms of reward, punishment, status assignation, indoctrination all played a strong roll in disposing all concerned to tolerate a less than desirable situation.  But they did, and still do flee, none the less.  The pull towards genetically similar fellows cannot be expunged so easily.  In Western Europe there are actually (I feel like pinching myself every time I see an example of there success) nationalist parties that do something, as opposed to America where we see nothing.  Why?  The straightforward answer is population density.

You said it before, and some are now just finding it out, “you can’t unring the bell”.

Sure it can, but that depends upon how much power one is able to attain, and just how much leeway in disposing of that power one is willing to arrogate to oneself consistent with the ineluctable goal of undoing what has been done.  Not only Uncle Adolf, but his (we must not doubt!) moral superiors Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin knew it well.


Posted by Matra on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 04:30 | #

In Western Europe there are actually…nationalist parties that do something, as opposed to America where we see nothing.  Why?  The straightforward answer is population density.

That’s one answer, true enough. However, those Europeans have evolved as smaller nations or ethnic groups with unique cultures that make them naturally exclusionary.  The exclusion of out-groups reinforces shared characteristics within one’s own group and sharpens the distinction with the outsiders.  Increasingly, the entire English-speaking world, especially North America, is just a homogenised mass. White Americans (other than small ethnic and religious groups like Cajuns and Mormons) have no private cultural space.  Almost everything in their lives - schools, pop culture, sports, churches, community clubs,  etc, - is shared with non-white people. If you’ve nothing of your own it’s difficult to know who is “us” and impossible to exclude others.  It happened to WASP America and is now happening to white America.


Posted by Captainchoas on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 05:30 | #

If you’ve nothing of your own it’s difficult to know who is “us” and impossible to exclude others.

Here’s a paraphrase of a conversation I was privy to amongst young, working-class White men:

“I heard about this crackhead, welfare mother who abandoned her baby in a dumpster.”

“Was she a nigger?”

“Of course!”

And these are not racialists, and nary a prompt from me.  We know who we are.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 10:56 | #

But you might just be able to unbake the American cake.  It’s tricky stuff, and you won’t salvage all that went into it, and there will be some messy residue, but there’s reason to believe it could be done.

The problem with your theory is that basically everybody non-white is a type of CaptainChaos and you continue to labor under the delusion that they are you. The others have visions of conquest and domination and you have a vision of sharing and mutual respect. These are competing and opposed visions and I can only imagine that yours will come up short.

Demographics is destiny. This has been said since the time of Aristotle and you know it to be true but you get all ostrich about it whenever anybody tries to calmly bring it to your attention.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 11:08 | #

What I am most specifically speaking of is relegating those not of us to the extreme periphery of our experience and existence. And to those who would take moral umbrage to such a notion I would point out that we already do it in a variety of ways.

For example, how many people do we pass on the street, or in offices, or clubs, or parks etc. whom we compartmentalize as being outside of our social circle and thus outside of our concern or general acknowledgment? How many nightly news stories of human tragedy do we consider with any real depth?

Here is a Christian perspective. Perhaps we could fuse the ideas and come up with something Scriptural and beneficial for the race: [url=“>Or a Michael Moore Lie Montage</a>

Another similar point being raised about proximity and moral responsibility: <a href=“]On Their Way to My Pie[/url]

I suppose the idea is that even though we might “share” territory with certain people, they aren’t us and should therefore be considered to be well near the end of moral “food chain.”


Posted by the Narrator... on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 13:32 | #

I think our most immediate step is to separate ourselves psychologically. ‘As a man thinks, so is he.’

It does us no short term or long term good to think of ourselves as part of the American social fray. We are White men who live in the White world.

I’m not thinking of “white flight”.
The most immediate example is the American Revolution in which the colonists separated themselves from the British Empire without physically moving. 
It was as much a psychological endeavor as a physical one. Only a third (or less) of the colonists supported the goals of their leaders at first.

Perception is about 90% of reality.

We don’t need to revolt or struggle with the American establishment (it’s doing a fine job of destroying itself) we just need to ignore it.
It’s power or sway over us (as a whole) is dependent upon our acknowledgment of it.

The United States itself didn’t come into being on paper or through voting or legislation or even international acknowledgment. It didn’t really exist until the population embraced the idea in their hearts and minds.
You can’t get a people (collectively) to fight for and support a country they don’t accept as existing.
The inverse is true.

We are leaving America without moving an inch, in other words.

We need leaders (such as MacDonald) to begin work on the lifeboats, rather than trying to re-arrange the deck chairs, because many are already looking for them and many still will come to look for them.
I think in all honestly the Haiti thing will be another nail in the coffin of “diversity”. America is in sh&@ty shape economically, socially, culturally and politically anyway.

And I believe Whites in America will react differently from Whites in South Africa when they realize the full measure of their disinheritance over the coming several years.

When South Africa began its fall there was still a predominant White world to appeal to. South African Whites were a mere enclave (perception wise).

But White Americans truly believe America to be the center of the universe. They believe America is civilization and all else is wilderness (be it Haiti or England or France or Bangladesh). So for them there is nothing higher to appeal to, nor is there another civilization to seek refuge in.

So when they realize the magnitude of their dispossession they will not try to run because they see no place to run towards. What they will most likely do is act and function independent of the old system. They’re not going to riot and loot and such. They are going to behave like White men in a wilderness attempting to build a functioning colonial settlement.

And that’s not being optimistic. It’s going to be a long messy process which will eventually lead to partition and then to… well, probably centuries of struggle for resources, military advantage and so on. Just like the rest of history.

But for the present, those of us already aware that we’ve hit the iceberg need to begin working on the lifeboats so that those who come to realize fully the situation in time to come can quickly and constructively pack their bags and make ready to leave.

We need to begin that psychological transition now to be as prepared for the physical one as possible.



Posted by Q on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:17 | #

I think our most immediate step is to separate ourselves psychologically.


First we need to teach our people to understand the concept of “white-guilt” and how it affects us. Then teach them from whom it comes from (cultural-Marxists [read: primarily Jews]) and how to thoroughly reject it. In short, we must reverse the brainwashing.

Professor MacDonald wrote an essay that relates to what I’m trying to articulate; he explains how the mind operates:

White Ethnocentrism: Can Americans Really Be Brainwashed?
By Kevin MacDonald


Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:25 | #

We don’t need to revolt or struggle with the American establishment (it’s doing a fine job of destroying itself) we just need to ignore it.
It’s power or sway over us (as a whole) is dependent upon our acknowledgment of it.

I tried to explain that to the VNN’ers, it went over their heads.  They thought I was “advocating illegal acts.”  For the record I did not say anything other than the land’s laws must at some point be ignored if we are truly to be revolutionaries.  What I saw at VNN is the conservative mentality, you know.  Simply by using the words “illegal acts” they concede that the government still has legitimacy in their eyes.


Posted by the Narrator... on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:11 | #

For the record I did not say anything other than the land’s laws must at some point be ignored if we are truly to be revolutionaries.

Posted by Gudmund on January 28, 2010, 01:25 PM

It might be more accurate to say the opposite of that, in a way. After all there is a difference between the law of the land and the establishment.

If anything, we’re in a period of lawlessness now as the establishment tends to break down into anarchy when it comes to rule.

Law and order tend to be the endeavor of (almost exclusively) White people.

In fact you might say that is one of the names of the lifeboats we need to prepare, ‘Law and Order’.
As economic conditions worsen or stagnate, corruption increases, crime increases and chaos increases. Order and the rule of law bring safeguards against chaos and ruin.
And order and peace are things White people crave like no other people.

This is what I mean when I talk about us functioning as settlers in the Wilderness. The wilderness is violent and random. Its rules are based on instinct and selfish want. It lusts only to satiate its immediate needs. It gives heed to whatever pack is most vicious, vocal and numerous at any given moment.

In other words it is much like the multicultural establishment currently presiding over our society.
It is that system which we must ignore. We are men, not wolves or birds of prey.

What we seek is to re-establish law, not break it down.

I’ve always believed Prof. MacDonald would serve a greater purpose, not as a politician fighting in the fray, but as a professional sage giving further foundation upon which front-and-center leaders stand (such as the article you linked).

When a politician goes out to advocate his economic program he does so by appealing to the authority of an economist.
This is the role MacDonald was born to fill. When a pro-White leader goes out to articulate to Whites the need for consolidation he needs someone other to appeal to for confirmation of his position.

When MacDonald steps to the front himself as the leader of a party, he has immediately played that party’s entire hand.

Care to expand a little bit? I’m not sure what you’re getting at via the Wilson links..?..



Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:24 | #

What we seek is to re-establish law, not break it down.

I wasn’t promoting anarchy, as you say that’s what the government is in the midst of these days.  I don’t long for an ultimate breakdown of law and order but rather a reestablishment of durably ordered society.  That is not possible under the current regime.  The regime must be ignored and eventually it will govern nothing.


Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 17:11 | #

Increasingly, the entire English-speaking world, especially North America, is just a homogenised mass. White Americans (other than small ethnic and religious groups like Cajuns and Mormons) have no private cultural space.  Almost everything in their lives - schools, pop culture, sports, churches, community clubs, etc, - is shared with non-white people. If you’ve nothing of your own it’s difficult to know who is “us” and impossible to exclude others.  It happened to WASP America and is now happening to white America.

Well said Matra. That is a crucial insight.

Gifting the Other with the English language has turned out to be a colossal blunder. I have often proposed, only slightly tongue in cheek, that one of the first acts of a patriotic government should be to declare Frisian, Dutch or Norse as official national languages and to phase out the use of English.


Posted by uh on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 19:03 | #

Great, the most primitive, the goofiest, and the flattest of the Germanic languages. Why not make us do push-ups and chew pebbles while we recite the verbs?


Posted by Clark on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 22:46 | #

“I have often proposed, only slightly tongue in cheek, that one of the first acts of a patriotic government should be to declare Frisian, Dutch or Norse as official national languages and to phase out the use of English.”

I say that one of the first acts of a patriotic government should be to make us all 10 feet tall and finally acknowledge the legitimacy of my perpetual motion machine.


Posted by Clark on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 22:48 | #

I have just spoken to one of my young daughters. She has apparently set up a government of stuffed animals atop her bed, and they are issuing directives left and right.


Posted by WOOHOOH on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 22:52 | #

“Diabolically evil….well said, target ON!”

ABSOLUTELY, MY MAN! We all know that lifeforms are either good, evil, or even sometimes DIABOLICALLY EVIL! The monkey is good, but the possum is evil! Etcetera…


Posted by danielj on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 22:57 | #


Care to expand a little bit? I’m not sure what you’re getting at via the Wilson links..?..

Can’t yet. I’m gonna start addressing things at essay length. I promised GW. The first is going to be on health care though so I have to think about that primarily for the weekend.


Posted by Sweeping on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:00 | #

“And order and peace are things White people crave like no other people.”

You said it, N. The disorderliness of Japan compared to the clockwork Slavic countries is legendary.


Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 00:44 | #

We all know that lifeforms are either good, evil, or even sometimes DIABOLICALLY EVIL!

An enemy regime bent on genocide then.  Is that more to your liking?  From my perspective they are evil.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 04:09 | #

The problem with your theory is that basically everybody non-white is a type of CaptainChaos and you continue to labor under the delusion that they are you.

The ironic thing is that it is the centralization of the ongoings of society that has facilitated the bring of non-Whites into our presence, but, now that they are here by the tens of millions, a centralized authority would be the most effective and humane means of repatriating them.  Non-Whites would be (ideally) removed and provisioned for by professionals subject to strict guidelines as to how the process was to be carried out for which they could expect the termination of their employment and even imprisonment depending on to what degree they were to transgress against the legally binding guidelines laid down for them to follow.  Of course transparency would be key to enforcing the guidelines and preventing undue harm coming to non-Whites.  The decentralized approach with so many non-Whites already amongst us could well take on the aspects of a massive bloodletting pogrom.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 06:19 | #

Gifting the Other with the English language has turned out to be a colossal blunder.

One of Adolf’s 25 points.

(b) Non-German newspapers shall only be published with the express permission of the State. They must not be published in the German language.


Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 08:00 | #

I wasn’t promoting anarchy,

Posted by Gudmund on January 28, 2010, 02:24 PM

I didn’t mean to imply you were.

You said it, N. The disorderliness of Japan compared to the clockwork Slavic countries is legendary.

Posted by Sweeping on January 28, 2010, 10:00 PM |

Okay, that’s funny.

But the orderliness of Japan today is a mix of Western imposition and the near robotic like nature of many Asians.

Passionless, ant-like-colony behavior is not exactly the same thing as a general zeal for peace and order (even if its never achieved).

Can’t yet. I’m gonna start addressing things at essay length. I promised GW. The first is going to be on health care though so I have to think about that primarily for the weekend.

Posted by danielj on January 28, 2010, 09:57 PM

Health care, shmealth care…..get on with the religious/social stuff.

Arguing about god(s) is something we can all agree on.



Posted by danielj on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 10:29 | #

Non-Whites would be (ideally) removed and provisioned for by professionals subject to strict guidelines

We could call them the Schutzstaffel and they could also be security for the A3P smile


Posted by danielj on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 10:30 | #

Arguing about god(s) is something we can all agree on.

I promise it will be woven into everything I write.


Posted by AD on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 23:44 | #

The problem with your theory is that basically everybody non-white is a type of CaptainChaos and you continue to labor under the delusion that they are you. The others have visions of conquest and domination and you have a vision of sharing and mutual respect. These are competing and opposed visions and I can only imagine that yours will come up short.

I don’t know, Dan, is your half-Filipino daughter CaptainChaos?

Aside from the Aztlaners and some of the crazier muzzies I don’t think anyone’s really hell bent on “conquest and domination,” and if their leadership is, well, fuck them—People Power baby!

Demographics is destiny. This has been said since the time of Aristotle and you know it to be true but you get all ostrich about it whenever anybody tries to calmly bring it to your attention.

You must have been smoking some of those drugs you admit to enjoying so much when you composed that sentence.


Posted by danielj on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 01:26 | #

I don’t know, Dan, is your half-Filipino daughter CaptainChaos?

Quarter. Son.

Aside from the Aztlaners

I’m in America. That is the principal threat.

You must have been smoking some of those drugs you admit to enjoying so much when you composed that sentence.

Nope. No drugs, no alcohol. You don’t know what an ostrich does?

Lastly, why are you sooooo angry?


Posted by Q on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 05:06 | #

You said it, N. The disorderliness of Japan compared to the clockwork Slavic countries is legendary.

Posted by Sweeping on January 28, 2010, 10:00 PM |

Okay, that’s funny.

But the orderliness of Japan today is a mix of Western imposition and the near robotic like nature of many Asians.

Passionless, ant-like-colony behavior is not exactly the same thing as a general zeal for peace and order (even if its never achieved).


Not to mention the Orientals’ barbaric eating habits. Watch how they treat a fried fish that is still alive. They have a good time poking and laughing at it before they pick it apart and eat it with their chop sticks:


Posted by uh on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 07:30 | #

Passionless, ant-like-colony behavior is not exactly the same thing as a general zeal for peace and order

Yea, the Japanese are really like ANTS. Come on bro. Is it really so inconceivable that the Japanese are inspired by the same compulsive need for peace and order as other advanced i.e. pale anal races.


Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 08:35 | #

I promise it will be woven into everything I write.

Posted by danielj on January 30, 2010,

Health care?
Okay, abortion, stem cells and such.


29 If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away…... 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.
-Matthew 5

Plus you’d run into the problem that the healthiest nations on earth tend to be the most “godless”, no?

Same thing with states here. The more religious states tend to be more poverty stricken and crime riddled, thus on the low end of statistical health.


Is it really so inconceivable that the Japanese are inspired by the same compulsive need for peace and order as other advanced i.e. pale anal races.

Posted by uh on January 30, 2010, 06:30 AM

Who said it was inconceivable?

It’s simply unsubstantiated.

And I suppose Whites might appear anal to non-Whites. In much the same way the sun appears anal to the rocks.



Posted by Lurker on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 08:54 | #

The Japanese dont seem to go in for the whole barbaric food routine, unlike the Chinese.


Posted by torgrim on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 22:14 | #

“The Japanese don’t seem to go for the whole barbaric food routine, unlike the Chinese.” Lurker

From my experience, the Japanese look down on Chinese, “cuisine” is a mistake to assume that the Chinese and Japanese share very much, culturally.


Posted by Lindsey Abelard on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 00:33 | #

The NYT article shows the public school attendance for Oregon and Washington as 28% and 32% minority respectively. Most of these minorities are East Asian (Chinese and Korean) who share many of the cultural values as white Europeans: entrepreneurial work ethic, educational attainment, regard and mastery of technological achievement. Given that the Chinese themselves reflect these values and make up the rising 21st century superpower, does it not make sense to make a common alliance with the East Asian people?

I have spent most of my adult life either living in East Asian countries and/or in the company of East Asian people, both personal and professional. Their values are essentially identical to the protestant work ethic that built America. I feel as comfortable in the company of East Asians as I do with European whites. I think it foolish not to seek common cause with these people. I think the Caucasian and East Asian races together can build a technologically dynamic supercivilization that would span the Northern hemisphere.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 00:54 | #

Lindsay it’s not about what you or I think of yellows, it’s about whites not getting race-replaced by yellows.  Capiche?


Posted by Yellow Menace on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 05:59 | #

Lindsey Abelard - that type of thinking is what will eventually cause the entire West Coast of North America (from Southern Cali to British Columbia) to become a massive colony of East Asians in the Western hemisphere.

By 2075-2100 and beyond I imagine one+ billion East Asians having taken over the entire Western portion of North America (USA and Canada), pushing out most of the White people there in the process, and lording over a massive underclass of Hispanic serfs who they keep around for manual labor.  Also remember that many Hispanics are partially Asiatic, at least 40% and often much more - thus the Hispanic invasion of the USA is another wave of the Asiatic invasion.

Many cities on the West Coast of North America already have an Asiatic majority or near-majority—the process is already underway.  Vancouver, Seattle, San Fran, Los Angeles…they are already lost or near lost. 

Better resist while you still can White people or else you will lose half of the North American continent to Asiatics.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:33 | #

Lindsey, the East Asians are your friends as long as your culture can provide a template, both techno - wise and modernity - wise. Once Western culture has done, to the ultimate, what no sensible Eastern culture would do (i.e. invite racial aliens to attend their seats of learning in order for the whip -hand holders to donate, gratis, the cerebral fruits of their race) the prospect of East Asians constituting the majority may begin to pall. I would, therefore, invite you to re-consider your position.


Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 19:59 | #

Required reading for anyone like Lindsey who still believes that the Chinese are our friends:

The Coming World War for Prosperity

It’s not as though we haven’t been amply warned.

  ”… And then, at the close of the last century the blind will-to-power began to make its decisive mistakes. Instead of keeping strictly to itself the technical knowledge that constituted their greatest asset, the “white” peoples complacently offered it to all the world, in every Hochschule, verbally and on paper, and the astonished homage of the Indians and Japanese delighted them. The famous “dissemination of industry” set in, motivated by the idea of getting bigger profits by bringing production into the market area. And so, in place of the export of finished products only, they began an export of secrets, processes, methods , engineers, and organizers.”

Oswald Spengler, Man and Technics, 1929


Posted by Q on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 20:01 | #

Competitive altruists extraordinaries, Bill and Malinda Gates, are practicing the new and improved form of racism—racial discrimination directed at whites. It’s socially accepted to boot.

Note: This new fad of whites adopting niglets is reminiscent of when families, en masse, went out and bought dalmatian puppies after watching the movie “100 Dalmatians.” As it turned out, the dalmatian breed do not have the best temperament when they become adult dogs. Hence, a rash of dalmatians being dropped off at animal shelters shortly thereafter.

Likewise, what will all these white adoptive parents do when reality sets in and they discover their cute little niglet has grown into Travis the Chimp? Will there be enough animal shelters available for them to drop their ‘mistakes’ off? But I digress…


Posted by Matra on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 21:46 | #

Lindsey Abelard: I have spent most of my adult life either living in East Asian countries and/or in the company of East Asian people, both personal and professional. Their values are essentially identical to the protestant work ethic that built America. I feel as comfortable in the company of East Asians as I do with European whites. I think it foolish not to seek common cause with these people.

That some East Asian nationalities have fine qualities and lack the social pathologies of many other non-whites is only relevant if the quality of life when living amongst them is your main priority.  It is however irrelevant to those of us who wished to preserve the genetic distinctiveness of the West in general and our own ethnic groups and nations in particular.

Anyway, someone called Lindsey Abelard at In Mala Fide commented:

The finance guy married to the first lady should have married an East Asian (Japanese, Chinese, Korea) instead. East Asian women tend to be more respectful of men of accomplishment and less attracted to the “bad boys”. It is true that East Asian women can be as materialistic as any other women (if not more). However, they are usually more “rational” about it than the women of other races. Besides, East Asia is in its ascendancy, which is relevant to anyone working in technology or finance. No man of means should ever even consider marrying an non East Asian lady.

Bit of an agenda there Lindsey?


Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 23:11 | #

Good find, Matra.

We shouldn’t still be surprised I suppose, but it is remarkable how frequently the most vocal advocates for miscegenation turn out to be, if not actually Jews, then common-or-garden axe grinders.


Posted by torgrim on Wed, 03 Feb 2010 00:03 | #

It’s one thing to see the similiarities in work ethic and other very positive behaviors, etc., and another issue completely, when it comes to crowding out the Founders posterity, in N. America.
What do we want to do to the N. American continent, sell it out for the dollar, have a billion teaming, swarming, masses of people here in a hundred years?

I was told by a friend of mine, a Japanese nobleman, 16 years ago, that it cost $300,000 to become a citizen of Canada back when the UK left Hong Kong to Red China. That is when Vancouver, BC became a foothold of China on the West Coast. In the US, it cost according to the same person, $1,000,000.

These are the same “leaders” that will pave over Calyfornia just to put up McMansions and the one- look- strip malls on prime ag land that can feed a good part of the world….madness.


Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 03 Feb 2010 01:06 | #

This piece from the NYT archives includes two of my favourite anecdotes about the late 90s infestation of Vancouver.

The first describes the ‘Astronauts’, the HK Chinese patriarchs who secured Canadian passports and right of abode for their extended families while remaining themselves in HK for business reasons.

Another concerns the the Vancouver ‘Tree-Nazis’, a group of concerned locals who forced the city council to pass a by-law forbidding the denuding of a lot of its trees when constructing a supersized lot-line McMansion, where a normal family house had stood before. Evidently one of the concerns that incoming Chinese had was that the large. old trees on suburban lots were havens for ‘demons’ and bad feng shui. The objecters were naturally tagged as ‘racists’.


Posted by Robert on Mon, 22 Feb 2010 01:04 | #

This article sounds very defeatist and demoralizing.  Minorities are 40 percent of the population but White America is 74 percent the electorate.  It is still possible to reform the system through White Nationalist politics for at least the next 20 years.  The Census Bureau does not ask a person’s citizenship status when they count numbers and there are tens of millions of illegal aliens, refugees and foreign students being added to the tallies that reduce the White percentage of the population.  We are close to being 72 percent of the population when you exclude these groups and subtract jews and other Middle Easterners that are counted as White by the government.  The key to our survival is to prevent any amnesty, deport everyone of them back to their home countries and shut off all nonwhite legal immigration.  This is very doable if we can only muster the will.  Sadly, when I look at the state of many White people living in this nation, I wonder if it will ever happen.  If not, then I’m presently learning Spanish for a future move to Argentina.


Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 04:49 | #

Don’t you realize that the leader of AMERICA, essentially the world leader, is half black half white and HIGHLY intelligent? Why are you still primitive in your thinking. Let’s be progressive. If you feel the need to hate others, its really because deep down you hate yourself. Take your butt back to Europe if you really want to save your race. Don’t trash my society with your stupidity. Haven’t you seen that most of the world’s problems were caused by the white race, i.e Israel and Palestine, Africa, etc.. Maybe we as a people aren’t that great after all—YES I am white! But I’m no idiot and especially no racist. Better yourself with education and succeed in life and stop worrying about something so stupid and ridiculous as skin color. Its old, and if you can’t’s phasing out. GET A LIFE.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:02 | #


Don’t you realize that the leader of AMERICA, essentially the world leader, is half black half white and HIGHLY intelligent?

Where is your psychometric evidence for the high average intelligence of the non-white half of America?

Why are you still primitive in your thinking. Let’s be progressive.

Translation: “No-white, especially, negros, want to fuck white girls.  Why on earth would you object?”

If you feel the need to hate others, its really because deep down you hate yourself.

So you are not hateful?

Take your butt back to Europe if you really want to save your race. Don’t trash my society with your stupidity.

Oh, you are.

Haven’t you seen that most of the world’s problems were caused by the white race, i.e Israel and Palestine, Africa, etc.

Jews are white?  Africans set to living beautiful, peaceful, productive lives, striving for the betterment of humanity just as soon as those made, bad Europeans “take their butts back to Europe”?

Maybe we as a people aren’t that great after all—YES I am white!

OK, so YOU are the self-hater.  Do you also have a non-white spouse and non-white children, by any chance?  Anyway, stick around.  You will learn something about yourself and your (true) people, I am sure.  And it isn’t what you think you know know.  You know nothing.

But I’m no idiot and especially no racist.

At the moment, you are exactly a zero.  You are participating in the destruction of Europe’s people, and you don’t have the slightest understanding of how, why or whom.

Better yourself with education and succeed in life and stop worrying about something so stupid and ridiculous as skin color.

While you are sticking around, try to form an impression of the intelligence quota here, and ask yourself whether we are really the kind of people you thought we were.

Oh, and “skin colour” is no more ridiculous that our desire to survive and live sovereign and free by our own hand, ie, it isn’t ridiculous at all.  But we take a wider view than skin colour anyway.  We do not want to be race-replaced by or turned into somebody else.  We want to remain ourselves.  Many of us consider what is happening to us to be a crime against humanity, a genocide under Article 2b and 2c of the 1948/51 Convention, and in the European homelands, a violation of Article 8 a, b and e of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Not that you would understand why.

Its old, and if you can’t’s phasing out. GET A LIFE.

That, actually, is a pretty fair summation of our complaint.  We are an ancient race.  We are being phased out.  We want our life.

Now, it’s up to you.  Detach yourself from the shit you have allowed into your brain so far in your life.  Become more discriminating.  Learn about our worldview before you react again in such a tedious, ignorant, kneejerk way.


Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:54 | #

Europeans are not being phased out. There are tons of Europeans in EUROPE. Just like tons of Africans in Africa, Asians in Asia, and Hispanics in Central and South America. There’s Poland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, oh the list goes on! In AMERICA (Europe has more than twice the population of America might I add) things are a bit different, because this is a land of diversity. If you really want to save the European race, it make sense to just go and populate yourself there. Go to Europe! Make it bigger, spread your seed. America is no Europe, Europe is Europe, so don’t bring this insanity here. I am no self hater and do not have a non white spouse or non white children. But to me it seems as if this is a site hating others because of their diversity which is absolutely absurd. If your child dated an Asian, would you be upset? Why? Because it’s an Asian..that’s their race and that makes you a RACIST. Come to terms with it. And yes, some Jews are white. Being Jewish is not a race, it’s a religion. German Jews are Germans -white- who practice Judaism. AND not all non whites want to have sex with white girls. There are plenty of black guys who date black women just like white guys who love Asians, Latinos and blacks…trust me on that! I have a ton of white friends who like exotic women. People are people. Who cares about a race. A woman has a vagina, whether she’s black, white, or Asian and should be respected just the same. A man is a man, a child is a child. We all live and we all die. And after you die, I’m sure you won’t care what the hell race you are anymore- because it doesn’t matter.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:05 | #

Hey dob, did you NIGGERS in Afreaka have an average IQ of 70?  No, I didn’t stutter.  They are quite literally retarded.  No wonder they never even invented the wheel, live in mud huts, and enjoy cannibalism and rape with the same gusto that White men enjoy soccer.  The White race IS genetically superior, that is why it is sheer NIHILISM to allow ourselves to be mongrelized by SUBHUMANS.

Pardon the boilerplate and sensationalism, it’s just that, well, I happen to like your style, thought I’d try it.


Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:12 | #

We do not want to be race-replaced by or turned into somebody else.  We want to remain ourselves.  Many of us consider what is happening to us to be a crime against humanity, a genocide under Article 2b and 2c of the 1948/51 Convention, and in the European homelands, a violation of Article 8 a, b and e of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples



Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:21 | #

Where were the first human civilizations? Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and China.
AFRICANS, ARABS, AND ASIANS. Like I said before, I am no self- hater. I am a proud white person. But I am intelligent and unbiased and realistic.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:21 | #

Why don’t you put you money where your big fucking mouth is and move to the slums of Detroit, dob?  Go on, do it!  Talk is cheap.  There is no reason, none, that the lives of other White people should be rendered unbearable by being forced to live in proximity to animalistic muds.  And certainly not to satisfy your brain dead, hysterical moralism.


Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:23 | #

no race is better than another. period.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:24 | #

Read this:


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:29 | #

no race is better than another. period.

LOL!  I’ll bet you think you are better than toothless, inbred rednecks with 90 IQs.  Of course you do!  And if you tell me you do not, you will have exposed yourself as a liar.  By that standard, and by the same reasoning, if groups are indeed more intelligent on average than others, then the former are superior.  And to destroy what is superior to accommodate the inferior is NIHILISM.


Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:36 | #

The wheel was invented in ancient Mesopotamia….current day Iraq. ARAB. Please educate yourself for a better argument. Almost every country in Africa has a major city where there are cars, doctors, surgeons, lawyers, high rise buildings. The people they tested obviously were not living in the cities. I have traveled the world Captainchaos. I have lived in NYC, LA, Atlanta and various other cities in America. I have met smart people in every race and stupid ones in every race. I do not wish to attack you for what you believe, my apologizes if my boilerplate and sensational writing showed otherwise. But I am very curious as to why you and everyone else on this site thinks that the European race is being depleted. That is not nearly the case!


Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:51 | #

From that site, it has shown that Asians are the smartest and have the highest IQs. How come they are not the most superior race. A countries wealth has tremendous influence on how educated their people are. You can not hire the best teachers if you do not have money. Therefore you can not train your brain and increase your IQ. I have black friends that I met in college. They were very smart! To me intelligence is about your environment and personal drive. No two people are alike, so you can not compare an entire race to another. I believe you definitely have the right to feel how you do I. But I don’t understand it.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 22:47 | #

The wheel was invented in ancient Mesopotamia….current day Iraq. ARAB. Please educate yourself for a better argument.

First off, at the time the wheel was supposed to have been invented, the population of Mesopotamia was likely Sumerian, and the Sumerians weren’t even Semites, let alone Arabs.  Educate ourselves?

But I am very curious as to why you and everyone else on this site thinks that the European race is being depleted. That is not nearly the case!

That’s because you’re so “educated”. You need to acquaint yourself with American and European demographics and population projections before spouting off.  As for us forgetting about race, the rest of the world clearly hasn’t. Multiculturalism is something that’s being forced on whites in white countries, and ONLY white countries. Japan is for the Japanese, China for the Chinese, etc., but white countries are for everybody. Not that this would phase an obvious brainwashed self-hater like yourself, if you really are white as you claim.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 22:55 | #

The wheel was invented in ancient Mesopotamia….current day Iraq.

For pottery. The first use of a wheeled vehicle appears in Southern Poland and possibly earlier in Germany.

Y-DNA haplogroup of King Tutankhamun…R1b?


Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:11 | #

I also have many friends directly from European countries. They do not care what race you are. They are friendly with everyone! If these are our people, then why should YOU care. In their country such things do not concern them…because they are intelligent. I agree that it is wrong that other cultures and races can have their own holidays and months and government programs and we can’t. But I understand why they feel like they should. I try to be as rational as possible. It is great to have white pride and to get in touch with our culture, but to not be friends or be with a person who is not European to me and 90% of the country is just wrong. I do not look down on anyone because I would never want anyone to look down on me.


Posted by dob on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:21 | #

I am no brainwashed self hater. I do not hate myself or anyone else for that matter. I like to debate. I like to see all sides of an argument. I like to educate myself as well… which is why I’m here. I know what I was taught in school and from personal experiences. So if that makes me brainwashed because I am educated then I think that is ridiculous.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:26 | #

Just north of Goose Bay, (in Labrador), there’s a beautiful small town called North West River with a predominantly white population. Literally across a small bridge, over Lake Melville, is another not so nice town called Sheshatshui, which is home to the Innu natives. (Not the same as Innuit, by the way.) While on tour with Dr. Zoo, we played at the schools in both towns – separated by less than a five minute drive but a world of difference between the two…

When I was first “warned” about what to expect in Sheshatshui, a lot of it seemed really over-the-top to me, even racist at times. I heard so much trash talk about this town and its inhabitants, and so passionately told, that I wondered if people were hanging onto some kind of “grudge” that I didn’t know about. So many stories preceded my visit there and they all seemed extremely exaggerated.

Nevertheless, I took my camera and set out to take some photos.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:35 | #

I also have many friends directly from European countries. They do not care what race you are. They are friendly with everyone! If these are our people, then why should YOU care. In their country such things do not concern them…because they are intelligent

They are no more intelligent than you are, but probably just as brainwashed. In fact, in some EU nations, if you even dare question immigration policy, you can be indicted and earn prison time for “inciting racial hatred” or “Defaming the honor of the immigrant community”. These same non-white immigrant communities have now turned large parts of once extremely safe European cities into violent no-go zones for the indigenous whites of Europe. This will only get worse as Holland, for example, is projected to become majority non-white within a few decades, and Germany by 2050.

As for your supposedly being intelligent and rational, you’ve tooted your own horn in your posts, but in reality you sound like a typical mediocre emotional college brain-washed white female.


Posted by dob on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:09 | #

Alas, I see that this argument is going in circles and becoming unproductive. I can write a long and detailed rebuttal to your posts ( ie the wheel, and Sumerians, and your hysterical views on the decrease of the European race), but I choose not too. You firmly believe your views. As do I. And that is not going to change. But at least I have been open-minded.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:18 | #

But at least I have been open-minded.

Goodbye, smug leftist dunce.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:20 | #

I can write a long and detailed rebuttal to your posts ( ie the wheel, and Sumerians, and your hysterical views on the decrease of the European race), but I choose not too.

P.S.: NO you can’t, and that’s why you didn’t


Posted by dob on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:48 | #

[I can write a long and detailed rebuttal to your posts ( ie the wheel, and Sumerians, and your hysterical views on the decrease of the European race), but I choose not too.]

Why should I waste my time with a legitimate response when you and I know that every line will be critiqued and tried to be proved wrong, not all on logic, but merely because you disagree because I am a “leftist”, which by the way, I am not. My beliefs are far too long to type and obviously my opinion does not matter to you. That is fine. I am entitled to it, as are you. I am inquisitive and wanted to understand your views. But all I get in return is hatred and a hint of sexism. That is when the debate is not conducive to me.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 01:06 | #

Dob, there is no amount of evidence that would sway you.  Egalitarianism and universalist humanism are your religion.

My beliefs are far too long to type

Your “beliefs,” I see.  You give the whole game away right there.  It is about what you ‘believe’, not about what hard evidence produced according to the scientific method indicates, but what you ‘believe’.  Entirely predictable, thoroughly pathetic.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 01:19 | #

Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt, CC.  Just once in his or her life, every lost white sheep deserves that.


We get the message that you do not love your own people at the moment.  We understand that you don’t see what everyone living in the major cities of America and Europe sees.  We know you don’t understand the metapolitics, the ethnic politics, the power elitism, the Jewish supremacism, really none of the structure that conditions our collective political, cultural and economic existence.

You know nothing, really nothing at all.

But from this position of ignorance you take it upon yourself to deliver moral judgement upon us - a moral judgement, I might add, that does not belong to you, that has not come out of a long adumbration on the great questions of existence, but which you picked up like a virus from high school and college, from TV and film, from the newspapers, friends, parents ...  You have been an unconscious actor all your life.  Now you have washed up among the conscious.  But you can’t see that either.

Well, why do you suppose we are so vilely and violently dehumanised by the Establishment at every level?  It is not because we are bad men or because we are wrong or because we believe in shocking things.  It is because we love a people whom it has been decreed must be dissolved, and we know why that decree has been passed.  It is for our truths and our knowledge that we are so hated.

Of course, it is possible that you may not be capable of comprehending.  If you have slept with negros, if you have a non-white child, you will only be interested in finding us culpable.  But if you are at all open to learning new things, stick around, keep your mind open, and do not rush to moral judgement.  Its an ugly and unnecessary conceit anyway.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 01:21 | #

I am inquisitive and wanted to understand your views.

Not at all. From your opening post you evinced a smug arrogance typical of an indoctrinated leftist airhead, repeatedly proclaiming your “intelligence”, exhorting us to be “progressive” and claiming we are “primitive” and our position that of “stupidity”. Your own views were already predetermined and you were intent on lecturing us, NOT learning or even engaging in an honest debate. You were called on your glaringly ignorant inaccuracies that an educated person, as you claim you are, would never have made, and you flat out ignored the point about multiculturalism and race replacement being pushed on white nations and white nations ALONE. Now, after your impudent abrasive behavior, like a disingenuous bimbo you act the aggrieved victim of the big bad close-minded racists. Boohoo. Be gone.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 02:01 | #


The wheel was invented in ancient Mesopotamia….current day Iraq. ARAB

I dont what the latest thinking on this is but….are you certain that the population of ancient Mesopotamia was more like the modern Arab popualtion and not more closely related to the modern European popualtion?

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
