Their religion is money The peremptory dismissal of Konstantin Poltoranin last week from his post of Spokesman for Russia’s Federal Migration Service presents an interesting intellectual problem. In an interview with the BBC, Poltoranin said what all good men would say:
Here is the BBC video: So, how did the ethno-masochism of the liberal mind and the desire to be “correct” settle itself on the Russian political and cultural elites in a matter of little more than twenty years? It has done it without liberalism as a thought world having any history in the country, and without liberals actually wielding political power. It suggests that, among the elites in Russia at least, not political or philosophical ideals but the desire to make money by serving “business” and “investment” via labour-cost competitiveness is sufficient to take away all meaning of Slavic blood. Comments:2
Posted by Alaric on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 12:49 | # Seeing as how Russians are not White, as a whole, then it’s logical to fire this person for being a moron. 3
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 12:55 | # As to this video, almost unbelievable. As in, I would not have believed the lemming/PC reaction of these asshole reporters if I had not just watched this. I don’t know where to begin a criticism. The assumptions of these people are mindboggling. It’s “controversial” and “inflammatory” to be worried about the white race and its survival? It’s as though these feeble, witless types really have no idea why anyone could possibly object to some Orwellian “Migration Service” (what the hell is that?!) importing racial aliens into their country or neighborhood. However, as to this So, how did the ethno-masochism of the liberal mind and the desire to be “correct” settle itself on the Russian political and cultural elites in a matter of little more than twenty years? It has done it without liberalism as a thought world having any history in the country, and without liberals actually wielding political power. It suggests that, among the elites in Russia at least, not political or philosophical ideals but the desire to make money by serving “business” and “investment” via labour-cost competitiveness is sufficient to take away all meaning of Slavic blood. (GW) I think the attitudes of the BBC bubbleheads are of far greater interest and import. Obviously, all the Russian elites care about, like their white counterparts in the US and Europe, is making money - and damn the cultural, racial or moral consequences. The real question, then, is how did making money trump all other concerns of honor, morality and nation/race? Unfortunately for atheist racialists, the answer is the decline of the sacred and its sense of transcendence in the Western world. God is the foundation of meaning in the world, the Unmoved Mover from which all else gains motion. Eliminate that idea, whether real or not, and, as Nietzsche recognized, you have “unchained the sun”. What is left? Brute philosophical materialism leads straight to brute economic and political materialism. Alas, my online friend, I don’t think you grasp this, or want to. 4
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 13:19 | # Russia is under an international media siege (hence RT as a fightback) which is the same situation any single even semi-nationalist country in Europe would be. While American power is still supreme and while American foreign policy is still a Jewish colony the neocons would love incidents they could use to cause Russia problems diplomatically and economically so Putin can only fight hit and run battles. There’s also the possibility that the whole thing was staged for meme war reasons. Creating a satellite TV or radio service and using it to help pro-white moverments elsewhere is one of the first things any semi-nationalist government should do if it came to power. 5
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 13:26 | # Yes, Alaric is the type of bloke who will attract vast numbers of whites to the nationalist cause ... I disagree with Lee John Barnes on a number of points, but he is certainly correct that it is atheist and/or Nazi assholes like you who have kept so many decent whites from embracing their own collective racial and national survival. I can patiently struggle to explain the morality of white racial preservation to an ordinary person, but all they have to do is come across someone like you, and they head for the exits. Hitler did more to discredit the white man’s cause than all the Jews and Negroids in history. Of course what idiots like Alaric (and God, there are no end to these people around here - Silver the Jew, Ivan the Islamist, Randy the miscegenator, various weirdo Nazis, the disgruntled Laborites, aggressive atheists, etc ad nauseam) are incapable of grasping is that the Establishment loves people like them. They discredit nationalism by associating it with rude and repulsive views and behaviors. I, on the other hand, or my approach anyway, they fear. The last thing race-liberals of any variety want is a racially patriotic white man who speaks to other white men in the language of ethics, especially Christian ethics. Such an approach could actually win converts. 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 13:31 | # Alaric, So that we don’t have an outbreak of vulgar WN labelling do you think you could use the dictionary terms for the people and peoples of whom you do not approve? Your penultimate sentence at 12.04 PM, however, is fair enough. But faithists offer their faith at every turn as “the solution” because it is the conditio sine qua non for them. They have a point, in so much as the worship of mammon and materialism, liberty and equality is demonstrably falser and killing for kinship and community, trust, love and so on. The problem comes with the presumption that faith-truths are the ultimate truth when, in point of fact, faith is a whore that will always go to strength. An Islamicised Europe that is no longer Europe would hold Islam as sine qua non. Faith does not discriminate. Still, it is a fact of our sociobiology. It is a majority condition. We have to accommodate it. 7
Posted by Alaric on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 13:44 | # Leon Haller: the Pope just called for Europe to accept a new flood of Congoloidals from Africa. There’s your Christ-insanity. You fools believe every creature with two eyes, a mouth and a nose is your spiritual brother. Now enjoy the fruits of your religious labors over the past several thousand years. You lot have nothing to complain about in this current situation of Aryan demographic demise. GW: I don’t approve of cowards, who believe that offering your other kidney after you’ve been shanked in the first one is a prudent policy to pursue. I don’t believe that every “person” with a pale skin is ‘White,’ insofar as I even acknowledge that abstraction. Religious fools think that their sky fairy will save us, when there is no evidence of this in the annals of history, factually quite the opposite has been the case. It’s the Man who saves himself, if he considers himself worth saving. Christianity refutes the need to save yourself, because if you just suck it up and worship Jesus And His Dad enough in this life, you’ll be granted an eternal existence amongst the various mystery meats of the world in the pearl-laden land of Magic in the sky. Now, people with a far more adept grasp of the pen have written about this, but the point needs to be driven home. Christianity is not an answer to anything, it’s the damned problem. 8
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 14:01 | # If the Pope just called for civilizationally destructive immigration, then he is speaking as a liberal, not a Christian. He is either malevolent, or more likely, mistaken (or perhaps misunderstood). The answer is not to condemn the faith (which, incidentally, in the Catholic tradition is not simply about belief, but reasoned belief), but to educate the Pope about his error. I certainly do not support such an invasion. And there is nothing cowardly about being a true Christian. Quite the opposite. A man like me has more often than not preferred beating the shit (literally, verbally or metaphorically) out of some opponent, than striving to be fair, just and sympathetic. And there is especially nothing cowardly about being both a Christian and a WN. I get shat upon by both sides - which suggests to me that my approach is almost certainly the correct one. 9
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 15:34 | # I’m 100% certain that when rabid “anti-racists” and white hating Jews read comments made by the likes of Alaric, Jimmy Marr, et al, they gleefully grin ear to ear. Why? Well, they know they can sit back and put minimal effort into fighting or resisting the growth of the “White National” movement. People such as Alaric and Jimmy are so clownish and repellent that, ironically, the smart “anti-racists” clearly see them as doing their work for them. I sometimes wonder if schmucks like Jimmy and Alaric are actually Jews or “anti-racists” posing as WNs? In any event, they sure do allot of damage to our cause. If they were actually true to our cause, and wanted to be beneficial to it, then they’d infiltrate Jewish and “anti-racist” groups and make them look shockingly repugnant instead of embarrassing us with their stupid words and antics. 10
Posted by CS on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 15:47 | # Antis fear Jared Taylor a hundred times more than Alex Linder. 11
Posted by Alaric on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 15:56 | # Thorn: you don’t have to wonder. Let it be known and shall it go forward from this day and this place: I am not a ‘White Nationalist,’ because ‘WN’ is an American crackpot fantasy tailored for racial mongrels, the plebs and proles of Europe. I have nothing to do with it. My interest is to let the culture-creating racial groups of Europe - the Nordic types - to be freed from their jew-liberal shackles, free to pursue their destiny apart from the racial rabble they agitate against the superior element in any society. You can keep your ‘WN’ buffoonery, it is not wanted anywhere except in the turgid brains of bible-thumping rednecks. Hopefully this declaration of mine has soothed your pea brain. On the topic of Christ-insanity, here’s another gem from the bootlickers of Jesus: Bishop says Europe must take refugees
These Moors should be settled into Sicily, Spain, Portugal and Greece where they won’t stand out from the local populations. But alas, they will be shipped over to the Nordic and Nordically-conditioned nations of Europe, to leech off more Aryan taxes, just like their cousins in the Southern lands do. Now, getting back to Russia and the genocide of Slavic people in that nation; surely the most ardent pro-capitalist dullards must see that even the dreadful Marxist tyranny of the USSR was better for the native Russian population than the current Russian Federation? It’s funny how the ‘WN’ and others always rail so hard against communism, when it kept the racial base stock of any nation which espoused that ideology alive and expanding. I can’t recall any communist nation in the USSR or it’s sphere of influence forcibly integrating the Slavics with the mud hordes of the world. Peculiar. 12
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 16:33 | # Alaric
It’s identical. Their aim, whether they realise it or not, is to make their ethnic competitors stupid. In communism they do it by killing off the “superior elements” like at Katyn. The multicult, aka communism part 2, aims to do it by displacement and inter-breeding. Example, base population 20 x IQ 80, 60 x IQ 100, 20 x IQ 120, average IQ = 100 Communism: kill the top layer, so 20 x IQ 80, 60 x IQ 100, average IQ = 95 Multicult: displace from the bottom up and inter breed with average IQ 80, so 40 x IQ 80, 40 x IQ 100, 20 x IQ 120, average IQ 96. The multicult is a more efficient method long-term because it is more stealthy and potentially irreversible. It’s a form of biological warfare they’ve been engaged in ever since they first bumped into the ancient Greeks. 13
Posted by Ivan on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 19:12 | # It’s a pleasure to spot another man capable of truly independent thought - it’s like finding accidentally a diamond in a pile of Halleric jewish manure. Perhaps I should clarify for good-natured but muddle-headed white brothers - I am talking about Alaric. The other man who is able to think clearly for himself is, of course, the shining Silver. 14
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 21:10 | # I just scanned this thread to get an overview. I don’t see that I can add anything that Wandrin hasn’t already said. I particularly agree with his first comment. This is likely because he and I follow the White Rabbit fairly closely. 16
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 23:18 | # As so often before, again I wonder why I waste my time here. “Pearls before swine”, etc. I think it’s in part because ‘gems’ like the following keep popping up: Now, getting back to Russia and the genocide of Slavic people in that nation; surely the most ardent pro-capitalist dullards must see that even the dreadful Marxist tyranny of the USSR was better for the native Russian population than the current Russian Federation? It’s funny how the ‘WN’ and others always rail so hard against communism, when it kept the racial base stock of any nation which espoused that ideology alive and expanding. I can’t recall any communist nation in the USSR or it’s sphere of influence forcibly integrating the Slavics with the mud hordes of the world. Peculiar. (Alaric) Does Alaric know anything about history? I could recommend several books about the communist disaster, but bigots (for once the word applies) like our Gothic friend undoubtedly would avoid them. So just a few observations. 1) I am not a supporter of the Jewish dominated kleptocracy that is the current Russian Federation. This RF, however, is the product of the radical cleavage communism intentionally made with Russia’s Christian past. The Jewish communists waged a religious war against Holy Russia (with much greater savagery, incidentally, than any similar campaign to suppress Islam), with the predictable results I noted in my comment above at 4-24-11 11:55am. If Russians were still a self-conscious people, strong in faith and national identity, they would not have been so culturally disoriented and hence easily manipulated or, really, conquered, by the kleptocrats. Loss of tradition merely leads to shortsighted, apathetic consumerism. 2) Sovietism most certainly did NOT keep “the racial base stock of any nation which espoused that ideology alive and expanding”. This statement is embarrassingly ignorant. It is, indeed, the precise opposite of the truth, especially wrt the Warsaw Pact nations, but even respecting Third World varieties. Communism resulted in falling populations, as well as declining life expectancies, throughout Eastern Europe. Indeed, their populations, especially Russia’s, are continuing their precipitate declines today (one piece of evidence for this - though no scholar denies the trend - is the salutary pro-natalist legislation that Russia has enacted in recent years). Chinese population only continued to expand in the first decades after Mao’s revolution due to normal pressures carrying over from its fecund past (though communist created famines, a natural and expected result of collectivist agriculture, certainly did their parts to check these pressures). 3) As for the comment re communism’s alleged lack of forcible racial integration, this is again either a product of abysmal ignorance, or an outright lie. The Soviet vermin imported savages from all over the Third World into Eastern Europe - Vietnamese into East Germany, (black) Cubans into Czechoslovakia, Africans and Arabs throughout Eastern Europe and the USSR (not to mention hordes of revolutionary ‘trainees’ into Russia itself). Moreover, the Soviets moved ethnic groups around within Russia like pieces on a chessboard. They also perfected the use of using different ethnic groups as troops to maintain internal order throughout the Soviet Empire itself - including inflicting Mongoloid savages to lord it over Slavs. Finally, the Soviets actively encouraged domestic interethnic (and racial) marriages within the Soviet Union (my Russian ex-girlfriend, who was nearly my own age, also confirmed this for me, on a personal/anecdotal level). Alaric, you’re not very knowledgeable. Why don’t you (and similar others) do some hard studying before spouting off your nonsense? Those of us fighting the hegemonic Left have enough work to do without also having to clean up messes made by fools on our own side. 17
Posted by Ivan on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 23:20 | # It looks like Wandrin is under the impression that Putin is some kind of white nationalist. It shows only how naive the crowd that calls itself WNs can be. Putin is a Russian patriot who is firmly grounded in the realities of his country. He knows very well where the attempts to put hundreds of different ethnic groups in the multiethnic state called the Russian Federation at each other throats are coming from. He also understands: if the ethnic Russians were to fall into this trap, that would be the end of the Russian statehood and the Russian independence. That’s why he rebuilt Grozny - the capital of Chechnya, that’s why he maintains good relations with Ramzan Kadyrov - the president of Chechnya. Unlike Solzhenitsyn, who was stupid enough to argue for letting Chechnya go, Putin understood clearly: if he were to let Chechnya to secede from the RF, it would become, like Georgia did, a springboard and stronghold for an assault on the Russian statehood by the jew-controlled West. 18
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 23:22 | # Posted by Ivan on April 24, 2011, 06:12 PM | # It’s a pleasure to spot another man capable of truly independent thought - it’s like finding accidentally a diamond in a pile of Halleric jewish manure. Perhaps I should clarify for good-natured but muddle-headed white brothers - I am talking about Alaric. The other man who is able to think clearly for himself is, of course, the shining Silver. This comment should put to rest any doubts that “Ivan” is anything other than a troll. Avoid him. 19
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 23:53 | #
Nope. I think he is trying to fend off the neocons. One way of doing that is to use a satellite TV station to compete for airtime with neocon-dominated mass media in their own turf. If i was them i’d use RT to host friendly interviews with the sort of people who only get hostile interviews from the MSM in their own country (Le Pen, Griffin, Buchanan, MacDonald etc) and make crime documentaries about the various western countries which tell the truth plus programs about banking and political crimes plus stuff on genetics and sociobiology that would never get aired on the western MSM etc. The aim would be to get the more nationalist viewers of all the western countries watching RT* in preference to the mainstream channels. This would indirectly be WN but its main purpose would be self-defence. * This is based on the assumption that RT has some Russian state involvement. It may not do. 20
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 00:14 | # I’m suspicious how a high ranking official in the Russian immigration service could have been naive enough to make such an auspicious statement to the BBC, of all agencies, without having a clue about the political consequences. Are we supposed to think he is a “lone wolf”? Are we supposed to think he is retarded? Or, did someone intentionally send up a flare, and then call it an accident? No matter how the media twist this, they will never be able to make White people worldwide un-hear the sound of truth. 21
Posted by Gregor on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 00:17 | # The title of this piece is “Their Religion is Money”. I don’t think that captures the essence of it. I think their religion is the religion of .... ANTI-WHITE If this man had not recanted and said he was not a “racist”, and had just countered on TV with “In your OPINION what I’ve said is “racist”, and you only say that because I’m White. He could have changed Russia overnight. The way to change things is NOT to fall into the enemy’s language and “deny” you are whatever they call you, it’s to turn them upside down and accuse them of being ANTI-WHITE, which is all they are. Make them EAT THEIR OWN POOP! Reconfigure their language, then impose it back on them and put them on the defensive. They call you an “anti-(fill in the blank)”, you just flip it and say they are nothing more than an anti-White. 22
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 01:39 | # One way of doing that is to use a satellite TV station to compete for airtime with neocon-dominated mass media in their own turf. If i was them i’d use RT to host friendly interviews with the sort of people who only get hostile interviews from the MSM in their own country (Le Pen, Griffin, Buchanan, MacDonald etc) and make crime documentaries about the various western countries which tell the truth plus programs about banking and political crimes plus stuff on genetics and sociobiology that would never get aired on the western MSM etc. The aim would be to get the more nationalist viewers of all the western countries watching RT* in preference to the mainstream channels. This would indirectly be WN but its main purpose would be self-defence. (Wandrin) Excellent idea. Unfortunately, I think Troll Ivan may actually be right re Putin. He is not a white race patriot, but at best only a Russia Firster - or maybe only the rare white leader who sees a coincidence of interests between his nation and himself. That’s better than nothing or neocon, of course, but much less than what he could be. 23
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 02:49 | # So no one thinks I let my essential Christianity get in the way of a clear-eyed view of racial reality, here is a little nugget I posted to annoy the editor of the paleoconservative magazine Chronicles: The Lord is Risen! On this Easter Sunday, the holiest day of the year for Christians, it would be nice to hear an opinion from the good Dr. Fleming on the subject of the modern cross that white people are forced to bear. The cross is called NIGGERS. Here is an instructional video to get the “little brain cells” moving: What would Jesus do, in this McDonald’s, or about this problem? (Watch the video, to be reminded of why we fight.) 24
Posted by Oz Wankowitz on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 04:28 | # Alaric, Silver (and Hunter Wallace, a textbook case) are indeed cut from a similar psychological cloth. They navigate politics as if it were a therapeutic act; in the full belief that they have something to offer if only all the incompetents would ‘get it’. Within non-mainstream politics, they see themselves, their bugaboos and neuroses as things that make them normal vis-a-vis the ‘extremists’ or ‘plebs’ of said non-mainstream movement. Although prone to an over use of sarcasm and rancor, emotional outbursts and a consistently inconsistent political narrative, they are not ‘evil’ people or necessarily trolls. They’re just using politics as the couch - and should be treated accordingly. I would add Neo-Nietzsche to the list, though his neuroses are almost completely a result of low self esteem(posing, of course, as hyper self esteem). These profiles are certainly not limited to ethno-racial politics. They’re just as rife in leftist circles, especially in unstructured Bakuninism. 25
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 05:43 | #
Where is he these days? I thought he was interesting. 26
Posted by Ivan on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 06:15 | #
Leon, have I told you lately that you talk like a jew, you think like a jew, and you behave like a jew. Your agenda (namely, having gentiles fight each other) is supremely a jewish agenda. That’s more than enough for me to identify you as a jew. That’s all, brother, nothing personal - strictly business. But I’m not gonna ask anybody here to avoid you - just the opposite - I recommend everyone to listen carefully what Leon is saying and draw conclusions for themselves. 27
Posted by Alaric on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 11:08 | # Demographics healthy under USSR, falling since capitalism set in. Demographics in the Soviet Union proper Life expectancy of Russia, 1970-> noticeable dip after capitalism sets in. That, and any further searching by any interested party, refutes everything the christ-tard defecated on here, and I must be off again. Not to worship the zombified Jewish G’odd and his fantastical rise from the dead, but to frolic naked in the fields and forests like a (non-)pagan. G’odd didn’t save the Russians, atheism did. So it shall be for the rest of us. Leon, remember to take it up the ass from the muslims like your pussy saviour did, although I am quite positive that you already cuckold enough for this to be a non-issue. 28
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 11:38 | # Alaric, Only scholar-poseurs reference Wikipedia. It is so notoriously error-filled as to be useless. However, what you linked to does not even prove your points. I’m not going to waste my time explaining why. Perhaps someone else will. You are a true idiot, not worth a superior man’s time. I am vociferously anti-Muslim, incidentally, as any of my many comments attest. (Christ, btw you moron, was denounced by the Jews, and killed by the Romans - six centuries before Mohammed inaugurated his cult.) 29
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 11:44 | # Leon, have I told you lately that you talk like a jew, you think like a jew, and you behave like a jew. Your agenda (namely, having gentiles fight each other) is supremely a jewish agenda. That’s more than enough for me to identify you as a jew. That’s all, brother, nothing personal - strictly business. (Ivan) You are a troll, attempting to sow discord among the serious, perhaps for Islamist reasons, more likely simply as a consequence of an aberrant personality. Proof? You know very well I’m not a Jew. What Jew professes (and defends) Christianity? Since when is my agenda having gentiles fight each other? Or do you mean whites v certain nonwhites, like the Muslim colonists of Europe? Go away, and never come back. This site is for whites. (Again, others should avoid this troll.) 30
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 13:55 | #
Thus speaketh the mighty Alaric (accompanied with the sound of thunder booming in the background). Well Alaric, I can certainly sleep well knowing you are “letting” the culture-creating racial groups of Europe do their thang.... LOL! Meanwhile, when you’re not daydreaming about “letting” the white-race save itself, I’m sure you’re busy earning an honest living by flipping burgers at McDonald’s, right? Alaric=Asshat BTW, the freakin’ communists (especially the Russians) were responsable for spreading anti-white racism throughout the West—it was a classic divide and conquer tactic. Much, not all, of the anti-racist policies we labor under today, are, in fact, a reaction to, and a result of, the commies’ instigation of racial unrest/conflict within the Western sphere of influence during the Cold War. Predatory capitalism, Communism/Jewish-supremacism, and Islam are our main enemies—ideological or otherwise. 31
Posted by ignore on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 17:44 | # Sorry Alaric OBVIOUSLY confusing your username with someone else here starting with ‘A’ in above post. Obv. different psych profile to flip floppers/greeks bearing gifts Hunter W & Silver. Ignore dude. 32
Posted by NV on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 23:07 | # It’s a form of biological warfare they’ve been engaged in ever since they first bumped into the ancient Greeks. Priceless. One poster above said the Russians were not white. Nonsense. They are white but they are not Western. Does anyone here have any idea of whther Putin is racially-speaking on the level or is he a Zionist shill like the scum in the West? 33
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 00:02 | #
Neither. I think he’s simply an old-time leader who wants power for himself and therefore by extension wants the country he rules to be as strong and powerful as possible. This automatically puts him into conflict with the Jews whether he likes it or not because they want global white genocide. However while America is so powerful and while America foreign policy is controlled by the Jews he has to play hit and run. That’s my guess anyway. Either way American power was built on the American economy and as the Jews have crippled the American economy this means American power is weakening. As and when that happens Putin will have a free-er hand and what he’s really like underneath will become clearer. 34
Posted by Ivan on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 00:14 | # The jewish hold on the world can not go on for too long, it simply can’t - it is against human nature, it is against nature, period. Don’t get discouraged, gentile people of the West and the East, nothing has been lost yet that you cannot get back. You will get it all back. Here is another sane man: We’ll see more of it as time progresses. I am sure of that. 35
Posted by Pierce on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 00:44 | #
Could you expand on this? I thought the interaction started around 2,000 years ago with the Romans. I’m not disputing you or anything, just interested in learning more. 36
Posted by Armor on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 02:38 | #
If I was a Russian oligarch and my standard of living required 10 million dollars per month, I would try to get the government to raise my wages, or to send me the money in some unofficial way. I would expect the money to come from taxes collected by the government, not from a slush fund fed by employers of immigrant workers. If the government doesn’t have enough revenue to give me a big salary, it can always raise taxes. Also, if I was Putin, and I made a deal with a few employers to send them immigrants in exchange for bribes, I would try not to draw public attention by sacking the minister for immigration. 37
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 03:13 | #
I’m being a bit loose with the “they.” I see Jews as originally just one of the Semitic Pheonician trading nations that were engaged in a struggle with the Ancient Greeks long before Roman times n.b the story of Jesus’ uncle being involved in the tin trade to Cornwall in south-west Britain. The red-named colonies are Greek. The yellow-named ones are Pheonician.
I think if you looked at the ethnic make-up of Wall street and London now, or at least the guys who are in the top 30% by earnings you’d find it wasn’t just Jews it would be Jews, Syrians, Lebanese etc plus lots of mixed. One way of looking at the whole thing is as a continuous ethnicity based trade war that’s been going on for about 3000 years. 38
Posted by Pierce on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 10:18 | # Interesting. Thanks for the response. I’ve had similar thoughts and wondered whether it’s been part of the broader conflict between Indo-Europeans and Semites going way back spanning the Indo-Euro Hittites vs. various Semites, Greeks vs. Phoenicians, Rome vs. Carthage, Christendom vs. the Muslims, European colonialism, Jewish competition throughout Euro history, etc. all the way to the present-day Jewish domination of the West and Muslim immigration flooding into Europe. The Jews took over and replaced the WASPs for domination of Wall Street. The Jews dominate Wall Street but you’re right that there are other Near East/Med types including groups such as Italians and Armenians that have risen on Wall St. since WASP control has been toppled. 39
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 12:41 | #
There are also all the smaller tectonic sub-divisions within the large divisions which make up the individual nations so the idea probably shouldn’t be overstated too much but i think there’s something in it. One of the things that triggered it for me was noticing that Jews arguing online often seemed to want to erase the Ancient Greek component of western civilization completely. The other thing that seems obvious to me now after having watched a lot of arguments online is there’s a fundamental genetic difference between western psychology and the psychology of the clannish latitudes. 40
Posted by Chechar on Sat, 30 Apr 2011 19:56 | # Wandrin, If true, what you have said about the plate tectonics of an ethnic war that’s been going on for about 3000 years gives us the big picture of what’s happening today. However, why some nationalist fellows with high IQ are willfully blind about the JQ still bothers me. Recently, at the commentariat section of Mangan’s, Fjordman basically posted an entire article (IIRC you also posted in that thread). As you probably know, originally I came to the racialist camp from a counter-jihad blog. Now that I consider those guys useful idiots it makes me angry to see that Fjordman still refuses to do some elemental reading about the JQ. In that thread for instance he still approaches the whole etiology of Western malaise from a strictly and purposely Jew-blind POV. I guess Fjordman still believes that Israel is “fighting our war” to “save” the West? Jesus. Why is he so willfully blind? And exactly the same can be said of Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna. As I have told you elsewhere, besides IQ there are important factors in the human tendency to self-delusion. @ “the things that triggered it for me was noticing that Jews arguing online often seemed to want to erase the Ancient Greek component of western civilization completely” Yes… I had noticed this too in the writing of a Jewish psychohistorian, Robert W. Godwin, but failed to see why. Thanks for providing a little context! Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 12:35 | #
I shouldn’t go off on tangents, but I re-post this back and forth between “Silver” and me here only because I’ve tried, without too much analysis, to get to the heart of our issue, as I see it, and perhaps that has a measure of value:
Could you express this more clearly?(LH)
Yes, in my view you deserve a bullet in the head—not for anything you’ve done, but for what you threaten. Clear enough?
Or perhaps you were confused about the “why.” That’s simple enough, too. You consider yourself oh-so-superior that you figure this superiority entitles you to ruin millions of lives, either physically, or, billions more, psychologically (by virtue of your endless expounding upon how non-white lives are essentially not worth living). Now, I don’t think you quite believe that latter part, but your indignation is so white-hot (it fairly leaps off the screen and headbutts one) that the way you express your views inevitably tends to affirm such a point of view. Aren’t you essentially going up to people and telling them, “Ah, I can see what your problem is: you’re not white. [Bwahahahaha. Snigger. Snigger. Bwahahahah.]” Whether you intend it or not that is the impression that millions are going to get. You’ve created a psychological problem for them where none ever needed exist. I don’t think that should go unpunished. (I want you on your hands and knees, Haller, hands and knees.)
PS - this may upset you, but I figure you’ve got the same in store for me, so what the hell, fair’s fair, right? (Silver)
You are very confused, perhaps beyond redemption. And ludicrously overwrought.
My points are simple. As trends go, whites will not survive more than a century or so. Whites are, yes, the superior race, first by virtue of historical achievement, but even more, by virtue of their, well, virtue. We are ethically superior to other races by any ‘metric’ you care to employ. Combining that with our close-to-the-top cognitive superiority, as well as the all round fun and joy that whites bring to the world, and it would be a tragedy beyond measure if whites were to go extinct (in a way that could not be said for any other race).
Whites have a right to live, and to live in non-alienating communities of our own kind. Instead, the modern world aggresses against us, prevents us from living as we were meant to live (ie, in accordance with our natures). No other race is subjected to this (more accurately, has the overflow of malevolent and/or brainwashed traitors who subject their fellows to this dispossession).
Unfortunately, matters in my own still not long life have degenerated so far that, speaking practically, whites will not be able to secure their futures any longer without some degree of violence (unless the nonwhite colonists depart voluntarily, as they should, though probably will not). Many peoples have fought since the beginning of recorded history; soon we shall have to.
I think my positions are perfectly compatible with a Christian (especially Catholic) view of existence. I have not proven this yet, but in time I will. Your imputation of some kind of strange malignity to me is exceptionally misplaced. I am both highly ethical in my personal life, as well as deeply interested in ethics. I am not, however, a fool, and thus I recognize when my people are being played for racial suckers - tricked into giving up our ancient patrimonies by means of false moral claims, especially about racial realities, considered both biologically and historically. And yes, our dispossession disgusts and infuriates me, as with any healthy (tribes)man; and yes, I am dedicated to doing something about it.