Trials or political trials? Anders Behring Breivik appeared before the Oslo City Court today. He was remanded by District Court Judge Thorkell Nesheim for a further twelve weeks, for the first four of which he will continue to be disallowed newspapers or television, and for eight weeks he will be prohibited visits. The police had sought tougher conditions, including a twelve week ban on letters (of which he has been receiving many, including some which are threatening). The Daily Telegraph reported:
It is still not established that Breivik can be held criminally responsible for the bombing in Oslo and the massacre at the Labour Youth League summer camp on Utøya. If a psychiatric examination confirms that, his trial should begin on April 16. The police investigation, meanwhile is scheduled to conclude in February. No evidence of accomplices has been found. The principle line of investigation, however, is into the question of radicalisation. The police are interested in what happened in the period from 2002, when Breivik was “knighted”, to 2009, when he started planning the bombing. Now, this assumption that the forms of dissent Breivik encountered are “radicalising” is very liberal-centric. Breivik made the point in court that he admits his actions but does not take responsibility for them, that responsibility belonging to the elites who have visited multiracialism and its attendant “hate ideology” on Norway and Norwegians. What, after all, could be more radical than the race-replacement of a European people with Africans and Asians - a process driven by a morally insular and socially insulated elite whose own familial future consists, apparently, in training their children to carry on their “work”? Without this unparalleled extremism in Norwegian political life, Breivik would never have conceived the balancing idea that the elites were at war with Norway, that they saw the heirs to the cause in their own children, that the terrible costs they incurred on Norwegians were not paid by them, and bringing those costs home in the most brutal and absolute way was the logical response. Obviously, the police are not going to stray from their liberal-centric mentality. So they will look determinedly at Breivik’s online life and at his travels aboad for the mysterious “radicalisation”, making him a victim of some evil “out there” rather than the self-actualised historical fulcrum which he imagines himself to be. Meanwhile in London the latest twist in the story of Stephen Lawrence has finally come before Mr Justice Treacy at the Old Bailey. We now await details of the new forensic evidence which, it seems, places David Norris and Garry Dobson at the scene of the crime in 1993. ITV News mentioned that the defence rejects this evidence vigorously, which makes one wonder whether it is as robust as the race industry would like. And that, really, is what this trial is about now: the blind, implacable will of the race industry to finally justify all the millions of words written and spoken in the anti-white war it has generated over this death. Norris and Dobson are doubtless not the most appealing white men one might meet, and the Metropolitan Police were a dubious bunch before the anti-racist disease ever caught hold. But on to these slender foundations the moral worth of the English people was somehow manoeuvred, along with the proposition that only a repentance from our “racism” and a committment to “diversity” would make us fit for the modern age. Frankly, I hope the new evidence is very weak, cross-contamination all too likely, and the jury are unable to convict. Comments:2
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 04:00 | # Reminiscent of Rudolf Hess’ final statement to the court at Nuremberg:
Those kind of balls don’t grow on trees. Needless to say, though, if G-d had created anything finer than English Moralism, He would have kept it for Himself.
Posted by laurel on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 05:42 | # I don’t understand this whole denigrating of “English Moralism”. Utilitarianism is the quintessential English moral philosophy. Germany’s actions during WWII can be justified under utilitarianism. And utilitarianism can certainly justify taking out the 10 million or so today in order to prevent the destruction of Whites and ultimately all peoples and the biosphere that will result due to the 10 million or so. 4
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 06:15 | # @CL So. . . Is the Templar thing a ruse by Breivik to get leniency or is he just nuts? His Urban Combat Technique section of his manifesto is testimony to his sanity. :D
Section on Muslim infiltration 5
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 06:26 | # @laurel “And utilitarianism can certainly justify taking out the 10 million or so today in order to prevent the destruction of Whites and ultimately all peoples and the biosphere that will result due to the 10 million or so.” Lol! You sound as nutty as Brevik with the exception of the US, whites are the overwhelming majority 88% upwards of the native population in their host countries with the mass immigration period being after WW2 and the need for economic migrants during the 60’s and 70’s. 6
Posted by Comprehensiveboy on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 12:08 | # Breivik isn’t ‘nuts’. (We say insane or mad here in the UK by the way, are you American?) He is the sort of leader we will get in a later stage of ethnic conflict, a sort of Radko Mladic of Norway. Islamists will have taken this on board. Once the critical mass is reached and the Lebanon type situation emerges there will be lots of Breiviks. He’ll seem pretty normal. The present postion is really the result of hubris and over confidence on the part of elements of the European population, that our society is indestructable. And post WWII weariness of conflict. The bottom line is that any sensible politician will avoid a situation where the European population are made to feel threatened demographically in their own homelands. 7
Posted by Andrew Neather on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 14:34 | # Apropos Stephen Lawrence. Yes, as you said Norris and Dobson are likely two very unpleasant men - the types that represent the very worst of the English character traits, cruel, vindictive, unforgiving and nasty. 8
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 16:38 | # To my dying day, I will never understand why you Europeans put up with this shit. Could a real Englishman please explain to me why the English tolerate feral negroids committing gross criminal acts on soil which so clearly, historically is not their own?! Has Orwell’s nightmare of a world of constant historical rewrites become British reality? Do the British believe in the possibility of a black Englishman? These are real questions. I would like answers. What does the average Englishman think about the issue of blacks in Britain? Does he question why there are any on British soil (or subcons, Muslims, etc)? In America we know why we have blacks, and other minorities, though the notion of America as a white nation - widely shared among most (by no means all) of my generation - is rapidly fading. But how can any European possibly see someone who isn’t white as anything other than a permanent foreigner? Or do they? Is it all just a game of “pretend” that will leave no lasting effects if the occupationist regimes are ever swept away? 9
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 17:06 | # Breivik is not a Nationalist, he is the enemy of Nationalism. Breivik is a Zionist run by the US zionists he is linked too who want to create a clash of civilisations in Europe against the Muslims to enable the to ue the public anger to drive their pro-war agenda. The aim of the Zionists is to trigger a street war with the Muslims to drive the Kosher Nationalist parties of Europe like Geert Wilders to power. At the same time when these zionist controlled pseudo-nationalist aprties are in power, the Zionists will use our soldiers to fight their middle east wars. Breivik was the terrorist wing, the EDL are the street militia and the British Freedom Party, run by Paul Weston, is the political party they hope the EDL street war will drive into power. The Zionsts are Alan Lake and Chris Knowles of the EDL who set the EDL up - as Paul Ray states on his blog who was there at the time. Chris Nowles is linked too the Centre for Vigiliant Freedom which was set by Christine Brim of the Centre for Security Policy - a Neo-Con Zionist think tank linked to Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and William Kristol and other neo-cons ;
Christine Brim ; who Brim works for ; The Center for Security Policy is a Washington-based organization set up by the hardline neoconservative Frank Gaffney, who worked in the defence department during the Ronald Reagan era. According to Jim Lobe, it is a “a small think tank funded mainly by U.S. defence contractors, far-right foundations, and right-wing Zionists”.[1] It operates with the tagline ‘promoting peace through strength’, by which they appear to mean that global US dominance is the route to peace. The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs is think tank that serves as the key nexus between the Israel lobby and the Military-Industrial Complex. It is registered as a “non-profit, non-partisan and nonsectarian educational” organization based in Washington. It emphasises the relationship between the U.S and Israel and is committed to “strengthening the strategic cooperation relationship between these two great democracies” [1]. It puts its current friendship with Israel down to the countries “confluence of energy, money, weapons and ideology”, and argues the dangerous situation in Israel is caused “primarily by inter-Arab rivalries” [2].
In a November 2007 article, Brim commented on a Haaretz article about Jewish support for Jean-Marie Le Pen. She noted that the Center for Vigilant Freedom had not invited Le Pen to the recent CounterJihad conference, because of his ‘current and past positions on Israel, the Holocaust and anti-semitism.’ ” We suggest looking for the possible movement of Le Pen’s political party Front National towards the center-right, as they may change their platform to pro-active support to improve the situations of European Jews and Israel. The same trend is happening in Austria, and with the BNP in the UK (also not invited and did not attend the conference). If such parties specifically state pro-Israel positions, and take real actions opposing anti-semitism and disavowing previous positions - and reach out to Jewish constituents and encourage Jewish participation in party positions - these are real actions to observe, and to approve. They have not done this yet - but are starting. “
Breivik is a sworn enemy of all White Nationalists as his uniform and manifesto tells us ; In his 1,500-page manifesto Breivik condemns anti-Semitism. He argues that Hitler (the “great Satan”) should have used his “military capabilities … to liberate Jerusalem and the nearby provinces from Islamic occupation” and give them to the Jews. But Breivik’s embrace of Israel, far from being unique, is just the latest sign of a great shift among the European far-right politics. You can see it in country after country. While Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of France’s ultraright Front National, is a Holocaust denier, his daughter and successor, Marine Le Pen, is working to cleanse the party of its reputation for Jew hatred, telling the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that it “has always been Zionistic.” In the early 1990s, the British National Party had connections with a neo-Nazi gang called Combat 18. In 2009, the party’s leader, Nick Griffin, boasted that his was the only British party to support Israel’s war “against the terrorists” in Gaza. In his Manifesto Breivik exhaustively references the Knights Templar, which he calls an “international Christian military order,” that “fights” against “Islamic suppression.”. Other quotes of his manifesto: “Jews that support multi-culturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel and Zionism as they are to us,”. “So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists.” “At the age of 15 I chose to be baptised [sic] and confirmed in the Norwegian State Church,” the 32-year-old Breivik wrote. “I consider myself to be 100 percent Christian.” “Regarding my personal relationship with God, I guess I’m not an excessively religious man,” “I am first and foremost a man of logic. However, I am a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe.”
1,500 page manifesto credited to Breivik, accused of killing spree, lays out worldview including extreme screed of Islamophobia, far-right Zionism.…aspx?id=230762…-and-the-jews/
Breivik attacked the island of Uttoya as the children on it were protesting Israel and the Gaza blockade - pictures here ;
Posted by Odin on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 17:11 | # Occidental Quartely link to article on Breivik, Hitler and The Jews ; 11
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 17:21 | # Nationalists and WN fight to liberate our lands from Islamism, Liberalism and Zionism. We dont fight to defeat Islamism and Liberalism allow Zionism to take over. All of those ideologies, and all who follow them, are the inner enemies of our peoples and countries. Breivik makes the fundamental mistake of thinking Zionists are ‘nationalists’. They are not nationalists. They want to a Greater Israel. They are Imperialist, militarist racists who think they, the Christian Zionists and the Jews are the ‘chosen people’ whilst all non-Jews and all other religions are the sub humans. Regardless of our race, a Chrstian Zionist hates us and serves the Jews before their own people. They have taken over our economic / political and media systems for their own benefit and send our troops to die in ZOG wars. Breivik’s analysis was wrong - and now nationalists need to wake up and educate themselves about Breivik, the takeover of the nationalist right and the EDL. 12
Posted by Savrola on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 18:04 | # No matter what Breyvik is/was, his destiny is inextricably linked to ours. The “he killed innocents to discredit the right,” line won’t fly, as propaganda. Neither will “he was a Zionist!” Embrace both Hitler and Anders Breyvik 13
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 18:39 | # Sarola, you are either an idiot, a Jewish provocacteur or a Zionist. Our destiny is not to sully our cause with the blood of our own people for the benefit of the Zionists. Hitler is as relevant to our fight today as Napoleon or Caesar - to assert that Hitlerism is relevant to our struggle is the necrophiliac politics of ideological corpse f***ers, not Nationalists. The primary victims of Nazism were the Nationalists of every nation that Hitler invaded, this is why after the war those nations were unable to resist the communists, socialists and liberals. The nationalists of nations occupied by the Nazis were slaughtered to ensure they could not resist the Himmler and Hitlers plans for the extermination of the Slavs and Lebensraum. The tragedy of Europe is that the Nazis and Communists both extermined mainly Nationalists, for it was nationalists who represented the greatest threats to their imperialist, expansionist ideologies. Those who support Zionism or its agents that kill our people are the agents of our enemy. Breivik is a curse upon Nationalism as shown by the fact that since his atrocity, the Nationalists in Norway have last a third of their electoral support. All he did was unite our enemies against Nationalism and Nationalists. 14
Posted by Alaric on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:00 | # Can’t agree with Breivik’s nutty christ-insanity or his reluctance to name the jew, but he is a great man. Heil Breivik. 15
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:14 | # Those who hail Breivik, hail Zionism. [Coplulating] idiots. 16
Posted by Savrola on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:20 | # And you are are a coward or a knave, perhaps both. I’m guessing just a weakling, as you seem bound and determined to disavow any man of action. I personally want to take the club from my enemies hand and strike him with it. While you, quite conversely wish to claim innocence and beg for mercy, or at best catch the blows on your shield. 17
Posted by Savrola on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:22 | # And that is the point: in a time of universal cowardice and effeminacy, Breyvik is playing a man’s part and is worthy of my salute. 18
Posted by Rex on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:44 | # Breivik is very much a project of the above “Conservative” and “Zionist” elements of the establishment. The Conservative establishment ran Operation Gladio in the past. Today it is dominated by the neoconservatives and the military-industrial complex and greatly influenced/manipulated/controlled by Jews and Zionists. The Conservative establishment used to have a large WASP establishment element, but is now heavily papist. The papists are largely philo-Semitic and neocon. See First Things magazine, Knights of Malta, Erik Prince of Blackwater/Xe, etc. 19
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:46 | # Real men dont kill unarmed children. Aryans fight for honour - they dont kill unarmed kids. Cowards do that. Its a pity we dont live in an Aryan society, as Aryans would have hacked his head his off with an axe for his crimes against our people. Only cowards and weaklings, skraelings and men without honour attack unarmed children. Those that support him disgrace our race. Men of honour fight those stronger than themselves, as by doing so if they fall in battle then they fall with the honour of a warrior. Only cowards attach those weaker than themselves. I cant spel or use a kbord korectly.
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:49 | # Rex, you are right. This is just the Strategy of Tension as in the Cold War in Italy all over again - this time with the US Zionists set to benefit from the clash between Muslims and Anti-Islamist Zionist puppets in Europe. 21
Posted by Alaric on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 19:55 | # LOL at this clown. Hero Breivik didn’t kill any kids. He disposed of the future murderers of Norway. His targets were well chosen. He’s a better man than the resident kooks, despite his flaws. You know what people think of when they read some anonymous hack yammering about ‘Aryans’ and ‘Zionists?’ They think of an insane asylum escapee, foaming at the mouth. And that’s exactly what you are. May there be a thousand Breiviks. 23
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 20:49 | #
Suspicions of an extraordinary intelligence service link with the far-right group have emerged following a spectacular police raid in eastern Germany last week, which tracked down a neo-Nazi terrorist cell that had eluded police and prosecutors for more than a decade. The gang, which called itself the National Socialist Underground, murdered a policewoman and nine immigrant street vendors – who were shot in the face in broad daylight – carried out two bomb attacks which injured dozens, and robbed 14 banks to finance its operations. The attacks were among the most brutal carried out by a neo-Nazi organisation in Germany since the Second World War. The Interior Minister, Hans-Peter Friedrich, described them as a “new dimension” of far right terror. Gang members left behind DVDs in which they boasted about their murders and showed the bloodstained corpses of their victims, alongside bizarre images of the Pink Panther cartoon figure. Yesterday Chancellor Angela Merkel described the activities of the gang as a “disgrace for Germany” and pledged that her government would take all steps to fully investigate why the far-right extremist group had been able to operate for so long without being caught. Last week police discovered the bodies of Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt, both in their 30s, in a burned out caravan in the east German city of Eisenach, after they were called to investigate a bank robbery in the town. The two, ringleaders of the gang, had carried out the robbery and subsequently committed suicide, police said. A third suspect, a woman identified as Beate Zschäpe, 36, surrendered to police in the eastern town of Zwickau after blowing up her rented flat in an attempt to destroy incriminating evidence. A fourth suspect was arrested near Hanover on Sunday. However, it has since emerged that investigators found a pistol in the ruins of the building linking the gang to the murders of one Greek and eight Turkish street vendors in separate incidents across Germany, and also highly sensitive intelligence documents suggesting that gang members may also have worked as secret service “moles”. According to information supplied to the Bild newspaper, police discovered so-called “legal illegal” intelligence service documents belonging to the cell members in the ruins of Zschäpe’s apartment. The Interior Minister, Hans-Peter Friedrich, said investigations so far had not found any evidence of the national intelligence services having recruited members of the cell.
Posted by Liberal Heresy on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 21:07 | # Are you not supposed to be very busy writing several novels Hunter Lee? 25
Posted by Alaric on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 21:44 | #
That’s not a child, clown. It’s a young adult, eager to bring in more nationwrecking shitskins, as all of the participants at this camp were being indoctrinated to do. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Perhaps now the White sellouts in Norway will think twice before flooding the fjords with more Mohammeds and Yusufs at the behest of international jewry. Unlikely, considering their absolute zeal for the destruction of Europe, but a possibility nevertheless. Now, in your next reply, remember to Capitalize as Many Words as Possible, to seem more Intelligent and Well-Read. Pasting another whole article from, say, the Daily Mail, will also significantly up your e-cred. 26
Posted by Savrola on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 23:03 | # I, for one, do not doubt that Herne the Hunter is a brawny, blond berserker, indubitably. 27
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 00:03 | # Alaric, You have no children of your own, it seems. Let me tell you that Breivik will stand trial because he is not mad. He is a psychopath, and psychopaths are legally responsible for their choices. This one chose to end many young lives, including the lives of several children, because that is what he wanted to do. He found a kind of blessing for this desire in Anti-Jihadism. He did not find in it a just, anti-liberal politics. How can we be sure of this? Because he was not motivated by love of his Norwegian people or faith in the Christian God or even a powerful attachment to Norse history, culture and myth. Such positives were lacking and, of course, would have been wholly incompatible with mass murder. What was present is the psychopath’s failure to experience any empathy for humankind. Indeed, it is often said by psychopaths themselves that experience of this “failure to experience” is a key driver of the peculiar cruelty which can attend psychopathic criminality. The full historical meaning of Breivik’s action - a psychopath’s legacy - will take much time to appear before us, and I make no predictions about what it will be. But I do separate it from the motives and basic human worth of the man himself. Let us not ascribe to him virtues he most certainly does not possess. 28
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 00:14 | # Breyvik is undoubtedly a psychopath, a type we need more of to win. to wash your hands of him, is an act of intellectual cowardice. And you can’t get the blood off anyway, so why try? 29
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 00:47 | # Any man who takes it upon himself to treat me with such disrespect, and there have been a few, is heading for a swift fall. We need not psychopaths lost in their half-minds but men like Leontes:
Our way to life is a way of light, and it requires the terrible will that only wholeness can own and only consciousness can know. What this means is not obvious to you today because you do not possess an adequate historical understanding of how we children of the West have become so small and estranged. Such an understanding cannot be communicated or acquired easily. It is as far distant from standard-issue WN wakefulness as that is from the sleep of Liberal Man. But, here, I am speaking only of the understanding, not of the state itself which is no more than that of any normal, healthy man at any time in the European past. Such men will deliver us from harm, not psychopathic children with an internet recipe for high explosive and a fascination for assault rifles. 30
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 01:02 | # “Any man who takes it upon himself to treat me with such disrespect, and there have been a few, is heading for a swift fall.” no kidding. I’ll stay off all high horses for a couple of days. (and then GW disappeared into a cloud of middle-class-Anglo self-righteousness, self-deception.) 31
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 01:27 | # But you do not argue for the utility of psychopathy. Come now, you have staked your argument on the West being saved by psychopaths. There must be something you can say, some rationale for that exceptionally bold claim. How does an emotionless killer serve us better in the work of giving life to our people than a whole man who knows who he is and who we are, and what it means, and is driven by that meaning? Who, really, would you trust with your life and the lives of those you love? Who is your real brother in arms? 32
Posted by Guest Lurker on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 03:52 | #
Your statement doesn’t ring true. If it was, he would have just attacked Muslims in order to precipitate this “clash.” He didn’t. He attacked the white elites and the next generation of white liberal elites whom he viewed as the root cause of Norway’s multicultural malaise- Muslims and other foreigners merely being a symptom. 33
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 05:05 | # I have no desire to convince you of anything, GW, as we have very different interests. You want a more leaderly Ron Paul so you can keep on living your life as usual, sans immigrants. I understand that Powell’s prophecy must be fulfilled. 34
Posted by jac75 on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 05:26 | # “Hitler is as relevant to our fight today as Napoleon or Ceaser - to assert that Hitlerism is relevant to our struggle is the necrophiliac politics of ideological corpse fuckers, not Nationalists. “ Love the metaphor. 35
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 07:21 | #
Is non-criminal psychopathy adaptive? Is an individual who is aggressive, lacking in empathy, remorse, and fearfulness, but who nonetheless conforms to society’s norms of behavior, a socialized psychopath, potentially more succesful? Is Gerry Adams a psychopath? Was the IRA full of psychopaths? NI Catholic birth rates rose substantially in the latter half of the 20th century. Is there a connection? Was the Catholic population in NI given a boost IRA psychopaths? 36
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 09:10 | # Your statement doesn’t ring true. If it was, he would have just attacked Muslims in order to precipitate this “clash.” He didn’t. He attacked the white elites and the next generation of white liberal elites whom he viewed as the root cause of Norway’s multicultural malaise- Muslims and other foreigners merely being a symptom
He attacked unarmed kids. He didnt attack the white elite - he attacked a load of anti-zionist, anti-israel kids who had benn demanding protection for the rights of Palestinians. They never passed the laws that brought the foreigners in to Norway. They were victims of multi-cultural conditoning at their schools and via the media. But their peers are waking up, and so would most of them have some point in the future. The white youth of Europe are theose most betrayed by liberalism and multi-culturalism - and the nationalist revolution will be a youth revolution when it comes. As Mosley wrote ’ the best of the blackshirts were once communists’. Many of the Brownshirts in the NSDAP were ex-socialists, including Hitler himself. The step from socialism to nationalism is a single one. A socialist that is a Nationalist is our comrade. A nationalist that is a Zionist is a traitor. 37
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:11 | # Video on Breivik links to Zionism ;
Many argue that Mr. Breivik was in fact executing orders from Mossad, to punish the Palestine-loving Marxist-governed Norway, but first and foremost to create a false banner for misinformed right-wing extremists to unite under, and that what he was doing was a “false flag” operation. His manifest is vast, some 1500 pages, and he is pretty thorough in both what he says and what he did. There are a few facts that doesn’t make sense to me. How can he list all the problems caused by different Jews in our history and yet fail to mention even one of them with a single word in his manifest? He attacks the symptoms of the disease Europe is suffering under, but not the cause of the disease. He is a Freemason too, and that certainly doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Freemasonry is international Jewry at it’s worst; they too are working for a de-construction of all nations on Earth, and to build a global Hebrew temple, enslaving us all under the will of the Jews and their servants, the Freemasons. Well, this explains why he doesn’t say a word about the creators of all the different religions and ideologies now set up to fight against each other. He is a Christian too. Now, in a sense that does make sense, but why does it make sense? The Jews created Christianity as a religion for non-Jews to follow, so that they too would become worshippers of their Hebrew false “God”, so that the unruly Pagan Europeans would become servants and a powerful tool for the Jews. Whether the Jews created Islam too, or whether they just saw an opportunity coming when it was created is not known, but we do know that the Jews have always promoted conflict between these two religions – and indeed they still do. When the Christians grow too strong the Jews support the Muslims to weaken the Christians. When the Muslims grow too strong the Jews support the Christians to weaken the Muslims. They often support both sides too, if both sides are too strong, and they often do in secret. Christians then kill Muslims, and vice versa, whilst the Jews laugh safely in the background, profiting from it all. Mr. Breivik either went straight into their trap, like so many Christians have done in the past and still do, or he works knowingly for them, again like so many Christians have done in the past and still do. The Christians and the Muslims, ladies and gentlemen, are but soldiers/cannon fodder for the Jews in their mission to enslave us all under their rule. What Mr. Breivik has said is largely true, in all except in what he doesn’t say; he doesn’t tell us that the Jews are the origin to all these problems, and that they were created by the Jews to hurt us. All we have to do to make this act of violence favourable to us is to make this clear to everyone; the Jews created Marxism, feminism, Christianity (need I tell you that Jesus and not least Paulus/Saul were both Jews?), so-called psychology, banking (“money lending”), the hippie-movement and all other ideologies and movements which are aimed to destroy and de-construct all nations in Europe. Behind each and every one of them you will find a Jew (or some times a Freemason)! How could you miss that out, Mr. Breivik? Working for the Jews, are you Mr. Breivik, to unite all European right-wing extremists under your false banner? To make sure the focus on the Jewish enemy of Europe is moved to something else? Or maybe you don’t even know that you have been used by sinister Jews? So now not only Christians kill Muslims, and vice versa. Right wing extremists are supposed to kill left-wing extremists too – and vice versa I assume? Is that the plan? You did this to recruit and make even the right-wing extremists fight for the Jews? benefits from this? Israel does! The Jews do! None of our aggression will be directed at them – were it all should be directed. We will be fighting each other instead, whilst they move about in the background, out of the spotlight, and profit from our suffering, and in secret tighten the chains of slavery around our waists and ankles. Oh, and by the way; true nationalists don’t kill children of their own nation, even if someone tries to brainwash them, like AUF did. They were not (yet) Marxist extremists; they were just children. Varg Vikernes
Posted by Alaric on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:21 | #
Except that’s what he himself said motivated his actions. But why take a man for his words, when we have you, GW, here to psychoanalyze Hero Breivik. You clearly know better, having struggled against globalist interests for years by… writing articles online. You know, as opposed to Hero Breivik, who exterminated many of the pods and seedlings of the enemy. Alas, you are right and I wrong. We need not more Hero Breiviks, but more scouring of the Daily Mail for articles about political questionnaires linking the subject to Mrs. Bachmann. This will stir up the masses! This will bring about success! Heil Keyboard! 39
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:31 | # Fuck off Alaric, you zionist tool. You are a disgace to the Nationalist cause, fuck off and crawl back to your zionist hero and lick the soles of the feet of his Zionist masters. You are filth. You are the enemy.
Posted by Alaric on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:43 | # More impotent whining from the do-nothing. I like it. 41
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:53 | # We know what you do Alaric, you are a boot licker for the zionists. 42
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 11:03 | # Breivik is either a loon or a zionist patsy possibly both. Who controls the discourse, who gets to frame the events and his actions? One way or another the jews and their fellow travellers. They will frame his actions in a way that will overwhealmingly hurt white interests. Since Breivik isnt stupid he must have known this from day one which means either thats <strong>why</strong> he did it or was manipulated into doing it. Or he is too far gone to know what he is doing at all in which case he is merely insane. The Lawrence case - some scumbags murder somebody and look how that one stupid, random killing has been used as a stick to beat whites with ever since, how does Breivik look compared to that? Yeah, sure, one day in the future history will be re-written showing him as the great hero, but right now, in the world we actually have to live, in he will be a millstone round white’s necks.
Maybe they would, all of them? Who knows how they would have turned out? We have to believe they could have woken up or else all you have to offer is extermination and tyranny. 43
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:04 | # Savrola, You have no idea what I seek, or how radical that might be compared to the usual “far right extremist” fayre. I said it takes time to communicate and acquire great ideas. It takes an eternity for a WN who assumes one can sweep race-replacement, debt-slavery, global oligarchy, Jewish ethnic striving, and every other pathology from the European living space simply by an act of White Nationalist will. Beginning at the end, I want a free, prosperous, creative, conservatively-inclined, racially-homogenous European life arrived at and sustained through the replacement of the teleology of the unfettered will by an ontology of the national self. This is my great idea: that we are, as human personalities, formed and temporalised by inescapable impersonal, uncaring forces whose effect is always to dull us and disintegrate us, and so disintegrated we are estranged in one degree or another from self-hood and the prospect of self-possession; we are made slaves inwardly and outwardly. This is a true account of the human condition. It is held in balance (that is, it does not degenerate by reason of its own nature) by the instinct for the evolutionarily adaptive which, in turn, is a product of, and is conditioned by, the surviving relation to self. In our age, the European condition is beset additionally by all the pathologies with which WNs are familiar, and which we cannot slough off precisely because we are powerless and too much unknown to ourselves. We do have a natural sense of this, a sure proof of which is our post-religious development, over the last three centuries, of the “corrective” of the liberal canon offering an increasingly self-harming “journey” to a non-real state of “liberty”. But the key to the European puzzle is not a reaching for some distant liberty (or, indeed, heroism) but a return to what is nearest, to the self. Many here disagree with this diagnosis. I am sure of it, and I will continue to explain it, little by little, in the hope that even one or two see it, take it up, and move it beyond what my limited capacities allow. 44
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:38 | # Desmond,
I don’t know how one can measure that outside of the individual’s reproductive fitness. What effect has his life had on the reproductive fitness of all those he has (quite legally) aggressed against?
I doubt it.
Unquestionably, and the UVF and UDA. Psychopaths will be attracted to the opportunities for violence in political terrorism.
Not sure about Catholic birth-rates. From a 2002 analysis of the 2001 Census, from the perspective of Sinn Fein’s claim to a coming majority in the north for a United Ireland:
Posted by danielj on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 13:22 | # I don’t think what he did was right but he has a point. The Muslims didn’t open the door. They are just walking through it. 46
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 15:09 | #
Of course not. I’ve just been reading MR for years. What do I know about your ideas and plans?
And you shall have it, your dull, national-bourgious society. But you won’t gain it through any efforts of your own, so might as well stop trying and let the experts do their thing. You’re standing in the way, right now. 47
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 16:49 | #
What “is” is all that is sustainable. Whatever invigorating politic you think is required for a European life, unless it is true of us, unless it is our own, it will oppress us. Untruth can only oppress.
Unless these mysterious “experts” can, in some way, counter the exclusive viability of the authentic, they will be retailing oppression. This is what does for fascism, btw, and all nationalist psychological fictions. In fact, political thought generally is predicated on the fictional, and engenders only more self-estrangement, more error, more harm. You should invite one or two of these experts here to explain how they can address this minor obstruction. I would be fascinated to hear their illustrious circumventions. 48
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 18:48 | # I do not know who made the term “sustainable” so common to contemperary discourse, but suffice it to say that there two safe conjectures attached to that question. Blood invigorates. A middle-class male like yourself can have only a passing relationship with authenticity. Authenticity is not permitted in this society. You live, cocooned in plastics and festooned in technological trinkets, and talk of authenticity. It’s a common failing in these circles of course. There is nothing real, basic, rooted, or authentic. You have to create a constituency for your ideas, quite literally. Who are the experts? Bob Whitaker is doing his thing. The Mantra pw3ns anything else I’ve heard on this site. One has to understand that everything now takes place in a post-human, post-democratic environment, before one can even begin to formulate plans. addendum on Breyvik. 49
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 01:03 | # Savrola
Is that meant to be a means of excluding truth as the foundation of permanency. You are assuming, in the fashion of a querulous and intellectually irresponsible tutor, that there is some alternative. But I’ll wager you cannot name it.
You mean this: ... with a forward by Susan Sontag! I once received an invitation to join a Cioran list, but something turned me back ... the sheer weight of the negative, I think. Perhaps that was a mistake.
What is blood? What does it mean to “invigorate”? This is the feminine thinking I dislike in my fellow Europeans ... undisciplined girl-talk of the racially-romantic variety typical of, and responsible for, all the intellectual disasters of nationalism in the 20th century. If the Anglo-American tradition means anything in nationalist thinking, it means that giving ourselves up to such delirium is a betrayal of Mind. To be accurate, then, blood does not generate some qualitatively mystical-mythical “invigoration”. It generates ethnocentrism ... gene interests ... kin preference ... and these have an obvious action in the minds and lives of the politically healthy. We can understand this, theorise it, test it, prove it. It is knowable. We do not have to gesture in the direction of poetics. But we do have to ask (with Emile Cioran?) why and how we mislaid our nature.
Even a middle-class male such as myself might understand something of what stillness does. It is, you see, an unconcealment of that which has no combinative properties with the coarse and dull, and which subsists regardless of them.
Please don’t be childish. Who are the experts?
We Europeans do not control the life we lead. Jewish ethnocentrists, leftist utopians, political internationalists, international financiers, corporate CEOs ... these kinds of people are making our lives for us in significant ways and in their own interests. If this is what you are saying, we know it above all things. But there is something else considerably prior to this, and it might be that that’s what you are talking about. Let’s see. The most basic requirement for a free and good European life is that the myriad temporalising, formative ideas, events, influences, relations, attitudes, values, meanings, etc, from which we draw our sustenance as human personalities, are vivifying. In all the ways that flow from the politics of the unfettered will, that has been untrue certainly since the end of WW2, and one can, looking back before that, recognise signs of a coming crisis all through the last thousand years, well before the re-emergence of secular thought in Europe with the Neoplatonist “archeologists” of the Italian Renaissance. Our obligation is vast. It is to re-centre the life of European Man on truer foundations, and the beginning of that mighty task is what I am searching for. You may consider that I should leave this to Mr Whittaker. I have to be honest and tell you that I really don’t think he would want the job! 50
Posted by danielj on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 02:26 | # GW, May I be so bold to assert that perhaps it isn’t the femininity of the idea that ires you, but rather, theCo ntinentalism of it? 51
Posted by Savrola on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 03:04 | # you are assuming, in the fashion of a querulous and intellectually irresponsible tutor, No, I’m mimicking the Continental/French rightist style.
the constancy of alternatives is the basis of autonomy.
What the Jews fear, they seek to conceal. History will consider Greg Johnson’s great accomplishment to be his liberation of many rightist thinkers from the stale, dusty archives of contemporary academia. That you’ve never read Cioran, or particularly his remarks on the English, and “permanency” as you term it, says volumes.
Blood denotes lineage, obviously. But it also can be applied literally. Bloodshed destroyed Europe and bloodshed must now recreate it. That science declines to comment and such theories are only entertained by outsiders like James Bowery, does not negate the necessity of understanding their reality. It’s quite obvious that you’ve not accustomed yourself to the idea of blood being spilt.
As well you should. But I am a pilgrim who tries to maintain only a passing familiarity with hypocrisy. These days, we confine thoroughbreds to the racetrack, though the efficacy of this war on blood, is yet to be proven.
Assuming one can find stillness in 21st century Britain, there still remain the chemtrails…
Sorry, its an essential quality which must be cultivated if it does not naturally exist.
You got something against Old Bob?
Because you haven’t eaten your spinach and read your Jacques Ellul. Mainly the Ellul, one would imagine. The tyranny of satellites stands athwart any European resurgence of any kind. Satellites are as vital as nukes. You have gain control of them, and have a plan to use them,
Posted by Alaric on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 08:37 | #
Ding to the dong. The British simply can’t stand Europe, having been the vampire of it for so long. It permeates all political thinking on the isles: how do I fuck Europe the hardest? How do I pump in and out of its clenching rectum while leaving sharp barbs inside to fester and create disease? Well, the Britons sure have found their ways of doing just that. Nary a good thing has come from this bloodsucking people. Their destruction must be a prerequisite for any reincarnation of Europe to take place.
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 08:49 | #
Alaric, there are layers to GW’s prospective plan for action which prudence and tact prevent him from giving explicit voice to; and that he is telling you if you would but listen. What is he telling you with his favored bit of Shakespeare?
Taken literally, the quote is about a guy who drinks poison and freaks out about it once someone points out to him that he has done something so self-injurious as the poison will cause grievace damage to his body’s ability to maintain a state of homeostatic wellbeing necessary to a healthy life for that body. The man in question is not mad as he has a sane appreciation for his own life and health - not only some life, however degraded, but a healthy life, that is. But what if the poison was needed to cleanse some other toxin from the body that left unchecked would end the body’s life? This is where you must realize that GW is using the quote as a metaphor for doing things, or ordering people to do things, possibly necessary to save our racial body from the toxin of racial aliens - thngs in ordinary times one would associate with psychopathy. Things which in ordinary times, times in which the race was not faced with an existential crisis, would degrade a man and his society for him having done them; and in unordinary times would degrade the man for having done them none the less. Psychopaths are incapable of awareness of the degrading effects of their actions. They are as insane as the man who drinks poison and cares not. Here GW says it in his own words:
In other words, the will to do morally terrible things combined with the understanding of why those things are morally terrible. Such as knowingly using psychopaths as one’s henchmen to achieve some necessary end, which is what GW is cryptically saying he would be willing to do, however guilty he might feel about it later. 54
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 09:27 | #
A non-Judaized English Moralism would I think be optimal for guiding the behavior of White people in the homeostatic setting of permanent racial separation. GW’s “Conservatism”, or his English Moralism, or whatever one cares to call it, is focused on ensuring said homeostasis for a healthy racial body. In that context, it would be adaptive. In the present context of the looming genocide of our race, however, faithful adherence to English Moralism, eschewing the ferocious will to group power of German palingenesis, may well prove to be unadaptive. It is not that GW doesn’t understand this, it is just that he will not explicitly say it. If he did explicitly say it, he would lose credibility in the eyes of others who truly did have blind faith in English Moralism as they would dismiss him as a “psychopath” (even well-intentioned adherents of English Moralism can be cursed with “half-minds”, you see). Really, you didn’t get any of that before I clued you in? Pull your head out of your ass. 55
Posted by Herne The Hunter on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 09:45 | # It looks like the psychopaths seem to think that psychopaths can build our future. They cant. All a psychopath can do is destroy, never build. A movement or future built on the blood shed by psychopaths will always end up collapsing. One would have thought the psychopaths would have realised that by now. Using psychopaths for great ends is the road to hell - the blood they shed pollutes the future that will built. The Indo-European descendants of the Aryans who retain their ancestral spirituality call this Karma. No revolution built on murder lasts for long. Revolutions built on reason succeed and persist. Alaric, you are just a total fucking bell end. Come to Britain and then preach our extinction - we will make sure you dont do it for long. 56
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:02 | #
Yet to tear down the anti-White genocidalist dispensation some ‘creative destruction’ may well be called for. Psychopaths used as the tools of non-psychopaths might prove indispensble. Of course the shrewd would be forced to disavow such a stark truth for the benefit of lemmings.
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:27 | # If AB is a psychopath being used by non-psychopaths its safe to say they arent our non-psychpaths. 58
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:29 | #
You sure you really want to go there, genius? The English signed on per the Morganthau Plan for the genocide of Germans. So, by your reasoning, the creeping genocide the English are now experiencing is “Karma” coming back to bite them in the ass. Likewise, the accusation of Hitler being a “psychopath” with ostensible blithe disregard for more subtle and mitigating factors is really just an ethnically motivated smear deployed by Englishmen who wear the mask, in some sense, of English Moralism. Kevin MacDonald correspondingly says Churchill was a psychopath. It ain’t checkers, it’s chess, fuckwit. 59
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:32 | #
I’ll leave speculation on such matters of conspiracy esoterica to Richards. 60
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:48 | # I propose a pan-Nordicist Final Solution to the English Problem: enforce total reproductive amalgamation of the English with Krauts and all other Northern European peoples. LOL 61
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 11:03 | #
Rhetorical and condescending trash-talk of the browbeating variety. Yawn. Take all the semi-mysticism out of it and he clearly means a palingenetic pep talk to fire up the team to go out and kick some ass.
Sometimes you gotta get the team fired up to protect that shit. 62
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 11:18 | #
When in Rome…well, why not. Blood doesn’t invigorate? Negroes, however, do mongrelize. In the mood for some mulatto grandchildren? They do have the run of the dorms these days. 63
Posted by Helvena on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 12:07 | # For what it’s worth GW, I’ll throw my lot in with you. 64
Posted by ex-uh on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 13:23 | #
See: Nietzsche. Cioran, with his “early fascist sympathies”, had also to be subsumed and “introduced” — the Left could not dispense with such a brilliant writer. There are many cases of that. Pound. Céline. Darwin even. It’s more like what the Jews fear, they just ignore and re-frame.
No one person was responsible for the take-off of the term itself. It came about with growing ecological awareness and the notion of good stewardship, but mainly through an intense marketing campaign that also gave us its daintier synonym, “green”. As to your second conjecture, it really has more to do with the best interests of all terrestrial inhabitants. Of course the responsibilities enjoined by ecological awareness are shouldered nearly entirely by Europeans, while the non-whites populations litter, defecate, deforest and expand their populations in absolute unconcern for the great rock. I should hope it is undeniable that it’s in the best interests of Europeans to check non-white population growth ... in the fantasy-land where such things can happen, that is. Belize, for example, as “anon” mentioned some months ago, would have already become another Central American rubbish dump if not for its ties with the anglosphere. The anglophone Mayans there are quite dutiful in keeping things clean, living quite hygienically to start. Of course the broader ecological picture is obscured by racial pandering, but certain thinkers like Garrett Hardin, have trod in taboo territory to make the point that these peoples must be put in check if the rock is not to be thoroughly stripped of its pre-human properties. Soren Renner, the beta sperg who banned me, I guess, has promoted Pentti Linkola in the past, who imparts this perspective very well. White nationalism, being nationalist, can never arrive at ecological awareness. Hitler didn’t care much for Darré. Feeding the fiatmenschen is continually put before the harder questions, which of course exacerbates the problem. In Guessedworker’s ideology — how easy to psychoanalyze! modesty forbids however — “sustainability” means something strictly local. “Local” is the solution, but if just one or two members of the commons pursue that goal, there is the same tragic result. Perhaps my abiding disdain for nationalist purblindness comes from having spent much time in sprawling Latin American cities. It is an immensely gray, chaotic, noisy, smelly and utterly bewildering human nightmare, ignorance of which alone permits one to imagine revitalized national communities in the Northwest biome. Believe it or not, the former Soviet republics are best off at present. They have the steppes, the oil, and the soil to weather the demographic storm in the short-term. Expect war in the region sometime this century. danielj’s dictum about Muslims applies to every non-white migrant group. They’re all just walking through the door to grab their share of the vanishing bounty. South Park recently aired an episode about Mexicans returning to Mexico in droves as the United States of Liberia increasingly “sucks”. Impossible, but not implausible.
LOL. How indeed does industry figure into “why we will win”? I recall GenoType lamely trying to convey the need for such thinking among nationalists. At least in the fantasyland where such things can happen.
That was brilliant. As though one could dispense altogether with terribilità, or worse, declare it morally unrighteous and psychopathic at one stage, yet “cruelle necessitie” at another.
For what it’s worth, Captainchaos, I’ll THROW IN MY LOT WITH YOUOOOOUULLOLZOLZOLZOLZ. 65
Posted by ex-uh on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 13:58 | #
As did your preferred “ferocious will to group power”, given its material preconditions in Soviet crude and foodstuffs, and dependence on a single flawed charismatic leader acting out a very flawed ideology. Neither English Moralism nor German Immoralism is “sustainable”. The Anglos look down on hard answers to hard questions; the Germans were pitiably short-sighted in answering them. One people cannot solve a world-historical problem which engulfs us all. It seems in repurposing the concept “fitness” to suit your national fetishes you’ve lost sight of niche theory altogether. Given advanced technology and trade, our niche is a whole planet of peoples sustained by man-made agricultural centers requiring exponentiating inputs. While it is easy to narrow one’s focus to “Germany”, “England”, whatever, until you step into this arena ( < farina lolzolzoz), the very scope of your ideology belies its teleological content, i.e. it occurs in a vacuum. Solve the world problem or it’s camp of the saints every day of the week forever. There is no “English” crisis or “German” crisis in Salvadoran gangs pushing Mayans and Guatemaltecos into Belize, or Guatemaltecos and Mexicans into Brownsville, or Bangladeshis pressing into India, and Indians pressing into Canada, or Sub-Saharans pressing into Algeria and Algerians fleeing to Italy, then France, etc.
To the guy who said this — one day it will strike you, indeed, with all the force of an ax, that the ax was reserved for low-down men without the pedigree and horse to jockey for genetic continuity. You yourself would be exposed. As would I. Remember, the Aryans were an elite ... not “das Volk”. You owe yourself existence not to the Battle Ax elites, but to the European farmers who came before them. 67
Posted by danielj on Fri, 18 Nov 2011 00:23 | # Concepts invigorate. White kid get hard off that shit. The concept of blood is just as invigorating as the concept of social justice. 68
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 18 Nov 2011 21:41 | # ex-uh, Why don’t you try writing ‘downmarket’ sometime? That is, assume your audience is not erudite, does not grasp all your endless allusiveness, and just say what you mean in plain language. You, too, Captainchaos; well, you, also, GW; indeed, most here could heed that suggestion, to the profit of us all. I’ve rarely encountered so much straining after metaphorical effect as at this site. With great writers, this approach to writing can work. But with most, it’s just tiresome, and does not remotely impress. Good writing need not be simple, and often isn’t. But clarity is what ought to be sought. If you need a model (and a lot of you do), re-read some of the brilliant essays of the late nationalist Sam Francis, especially from Chronicles. He was a rare master stylist. 69
Posted by ex-uh on Fri, 18 Nov 2011 21:56 | # Leonicus,
It’s just a pose. We are all posing. In fact Guessedworker does it least. Problem is not lack of a model, but too many models — too much wordiness. Very few can fully master the Symbolic Order. I’m about as “downmarket” as anyone else in the blogging realm. Clumsy and reactionary, just above functionally literate. 70
Posted by danielj on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 04:24 | # I’m about as “downmarket” as anyone else in the blogging realm. Clumsy and reactionary, just above functionally literate. Seriously. All that “LOLZ” shite is atrocious. Why don’t you try writing ‘downmarket’ sometime? That is, assume your audience is not erudite, does not grasp all your endless allusiveness, and just say what you mean in plain language. Despite your almost daily assertions to the contrary, the audience here is erudite and does grasp it. However, you’ll be happy to know there was a proposed moratorium on neologisms some time ago and everybody has been pretty good about it. The ban has never officially been lifted so we are still all under sanction. Once it has been lifted, you’ll really feel dumb. 71
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 05:14 | #
Take the arable land for the White race, give it’s bounty only to Whites and starve out muds globally. How do you like them “fitness” apples? 72
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 05:57 | # First:
But then:
The former is not, the latter certainly is as scaled to the times. As I said, take the arable land, starve out the muds. Problem…solved. I hope this was not too “allusive” for Leon’s tastes. 73
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 06:29 | #
Timeless words and only therein lies racial salvation. Blood invigorates. English Moralism seems downright “girly” by comparison. 74
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 08:42 | # danielj, Sorry, but I dissent. I read a lot of good periodical stuff - New York Review of Books, Chronicles, TOQ, Journal of Libertarian Studies, First Things - and I rarely, if ever, can’t figure out what’s being said. In fact, I can’t think of a time. Here, on the other hand, I often find myself wondering what, exactly, people are ‘on about’. I can smell out pseudo-intellectual horseshiite very easily, which is one reason I hated postmodernist crap from its beginning (for an excellent brief debunking of that whole ridiculous project, read Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction; how I wish that slim volume had been available to me in the 80s!). There exists a postmodernist style that is quite distinct from that movement’s rancid leftist ideology, and that style (really, ‘anti-style’ or ‘revolt against real style’) has infected persons otherwise quite immune to PC garbage. There is far more pseudo than real intellectualism here at MR. To their credit, places like AR and other WN sites are usually filled with more straightforwardly expressed opinions. But then, they also tend to be less interesting. It is easier to demonstrate than explain proper writing. There is an ‘ethics’ of sorts involved, however. That ethics requires that terms used in untraditional ways be clarified, unless clear from the context. That requirement is routinely violated here. Consider ex-uh above in #64-5 (hardly the worst offenders, btw). I don’t mean to pick on him, but I did address myself to him originally. Now, the relation between ecologism and nationalism is extremely important, and a discussion on that topic could be fruitful. Ecology is the Achilles’ Heel of all forms of liberalism. Nationalism, or at least modern WN, being ultimately rooted in the implications of biology for human society and political organization, has a direct link to larger ecological concerns. So ex-uh is to be applauded (or at least not criticized) for broaching the issue. But why the clutter it up with all manner of both unfamiliar words (truly educated men know which words are their common inheritance, and which are technical or obscure, and hence in need of clarificatory notice or asides), and meaningless sentences? Examples: “beta sperg” - no idea what this refers to “fiatmenschen” - men created by decree? bureaucrats? The word “fiat” refers to something created by artificial decree, as opposed to something organic or spontaneous. Texas Rep. Ron Paul often speaks of “fiat money”, by which he means money that the government simply has decreed must be utilized as legal tender in payment of debts or to facilitate exchange, as against whatever commodity would naturally be used as money by persons interacting freely, that is, without a legal/statist ‘canopy’ over them. I think ex-uh means something like “commoners” or “proletariat” or, perhaps, “mass-men”. “‘cruelle necessitie’” - What does this mean? These words do not exist, unless ex-uh is straining for some neo-Hobbesian effect (in 17th century English, words were spelled libertie and necessitie; but cruelle? never heard of it). “( < farina lolzolzoz)” - What the hell is this?!
1. Are the inhabitants of Belize Mayans? I don’t know. I thought they were mostly black (no, Soren, I have not bothered to Google it). 2. Are the ‘Mayans’ there in fact “Anglophone” (because Belize belonged to the British not to long ago)? 3. Are the natives unusually hygienic? I’ve never heard that.
1. Yes, Latin American cities in my experience, too, were the way ex-uh describes them. But I see utterly no relation between their description and the rest of the sentence. Latin cities are shitholes, therefore one cannot imagine revitalized Nordic communities? non sequitur (unless the point is the obvious one that Latino migrants bring their crap folkways with them; yes, all WNs understand that).
1. Proof?
1. What does this mean? I think the concern is that nationalism’s goal of a return to (or creation of?) truly national (genetic?) self-government may be impossible due to mankind’s ever-increasing ecological ‘footprint’ (there is an untraditional term, but most know what it means). In other words, the scale of the human industrial assault on the biosphere is so great that there may be no realistic way to ‘hide out’ in particular areas (ie, nations), no escape from the need for supranational solutions. [I happen to agree with this to some extent - it’s another version of the need-for-world-authority argument - though I’m less pessimistic about the possibility of major nonwhite enviro-criminals acting to reform their ways in their own self-interest. That remains a genuine concern, however.] 2. But how does the “very scope of [nationalism] belie its teleological content”? That is unclear to me.
1. WNs can be expected to understand the “camp of the saints” reference. 2. Is this statement true? Solve overpopulation and resource depletion in the Third World, or there will be endless migration pressures on the West. This is true, though it doesn’t have to be a major problem. The camp of the saints problem does not really refer to overpopulation-generated immigration pressure, but rather, to the dangers of Western pusillanimity in the face of it. The problem is our own racial gutlessness, not the fact that lots of alien parasites want to colonize our lands.
1. They were? According to what authority? They became an elite in ancient Northern India vis a vis the conquered inhabitants. But the Aryans were a people. The term is ethnographic, not sociological (though today it is mostly political). I could go on, and not just with poor ex-uh (whose general observations here are worth considering or expanding upon). But I think my point has been made. I sense here, as I did with the postmodernists back in the 80s-90s, that a number of MR regulars write in a deliberately unclear fashion, as if the pursuit of linguistic obscurity were a virtue. It isn’t, considered either intellectually or morally. The Christian man endeavors to live honorably and straightforwardly, and expresses himself accordingly, to the best of his abilities. 75
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 08:46 | # [Well that turned out poorly. Everything jumbled together. Please delete previous comment.] danielj, Sorry, but I dissent. I read a lot of good periodical stuff - New York Review of Books, Chronicles, TOQ, Journal of Libertarian Studies, First Things - and I rarely, if ever, can’t figure out what’s being said. In fact, I can’t think of a time.
< farina lolzolzoz)” - What the hell is this?!
1. Are the inhabitants of Belize Mayans? I don’t know. I thought they were mostly black (no, Soren, I have not bothered to Google it). 2. Are the ‘Mayans’ there in fact “Anglophone” (because Belize belonged to the British not to long ago)? 3. Are the natives unusually hygienic? I’ve never heard that.
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 08:47 | # OK, it happened again. No idea why. Good luck with posts. 77
Posted by Chong Sun Wah on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 09:57 | # Call for Support for a Palestinian State - Online Petition Dear Citizens of the World, My teacher said that the politicians should be doing God’s job which means building a better world. But they often fail humanity, like what has happened in the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians. She wanted us to develop our social consciousness and not allow Capitalism to rob us of our moral values and our very souls. When we only care about money and power, our sense of right and wrong becomes blurred. She said that when we have acquired a higher level of consciousness, it is as if God is within us, and we will recognize when something is not right and know how to make it right. In short, she wanted us to be the conscience and eyes of the politicians, who are often blinded by greed and power, which often leads to false pride and arrogance. When they do something wrong, we the citizens of the world must Stand Up and Speak Up without fear or reservations. This petition is not “pro Palestinians”; it is “pro Humanity”. When the Occupation stops, the Terror will stop too. To build a better world everyone must care. I hope to get your support for this Petition for a Palestinian State. The success of the “Arab Spring” tells us that a “Global Spring” is possible to achieve, too. And it can begin with nothing more than a click of your mouse supporting our petition. The Palestinian people need our support, now more than ever, for a “World Spring” to finally achieve a homeland for their people. On behalf of the Palestinian people, I thank you all very much for your support. Please spread the word. Love, light, peace, harmony and unity, From: Adam & Beate Dear Friend As an Israeli peace activist, I wholeheartedly support your initiative. A all the best
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 11:53 | # CC,
Imagine, for one moment, that thrilling, “invigorating” sense of native virtue and greatness which inwardly accompanies the fleeting vision, always just beyond reach and real-ization, of the golden-locked racial hero. This is the state of submission to illusion I compare to feminine romantic love. So, it’s not the romantic ideal of the illusory hero I am speaking of but the state of the all-too-real romantic. His romanticism cannot sustain. No illusion survives a Stalingrad or a Western Front. The German model ineffably collapses into the knee-high mud and filth of knowledge and the naked equality of death. Something else has to take over. Now, I rely on you as my interpreter to the masses! You should know this without my laying it out for you!! 79
Posted by danielj on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 12:41 | # Oh Leon… I love when I send you into didactic posturing… I wish I was capable of taking offense… 80
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 13:21 | # danielj, I’m not sure there is anything I wrote above (to the extent it can be deciphered without the many paragraph breaks I had had in it) that would cause you, or even ex-uh, to take offense, except to the extent that I have offered a general criticism of the MR community, and you are a member of that community. In fact, my stylistic criticism really was not written with you in mind at all. I’m not sure you’re a literary offender at all; certainly not among the worst. 81
Posted by danielj on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 14:22 | # Suffice it to say that I know what fiat means. I find it extremely funny that you can’t deduce what Uh means when he talks about fiat carbs from Starbucks. You’re just a crack up bud. A real genuine nerd. Rare breed. God bless you. 82
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 14:58 | # Then perhaps you could enlighten me as to the meaning of “fiatmenschen”? (and “beta sperg” while at it) 83
Posted by Savrola on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16:07 | # Leon, have you ever paused to reflect upon how utterly meaningless your intellectual meanderings are? Riot on the radio, pictures on the TV and Snakes alive with a forty-five, getting off and doing no good. Vintage lyrics from a famous Aryan with a room-temperature IQ. And now, we don’t need any more summaries of the situation, nor any new analysis of the existing crisis. In fact, anyone over forty is probably just going to be in the way. 84
Posted by anon on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16:17 | # The only people who should use violence at this stage are people intelligent enough to figure out how to do more damage to the other side than the damage they do to their own cause. Anyone intelligent enough to figure that out should also be able to figure out ways of doing far more damage using words. Ergo no-one should use violence yet. However, some people will anyway, especially dummies, and being dummies they’ll most likely attack random immigrants which apart from anything else will *always* be counter-productive. By targeting people perceived as being part of the ruling elite Brievik increased the chance that dummies will do the same rather than targeting random brown people. This is true regardless of his nature or motivation. 85
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 17:52 | # Violence will be unnecessary when Graham Lister et al. lead us through a portal to the Reich of the Black Sun. 86
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 22:42 | #
How does one understand how to proceed otherwise than through investigation? This comment and its implications are especially unfair to me, as I’m very much in favor of a prepare-for-war approach. In fact, I’m one who often espouses a greater emphasis on practical political organizing (including that geared towards the development of ‘peoplehood’, a precondition to any other large-scale nationalist political activity - not that during the time of this development, we shouldn’t also be practically trying to undermine the regime, such as by opposing immigration and multiculturalism) as opposed to endless theoretical debates. And even within the intellectual realm, I argue for what I perceive to be the most ‘practical’ concerns (reformulating Western ethics to accommodate the measures necessary for white survival), as against wallowing in the bottomless well of ontological disagreements, in which I think progress is difficult if not impossible. As for this
they are the words of a true ignoramus (and that is quite apart from the issue of how really worthless the thoroughly multiculturalized crowd under forty is; my experience has been, the younger the white man, the weaker the man, in character, intellect, skills, and even physique - a worrying thought). 87
Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 23:40 | # What gives with the love affair for a certain German regime of the 20th century? It lasted less than 15 years (even the repulsive Soviet regime long outlived it and the Soviet system could not sustain itself for more than the length of an average human life). As such this notorious German regime, so loved by oddballs (no offense Jimmy), was politically, militarily and in every other way quite disastrous and highly damaging. How can a conflict that was precipitated by an insanely irrational militarism (which resulted in 60 million deaths – many of whom were Germans and other Europeans) be thought of as ‘good’ public policy? Let alone how anyone could think it represented a genuine embodiment of the true interests of the German people? Who would wish to promote such an obviously failed experiment as an attractive socio-political model? Unless the idea is to raise the ‘psychological costs’ of engagement as highly as is possible thus ‘enjoying’ being in a micro-subculture undisturbed by anyone, let alone anything like a majority. Hyper-liberalism might be very bad in many regards but there are worse alternatives (but hopefully better ones too). 88
Posted by Savrola on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 23:46 | #
Those are outdated tactics, suited only for a world of sentient beings.
Lulz, quoth the ignoramus.
The young dregs and trash are raw material from which something great may be constructed, by the right forces. Your generation can’t be revitalized, and its not worth the effort of dealing with. And lets not forget who stood by and aquiesced to the destruction of the youngest generation. 89
Posted by Savrola on Sat, 19 Nov 2011 23:50 | # the Nazis were cool. no getting around it. Your narrative is hopelessly screwed up, Graham. Listened to some White Rabbit Radio. 90
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 01:12 | # Guessedworker,
Is there really such a thing as an ineffable collapse? It just does not seem right. You can have ineffable beauty or even the ineffable mud of Stalingrad or possibly the ineffable horror of National Socialism, but the concept of the German model indescribably or unutterably collapsing seems at the very least awkward and unable to convey what you really intended. It’s probably just me but I’ll await the Captain’s translation. 91
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 05:55 | # For those who might be interested, here’s a link to a 1 hour 22min video of Leon Degrelle describing his experience in the Waffen SS. FYI: I just returned from a semiannual gathering of WNs who are interested in the ideas of the NW Imperative, as described in the fiction of Harold Covington. While the novels in question are filled with depictions of violence, the group of people drawn together by a common interest in them is growing slowly, showing no interest in violence, and a preference for the simple pleasures of kinship. It was a very nice family event. I’m glad Judy and I are part of it. 92
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 06:03 | # That sounds like the way to go, Jimmy. Tread softly towards the ethnostate, but own a lot of guns ... 93
Posted by FB on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 06:32 | # Why are there such draconian limits on speech in the UK? I can understand Germany and France, two countries that have no tradition of free speech (and in the case of Germant a National Socialist past), but the UK is the home of Magna Carta. More importantly, why are the English and others tolerating the criminalization of dissident political speech? 94
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 07:38 | #
A similar sentiment was extended by U.S. Grant after the Northern War of Aggression…
If the German illusion broke upon the rubble that was Stalingrad then logically the Southern illusion of romantic nationalism surely collapsed upon the ineffable horror that was Gettysburg. And yet that was not the case. It rose again, as The Lost Cause, symbolically embodied by heroes like Lee and Stonewall Jackson, faithful, chivalrous and honorable men, who, the legend portends, fell only against the overwhelming odds of a superior force. It rose to poison Grant’s legacy, undermining a reputation unequaled of its time. It only fell again to the freedom riders of the 60s. What is the difference? Why did the illusion of the racial hero rise again in the South and not in Germany? Why did the illusion of a chivalrous honorable South, fighting against overwhelming force, an existential threat, survive Gettysburg but not the civil rights movement of the 1960s? 95
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 11:22 | # Desmond, If I could adequately describe the mechanics of collapse I would. I will explain. Let’s propose a theory: The collapse of the old romantic nationalism during WW1 of the kind, say, of the July Revolution was a process common to all French hearts. It had something to do with the recoil away from an assumed path to the future, now revealed as a path only to the grave of France’s sons. It wrought a change in the hope and aspiration and will of the nation, and ended the possibility, in the continuing war with Germany, of appeals to the mistress of the old French nationalism as a means of motivating the pride and war-will of fighting men. That’s the thesis, and, certainly, after WW1, such romantic nationalism found a home only in the drive for self-determination of various ethnic groups in Europe and elsewhere, not in France (though Germany developed a new and much stronger strain). But I am not a romanticist but an empiricist, and draw the observation that romantic nationalism was not true in itself, since its death did not correspond with the death or even defeat of the French nation. Imagine, for example, how different would be the meaning of the collapse of an appeal to EGI, were such possible. It would signify the death of the people themselves! Now that a historian could validate, enumerate, plot, and enter into the historical record. But with romantic nationalism we are dealing with something artificial and illusory ... a story that ceased to be told because its efficacy was lost at some uncertain moment (possibly with the horror of Verdun, possible later). Its collapse was a collapse of the power of illusion under the awful, blinding logic of life and death. But I cannot tell you more. I cannot validate it, enumerate it, plot it. 96
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 12:07 | # Is there some reason why WN requires an overall philosophy of existence at all, or even any ethnocultural grandstanding? Perhaps this reflects my American (cultureless?) background, but why can’t WN appeals be offered on the basis of race itself, understood in a wholly utilitarian fashion: ie, whites are more pleasant for whites to be around than nonwhites; nonwhites lower white living standards and qualities of life; therefore, we should keep our distance from integration with nonwhites to the extent feasible? The advantage of this, the Jared Taylor approach to WN, is that it is readily accessible to even the most deracinated white, who, unless an extreme PC leftist (and those types are in the unreachable grip of madness), at least knows to stay away from blacks, and that Muslims are a national security threat. 97
Posted by ex-uh on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 13:02 | #
... but were there chicks? Without chicks, eventually we’d have to commit heavy raptio upon some Eugene girls. 98
Posted by ex-uh on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 13:09 | # This may be a volume worth acquiring for its negative value (e.g. The Jewish Century)— The Evolution of International Human Rights. 99
Posted by ex-uh on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 13:12 | #
Have you never had that sense when reading comments at Telegraph and the rest? 100
Posted by ex-uh on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 13:22 | # fiatmenschen < fiat calories = corn surplus demanded, supported by US fed gov agricultural subsidies since depression more synthetic calories in existence = more human reproduction you’re in favor, leon. free trade received a major boost with the repeal of britain’s corn laws. but, oops, this had some negative (read: anti-national) long-term effects ...
Posted by John on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 18:55 | # “Anders shot the wrong people.” Terrorism never seems even remotely to have the effect that official outlets say was intended by it. In fact, it’s usually the opposite (which just happens to dovetail with the official outlets’ agenda). 103
Posted by Canada on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 19:16 | # If freedom can be on the march in Canada, why not in the UK? 104
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 20 Nov 2011 21:35 | #
If one sets out to commit a terrorist act knowing that the event will be manipulated, used by the powers that be for their ends, not yours, then whats the point? Any reasonably intelligent person can figure that out, therefore any terrorist act has to be evaluated with regard to how the powers that be will use it, not by its intended effects. Thus any obviously counter-productive terrorist act is suspect - a false flag. 105
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 21 Nov 2011 03:10 | # Guessedworker,
Conversely then, if romantic nationalism corresponds with the death and defeat of a nation then it is a certainty? Thus does not Germany at Stalingrad falsify the thesis? Or Lee at Gettysburg? And is it not more reasonable to clump Pyrrhic victory in with defeat considering that another such victory would mean defeat? Romantic nationalism may still be an illusion but how is that supported by the observations made? 106
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 21 Nov 2011 03:25 | # Canada, It’s not clear, just because Section 13 is being struck from the act, that freedom is rising in Canada. CHRC still denies freedom of association and it appears that the intent of the Harper government is to strengthen 318 in light of the announcement of the Ottawa protocols, something which Levant, nor Adler, nor Shaidle ever, to my knowledge, commented upon. Coren preaches on why anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic. 107
Posted by CS on Mon, 21 Nov 2011 20:18 | # Canada, Canada is a total write off as far as we’re concerned. At least 95% of the white population are liberals who have zero problem with becoming a racial minority and eventually going extinct. The only thing to do is salvage among the other five percent and relocate to a White Zion.
That is when the fun begins. We will get to be the ones in power so we can control the education system. We get to decide what is taught in the schools and what books will be used. We will be able to control the media in that country. Moreover we will actually be the media and we will have no problem selling our product because a huge percent of the population will agree with us. No more hate speech or hate crime laws. No more worrying about losing your job or career because you said the word “nigger”. No more affirmative action. No more mudsharks flaunting their negro thug boyfriends and mongrel kids in your face every time you leave the house. No more negro crime. No more of your taxes being used to support some welfare mammy with five idiot kids from five different fathers. No more non-white (or white) scumbags being let into the country to leech off the taxpayers. No more bullshit non-white refugee claimants scamming your tax dollars. No more Jews and other non-whites swindling your money every way they can. No more having your white daughter being harassed by blacks in school. No more worrying about your daughter coming home with some spook. When we take control we can also do all sorts of fun things like hand out citizenship and the right to vote to our people who don’t even live in the country. We can start harassing antis in our country with impunity which will motivate them to leave. We can control government spending and have it spent on projects worthwhile to our cause. We can start practicing eugenics. We can deal harshly with career criminals and motivate them to leave. We can control the education system and teach our kids what we want instead of what liberals want. We can start producing white children for adoption to other countries. We could basically “gentrify” an entire country thereby making those who move there first rich by increasing the value of the land they own there. There are probably many other fun things we could do once we are in control of our own country but the problem is getting into control. Your choice white racialists. You can be the hated minority everywhere or be with people like yourselves and the majority somewhere.
Posted by frisbees_4_life on Mon, 21 Nov 2011 21:13 | # The hate and evil arrayed against us is really world-wide. I don’t think any other race faces anything even close to this, to the level of tooth-grinding, cross eyed, foam-at-the-mouth hatred that Whiteness receives, mostly coming from the left.
Posted by leon on Tue, 22 Nov 2011 03:58 | # frisbees, If we don’t change the white ethics of race, a sudden crisis will only strengthen the anti-white forces. Face it, this is a great winnowing process. The problem is that whites are maladapted to multiracial conditions, at least at this stage of white philosophical and psychological evolution. We must change the ethics of race among whites, or we will go extinct. 110
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 22 Nov 2011 08:41 | # GW, Since Desmond has decided to engage you at the level of empiricism - something which he more ablely does than I, and you as well - I will take the tack of essentialism and phenomenology. So: We are here essentially discussing what is essential to masculine camaraderie. The essence and foundation of masculine camaraderie is a felt sense of fellowship based in respect and admiration for traits perceived in, values perceived to be held by and behaviors displayed by male individuals for each other. These men value the same things, holding themselves and each other accountable on that basis for the sake of their fellowship. A certain teleological element to their group-life is therefore unavoidable as it is simply insufferable for one of these men to see his reputation, his perception of the belief in the eyes of the other men that he lives up to the standards of the group, sullied in the eyes of his fellows. It is an empircally verifiable fact that men are more likely to respond violently when affronted in front of other men as opposed to both men and women. What was going through your head when you insinuated you would ban Savrola (you said he was “headed for a swift fall”) when he accused you of “cowardice”? An indelicate question, I know, and one I don’t actually expect you to answer as I already know the answer (see above) and respect you too much to demand one. But point taken, I hope. Masculine camaraderie on the basis of National Socialist “romanticism” is therefore certainly essentially masculine contrary to the strawman you consistently deploy stating the contrary. Whether or not that particular expression of masculine camaraderie is either “debased” or “unadaptive” is another matter which I shall perhaps address later. 111
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 22 Nov 2011 10:23 | #
Any White woman who hooks up with a nigger is self-evidently inherently flawed. The kind of woman no self-respecting White man would form a pair bond with. So in some sense, then, the coons are doing us a favor in weeding out such flotsam from our gene pool. 112
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 22 Nov 2011 11:06 | # Desmond,
GW clearly believes, or at least professes to believe, that no victory under palingenetic nationalism is possible as the intoxicated sense of one’s own invincibility will inevitably cause one to reach beyond the grasp of one’s own actual power thus ensuring one’s bleeding to death following the cutting off of one’s hand. If God is for us then who can oppose us? But what if there is not God? Of course the historical record tells us this interpretation of the men who directed National Socialist Germany is surely false. Hitler tried to achieve an alliance with England. Rudolf Hess gave everything of himself to achieve a peace with England. Hitler stated he would not have ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union had he known the sheer number of Russia’s tanks. Hitler counted on the tried and true tactic of the blitzkrieg to deliver a swift victory minimizing German casualties. These are not the actions of men made insane but those of men who took calculated risks with stakes that could arguably not have been higher. It was worth the risk, then and now. The real question, the more honest question, is whether one, as a thinking man, would wish for himself and those he cares for to live under a National Socialist regime. The lemmings, unconsciousness being their uncurable lot in life anyway, would hardly know the difference. What is your answer?
Posted by ex-uh on Tue, 22 Nov 2011 16:00 | #
It appears you have not even begun formulating the “more honest” questions. And yet you arrogate to yourself the opposite of “unconsciousness”. You also make a transparently selfish garble of game theory in defending your invincibly rational Nazi heroes. I thought you had become less trite in your thinking. Less of a shill for bygone ideology disproved by failure. YAWN, I guess! YAAAWWWWNNN!!!!! 114
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 23 Nov 2011 06:48 | #
I doubt my ability to make such an assessment. Am I really rationally and objectively able to make that decision? I think not. It is different for you. Yours is an answer born of faith. It is indeed your good fortune that it is so. 115
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 23 Nov 2011 07:24 | #
It’s a very interesting position considering what Darwin wrote…
What if reaching or over-reaching is inevitable? It appears on a tribal or ethnic level that there is little advantage if morality is diffuse. Or is it incidental like sympathy? This camaraderie, obedience and loyalty trends to invincibility and ultimately collapse in the face of a competing altruistic force and this is an incidental by-product of natural selection. Or is it that these moral qualities are memes evolving without concern for the genotype that they inhabit? Is it an unconscious bio-cultural feedback loop that reinforces, in the positive, this behavior, in members of the group in an effort to maximize altruism so as to advance the morality or socialization of the morality? Thus it is forever driven to over-reach the capability of men to support it in an effort to maximize horizontal transmission. 116
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 23 Nov 2011 23:25 | # Desmond,
No. Stalingrad was a turning point for both sides. The issue became one of survival, not glory.
Victories in battle are achieved through superior force ably strategised, and sometimes through luck. A romantically deluded participant can still wield superior force. But I am not, in any case, talking about victory and defeat. I am talking about truth and falsehood. I am talking about the superiority of truth as a ground for exertion and war-will ... indeed, everything. Your argument is flawed.
Here is a Heideggerian reply. Stand in front of the body of one you love. Then you will understand that vanity disappears. 117
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 24 Nov 2011 00:44 | # CC,
Not really, there is something prior. And let us not forget that the war example is only a (rather extreme) example of utility, not the totality of the matter at hand. An argument based on utility is always incomplete.
The same as goes through my head when any anti-racist Guardianista takes it upon himself to respond with insults to the kind of statement you and I both make routinely in our thread activism. But Savrola managed to contain his taste for insult and did at least try to respond substantively, though his last effort was too weak to merit reply. Does thread warfare ever descend into a simple battle of male wills? I honestly don’t know because the white existential argument is beyond refute, and the assorted anti-racists, non-white racists, left-liberals, Jewish ethnocentrists or whatever whom I encounter seem to prefer to quit and/or report me to the mods before it gets to that stage. It isn’t me that enjoys moral or intellectual supremacy. It’s the demand for life and land contained in those fourteen words. 118
Posted by frisbees_4_life on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 02:35 | #
No, they’re not, and that’s a shitty idea. There is such a thing as brainwashing. White women wouldn’t chose this naturally, which is why the left has to browbeat them 24/7 with black superiority/shielded from any negative news about blacks/inundated with innuendo about Whites. There ought to be forgiveness and redemption. Every White woman is worthy to be redeemed and each one redeemed cannot be over-valued. Further, every White, man or woman, who wakes up, sends the left into a frothy rage where they reveal their bestial nature. They lose and we win. The perfect combination attack. 119
Posted by ex-uh on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 03:05 | #
Because it’s gene-mythology or because you find it immoral?
You overestimate marketing. Studies have shown that people don’t buy Coke or Pepsi because one or the other spends more on advertising; they choose to buy one or the other by preference, brand loyalty, accident, pricing, peer suggestion, etc. Yes, receiving authoritative truth about blacks would dissuade those who miscegenate, but the marketing of blacks is not responsible for growing miscegenation — that’s proximity + equality + trash culture. Which would hold even if, tomorrow, the left’s hold on media were broken across the spectrum and the full truth were broadcast with all the perceived legitimacy of such organs. Miscegenation would not disappear until blacks are made to disappear from view, and miscegenites punished. Captain’s error is believing too much of the genome’s power in directing behavior, a 1-1 correspondence model employed to combat the excesses of the “Standard Social Science Model”, and in consequence, believing miscegenation removes a “miscegenating gene”, or some such, from “the genepool”. In fact it only adds to the promiscuity of racial proximity and will ultimately wash back into the white genepool. Just look at his language — “no self-respecting White woman”. Scientific language it isn’t. The coons are not doing us a favor ... they are stocking white families with more “exceptions” ... which will exert pressure laterally upon neighbors and family friends to “tolerate” ... and that’s how proximity makes it impossible for ordinary folk to harden their hearts against miscegenation. 120
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 03:30 | # I agree with most of that, ex-uh, but there is certainly truth, as I have long argued, here and elsewhere, that a winnowing process is occurring whereby the racially strong (those for whom whiteness is important ideologically, or nonwhiteness is repulsive or offputting) are being separated from the racially weak or apathetic. Over time, whites as a group will come to be numerically dominated by those who are either racist or at least have a strong preference for the sexual companionship of their own race. Same thing is happening with American Jewry, much to the Zionists’ consternation (ie, let me clarify: secular Jewry is shrinking, through both low fertility as well as out-marriage, but the Jewry of the future will be even more ethnocentric). Unfortunately, by the time a majority of whites are racially strong, it is likely that there will be no white electoral or demographic majorities. Our group will then be strong in love of race and heritage, but without the physical or political means to effectuate our wishes. 121
Posted by ex-uh on Sat, 26 Nov 2011 04:01 | #
It is a fun metaphor, but it has no factual weight, as I see it. The outflow is too small to matter if the hope is to leave a body of “racially strong” whites, and this is playing along with the notion that there is a 1-1 correspondence (and priority) of gene to attitude. Whites don’t care about race because they’re mostly northern European, for whom moral abstraction is (often) stronger than kinship.
Yes. The Orthodox sects are booming at unbelievable rates. Seven or eight children per woman. I mean, that’s my whole neighborhood. I can’t walk fifty feet without running into a smart little Yiddish troupe. But I don’t believe we will ever be rid of the unorthodox. They do the breeding with Gentiles, and the spawn “grow up Jewish” — like the un-semitic Kunis and Portman.
You’ve just described the present ... as the future. 122
Posted by frisbees_4_life on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 03:20 | #
Because it seems un-White to me to abandon the lost of our race and to be without forgiveness.
There was a pepsi ad campaign years ago called “the Pepsi challenge” which was supposedly a blind taste-test in which people preferred Pepsi over Coke. The result of this unscientific propaganda was a huge increase in Pepsi sales. If I market Pepsi nonstop to you and forbid or discourage the marketing of Coke, after 50 years, there are going to be a lot more Pepsi drinkers than when I started. Some people prefer what they are told to prefer.
Further, some of the greatest promoters of blacks live furthest from them (the Ted Kennedys of the world). Reality and experience can break leftism, and these are more important than proximity. Even with proximity, Whites would one day forget and go after blacks, unless we remain educated as to why the distance is there. This is one thing parents are for. “Dad, why don’t we go to black folk’s parties? Because son, our race tried that and this is what happened…”
This would be a great event. But there would still be the Angelina Jolies of the world who go to Africa of their own to be dominated. This is because we Whites are browbeaten, ceaselessly, into ape-worship. I can give two examples of this, the woman who was raped by a black in Haiti even while she claimed solidarity as a “Malcolm X scholar” who is “grateful” for the rape. This woman is dead, even though she has a form of life. She has been told to glorify in her defilement and worship the enemy. Another was the Canadian who was raped by Somali muslims. Result? She loves Somalia. She is also walking dead, unless God Himself does a miracle to wake her up. Our race is infected with a sort of lethal Stockholm Syndrome, and this is the result of intense brainwashing, which is much more powerful than proximity. I think Indonesia is a good example of this. The native Indonesians don’t mix with the Indians and Chinese there, even though they are in close proximity. The reason there isn’t a lot of mixing is because Indonesians aren’t told from birth that they are evil creatures who have nice things only due to theft, and can only make amends for being Indonesian by destroying anything Indonesian.
Posted by Liberal Heresy on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:28 | #
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) |
Posted by CL on Tue, 15 Nov 2011 02:34 | #
So. . .
Is the Templar thing a ruse by Breivik to get leniency or is he just nuts?