Water on the brain I am indebted to onlooker for the following story, which is also the story of European Man’s questing mind. On another thread onlooker posted a link to an innovation blog where the tale - perhaps tall, perhaps not - was told of John Kanzius and his radio frequency transmitter. In an important sense it does not matter whether Kanzius’ little idea has at a single stroke cured every cancer and solved the energy crisis. He is demonstrating the daring of the Western intellect. Tens of thousands of men like Kanzius - not necessarily geniuses or giants of the scientific world - have set their eyes beyond the known horizon, and started walking. Enough of them have found something new and useful to make our civilisation what it is, and set it far above all its forebears. Half the world would rejoice in its destruction, such an affront to their self-respect is our ascendency. The creativity of a Kanzius defines us. We are not as spiritual as the Indian or as given to faith and hope as the Arab. We are not as ethnocentric as the Jew, or as rooted in tradition. We are not as bound to instinct as the African. We are innovative. We are restless. We are takers of risks, albeit ones calculated to free us from sorrow, and raise this extraordinary European life still higher. Comments:2
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:29 | # Goddamn!!! Guessedworker, beware of posting articles like this before having someone with a background in science have a look or you will make the blog look like a product of fools/gullible individuals. Splitting hydrogen from oxygen in water is no big deal, and then you could burn the two, but you need energy for the initial split, and this energy will be greater than the energy you obtain after burning the hydrogen and oxygen. A viable fuel source must produce more energy than the energy it takes to extract/process/prepare it as a fuel. This “water burning” is nothing more than a fancy trick. Someone should look into whether Kanzius is a member of the tribe. Members of the tribe may be promoting him for the usual reasons. 3
Posted by Fr. John on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:40 | # “We are not as spiritual as the Indian or as given to faith and hope as the Arab. We are not as ethnocentric as the Jew, or as rooted in tradition….”
Not as spiritual? Did the West not give the World, via this awareness of Christianity, the American Experiment [1776-1945], which lauded and ENCOURAGED this independence of spirit, of thought, and of action? Did the West not give the World men of Faith such as Sts. Ambrose, Augustine, Chrysostom, St. John of Damascus, St. Nicholas of Myra, St. Tikhon Belavin, etc.? the Patericon of the Orthodox catholic Faith is filled with these, to be sure! Did the West (via the Reformation, to give ‘equal time’) not give the World men of faith and hope such as the Luthers, the Calvins, the Knoxes, the Mores, the Cranmers, Herbert, Donne, Shakespeare, Milton, Bunyan, etc.? Did the West not give the World men who swore before pope and civilized world that they KNEW from whom they were descended, in the Scottish Arbroarth Confession? In short, What hath the Jew or the Hagarene, that we do not, except narrowness, bigotry, and hate? (For it is only the apostate, whose hate and evil are NOT EVER forgiven, that still rest in their sins; while, even when Christendom has been at it’s most venal, it STILL is a damn sight better than either Jewish millenarian schemes, [i.e., Marxism/Communism/Neo-conned-ism] or butchery masquerading as a ‘religion of peace’ [Sharia Islam] precisely because we ADMIT our SINFULNESS, and seek to be absolved of these same sins! And (one would hope) to ‘amend our lives’ thereby. Stop and think. WHOSE ideology is behind the American penchant for Empire building? It is not the Anglicans, to be sure! Look to the ‘-bergs,’ ‘-witzes’ and ‘-steins’ for clues as to who rules today! Finally, Is not one of the hallmarks of the Christian religion its fidelity to Tradition, both written and verbal, as St. Paul notes? [II Thess. 2:15- which only reactionary Protestants denied, and thus, is the ONLY thing they truly have given of their own to modern secular, rationalistic man, rather than borrowing from the historic faith] I truly would wonder that even the most agnostic on this board, would even BEGIN to think, that the West, and Christendom, is EVER lacking, or ‘behind’ these apostate creeds such as Islam, Judaism, and the various animist cults out there, in either True Faith, Hope, Fidelity to Tradition, or an awareness that Christendom alone is the “Israel of God.” [Gal. 6:16] 4
Posted by onlooker on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:50 | # “Guessedworker, beware of posting articles like this before having someone with a background in science have a look or you will make the blog look like a product of fools/gullible individuals.” J Richards, The main purpose of Kanzius’ invention is to cure cancer. Burning salt water is a side benefit. The Kanzius’ of the world underscore the gift of inventiveness that is almost exclusively inherent within people of European decent; hence, whites who race mix with non-whites, in general, are unwittingly practising dysgenics. Btw, Kanzius’ invention has been checked out by prominent scientists in the field of cancer research. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/08/27/earlyshow/health/main3206892.shtml P.S. GW, great job explaining the main point of the subject. 5
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 16:06 | # In an important sense it does not matter whether Kanzius’ little idea has at a single stroke cured every cancer and solved the energy crisis. Yes it does matter. Results matter. Truthfulness matters. Its apparent to anyone with any kind of technical background that Kanzius is not getting results on the energy front but that he is letting an interesting phenomenon he stumbled onto be interpreted as in a way that will attract gullible investors. His cancer work is thereby called into question. When I posted the story Magic Negro Johnson Saves Humanity? I didn’t do so because I believed his story—but because it is something to which people should pay attention. There aren’t that many negro inventors so when one of them, who has been given a plumb NASA engineering job most likely at the expense of someone like myself, comes out with these incredible claims and get lots of press, it is worthy of scrutiny. Kanzius, on the other hand, is one Euroman “inventor” among multitudes who are legitimate and have actually increased the carrying capacity of the world—without their own lineages benefiting from said increase in carrying capacity. 6
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 16:14 | # In an important sense it doesn’t matter whether it’s true, and in an important sense it does. It’s a question of deciding which sense matters more. I think the latter.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/03/26/ngang126.xml That statement also works if you change “the crime” to “crime”. By “white”, they mean Albanian and so on. Not English white. 7
Posted by President Barbicane on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 16:22 | # This invention is interesting. Of course, a source of electricity is needed to power the radio wave transmitter. These radio waves seem to be powerful enough to break the bonds of hydrogen and oxygen in water. One could just use the electricity that powers the radio wave transmitter to power an electrolyzer and break the bonds between hydrogen and oxygen that way, but the radio wave transmitter may be more efficient, more scalable or both. So I must disagree with J. Richards. If this invention makes getting hydrogen from water cheaper, it would have a multitude of uses. 8
Posted by 123 on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 16:35 | # @Guessedworker As a physicist I must agree with J. Richards here. I would consider this to be a scam. If it would indeed work as implied, some physical principles and laws would be violated. Indeed it would be possible to build a perpetual motion machine of the first kind, which is nowadays generally deemed impossible, see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_motion . Nevertheless the general tenor of your article is of course completely correct. The existing science and the there-upon resting technology is undoubtetly the white mans work, small and negligible contributions from some non-whites non-withstanding. The more I think about it, the more I am amazed at what our white fore-fathers have accomplished. There was a time, when we too were superstitious and full of false beliefs, knew little, lived under primitive conditions not unlike (most of) the rest of humanity even nowadays. What however did distinguish us from others were our rational, logic thought processes, our love of truth, our drive to know, and our creativity in finding means and ways. All this is undoubtedly genetically hardwired into us. Others just don’t have it (to this extend), as I could recently observe even in Japan, again. What a tragedy, what a loss, if this white race would indeed disappear from this earth due to the scheming of some lousy jews. 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 18:41 | # JR, James. 123, I had hoped to couch the references to John Kanzius’ idea in terms sufficiently uncertain to avoid the charge of scientific simple-mindedness. Apparently, I did not succeed. No matter, probably the greater misjudgement, if such it was, lay in using him as an exemplar of the intellectual chancer who has gifted us our technological life. Not that he isn’t a perfectly accurate example of the species. But I guess one expects an “exemplar” to be a bit more inspirational than a mere “example”. Anyway, perpetual motion aside, creative characters like Kanzius have plainly never been absent from our number. So the question arises as to what constrained them during the long, sluggardly age from the Neolithic revolution to the British agricultural revolution. Obviously, the release of larger numbers of such men from the daily struggle for existence would be key, and is almost too simple and obvious an answer to be interesting. But, for me, there is another and more mysterious aspects to the problem, and that is how movements of the human genius arise in one place and persist for a time to the permanent benefit of those who come after. In modern Europe one thinks of this largely in terms of the great voyages of the discoverers, and of the arts: Renaissance art, Dutch masters, the German symphonists, and so on. But the same can apply in any field of human endeavour ... politics, for instance (and isn’t an efflorescence of original political thinking precisely what we are trying to kick-start right now?). So I tend to see human creativity as a constant in generational terms, but something living for the most part in darkness and silence, awaiting expression. For that to change, an external ignition by some powerful social force is needed. And then a new language of possibilities and of need will capture the imagination of intelligent men, and for an unforseeable period a startling newness will bubble up and change everything. 10
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 20:15 | # Onlooker, There is no side effect benefit of “burning salt water.” See my comment above and more details in my reply to President Barbicane. Veterans of Cancer research have seen a lot of “promising breakthroughs” that have produced nothing. Hence they will not be excited by a mere promise; they need to see favorable results in clinical trials. The CBS report doesn’t even provide reasons for cheer. Kanzius needs a way to pinpoint cancer cells before destroying them, but then this is a holy grail of cancer treatment: how to direct the destroyers to the right targets. Medicine knows of many ways to kill cells, but it wants to spare the healthy ones and go after the cancerous ones. So what reason is there to be so excited? ———— President Barbicane, Trust me on the “water burning” issue. Both James and 123 have backed me up. If you don’t believe the three of us, pick up a basic physics text and go to the section that says Thermodynamics 101. Regardless of how you split water into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms, when you combine the hydrogen and oxygen (burn together), the energy yield will be less than the energy that went into the splitting. Consider the example of fossil fuels in a very simple manner. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air (carbon + oxygen). They split it, incorporate the carbon into themselves and release the oxygen. Trees die, decay and after millions of years turn to coal or petroleum. We obtain coal and petroleum, and combine the carbon in it with oxygen from the air (burning the fossil fuel), and get energy out of it to power our vehicles, homes, industry, etc. So the basic process here is similar to the water splitting issue. Split a carbon + oxygen compound and then combine carbon and oxygen (burning together). But where does the energy to split carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen come from? It comes from the sun; we don’t produce it. And the energy that goes into splitting carbon dioxide is greater than what we get by combining carbon and oxygen (burning fossil fuels). So the only way the energy from combining hydrogen and oxygen can be viable for us is if we don’t have to spend energy to split water, and Kanzius has not discovered any source that is up to the task. Can he do so? Let us picture a solar power system to split water. Let us completely ignore the energy that goes into building this solar power system. If we use n joules of solar energy to split water, the energy yield from burning the resulting hydrogen and oxygen will be less than n joules. Why would you want to proceed in such a roundabout manner? It would be better utilization of energy to directly use the n joules of solar energy. ———— The European Inventiveness Issue Guessedworker writes very well, and his entry above is no exception, but the example chosen to illustrate European inventiveness is very poor. My reply to President Barbicane should be obvious to 123 because of his background in physics, but my background is in biology, and it is still obvious to me. So why isn’t it obvious to “an outstanding European technological inventor”? Preaching to the converted is a waste. MR regulars don’t need to be told of European creativity and inventiveness. Others are best introduced to the likes of Nikolai Tesla (alternating current generator; electricity), Claude Shannon (information theory; communication) and William Shockley (solid state transistor, an electronic switch). Again, both 123 (physics) and James (computing) should back me up on these choices. Kanzius’ neat trick is more along the lines of an accidental discovery, but the work of Tesla, Shannon and Shockley is manifest creativity plus genius. ———— Fr. John, I agree, European spiritual development is superior to what other cultures have achieved. Guessedworker is an atheist, and even atheism in the West is philosophically superior to lack of God beliefs in other cultures. In the West, atheists have examined justification for supernatural beliefs such as the argument by design, the ontological argument, Pascal’s wager, etc. and philosophically rejected them, whereas the concept of atheism in this sense has been lacking in just about all other cultures before they ran into Europeans. ———— Guessedworker,
The intellectual productivity curve is bound to have low values in the distant past because many inventions/discoveries/innovations are contingent on previous achievements. This also means that the productivity values will accelerate for a while, then stagnate and finally go down when much that needs to be discovered or invented has already been achieved. This is the shape of the basic curve, and there are events that have altered how the curve has paced itself through time. For instance, there was a notable drop in European scientific and technological achievement from the end of the Classical Greek era/the decline of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance, undoubtedly because of the Church. 11
Posted by onlooker on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 21:00 | # To J Richards and all, GW wrote: “The creativity of a Kanzius defines us.” Us is we. We are the White race. The White race is by far the most creative race on the planet. Our creativity is hardwired in our genes. That is the underlying message of the article. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 23:56 | # Did the entry’s title make anyone remember this great Queen song? —
Posted by dimwitted non-entity on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:29 | # “Did the entry’s title make anyone remember this great Queen song? —“ No. 14
Posted by lp-tip on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 02:13 | #
. And are you responsible for the ‘european inventiveness’ displayed in the text links to Majority Report stories, like “Only Jews can be worse than Negores”, and “Filthy lowlife criminal diabolical Jews at it again”? If he’s concerned about the image of the blog Guessedworker should agree to consult you before posting an article more to do with culture and philosophy than science, when you agree to consult him before posting a word on ANY subject. 15
Posted by onlooker on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:00 | # “Only Jews can be worse than Negores”, and “Filthy lowlife criminal diabolical Jews at it again”? http://alt.nntp2http.com/religion/islam/2007/10/407f129dc57051580fa25b45394f8a47.html 16
Posted by onlooker on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:10 | # 17
Posted by President Barbicane on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:29 | # J. Richards: Please reread my post. I never said that more energy could be gained by burning hydrogen and oxygen than the amount of energy that goes into splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. Right now, if you have electricity (say from a hydroelectric plant), and want to use that electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen you would have to use an electrolyzer. Electrolyzers are relatively inefficient, and they don’t scale well so they are expensive to operate. Mr. Kanzius’s invention may change that (I’m not sure if it actually does, the news stories about his invention didn’t have enough detail). With Mr. Kanzius’s invention, you can take that electricity and use it to power a radio transmitter, and the radio waves will heat up the water enough to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Just to make things absolutely clear: I am not saying that Mr. Kanzius’s invention will ever get energy from a glass of salt water! But, if you already have some electricity, and want to turn that electricity into hydrogen, Mr. Kanzius’s invention may help you. 18
Posted by dimwitted non-entity on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 23:49 | # “Did the entry’s title make anyone remember this great Queen song?”—Fred Does it surprise anyone ‘Queen Fred’ makes a connection with the title of this article to a Homo Band? 19
Posted by J Richards on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 02:02 | # lp-tip, The 11 news items I have posted at the top as of current have proper titles and are links to studies. The news items below these study links were copied from the previous majority reports location and represent the contribution of the 20 or so people who had posting privileges there. The titles you dislike are amusing to me, and I don’t think bad for the site’s image. Readers can see that this site offers a lot of good content. Titles like those will make you want to read the report. My concern about Guessedworker’s entry was expressed in the first word I left in my first comment on this page. It is painful to see such excellent, flowery writing wasted on Kanzius and his claims/discoveries. Amusing titles are a different issue. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 02:18 | # If you are, I’d like to know, what is the ongoing problem? I tentatively apologized to you. Is there still a problem? If there isn’t, don’t continue to needle me, please. Post a comment:
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Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 04:13 | #
Thanks for information.