White Mating White mating is the challenge. By white mating I do not merely mean getting people with white skin to form families and raise children successfully (whatever “success” can mean in a society such as the one in which we live). I mean stopping if not reversing the dysgenic breeding that has been imposed on whites and doing so sustainably for at least some portion of the white population. I’m not going to ask you to accept my definition of “whiteness”. I’m not going to ask you to accept my proposed definition of “dysgenic”. Therefore, I’m not going to ask you to accept my proposed answer to the challenge of white mating. Define these and suggest an answer yourself if you don’t like my definitions and answer. Below the fold, are my definitions and answer. Add to that answer or do better. White mating must, first and foremost, respect a woman’s natural sovereignty in choosing the sire of her children. The first thing that must be done by white men is obtain the assent of women—women still carrying the genetic character being bread out of whites by the dysgenic culture. The vast majority of these women have been brainwashed. This means men must reach deep into the organic nature of these women to elicit their innate memories of who they are—of their goddess heritage. These images can only be elicited by males acting in accord with their god heritage: Men. Indeed, such images are routinely perverted by Hollywood to capture the subconscious of our females and brainwash them. A woman by the name of Marguerite Pederson wrote a book, “I Accuse the Jews: Censorship In America” and she did so long before the Internet raised consciousness. This should grab our attention. What is the ratio of men to women among those who have written boldly about the culture of critique’s strangle-hold on the “narrative”? What awoke in this woman such fire? Here, in her own words from the book “Life’s Meaning”, page 39, she describes her awakening:
She goes on to describe her encounter with the book “The Pagan Bible” by Melvin Gorham. “Pagan”? Are we talking here about Margot Adler and Miriam Simos, the Jewish Divas of Wicca? Although there are many of our women seduced by the likes of Adler and Simos, they are as likely attracted to other women as they are to the men, or should I say males who participate. As one might expect, this urbanized confusion is yet another Jewish production serving metrosexual religious angst in a way that furthers the dysgenic breeding program of our would-be “sheperds”. Are we talking here about Asatru’s version of “paganism”? No and no. There are two versions of Asatru. The only one that attracts women in any numbers might as well be called “Norse Wicca”. It is usually called “Universalist Asatru” to contrast it with the, decidedly female-starved “Folkish Asatru”. Nor are we talking about the JudeoChristian perversion of the word “pagan”, uprooting it from its original Latin “paganus”—to mean “country folk”—to instead mean “city folk who worshiped religions older than JudeoChristianity”. (Although these, along with many other ancient civil religions—religions that are decidedly not of the paganus—do often enter into the syncretism of Wicca.) Nor, of course, are we talking of the blindly effete thrashings of Renfair or SCA metrosexuals that are merely live theater groups with all the implied metrosexual dysgenics. We are talking about a form of paganism that is decidedly anti-war, anti-politics and pro-open physical violence between individual men acting as individual sovereigns: A paganism of sex—paganism in which love of one’s enemy means the love of hate and the love of life including death as an inseparable aspect of “life’s meaning”. White mating must respect a man’s natural sovereignty in choosing an enemy he loves to hate, thence to fight, while risking as much as does a woman bearing the child whose sire she has freely chosen. Initial steps toward this kind of true paganism needn’t involve any violence whatsoever—they may merely be fair contests that seem to select for more independence and generally adaptive skills. We are supposed to believe that, in the words of one wealthy acquaintance of mine, “money is the best measure of virtual dick-length”, but we have seen that way lies dysgenics. Here’s a simple first step of a thousand mile journey: Young men are given a set of tools and building materials. Over the course of a month, rather than spending time at football practice and playing video games, they are to build a nest to attract a mate. The judges are young women. The mere competition between young men can serve as a surrogate for combat and elicit in the young women some glimmer of remembrance of who they are in relation to the young men. A second step might be a challenge between young men as a means of processing disputes that cannot be resolved by appealing to respected elders for advice. Again, the competition might be something that doesn’t involve direct man-to-man violence and which serves to demonstrate provisioning, such as hunting game and bringing meat, fur and/or leather to the young women to judge. Contrary to the blindly effete flailing of metrosexuals, such primary provisioning competition between young men for the approval of young women feeds directly into mating and family formation while appealing to the goddess and the god heritage within them. Comments:2
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 22 Sep 2012 21:41 | # So you disagree with my definitions and answer and you decline my invitation to offer your own. Very well. Thank you for your diagnosis. I’ll give it due consideration. 3
Posted by Cunning Man on Sat, 22 Sep 2012 23:00 | #
The full text of “The Pagan Bible” is available here: 4
Posted by daniel on Sun, 23 Sep 2012 06:19 | # So you disagree with my definitions and answer and you decline my invitation to offer your own. Very well. Thank you for your diagnosis. I’ll give it due consideration.
But first, I don’t necessarily disagree with your definition and answer as one way.. just not the only way.. and perhaps not the one I’d prefer. Women do not merit unmitigated respect in choosing a partner. Some do more or less. Obviously, some do not. If they are to merit choice in a partner and more participation in the “liberation” of actualization, Women’s being and selfhood does need to be subject to more critical standards than has traditionally been the case. But on the whole, if they choose to mate with a White who is not otherwise terrible, we can work with them. There would be somewhat more exchanging, less polemic gender roles - a bit more being and selfhood for men a bit more actualization for women. Both the ultra macho man and the ultra decorative, ultra feminine female are an obstinate, unthinking drag…and maybe that is rather eusocial-like specialization carried to an extreme as well.. You mentioned steps in a better evolution of Whites and their gender relations. One or two of those steps would be a re-establishment of what counts as a godly man - an optimal White man as opposed to e.g., a Black - and what counts as godly behavior, effective fighting (and negotiating with) non-Whites on behalf of Whites. Especially noble would be behavior which would keep non-Whites out of the breeding context. By contrast, at present, White females have had their tendency to incite genetic competition pandered to by Jewish brainwashing, and so call this noble behavior, “racism”, the greatest evil in the world. As a consequence, beginning with initial interaction episodes with White men, whether or not a White man is so evil as to look unfavorably upon Blacks, has become a litmus test for his being a worthy partner. Undoing this brainwashing will largely involve the undoing the notion that “racism” is evil. On the contrary, they must be taught: Anti-racism is Cartesian, it is not innocent, it is prejudiced (against qualitative patterns), it is hurting and it is killing people. Whereas anti-racism is anti classification, an evil, destroying in one generation evolution and ways which have been achieved through millennia, the re-institution of classificatory bounds would allow qualitative processes of development to unfold as they are protected from the necessity of rigid defense at all times. Other steps thus, would involve a vision of separatism, where it can be seen that we are the gods of our context and its pursuits; naturally this would correspond with the need for continued education of our people and undoing of Jewish media and academic brainwashing. Re-establishing fighting and separating from non-Whites to count as godly behavior is particularly difficult with young females having had their natural tendency to incite genetic competition exacerbated by this brainwashing - therefore, often encouraging non-White entry into the breeding context. Nevertheless, one can understand that females would be afraid that they would be stuck with lame White men. Therefore, as much assurance as possible that they will not be stuck and left behind is an important part of the negotiation. ...family and genetic history can play some part in that demonstration. There can be a mixture of those who opt for a more freely chosen way in selecting a partner while other Whites, who prefer cooperation in identifying an appropriate match, would be offered that institutional option. I maintain that there is no freedom without the institutionalized choice of absolute monogamy. Otherwise, it seems as if hypergamy is the typical result. With women having better men than they are women and some men who are carrying precious heritage being left out.
Posted by daniel on Sun, 23 Sep 2012 08:53 | # A spouse or breeding partner of relatively equal endowment could be looked upon as a birthright for White men and women as they are co-evolved through millennia. In one way or another, that birthright could be accommodated, even if just through institutional concern and assistance in putting appropriate matches together. With regard to “dysgenics”, my notion is that nature and reality (Augustinian devils) will take care of it. Another matter that will take care of it is failure in border defense against non-Whites. However, it is a far better way to die fighting non-Whites than fighting Whites. (Graham has pointed to the necessity of human parents to intervene against fratricide). That inherited birthright on behalf of Whites, along with fight and separatism from non-Whites, would be features warranting citizenship and cooperation - e.g., in sex as sacrament or celebration. 6
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Sep 2012 06:53 | # Daniel, when I talk about a first “step” like the building contest, I am talking about something that just about anyone can see how to do. When you talk about a first “step or two” of “keep non-Whites out of the breeding context” and then “Undoing this brainwashing will largely involve the undoing the notion that “racism” is evil.” you are referring to major undertakings that very few can see how to do. These are not “steps”, they are, perhaps, objectives but the plan for achieving those objectives must be broken down into steps of the kind I presented. Thanks for trying. 7
Posted by daniel on Mon, 24 Sep 2012 11:05 | # ..... Daniel, when I talk about a first “step” like the building contest, I am talking about something that just about anyone can see how to do. When you talk about a first “step or two” of “keep non-Whites out of the breeding context” and then “Undoing this brainwashing will largely involve the undoing the notion that “racism” is evil.” you are referring to major undertakings that very few can see how to do. These are not “steps”, they are, perhaps, objectives but the plan for achieving those objectives must be broken down into steps of the kind I presented. Thanks for trying. Promoting these few notions of how anti racism counts for us is a necessary and concrete step, Jim; although its results will not always be readily perceived, the way to proceed can can always be shown and easily inferred thereupon. The same applies to promoting the notion that we organize ourselves as a class, with collective interests. Most people are not going to be inspired by notions of natural duel, perhaps not even of house building contests (though that is a better idea). They, especially if they have been cheated out of their rightful due for having been deprived class backing, are going to be inspired by being appreciated as a part of a team and being shown the concrete rewards and allocations of participation. You seem overly concerned with the dysgenics of insufficient individuals. Let me ask, when do you see a White woman saying that she would like to have a lazy, dependent man who is a mere functional cog in a collective entity? The answer is never, Jim. If you are trying to speak in codes for describing non-White collectivism, that is one thing, but the worry is not well founded if Whites can survive. Women like independent, competent men - that is a reality that will take care of itself. So, the first concrete step is to promote the notion of our conceptual organization and the rewards we hold out for participation in defense of the White Class - for both women and men. The Euro DNA sign up is a concrete and measurable step that everyone can see how to do. To repeat the following phrases (or some approximation thereof) is another concrete step. Anti-racism is Cartesian, it is not innocent, it is prejudiced (against qualitative patterns), it is hurting and I repeat this, because I believe neither idea is trivial and because conceptual organization is the first step. I believe it is better than bible talk and defending the little lady no matter what. Whereas anti-racism is anti classification, an evil, destroying in one generation evolution and ways which have been achieved through millennia, the re-institution of classificatory bounds would allow qualitative processes of development to unfold as they are protected from the necessity of rigid defense at all times.
Posted by daniel on Mon, 24 Sep 2012 11:36 | # .. The notion of providing for matching (not competition, but matching, Jim), is another. This corresponds with the DNA Nation. In terms of some concrete indication of reward for participation.. Still another concrete step is the institution of platforms that would test women a bit more if they want to have influence in spheres of actualization - hence, they might, if they wish, but they’d have to deserve it a bit more. Correspondingly, a bit more organic and routine behavior would be valued for men, so that they were not so over the top in stressed pursuit of actualization. Though they would still pursue actualization as well, of course, it would not be quite so coveted as the maintenance of the social class; and it would be largely valued as it fosters the interest of the class. Other concrete steps…coordinating with White separatists throughout the world.. etc. 9
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Sep 2012 14:46 | # Daniel, you misunderstand two things: 1) I’m not really interested in your critique and I really did make that clear in the original post when I provided the option of providing your own definitions and answer if you disagree with mine. Those were the ground rules and I’ve been trying to be as polite to you as I know how here but it is getting to be a serious problem. 2) You misunderstand the meaning of the word “step” in this context. A “step” is something that anyone can do and is a metaphor drawn from walking which is so simple for most able bodied people that the only question is where next one is to put one’s foot down relative to the current position. When I say that a building contest is something anyone can do as an argument that it is a “step” I’m not trying to impose the idea that it is an _effective_ step, I’m merely using it as an example of something (possibly ineffective as far as you’re concerned, I do get it… I really do… you needn’t have even wasted keystrokes on a critique) that anyone can see how to accomplish. When you try to break down your objectives into “steps” like “establish the DNA nation” it is merely establishing a sub-objective at best ... not a step. Steps must be _very_ simple. What we need is not _more_ steps but _simpler_ steps. And, no, merely positing the existence of a “matching” service isn’t a step. It’s not even an objective since there is no objective criterion by which one may declare it accomplished. Hence you must clearly define your terms. 10
Posted by daniel on Mon, 24 Sep 2012 15:31 | # “anyone can do” Anyone can cut, paste and advance statements to subvert the notion of Anti-racism and contrarily, to assert the value of classification. “where one is to put one’s next foot down relative to the current position” Anyone can assert that they like a particular option - the White Class, sub-classification, sex as sacrament or sex as celebration; emphases as you prefer, strong male individualism and female judgement, or as I’d suggest: a bit more rotation in participation of roles (that I call being, socialization, selfhood, actualization - which I can and have explained in concrete terms). objectives into “steps” like “establish the DNA nation” I am not calling for the objective invoking of the DNA Nation Jim, but suggesting what anyone can do, that is sign up to a particular DNA category - that is concrete; and farther concretized by prioritizing a particular aspect of the nation [a particular/county ecology, a particular ancient European nation/people; or prioratizing the greater White Nation] Steps must be _very_ simple Anyone can do these things Very simple. “matching” service isn’t a step. Development of matching criteria is a step. Particularly important when it is sympathetic to White needs. It is the kind of thing you’d be much better at than me, but I could have a go. It’s not even an objective since there is no objective criterion by which one may declare it accomplished. I didn’t say it was objective. It would involve the overlap of a few relative criteria; and it would not be perfect. Hence you must clearly define your terms. Let me get to that tomorrow. Please understand this, it is not my purpose to be contentious. I am looking for solutions. If some value biblical metaphors, strong male individualism and female judgment, that could be the emphasis of one or more state ecologies. You would not tell me that I had to live in that state nor impose your values on mine if we had slightly different values and that is the point. 11
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Sep 2012 18:45 | # A source that wishes to remain anonymous is somewhat responsive:
This is responsive to my request except for the failure to define dysgenics vs eugenics and describe the relationship between that definition and the operational answer (gender selection, IVF, surrogates, creches, etc.). The evolutionary direction is determined by the combination of males who possess the money and initiative and females who are willing to donate eggs. Certainly, this is superior to the current direction—or should I say it is not nearly as catastrophically destructive as the current dysgenics. 12
Posted by uh on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 03:11 | #
Fail. Allowing women choice was a cardinal mistake. Female selection must be suppressed, as among the Semites, and that by violence — but don’t worry, a true “war on women” would last about one day.
Sounds hot though. Still, all I’ve elicited by such means are moaning and emotional dependency. The transition to announcing myself their godhead is not clear to me.
Posted by uh on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 03:12 | #
Perhaps danielj will make an appearance to elucidate this process for us. 14
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 15:30 | # uh, there will never be a “war on women”. “Female selection must be suppressed” only if one wishes to sustain what civilized man likes to call “peace”: Removal of an individual male’s perogative to be a man. In that respect, yes, sustainable civilization is, indeed rape. Of course we are not, presently, in a sustainable civilization. uh attempts a joke: “Sounds hot” You have no idea… But back on topic: So I take it you, disagree with my definitions and answer and decline my invitation to provide your own. 15
Posted by uh on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 16:55 | #
I know that. Patriarchy is a social construct and therefore must be defended. There’s no more idealism in my approach, which I believe has the advantage of extreme parsimony, than in yours, I think. The shortest path from A to B here is simply cancelling white female privileges altogether and actually, as they and white knights have been so fond of lying, casting them into bondage (“back to the stone age”, as they say). DanielJ and I call this “radical redomestication”. It is no more feasible than repatriation, “White Zion”, or any other wish-fulfilling plan, so there’s no harm in tabling it beyond the feelings of men who overestimate the feelings of women, which I identify as a symptom of decadence in white civilization. More, I believe it’s wrong, and an example of the above, to rechristen female sexual selection “female sovereignty”. It also obscures the very simple, sober measures that could be taken, in my own fantasyland, to put women in order. The fact is that female choice — birth control, hypergamy, moving to the cities — is the root of the problem. The self-stated purpose of Feminists was to dismantle “the patriarchy”, i.e. the prerogative of men to control women as units of reproduction. Mission accomplished. It can’t be attacked by allowing women “the right” to decide the sires of their children. The easier path for us, again here in fantasyland, would be to decide for them. If you let them decide, their “decision” to breed will become, for the high class, an endlessly retreating mirage of trading up or “waiting for the right time,” and for the low class, the first “alpha” douchebag who comes along displaying strongman traits. Granted, I don’t fully understand what you’re driving at. You speak a peculiar dialect which I seem to grasp in fleeting moments of clarity. In parts I know you’re speaking nonsense, as with this god/goddess jive, but I don’t take it to mean you’re not an interesting thinker. My realistic prescription? For already reproducing parents with “WN” sentiments or ideas to find each other and raise their children together, imitating the village model and providing them with natural mates when they are ready. 16
Posted by uh on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 17:03 | # Your source’s ideas are fine, but it simply will not be done by right-wing types. There is an insurmountable law of psychology at work against it: right-wing types are less agreeable, more neurotic, not as “open”. Therefore they are incapable of cooperating beyond their family. Only lefties with a domineering streak have the willpower — and financing — for social experiments of that sort. 17
Posted by uh on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 17:05 | # ... and even if they could? Still facing high female defection. Remember the Gaede twins? 18
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 17:33 | # Cutting through the din of noise, I see this from you: “My realistic prescription? For already reproducing parents with “WN” sentiments or ideas to find each other and raise their children together, imitating the village model and providing them with natural mates when they are ready.” OK. So now I’ve given you the benefit of actually acknowledging that you have made a practical proposal rather than harping on theoretic disagreements in response to a practical proposal (an example of which is my proposal for a building contest judged by young women and similar hunting contest). Please return the courtesy. This sounds like something daniel could have specified when he vaguely mentioned “matching”. So, congratulations on that small movement of your head above the parapet. May daniel do the same at some point w/re his “matching” proposal. However, all I can see of your head is a bit of cowlick. You will agree, will you not, that there is going to be a small supply of women that could easily be swamped by countermeasures from an enormously powerful and wealthy adversary. Please be more specific as to how one identifies “WN” sentiments in a woman as opposed to an SPLC operative or similar decoy. Also, where do you see this leading in terms of evolutionary direction (as opposed to lessening of the current dysgentic disaster)? 19
Posted by uh on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 19:32 | # I don’t read his comments anymore so I don’t know what he is on about, but if he used the word ‘matching’, he probably meant something akin to my suggestion. Which is drawn from real-life acquaintance with “WN” couples, by the way. They have children and the fathers consciously desire to pair them off when older. Couldn’t say how likely it is, but they try their best to cultivate real world friendships drawn from vague internet association. If one had lots of money, one could do worse than give some of it to that Farnham O’Reilly dude, who I hear is real and trustworthy in his goal of assisting young white families settle in the Northwest. None of this idealistic planning stuff appeals to me personally, of course; merely speculating. Greg Johnson has written about the fickleness of supporters. An old woman with a tidy sum to donate is turned off by a shady character. The scion of a wealthy family withholds his contribution after some trivial personal dispute. It boils down to nothing more than lack of funds. If *I* had lots of money, I’d sink most of it right into arms buying in Eastern Europe and clandestine redistribution to German and Italian nationalists, who alone seem to possess the numbers and will to at least make a dent in their liberal regimes. Significantly, both movements exhibit higher female adherence, Italians taking precedence.
Well, unless she offers such sentiments herself, or accedes to them when she feels safe with one — as very often happens, also among urban women with an ironic bent — one is rather looking for certain traits. The potential recruit is going to be plainer, probably uglier, than other women. What I’ve noticed in observing European nationalists, let’s continue with Germans and Italians, is that they tend simply to be homelier than urban liberals. The women are dumpier, fatter, or emaciated, they smoke and so on. All this means is that fringe politics is socially risky so it attracts those with less to trade on sexually. (The opposite is true for the Italians, however: have a look at CasaPound chicks on Facebook — it’s like looking at SuicideGirls.) Or take the Anabaptists. Their women are rarely beautiful, usually homely, and often enough downright ugly. But homely/ugly should not be an argument against them, for at the end of the day they are successful white breeding populations; and here’s where the WN obsession with “the beauty of our women” is revealed as a silly beta fetish for beautiful women who are all too happy to bury our bloodlines if we don’t play along with the tyrannical farce of the multicult urban hegemony. Of course I am not saying let’s go nab us some Amish broads, rather that one ought to look for women of lower SMV if one wishes to make converts. This is precisely why one sees many fat, dumpy, flat-chested, or wiry white girls going ghetto. Partly it is protective camouflage in growing up poor, which keeps them around blacks, but it’s also a trade of naturally lower SMV for the approval of lower-class males. In answer to your second question: I’m not qualified to make evolutionary forecasts. I don’t believe the urban liberals voting with their feet but condemning us with their mouths are in danger as far as numbers. It’s obvious that this is selecting for a maximally docile type, the kind required by an anti-white regime to generate wealth and tolerate panmixia. It seems to me the cities and universities are acting as catchment areas for the beautiful, where they mingle with the appeasing metrosexual male, and together produce more girls than boys (I would guess; see Kanazawa).
Posted by uh on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 19:51 | # I’ll just say this: I would accept a white race greatly reduced in beauty, culture and that stuff, if it meant more men could satisfy their drives and be less troubled in their stint on earth. I am for equality among white men, and subservience for white women: that is democracy. As far as breeding strategy, this would make former Soviet populations more ‘democratic’ under that regime than entitled American females in the flagship democratic empire. A tribal atmosphere in which no one enjoys much personality is best. This is why Hispanics are able to pack themselves seven or eight thick into a one-bedroom apartment. Perhaps the safest course for conscious whites of no means will be attempting to constitute a legally recognized church, or sending their children off to live with respectable Anabaptists for a few years; they still don’t promote recruitment but they are suffering great losses these days. 22
Posted by Dude on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 21:32 | # No idea of how to identify the best female specimens for eugenic purposes, where this means (in addition to the usual yardsticks of having good health, intelligence, possibly beauty) having a natural inclination to what is best in our folk, including a strong compulsion towards endogamy. If we are considering the US, as suggested some time ago on here (under a separate silly moniker), one seemingly solid way to start to build a self sustaining and reinforcing community is to try to locate the most fluid/mobile native WNs within your country in one area and have them bring in other stock from outside of your nation who are desirous of entry and a new life. A single unmarried WN couple in the USA could each ‘marry’ and gain entry for two non-American WNs. Where we are talking about the source for some of these being from central or eastern Europe, then some of the modern ailments of the modern woman (or even, man) would be present in a lesser degree. Children are the glue that would bond the woman to the man and through him to the community. Where any suspicions of commitment existed, if the parties did not marry, but gained entrance and then overstayed their visa then of course this might also act as a disincentive to defect. The progeny would be American, the non-native parent, not. At least this should work in the US. The attempt to do this in nations who overridingly value their ethnicity first and race second the idea would be less attractive as a solution. Bonding the group together so that it naturally benefits from an instinctive loyalty from its members in the face of loud external siren songs from wider cultural influences would be something else. A proper education and sense of being and place would seem to be one key factor, not the White Power tabloid style education I assume the Gaed kids received. 23
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 03:01 | # So at least we can all agree that getting women involved (whether by coercion or willingly) is among the top problems, if not the top problem to be solved. Thus far, the only proposals on the table that address this in other than wishful thinking (those involving coercion in the form of a wished-for male domiance, or otherwise are wishful thinking) are mine (the non-monetary provisioning contests where women are the judges) and the anonymous contributor who basically buys young eggs and wombs for the production of females, by acting as middleman for married women who are beyond their fertile years. This, latter, mammonite approach side-steps the genocidal program of our “shepherds” by exploiting a bug in the program: White women who hit the end of their fertility are discarded by Jews as useless and powerless—sent packing from the urban centers back to their “flyover states” where they take their rage out on rural white men. Not all of them are so stupid, however, and some of them get real conservative real fast (which is a high growth demography for Islam which sanctions limited polygyny). Of course, it is too late for them to have children then. The genocidal program then offers them non-white children to fill the tortured void even though they would prefer white children. There aren’t supposed to be any high quality white children available for these “Gawd how could I have been such a foolish bitch!??!” matrons. There are a lot of ways the lawyers can fix that bug, however. I still consider my approach the most practical, even ignoring the definition of eugenics (as so many here are wont to do). 24
Posted by daniel on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 09:15 | # No, my proposal offers women actualization (achievement, recognition and top positions should the bear the test of less leniency regarding basic needs) or their normal roles, sex as sacrament or celebration; everything else that goes along with the more peaceful and advanced White nation. It treats them and their children as a veritable religion in the 14 words… also, women have a choice of ways of life with the various states, counties, ancient nations, etc. They have the option to leave the White nation (they just cannot come back in some cases). There is more.. I have not gotten back to you on concrete matters of matching..will do. 25
Posted by Dude on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 09:20 | # There are certain potential problems with my suggestion above, but not so sure that it is wholly to be lumped into the category of wishful thinking.
In countries such as Estonia and Russia there are many very committed activists some of whom I would imagine would be keen to join such a project. No doubt internet relationships that lead to marriages between men desperate for women are accepted by the authorities as legitimate. Thailand is a favoured source for such non-political liaisons. So there is some legal precedent. A further step might be bringing some of these female activists in through this second wider option - men with some means who are looking for low status women from abroad, and generally trawl the developing world, instead being covertly or overtly directed towards activists from the Second World or other locations such as as Germany. I also like the surrogate option discussed above but cannot see the full comments from the anonymous poster you reference. It’s a pity that the Repository for Germinal Choice is no longer in existence, although different kinds of sperm bank have arisen since. I wonder though about the timelines for such a project. But one could imagine dropping off five high IQ babies at some matriarch’s door, two at another and so on. The potential to have many children hothoused together in groups in different locales is attractive. Finding potential parents who are willing to take on the role for non directly related offspring though may be an issue. At least for 50% of the equation. It would be pleasant to think that a competition to build an Amish palace or returning with the best hunting trophy would awaken the deepest ancestral memories of our womenfolk, but I’m not so sure it would get beyond the imbibed cultural influences for those brought up in societies where other measures of status are widely accepted. 26
Posted by Dude on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 09:57 | # Projects in our domain are prone to failure, bubbling energy at the front end and disillusionment at the back, so there is a general reluctance to finance new ones. Two hundred people, give $10: OK. The same number, give $1k per year: no way. Many expect some political sugar daddy to provide. Our culture and biological inheritance make us more cynical and look to smaller units than the greater good as our societies crumble. How to create the start up finance and the ongoing costs (including day to day overheads and living expenses) is a critical step and it applies to all the imagined situations outlined above by various posters. That’s why I found XPWA’s posts here some time ago on developing local micro-industry intriguing. Particularly when (I finally found the anonymous post @11) it is considered feasible to run the project in a Pioneer Little Europe setting. Rural income is much harder to come by. For example, farming requires economies of scale and has various barriers to entry. Unless there is proximity to a large town requiring niche goods (such as organics and exotics). 27
Posted by daniel on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 10:21 | # ... Should women elect to join the White nation: They would have the option to be single and choose a mate to their liking, sex as celebration.. or they may have the option of sex as sacrament, opting for enclaves where they will be assisted in identifying an appropriate match for a breeding partner, husband. Some criteria would use numerical measures: physical, emotional, intellectual…other qualities, whatever relevant criteria that we might come up with, creativity..etc. They would have the option to choose communities that were of a specific kind of religion, communities that were irreligious, ones that focused on the 14 words etc. For some of our flaky sisters, there could be vegan communities that venerated animals. There could be communities that are not troubled by lesbianism and male queers; others that would not tolerate them whatsoever. There could be communities where there was pro choice and others that were pro life. In no state would rape against women be valid - just as miscegenation would never be valid. Physical violence against women would not be tolerated. A culture would be promoted that would discourage abuse of women who were not beautiful by some standards; they would be offered help with the sacral enclaves. Neither they, nor men would be required exploitative labor or risky behavior - beyond participating in limited span of their life; a few days a week; a few months of the year - in other words, we are all enjoying the leverage of social contribution so that we may mostly be free to work on the projects that are meaningful to us personally. .................................................................................. In terms of a match, I am really writing this all off the cuff…but let me keep going..
For those who want help, there could be help in approximating a fair and appropriate match for a partner in terms of say, physical, emotional, intellectual, creative and other criteria.. This could be done the usual way or by artificial insemination There would be arrangements for people who wanted children but are not necessarily wanted as a partner. This may be the case with some older men who nevertheless have some resource; or some homely women who nevertheless have health and disposition to be mothers. Beautiful women who are willing to be mothers, but of otherwise disagreeable personality. Whites ought to be more willing to accept a fair partner, rather than trying for someone better, as they are part of an accountable group that is functioning as a team - they are not threatened to be outdone by outsiders, with completely new criteria and values that would leave them behind in a universal competition. They now have class. Older people could be more involved in child care and education. Some states/counties could favor a more traditional family approach while others could be more communal… e.g., rather than a house building competition, there could be house building cooperations… energy and food supply cooperations, etc.
Funding for partners and children has been worked out some by some of Bowery’s models… There is possibility in some of the models that Ellen Brown and others discuss..
Posted by daniel on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 10:23 | # This comment was supposed to go together with the one above so I am posting it again here. my proposal offers women actualization (achievement, recognition and top positions should the bear the test of less leniency regarding basic needs) or their normal roles, sex as sacrament or celebration; everything else that goes along with the more peaceful and advanced White nation. It treats them and their children as a veritable religion in the 14 words… also, women have a choice of ways of life with the various states, counties, ancient nations, etc. They have the option to leave the White nation (they just cannot come back in some cases). There is more.. 29
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 11:09 | #
This is an extremely important observation, but it also implicates my concerns and approach to WP issues. Do we want to reduce our magnificent race to a condition of minimal individuality? And isn’t that really the crux of all WN issues: are we fighting for our collective survival (and it is collective, at least for now - I certainly don’t feel myself having to fight just to exist and feed myself for another day) because we are superior, or simply because we have an exaggerated sense of self-esteem, as so many blacks do individually, and which then gets carried over to their racial identification? Do WNs fight for our race simply because it is ours, or because it is worthy (by some extrinsic, universal standard) of our efforts (by virtue of its inherent excellence)? I think this is the dividing line among pro-whites. For those who see our race as superior, defending it becomes a moral cause. Others don’t care about ethics, and simply say “my tribe, f—- you!” I’m not interested in saving the white race if what is being saved is merely white (ie, without intrinsic merit). Many WN approaches effectively concede our strongest suit, which is our moral superiority. The collective white race deserves to survive in a way that, say, the black race does not. But if we transform ourselves into replicas of “hive”-Asians, or diminished personality Hispanics, then what is our moral justification for doing what we must to ensure racial survival (ditto if we forfeit our souls through embrasure of nihilistically violent ideologies, like Nazism or ‘skinheadism’)? 30
Posted by daniel on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 11:10 | # ... More concretely still, I would perhaps offer to cooperate in building a rooming house or rooming houses with a central lodge room; or houses for sale in order to build anew in other White communities…i.e., I am already in a White community. EU funds could be elicited for certain projects: farming, green energy, perhaps help for single mothers or elderly..
Posted by uh on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 18:46 | #
Then they just won’t tolerate you. Like it or not, women need, and even enjoy some violence. See: runaway bestseller Fifty Shades. 32
Posted by uh on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 19:19 | # James, Of all the commentators here, I believe I am alone in having railed against rampant wishful thinking among White Nationalists, and what’s more, identifying it as the logical heart of WN ideology itself (in my model of it as description/prescription=anxiety-reduction). Not tooting my own horn here, just don’t like being cast into the same camp. Ok, I was being self-indulgent; daniel’s White Knight Nation and my Taliban-style one do probably arise for the most part from our own characters, though I promise you that only in mine would women be functional and content. You have a more exacting signal-to-noise setting. So of your two proposals — contests and surrogacy — the latter seems more feasible under present conditions. The contest sounds anachronistic, something Scout and Brownie troops would do on a special day where they’re brought together to learn to comingle, and that in a fully functional white society which we do not enjoy. Dude’s comments are fruitful. My own belief is that we should all just go Blut und Boden, or Boden if the Blut is lacking. I want to be on a plot o’ land no later than my 35th birthday, and within a year producing a salable microbrew, heritage breed livestock, and some other shite. And here’s another angle to attracting da assockced n desolued wimminz of Greater Judæa: http://www.wwoof.org Those are sites where organic farmers advertise for volunteers to help in their projects. Naturally, more young women, especially from Europe, go for it than young men. These tend to be very leftist of course but it isn’t impossible that such a young woman find her way to a well-run operation and perceive it as an adequate nest. This actually happened to one of my uncles who bought a farm and seduced a Swedish girl who was backpacking through kwa. 34
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:06 | # uh writes: “The contest sounds anachronistic, something Scout and Brownie troops would do on a special day where they’re brought together to learn to comingle, and that in a fully functional white society which we do not enjoy.” Your choice of “Brownie” would imply your use of the unqualified “Scouts” to mean “Cub Scouts” (who don’t have “football practice” as I mentioned) as opposed to the reproductively maturing “Boy Scouts” and, of course, implies the contests would be essentially for pedophiles since it would be appealing to the sexuality of pre-pubescent girls which constitute the membership of the “Brownies”. However, despite the fact that you have thereby disqualified yourself from the dignity of a response, I’ll offer this to those who might be mislead by your base sophistry: The enormous amounts of resources poured into futile ritual supplications by adult males for respect from women represented by organizations like “Promise Keepers” is an existence proof, by itself, that the non-monetary provisioning contests would enjoy enormous resource investment by, not only the evangelical community, but quite possibly any organization that has responsibility for the rearing of adolescents to sexual maturity—including public high school sports departments. Of course, the high schools would have to be forced to provide such a healthy sexual (ie: “sexist”) activity by their school boards (as they routinely ignore the desires of parents represented in PTA meetings). This is why I specifically called out “football practice” as an activity that would suffer as the result of this kind of contest: Football is unashamedly sexist and is universally accepted as legitimate for public schools. Furthermore, the replacement of sterile sexual status provided by football with provisioning contests would lead directly to early family formation as the nesting instincts thereby brought forth would connect with practice. I’ve seen young men and young women of high genetic quality attempt to form something like this on their own in Oregon where a young adult man from Alaska had been working construction and saved up enough money to purchase 40 acres of land that had been logged, with a magnificent view of the Columbia River Gorge and Mt. Adams. A bunch of highly intelligent, attractive and creative “ecohippies” started using scraps obtained from a local construction materials outlet and building 12ft*12ft shacks that were just under the building code requirements—with sleeping lofts, wood burning stoves, out-door composting toilets and a community garden. Truly inspiring and it attracted a lot of young, beautiful women to a situation where there were some serious hardships during the winter. The thing that destroyed this was an attack by the local building code inspectors. The young women ended up going to the universities to get degrees in “ecology” etc. where they were saddled with enormous student debts that they cannot escape via bankruptcy, that they cannot pay off and so indoctrinated to love their servitude that many were doubtless sexually perverted into the kind of monstrosities with which we are all too familiar. 35
Posted by daniel on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:17 | # Physical violence against women would not be tolerated. Then they just won’t tolerate you. Like it or not, women need, and even enjoy some violence. See: runaway bestseller Fifty Shades.
Posted by uh on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:29 | # daniel, The flow of talk forced me to peek. Never again!!! 37
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 21:04 | # Sorry, uh, but you are engaged in your own form of wishful thinking, one which also pervades other movements, from 60s New Leftism, to libertarian “island sovereigntists” - the desire to ‘drop out’ and escape. There is no fucking escape, dawg! The world is bound technologically, and in increasingly totalitarian fashion. Wait until the Obamunists find out that you haven’t fulfilled your “individual mandate” to buy health insurance, haven’t paid any taxes, etc. There is no abjuring the political realm. Our enemies, like their communist predecessors, are always pressing and fighting. Some can maintain the illusion of having escaped the struggle, but only because others are doing their fighting for them. Don’t be a shirker, uh! 38
Posted by daniel on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 02:41 | # Posted by uh on September 26, 2012, 03:29 PM | # daniel, The flow of talk forced me to peek. Never again!!!
Posted by daniel on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 06:02 | # A bunch of highly intelligent, attractive and creative “ecohippies” started using scraps obtained from a local construction materials outlet and building 12ft*12ft shacks that were just under the building code requirements—with sleeping lofts, wood burning stoves, out-door composting toilets and a community garden. Truly inspiring and it attracted a lot of young, beautiful women to a situation where there were some serious hardships during the winter. The thing that destroyed this was an attack by the local building code inspectors. I have a situation that can perhaps allow for the building of 6 small houses, or one to three very big ones: which could be rooming houses. Perhaps one large rooming house is optimal - then the rest of the land could be farmed. 5 minute walk to train station. 24 minute train to a lovely, White city. 20 minute walk to villages, stores.
Posted by uKn_Leo on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 16:49 | # Quick, off topic, sorry. uh - good, will look out for it 41
Posted by uh on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 18:06 | #
Shut up. No way.
Sure, there is. Reducing one’s presence in society is all it takes. But when a healthy 95% of humanity is in blind rapturous love with the costly fruits of techno-industrial civilization, trying to opt out, let alone defending that choice, strikes people as quixotic, bizarre, or insane — unless one is a leftist blogger, which makes going back to the land quaint, charming, responsible, enviable, etc. There’s no escape for you who depend more on the conveniences of civilization to be happy. I’m aight with a wood stove and some game meat. [Before anyone glibly commands me to “just go do that then”, I beg you to remember that real estate costs money, and I’m not rich, ok?]
Guess what? I will do both. If those are the minimum requirements to be left alone, fine.
What you mean is we can’t escape rendering unto Caesar what is his. I have not said otherwise. But you engage in loaded semantics by seeming to conflate this enduring fact of civilization with turning one’s back on society, as far as one is able, by retreating to less densely populated areas. It’s a simple thing. As old anon from Belize would remind you, wealthy American and British expats do it all the time. They’re Reaganites just like you. If society is Mexicans, feminists, entitled women, drunks, drug addicts, negroes, chattering Asians, Silver and people who think like Silver, options are left or those who want no part of the mess. Leftists do it all the time. I tell you, sir: modern civilization is anti-white (male). Thus Spake Uh. 42
Posted by Hymie in Afula on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 03:56 | # >> imitating the village model and providing them with natural mates when they are ready.
Posted by Sal on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 04:13 | # 5 minute walk to train station. 24 minute train to a lovely, White city. Just out of curiosity, is that train “mass transit?” If so, watch out. 44
Posted by daniel on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 05:05 | # No, its more like a local line, but runs regularly. 45
Posted by Dude on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 08:48 | # Hymie - And give up the potential organisational and resource benefits of modern life including technology? Unlikely. As a minority of whites turn to Islam for certitude and a more circumscribed lifestyle, I wonder if many are also turning towards these types of religious communities. 46
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 14:47 | # Hymie, that is a very good idea except for one thing: The Amish already have enough problems arising from outsiders. If the apprenticeships did not involve the outsiders becoming “Amish”, or at least not being integrated into existing Amish settlements, it might not be too bad. However, the tendency would be for males to show up, do a lot of work and somehow wheedle their way into the current settlements, thereby not only increasing the male to female ratio of those settlements (which, alone, could be death to their human ecologies), but also introduce elements with effects that no one could foresee. One clear case of outside interference is the imposition of secular birthing standards on the traditional Amish midwifery practices. This creates dependency on money for reproduction and has directly led to a rise in social decline among the Amish. Already, the decay of conservative standards among the Amish has given rise to gang violence—violence which is in danger of becoming feud, and which is now involving the secular courts and police with their notions of “hate” crime. Of course since natural duel is “crazy”, they can’t even consider the logical alternative to impractical pacifism that would free them from tyrannic infiltration. 47
Posted by daniel on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 17:48 | # 48
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 20:25 | # uh@43 Your attitude, however ostensibly sociologically justifiable, smacks of ‘shirkerism’. The duty of the contemporary white man is to fight for race and civilization. This entails the following: 1. production of Aryan children, to the extent possible; 2. inculcation in said children of the traditional values of and love for the race and its historic cultural mores; 3. involvement in the intellectual (if one is intelligent), or at least propaganda, struggle to awaken whites to their racial duties, and destiny, should they continue collectively to fail in those duties; 4. and lastly, involvement in the political struggle to maximize white power, which becomes ever more important as we become progressively dispossessed of our demographic dominance in our traditional homelands, with the ultimate goal of racial secession and sovereignty. Continuing the now established pattern of endless white flight may be fine for the individual in the short run, but it is disastrous (and ultimately futile) for the race. Man up, uh! 49
Posted by Knox on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 21:47 | # Haller, How do you square away your Catholicism? The Catholic Church is the original universal, multicult globalism. 50
Posted by uh on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 23:26 | #
Yea. You live in the northern woods and hunt for your meat. Then we’ll talk about manning up. 51
Posted by Sal on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 03:48 | #
As I’m sure you know, this can bring the animals to certain locations. And that is what certain parties want. 52
Posted by daniel on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 09:52 | # Posted by Sal on September 28, 2012, 10:48 PM | # No, its more like a local line, but runs regularly. As I’m sure you know, this can bring the animals to certain locations. And that is what certain parties want.
Posted by anon on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 17:02 | # Is it suprising that there is a lack of women in the WN movement when the WN community doesn’t even really make any effort whatsoever to attract/recruit young females? Contrast it to the huge effort that the enemy makes in appealing to women. Have you ever heard of a WN romance novel akin to “50 Shades of Grey?”. It’s not as if writing WN romance novels aimed at women would be massively expensive. All you need is 1 writer. Have you ever heard of a WN BOYBAND? I haven’t. Teenage girls love boybands and live whole lifestyles centerd around the boybands. They absorb all the messages from the boyband. All you need is 4 young males with muscles and a 6 pack (WN community got loads of males!), 1 talented songwriter to make catchy tunes and “Autotune” software will take care of the rest! Imagine a WN boyband with lyrics such as this: (Sung in the style of the Backstreet Boys) Urrgh yeah baby girrrl etc etc 54
Posted by Anon on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 17:27 | # Couple of questions: 1) Do you remember the Rochdale Rapes case a few months ago? Asian men were grooming white girls from care homes. How is it that Asian men are able to recruit these girls but WN are not? 2) Why do cults have no problem recruiting women? Have you ever bothered to investigate the recruitment tactics of cults? 3) Have you ever considered the possiblity of not telling the women what the real goal is? It’s not as if the Jews have ever told white women where the mainstream is really leading them to. They’ve been fed a pack of lies. In many top secret industries, employees are not given the full picture of what is really going on, just given enough info to do their job. Consider using this as a tactic to hide the true mission of WN from potential recruits.
I think the point is that a small number of WN whites create a “hive” which then infiltrates and hijacks society for the benefit of mainstream whites. That hive might be genetically transformed into a management class, bred for the sole purpose of dominating elite positions and keeping the Jews out, but the rest of mainstream whites will remain genetically untouched. 55
Posted by Andy on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 18:29 | # Ancient Sparta, National Socialism, and fascism generally are some hive models that could work or could be drawn upon. In addition to secular models there are religious hive models like the Mennonites, Amish, LDS, etc. that could work. I think cults may be successful at recruiting women because there is a man in the cult that sets himself up as the supreme alpha male, or because the cult claims to speak for, represent, be under the authority of, etc. an invisible man who is the supreme alpha male (i.e. god). 56
Posted by Sal on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 19:06 | #
Glad to hear that. And it is good to be aware. 58
Posted by CS on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 20:27 | # Another things we could do is start our own secret society. 59
Posted by fides on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 21:02 | # Regarding rape, didn’t the Vikings, German barbarians, Roman soldiers, etc. rape? What about the ancient Indo-Europeans? 60
Posted by uh on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 22:15 | #
Posted by uh on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 22:21 | #
Proximity. They’ve grown up around Pakis. They buy their booze and mobile phones from them at the corner store. They’re also raised ‘ghetto’ and the younger Paki males are the kings of their ghetto.
Two factors: White women are extremely gullible, and cults offer them material support (a nest). Many recruits are quite young and often from abusive homes or relationships. But we aren’t a cult. We’re a bunch of dispersed, highly intelligent white men with nothing to offer white women as a group.
They don’t care either way as long they have their Six Things They Can’t Live Without (this is from OKCupid by the way): 1. iphone
Posted by uh on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 22:36 | #
Yes, we may be certain that some Vikings, some German barbarians, some Roman soldiers, and perhaps some ancient Aryans, raped women here & there. But the implication in your question is that they did so wantonly, all the time, as standard practice, etc. Women are vulnerable. Raping your enemy’s women is one of the payoffs of war. But no historical or textual accounts, nor what we know of the psychology of these peoples, support the idea that they “practiced” or were especially predisposed to rape. Women were held in rather high regard by the German tribes, as far as I know. In Roman law, for example, there is the difference between raptus (rapine > rape) and stuprum — the first being abduction as in “the Rape of the Sabine Women”, the second what we know as forced sexual intercourse. Stuprum, as far as I know, was contrary to law and more importantly did not expose the victim to public shame. The lost sense of “rape” (rapine), preserved in the legend of the Rape of the Sabine Women, is probably also what gave rise to the notion of Vikings as rapists. As for the Aryans — consult the laws of Manu. They had very strict laws governing their interactions with each other and other races. Surely it happened, but my guess would be, far less than in the Western races. Read Ibn Battuta though; some ... lively anecdotes of old Russian sexual mores, which suggest a culture in which rape was probably common. 63
Posted by fides on Sat, 29 Sep 2012 22:44 | # By rape I also mean seizing or kidnapping women, not just technical rape. For example, Iceland was founded by Vikings who had seized Celtic women and sailed to Iceland. When they actually had sex on Iceland, it probably wasn’t technical rape in that by then the women had resigned and accepted their Viking mates. But since they were originally seized it was a kind of rape. 65
Posted by daniel on Sun, 30 Sep 2012 06:23 | # Why do young girls sometimes wear shoulder pads? I- Dun-Know 66
Posted by uKn_Leo on Sun, 30 Sep 2012 09:49 | # ‘um idk air?? lol’ It means - “err, I don’t know, air (oxygen) ?? laugh out loud.” Youth text slang Leon. Best left alone if one is to preserve ones hope for our future, and sanity. Lol.
Posted by Anon on Sun, 30 Sep 2012 18:19 | #
So the problems with WN are: 1) Lack of alpha males I think a leader of a WN Boyband could play the alpha male role. Or maybe a WN calender featuring muscle bound WN with 6 packs for white girls to put on their bedroom walls. Does Stormfront produce a “Hunks of Stormfront” calendar? 68
Posted by ben tillman on Thu, 04 Oct 2012 03:09 | # While we are on the topic of mating, I thought some of you might be interested to know that my wife and I have just had another child. 69
Posted by daniel on Thu, 04 Oct 2012 05:18 | # Congratulations, Ben… I assume that I’m congratulating a White guy! 70
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 04 Oct 2012 06:20 | # Congratulations, Master Tillman. All the best to Mom and newborn babe! There’s precog for you. born28 is the submet word. 71
Posted by ben tillman on Thu, 04 Oct 2012 13:31 | # Born28? That’s pretty cool. Thanks, gentlemen. 72
Posted by egmsilver on Sat, 24 Nov 2012 01:42 | # just been reading this page and comments and wondering a couple quick things: 1. wondering why one chooses “race” as a reason to procreate? 2. and why do some people feel that their “race” (whatever definition one chooses for that to be) is something that is worthwhile to perpetuate at all? 3. where does one race begin and and another begin? 3a. who creates the definitions? 3c. is there really any “begining or end” to any one thing? or is it all just a concept? i know that may be a lot of questions, but i am curious to know! tnx for your time! egm silver 73
Posted by daniels. on Sat, 24 Nov 2012 02:01 | # Posted by egmsilver on November 23, 2012, 08:42 PM | #
How dare you! Post a comment:
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Posted by daniel on Sat, 22 Sep 2012 17:06 | #
The cold war paradigm in which American individualism was set against the great dragon of communist collectivism seems to have influenced you, Jim. I wonder if its become a bit too either/or.
A quote from another Christian thinker, Paul Tillich, strikes me as provocative in the context of your defense of individualism against collectivism:
“Existentialist protest against dehumanisation and objectivation, together with its courage to be as oneself, have turned into the most elaborate and oppressive forms of collectivism that have appeared in history.”
I must say that in some ways you seem to have more respect for female judgment than I have and in some ways perhaps less. Rather than total location and discovery of our “true” nature as a matching couple - and yes, I’d like enough of that, a partner should match well enough genetically - I also like the idea of discovering a partner who has qualities other than mine, who will share in the exploration, discovery, creation and construction of meaningful ways of life..
Jim, I am not articulate of lions, but what do you think of them, the way the female does the hunting and so on? Are they the only species whose females have a more participatory role?