Worldwide Map of Genocide Genocide, under its original definition, includes any deliberate anti-nation program, such as that intended by the American Jewish Congress’s support of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Since immigration is now the primary tool of anti-national interests, we can get a rough idea of the magnitude of genocide by examining the rate of immigration to various countries—immigration driven by sentiments similar to those promoted by the American Jewish Congress: Comments:2
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:07 | # The Jews are probably the only ethnic group not possessed of a proletarian segment and this is as true and as influence-making in Brazil as elsewhere: “It can be assumed that two thirds of Brazilian Jews belong to the elite 5% of the population who control nearly half of the total personal income and of the country’s wealth where almost half of the population at large live at a subsistence level”. Henrique Rattner, author of “The Jewish Presence in Latin America” (publisher- Allen & Unwin,1987). 3
Posted by Kulturkampf on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 09:00 | # Lurker - what a surreal idea for a carnival float. Cue the successful intervention of a Jewish group, and the grave warnings about inciting hate from the judge. Does anyone seriously think that a troupe of Samba dancers (!!) were trying to whip up ‘hate’? Most likely, they were striving to find an original idea, and let’s face it, this was definitely one that no-one else would think of. Combine the need for originality with the sense of Kitsch that defines carnival parades, plus the fact that Brazil probably has a much lower sensitivity to Jewish issues than the Western world, and hey presto, there you have it - a holocaust float! The response of the judge, of course, made no allowances for the doubtless innocent, if bizarre, sense of wackiness that engendered this idea. No, it had to be ‘hate’. Such an ill-fitting judgement suggests that public official are politically obliged to respond to all occasions when Jewish sensiblities have been offended in the same fashion: don’t try to judge the motives of the ‘transgressor’ on a sensible, case-by-case basis, but rather churn out the ready-made narrative of anti-semitic malovelence. On the one hand, this serves the agenda of political Jewish groups, because it stigmatises anything that offends them in the harshest terms. On the other hand, though, to go for the jugular each time a transgression has occurred, no matter how minor, shows these groups to lack a sense of fairness - to the keen observer, at any rate. This, in turn, reveals an agenda that serves the interests of a particular ethnic group, rather than the universalist values of justice and fairness, as these groups claim. It’s the same behavioural pattern at the ADL - Abe Foxman brings out the big guns on each and ever occasion someone, somewhere says anything un-PC about his people: anti-semtitic-this, hate-that, the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-Zion-the-other. For God’s sake, Foxman, all the guy said was that Jews are a bit slow to get out their wallets! 4
Posted by Kulturkampf on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 10:43 | # Whoops, I forgot the capital ‘H’ on holocaust. Does this egregious gaffe mean that I get banned from posting here? 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 14:50 | # Kulturkampf’s second paragraph is likely the right explanation behind the thinking that went into the construction by the Brazilian mulattoes of this extremely strange carnival float. In other words, it seems obvious it cannot have been anything but “innocent,” as unmotivated by anti-Jewish sentiment as a float depicting Pol Pot standing on corpses would’ve been by anti-Cambodian sentiment, and didn’t deserve the characterization it received. I’ll add that the whole world of the Brazilian carnival has never attracted or interested me: it’s way too alien for my racial make-up. The same goes, in part, for the New Orleans version — or, what the New Orleans version has evolved into, at any rate. And yes, the point is well-taken about the Jews having a one-size-fits-all, ready-made, off-the-shelf, automatic and unthinking “hate” accusation that they trot out at every single inappropriate opportunity. It’s part of their blind spot, part of what will cause them problems as this same blindness has caused them problems in the past. 6
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 18:25 | # Look at this gem documenting the Jewish infestation of Europe: Excerpts from World Jewish Congress mission statement: - Intensify the bonds of world Jewry and strengthen the ties of solidarity among Jewish communities everywhere ; - Act in coordination with and on behalf of Jewish communities before governmental, intergovernmental and other international authorities on matters concerning the Jewish people, and ; As a global leader, the World Jewish Congress received special credentials and recognition at the United Nations making it unique among world-wide organizations as it enjoys a diplomatic seat in the U.N. and within many of it institutions, commissions and sub-bodies. Together with his deputy Israel Singer, Mr. Bronfman has led the World Jewish Congress in becoming the preeminent international Jewish diplomatic body. Through the campaigns to free Soviet Jewry, expose the Nazi past of Kurt Waldheim, achieve a measure of moral and material justice for victims of the Holocaust and their heirs, fight rightwing extremists like Jorge Haider, stamp out the threat of anti-Semitism, and defend Israel’s right to a peaceful existence, Mr. Bronfman, Mr. Singer and the entire WJC family have made the struggles of world Jewry their own. The core principle of the World Jewish Congress is that all Jews are responsible for one another. We seek to achieve this by governing with consensus and celebrating unity in our vast diversity. As we have been for nearly three quarters of a century, the World Jewish Congress continues to be the permanent address of the Jewish people. 7
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 18:29 | # Bears repeating: <blockquotei>fight rightwing extremists like Jorge Haider</blockquote> Mr. Bronfman lead the World Jewish Congress in a campaign against Jorge Haider(!!!!), the democratically elected nationalist stateman in Austria. 8
Posted by Lurker (MK 1) on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 18:31 | # Can I just point out that that whoever is commenting as ‘Lurker’ above is not me, the one often here. Taking my handle is rather bad form old chap. 10
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 18:44 | # Here’s another state-within-a-state, pretty blatant in their complete lack of loyalty to their host country, in addition subverting the country by fighting “racism”, working with “world-wide Jewish organizations” against Swiss banks to procure the infamous billion-dollar Holocaust settlements.
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 22:28 | #
They’re not loving “their country,” moron, they’re loving themselves — their people, their race, their “extended family” if you like, their nation in the truest “nationalist” sense. They’re not loving some geographical boundary-marker in the soil somewhere, devoid of further meaning. These people behind this report, who can only be either Jews, extreme-radical leftist types, or clueless women easily led where such matters are concerned, know all that, of course, but are deliberately obfuscating the issues out of their own ulterior motives or the ulterior motives of the masters they serve. I need to know essentially only two things: 1) Did the Jewish ethnicity one way or another produce this report? This Dr. Hand for example — is this specimen either Jewish or an anti-Euro British nihilist directly or indirectly hand-picked by Jewish-top-heavy government offices or Jewish-controlled private think-tanks? 2) If things are henceforth to be as Dr. Hand and the others behind this report say, may we expect to see the beginnings of widespread British revulsion at Churchill’s war against Hitler (a war easily avoidable which Churchill helped engineer)? May we expect, that is, the view to become widespread that Britain should’ve stayed strictly out of Hitler’s business and minded its own? That “with-hindsight-quite-refreshing” view would seem exactly in the spirit of all this other official spitting-on of British patriotism, right? Or have I got it wrong? Was there that one exception to be made?? In other words, is there to be that one single solitary exception, just that one, to this new anti-patriotic frame of mind we’re all supposed to cultivate? What I mean is ... well, put it this way — there are reports that lots of people are holding their breath waiting for “all things Jewish-controlled/Jewish-influenced” to spit on Britain’s role in defeating National Socialist Germany 1939-45 the exact same way “all things Jewish-controlled/Jewish-influenced” have very aggressively taken the lead in promoting the spitting-on of every other aspect of British identity. Is that safe to do, holding one’s breath waiting for the Jews to do that? Should you “try this at home?,” in other words, or should you consult your doctor first? Here, let me make myself plain: Should the people at home try holding their breath, holding it waiting for what I said just above to happen? Would that be medically safe to do, without a professional medical cardio-respiratory re-animation team of nurses and doctors standing by? That would be my question at this point .... (Hat tip.) 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 22:56 | # Oops! We’ve gotten reports people are dropping like flies from holding their breath waiting for the same Jews or “hand-picked-by-Jews” Brit nihilists who serve on these advisory commisions to object to the Balfour Declaration. Now get this, dummies: The same goes for the Balfour Declaration as for Churchill’s meddling in Hitler’s business! Don’t hold your breath waiting for the Jews to tell you to spit on those no matter what else they tell you to spit on! How many times do I have to say this! DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! LEAVE ALL BREATH-HOLDING STRICTLY TO THE PROFESSIONALS! 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 05:45 | # Organized replacement of German software developers with Subcons who I have a hard time believing are any more skilled than their German counterparts (they’re not, but they’ll work for one-half to two-thirds the wages, same as in the States): I stumbled across this video which shows the Subcon owner of an IT “body-shop” in the Munich suburbs importing two Bangladeshi women for the pupose of “getting their green cards,” then working in Germany as “software developers” after going through a 6-day crash course in German (neither speaks a word of German on arrival). Now, these two Bengali girls seem very charming and highly intelligent, and although neither speaks a word of German both do speak English (exactly how much English they speak isn’t divulged), so there’s no doubt they’ll be able to put in some sort of job performance once hired in Germany, but come on, does anyone actually believe German “software developers” were in such short supply that these two charming young ladies had to be flown in from Bangladesh at company expense, put through a crash course in German at company expense, and supplied with green cards all at company expense, with handsome commissions going into the pocket of the Subcon body-shop’s “CEO” (as he’s styled in the video)? Clearly there’s low-complexity computer programming needed by lots of small to medium German companies that can’t or won’t pay the going rate for German specialists so it’s worth it to them to go through all of the above to get talent from the other side of the world. And the German government allows it under the Eurospherewide New World Order (the NWO, aka the “Make the Eurosphere’s Rich Class Richer off the Backs of the Eurosphere Middle and Lower Ranks” Scheme). File this under “race-replacement,” “out-sourcing,” “H1-B invasion, German version,” and ... oh yes, “Worldwide Map of Genocide — Nuts and Bolts.” 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 05:50 | # Here’s the video’s URL, in case the link in the above comment doesn’t work: 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:11 | # From the “Why We Count for Exactly Zip” department: Here are the people, our overlords, who are running the show. They’re friends of each other’s, not of ours, no, in no way of ours. They please each other. We and our concerns are garbage to them, garbage they don’t think about in a million years. List this particular get-together, the World Economic Forum, with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberger Group, the IMF, the World Bank, the ... well, you get the picture (namely, we’re out of the picture. Totally). (Hat tip) 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:15 | # File that last one under .... (is there a category called “Bloodsucking”? ...) .... 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 04:23 | # Fjordman is close. He’s very close. He’s almost there. Almost. I can just see the beads of sweat breaking out on Jewish foreheads as they read this:
In fact, I think we could say he’s there. What he says in this excerpt cannot be interpreted without reference the racial dimension. Or, at least I for one don’t see how it can. He didn’t identify Euros merely as “Christians,” he identified them as “Germans, Dutchmen, Poles, Italians, Hungarians, Portuguese etc.” How do you get around that, get around naming them individually by race like that? You can’t. (The beads of sweat on Jewish foreheads just started rolling down. The Jews don’t want there to be races, only Jews and goys. If there are races it ruins everything. So, he’s not backing down. He got in trouble with the wets over his last two frankly-worded pieces some months ago, pieces in which he had said what needed to be said. Lots of trouble. But the above shows, I think, that he’s not backing down. I think this guy may be made of the right stuff. I can’t tell for sure yet. But I think maybe. The kind of stuff where, when your folk need you, you don’t pretend you can’t hear them. 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 05:27 | # Highly informative answers by Peter Brimelow to audience questions following a speech he gave fourteen months ago. Still a good read for gaining some perspective on what in the hell’s going on (what in the hell’s going on in the U.S., at any rate). 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:16 | # Check it out. Trust me. It’s good. It’s a Mexican’s view of what in the goddamn hell’s going on. (With some allusions to the Bush family’s longstanding Tex-Mex mafia connections too.) (Hat tip) 22
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:46 | # What’s anti-borders (in other words, pro-race-replacement) propaganda doing in the Anne Frank House? Isn’t the Anne Frank House supposed to be about ... Ann Frank??? ... Who’s diluting that message with irrelevant shilling for open-borders? Or maybe ... it’s not irrelevant? Maybe there’s some deeper reason the people involved with getting the Anne Frank story out are the same people pushing for race-replacement of Euros, and the goal of both is one and the same? ... OK ... I think I’m starting to catch on ... So ... in other words, it serves no purpose to ask if that open-borders propaganda being shown in the Anne Frank House applies to Israel’s borders as well as to Europe’s? No Fred, you’ve got it, it serves no purpose to even ask that question .... OK, I get it now. Sorry it took me so long to catch on ..... Post a comment:
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Posted by Lurker on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 06:57 | #
What’s this??— not one on the planet anywhere may intentionally or unintentionally hurt Jewish feelings in the slightest without the local branch of World Jewry going to bat, with worldwide Jewsmedia coverage: