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‘White privilege’ as a warrant for expropriation; Christianity as the executing jurisdiction.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thursday, 30 July 2015 08:45.

The Star

Rather than having some kind of lengthy preamble to this article, it’s better to just say this directly, and in the clearest possible language.

Much has been said about Christendom, many nationalists of many different stripes have spoken about it, but the fact is that there is no ‘White Christian Civilisation’.

It’s just someone else’s spiritual framework and someone’s else’s jurisdiction. I think it’s time to shed some light on that fact, and so this will be the first of a multi-part series on the subject.

Here’s a premier example of this framework:

Huffington Post, ‘An Open Letter to White Men in America’, 24 Jul 2015, Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer wrote:

Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer
President of the United Church of Christ, author of two books, Doctorate in White Privilege, Shalom Award recipient for peace commitments.

Dear White Men,

You are persons of privilege.

You didn’t earn it. More than likely aren’t yet prepared to either admit to it or lose it. This letter, written by one of you, is offered to invite you on a journey of insight, honesty, hard truth and just living.


Yes, that is a reverend saying that. At the Daily Stormer, they carried this article and there they highlighted the mainstream liberal aspect of the content, but they unfortunately did not mention the root of the matter.

The narrative of your ‘white privilege’ acting as a justification for the expropriation of everything that you have in your own lands is not an aberration or a distortion of Christianity as some Christian ‘nationalists’ would propose. Rather, this is the logical and final trajectory of what Christianity is about and what Christianity does.

It is an inescapable fact that Christian churches have a tendency to preach doctrines advocating your dispossession and extinction. The fact that Dorhauer is a Shalom Award recipient is not an accident or an aberration. Most Christian authorities are openly in collaboration with Jewish lobby groups. Occasionally there are what appears to be exceptions to this rule, such as an occasional bishop or pastor criticising Jewish cultural power. But those are exceptions that only prove the rule.

Christianity is not a European religion, it originated in the Levant and its fundamental ethnic character is one that caters to its original owners. It was Saul of Tarsus, who would later be known as ‘Paul’, who projected Christianity into the Graeco-Roman world. The doctrines that ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’, and that ‘the last shall be first’ are ideas that were comforting to the lower classes in the Roman Empire and which stifled the will of the strong by stamping out diversity of belief and of thought, and stacked up their own funeral pyre for them.

Centuries later, as Rome was becoming crippled under an internal rot caused partly by Christians, the co-opted Roman state then imposed Christianity at spear-point onto all Indo-European peoples that it encountered, and spread from there.

But how precisely does it operate? Let’s tackle that now.


Big Mulatto Bro is watching: foil HER Mulatto Supremacist dream

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 29 July 2015 11:15.

Within the disorder of modernity, where puerile females are so one-up and so pandered-to, where their base proclivity to incite genetic competitition is in runaway, uncorrected by the homeostatic control of social group boundaries, it is more than dubious to add another exponent to their poison cynicism.

Andy well articulates a view on the cuckold meme in line with my view thus.

That is, I am not going to jump on that bandwagon. It sucks. It is a meme not without some merit, but largely for a-holes by a-holes too cowardly and self centered to see the radical point. The best angle is not for a-hole males, the kind that screw others, including their own people, when they do not have to, to incite other a-hole males, the ones who let others screw their people all too easily, when they do not have to.

Both of these types represent something outside of authentic European masculinity, its optimal level of sublimation and qualtative expression.

Because it is didcactic incitement, it is prone to play into the hands of our enemies as another way to merely blame White men, to perpetuate and take the heat off of our adversaries - our adversaries who know that these marginal men are interfaced with boundary maintenance and are, therefore, to be disempowered, humiliated, their conservative instinct to be disrupted, to remove their correcive function and doubly punish them despite the fact that they are most likely to be victims rather than responsible party victimizers; but who cares? The true culprits have diverted attention from themselves and will be immune to this additional poisoning of our boundry demarcating marginal peoples - with the more forethinking men incited into oblivion, and the narrow alpha male a-holes left standing, this will play into the hands of those who would Africanize our population, have us more stupid, kindred to blacks and mulattoes, more easily controlled.

No, the far more advisable, more valid critique, one which would in fact entail easier and more reasonable compliance ought to be criticism directed at peurile femalenss, a puerile femaleness that is all too used to being panderd to. They ought to be incited to be more decent, cooperative and fair - in a word, to be worthy of being defended as our co-evolutionary women, mature women, if not ladies.

Until such time, these puerile bitches deserve incitement - Mulatto supremacist BJ machines - whatever you might like to call them, let those who do not deserve that label object and let the ones who do deserve that label try to defend themselves.

It is a puerile femalness that is mean beyond belief in its self righteousness; indeed, in its privilege it is getting away with murder, torture, the destruction of the profoundest evolution for the most idiotic reasons, out of ignorant spite, a puerile femalenss whose acts, while on par with rape, are normalized and institutionalized by the right-wing in foolhearty, naive or disingenuous complicty with Jews, as “natural” acts, or even heroic defiance of the “backward” - which, in incitement, we are supposed to adjust to, as the way it is in “universal maturity.”

We all know that puerile females can never do anything wrong.

Scientists and Jews say so.

It is for White men to adust to their infinite wisdom.

If men drag their feet, are unwilling to participate in the paradigm that Jews have outlined, then they are “cuckservatives.”

It is another Jewish meme to blame White men, if there ever was one.

Sure, we should adjust to the predilections of puerile females, as pandered to by Jews, Muslims et al, in the cataclysmic destruction of European peoples and our co-evolution.

We should act into the loop, a Jewish loop, engage in such didactic incitement. Rather obviously, we should not. It is far better that the puerile females of Western nations be subject to incitement, to become mature, decent, responsible women. For those who know American females, as they are, and as it stands, know that typically they are egomaniacs.

Worse, they’re typically the vilest tyrants - manifest through ceaseless pandering of Jews to their one-up position in partner selection. This has put an exponent by their worst inclinations - incitement to genetic competition and appeal of the brute, episodic view of masculinity, a hyper-assertive, unsublimated masculinity more characterisic of blacks and mulattoes.

And we all know what a wonderful way of life that they create. So wonderful, that we should emultate them on penalty of being called a “cuckservative.”

Nice try Mr. Jew.

You won’t find me buying into this Jewish meme of “cuckservative.”

You might, however, hear me chiding these puerile female tyrants that you’ve had integral part in creating as “mulatto supremacist B - J machines.” (I would like to use the full-out word, but I guess you get the drift).

Incitement of White males at this point is more characterisitc of right wing pefidy. To think, they accuse the left of being against nature. But what do they know about White nature? They’re so objective, displaying transcendent, univesal masculine strength - they don’t even need anybody else, just their own individual Herculean strength. What it really is, of course, is their own gang of Jewish marshalled punks, piling-on anyone unfortunate enough to be in a vulnerable position, to need their people, their race, to show off in contrast to them for unworthy females and “the objective measurer.”

But I do get it when it comes to conservatives and the need to drive a wedge against their Jewish designated “conservatism”, which is not conservatism at all, but the propensity to conserve liberalism, to conserve the destruction of Whites. That wedge criticism IS central to our program here at MR.

I just don’t trust the cuckservative meme. It’s based in a universalist liberal perspecive. It’s an incitement generally biased in the wrong direction, piling on White men who’ve been incited ad infinitum; and as a meme, being slowly nudged beyond reach of normal men; into toxicity for those who would otherwise be best positioned to see the sense of our cause, to swell and empower our ranks. It’s playing into Jewish, liberal and puerile hands, deflecting from their responsibility.

A further note on these lines of right wing perfidy…

I recently heard that Angelo John Ganucci had been banned from the campus of Boston University.

Well, that’s nothing.

I was banned form campus of The University of Massachusetts at Amerhest no less than four times. I must admit that I got a certain satisfaction in manifesting activism from the other side.

I would walk around campus with a shirt that read:

“Big Mulatto Bro is watching, foil HER Mulatto supremacist dream!”

And sometimes with a shirt which read:

“We have a consensus, black women are ugly!”

That came in handy when encountering interracial couples - because the female was ALWAYS the White one.

I could simply walk in front of them. This was extremely awkward for them and extremely hard for them to respond to.

The black woman, who was being insulted, was not there, the black male was being called-out on the fact that he viewed his own co-evolutionary females as inferior, and the White female, who pretends to be the sensitive social justice warrior, is shown to be the thoughtless pig that she is, e.g., having little or no concern for black women, whose men she is taking away.

Because walking in front of them so that they could read the shirt didn’t involve aggressive and loud verbal confrontation, this did not arouse enough attention from third parties to provide one of the occasions that got me thrown off campus. But it did get a potent message across. It was one of the better strategies that I experimented with.

As I have said in other places, “mulatto supremacism” is a confusing, difficult and all too accurate charge for our enemies to handle; that is why I was prevented from posting an article about it on Wikipedia.

It is difficult for them because it does not confronts Jews, blacks, or miscegenators directly, while it calls dramatic, critical attention to the egregious upshot of PC politics.

The Sacred and The Estranged

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 06 January 2015 18:28.

          The Sacred and The Estranged

I am not exactly sure how these things go together, or how the estranged might be helped, but rather I am thinking out loud here, liable to tweak these brief paragraphs around some, hoping and welcoming people to think about this with me and GW (though unfortunately, not yet expecting to get any audience to move beyond the transmission model, to a participatory model of knowledge acquisition). Anyway..

GW says:

Interesting that Richard Williamson calls subjectivism what you call objectivism. Pretty much.  Of course, his focus is his own and not yours - he is seeing an atomising, individualising tendency where you see a focus on the object that excludes the self.  Put these together and out pops the self-estranging, individualising relationship of “false Dasein” to the external world we are, as evolving organisms, bound to process.

Something more could be said about that, including the fact that Heidegger’s false Dasien is, of course, a state of witness in Time and Place rather than in Truth (ie, a bit like being socially constructed, but only a bit). So it will operate within negative qualitative parameters, ie, more badly, or maladaptively, at some times than others, and never at the optimum.  Modernism, then, is a grand historical process of turning to the bad.  For you, postmodernism is the process of turning away from the worst of that and towards a more vivifying collective life, while for Williamson sedevacantism and Catholic traditionalism constitute the process of rejecting modernist Rome’s false witness to God and accepting His true church.

There the similarity ends, because you believe that reason, as a trait of the mind, has its place in a true European life, while Williamson insists that only faith and God’s grace can give eternal life.  You are right.

Here is Williamson’s original missive”:

Fraser complains similarly against rationalism.

Though he correctly seeks to organize and coordinate “W.A.S.P.” diaspora through a shared rubric (as I propose we do through the DNA Nation) he proposes to do so through reviving the Anglican Church:

I believe that we are inclined to believe rather, and it seems MacDonald as well, that there is no putting the toothpaste back in that tube.

However, while DNA is not exactly thin gruel, it could use the vivification of which you speak and the vision of perfection which you and as Santayana note, orientation toward perfection, a girding and bounding like rocks against which the waves of chance crash.

This is what has me thinking of the sacred, how it has been trampled by the scientism/liberalism continuum, linearity of modernity, reckless experimentalism in pursuit of endless progress. How by contrast the sacred can ensconce those patterns safely which are beyond empirical purview or too precious for the efficiency of empirical, scientific testing.

Again, the postmodern turn sees the wreckage of modernity and allows for the reconstruction of traditional practices ...and the sacral rite, the episode…all of course revisable and modified by new understandings..we can take the best of both traditional reconstruction and modernist pursuit of innovation…. but we CAN take the best of tradition and sacral rite. ..and history….we are not duty bound by a pledge to be original ex nihilo and to endlessly pursue novelty and new invention, transformation without pause and elaboration.

The sacred..going back to the wisdom of the language that Heidegger and Vico valued.. sa – cred..  ..cred.. crede…sounds like something to go by..something in fact, cyclical, involving time and cycles, which if properly observed correspond with credibility.. the ability to establish historical continuity, coherence in protracted warrant… in a way that empirical myopia, focused on arbitrary presentation of the happenstance episode of circumstances does not afford. contrast, the sacral episode re enacted does begin to build that social capital and with that the sacredness of the realm -sac-re-ment (kingdom minding).. sacral episode of re-ligion (reconnecting the realm, the kingdom).
Looking through Vico, one can see him talking about people beginning in religion; and in the etymological sense of religion you can see that having truth, as you know, religion - re -ligion, a re attachment to practices, to a realm of people, particularly featured in the sacred episode, which ensconces the essence (as opposed to the arbitrary) presented by the cycles of time, reconstructing, reconnecting, re, the king (Ital), the relatives, the realm.

Perhaps the sacral episode facilitates culture, the cultivated turn, turning back to the systemic essence and homeostasis of peoplehood..

Sacrament takes evaluation into a pattern of trust, beyond the episode and moment, beyond the life span and relationship even, connecting to the time immemorial pattern.



Paying attention to the place of community as well.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 03 November 2014 10:33.


While distinguishing characteristics of Europeans may be the relative independence of mature individuals, sovereignty, self sufficience, autonomy and agency, can anybody really doubt that we are socially created and dependent upon cooperation to some extent and somewhere along the line? Lets not be absurd and value individualism so much as to lose its source.

As European peoples, the connections of our social systemic interdependence are protracted and delicate but as such, allow for their creative organization, coordination and the negotiation of win-win scenarios.

If both individual and our whole people are to be valued then in our separatist concern, let us finally share a narrative that honors those who harmonize our people while demonstrating effectiveness in removing interlopers and imposers upon our E.G.I.

For our tenuous but necessary social connectedness is also what allows these patterns of connection to be disrupted by hostile outsiders and the selfish, short-sighted and exploitative of our own -  whether less than ordinary folks or elite.


A hermeneuticist confronts a sortocracer with a provocative issue

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 02 October 2014 09:56.

Challenge or corrective process to Enlightenment puritanism, depending on perspective

[Note: Søren chided me for not proofreading this sufficiently; and he was right. There was a typo in the very title and an uncouth repetition of the word “suggests” in the same sentence in the second paragraph. It’s fixed now]

There is a provocation from the other direction as well. You see, this hermeneuticist naturally wants different nations to have different, sovereign ways, and for there to be a variety of ways among the nations, including individuals who may believe themselves to be descended from god, as they see fit. So, the question, “do you accept the prerogative to exclude you?” is only mildly insulting in that it proposes the necessity to enforce something that I am advocating with all my might, in line with, and by my very natural preferences.

And it is not to be capricious or to look for serpentine ways for an inroad into a foreign culture, but rather to point-out a loophole in this Enlightenment model of “sortocracy” - the a-historical linearity of modernity -  which indicates that consideration be given to the possibility that it might indeed, be enhanced by some consideration of the hermeneutic turn. That loophole of a-historicity/historicity and the necessity of narrative coherence may be used in a positive or negative way.

Hermeneutics was, after all, conceived for friendly purposes, to protect our people from the arbitrary ravages of a-historical scientism. And typically, abused by Jewish interests.


Sir Gerald Howarth stands by letter: Time for England to fight back

Posted by Guest Blogger on Sunday, 31 August 2014 04:51.

Veteran Conservative MP has claimed that Enoch Powell was right to warn against immigration in his controversial ‘rivers of blood’ speech.

“It is time for England to ‘fight back’ against political correctness’ and he added:
‘If you don’t like it, go live somewhere else.’


Sir Gerald Howarth said that he stood by the letter and said his views had been reinforced by the child sex abuse scandal in Rotherham, where gangs of Asian men groomed and abused children.

‘For 40 years we have been subjected to a left wing political correctness which has stopped the British people from expressing perfectly legitimate and reasonable views. More than 1,400 children in Rochdale have paid the price for decades of political correctness, now people are speaking up.’

He said that it is time for England to ‘fight back’ against political correctness, adding:
‘If you don’t like it, go live somewhere else.’

Mr Powell delivered his ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech in Birmingham in April 1968, calling for the “repatriation” of non-white immigrants and claiming that the increased diversity would lead to riots…


Did I Really See That??

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 August 2014 08:27.

Am I really seeing that?

Is liberalism in my European head?

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 07 May 2014 08:37.

Is liberalism in my European head?

...or in interaction with social influences such as media?

Posted by Guessedworker on May 05, 2014, 12:18 PM | #

“There is no psychological immune deficiency.  MacDonald made a mistake.  He is a psychologist, not a philosopher.  He looked in the structure of the mind for what exists in its thought.  Those who have internalised it and speak from it are not to blame for their suggestibility.  But nothing useful can come of a mistaken beginning.”

Posted by Guessedworker on May 06, 2014, 02:27 AM | #

“Incidentally, how does this crazed universalism of the European Mind square with the evidence for implicit racism?”


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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:42. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:38. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:50. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:44. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:23. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:22. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:03. (View)

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