Activism Works! The Chicago Tribune covers the Channon and Christopher murders. Howard Witt, a senior journalist at The Chicago Tribune, was not honest enough to break the mainstream silence when Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were murdered last January. But he has redeemed himself today with a front page piece that lifts the lid on the murders, the liberal conspiracy of silence and the storm of internet protest that followed (and which, folks, clearly WORKED!). The paper edition even carried the aesthetically perfect photograph of Alex Linder’s arrest at the VNN Knoxville rally.
My feeling is that Howard Witt should be praised for this, not condemned for any past shortcomings. It’s something we want to see more of - along with the dropping of the liberal hate language of “white supremacism”, “hate groups”, etc in every reference to European-Americans who simply love their own people. Witt’s e-mail is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you want to deliver him your encouragement. Comments:2
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 21:58 | # The ultimate excuse of the mainstream media is that the reason they don’t cover black on white crime is precisely because it is so common it isn’t newsworthy. This, of course, means that whites need a separate territory but none of these people care about that because whites are the new “niggers”. 3
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 23:17 | # The reason I believe this development to be a false dawn, at least as far as The Tribune is concerned, is because this Chicago media company, formerly a listed entity with a wide range of shareholders and no major Jewish ‘eminence grise’, has recently changed hands and is now wholly-owned by the Jewish real estate billionaire, Sam Zell. The new proprietor hasnt yet instituted major changes and may well be rather taken aback by this article. 4
Posted by Maguire on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 00:50 | # “This, of course, means that whites need a separate territory” Nothing that happened at “Knoxville” and nothing arising out of the aftermath advances this goal one millimeter. Getting “VNNF” on the front page of the Tribune was counterproductive and is easily demonstrated. How many hundreds of Antifas, ADL, SPLC and police agents-provocateurs descended today on VNNF to stir the pot, make the most outrageous posts and generally create more chaos? And so what if there was one day of Tribune front page coverage, which coverage is already wrapping garbage and lining kitty boxes all over Chicago? Rockwell routinely got on the front page in the 1960s. Where are we forty years later? 5
Posted by sambo on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 02:19 | # And so what if there was one day of Tribune front page coverage, which coverage is already wrapping garbage and lining kitty boxes all over Chicago? Rockwell routinely got on the front page in the 1960s. Where are we forty years later? You’re right. Rockwell got a lot of attention in his day, but his successes in that arena served primarily to educate the enemy media. They learned how to manipulate whatever it is that passes for public consciousness. They love it whenever somebody gets out there in front of their cameras, holding a crudely made sign, and subsequently gets arrested. More fuel for their fires, not ours. 6
Posted by GT on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 19:20 | # He who defines, controls: I scanned the MSM’s coverage of Knoxville II today. An inarticulate, shirtless, heavily tattooed skinhead was interviewed and contrasted with well-spoken Africans Rueben Figeuroa and Ezra Maize of the Knox County NAACP, and two or three clean-looking white women representing the counterprotesters. Standing beside Mr. Tattoo was another skinhead wearing a white “wife-beater” undershirt. The bearded Pastor Ken Gregg was interviewed and his use of the alien-sounding “Yahweh” was cited in all reports. On Stormfront prior to the rally Kelso wrote that 200 people were committed to the protest and 400 or more were expected. According to the local news, however, only 100 showed up. Immediately following the speeches self-appointed “commander” Hollywood Bill jumped on the VNN forum to inform everybody that Kelso is homosexual. With practice and advice from the ADL/SPLC Knoxville officialdom and media have become more sophisticated in their treatment of the protestors. Despite the protesters greater numbers and use of a public address system the marginalizing counter-message follows the SPLC template in all aspects and focuses upon the most dubious part of our message – that is, the sexual mutilation of Channon and Chris which can be sourced to Hal Turner and his alleged “contacts” within the KPD who are said to be “secret” members of the KKK. The enemy media have succeeded in containing the message about Chris and Channon as well as the KPD contained the protesters on the courthouse lawn. 7
Posted by Nordicelt on Sun, 31 May 2009 15:39 | # I have a couple of “problems”, with the, above , blog, {1} the author, states that in the past, there have been more “hate crimes”, committed, by “whites” against “blacks”, than the other way around,..I submit that it would be more accurate, to say, that more “whites” have been “charged”, with hate crimes, against “blacks”, than the other way around,..That is to say,..that it being NOT “Politically Correct”, to even admit the possibility, that any “Negro”, ever, since the dawn of time,has ever committed a hate rime,..So “many”, even “most”, hate crimes, committed by “Negros” are NEVER charged as such,..While, it it a universal, pre-supposition, that any & all white on black crime is “hate”, motivated,..{2} I am not sure how the author, justifies, calling the KKK & the Nazis, “Hate”, groups,..But then fails to identify the NAACP, & the ADL, as such,..Let us “get real” here,..The collective, “BLACK”, race in America, today, is positvely SEETHING, with"HATE” for the collective, “White”, Race,..& the NAACP, with the help of the Zionist owned, media & the ADL., continues to keep the pot biling, continuing to “push”, this idea of victimhood, onto the “Black” tribes, {3} Now, as to the KKK & the Nazis, there are those, who might say, that those groups, are just trying to give a “wake up call to “White”, America, that the White Race,. & Western Civilzation, as a whole are under attack, certain, very sinister, & very powerful forces,..& that, those sinister forces are just using the “Blacks”, as “shock troups, it were, to polute “white”, civilzation, from within,..Their ultimant aim, being to “contaminate”, what little is left, of the “White”, gene pool, on earth, with,..the genes, of the “less evolved”, races,..So as to “facilitate”, that groups, age old, plan for world domination,..Need I say more,.? Post a comment:
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Posted by Scimitar on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 17:44 | #
How many random carjackings involve homosexual sodomy? I was also under the impression that they left the SUV behind.
This was reported by David Lohr at the Court TV Crime Library website. A white supremacist?
This is a straw man. The issue is interracial crime, which is overwhelmingly black-on-white, not whether the Knoxville Massacre was a hate crime. Why are crimes motivated by racial hatred more worthy of coverage than other crimes? The media covers gruesome crimes that are not motivated by racial hatred all the time: the woman in Texas who drowned her children, workplace shootings, child abductions, serial killers, etc.
Exactly. I was a student at Duke at the time.