The Sarko-Party State comes to France

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 11 June 2007 08:56.

From the The Independent:-

President Nicolas Sarkozy looks certain to win a crushing parliamentary majority after utterly dominating the first round of the French legislative elections.

The new President’s centre-right party and its allies are forecast to win well over 400 of the 577 seats in the National Assembly in the second round of voting next Sunday.

Despite a poor turnout of just over 60 per cent - reflecting the fatigue of the electorate after the April-May presidential election - M. Sarkozy will claim a mandate to pursue his fiscal, economic and social reforms. Computer projection suggested that his centre-right party and its allies could take between 405 and 445 seats.

M. Sarkozy’s aim had been not just to defeat the left and centre, but to “crush all hope” that they could put together a coherent opposition. In the event, the main opposition party, the Socialists, looks capable of achieving a respectable result next week with around 120 seats, compared to 149 at present. The new centrist party of Francois Bayrou, the Mouvement Démocrate, looks likely to take fewer than four seats.

... The decline of the French Communist Party, still a significant force two decades ago, will finally be reflected in parliament. Its seats are likely to fall from 21 to between 6 and 12. The far-right National Front will once again have no seats but its share of the vote collapsed yesterday from 11 per cent to only 4.6 per cent. This could mark the end of the Jean-Marie Le Pen era. The NF leader, 79 this month, is now likely to face internal moves to persuade him to stand aside.

... Openness and pragmatism are one side of M. Sarkozy’s character. The other is an obsessive need to control all that surrounds him. This extends to the media and the opposition.

One of the new President’s first acts was to appoint the former head of his private office to run France’s most-influential television channel, TF1.

He has already created a “new centre” party of ex-Bayrou followers, who will follow the Sarkozy line in the National Assembly. According to Le Monde, he plans to try to create a breakaway, parliamentary group of “Leftists for Sarkozy”.

So now we will see what France, which has tested the integration model to destruction for British post-Multiculturalists, will get from the economic liberalism that is testing English and European-American society to destruction today.  The answer, once the Sarko shine wears off, will surely be the promised but heavily-protested and politically bloody end of the French socialist model.  That will produce sufficient economic growth to keep the middle classes happy.  It will also will lead to the sort of “controlled immigration” that manages to lower labour cost and further cosmopolitanise France.  The pendulum will swing politically, and the left will produce a neoliberal of its own.

And the NF?  It must build a national organisation from the bottom up.  Councillors and mayors must come before a charismatic leader.  Not that they have one to turn to anyway.



Posted by Maguire on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:15 | #

“build a national organisation from the bottom up.  Councillors and mayors must come before a charismatic leader.”


As must a coherent economic program that will clearly lead to jobs and a better situation for families.  In the USA WNs would be well advised to start with the school boards, the county commission and the county waste management system.

Here’s the elephant standing in everyone’s living room, just a few pages beyond Alex cavorting on the front page: 

NWO “politics” are subsidized by NWO “economics”.  Sarkozy is a current example.  Political office is used to reinforce the economic position with favorable political policy.  This creates a positive feedback loop that strengthens the Regime.  And to add another plain observation (take careful notes here, Alex Linder), “Media” is used to advertise the economics and politics to the population.

The pro-white movement overall has no economic program. The ‘movement leaders’ therefore wouldn’t know what to do with political power even if UFOs appeared overhead and beamed them into office.  Since they have no creative economic program to counterpose against “NWO”, they also have no need for ‘politics’.  With both ‘economics’ and ‘politics’ missing, there is also no call for any ‘media’ large enough to sustain a paid staff. 


Hint of the Day to the non-leadership: Aluminum melts at 1250 F and pours at 1400 F to 1450 F.  Steel melts at 2700 F.  Metallurgical char made from scrap wood provides enough heat to melt either metal.  Many tons of both are dumped daily at the county landfills where they can be obtained ‘free’ to very low cost.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:17 | #

Balkanization of the U.S. and Canada, including Québec independence, and Norman Lowell’s regionalism for Europe (Scottish independence, GW’s English parliament, Padanian independence, Tirolean autonomy, and so on) are all ultimately favorable to The Cause, partly because our totalitarian enemy depends for his power on strong centralization and the opportunities for regimentation that potentially go with it, partly for a ton of other reasons.  It was therefore with great satisfaction that I read minutes ago that Flanders may declare independence from Belgium in as little as two years from now (see the linked article’s last paragraph).

Long Live Free Flanders!


Posted by Maguire on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 15:06 | #


“Balkanization… are all ultimately favorable to The Cause”

This subject deserves careful consideration ahead of time.

I think the possible results here are very conditional.  For Euro devolution anywhere a reasonable test is:  “Will the resulting mini-states be more or less able to resist the Brussels EU NWO bureaucracy’s anti-white racial agenda?”

For example, I think it’s clear a British Isles that is politically fragmented into “England”, “Scotland” and “Wales” will be easier for Brussels to absorb and rule, not harder.  “divide et impera”.  Northern Ireland would obviously fall back into Dublin’s orbit, which might be no bad thing for the long term future of white Celts in that island.  Republicans and Orangemen together might be able to stop non-white immigration.

The end of the United Kingdom as a sovereign entity also means the end of the pound and the triumph of the euro.  I think political relationship of these rump states to Brussels would be close a US state government’s relationship to Washington.  And what will happen to the ultimate token of modern sovereignty, command of nuclear weapons?  Will ‘England’ or Brussels - EU obtain successor command?

Whites need true independence from the forces of anti-white racial hatred and genocide now dominating the governments that rule them.  I define true independence as genuine economic and security independence, complete with a fully functional global nuclear deterrent.

This sort of independence is not on offer in the case of further Euro fragmentation.  It could be on offer with a political fragmentation of the USA into “Red State” and “Blue State” areas. 



Posted by Lurker on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:55 | #

Ulster loyalists - or rather the Protestant population they come from - seem far more resistent to immigration than any Irish person I know.

The irony in Ireland is that sometime in the future the last true Irish (Catholic) population might be in the North in effect protected by the Protestants. This seemed to upset The Other Guy when he was visting MR but there it is.

Most of them (Irish people) seem more than happy to parrot the usual stuff about ‘having’ to get used to the way things are and how wonderful it will be for them to live through a time where their people will be a minority in Ireland. As if it wont make any difference to anything.

These are people whose recent ancestors fought against us (the Brits) a group quite close to them in race, culture and religion but faced with being outnumbered in their own land by - for example non-white muslims, thats A-OK!

In some ways they seem to have the multicult affliction worse than us, so I wouldnt look to the Irish Republic as a protector in the near future. Dublin itself 20 years ago was an almost all white city, almost overnight it has a huge 3rd world population, none of the slow rise seen in the UK or US.

Found this Irish census table:

Of course thats a bit vague and surely doesnt tell the whole story but I would guess that a large majority of the non-Euro, non-Irish population is in and around Dublin. It certainly looks that way on the streets there.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 03:50 | #

The Irish of the Republic have to get cracking on Moratorium-Plus-Repatriation if they want to have any country left, and they’d do well to show Professor von WhatsHisName the door while they’re at it (the Professor is a Prod, by the way, not Catholic).  (Hat tip for the link goes to JB.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 21:56 | #

Today’s quiz:

Jacques Attali, chosen by French president Nicolas Sarcoma to head a commission on “how to liberate economic growth,” is Jewish

His commission’s recommendation will be to:  (choose one)

____ stop race-replacing France:  repatriate incompatibles and let no more of them in.

____ open Israel to unlimited Third-World immigration and implement an official Israeli domestic policy of strictly-enforced multiculti, same as France.

____ launch an investigation into why he’s only the fifteen-thousandth Jew or half-Jew appointed by Sarcoma since the election.

____ make it a violation of French hate-speech law for anyone to even think Jews exercise disproportionate influence over Sarcoma’s appointments.

____ award the Légion d’honneur to Johan Hari.


Ooops — did I inadvertantly leave out one choice?  Hmmm ... maybe I did — you be the judge:

When first elected, Nicolas Sarkozy proceeded, with uncommon alacrity, to pull out of the mothballs every socialist from the Mitterand era who was in need of making a comeback.  He picked for his ministries and his commissions names known to all for their irresponsibility, lack of good judgment and indifference to French traditional values.  One of these was Jacques Attali, former economic adviser to Mitterand, known as “the man who is never right.”  A good choice, since Sarkozy seems to get along better with socialist misfits than with conservative men of quality.

He placed Attali at the head of a commission on how to liberate economic growth, an interesting topic to assign to a socialist. Reuters reports that the “relaunching of immigration in France” is one of recommendations of the commission for the liberation of growth, presided over by Jacques Attali.


But immigration was never stopped!

The Attali Commission, at work for the past four months, is expected to turn over its conclusions and about 300 proposals to President Nicolas Sarkozy on January 23.  Jean-Marie Le Pen immediately denounced the proposal as “absurd and criminal,” typical of the immigration policy in effect for the last 30 years, which resulted, he says, in “ten million foreigners” coming to France.  “There is a political alternative [...] which is to create French people in France, in other words, to encourage French births,” Le Pen said on LCI, calling Jacques Attali a “globalist.”

A few weeks ago in an interview with La Tribune, Jacques Attali declared:  “France needs immigration.  We have to open our doors to workers from Eastern Europe, to the Chinese, to the countries of Africa.  Otherwise, all our fine discussions on how to finance retirement pensions will be meaningless.”


Figaro readers are unrestrained in their displeasure against Attali. Here are four comments:

- What a sad horror! I go into a rage when I think that this pseudo expert, an inventor of nothing, will be paid with my taxes while my three children are unemployed and I can’t pay my bills.

- My God.  Pity them, “they” have gone mad.

- Mr. Attali is reputed as being a brilliant man, considering his diplomas.  And Mr. Sarkozy likes people who have a reputation for being brilliant.  So Mr. Sarkozy will no doubt be inclined to listen to Mr. Attali’s advice.  May he think twice, for pity’s sake!  For the 30 years that he has been giving “advice,” Mr. Attali has never advised anything good.  He lives on his own planet.  This man is very dangerous.

- This must be the most ridiculous government we have ever had.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

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