Actuarial Militia Reform

Posted by James Bowery on Monday, 13 April 2009 01:22.

The time is coming for action.  Legitimate government is nonexistent anywhere in the Eurosphere for the simple reason that men would not agree to sign a social contract that entailed a “peace” consisting of the invasion of their territory by an overpopulated world.  The fact that invasion is enforced on unwilling locales through “integration” laws is also, by itself, sufficient to remove legitimacy.  This lack of legitimacy is increasingly obvious as the pathologies, caused by enforced invasion, erupt in symptoms that threaten subsistence due to economic “crises”.

To create property rights beyond those that would exist in the state of nature and to ensure the social stability of said property rights, the following actuarial militia is proposed to operate in locales occupied by no more than a few thousand people:

To minimize tactical voting and the resulting political parties, all votes are under the approval voting system (you can “approve” of more than one candidate). To minimize campaigning all voting is continuous—a running tally of approval is maintained at all times. The militia members accept new members at the 2/3 approval threshold and reject existing members at the 2/3 disapproval threshold. Militia members invite someone to be their leader with a 2/3 approval, ties are broken by degree of approval. Leaders are rejected at 2/3 disapproval of militia members.

By mutual consent with customers, renewed annually, the militia accepts insurance premiums in an amount set by actuarial calculations based on any information deemed appropriate by the militia, and paid in militia-issued scrip, for protection of property rights, and for their indemnification in the event of loss due to criminal act, including impositions by illegitimate governments.

Militia members are:

1) not charged for coverage of their homestead property rights (home and means of supporting their family),

2) paid dividends as equal holders of voting shares, and

3) expected to self-equip under principles similar to those intended in the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Militia scrip enters circulation via dividends to the members and is removed from circulation by withholding militia dividends.




Posted by cladrastis on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 04:34 | #

How does this interim tactic fit in with the rest of your vision for the Eurosphere’s future?  Is this a segue into the Valorian Society’s ideal of a social organization consisting of sovereign and shielded individuals?

Are your proposed militias responsible for lynchings (in the extra-judicial sense)?

I don’t understand continuous voting; does it mean militia members may vote once during a quarter or some other span of time?

Don’t you think any issuance of community scrip is a pointless endeavor until the dollar collapses or disappears [because Fed ransom notes (taxes) must still be paid in $$ bills]?

Assuming your answer to the above question is negative, is the militia acting as a bank?  Can it make loans, charge interest, and spin scrip into the community by funding local infrastructure projects?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 06:05 | #

1) My vision for Eurosphere’s future is “vote with your feet” self determination and individual sovereignty.  There will naturally “be room for” all manner of mutually consenting social orders on various territories.  2) Of course, some people will “vote with their feet” to join social organizations upholding different flavors of individual sovereignty, including that recommended by the Valorians.

3) I expect that local custom for judicial proceedings would prevail, sans the “customs” imposed from the illegitimate governments.

4) Continuous means just that:  Any member may change their vote at any time.  A vote triggers action when it crosses a 2/3 majority threshold in the required direction.

5) The collection of taxes by illegitimate governments is illegitimate and enforcement of illegitimate authority is criminal.

6) The actuarial militia will have many of the tensions that exist between management and stockholders—particularly with respect to dividend payouts.  7) The actuarial militia can engage in any financial businesses deemed appropriate by its management subject to the militia leader under this tension with the member/stockholders, but there is to be no exception to the rule that militia scrip enters circulation via dividends.


Posted by exPF on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:21 | #

great job on the post and the mp3 interview with Soren, James, I really enjoyed reading/listening.


Posted by someone on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:02 | #

This lack of legitimacy is increasingly obvious as the pathologies entailed by enforced invasion, erupt in symptoms that threaten subsistence through economic “crises”.

In Jamaica, Queens, for example, where the majority is black and the median household income was $45,000 in 2005, 46 percent of the mortgages were issued by lenders who specialize in subprime loans, the second highest rate in the city. In Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, which had a median income of $50,000 and is mostly white, the rate was among the lowest in the city, with 3.6 percent of home loans coming from subprime lenders.

I dont blame the invaders. But there presence tempted the greedy and careless of our own people to take advantage of them.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:41 | #

“the greedy and the careless” can expect corresponding protection of their ill-gained property.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:44 | #

Replying to “Someone,” above: 

Lots of these Jews can’t tell the difference between the thing on the one hand, and the trappings surrounding the thing on the other.  They think, “White people have houses, so if we give houses to Negroes for free, the Negroes will be just like white people.  Presto, no more Negro problem.”  These Jews are like the Cargo Cult natives of Papua-New Guinea who think if they build models of DC-3 cargo planes and approximations of landing strips in the jungle it’ll be just like during the war against the Japs again, with DC-3’s flying in bringing tons of cargo every day.  Those natives can’t tell the difference between the real deal and the trappings surrounding the real deal.  If you go to Papua-New Guinea today and tell the natives the absence of cargo planes landing on their fake landing strips since 1945 should convince them the planes are not coming back, they say “You have waited 2,000 years for your Messiah to come back, we can wait 65 years for the cargo planes.”  You can’t convince them, and you can’t convince some of these Jews.  In both cases you’re up against a religion.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 21:37 | #

the greedy and careless of our own people

Our people?

The NYT article mentions the NAACP is suing some of the sub prime lenders, Wells Fargo being one. WF bought Wachovia in the fall of 2008 (or merged) and in 2006, if memory serves, Wachovia bought Great West Financial the brainchild of Herb and Marion Sandler.

Herb and Marion created the loan instruments that allowed thousands of Americans to purchase homes they could not afford, and then sold the fruits of their labor in 2006 to Wachovia for more than $24 billion, netting a $2.4 billion payout for themselves…Some of their main initiatives [included] the CRL…

The CRL? What’s the CRL?

The Center for Responsible Lending. Sounds reliable, right? That’s where they get you. They claim to speak up for the people but in reality, CRL is a “predatory lending” organization (what they claim to be against) unethically funded by a wealthy institution that benefits from their policies. According to the Consumer Rights League, CRL “attacks competing loan products” and often takes legal action against low-income borrowers for petty reasons. This is, of course, after they’ve approved loans to the less fortunate at hightly profitable rates.

According to the CRL website, they are “dedicated to protecting homeownership and family wealth by working to eliminate abusive financial practices.” But who determines what is “abusive”? It sounds like they are attempting to eliminate financial choices for Americans while victimizing those who probably shouldn’t get loans in the first place.

But who determines what is “abusive”? Certainly not Alan Greenspan.

Edward Gramlich, who was Fed governor from 1997 to 2005, said he proposed to Mr. Greenspan in or around 2000, when predatory lending was a growing concern, that the Fed use its discretionary authority to send examiners into the offices of consumer-finance lenders that were units of Fed-regulated bank holding companies.

Greenspan’s response:

There is “a very large number of small institutions, some on the margin of scrupulousness and very hard to detect when they are doing something wrong,” says Mr. Greenspan, who retired in February last year. “For us to go in and audit how they act on their mortgage applications would have been a huge effort, and it’s not clear to me we would have found anything that would have been worthwhile without undermining the desired availability of subprime credits.”

Slick. Set up an org to send potential mugs away from other predatory lenders because if anyone’s gonna screw the brothas an sistas, it might as well be us. There gonna get screwed anyway. Right?

That’s not all folks. CRL also received a $15 million donation from billion-dollar hedge fund manager John Paulson. Geez eh, what’s in it for Johnny.

His $3.7 billion payday in 2007 broke every record, and he made it all by betting against homeowners, shareholders, and the rest of us.

Johnny was a nice guy. He let his friend, Jeff Greene, in on the sca…er business plan.

“In Beverly Hills, A Meltdown Mogul Is Living Large” read the headline. In case you’ve never heard of Greene, here are the facts: he is a 53-year-old real-estate investor who lives in a 40,000 sq ft Beverly Hills mansion called Palazzo di Amore. He owns three aeroplanes and a yacht, and Mike Tyson was best man at his $1 million wedding. But the most important thing to know about Greene is that he found a way to bet in advance that America’s property market would implode. How? By trading in the extraordinarily complex area of “asset-backed credit default swaps”. Greene essentially made insurance payments that guaranteed him a huge payout if mortgage companies ever defaulted on their loans. And how much did he make? In six months, about $500 million. That’s $2.8 million a day. Yes, meet Mr Unpopular of Hollywood, 2008. And there’s more: Greene reportedly got the idea from his friend John Paulson, who has done exactly the same thing, only with slightly different results: he made $4 billion in the past six months. That’s $22 million per day. (The Times, 22nd January 2008)

Of course they’ve all got something in common besides a wad of cash and a penchant for criminality. Now what might it be?

Dmitry Medvedev addressed students and faculty at the London School of Economics.

Mr. Medvedev pointed out that we had come to see the world as defined by distinct spheres: Politics was meant to deal primarily with security; business affairs were to be left to the independent logic of the market; and morality was to be interpreted and enforced within civil society alone. This division, he claimed, had allowed people in the business world to act immorally, and had excluded the proper role of politics in guiding and restraining the market, both to uphold morality and to pursue the political aims of the populace. What the world needs, according to Mr. Medvedev, is a bringing together of these spheres in order to avoid crises like the current one.

I bet Dmitry knows.


Posted by Mark in Ark on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:47 | #

Euro-fags can’t even own guns.  They can’t, and won’t do anything, except pay more taxes.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 03:16 | #

Mark in Ark writes: Euro-fags can’t even own guns.

The Swiss (and Finns) are the exception.  One reason they should consider transitioning to an actuarial militia is evidenced by this article barely a month old:

February 24, 2009—Updated 1055 GMT (1855 HKT)

Swiss soldiers face loss of right to store guns at home

(CNN)—Switzerland’s part-time soldiers could lose their famous right to store their weapons at home.
Switzerland’s part-time soldiers could lose the right to store their weapons at home.

Switzerland’s part-time soldiers could lose the right to store their weapons at home.

A coalition led by the country’s Social Democrat party and the Greens has collected nearly 120,000 signatures to force a national referendum on whether the weapons should be stored at military bases.

The coalition of 74 groups says the weapons are involved in too many suicides and murders in the country and tighter controls are needed.

Switzerland’s armed forces consist of just a few thousand permanent full-time staff, with the rest essentially a militia…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 04:41 | #

Switzerland of course is slated for race-replacement, the more so since they committed the unforgivable sin of not forking over the shake-down money the instant the Jews demanded it a few years back.  They tried to resist.  Once they very foolishly did that, their fate was sealed:  they were moved up to the top of the “next to be targeted” list (not that they wouldn’t have been moved up anyway, eventually).  The problem with Switzerland as the race-replacers see it is the male population are universally armed to the teeth with military weaponry meant to be kept at home under lock-and-key.  Also, they are well-trained and drilled and they are familiar with all the numerous mountain redoubts hollowed-out from the Alps fastnesses of that nation, redoubts from which Swiss patriots are well-equipped to hole-up and resist any enemy.  Clearly the first order of business for the Jews and communists will be to get the male Swiss patriots’ military weaponry away from them, out of their homes and confiscated by government.  Then the race-replacement of the Swiss can really begin in earnest.  You think the situation there is bad now, with those black sheep/ white sheep election posters we saw?  Wait till you see it when the Swiss government is no longer afraid of the people:  they’ll have the place Californicated in five minutes flat and any Swiss who so much as think about protesting will be jailed for “hate” (jailed for starters; later given chemical lobotomies, or surgical ones, or insulin shock treatments, or electroconvulsive shock treatments—whatever it takes to neutralize the mind and turn the brain into a non-functioning gelatinous mass or, if they still won’t shut up, killed).


Posted by The war against Iceland on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 20:07 | #

The Financial War Against Iceland
Being defeated by debt is as deadly as outright military warfare.

By Prof Michael Hudson

Global Research, April 5, 2009

Iceland is under attack – not militarily­ but financially. It owes more than it can pay. This threatens debtors with forfeiture of what remains of their homes and other assets. The government is being told to sell off the nation’s public domain, its natural resources and public enterprises to pay the financial gambling debts run up irresponsibly by a new banking class. This class is seeking to increase its wealth and power despite the fact that its debt-leveraging strategy already has plunged the economy into bankruptcy. On top of this, creditors are seeking to enact permanent taxes and sell off public assets to pay for bailouts to themselves.

Being defeated by debt is as deadly as outright military warfare. Faced with loss of their property and means of self-support, many citizens will get sick, lead lives of increasing desperation and die early if they do not repudiate most of the fraudulently offered loans of the past five years. And defending its civil society will not be as easy as it is in a war where the citizenry stands together in coping with a visible aggressor. Iceland is confronted by more powerful nations, headed by the United States and Britain. They are unleashing their propagandists and mobilizing the IMF and World Bank to demand that Iceland not defend itself by wiping out its bad debts. Yet these creditor nations so far have taken no responsibility for the current credit mess. And indeed, the United States and Britain are net debtors on balance. But when it comes to their stance vis-à-vis Iceland, they are demanding that it impoverish its citizens by paying debts in ways that these nations themselves would never follow. They know that it lacks the money to pay, but they are quite willing to take payment in the form of foreclosure on the nation’s natural resources, land and housing, and a mortgage on the next few centuries of its future.

If this sounds like the spoils of war, it is – and always has been. Debt bondage is the name of this game. And the major weapon in this conflict of interest is how people perceive it. Debtors must be convinced to pay voluntarily, to put creditor interests above of the economy’s prosperity as a whole, and even to put foreign demands above their own national interest. This is not a policy that my country, the United States, follows. But popular discussion in Iceland to date has been one-sided in defense of creditor interests, not that of its own domestic debtors.

Ultimately, Iceland’s adversary is not a nation or even a class, but impersonal financial dynamics working globally and domestically. To cope with its current debt pressure, Iceland must recognize how uniquely destructive an economic regime its bankers have created, through self-serving legislation and outright fraud. With eager foreign complicity, its banks have managed to create enough foreign debt to cause chronic currency depreciation and hence domestic price inflation for many decades to come.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 04:14 | #

Law enforcement in Iceland:

The Icelandic Police can trace its origins to 1778, when the first traces of industry started to appear. In the times before that law had been enforced by individuals as allowed by Althing…

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