Apollo&Dionysus: Were Hippies Protesting the Moon Landing, Ayn?
The Apollo 11 project, which had legions of well behaved admirers who descended upon Cape Canaveral to observe its event. Now, if we couldn’t expect hippies, not even John Lennon, to be articulate of what was important about the hippie motive how can we expect Don Black and right wing cohorts to be articulate of their motives? Don says Timothy Leary was the poster hippie boy with the emblematic phrase, “tune in turn on and drop out.” Not exactly. And his colleague, “Don Advo,” preferred Ayn Rand’s take on hippies in “Apollo and Dionysus,” disparaging hippies by contrast to achieving technocrats, viz. contrasting the Apollo astronauts and witnesses to the Dionysian Woodstock performers and crowd. But whereas Any Rand’s individualist objectivism was motivated to rupture the communality and other organization of European peoples by contrasting it with “heroic” but disingenuous individualism, the hippies did have a very important motive which is continually skirted-over by those who ignore the background of The Vietnam War Draft. In rebellion against the draft, hippies were there at Woodstock, singing.. “Well, come on all of you, big strong men, Uncle Sam needs your help again. Yeah, he’s got himself in a terrible jam way down yonder in Vietnam. So put down your books and pick up a gun, gonna have a whole lotta fun.. and its one, two, three… What are we fighting for? Don’t ask me I don’t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam”.. “Ain’t no time to wonder why (Being, midtdasein, nah!) whoopee! we’re all gonna die! Yeah, come on Wall Street, don’t be slow, why man, this is war au-go-go Plenty good money to be made by supplying the army with the tools of its trade”
In all seriousness… No, the hippies were not protesting The Apollo 11 moon landing! Their fundamental project was very significant in the advance of European peoples - a quest for midt-dasein - communal being amidst the class of one’s people for White males - as opposed to having those basic levels on the hierarchy of needs sacrificed by males in deprivation and privation; where a few males might make it through the stress to the higher reaches (often transformed into sociopaths for the effort), to the higher aims on the hierarchy of needs - e.g., exploring the moon. To where in fact, these traditional trade-offs in gender differentiation were exploited and exaggerated beyond reason. Sacrificial White males on the way, as in Vietnam, no matter how needless, be damned. The point is, these motives/needs should not and ultimately, in fact, cannot be mutually exclusive, but must be balanced in optimality. The hippies were not protesting the Apollo landing. They reasonably sought organicism and being in balance to technology. However, they might upset a Jew like Ayn Rand because they were insisting that the intrinsic value of White men - White male midt-dasein - be recognized, in fact its institution was/is a necessary priority. But the hippies were inarticulate of that motive. Moreover, requisite to their motive of midtdasein was “racism” * - i.e., social classification and necessary discrimination thereof, duty when mature to guard the boundaries thereof - there is no being in one’s group without discriminating against its antagonists - ironically prohibited with the newly mis-coined “civil rights” making such requisite discrimination into a veritable taboo and largely illegal in fact. Needless to say that was hard to articulate at the time as it is still now. Midtdasein’s articulation was made yet harder by the fact that it could easily be emasculated against the traditional role/motive for males to quest after the top of the hierarchy and man-up in sacrificing the basic needs of the hierarchy. Furthermore, turning back from actualizing the top of the hierarchy apparently belied the whole American project as the “land of opportunity.” Indeed, White males would not necessarily want to sacrifice the possibility for the top of the hierarchy either. Nor would they want to sacrifice the middle - relationships with co-evolutionary women:
Articulating the motive of White male midtdasein was further complicated by its incommensurability and confusion with Jewish interests and right-wing interests - who sought to associate it with the Jewish radical agenda of Marxism: expressed as imposed liberalism for Whites but by contrast to that relaxation of vigilance, a unionized activism for non-Whites against Whites - the prim “civil rights” and upwardly black power totally incommensurate with White male midtdasein. As was Marcuse’s “free love and “poly- morphous perversion” incommensurate with White male midtdasein, especially as bounds of accountability and human ecology were ruptured as “violation of ‘civil rights” The second wave of feminism, another thing wrongly correlated with hippies, was also in fact incommensurate, quite literally incommensurate with White male midtdasein. In fact, it was the thesis of Betty Friedan, leading exponent of that second wave of feminism, that in order to be healthy, full and free, women needed access to the higher levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It is apparent how the “high grumbles” which Maslow called higher needs on the hierarchy, and as feminists who followed Friedan’s thesis would espouse, could cause extreme friction between White women and White men, who had the “low grumbles” of not wanting to be treated as being so intrinsically valueless as to have to be subject to a draft and die in a senseless foreign war of aggression; and rather than being left alone in peace, being amidst the class of their people, were subject in still further violation thereof - violation of their freedom from association with outsiders as imposed by “civil rights” - violation of freedom from association, violation of midtdasein - taking away the most basic freedom of White men. * Needless to say, along with hippies, Ayn Rand found “racism” appalling - disCusting!
Sometime back a fellow calling himself Lonejack agreed with my assessment:
Thank You Lonejack
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 Oct 2014 02:50 | # Tom, You are shit. My father fought against the Japs in Saipan and though a conservative, realized how evil the Vietnam draft was, what a stupid and evil war that Vietnam was. It is you who is falling for the Jewish media’s spin and false attributions as to the hippie motives. Ridiculous huh? You should be drafted into a war like that to designate your value. I wouldn’t expect you to be able to read, so never mind.
Thank You Lonejack 3
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:12 | # I strongly suspect Graham is right to move what he calls “the F people” out of the conversation. But the following node allows for a summing-up and for them to be put-aside for a time.
Well, a used car salesman can fool some of the people some of the time but can’t fool all of the people all of the time. And here’s an example of what the DS is putting out that’ll fool some of the people, a post http://www.dailystormer.com/polish-pimps-tattooed-their-own-names-in-huge-letters-on-their-hoes/- where Anglin uses “Ebonic language” to “speak for the Poles.” Appearing on its discussion thread was ELSE LÖSER’s protracted smear of Poles and Poland. Naturally Carolyn Yeager picked-it-up and ran with it, “oh, I was looking for this.”.. “This” http://www.danzigfreestate.org/loeser.html is a hit piece which I first saw at Renegade and when people there like blutenboden, Markus et al., tried to uphold it as truth, I realized that I could not agree and get along with them. Coming back to the aptly named MS Loser, Carolyn is now busily discussing her “truthfulness” http://carolynyeager.net/heretics-hour-hitler-and-slavs-2 with Markus, along with some supposedly Polish guy who dutifully swears to its truth, Hadding (naturally) and (don’t laugh) Thorn - ha ha ha! Carolyn trusts Thorn’s word! As she does Else’s Hers is one of a few protracted diatribes against Poland (Czech etc.) that Nazis circulate. When I locate the other, I’ll include it here, but the other one cites absurdly exaggerated statistics of alleged atrocities against German civilians and other excuses for war. Sad, alarming, but some believe this stuff, and worse, believe it is relevant and somehow characteristic now. As they do Ms. Loser’s diatribe. Because its so long, I’ll keep my response terse; hopefully more won’t be necessary. Just a sample shows the speed of their “objectivity and concern for truth.”
http://www.danzigfreestate.org/loeser.html The first thing to note about Else Loser is that she grew up in that one most hot area of contention between Polish and German nationhood as I had mentioned: Bromberg (Bydgoszcz) and Thorn (Torun). This was the spearhead of both Polish and German collective historical grievance against the other. The people in these areas were most threatened and subject to folk propaganda, inherited grudges, resentments embellished lest they be forgotten - the place where it was necessary to maintain the most anti-other narrative. And she was born in and wrote of Poland in the post-war time when Poland was under communist control. She begins her diatribe by fore-fronting her strongest argument - they got ‘em now! - Kopernikus was German. One of the first discussions that I ever had with Carolyn was to tell her to take the crypt of this man to Germany and keep him. He is not Polish, fine. I don’t care, don’t need him, wasn’t meditating on it in my life. Poles do not need him. But in thinking about why some would have (wrongly) claimed his Polishness historically, note again where Kopernikus was born - that same area of hot contention. He was born in Thorn (the adjacent town to Bromberg/Bydgoszcz). Not only was he born in Thorn/Torun, but politically, Kopernikus took the side of Poland and Polish nationhood against the brutality of The Teutonic Knights (another regime admired by the F god. The Teutonic Knights in fact took Gdansk from the Poles after the Poles held it for a time; the Teutonic Knights conducting themselves treacherously, brutally, gruesomely in the take-over there as they had elsewhere). Kopernikus recognized this, took the side of the Poles and he was associated with the spear point of Torun. Thus, it may have seemed politically expedient to shore up Polish nationhood at that spear point against it; and with that, enfranchise a prominent figure taking their (Polish side). Knowing Poles, Poland, I can confidently say that Loser’s is a colossal smear that only people who really want to believe it, like Carolyn and Markus, would fall-for. But what can you expect from people who admire a regime that burned Polish libraries? They characterize Poland as this, that, and the other way unable and unworthy of nationhood - how convenient and how interesting that this was written in 1982, when Lech Walesa was being jailed for protesting in an effort to achieve Polish sovereignty from the Soviet Union. But Ms. Loser says, see? Poland can’t run a nation. It was 1982, the Soviet Union is in control, Poland is leading the way among nations under its control to bring it down, but she and Carolyn say never mind. And now, after 20 years of nationhood, Poland having the largest growth in GNP in the world from 1994 - 2004, her kind are still wanting to remove Polish nationhood. Forget that in 1919 Poland fought for and regained its nation after a 123 year absence - at the culmination of which their nation thwarted a Soviet advance against the Germans. No Carolyn, they did not want to be conscripts in Hitler’s army either. But to fight the Soviets as a sovereign nation they did and would have again if not for Hitler’s stab in the back. But like Ms. Loser, Carolyn is sure it has always been true that Poland doesn’t deserve a nation…as Hitler was sure after just 20 years in 1939.. As Friedrich the “Great” was sure just after a newly reborn Poland established the world’s second Constitutional Republic after the US. Never mind, F the G needed to remove Poland’s nationhood. And so Poland had their language not their nation. Ms Loser and fellows will make a big deal then about Poland valuing its language and historical narratives as a means to keep its people and nation together despite its political absence; as a means to preserve collective memory and aim to restore their geographical nation. ..in fact, the Ms Losers will try to say that Poland was never a nation…the Polans were never there, the Pomeranians, the Silesians, the Mazurians the Vistulans…all a product of that “Polish imagination.” It is a very nasty strategy that the Nazis deploy to try to erase the history of peoples. I can’t imagine doing that. But.. ...that is the Nazi propaganda put forth by Ms. Loser, consumed wholesale by Carolyn, Markus and the other Nazi freaks. New Orleans Protocol, Dave? We shouldn’t disparage the DS and others speaking the same way, only louder, Don Advo? Don’t get me wrong Don Advo, you do many things very well, that is why I address you. Because I expect better.
http://carolynyeager.net/hitlers-table-talk-study-hour-episode-33 There is a difference here, though, as Hitler is so plain in his intentions of colonization up to the Urals and in his intentions for the Slavs that well, I laughed and I laughed hard at his absurdity. 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 25 Oct 2014 08:22 | # Tom, I certainly don’t regard the hippy movement as a Jewish media creation, though Jews in America certainly pushed to the fore to associate it with their own radical politics and manipulate it into a form more suitable to their ends. If one strips out the politics, what we are left with is a broad Western social movement, perfectly disorganised but creative and ontologically interesting, which sought not merely to express opposition to the mechanics of order, power, war, economics, and everything that used up lives, but to transcend that and place the human principle at the heart of the Weltanschauung. This is, actually, a very modern nationalist thought, regardless of its conception and realisation in ultra-liberal individual and collective forms. Nationalists know what “the human principle” means, and know it more certainly than any universalist Christian or utopian Marxist. That which is human is the touchstone of our political thought, beyond the merely ethnic. For there are laws in Nature that we watch liberals daily transgress but which we must observe ourselves. The essence of why they are wrong and we are right is right there, in that. As for your father, I understand that he would have felt disdain for those ultra-liberal forms. But he, like my own father and like all those fathers and grandfathers who went willingly into the 20th century darkness, did not fight only for future generations to be trammelled within their own social limits and conventions. The hippies did not free themselves or us. We still live in an age of darkness. We are still waiting for the intellectual, aesthetic, social and political movement which will deliver that. Like the hippy movement, it must be a movement interested in peace so long as a peaceful means of “doing what we must to remain who we are” preserves the ethnic life we love. That life can only be spent when no other way is open to us - the human principle, you see. 5
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 25 Oct 2014 09:34 | # GW, your ontology project sees consciousness and deliberation as a distinguishing human element and one which is necessary to guide proper action. I can agree of course, and it touches here on an important difference from Vico. Vico saw us as beholden to cycles of time, a destiny to repeat them, even if coming out to higher levels after each fall and return. Rather than a fall, what we are seeing in the hippies un-articulated pursuit of midtdasein was the understanding, wisdom, if you will, to consciously, deliberately turn and reconstruct basic, organic and relational aspects of the optimal life of a western man. As an expression of alternative range of functional autonomy (authenticity), it would be opposed to lineal maximization of the modernist project. If they were articulate enough to see it as a matter of optimization in contrast to maximization, they would have been well on the way to a proper incorporation of Artistotlean optimality and care for relationships as distinguishing characteristics of authentic human being as biological, mammalian creatures. They were not articulate, of course, and Jews, and liberals associated false attributions to their motives where the right could not conscript them. The feminist presumption of the time was that females were denied the higher reaches on the hierarchy of needs and that was unjust. Perhaps, but this rested on the projected assumption that males also had fulfillment on the basic levels, perhaps even more than females, and that is why they were over represented in the higher reaches on the hierarchy of needs - that males were achieving as a result of Maslowian differentiation of fulfillment. The Draft was an elephant in the room such that only emasculation could be cause for its being ignored. That is to say, that males clearly did not have their basic needs recognized and fulfilled as easily as females. Not that they should, of course, but if there is to be a critique and conscious guidance of authenticity, it has to be based on an accurate assessment of the facts. Particularly, if we are to understand what the hippies were about as opposed to what traditional men and women, and Jews want them to be about - i.e., a way to blame White men and distract from their legitimate need to have their intrinsic value normalized and institutionalized. If things are to be fair and functional between the genders, if we are to allow sufficient expression of full humanity for our co-evolutionary females (which, unlike Muslims and other third worlders, we should), then we have to take into account their cushioning on the basic levels of needs - they can have an unfair advantage in being pandered to and supplied with information and help that puts them into positions of power which they may not truly merit. Its not that they cannot merit these positions, but their basic fulfillments need to be taken into account and the tendency to pander needs to be corrected with more tests of their merit - particularly of their broad social, racial, national understanding.* The understanding of bounded social classification. Absent that and understanding that White male sublimation is a minor and worthwhile tradeoff for a vastly superior way of life, we are seeing an overly liberal female empowering miscegenation, for example, because she thinks things are easier than they are and that White males are more responsible for their failure as “individual wimps” than they really are. The White male correction to authenticity and optimality is stigmatic as well, perhaps more-so as they seek not ambition, but the basic needs on the hierarchy - sufficient organic requirements, security and possibility for normal relationships without super human efforts. The correction to this (what the hippies sorely lacked for their ineloquence and misguidance of Marcuse’s “fee love”) on the basic level of needs is for there to be voluntary enclaves where absolute monogamy is held sacrosanct - sacred. The choice needs to be available for both male and female to have authenticity. What Friedan’s thesis was not taking into account was that Male achievement was not always a result of differentiation of Maslowian fulfillment (though it assuredly was at times), but an expression of Nietzschean/Freudian deprivation and privation on basic levels - e.g., after he survives sexual rejection and perhaps even the draft, risking his life as designated expendable, a male might just say to himself, you are going to deny me the higher reaches? And he might be reacting quite inauthentically at that and conduct himself as a sociopath in fact - especially when he witnesses the kind of grumbles that females have regarding their unfulfilled needs. Both male and female need to understand if they are to have authenticity, that nationalism, social classification of those more closely related, is essential in the accountability and ecological management of their needs and aspirations. This means for men, for hippies even, that this is not a pacifist movement. If they are to have dasein (being), they must, as Michael O’Meara notes, also have it in Midt (in the middle of a classification of their folk). Which means, of course, that they must defend the boundaries of that classification against interlopers and antagonistic people. It is also true, that if the male is to achieve, he needs to have those basic needs fulfilled sufficiently. It was there I appreciated Bateson’s critical attitude toward the overly hard rites of passage of some tribes, which produced “harsh, overcompensating males.” Thus if he is to achieve higher levels on the hierarchy of needs in authenticity, he needs sufficient leeway and balancing off on his tightrope act, felicity in relation to females as well, of course; sufficient concordance and cooperation in making it happen right. I have sketched four aspects which I believe are distinct values for European peoples. And as opposed to the linearity of Maslow’s hierarchy needs to be reconstructed in an ongoing hermeneutic process if authentic optimality is to be managed in individual development and gender relations. For Europeans, I see Being, Socialization, Routine and Actualization as essential - in an ongoing, conscious and deliberate reconstructive process. Faced with the draft into war of aggression, having scarcely anything to do with their interests as White men, the hippies were motivated to pursue Being (more exactly, midtdasein). That was entirely appropriate, but not sufficiently conscious, not placed into conscious and deliberate relational negotiation with the other three necessary values of need fulfillment. Nor was it problematized against the incommensurate agendas of females and other races.
Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:20 | # Daniel, Why do you lie so much? It’s too bad you’re not Pinocchio so we could watch your nose grow longer and longer. Pinocchio was Italian like you, but maybe was part Polish too? Do you also dream of becoming a real person someday? Best of luck, 7
Posted by BlutundBoden on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 18:26 | # I do not know why you have chosen to use my username, which you misspelled, in this article in the context that you have. I have never commented anywhere on the link that you mention in conjunction with it. I have, in fact, never even seen it before. Thanks for the shout-out. 8
Posted by BlutundBoden on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 18:28 | # “...in this article…” ^ Excuse me, I meant in your comment. 9
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:53 | # Posted by Carolyn Yeager on October 26, 2014, 10:20 AM | # Daniel, Why do you lie so much? It’s too bad you’re not Pinocchio so we could watch your nose grow longer and longer. Pinocchio was Italian like you, but maybe was part Polish too? Do you also dream of becoming a real person someday? Best of luck, grin Carolyn, I don’t lie, that’s your thing, but thanks for the best wishes. Posted by BlutundBoden on October 26, 2014, 01:26 PM | # I do not know why you have chosen to use my username, which you misspelled, in this article in the context that you have. I have never commented anywhere on the link that you mention in conjunction with it. I have, in fact, never even seen it before. Thanks for the shout-out.
There were one or two threads at Renegade at the time which amounted to a continuation of one argument - with me against Hitler loyal people there and you being among the Hitler loyal people. That link was added near the end of one of the threads. While you may not have clicked on it and looked at it before, that is besides the point - which is that you were taking an imperviously loyal position in unanimity with Hitler. 10
Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:53 | # Posted by DanielS on October 26, 2014, 03:53 PM | # Carolyn, I don’t lie Uh oh, your nose just grew another half inch. 12
Posted by Be-In on Wed, 29 Oct 2014 18:06 | # This interview of Heidegger, that Johnson put-up over at Counter-Currents, is worthwhile in underscoring Heidegger’s concern for Being as a human relation to the world that has been lost in modernity and requires a new way of thinking to attain once again:
Posted by Meta-ontology on Thu, 30 Oct 2014 07:29 | # Greg Johnson - Heidegger is misunderstood as an ontologist when it is believed that he treated Being as something merely referred-to or merely referring to things rather than also a meaning disclosed:
See Greg Johnson’s full article at Counter-Currents: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/10/heideggers-question-beyond-being/ 14
Posted by R.I.P.JackBruce on Sun, 09 Nov 2014 08:16 | # Jack Bruce: Interesting collaborations in his past - not only Clapton, but also McLaughlin, Coryell, Holdsworth, Winwood, Zappa, plus drummers Mitch Mitchell and of course, Ginger Baker et al.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXP_pr7np-o Goodbye Jack: “Sittin’ on Top of the World,” a rare blues cover that is actually at least as good as the original (in this case the original is from Howlin’ Wolf): 16
Posted by FrostyDemography on Sat, 22 Nov 2014 09:31 | # The Titanic and the United States
- Frosty Woolridge
Posted by MakingSenseOfHeidegger on Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:56 | # Greg Johnson reviews Thomas Sheehan’s “Making Sense of Heidegger” http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/12/making-sense-of-heidegger/ 18
Posted by Bill on Sun, 14 Dec 2014 21:36 | # Note that Sheehan presents an alternative interpretation of Heidegger and that there is great debate between Sheehan’s interpretation and the other interpretation presented by William Richardson in “Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought” Richard Capobianco’s latest book, “Heidegger’s Way of Being”, reemphasizes the case for Richardson’s interpretation. From the beginning of Capobianco’s new book:
Posted by Joe Adams on Tue, 30 Dec 2014 06:25 | # Joe Adams, I would like to inform you, rather alert you, because something must rise above the din of your repugnant arrogance..though you are always breathlessly in awe of the greatness of your wonderfulness. In your most recent podcast, laced with your typical display of shameless self congratulation (and hideous self-overrating) you tell your audience that what has “got your goat for the year are ‘those hippies.” Who told you to say that, Don Advo, Kyle Cunt and Dana Antioch? Yeah, sure, hippies are the menace and the problem. All these people going around chanting “peace and love.” Where have they been slogans since 1971? Some problem that, and anti-war activism is. Perhaps I can get this through your skull, finally. First of all, to an extent it is legitimate to criticize the baby-boomers for their selfishness, taking for granted and burning-up the social capital of conservatism. I know first hand, I took a brunt of that, my three older siblings being boomers whereas I was a buster (or x-er). I was three when the Civil Rights Act was passed - my fault? However, they/we did not have the Internet and in case you are unaware it makes all the difference in the world - you would make no difference what-so-ever without the Internet. In fact, what difference you do make you should not make: you should keep mostly quiet for another ten years for what you know, rather than doing more harm than good. The Internet makes things too easy in a way. A heroine addict can just go from state of withdrawal and despair and plug right into Pierce and Hitler’s ready, ostensibly thoroughly considered system -oblivious to its rotten planks that sufficient real life experience would cause a half way thoughtful person to reject. Regarding “hippies”, they were a phenomenon and expression of male, particularly White male, rejection of the Viet Nam Draft and assertion of their basic, intrinsic human value. As you denounce them my wish is for you to get your head blown off in Viet Nam. You would deserve it, you arrogant fuck. Do you know what you and Don Advo are doing when you rail against “hippies”? You are blaming White men for pursuing their most profound right to be, their intrinsic value to existence in and of our people (as opposed FOR EXAMPLE to being disposed of in Viet Nam). I have to capitalize FOR EXAMPLE because you are apparently too stupid to see that some of the expression of that manifold - e.g., long hair as opposed to crew cuts, some drug taking in order to reconnect to the older brain etc. are not the point - the point is White male being - Pacifism is not the essence in that regard either (though superficial fucks like you and Kyle Cunt will try to treat it as such), rather, peace was another EXAMPLE, a rallying cry as our people were not under any significant, direct threat in the case of Viet Nam. So when you SO STUPIDLY rail against hippies you rail against the most important project of White men, incite them against it like the idiot right winger you are shaping up to be AND you distract from the true culprits of that era, which were the Jews and neo liberals who created desegregation, civil rights and yes, free love too. And you distract and pander to traditional and feminist women both, but feminists in particular who conveniently blame White men and wish to deny them their humanity as misdirected by the Jewish overlords. Right wingers were not on the ball. This all began in the fifties and they were too unsophisticated to counter it; rather they got played like the fools that they are, taking us into Viet Nam and patriotic Rights babble. The 68ers of Europe and The Berkeley Radicals had some similarity of appearance but these were Jewish inspired movements which only co-opted the authentic motive of hippies where they could - and they could not very much, because these things were not natural to White men - black power? free love? civil rights? The Immigration and Naturalization Act? The Rumsford Fair Housing Act? What did these things have to do with hippies? Nothing. And the hippies were children or adults too young to do anything when these things were being put across, not old enough to do anything - but old enough to be DRAFTED and die for tire rubber, to be blamed by feminist bitches and stupid right wingers like yourself who are too shallow to see the true motives and true culprits. Now I know what you mean about the baby boomers and they were a phenomenon like a locust swarm that deserves some blame. But hippies were a very small and - largely unbeknownst to themselves even, as they were inarticulate - eminently legitimate motive. Your arrogance Joe does not only make you superficial, but to some extent dangerous. Hippies are bad, but Kyle Cunt, who has fawning pictures and commendations of Hitler, Himmler and the Third Reich all over his tasteless site, who encourages people who literally want to fight the internecine fight of the World Wars all over again for Christ’s sake - I mean, that idiotic they are - you say that they are ok, right? Lets add not only Viet Nam to the list. You should be on the other side of Hitler’s armies. I would love to see you get blown away Joe asshole. Do you want to know why David Duke will never say anything against Hitler? Because his tongue is up Hitler’s asshole chewing the dingle berries out. In fact, David Duke sprinkles Hitler’s dingle berries on his pancakes in the morning. Perhaps I am being too kind. Duke just likes whatever money and attention he can get from whatever sympathy he can cull from a largely Germanic America. And maybe Don Black is as dumb as he looks after all. He and Don Advo support the Daily Stormer? Good grief. Poor Andrew Anglin has to do something, I suppose, to distract from the fact that he is only a suntan away from being a full fledged nigger. And a nigger would want Whites to kill each other - so he’s got to disguise that latent motive. But “we’re not the Daily Stormer, we’re Storm Trooper or Storm Front, with our Gothic letters” that let you know straight off who this site is pandering to (puerile American idiots, whose background may allow them to experiment with seeing the Nazis as “the good guys”) Joe Adams, you say you’ve never taken any drugs. Ok, fine and good but—there comes with that the Ted Nugent syndrome which you manifest exactly - an arrogant, verbose, fore-brained preponderance of superficial logic for lack of appreciation of the deeper brain - which can be accessed by some judicious drug use - such as mushroom once a year, a joint three or four times a year, drinking once a month. That is not the only way and one does not have to do these things. I don’t, except for drinking maybe once a month. But understand that your Ted Nugentism is real shit. It leaves you arrogant, superficial and easily misdirected from what is of profound importance. “Them goddamn commie hippies, it’s all their fault.” Spoken like a true right wing asshole and fool. There is a time and a way of war but Viet Nam was not it and the Draft of White men for that was not it. Fighting other European nations for the sake of imperialist expansion at the expense of other European nations is not it either. No, if Kyle Cunt will not realize that (and I suspect he will never leave his position on WWII and recognize Hitler as the fuck-up that he was…too much of a baby..“oh, my foreskin my foreskin, I can’t feel anything!”), no, he is not a cool guy. But I would like to finish with my point, Joe Adams - you should be Drafted to go to Viet Nam to die for all you are worth (tire rubber), you arrogant fuck. Or be lined-up against a wall and shot by the Wehrmacht (so that Hitler could re-establish Friedrich the Great’s old colonial hunting grounds and bag some Slavs as trophies for his fat-assed wife to admire). 20
Posted by RoyalShrooms on Wed, 31 Dec 2014 06:18 | # Hallucinogenic Mushrooms Found At Buckingham Palace: http://www.npr.org/2014/12/15/370878806/hallucinogenic-mushrooms-found-at-buckingham-palace Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Tom on Thu, 23 Oct 2014 01:22 | #
Hippies were shit. They were a jewish media fabrication which paved the way for multiculturalism in America and by extension the world. My grandfather, who fought against the Japs on Iwojima resented them and called them what they are: Dirty degenerates, idiots, and tools. The ridiculous hippy movement would have been utterly impotent and unimaginable without jew control of TV.