Black Lies in White Nationalism: Hitler didn’t instigate war, modestly sought appropriated territory

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 12 October 2014 01:45.

Black Lies are being circulated in White Nationalism -

“Hitler did not instigate the war”

“He only modestly sought territory ‘wrongly’ appropriated”

Those claims are demonstrably false from the beginning of Mein Kampf:

“People of the same blood should be in the same Reich. The German people will have no right to engage in a colonial policy until they shall have brought all their children together in one state. When the territory of the Reich embraces all the Germans and finds itself unable to assure them a livelihood, only then can the moral right arise from the need of the people to acquire foreign territory. The plow is then the sword and the tears of war shall produce the daily bread for the generations to come.

                                                                                            - Hitler

Does this statement from the very start of Mein Kampf, from the second paragraph in fact, indicate that Hitler was for peace and the head of a Reich merely, passively victimized? Obviously not. It is clear pseudo-justification typical of the inter-European war-mongering that underpinned his world view. Indeed, this statement makes it clear that Hitler was no pacifist nationalist, but an imperialist; and of course this is just one among many examples in which he makes that plain. What is far more exasperating than alarming is that even where present day White Nationalists are altercast their clear innocence, Hitler advocates disingenuously try to bury, justify and even assimilate the facts of Hitler’s intent of inter-European war rather than work to coordinate present- day European efforts to our mutual interests: coordination of nations places an emphasis on mutual non-interference of national sovereignties with one another, but alignment of objectives at the same time. That is very different from what Hitler sought and from what his present day apologists implicate.



A frequent commentator at Carolyn Yeager’s blog and treated as a level-headed purveyor of truth in White advocacy by Kyle Hunt at Renegade is the Nazi Markus:

Markus proposes to resume World War II (real good thinking):

December 3, 2013 at 3:29 am

“Under International Law, the winner doesn’t make the rules. That’s why you have the Hague Convention and Geneva Convention. The non-German world just doesn’t care about them very much. And by that, Germany didn’t lose any war, WW2 in particular. Only a peace treaty between the war parties would determine the winner, loser or a draw and that treaty is pending”

In that regard prior Markus said:

November 19, 2013 at 9:36 pm

“Because of Poland, Germany has no peace treaty and WW2 between Germany and the United Nations is still going on.”

“This document proves that Poland complained at the 4+2 conference in 1990 that a peace treaty would threaten “their” Western border.

Gorbatchev wanted peace with Germany and prepared officials to return their zone to Germany. The Russian zone includes North-East Prussia but slso all areas of Germany ADMINISTERED by Poland.”

Referring to the Kalisz massacre, Markus says:

December 4, 2013 at 3:31 pm

“Whatever happened during WW 1 by the Prussian Army to Polish cities in some incidents need to be addressed and reparations need to be paid (and have). These actions happened during war, when Germany was encircled as always and the circumstances had strategic reasons.”

Apparently, Markus would say Germany was surrounded and being attacked by Belgium as well.

In pursuit of Hitler’s agenda, he goes on to say:

“But there is no comparison to what Poland did to the Germans during Peace Times. An attempted genocide of a whole nation. When and how will Poland pay?” (see note on Fort VII, for one among many “payments”)

Markus suggests:
December 4, 2013 at 4:38 pm

“Poland has nothing to offer anyway. I am suggesting returning our land only and let Poles off the hook.”

“It is upheld (viz., e.g. resolution of the Federal Constitutional Court, 1956-08-17, 1 BvB 2/51, BverfGE 5, 85 [126]) that the German Reich has outlasted the collapse of 1945 and has never gone under or fallen, neither through capitulation nor through the exertion of foreign state authority in Germany by the Allies, nor in the later course of time; it still is an entity with legal capacity, even though it is not fully operable as a government due to a lack of organisation. The Federal Republic of Germany is not the successor of the German Reich.”

“The German Reich is classified for occupation in the 1937 borders by the UN mebership Allies. Under International Law, it exists in its 8/31/1939 borders though, and I might remind you that no German government has ever ratified the Corridor land grab, which makes that action not binding. The Federal Republic can proclaim all it wants that the current border is final, but that is only valid for its limited purpose during the Allied occupation. The Federal Republic does not speak for Germany/German Reich, but for the Allied control council.”

“If Poland had any dignity, they would have negotiated with Germany or fight an honorable one-on-one war over the dispute and not rely on the sneaky empires to do the fighting for them” (regarding a one on one fight, see Greater Poland uprising in response to Markus, also narrated here)

“Competing on the intellectual level for dominance, was and is not an option for Poles”

It would be too kind to refer to Markus as a technokraut, but even that would play into his mesh, re-animating his pseudo-dignity, that of a reborn Prussian warrior who, in truth, seeks to put across excuses to once again take lands stolen by Friedrich The Great et al; and to obfuscate that Germans had committed atrocities as well in times prior to World War II, much farther back still. That is, the sequence of historical punctuation does not merely start were it conveniently suits Nazi ideology. Nor do the facts conveniently fit the inclination to distort the context and extent of misdeeds against German civilians in those prior times. Goebbels would never lie and edit-out inconvenient facts (or non-facts), would he?

Carolyn says that I should thank her for editing my redundancy, but she ignores the fact that it, repetition, is made necessary by Nazi advocates repeating the same one-sided and inaccurate propaganda.

Because of their intransigence, it is unfortunately necessary then to repeat (to be “redundant”):

After World War I, Germany still had: All of what is now Kaliningrad/East Prussia; North-east parts of what is now Poland (Elblag/Elbing and even kept a few towns that were subject to referendums as to which nationality they would prefer - e.g. Olsztyn /Allenstein and some smaller ones); Germany kept outright Opole (Oppeln), Wroclaw (Breslau), Piła (Schneidemuhl), all lands and cities west of those cities; and all of Pomerania (what is now northwest Poland), lands west of Gydnia and Gdańsk (Danzig).

After WW I, Germany lost outright (only):

Poznań, which was boldly, audaciously even, but justifiably retaken by Poland, its being their original, ancient capital and an integral Polish city until it was taken by the Prussians in the late 1800’s.

Bromberg (Bydgoszcz) and Thorn (Toruń ) - these two relatively small cities were, as cities go, about Hitler’s best bone of contention. However, it is apparent that Versailles adjudged them to Poland as doing otherwise would have Germany extrude into Poland’s sea access and suggest an outpost for continued military incursions against Poland’s existence (as Germany obviously had no problem seeing Poland’s nationhood disappear just as it had prior to Versailles). Thus, giving these cities to Poland, which were also Polish in historical times, could have been sought to discourage the historical tendency to military incursion; provide logistical contiguity for Polish sea access; and compensate for the loss of some lands, such as Pomerania and other places, which had been Polish but were then destined to be German.

Danzig was made neutral - as it had been not only a German city, but a Polish city as well as a neutral city at times in history - Germans were nevertheless entitled to live there and did in vast majority.

Had Hitler been a better man, he would have taken such factors to account, recognizing that a relatively small amount of territory was lost in concession to Polish nationhood, that these were concessions with historical justification; and he would have appreciated that Germany was in fact, huge after World War I.

But he could not be placated. Even after conceded the valuable Sudetenland , he took all of Czechoslovakia - another dead-ringer as to his so-called defensive motives.

As for the land that Germany lost to Poland up to the Oder river after World War II, though not particularly Poland’s choice, rather Stalin’s, it is justifiable compensation and buffering: given Poland’s losses in the East; Nazi Germany’s having initiated such a cataclysmic war for its unwillingness to make such small concessions; instead betraying any idea of Eastern borders and the clearly demonstrated willingness,* ability and sacrifice that those nations had made in fighting The Soviet Union - a service to Germany and proof that Germany was not under threat of attack from the East; and would not have been if Nazi Germany could have managed to be a decent neighbor nation. But they were not, they stabbed the intervening Eastern nations in the back, with the objective to take control of their lands; and more - Table Talk making it clear that Hitler had in mind a German imperial enterprise of taking lands up to the Urals; casting Slavs into limited, subservient roles; any of their nationalists in between and in the way of those aims be damned.

* Poland had already demonstrated its willingness and ability to fight-off Soviet advances; Belarusian and Ukrainian nationals were more than willing to fight the Soviets as well; add countries such as Czech, Slovakia and more to the list. Nazi Germany did not want cooperation with them, it wanted dominion over their lands and people.


Andrew Anglin captions this image with, “Inspiration: There was actually a time when scenes such as this happened in real life.  And it is possible it could happen again.”

No thanks Andrew.

But what we can do is shore-up the borders as they are drawn for our discreet peoples and work to establish more sovereign territories for our discreet and mixed-European kinds on other continents. That accomplished, we will wonder why we did not think of that in the first place rather than fighting over the likes of the dank gray Baltic coast of Pomerania (coast from Szczecin to Gdańsk).

Poland’s borders now - reasonable after the historical circumstances.




This map, showing a still enormous and sprawling Germany after the Versailles treaty, illustrates German populations in green; and hence, where they were in Poland after the Versailles borders were set, basically confirming the trouble areas as I have outlined them - the most difficult being Bromberg and Thorn. *

In terms of overall territory, Germany’s complaint and concessions to Polish nationhood were small and relatively trivial.

Suggestions by Markus et al. that Hitler made reasonable proposals to solve these difficulties are prima-facie absurd: i.e., “negotiations with Hitler.” That’s really all you have to say to provoke a laugh in a normal person.

Regarding Danzig’s (Gdańsk’s) neutrality, contrary to what Hitler says, there are Poles who speak as sincerely that Gdańsk should be Polish on historical grounds. Historically, it had been held by Poles at times (including during its heyday). It had also been neutral at times. Versailles had made it neutral again and Germans could live there as they did in vast majority. Discussion of difficulties of that time only takes us back to the absurdity of having to rely on Nazi propaganda and supposedly reasonable deals from Hitler - i.e., “negotiations with Hitler.”

* But seriously, the ousting of ethnic Germans from Poznań in 1918 could have been highly disturbing, traumatic in fact, given that they had occupied the city as Posen for a few generations - in fact, there would have been nobody alive who remembered a time when it was Polish - after it was taken from the Poles by the Prussians (i.e., Poles were forced-out of their ancient capital). But the Poles were determined to take it back, Poznań, the ancient capital of the Polane, along with their nation at all, with its having been removed from the map for 123 years - a historical situation of Polish national non- existence that Nazi Germany and prior regimes of Germany were evidently content to maintain. Hence, the removal of German control apparently had to be done at least in part by force if the Poles were to have their nation back. Needless to say, Hitler would not be sympathetic to the motivation and historical grounds of the Poles. And we come back to the proposed “negotiations with Hitler” - i.e. an absurdity to any honest person. In fact, before someone like Markus suggest that something is owed to the Germans for this - Hitler got his revenge:

Fort VII

The prisoners were mostly Poles from the Wielkopolska region. Many were representatives of the region’s intelligentsia, often people who had been engaged in social and political life, as well as known Polish patriots and veterans of the Wielkopolska Uprising (1918–1919) and Silesian Uprisings.

According to different estimates, between 4,500 and 20,000 people, mostly Poles from Poznań and the surrounding region, died while imprisoned at the camp.


Posted by DanielS on October 23, 2014, 11:12 PM | #

I strongly suspect Graham is right to move what he calls “the F people” out of the conversation. But the following node allows for a summing-up and for them to be put-aside for a time.

You can include the F politics of Renegade, American Nationalist Network, needless to say Carolyn, as covered by this example, but the discussed example focused from Storm-Fronters to Daily Stormer (the two most popular WN-Fuher mongers now). That is, the Stormfronters (Don Black et al.) were saying that DS in particular, should not be criticized.

Some interesting indirect feedback has come of this and recent threads at MR.

Don Advo has said that WN’s should not criticize the F worshiping Daily Stormer “for using a more direct approach” other words he believes that they are saying the same European-friendly thing as any good WN, only louder.

Don Black “totally agreed” with Don Advo that we shouldn’t criticize the DS. Fromm agreed too, citing the “New Orleans Protocol” - this thing David Duke made up which I guess is supposed to say that you should treat Hitler like your buddy.

Well, a used car salesman can fool some of the people some of the time but can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

And here’s an example of what the DS is putting out that’ll fool some of the people, a post where Anglin uses “Ebonic language to ‘speak for the Poles.” Appearing on its discussion thread was

ELSE LÖSER’s protracted smear of Poles and Poland. Naturally Carolyn Yeager picked-it-up and ran with it, “oh, I was looking for this.”..  “This” is a hit piece which I first saw at Renegade and when people there like blutenboden, Markus et al., tried to uphold it as truth, I realized that I could not agree and get along with them.

Coming back to the aptly named MS Loser, Carolyn is now busily discussing her “truthfulness”  with Markus, along with some supposedly Polish guy who dutifully swears to its truth, Hadding (naturally) and (don’t laugh) Thorn - ha ha ha! Carolyn trusts Thorn’s word!

As she does Else’s

Hers is one of a few protracted diatribes against Poland (Czech etc.) that Nazis circulate. When I locate the other, I’ll include it here, but the other one cites absurdly exaggerated statistics of alleged atrocities against German civilians and other excuses for war [I have located it. This is apparently the one: - the Loser tract diatribe is just one of its links]. It is absolutely dishonest - Nazi propaganda that only someone as immoral as Carolyn Yeager could try to put across. Sad, alarming, but some believe this stuff, and worse, believe it is relevant and somehow characteristic now. As they do Ms. Loser’s particular diatribe.

Because its so long, I’ll keep my response terse; hopefully more won’t be necessary. Just a sample shows the speed of their “objectivity and concern for truth.”

It takes a perspective as Carolyn does, that “Polish people do this, they all do”

The first thing to note about Else Loser is that she grew up in that one most hot area of contention between Polish and German nationhood as I had mentioned: Bromberg (Bydgoszcz) and Thorn (Torun).

This was the spearhead of both Polish and German collective historical grievance against the other. The people in these areas were most threatened and subject to folk propaganda, inherited grudges, resentments embellished lest they be forgotten - the place where it was necessary to maintain the most anti-other narrative.

And she was born in and wrote of Poland in a post-war time when Poland was under communist control.

She begins her diatribe by fore-fronting her strongest argument - they got ‘em now! - Kopernikus was German.

One of the first discussions that I ever had with Carolyn was to tell her to take the crypt of this man to Germany and keep him.  He is not Polish, fine. I don’t care, don’t need him, wasn’t meditating on it in my life. Poles do not need him.

But in thinking about why some would have (wrongly) claimed his Polishness historically, note again where Kopernikus was born - that same area of hot contention. He was born in Thorn (the adjacent town to Bromberg/Bydgoszcz). Not only was he born in Thorn/Torun, but politically, Kopernikus took the side of Poland and Polish nationhood against the brutality of The Teutonic Knights (another regime admired by the F god. The Teutonic Knights in fact took Gdansk from the Poles after the Poles held it for a time; the Teutonic Knights conducting themselves treacherously, brutally, gruesomely in the take-over there as they had elsewhere). Kopernikus recognized this, took the side of the Poles and he was associated with the spear point of Torun. Thus, it may have seemed politically expedient to shore up Polish nationhood at that spear point against it; and with that, enfranchise a prominent figure taking their (Polish side).

Knowing Poles, Poland, I can confidently say that Loser’s is a colossal smear that only people who really want to believe it, like Carolyn and Markus, would fall-for. But what can you expect from people who admire a regime that burned Polish libraries?

They characterize Poland as this, that, and the other way unable and unworthy of nationhood - how convenient and how interesting that this was written in 1982, when Lech Walesa was being jailed for protesting in an effort to achieve Polish sovereignty from the Soviet Union.

But Ms. Loser says, see? Poland can’t run a nation. It was 1982, the Soviet Union is in control, Poland is leading the way among nations under its control to bring it down, but she and Carolyn say never mind.

And now, after 20 years of nationhood, Poland having the largest growth in GNP in the world from 1994 - 2004, her kind are still wanting to remove Polish nationhood.

Like Ms. Loser, Carolyn is sure it has always been true that Poland doesn’t deserve a nation…as Hitler was sure after just 20 years in 1939..

As Friedrich the “Great” was sure just after a newly reborn Poland established the world’s second Constitutional Republic after the US. Never mind, F the G needed to remove Poland’s nationhood.

And so Poland had their language not their nation. Ms Loser and fellows will make a big deal then about Poland valuing its language and historical narratives as a means to keep its people and nation together despite its political absence; as a means to preserve collective memory and aim to restore their geographical nation. fact, they will try to say that Poland was never a nation…the Polans were never there, the Pomeranians, the Silesians, the Mazurians the Vistulans…all a product of that “Polish imagination.”


It is a very nasty strategy that the Nazis deploy to try to erase the history of peoples. I can’t imagine doing that. But..

...that is the Nazi propaganda put forth by Ms. Loser, consumed wholesale by Carolyn, Markus and the other Nazi freaks.

New Orleans Protocol, Dave? We shouldn’t disparage the DS and others speaking the same way, only louder, Don Advo?

Don’t get me wrong Don Advo, you do many things very well, that is why I address you. Because I expect better.


Another map showing Bromberg and Thorn located at critical border points - in this case, at the border of the Hansa League.

Note that along with the map of German speaking peoples above, the map of Western Slavic tribes above also reveals that Bromberg and Thorn were at the dividing point between the Polan and Mazurian Polish tribes.

Carolyn goes on to try to suggest that Poles are not truly a genetic/racial European group. All evidence belies her absurdity, of course:

If this segment of Hitler’s table talk does not disabuse the listener of Hitler admiration then they are indeed, hopeless:

There is a difference here, though, as Hitler is so plain in his intentions of colonization up to the Urals and in his intentions for the Slavs that well, I laughed and I laughed hard at his absurdity.




Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 05:56 | #

“A frequent commentator at Carolyn Yeager’s blog ...”  DanielS

I don’t have a blog, you dolt. YOU have a blog. I have a fully functioning website named


Posted by Franklin Ryckaert on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:07 | #

Hitler was a supremacist German imperialist who wanted to expand his country to the East (“Lebensraum”) at the cost of the Slavs whom he considered to be racially inferior (“Untermenschen”). It is absurd to portray such a man as a paragon of white nationalism, which is an ideology that seeks the independence and mutual cooperation of all peoples of European descent and this in an accepted multiracial global context. There is little of use in Hitler for our cause, rather to be associated with him is an unnecessary burden.

People like Carolyn Yeager who keep on harping on the alleged “superiority” of Germans and glorify operation Barbarossa, a lost cause that cannot be morally defended, are a liability to our cause.

There is yet another class of people who are fascinated by the Third Reich. These are motivated by a juvenile admiration for the uniforms, symbols and pageantry of the Third Reich, rather than its actual policies. To these people I would say : “Grow up and accept moral responsibility in the real world”.


Posted by neil vodavzny on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:33 | #

With reference to there is an almost irresolvable obstacle in that liberal scientism is reductionist. Even to specify DNA is to reduce the srgument to the domain of algorithms and data.

Gene-maestro Dawkins uses the term meme for the hypothetical extrusion of genetic characteristics into the social sphere. The term has been adopted with enthusiasm by social-media and has come to mean any characteristic of the herd. It’s now pretty much ubiquitous as a lazy way of typecasting a social trend.
The people in this one are literally sticking their heads in our direction, tonguing the e-cam so to speak. This herdlike meme is designed for human cattle, with no mental independence to call their own.

Memes are herdlike behaviour, possibly even robotic, and one should be aware of their influence. This points to the possibility that DNA itself has a robotic influence, if pursued for scientific aims. I would say it should always be seen in a historic context. You might say, maybe, DNA-ancestry of English, Welsh, Scots, Irish. This is explicitly racial, but not reductionist.

The point is not that DNA isn’t there, but that scientism is data-oriented. It is inherently biased toward the herd and away from individuals. The fact that DNA is data is the mere tip of the iceberg: everything that makes us what we are is not data. It’s process, balance, dynamic tension. The process is creatively-intelligent.

I had an epiphany recently while talking to a couple of women viewing Yoko Ono’s Skyladder (at a local library). The first line goes: “Audience should choose a ladder they like..” typical Ono in other words. Then it hit me she was referencing the installation in 60s London featuring a real stepladder which Lennon climbed, making some pithy comment. I has been talking in clichés, oh this is obtuse, stranded with other viewers in cliché-ville.

Taking these 2 together: ie the tendency to cliché, and in-your-face social-media, one could add a third. I’ve taken to listening to a French station called Nostalgie, and noticed the value-orientation of lyrics. There’s the France Gall classic Resiste:

Prouve que tu existes
Cherche ton bonheur partout, va,
Refuse ce monde égoïste

The theme of this is basically “pay attention”, don’t be suckered, be yourself. This is pretty typical. To put it in a temporal context, the music of the 60s,70s has a creative freedom you don’t get now. There’s a folkloric spirit in retro-pop, particularly the French variety. Individual idiosyncrasy was paramount which now the force of technology and social-media conspire against. A typical modern pop-song is like ambience for plankton (Coldplay say). With all these examples you have essentially the same syndrome: a lack of content.

Now, without content it’s impossible to rebel since you have nothing to rebel against. If you take the France Gall lyric, it’s saying be your own tradition, have a foundation to call your own. Here is what I think. We have facts which are relatable to computers. We have complexity and obfuscation. DNA is pure data, whereas DNA-ancestry is a historical lineage. This means a branching structure similar to a fractal. It is a process, a historical process. If we think DNA, we are thinking robotically, ie that we are programmed by DNA.

That’s not it. If it were we would have no history or tradition. Those are what program our minds with appropriate and sufficient content. It is then feasible to say that we are the products of DNA-ancestry, but we are not robots. Pay attention! There’s a multiple of differences between the two world views. The best robots could become the new Nazis, no problem. See this link The ugly maze-like Enlightenment still pervades our world view and needs to be ditched.


Posted by HaddingBlot on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:06 | #

This has been boldened as the ignorant, lying Nazi-dog, Hadding Scott, naturally chose to ignore it:

of course this is just one among many examples in which he makes that plain

Again, what is so tedious is that this is all too easy. Nevertheless, the demented Hadding always uses this modus operandi of trying to attack one example, tangling it up (and not even doing anything like a convincing job of it - as if that quote from Mein Kampf does NOT indicate colonial intent. No Hadding, it is you who is the ignorant fool) diversionary nitpicking, hair-spitting, would be endless dissimulation. Hadding is more of a Jew at pilpul than a Jew.

Disgusting person.

But one has to go into yet another of the abundant examples if one is to counter Hadding’s puerile devotion to Hitler, and so on it goes -

Want another example of Hitler’s imperialism Hadding and Carolyn?

Listen to Carolyn’s own reading (the idiot hangs herself):

Carolyn’s dishonesty, her constant misrepresentation of others motives, other Europeans, her incessant bad will aimed at instigating inter-European strife, vividly illustrates the kind of bitch that she is, the kind instrumental to generating the catastrophic inter-European wars. And she won’t stop it. She makes it plain why people would have hated Nazis so much by war’s end and would have seen women like her as no innocent civilian at all.


Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:32 | #

I think you’re not quite right in the head, Daniel. You are becoming hysterical when you write:

“She makes it plain why people would have hated Nazis so much by war’s end and would have seen women like her as no innocent civilian at all.”

You are entering the area of condoning British/American bombing of German women civilians (by the hundreds of thousands) and Russian raping of German women (estimated at over a million) because “they weren’t innocent (of being Nazis).”

This bombing and raping included their children too. You make it plain that you hate Nazis so much you see red at the very thought.

BTW, you are the one who is ignorant to think that adding “this is just one among many examples” exculpates you from your error in presenting this particular paragraph as an example of Hitler’s “evil Lebensraum policy” in Eastern Europe.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 16:36 | #

Posted by Carolyn Yeager on October 14, 2014, 09:32 AM | #

“I think you’re not quite right in the head, Daniel.”

I’m fine dear, thanks for your concern.

“You are becoming hysterical when you write:”

Not hysterical, just don’t like dishonesty and pilpul

“She makes it plain why people would have hated Nazis so much by war’s end and would have seen women like her as no innocent civilian at all.”

That’s right, your hatred of other Europeans breeds hatred, that’s that way it is - it’s plain.

You are entering the area of condoning British/American bombing of German women civilians (by the hundreds of thousands) and Russian raping of German women (estimated at over a million) because “they weren’t innocent (of being Nazis).”

This bombing and raping included their children too. You make it plain that you hate Nazis so much you see red at the very thought.

No dear.  You are entering an area where you are instigating war against other Europeans, inciting violence against them and thereby answering questions as to how some people can come to hate someone specifically like YOU that much.  When you instigate war and killing of peoples you have to realize that there is going to be rage.

When your politics lead to lives and families being destroyed, they will be looking to people like you and you will be inclined to feign bewilderment, as if you don’t know where this rage came from. Now you don’t have that excuse.

“BTW, you are the one who is ignorant to think that adding “this is just one among many examples”

On the contrary, Hitler is consistent in his intentions - these are pseudo “philosophical” excuses for his policies. More, he speaks plainly of his imperialist intentions in the very last episode of Table Talk that you were bold enough to read.

“exculpates you from your error in presenting this particular paragraph as an example of Hitler’s “evil Lebensraum policy” in Eastern Europe.”

Come off it dear. It is part of consistent pattern.

Moreover, I want to correct you about something. I am not “pro-Polish” I am pro-European peoples AND very much for their discreet, sovereign kinds.

To you, not hating Poles and defending them when they are being defamed is being “pro-Polish.”

I am against European fighting and warring against each other. It just so happens this is the fight you pick, a situation that I am able to answer a bit better; and so I step-up to answer. It’s awkward because I know that you are going to say that my being half Polish means that I care predominantly about Poles and am against Germans, etc. It’s not true.

I am not against Germans period. 99 percent of the ones I’ve ever known are very fine (nothing like you).

I am not against German nationalism. I hope and argue for a 97 percent native German population of their nation(s). I am not for theirs or any European nation’s exploitation. I am for symbiosis.

Again, I never hear Poles saying that they dislike Germans, not in my home growing up and not in years in Poland.

Being against Hitler and Nazism is something else. He was not a nationalist.  He was an imperialist, a supremacist and a military man inclined to military means. He and his regime were a reaction to the Jewish virus and the overly punitive economic terms of Versailles. We have all overcompensated in rage to provocations at times only to look back and think we would do things a bit differently if given the advantage of perspicuous hindsight.

I don’t agree with those who say that we should do away with the word Nazism. It is a useful word because it provides a way to distinguish a rogue, imperialist, supremacist military regime - a reaction distinct from normal, self interested German nationalism, Germans and even National Socialism proper.

When you read some article forwarded by Markus about a Polish stolen car ring, do you think that I excuse them and think that’s ok? Of course it isn’t.

You cite the I.Q. statistics of nations, but the statistics are deceptive with regard to Poles. My understanding is that they have the widest differential in Europe. A smaller middle range, more stupid people but also more geniuses per capita than other European nations.

What is probably happening is that people like you and Markus are citing patterns of some of the retards. And those sorts will be like trying to kick over stumps if you try to push them around; gnarly people (they are probably an evolutionary adaptation). But the geniuses like Różycki, Rejewski and Zygalski may crack your “enigma”, taking a more cerebral means to thwart your wish to abuse these people .

While corruption and stolen car rings are not excusable, Poland has only been a free country (for argument’s sake, though we can agree that all are Zog occupied) for a little over 20 years but absurdly you, Hadding and Markus try to embellish pejorative patterns on the basis of a few decades.

Come to think of it, the last time Poland recovered its nation for about 20 years after a long absence, the Nazis took aim.

Try to get your mind around the idea of coordination. CO-ORDI-NATION: it means that nations are ordered, parallel, aligned, not sacrificing their genetic kind and resources, rather reconstructing theirs and not interfering with one another.

We both want that. I do not want non-Germans inundating Germany and intermarrying with them. Like all normal people, I value the different European kinds. I want to help cooperate in the reconstruction of German homelands; the primary difference between you and I is that you pretty much Only care about Germans whereas I am interested in seeing that for all European peoples and their discreet kinds. If you want to only care about Germans that’s fine. It does not preclude coordination’s non-interference aspect.

BTW, I had cousins in Mussolini’s army and I do not complain about the Russians, etc, defending their nation. I guess that they thought they were going to win with Hitler and it didn’t work out. I am sad for the deaths on all sides; I am neither guilty nor proud.

Oh, I can see Germans being proud of some capacities on display as I may be impressed by Caesar coming away victorious after being sent on a suicide mission against the Gauls. But really, I am not happy about the loss of those Gauls. I would rather he not have undertaken the campaign. Still, I am neither proud nor guilty. Hitler can be viewed a bit like Caesar - an impressive military campaigner but yielding questionable results on equally questionable objectives.

I guess Nazi Germany thought they were going to win and they overcompensated in reaction to the virus. We all know what it is like to overreact, to be in a state where we are not our authentic selves but overcome by the desire to make the affliction stop.

I am not laying guilt trips on present day Germans. Nor am I guilty.

You can look back all you want, but Poland wanted their nation and Hitler was not trusted. Look, they gave him the Sudetenland and what did he do?

The Poles cracked enigma. So, they had some idea of his intentions from that as well as from his open writings, statements, intentionality evident in his military build-up in defiance of the Versailles Treaty. Finally, he was clear in his actions.

You say that Slavs would have been better off being ruled by Germans. Well they didn’t want that.

Hitler was caught up in Friedrich the Greatness and his eastward thrust (as is your friend Markus), its a kind of myopia - one idea.

Poland was stabbed in the back after fighting the Soviets and having showed clearly that they were against the Soviets.

Poland had proved its willingness and ability to fight the Soviets, The Belarusians and Ukrainians would have proved that too, given the chance. More, they would have shown recognition of the J.Q. such that coordination in the transfer agreement could have been managed - certainly with no more effort than the violent inter European war that happened instead.

The best plan would be to get it right this time, to cooperate in our sovereignties and toward separatism from Jews and other non-Whites. And as far as land, work to establish additional sovereign territories on other continents rather than fighting over what is here.


Posted by Franklin Ryckaert on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 19:20 | #

Carolyn Yeager makes it appear as if Hitler only wanted to invade Russia up to the Urals in order to defeat Bolshevism. But if that were really the case he could easily have won as allies in that fight the Baltic states, Belorussia and the Ukraine and perhaps even a great number of Russians too (see the case of general Andrej Vlasov). But Hitler didn’t see the Slavs as equals, he saw them as inferiors (“Untermenschen”) and wanted to colonize their lands. That appears clearly from his Table Talk, proudly quoted by Carolyn Yeager herself.

I do not see what use the image of this man has for us white nationalists who seek self-determination and respectful cooperation for all European peoples.


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 20:52 | #

Just wondering seeing how WN believe in racial determination for higher IQ rates and Ashkenazi Jews are regarding as the smartest race followed by North East Asians is it not logical that they should dominate certain fields in western civilisations?


Posted by Anonymous on Fri, 31 Oct 2014 08:18 | #

Would you want to be ruled by people who fear and hate you? I doubt it. The problem with Jews was never their wealth or power per se, but the destructive ends they put these things to.

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

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