BNP party political broadcast

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 23 May 2009 11:21.

This is the film produced for the BNP’s solitary ppb.  Heavy on old-fashioned patriotism, no horse-frightening on repatriation.



Posted by Bill on Sat, 23 May 2009 13:18 | #

Glad you put this up GW, I tried earlier without success.

Not bad, not bad at all.  Just about the right tone.


Posted by maxsnafu on Sun, 24 May 2009 19:49 | #


“My point is that it is easy to be a prissy multiculturalist from a position of security; to be a bleeding-heart egalitarian from a position of dominance; and to be a self-righteous Marxist from a position of comfort. Leftist historiography might serve to assuage the guilt of wealthy, socially-conscious idleness, but the fact remains that Britain was built not by self-apologizing, compassionate, comfortable, easy-going, liberal, and politically correct metrosexuals, but by intelligent, ambitious, disciplined, strong, brave, and formidable White men — men whose descendants come from Europe — who actively and openly strived for betterment and glory.”

I couldn’t have said it better.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 May 2009 19:54 | #

The BNP website appears to be down.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 May 2009 20:51 | #

From Simon Darby’s blog:-

BNP Website Under Attack

The main BNP website is currently down due to a massive Denial of Service Attack. The site was attacked last night, at one point dealing with 28 million hits, but we managed to block out the traffic which was emanating from Eastern Europe and Russia.

The size of the assault today is unparalleled and there is no doubt that whoever has organised this has had to pay out a serious amount of money to the criminal underworld.

On Friday the servers of Clear Channel, part of a huge conglomerate that provides billboard advertising, suffered a similar attack. Their IT professionals tracked the criminal activity back to a notorious “anti-fascist” organisation openly aligned to the Labour Party and supported by the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. This organisation was protesting at the decision by Clear Channel to allow the BNP to display advertising in support of our European Election Campaign.

As a consequence of the criminal actions against Clear Channel we understand that their legal team is currently in the process of issuing writs against the perpetrators which as well as civil actions will involve the possibility of potential criminal charges including racketeering.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 24 May 2009 22:31 | #

Relative to GW’s disclosure of two massive cyber attacks, one on the BHP, the other on an organization for its having permitted the BNP’s campaign ads:  the side opposed to the BNP 1) are not democratic, and 2) are looking desperate.  Their opposition to democracy is important:  they will employ any filthy tactics in order to win, and once won, to keep things that way.  Any filthy tactics.  Yet, while doing all this they will scream the loudest that the BNP are “anti-democratic” and “fascist.” 

This crowd are among the filthiest filth imaginable.


Posted by White Preservationist on Sun, 24 May 2009 23:43 | #

Regarding the censorious attack on the BNP website, in this comment earlier today (before I just learned here that the BNP website had been cyberattacked and shut down) I wrote:

Luckily the internet is helping to tear all of this down and in a couple of decades at the most the Jewish-corrupted/Jewish-owned mass-media will have been replaced by the more free and uncensored internet…but that’s assuming organized Jewry doesn’t take steps to censor and control internet content sometime in the near future (which I think they will).

There is no doubt that organized Jewry and their allies are behind the attacks on the BNP website which are emanating from Eastern Europe.  Jewry is currently re-establishing a major presence in Eastern Europe which it is using to foment distrust between Eastern and Western Europe and in order to generally control trade and economic relations between those two sections of Europe (i.e., no trade between Western and Eastern Europe will be allowed to occur without the permission, ‘assistance,’ and ‘expertise’ of Jewish economic middlemen).


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 25 May 2009 00:22 | #

A panicky interference in the “democratic” process: BBC reports, British archbishops unite against the BNP. Would perhaps do better to lecture the three main parties on Christian morality.

Does anybody care? What’s the attendance rate in England (among Whites)?

Why is the Anglican Church doing this? The twin demons of liberalism and modernism are firmly in charge of this irrelevant and folkloric institution. Didn’t Rowan Williams participate some years ago in a pagan Celtic ceremony? That was the most useful thing he ever did.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 May 2009 00:26 | #

Why the website was targeted:-

BNP attracts more clicks than all other major parties

BNP attracts more clicks than all other major parties online, according to a new analysis of the far-right strategy in the run up to next month’s European elections.

Fresh evidence suggests that the BNP is outdoing Labour and the Conservatives in luring visitors to its website, where it outlines policies such as halting immigration, the reintroduction of corporal punishment and the return of the death penalty.

The statistics came as the Archbishops of Canterbury and York urged voters yesterday not to let the ongoing MPs’ expenses scandal convince them to vote BNP in June.

Dr Matthew Goodwin of Manchester University and editor of The New Extremism in 21st Century Britain, argues that the BNP is engaged in an “unprecedented” cyber-campaign. Figures from Alexa, which measure the level of traffic to internet sites over the past three months, reveal the BNP is far ahead of the other mainstream parties’ websites. The BNP’s site is ranked globally as the 46,000th most popular site on the internet.

The Conservatives sit in 165,000th place, the Liberal Democrats are 198,000th leaving Labour way back about 248,000th. The relative popularities are confirmed by Google Trends for websites, which reveals online interest in the BNP persistently spiking ahead of the mainstream parties.

The figures from Alexa also show the BNP registering more traffic than highly publicised political blogs such as Guido Fawkes. They also reveal that once logged on, surfers spend twice the amount of time checking out the BNP’s ideas compared to those on the Conservative website – 6.3 minutes a day compared to 2.7 minutes. But the figures don’t take account of the fact that Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem blogging and internet sites are far more profuse.


Posted by Darren on Mon, 25 May 2009 01:16 | #


Probably the spammers.


Posted by weston on Mon, 25 May 2009 01:41 | #

My understanding of Alexa is that it only tracks internet use of those who have installed its toolbar.  So its ratings likely suffer from sample-size issues and are therefore unrepresentative of internet traffic as a whole.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 May 2009 01:48 | #

Can’t be, Weston — that would mean the proportion of BNP readership who’ve taken the step of installing the Alexa toolbar must be comparatively huge to come up with the figure cited above.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 May 2009 01:56 | #

Here’s the BNP’s page at Alexa: .

Look at the graph — their rating has soared starting something like two weeks ago.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 May 2009 02:22 | #

That traffic rating of 42,000 reflects what it was before it soared, being a three-month average.  Its rating right at the moment is obviously way higher but Alexa doesn’t calculate ratings on a weekly basis.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 May 2009 02:24 | #

That “6.3 minutes on the site” you see there is also very, very respectable.


Posted by weston on Mon, 25 May 2009 03:34 | #

Can’t be, Weston — that would mean the proportion of BNP readership who’ve taken the step of installing the Alexa toolbar must be comparatively huge to come up with the figure cited above.

But that’s not outside the realm of possibility if the total number of toolbar users is relatively small.  All sorts of implausible things can happen if a small enough sample size is used. 

That said, I was incorrect.  They apparently use Google searches in their calculations as well.


Posted by cladrastis on Mon, 25 May 2009 04:23 | #

Well, it’s a start.  My only concern…why no mention of the banksters who run the show from the shadows?


Posted by EX-TORY on Mon, 25 May 2009 14:15 | #

Some more encouraging news—

BNP expected to receive 40% of the vote in the European elections:

“Small parties such as the BNP are on the rise. In 1998 they took 7% of the vote in local elections; last year that figure had risen to 15%. Recent opinion polls suggest they will receive about 40% of votes in the European elections next month. Old tribal loyalties are melting away to be replaced by new, more disturbing ones.”

According to The Scotsman:

“. . . the confluence of the war on terror, the credit crunch and the public’s incandescent rage at the expenses scandal which has debased parliament has produced a perfect storm” for the BNP.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 May 2009 14:28 | #

According to The Scotsman:  “. . . the confluence of the war on terror, the credit crunch and the public’s incandescent rage at the expenses scandal which has debased parliament has produced a perfect storm” for the BNP.  (—EX-TORY)

That The Scotsman left out immigration and race-replacement was no accident:  that’s part of the other side’s strategy — never admit it’s a problem whether objectively or even in people’s minds.  My view?  It’s THE major problem in people’s minds.

That omission was NO ACCIDENT.  It was CALCULATED.



Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 May 2009 14:32 | #

The website is back up at last.  Simon Darby reports the following:-

1. The Counter Terrorism Unit at Scotland Yard is now investigating.

2. MI5 have now been alerted to this incident which has serious implications for UK security.

3. The Labour Party aligned “Searchlight” organisation is now being investigated by the Metropolitan Police for a similar attack on the servers of Clear Channel. The situation is compounded by the fact that “Searchlight” actually works for the Metropolitan Police.

For any of our American readers who are not familiar with Searchlight, it is the ADL of the UK in that it is connected to the political parties and to government, but its anti-white operation more closely resembles that of the SPLC.


Posted by EX-TORY on Mon, 25 May 2009 14:46 | #

Yes. When I first heard of the attack, Searchlight or UAF immediately sprung to mind as the most likely perpetrator.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 May 2009 15:07 | #

“Yes. When I first heard of the attack, Searchlight or UAF immediately sprung to mind as the most likely perpetrator.”  (—EX-TORY)

In a normal world there would be a public backlash against this that would create a windfall for the BNP.  In the world we inhabit the ruling media overlords won’t let that happen of course.  They’ll find some way to either neutralize it or actually turn it against the BNP.  Just watch.


Posted by EX-TORY on Mon, 25 May 2009 15:14 | #

Or ignore the story altogether.


Posted by OPPOSE THE BNP on Mon, 25 May 2009 16:30 | #

Screw the BNP!

All of the rising “nationalist parties” in Europe have one detestable thing in common: they either support the Jews, or they have no clear position on the Jewish question. The BNP membership is largely pro-Jewish and pro-Israel, even though the official stance on Israel is one of indifference. The BNP have openly Jewish supporters and councillors. Nick Griffin is on record stating that he is against Moslem antisemitism. He is on record stating that six million Jews were killed by the Germans during WWII. Crossing the Channel, virtually all of the increasingly mainstream “nationalist” and far-right parties in Europe, from the Netherlands to Hungary, are pro-Jewish. Geert Wilders wants to end immigration and to repatriate Moslems, but guess what? He supports Israel. All of these phony nationalists, the BNP included, should be rejected and opposed.

In fact, contrary to the political strategy of such parties, we should not even be fighting or scapegoating the Moslems. I don’t care if they are Moslems living in Europe, or Moslems from abroad. Like it or not, the Moslems are the only people activately fighting against organised Jewry, and they should therefore be wholeheartedly supported. For we have a common enemy.

We need to go back to the original strategy and political philosophy as laid out and practiced by such thinkers as David Duke and George Lincoln Rockwell. Such an approach has infinitely more potential of yielding fruitful gain than the recent political strategies of the European nationalist Right. For it is impossible to reverse race replacement without identifying the underlying root cause thereof—namely, Jewish political activities. This is not a mere “academic question”, relevant to history but irrelevant to political strategy. A true understanding of Jewish activities is a matter of racial survival. And to the extent that the nationalist right distances itself, as it is now doing, from Holocaust revisionism, the Jewish question, and German National Socialist philosophy, to that same extent we will fail in achieving our long-term goal of preserving the white race and defeating international Jewry.

I therefore call upon all of you to REJECT the growing nationalist parties of Europe, and find ALTERNATIVE parties or political groups that follow the CORRECT line on the Jewish question, Holocaust revisionism, and political ideology.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 May 2009 16:46 | #

It’s down again!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 May 2009 17:04 | #

A trio of excellent log entries up today over at VFR:

Read them at your own risk!  (Risk of a quarter of an hour of considerable pleasure and satisfaction)


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 25 May 2009 19:05 | #

Screw the BNP!

Get a fucking clue, dipshit.  You’re going to have to be a little sneaky about getting those cattle cars rolling.  The lemming public, now brimming over with jewmedia induced sympathy for the Holiest of all Parasites, will be more open to dealing with the Jooze once they have seen how easy and effective it was to ship out the muds.  Get it?


Posted by OPPOSE THE BNP on Mon, 25 May 2009 19:19 | #


You, sir, like the BNP, are a traitor. You are basically suggesting that an Ian Jobling-style political strategy has better markability than a true nationalism rooted in a thorough understanding of the Jewish question. Ian Jobling, like you, believes that the Jewish question is a distraction from immigration reductionism, and that it only serves to associate us with Nazism and thereby dissuade people from supporting and voting for us. That is a capital error. The truth, sir, is that we cannot reverse immigration unless we identify its underlying root cause — Jewish political activities — and then disseminate this crucial information to the public. There is no use opposing and scapegoating Moslem immigrants — the only people actively fighting against Zionism; indeed, to do so is to take away the few allies with whom we should be openly uniting.

I don’t care if Nick Griffin is on his way to becoming the next Prime Minister by adopting a Jobling-style political strategy — if his underlying philosophy and goals are unsound, his success means our failure, and he should therefore be resolutely opposed.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 25 May 2009 20:09 | #

You, sir, like the BNP, are a traitor.

LOL!  And you, “sir”, are a nitwit.

You are basically suggesting that an Ian Jobling-style political strategy has better markability

Marketability is key.  You can’t market the idea of the Jews as inhuman vampires and parasites (as Richards is attempting) just_quite_yet; sorry.

Ian Jobling, like you, believes that the Jewish question is a distraction from immigration reductionism,

Bullshit, I’m for complete expulsion of all Jews from White lands, it just ain’t gonna fly right now.

and that it only serves to associate us with Nazism and thereby dissuade people from supporting and voting for us.


Uh, we damned well have to disassociate ourselves from Nazism now because it has been rendered perceived moral poison in the minds of the lemmings.  Nor would it have been prudent to have let the German people know that Himmler received a tickle in his pants from witnessing mass machine gunnings of Jews (see Irving).

The truth, sir, is that we cannot reverse immigration unless we identify its underlying root cause — Jewish political activities — and then disseminate this crucial information to the public.

That is what we do here and at other sites.  The lemmings are not ready for that yet, they must be primed first.

There is no use opposing and scapegoating Moslem immigrants — the only people actively fighting against Zionism; indeed, to do so is to take away the few allies with whom we should be openly uniting.

You have it ass backwards, there is no point in laying any kind of ground work for cooperation and consideration for muds in our midst.  They are the most visible manifestation of the problem, so our political hacks attack them, where as we, those of the ‘true faith’ continue to attack Jews, and then get the hacks to attack the Jews when the time is right.

if his underlying philosophy and goals are unsound, his success means our failure, and he should therefore be resolutely opposed.

Do you know nothing of the necessity of building momentum?  A car cannot go from 0 - 60 in 0 seconds.

Besides, this is the English we are talking about, I’ll bet GW got a lump in his throat seeing the parts of the video where saving civilization from the fucking “Krauts” (LOL!) was described.  Let them have their fun and do it their way.


Posted by White Preservationist on Mon, 25 May 2009 21:44 | #

Re:OPPOSE THE BNP…you make a lot of good points regarding the Jewish problem, and we here at MR and elsewhere (likely including many in the BNP) are fully aware of the issues surrounding the Jewish problem. 

However, what you are proposing is clearly too fanatical and immediate for the masses to stomach and accept.  The BNP is the best hope for reversing the Islamification and immigration invasion which is happening to the UK right now, and as such it must be supported even if it currently takes a pro-Jewish stance.

As Captainchaos wrote: “Do you know nothing of the necessity of building momentum?  A car cannot go from 0 - 60 in 0 seconds.”  Baby steps and the building of a wide base of support are in order right now…in time the Jewish problem will be dealt with again (especially as more people become aware of the problem via the uncensored internet), but right now were going to have to settle with the BNP (which is of course far preferable to the other parties) even if they currently take a soft stance on the Jewish problem.


Posted by q on Mon, 25 May 2009 21:47 | #

To propose we can jump from our weak unpopular position to full-out WN is wishful thinking.

It’s going to take quite awhile to break free from the psychological prison the Marxist-PC-Thought-Police forced the WHITE “lemmings” into; after all, “the long march through our institutions” took at least 70 years - and it is still marching. 

As the pros say: “Politics is the art of the possible.” I’m confident the BNP’s leadership understand that concept very well.


Posted by DRS on Mon, 25 May 2009 21:47 | #

OPPOSE THE BNP. If you want to ‘oppose the BNP’ then may I suggest you start a ‘true’ nationalist party of your own. Or join one that’s closer to your ideals if it exists:

Be prepared to donate money, go out leafleting, recruit new members, get people to stand for election, canvass during elections, do high street paper sales etc, etc.

If your not willing to do any of that then your just another ball-less keyboard jockey clouding up cyberspace with your digital hot air.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 25 May 2009 22:17 | #

Is the “R Mason” Lawrence “exterminationist anti-anti-semite” Austard quotes in the first and third links Fred provides above (Intelligent, upright Britons are mad as hell and they’re not taking it any more and Do the British people not have the right to exist as a people?) our esteemed compatriot Rusty Mason?

RFLMAO at the mere thought it might be.


Posted by Britannia on Mon, 25 May 2009 23:16 | #

I’m no fan of the BNP’s recent change of attitudes regarding the jewish question, but after thinking it through I can see why they’ve done it.  The muslims have already been tarnished to the point of no return in the eyes of the british public, they number 2 million (although I think that figure is actually much higher personally) and they are a much more visible and hostile group with virtually no influence in the media, government or academia to counter attack the BNP’s claims.  They are a much more effective rallying point for the British public.  The jews on the other hand are much more organised, they hold a lot of sway in the media and government, they only number around 300,000 and being the chameleons that they are, they are hardly visibly at all.

Nick Griffin has produced rivisionist literature in the past and I’m sure he’s no fan of them either, but he’s doing what needs to be done.  With the Blacks and asians out of the way, the jews effectively lose much of their support base for the multicult philosophy they’ve thrown down our throats.

The muslims are potential allies you’re right, but I don’t want them in the UK anymore than I want the jews there.  Do you propose that we let the muslims stay in Europe if they help rid us of the jewish problem.  That doesn’t exactly fit into the nationalist philosophy anymore than getting the jews onside does.  The muslims pose more of a demographic threat to Europe than the jews ever will.

The BPP, National Front and the Integralist Party just don’t have what it takes to win the public over IMHO.  John Alan Mullatoson’s One World Nazi Party has more chance of succeeding than those cowboy outfits.


Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 26 May 2009 00:17 | #

With respect to the BNP’s Alexa rating, it’s perhaps more instructive to compare it to the websites of other political parties, as well as its overall ranking nationally among all websites.

The BNP has an Alexa ranking of 42,488 (1,589th most visited website in the UK)

Conservative Party is ranked 148,247 (4,219th in UK)

Liberal Democrats are ranked 182,958 (6,432th in UK)

Labour Party is ranked 230,058 (8,496th in UK)

UKIP is ranked 371,021 (8,299th in UK)

The Greens are ranked 413,099 (11,617th in UK)

The low ranking of the Labour Party is rather surprising. As another comparator, the Democratic Party in the USA stands at 66,157 in Alexa and 27,592th in national ranking.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 May 2009 01:09 | #

Those stats must be scaring the establishment to death, Dan Dare.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 May 2009 01:13 | #

The BNP had better watch out — when somebody is scared to death he’ll do anything to “save himself”:  the BNP had better prepare to be blind-sided by dirty tricks they hadn’t expected in addition to the ones they had.  The other side may lash out in some really underhanded way in an effort to save itself from disaster.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 May 2009 01:14 | #

The hallmark of the other side is, of course, it can’t win in a fair fight.


Posted by Rusty Mason on Tue, 26 May 2009 04:45 | #

Hello, Tan.  Nope it wasn’t me.  I’m finding it difficult to get worked up about anything just now, it’s all so monotonously awful.  I’ve taken up Shakespeare and have been diving deeper into my Latin and Greek lately, waiting for ... hell, I don’t know what.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 May 2009 15:47 | #

Soren, I realize you were writing with tongue in cheek there but just in case anyone actually does misinterpret that statement of mine, it was not any sort of call to violence

(On the other hand, I’m on record as advocating fully and stringently legal arrests, trials, and for those found guilty, the harshest punishments the law allows, all strictly according to the letter and spirit of the law, once the current forced race-replacment régime of genocide and natiocide, national death, has been pried loose from around our necks and thrown off.)

(Soren by the way, thanks for sending the link to that additional speech by Norman Lowell:  the videos were a pleasure to watch.)

Incidentally, for those whose high school French is still serviceable here’s a good interview with Bruno Gollnisch in which he, among other things, describes the utopianist anti-national, race-has-no-importance, one-world atmosphere that reigns in the ruling circles of the E.U.: .

If I have time I’ll translate some it for posting here.


Posted by Accent in video? on Thu, 28 May 2009 11:24 | #

This may seem trivial, but I’d like to know if maybe GW or another resident of the UK could tell me what part of the UK the narrator of this video comes from?  I’m not talking about Griffin, but the guy who does the voice-over work in the entire video.

Does that particular English accent sound familiar to anyone who can roughly pin-point it?  Does anyone know which city/region of the UK that accent comes from?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 28 May 2009 12:15 | #

Not good at this, but ...

To my distant ear, he could have spent his childhood anywhere in Northumberland or Cumbria, but lived in the south most of his life.

Listen closely to Steve Cram being interviewed here:-

Steve was born in Jarrow in Tyne & Wear:-


Posted by Accent in video? on Thu, 28 May 2009 19:17 | #

Thank you very much for your kind assistance GW.

The reason I asked is that I found that particular English accent to be particularly ‘nice’ and ‘pleasant’ to my ear compared to most of the other ones which I’ve heard.

Why is that, I asked myself?  Why do I feel a strong preference/affinity for that particular English accent (even though I’m an American with English ancestors, most of who have been the USA for at least two centuries [many even longer])? 

Well, now that I know roughly what part of the UK that accent comes from (Northeast England/Yorkshire), it makes perfect sense to me…Northeast England/Yorkshire is where most the English ancestors on my father’s side came to America from!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 28 May 2009 19:37 | #

Blood will tell.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 29 May 2009 23:49 | #

What happened to the video?  “This video no longer exists.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 29 May 2009 23:51 | #

Talk about dirty tricks, we’re really going to start seeing them now in the final run-up.


Posted by not4me thanx on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 10:00 | #

how dare the bnp use british war dead in there ppb,they say they would be turning in there graves about the influx of forigen workers,i sure my grandfather is turning in his grave that bnp has anther foot in the uk polictal ladder,can the british public really want this kind of politics,how did the nazi,s get in power in 30,s germany,beware!


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 10:42 | #

not4me thanx,

I think that’s completely, totally wrong, my friend.  It is only the post-war generation - my generation - and their children and grand-children who have been taught the political correctness of English ethno-suicide.

You are expressing a very new, very Jewish idea: that the English should be punished for their white skin by having their land taken from them by Third Worlders.  My father and my father-in-law are both alive, and by God, they did not fight for this.

If the choice is between the BNP and English dispossession and race-replacement, my father’s fighting generation would stand with the BNP.  Hell, they would stand with Adolf Hitler himself sooner than have their land taken by Africans and Asians.  That’s not racist.  That’s just the horror of the situation we have been put in.

Look to you own heart and consider the true evil which lurks there.  Ask yourself how you acquired it, and how free to think you really are.

Then make no more of these statements against English survival.  They are self-loathing, immoral and wrong.  You can do much, much better.


Posted by Dasein on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 10:49 | #

One of Irving’s more memorable quotes:

If the British soldiers in Normandy who went to the beaches in 1944 could see what happened today, they would not have gone 40 yards up the beach.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 12:39 | #

40 yards up the beach?  They would have mutinied flat out, then and there.  The Americans and Canadians with them.  War over, Germany wins, no more of this shit.  Period, full stop, end of story.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 12 Jun 2009 00:14 | #

Hell, they would stand with Adolf Hitler himself sooner than have their land taken by Africans and Asians.

That choice was denied to them, though it was offered to them, to the British nation, but turned down by British leadership.  Irving clearly has disdain for Churchill and his shortsighted, grandiose war mongering.  And admiration for Hitler’s heroic life and his vision of a millennium of European puissance and revivification.  If the seeds of our present crisis lie in the past, is it not self-evident that a war conducted so that the business of liberal progress as usual could go on, would result in our present dangle over the abyss?  Adolf Hitler consciously fought against all that.  What of Churchill?  Which of them can be called a great man, if any?  ,


Posted by Bunston Tudball on Fri, 12 Jun 2009 06:33 | #

Hell, they would stand with Adolf Hitler himself

If public opinion polls are reliable, it appears Il Duce was favored.

(US Oct 1 ‘38) If you absolutely had to decide which dictator you liked best, Mussolini, Stalin, or Hitler, which would you choose? ( aipo)
Mussolini   53%
Stalin   34
Hitler   13
None and no opinion   21%


Public Opinion, 1935-1946
Book by Hadley Cantril, Mildred Strunk; Princeton University Press, 1951

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)
