Chinese Offer Solution To European Race Replacement: Clone Europe The Chinese have cloned Hallstatt: This presents a solution to the race replacement genocide of Europe: The real reason most immigrants come to Europe to replace Europeans isn’t because they want to live in a place with a bunch of cute buildings. The real reason they invade Europe (and its settlements elsewhere) is to fuck our women. So of course the thing the Chinese lack in their clone of Hallstatt are clones of Mensa-IQ blonde bombshells. They used to exist: and not all of their DNA has been cremated, although it is being rapidly fucked out of existence, when it doesn’t simply end up on the cutting-room floor. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Jim”, you think, “the Chinese aren’t the biggest problem in the ongoing erocidal aspect of Euroman’s race-replacement genocide.” Yes, I know. But the Chinese are nothing if not good merchant/manufacturers, and they’ll need the moral superiority of African MEN in places like the United Nations and Washington, D.C. to authorize the mass production of the Euro fuck-dolls these Black MEN so demand from their social status of moral superiority to Euro males (Euro males, as anyone in media, academia and government knows, don’t deserve to be called “men” due to their genetically dishonorable, if not closeted gay, character). I can easily imagine a deal being struck whereby the Chinese mass-produce Hallstatts for Africa, fully loaded with two, three or even four fuck-dolls for every African MAN—in exchange for the moral authority of the Black MAN. Then, through the miracle of the Industrial Learning Curve, that should bring the price down to the point that the Middle East, South Asia and Latin America can all afford to plaster their territories with these little bits of heaven.
Posted by daniel on Wed, 06 Jun 2012 18:45 | # I heard that Seal was physically violent (as confided by his previous White ho, not Heidi Klum). Of course, the worst thing is that this is something that White women would do at all, in the first place. In my years of rage about this issue, one angle does yield a more fair effect against mudsharks and their nigs - to focus on the fact that Black women are not wanted. If these couples often have an air of sensitivity, moral superiority or of being above concern, the literal agreement with them that Black women are generally less attractive and unwanted does bring home the reality to them. This underscores that the White woman is vulnerable to the resentment of Black women - that is very real. Not that I give a damn about Black women’s feelings, but they often do hate this as much as White men. I have found some beaming approval from Black women when I antagonized interracial couples. In a pinch these women may find themselves dangerously alone, traitors that they are. Black men are vulnerable to this as well. The evidence that Blacks are not morally superior is now abundant even if not proclaimed in the MSM. I believe the continued denouncement of miscegenation to discourage White women and build up confidence in White men, now that we can finally be heard, will help. These women have been told by Jewish media for more than two decades now that miscegenaton is righteous. For example, in Eastern Europe, prior to the fall of the iron curtain, Madonnas “Like a Prayer” video was being constantly run on television - “practically the only American video we saw”, one woman told me. I don’t know about you, but before the mid to late 80’s, I did not see much in the way of interracial couples - at least not in public. Women are very receptive to the rape argument: Blacks rape tens of thousands of White women, Whites rape almost no Black women. White women who go with Blacks should have to live among Black populations and the consequences of their way of life. Obviously, White men should not have to abide and sustain these traitors and blacks in our midst, so destructive to our evolution and way of life. I get your drift that the Chinese will take up some of the techno slave slack that the White ho’s had expected from White men, but they will suffer consequences from Blacks if forced to live with them nevertheless. The Chinese do not care about European culture and people. The key is to effect separatism. To ponder additional ways of punishment…that is quite enjoyable..
Posted by daniel on Wed, 06 Jun 2012 18:59 | # Jim, You are pretty good with this kind of thing: I am wondering how you might go about identifying and isolating the White genes which are most resistant to miscegenation? How would locate them? 4
Posted by daniel on Wed, 06 Jun 2012 19:27 | # 16 seconds worth a thousand words. This states succinctly the difference of what it means to live with Blacks All young Whites, especially White girls, should be shown this video: 5
Posted by Mick Lately on Wed, 06 Jun 2012 21:29 | # I live in Dublin, Ireland and I see a high number of non-European immigrants around the place. I don’t know if the ambulatory aimlessness of the black men involves a search for white women but ocular evidence suggests an increase in the number of interracial “pair bonds”. 7
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 00:50 | # And the intermarriage rate and numbers between whites and non-white is what exactly? I has got to be virtually microscopic and in Europe virtually nearly non-existent. Actually in the case of China it is western men that are fucking Chinese women and with a huge demographic shift in favour of men over women I would imagine they are not to happy about it.
The non-existent mass immigration myth that most are economic migrants from the new EU states. Funny how you never post any census data to actually prove your point of any European country. So much for your non-European birth rates in Europe and the second largest after native Pakistanis are Poles.
Wikipedia it says that the BNP launched an anti-Polish immigration campaign is this true? Do Billy Brits have a problem with Polish immigration? The election video I saw of Griffin warning about Islam praised the Polish-British contribution in WW2.
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 07:15 | # I very much regret the migration/immigration of Poles to The UK. It represents a loss to Poles as well, of women and women to choose from for Poles, a loss of affordable women…etc. I don’t want to live in the UK and I can tell you very concretely, it became a lot harder in that regard once Poland joined the EU. Of course I feel sorry for the English too, particularly British women, but all of the British. They are not your people. Moreover, you wouldn’t only be getting some pretty Polish girls and hard workers, you’d be getting plenty of the dregs as well - who can be really bad. Those sorts, who grew up with communism and just after, can have really Judaized (manichean) minds. Criminals, in a word, bad ones. On the whole, it could be worse, they are still native European but its really too much and I was always against the EU. Its a catastrophe.
Posted by An Anxious Dirty Bull on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 08:31 | # A bit OT, but something I’ve been pontificating for years now. Frankly the White man is screwed. 10
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 09:41 | # Would the Chinese necessarily want to destroy Europe and European peoples? I can believe that they might incidentally, but I would guess that in the main that they are satisfied with China being Chinese and Europe (if not Russia) being European (and vis a versa - European peoples are satisfied with this arrangement as well). With the Chinese, my experience tells me that they just don’t care that much about European peoples, wherever they might be. I.e., neither are they exceptionally antagonistic to Europeans. However, I may be neglecting those who do have more appreciation of European culture. 11
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 10:02 | # Dirty Bull, Of course the white man is screwed in terms of his former geopolitical eminence. Someday I hope to write extensively on how - intellectually - the white world brought about its own collapse (even more ambitious would be to correlate the ideological changes with real world demographic change: in some ways, the former preceded the latter, in others it was exactly the opposite). However, the coming global dominance of the yellow man need not entail white or Western extinction, if only a sufficient number of racially patriotic white men could be politically empowered within a sovereign territory. The problem we face, while rapidly devolving into one of physical power, yet remains at this time primarily one of false ethics (as pertains to racial obligation). We must persuade a certain number of whites that we have the right to be racial majorities in sovereign territories, and then we must gain political control of one or more sovereign territories. There is no other way. If, however, there does come to be a (major) WN state, esp with nuclear weapons, then I think our race will survive (though even that state will have to be a teleological Racial State, one devoted as a matter of state policy to the genetic purity and perpetuity of the white race, which will require actively nationalist fertility policies, heavy weapons expenditures, probably some eugenicist incentives). I don’t think such a sate will arise except via White Zion, but I hope I’m wrong, and that nationalist revolution does break out in Europe (along with white secessionism in the US). 12
Posted by Hesper on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 10:40 | # Although far from opposed to human cloning (as an instrument for other ends; adornments for a culture-making elite and mass-production of a physically-idealised war-and-lunch pail workforce of soliders and labourers of superior properties) I judge this news of Chinese ambition, and proven expertise, in the cloning field to be disturbing, quite disturbing. Why so? We’re not in control of this technology. Of course we pioneered and developed it, Chinamen are only providing high-competence imitative labour to its application and doing such divorced from a blinkered and self-destructive Jewish master-managerial hierocracy, and the usual Hebraeo-Islamo-Christian scruples about human life being inherently and equally precious, unique and sacred. The mere fact that we are powerless to use, and contemplate* what designs, what objectives, we might apply for its uses suffices to frighten me. “Lightening the world”? one comrade says. Hah! That would never actually happen in the manner you somewhat puerilely imagine. It would generate mass confusion by mass mongrelisation. Coloureds might lust for white women, but they retain a sufficient sense of honour, or libido, to want to inseminate the women themselves - it would take several generations of cross-breeding before mulatto offspring become quadroons, become octaroons, etc and in the meantime a huge, resentful and quasi-fellaheenised teeming pullulation of misbegotten half-castes (mixing of radically dissimilar breeds produces an immense proportion of innate defectives, and besides, mass cloning will engender a lot of ‘mistakes’, or mutants), brown Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Hindoostanis, Malays (have you forgotten the three hundred million ill-favoured semi-Mongol semi-Australoid creatures of the East Indies) would be restless, chafing and rallying behind every “Kingdom of Heaven” Christ, Buddha or Mahdi to tempt them to a rampage of plunder, vengeance and revolt. Moreover Race is blood-ties, as much as blood quality (and the physical exhibtion, literally embodiment, of its properties). How can a ‘society’ exist of pseudo-individual, congenitally orphaned, actually interchangeable and personality-less doppelgangers? Before us would spring up a Babylon of rootlessness and anarchy, harmonised only - if at all - by capitalistic-minded cliques of self-interested rationalist professionals easy prey for an armed rabble of wog fellaheen Christians, or Marxists, or any end-of-worlders, and more significantly at the mercy of the nearest traditional authoritarian nation which uses cloning but was healthy enough not to have to rely on it as an absolute nostrum which it is not and cannot ever be. Cloning is a tool in the hands of a blood-and-soil hierarchic state, it is impossible for it to replace the latter as that would precipitate the self-implosion or external conquest I alluded to. * - Comtemplating this on prudential and expediential grounds - I’m entirely anti-utilitarian but the tempo of this late period of the West, our modernity, is very swift-moving, very precarious; however vulgar and distasteful, mass industrial productivity and endemic urbanisation, with its unavoidable social pathologies and neuroses, must be embraced for survival until our insatiable pangs for ‘progress’ and total technologisation of life sucks the marrow from the earth’s bone, or the barbarians without and misfits within, with Jewish supervision I foresee, decide they can’t wait longer and Christ/Twelfth Imam/rationalist Utopia must be made to come about now. 13
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 11:09 | # @daniel Poles do work that native Brits simply refuse to do and if they are any dregs that I seriously doubt it is a tiny minority so someone has to fill the work vacuum. Europeans and American nationalists use Asian countries as an example of sane immigration policy but Asian countries but Asian countries like Japan are way over populated and have a large domestic population they can depend on to fill the void.
European and American powers that have been hostile historically to China threatening its internal stability and cohesion as a state entity. @An Anxious Dirty Bull China is an export economy largely dependent on trade with the US with no natural resources of its own or reliable foreign supplies of energy that it can depend on and an unstable domestic situation.
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 11:43 | # Some set of jugs on Jayne Mansfield. That she is not my type is besides the point. She had five kids despite dying young. So, at least her high i.q. (149+) etc. did not go to waste. On the other hand, she did not seem to be of the greatest character. She was very promiscuous and divorced three times. 15
Posted by Hesper on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 11:51 | # Parting criticisms (just occurred to me): 1) China’s lumpenproletariat are race-chauvinist; they adamantly conceive the Mongoloid type as physically superior to our types (only a small, highly Westernised and/or Western-born or educated minority among the men, more of their women obviously, hanker for us as better than the native product). Promotion of non-Mongoloid types, even if engineered or mass-raised to be Chinese in language, temperament or nervous-system impulses, will not be welcomed by the generality of the Chinese or their elite as they rend the veil of Confucian harmonious uniformity and introduce a bodily-distinct, therefore dangerous, internal competitor 2) The Chinese are merchants and manufacturers (avariciously so), but the negro customers have not a dime of their own money. The Judeo-Western ‘moral authority’ organs, i.e. U.N. and the like vomit-worthy excreta, won’t survive the next three or so decades of the West’s socio-economic tuberculosis and Ashkenazi Jewry, as Israel’s hardly a viable long-term bet, are already planning to transplant themselves en masse to the Mongol Orient. Barring intervention from a decrepit and mongrel, war-torn Judeao-West, why would the Chinks exercise this technology for the benefit of the negro when the negroes are poor, worthless and are incapable of being even good slaves or alluring prostitutes for the Chinese? Why not just eliminate the negroes or watch them starve and cannibalise each other?, thinks the Chinaman. 16
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 11:53 | # Ironically it’s the Orientals or East Asians —or whatever the fuck we are supposed to call them nowadays—that are more enthusiastically embracing, practicing and maintaining Western/European culture than people of European decent themselves. For instance: there are a rapidly growing number of Orientals are gravitating and forming and affinity towards Western classical music, art, architecture and literature. Notice how many Orientals are in symphony orchestras these days. OTOH, people of European decent are going in the cultural direction of niggers and fags. Defining deviancy down has been dynamic that has been driving Western culture post WWII—thank you, Jews and fags! BTW, I’m pretty sure the phenomenon of “mudsharking” amongst Oriental women is VERY infrequent as compared to the brainwashed white bitches and hos. Orientals’ cultural trends are on the upswing, whilst the masses of whites’ cultural degeneration continues apace. Thanks again to Hollywood and Madison Ave: two (mainly Jewish and homosexual) constructed sewer pipes pumping their filthy anti-white anti-Christian memes and messages into the minds of ALL people. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, left-wing academia is another sewer pipe—mustn’t forget those guys! 17
Posted by Wayne Lo on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 12:02 | # Get fucking real! I’m Chinese, live in Hong Kong, and the truth is every white man who is in East Asia is fucking East Asian women and these white motherfuckers are all full of yellow fever. I would fucking exterminate every single fucking white man yellow woman couple. The fact is white men are the ones who have gone round the world miscegenating other races out of existence and now you have a few black men fucking white women you go go boo hoo about it. I reckon it is great when I see white women being fucked by non-whites, because there are just as many, if not more, white men fucking coloured women, particularly East Asian. Personally I would execute all white men Asian women couples and their fucking children. 18
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 12:48 | # Posted by Wayne Lo on June 07, 2012, 07:02 AM | # Get fucking real! I’m Chinese, live in Hong Kong, and the truth is every white man who is in East Asia is fucking East Asian women and these white motherfuckers are all full of yellow fever. I would fucking exterminate every single fucking white man yellow woman couple.</em> I understand you. While I would not date an oriental woman (given what I now know), I think the reason why White Nationalists do not object quite so strongly to White-oriental pairings is because the orientals, on the whole, are reasonably ethical, have a high culture, have intelligent men and decent women. The same things cannot be said of Blacks.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. While there are undoubtedly White men conducting themselves like pigs with Asian women (doesn’t say much for these particular women, either), I do not think there are all that many going after Black women. Those of us who have been loyal can complain indeed. There is no need for us to assume collective guilt.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. I don’t want to see you lose your women to White men. But it shouldn’t be too hard to calculate that not all White men are all about orientals - most of us prefer White women and are loyal to them - and that White women going to Blacks is catastrophic to us. We don’t deserve it. Personally I would execute all white men Asian women couples and their fucking children. I don’t need oriental women. Perhaps a cooperative outlook could be fashioned with regard to White men Asian women couples and children along with White women Black men couples and their children… hmmmm ...
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 12:59 | # Why is it that so many people named Wayne fall in the category of homicidal maniacs/convicted killers/serial killers? Don’t beleive me? Google Wayne/convicted killers. 20
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 13:16 | # It is because Wayne is an ugly name. Therefore, all Waynes want to die and for others to die as well. First Wayne that I ever saw: Wayne Luckett, a blue-gum nigger in my fourth grade class. 21
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 14:02 | # Wayne Lo, A lot of Asian females like white men, and basically throw themselves at us. My current girlfriend is “Eurasian”, and she made it really easy for me to ask her out (she’s slightly more than half white, so maybe she’s a bad example). I mean when I first met her, by the end of our little chat, she was practically making me feel like a total dweeb for not (yet) asking her number. Anyway, I think you forget that it is only the white race that is going extinct. There are what - 10 billion Chinamen? (I know the precise demographic count - assuming such stats are accurate - but I exaggerate to make a point: YOU PEOPLE certainly are not in any demographic danger, so what do you care if a tiny number of Oriental females couple up with white men, esp given that the female issue of such unions are often really pretty?). BTW, you will be delighted to know that out here in CA (I’m home again people!) it is very common to see quite attractive blonde chicks with greasy little Asian fuckers. No, I ain;t kidding. Utterly inexplicable to me, as well as a sign of the natural whorishness of a certain percentage of white (perhaps all) females. We must reestablish the ancient unity of Race, Throne and Altar! (Yes, “and ALTAR” - atheism is not only for losers, it is profoundly demographically destructive: compare Japan with Saudi Arabia, Norway with Nigeria, etc.) 22
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 14:31 | # Leon, good points. P.S., I had a girlfriend who was 1/4 Chinese and 3/4 European. Believe it or not, I was still hesitant about her degree of orientalness. But god forgives you. 23
Posted by Wayne Lo on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 15:12 | # Anyway, I think you forget that it is only the white race that is going extinct. Fucking bullshit. How many Amerinds are there? Australian aborigines? Polynesians? Andaman islanders? Pygmies? Bushmen? There are more whites than there are Sub-saharan Africans on the planet. There are more whites than there are sub-continentals. There are about 1.3 billion whites in the world, the second most numerous race after East Asians (Orientals) at about 1.4 to 1.5 billion. There are about 900 million blacks. So East Asians and whites are around equal in numbers. 24
Posted by Wayne on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 15:14 | # A lot of Asian females like white men, and basically throw themselves at us. Most Asian females do not like white men. But of course a small percentage do and that is the problem. But practically all white men who are around Chinese females for a short period of time start ditching their dumpy white wives and want to fuck the Chinese women. They act like desperate wolves around oriental women.
Posted by Silver on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 15:40 | #
Walked right into it, Haller.
Wayne, calm down kid. You don’t have to like these people (I’m in two minds about them myself), but ask yourself this: which other group in this world could you honestly expect to empathize with your predicament if you found yourselves on the ropes the way most whites find themselves today? Remember, it’s not just a question of raw numbers. Whites are politically compromised in a way that east asians don’t (yet) remotely approach. The sense of desperation this causes is the reason why you see statements like “Whites are the only race going extinct.” Whites want to live on, in perpetuity (that means “forever”); is that so bad? Come on. I don’t think hysterical denunciations and talk of “exterminating” people is particularly constructive, even if the more animalistic assholes in WN ranks manage to push your buttons.
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 16:18 | # In the first post by Wane Lo he said “The fact is white men are the ones who have gone round the world miscegenating other races out of existence and now you have a few black men fucking white women you go go boo hoo about it.” I guess that Haller is correct that White men are not about to miscegenate Chinese out of existence. Nevertheless, if Wayne Lo objects to such pairings, I can relate and would not object to his having a forum to discuss such matters. I do not take the position that all Chinese men have it coming; which is his position toward all White men. In his last post Wayne LO contradicts that statement from his first by saying: “What is true though is a significant amount of white women like getting their holes filled by black men.” What is your point? That we are not supposed to address our concerns? Niggers taking White women is a problem both in quality and as he now concedes, in quantity. Moreover, one of the reasons why White men take recourse (not to justify it) in oriental women is because White women have become such hard-assed feminists, a significant number of them going mudshark - there are reasons for this, which are not necessary, some stemming from the context of received rule structures (as well as Jewish influence, of course). Therefore, altering those influences in such a way as to improve relations between White men and women may correspond to White men dogging oriental women a bit less - at least having less justification to do so. Yes, of course it is no so simple. But there are a lot of complaints from White women regarding White men going for orientals as well, so….there is hope for achieving consensus. White women have strong influence. Yet, I maintain that the problem in White gender relations is not so much that White men are not acting manly enough but rather that White women are not acting feminine enough. It ought to be easier for White women to be more feminine than for White men to act like niggers - which should not be desirable anyway.
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 16:38 | # First of all, to the interlopers on this thread who are bringing up white-males fucking asian-females, not only did you ignore the part of my post where I had an imaginary conversation with another white nationalist about Asians not being the erocidal problem for us that others are (although it is true there are occasional, albeit lesser, problems among the overseas-Chinese men), but you are undoubtedly also aware that the readers of MR are hardly an appropriate target for your wrath given the clear pattern white nationalists exhibit for upholding separatism in all its various forms. The canard that white nationalists’ sentiment toward separatism is a mere “strategic” rhetorical stance is at the root of an otherwise legitimate critique being brought up in this context and it is further evidence that the interlopers are not acting in good faith. Combine that with the undeniable fact that Asians have enormous populations AND control of their core territories, the likes of jamesUK, and Wayne Lo (and to a lesser extent Silver with his “humor”) are bad actors, apparently interested less in furthering rational treatment of race and nationality than in hampering those doing so. Now, despite my recognition that I am talking to folks who are acting bad faith, as for myself, I’ve initiated open dialog with Asian men directly about this issue for 15 years now. If you go back and read the threads in the Usenet archives (Google’s exceptional incompetence in maintaining those archives and/or providing functioning search capabilities over them is so extreme that it arouses suspicion) you’ll see me consistently taking stands such as the one I took at—a site that is populated by “anti-racists” who support the “anti-racist” erocide of Asians by whites:
</blockquote> 28
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 17:09 | # Hesper, Thank you for your incisive comments (and for not changing the subject of the thread). Of course, if the social construction of African MAN as moral authority falls apart along with what you rightly characterize as the “vomit-worthy excreta” moral authority structures of JudeoChristian civilization, then my thesis fails and a more likely salvation of Euroman would be incidental to Asian supremacy, perhaps finding a place for Euroman as “useful” in their civilization. However insular the Asians (particularly Chinese and Japanese) are today, they are as nothing compared to the culture that burned the merchant ships of their eunuchs when they returned from Africa with slaves. (This is another area in which “Wayne” is off base since it is not “liberal” brainwashing that is to blame, but the same JudeoChristian brainwashing that initiated the Western slave trade which placed white women in the same human ecology with Africans.) 29
Posted by Wayne Lo on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:09 | # Combine that with the undeniable fact that Asians have enormous populations AND control of their core territories For fucks sake——Asians (1.4 to 1.5 billion) have enormous populations—-but whites are not that far behinnd (1.2 to 1.3 billion). Whites basically control all of Russia, all of Eastern Europe, and retain much control in Western Europe and the US as well. Just Russia and Eastern Europe by themselves are larger in territorial extent than lands currently occupied by orientals. Bear in mind too that large parts of Far Eastern Russia today, were Chinese lands only 150 years ago. Stick to the facts. 30
Posted by Wayne on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:11 | # Mr Haller is currently dating (and presumably fucking) a half Asian woman. Daniel has previously dated (and presumably fucked) a quarter Asian woman. Where is the condemnation of these two ‘race traitors’? And if there is zero condemnation of these two ‘race traitors’, then how the fuck can you condemn Heidi Klum having fucked Seal, without being total fucking hypocrites? 31
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:24 | # You’re talking to a guy who actually flew to Irkutsk to visit the boundary between NE Asians and Russians, Wayne Lo. Here’s what I saw: West of Lake Baikal Russians* dominate but the admixture is so obvious that it is very problematic for white nationalists who are strongly exclusionary. I’m not STRONGLY exclusionary toward such admixture, UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES, as should be obvious by googling “lin tse” East of Lake Baikal, however, the Buryata and related subraces are still in control of the territory, with a few exceptions. If the Han were to invade Eastern Siberia they wouldn’t be displacing Europeans so much as they’d be displacing other Asians. * It was rather fascinating to experience the surprise with which I was greeted by Russian men in Irkutsk when I refused to take advantage of young Russian women being thrown at me by a rather insensitive English professor with whose class I was celebrating Christmas. When time for dancing came up, I left the beautiful young woman, fascinated by the idea of moving to America, to go ask the same English professor, a woman nearing 40, if she would dance with me. She was delighted and surprised. A young man came up to me later and said, “I didn’t know there were Americans like you.” I said, “I know.” 32
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:25 | # Yes, Jim, and where it was not Jewish slave merchants it would have been the White capitalists of the day who introduced Blacks into White habitats. And, indeed, that would function together with Judeo/Christianity as aspects of liberalism promoting this introduction and the suppression of what should otherwise have been an immediate natural revulsion; more, upon sober reflection should have been looked upon as a clearly irrational introduction to White habitats. That is to say, the same culprits then as today - agreed, Jim. Regarding Wanye Lo, however, another matter in defense of Chinese and their concern with regard to yellow fever occurs to me - that is, for one thing, I understand that Chinese males outnumber Chinese females. That would make Chinese women all the more valuable to them. Thus, even if the entire population is not subject to genocide, a certain demographic of Chinese men have to suspect that they are facing the 86 list. And even if it were not the case that Chinese men outnumbered women, the qualitative loss to sections of their women and population could be very significant, horrific for their men. Genocide is not the entire issue, not for Whites either. We do not want to lose our qualities and the qualitative aspects of our women, as we do - the more qualitatively differentiated and interesting White women typically being sucked into the Black hole of miscegenation. 33
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:27 | #
Anyway, sure, if one includes all of the Berbers, Moors, Arabs, Persians, Kurds, Indians from the Asian Subcontinent, etc., then yeah, there are probably 1.3 billion “whites”. But I don’t go by that broad definition of “whites”. By that definition, Osama Bin Laden is/was considered or classified as “white”. In fact many Caucasians are darker skinned than many Negroids. So let’s not confuse the difference between all Caucasians and those of European decent. Given that, my main concern is for the preservation of the people of European decent. Especially, or more particularly, Northern and Western Europeans. It is that particular subset of Caucasians which are experiencing a form of genocide, but a genocide nevertheless. The question is is it a planned genocide perpetrated by non-European forces or a self inflicted voluntary one? .. or some combination of both? Those larger questions are up for debate. But the fact is: the ongoing ethnic cleansing/race replacement of people of European decent remains a fact. IT IS HAPPENING! FWIW, I think it’s a combination of both. The even larger questions are how can it be stopped? How many whites even want it stopped? How many are even aware it’s taking place? Of course interlopers like “Wayne” want people to think such talk is just “crazy talk”. WNs know better. But alas, all attempts to stand up for whites’ right to exist as a distinct group is always met with the crushing force of “political correctness”... at least for now it is….
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:35 | # Wayne, Have you lived around Blacks in any numbers? I can’t for the life of me see how you could compare a 1/4 oriental 3/4 European woman to Seal. It is not ideal, and though I am not an absolute purist, we still fell apart primarily for the reason that she was not European enough for me and I wanted my kids to be more strongly European. However, I must say, one of the things that attracted me to her in the first place was that “she too did not like niggers.”....and, she said, “black men are DISGUSTING!!” 35
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:43 | # I would add a couple of issues to Thorn’s remarks. Wayne is adopting the view that African population should be so non-threatening to Whites. The last I checked some 44 of the first 51 countries in per capita birth rate are Black African Another note for Thorn. Italy has had one of the lowest birth rates for years. I think Spain and other Southern European countries are in trouble as well - not to mention the recent stepped up imposition of migrants from Africa. It is very sad to me when northern Europeans are so ready to throw these countries under the bus. 36
Posted by Randy Garver on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:45 | # Leon:
Leon, is it the lack of belief in ANY invisible, magical being for which not a scintilla of evidence exists and which most people inherit from their parents which “is for losers”, or just the lack of belief in YOUR preferred invisible, magical being for which not a scintilla of evidence exists and which most people inherit from their parents? How incongruous it seems to be for someone such as yourself to so vigorously appeal to reason to justify race-preservationism while then demanding it be grounded on a foundation of bronze-age anti-scientific beliefs where reason and skepticism are not permitted any real purchase. 37
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:54 | # I would not be surprised if Plato’s Gorgias was also an influence to the plantation mentality: “Just because your slave is stronger than you, that does not make him fit to rule you, does it?” Thereby promoting an attitude of hubris with regard to Africans and their introduction among the learned Whites of the day. 38
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 19:31 | # The subject of the post remains this: There is kind of inevitability to the combination of Chinese excellence at copying and the cloning of the highest value females whose DNA can somehow be made available. Bad actors will attempt to quibble, in the guise of being clever, about whether I chose the right exemplar in Jayne Mansfield with her genius level IQ and 3, if not 4 sigma figure, but there can be little doubt that the Chinese will capitalize on their advanced copying capabilities in the mass production of such women—if for no other reason than to fill the shelves of Walmart. I encourage those who want to deal with reality to cease responding to the bad actors and start thinking about the consequences of this. 39
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 19:39 | #
Daniel, Sorry for the misunderstanding, (I attribute it to MY lack of clarity). But then again I DID say Northern AND Western Europeans. Are Spain and Italy not Western European countries? Of course the answer is yes. Hence, it is not my intent to exclude those. In fact many Eastern European countries such as Russia are experiencing lower than replacement level fertility rates. So allow me to correct myself. I really mean to say: ALL people of European decent—wherever on the planet they happen to reside. 40
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 20:12 | # Thorn, cool.
I don’t want to be too flippant in asking even if that would be so, is it so bad? I might like to order one myself one day. I’m kidding a bit - don’t get sore at me. With that you render the further inference that they will rely on the perceived moral righteousness and taste for White women on the part of Blacks to push through this program of cloning White women. That’s speculative and especially as formulated. I believe if that kind of program were to be pushed through at the behest of Blacks it would be rather as a result not of their perceived morality, but of the threat of their bio-power and violence, thus a bribe to placate them. However, I tend to agree for reasons similar as Hesper that it is not likely. I can see that kind of requisition coming more from rich Arab sorts, Jews and sundry pimps. That could be a problem. What I do see as the more relevant threat regarding the Chinese-African interface, and this thread provoked me to consider it, is that mudsharks may indeed, start to rely on Chinese techno-slavery to make life convenient for them and their nigger men (whereas many White men have been the techno-slaves to make life convenient for mudsharks). Indeed, I’d take it a step farther, White women might seek this out as they are the ones who think it necessary to obsequiously placate niggers. One has but to look at internet porn to see that is not a speculative scenario. So, with White women being the requisitioners of such clones, perhaps also thinking that mulattoes are so nice, maybe Chinese cloning could find an unfortunate market for such pairings. And look at the malice of a China man like Wanye Lo. Therefore, you might have a point. Nevertheless, I agree with Hesper that the promotion of such cloning for purposes of miscegenation may not come about through Black pseudo morality or even Black bio-power.
I’m wondering if you might elaborate farther on the problems you’d anticipate. More, since you do have a good feel of scientific method, I am still wondering how you might go about identifying and isolating that white DNA most resistant to miscegenation.
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 20:27 | #
If and when it happens, then we will have to deal with the consequences of such, won’t we. But until then, the little scenario you conjured up should be viewed as twilight zone science fiction, and nothing more. Moreover, that is the kind of delusional paranoia that gives pro-White activists a bad name. UNFUCKING REAL!!!
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 20:33 | # You will notice, daniel, that my request for rewnewed on-topic comments went right for the juggular, avoiding the side issues such as African moral authority. I already pointed out that the industrial learning curve would tend to bring the price of these women down to the point that it would be cheaper (not to say less risky) to import them to, say, Bangladesh than for the men like Razib Khan—who _does_ have the money to buy one—to invade European territory and spend a lifetime setting up scientific blogs and posturing with great obnoxiousness on the fragile hope of attaining that which the Jews have attained here: systemic and legalized rape by fraud. PS: Genetic resistance to miscegenation doesn’t interest me for 2 reasons: 1) Its obviously what the current environment is selecting for and 2) It is an unnatural environment that puts women in the position of needing such resistance. The environment needs fixing in this regard, not the women. 43
Posted by daniel on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 20:56 | # Posted by James Bowery on June 07, 2012, 12:33 PM | # You will notice, daniel, that my request for rewnewed on-topic comments went right for the juggular, avoiding the side issues such as African moral authority. Well, you were the one who proposed the moral authority of Africans.
Well, I suppose that if even Bangladeshi and Tanzanians could afford them, they would be cheap. And if so, that would be unfortunate, I suppose. I submit the Laconian, “IF” to invade European territory and spend a lifetime setting up scientific blogs and posturing with great obnoxiousness on the fragile hope of attaining that which the Jews have attained here: systemic and legalized rape by fraud. In the constellation of this sentence I see something a little more plausible as a concern than in the original thrust of the post. The environment and the forces that impose this are the central problem. Good, that is the best moral position. I am impressed. I agree with you. But it is a false either/or. I am separatist - that has territorial, political, socioglocial implications etc…..public relations aspects, media…etc theological, philosophical implications and more.. I didn’t mean to say there was something necessarily wrong with the genes of our women.. though I do wonder a bit and I am interested in what genes might be the most resistant to miscegenation particularly for the contingency of the kind of hostile environment that we inhabit. It would be best that this be relegated to biological efficiency - that is, it would be best if women just would not want to do it at all. I think there are such genetic proclivities for revulsion and aversion…
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 21:13 | # @James Bowery
Your argument is BS. As I said in my comment post actual evidence that: a) Europe is facing a demographic Armageddon due to non-white immigration. b) European states are overwhelmingly white with France being the country with most non-white born citizens at 4 million people from former French colonies out of a population of just over 65 million and most of the immigration being economic migrants from new EU countries. And China does not have core control of its territories as I mentioned in my comment it is overpopulated, facing 2 western backed insurgencies and domestically and politically unstable and like all Asian economies are based on exports with no natural resources of their own to fuel their industry and massive populations. Asian countries have to sustain a high population to keep up with economic growth with Japanese young males not interested in sex and a quarter of the population suicidal. I don’t think any Asian country has a sizable Navy with the slight exception of China that is now being blocked by the US that is dependent on US Naval forces that is vital for its economy via trans-Atlantic sea trade.
Posted by Jake on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 21:38 | #
Except for China, basically all the other Asian countries are American vassals. Korea, Japan, etc. are occupied by US troops and can’t really be independent. China is surrounded by the US and these vassals. And it has those other vulnerabilities you’ve mentioned. 46
Posted by Classic Sparkle on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 21:45 | # China is on the verge of economic collapse. 47
Posted by Jake on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 21:50 | #
Hopefully they’ll devote some of their mass production to space rockets. If they brought down the price low enough it could allow groups of whites to settle space like the pilgrims. 48
Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 22:25 | # OK off topic… But my IP addy has yet again been blocked at MR - hence I’m using a proxy for this comment. Whoever is doing this again and again (it’s not the first time) can they please stop playing silly buggers. Thanks very much. 49
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 22:28 | # Trainspotter@47 Great comment! Hadn’t thought of the permutations of genetic engineering (though not sure how close the technology is to existence). I have stated repeatedly and at length that for whites to avoid biological extinction (Lo’s numbers are all way off; whites, real ones - Europoids- are declining with unprecedented rapidity; {Silver, you should know better}), we must have both our own sovereign (nonwhite-free or radically reduced) polity, and that that state must be a Racial state; ie, one formally ideologized and constructed with the intention of perpetuating the white character of the State (rather as the US was formally founded to be a libertarian, and informally a white, republic; that we failed to maintain either our racial exclusivity or liberty simply proves that nothing can ever be intergenerationally guaranteed: the work of transmission and preservation is neverending). The trend of humanity is towards mixture, at least until all of the racially uncommitted amongst all races have been miscegenated. Absent extermination (which I do believe is the ultimate fate of our race, unless we find a way to maintain a sizable degree of white nationalist military power), eventually the world will reach a rough equilibrium, in which most of the remaining humans are of mixed race, with smallish communities of racially committed pure races scattered across the world. Of course, this is a long process, with whites, sadly, in the forefront ... Anyway, distant imaginings are probably not that useful. Every people survives through time not in accordance with some master plan for ethnic perpetuity, but by each generation overcoming the particular challenges of its own epoch. I honestly have no idea who will be the US president next January, let alone how to deal with hypothetical problems in 50 years. I do know that history moves both more rapidly and more slowly than anyone foresees. Our task as race patriots is to attend to the host of problems we face now, foremost of which is ending immigration. If we can’t even keep the alien Other out of our territories (esp at a time of mass unemployment throughout the West, when simplistic appeals to “American/French/Greek jobs for American etc workers!” might be expected to resonate electorally), what purpose does pushing-the-envelope discussion serve? We simply need to expand the “gospel” of the disaster of multiracialism for whites, as well as what our loss of demographic dominance will mean for us and our children in very practical terms (eg, for conservatives and Christians in the US, it means endless President Obamas for starters), as widely as possibly among our people. Constant WN ideological gruntwork is more useful than flashy theorizing of merely possible futures. 50
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 00:34 | # Trainspotter, the scenarios you explore—to the extent that any of them come to pass—are going to start with the Chinese (and possibly Dravidians) simply cloning—no engineering needed—people with the most massive demand. That’s such a no-brainer given current technology that it almost has to happen. And I think you’re barking up the wrong tree when you hypothesize WNs or anyone else going into a comparable scale with “attractive Asian women” or any other race’s women. The big production runs (the kinds the Chinese are good at) are going to be of northern European women. Moreover, it doesn’t need to involve “slavery” at all—at least not the de jure kind. They can just raise them to like living in the Hallstatts (or other real estate developments) that are mass produced, and then charge them nothing to live there. “Money” magazine had that trick down when it kept recommending the Minnesota town of Rochester which had the highest ratio of fertile age northern European women to men of any age/race of any city in the nation. Single fertile northern European women == valuable real estate. Jews have honed this sort of real estate game to such a fine art that cities have become basically meat-grinders that take girls from the Midwest and spit them back out after they’ve lost their fertility. When this real estate development technique really takes off, no one will care enough “to create people who are highly attractive - but of non-white or mixed race”. They’ll be too busy living “the summer of love”. 51
Posted by Jake on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 00:38 | #
Looks like he has already attained it: “It was a good decade” 52
Posted by Silver on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 02:16 | #
I’m not sure it does your credibility—which many regard as already in the toilet—much good to refer to the fantastically far-fetched scenario sketched out here as “reality,” while accusing those who would make this point of being “bad actors.” (One J Richards was enough!)
Yeah, James, that’s the “real reason.” That’s what it’s all about. Has nothing whatsoever to do with economic opportunity.
Haller, Of course I “know better.” The numbers are nowhere near what wayne claims. The point was your (and your pals’) apparent total inability to consider any other race-group as being ‘at risk.’ Seems to me that you just can’t bring yourselves to believe anyone else could possibly care about their racial existence. Acknowledging that other groups might care about their racial being doesn’t require you to like those groups; it just means acknowledging the possibility that they care and, if they do care, face similar long-term threats to that group existence, even if their situation isn’t as grave as your own. It’s not that hard, really.
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 04:48 | # So I engaged in a bit of rhetorical hyperbole to put the Cloning of Hallstatt in perspective. Yes, “economics” plays a dominant role in the minds of a lot of males who invade, but my point stands that if the Chinese start mass producing these women and distributing them, the motive of “economics” will, itself, be put in perspective very quickly. Like I said, this is a real estate development game and there’s nothing that does wonders for property values like an excess of nubile northern European women. As for the bottom line value of this situation? Well, there may be more individualism injected into a lot of those cultures but then it didn’t seem to have solved the problem when the Aryans invaded the Dravidians, for example. More importantly, it may take us back to a human ecology where natural duel wasn’t as essential to individual integrity and, given the general outrage toward natural duel among the civilized, that would be a loosening of the thumbscrews. 54
Posted by Tyler on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 05:42 | # What about a virtual reality/matrix type setup thing? Isn’t it possible Google, Hollywood, video game industry, etc. will roll out something like it in the future? They already have a global infrastructure in place. They are already huge industries with global reach. And rolling out a VR/Matrix would not be as drastic as clones. It would just be the next step. Many people already are “plugged in” to the internet, Hollywood entertainment, video games, etc. for much of their waking hours. It also has greater appeal to the elites in power since it enables them to control populations. Isn’t a VR/Matrix type thing more likely or likely to come online earlier? 55
Posted by Tyler on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 05:43 | #
Not sure what you mean by this. Can you clarify? 56
Posted by Wayne on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 08:12 | # Whites in the world: Europe excluding Russia: United States: Russia: Canada: Australia and New Zealand: Latin American whites: <u>Total whites in World conservatively 1139 million.</u>
<u>Total sub-Saharan blacks around 950 million.</u>
Whites are the second most numerous race in the world after East Asians, and have around 75% the numbers of East Asians. Of course if you threw in related races like North Africans, and Near Eastern Caucasoids, whites would be about the same as Chinese (in fact this should be done, because I have assumed all Chinese are genetically closely related in counting their numbers. But if Southern Chinese are lumped with Northern Chinese, there is every reason to lump North African Caucasoids with Germans).
Posted by Wayne on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 08:21 | # Population of some other distinct races: Malays: 180 million A lot of the groups listed below (Polynesians and aborigines in particular) have much european blood. Malays number 180 million, and Arabs number 300 million. Far less than almost 1.2 billion whites. Yet no one says Malays and Arabs are close to ‘extinction’.
Posted by Wayne on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 08:32 | # but my point stands that if the Chinese start mass producing these women and distributing them Sorry to burst your bubble, but 99% of Chinese men prefer Chinese women. They find whites to be hairy and malodorous with coarse skin. Unfortunately many white men also want a piece of Asian women, and they greedily take what is not theirs. They should have their heads smashed in with a titanium headed golf club, along with the race traitor asian sell out hos they sleep with.
Posted by Wayne on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 08:37 | # I have often wondered why white nationalists tend to be overrepresented when it comes to interracial dating of Asian females. Just on this one thread we have two who admit to having fucked or are currently fucking non-whites, that is Leon Haller and daniel. Is it because you are a bunch of freaks who cannot attract white women and hence your ‘rage’? And again. If Leon Haller is welcome here in spite of the fact he is fucking a half Asian woman, would a white woman who is fucking an Obama look alike be equally as welcome here? Yes or No? If No, then it is obvious you people are a bunch of self-serving, sexually frustrated losers. 60
Posted by hud on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 08:40 | # Men can be against the interracial dalliances of their fellow men with foreign women, but they’re just not going to get worked up about it as much as foreign men messing with their women. This is universal and every man knows this, so I don’t know why you keep pressing that point. 61
Posted by hud on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 08:56 | #
Are you a white woman? 62
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 09:24 | #
Yes, parthenogenesis. But then again, the Koreans also made that claim. 63
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 09:49 | # Sorry Wayne, I can attract lots of white women (though I also get hit on rather often by Asians and Latinas and even by blacks, which is something I cannot explain, as I am very white - no tats, no hip-hop attitude, no PC attitude, etc). I actually haven’t dated or even screwed many nonwhites. I find both blacks and Asians very unattractive, so as far as I’m concerned, if you wanted an agreement - no whites date Asians, no Asians date whites - I’d sign up. On the other hand, I have not only fucked, but now dated, no fewer than three hot Eurasians in my life (and I have my eye on yet another such hottie back where I am currently in grad school). Eurasians (women, especially - though Keanu Reeves is Eurasian) are frequently very good looking. Why exactly shouldn’t I date one, in your yellow-supremacist mind? My current girlfriend is actually even slightly more white than Asian. I don’t see myself as a race traitor for dating her (of course, dating is neither marrying nor miscegenating ...). Your numbers are a joke. 98% of Europe is white? 70% of America (I am LMAO!)? 200 million whites in Latin America? You obviously haven’t been there. I’d give it maybe 20 million (maybe 50mil if being generous). Moreover, whites are old, and dying off very rapidly, so the numbers are falling fast. Just recently it was revealed that, for the first time, the number of nonwhites births slightly exceeded the number of white births (these are absolute numbers, not percentage changes, or anything relative). Extinction in political terms is also to be understood as often as a process as an event. Every major trend line for white EGI is negative. Obviously we are not (yet) extinct. I live and write, etc. But we are heading there in the normal “course of human events”; that is, unless we take racially affirmative measures to ensure white purity and perpetuity. This will be the great struggle in the West, and perhaps throughout the world, of this century. Given the utter moral, intellectual and therefore civilizational superiority of whites, all the peoples of the earth, whether they recognize this or not, have a vested interest in white survival. Indeed, it is infinitely more important to all humanity, to Man as such, that we survive, even if we have to be brutal to ensure it, than any other race. I do not believe in unwarranted violence towards or exploitation of others, including for racist reasons. But we are more important than other species of homo sapiens, and thus do have rights to engage in behaviors which I would argue are forbidden to others. Such hardships as may have to be inflicted on nonwhites in order to preserve whites justify themselves, even though of course such hardships should be minimized to the extent possible. We are nationalists, not nazis, but our race comes first in all considerations (esp in light of all humanity’s sharing of this finite planet).
Posted by Wayne on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 10:11 | # Your numbers are a joke. Well then you provide your numbers, to counter mine.
What would you say to a white woman who boasts of having “not only fucked, but now dated, no fewer than three hot mulatto men in my life”. And would such a white woman ever be allowed into white nationalist ranks???
Posted by daniel on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 11:03 | # Posted by Wayne on June 08, 2012, 03:32 AM | # but my point stands that if the Chinese start mass producing these women and distributing them Sorry to burst your bubble, but 99% of Chinese men prefer Chinese women. They find whites to be hairy and malodorous with coarse skin. Unfortunately many white men also want a piece of Asian women, and they greedily take what is not theirs. They should have their heads smashed in with a titanium headed golf club, along with the race traitor asian sell out hos they sleep with. Now I await with bated breath the same outrage and frothing at the mouth over the interracial dalliances of daniel and Leon Haller, that there would be over a white women getting fucked by someone who looked like Obama Wayne Lo. Obama is not only an ugly, purple lipped monkey, but also a puppet for the Jews, corporations and the military industrial complex. Sorry that your loans are not working out, but one of yours might have taken a golf club to his evil whore mother’s head in a timely fashion. How can it be that one of my former gilrfriend’s being 1/4 Chinese and 3/4 European makes me such a race traitor who has no right to talk, let alone complain and try to prevent the exploitation (extinction perhaps even) of Whites? How does that even make me a race traitor? 3/4 European and 1/4 Chinese. She is more ours than yours. Moreover, we broke up because she was not European enough for me. Farther, I have defended your position. But you still you have a problem with me. One might suspect that you are put up to this by Jews or feminists. Would I reject a woman who has dated a 1/4 Black? Yes. But can’t you, as a man, see the difference? Having had some Chinese grad school house-mates, I already knew that Chinese did not necessarily care about Europeans and our culture. I knew that they were not necessarily altogether intelligent. But I had thought Chinese were more intelligent than you illustrate here.
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 12:58 | #
ROFLMFAO! Good smackdown job, Silvio! ———
“Total whites in World conservatively 1139 million.” —Wayne Thanks for the info, Wayne. I feel a little better because of it. However, that large number in-and-of-itself doesn’t tell the full story of what’s happening to white populations throughout the world—especially WRT the fertility rates, massive non-white immigration into white homelands and majority white countries, and cultural degeneration. Cultural degeneration mainly fueled by greed and the general rejection of Christian moral values. Wayne, you need to read Leon Haller’s comments more closely. You just might learn something. 67
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 14:24 | #
But we wont throw them in and they dont desire to be thrown in. There is also the Islamic fault line, that rules them out as well. And as for whites in South America I fear your number is too high, (200m was it?) plus they come with a whole racial soft caste setup, we are looking for separation, not some sub-optimal rubbing along together in the same territory. 68
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 14:27 | #
Quite so. You look after yours and we will look after ours and we will get along fine. In fact the more you can see us do that and the more we see you do it the more likely we are to co-operate with you in enforcing those arrangements. 69
Posted by Randy Garver on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 16:53 | # Wayne:
Such a line of thinking is undeservedly critical of Haller, for he cleverly plays a role not dissimilar to that of an imprudent town drunk paraded forth by a temperance movement as justification for the necessity of prohibition. 70
Posted by daniel on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 18:18 | # Pardon for the digression - and remove this comment if it is too much of a distraction but.. What is happening with this Jaqueline Woodhouse story? A friend of mine from Belarus claims that actions were organized around women who were jailed there for protesting and that it had significant effect in galvanizing solidarity. Perhaps similar initiatives could be undertaken in London. 71
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 18:52 | # Hymie in Afula, what you, like Wayne, are missing is that there has never been a point in this post or the following thread where I was postulating the distribution of these women within China as the primary phenomenon. Sure, if the Chinese decide they want these Hallstatts adorned by high IQ blonde bombshell residents, they won’t need to ask permission from the Black MAN—so they won’t. That’s evidence, right there, that they still have control of their core territory. However, if they try to distribute these manufactured products elsewhere, they’ll run across “Western” trade-routes—and that means that what Hesper characterizes as the ” vomit-worthy excreta” moral authority structure of the “West” will come into play via organizations like the UN, Washington, D.C., the WTO, etc. This means they must appease the Jews to gain access to those distribution channels and the Jews have had an historic monopoly on rounding up nubile northern European women to markup and sell to various populations. So the Chinese will have to go up the chain of command to Africans to get access to those trade routes. Now, I know a lot of folks are convinced that Africans are mere patsies for Pax Judaica, and they are right when it comes to the majority of Africans. But Africans are a VERY heterozygous people with a natural history of holding onto territory while others engaged in the natural historic equivalent of “white flight” out of Africa. In this respect most blacks are pawns, not just of Jews, but more accurately, of African elites who are really the ones calling the shots when it comes to the con-game called “civilization”. That’s why guys like Bill Gates and other elite whites are falling all over themselves to give their fortunes away to Africans. I don’t know how the Chinese came up with the genius to burn their eunuchs’ merchant ships when they returned from Africa with slaves, but that, and that alone, is what is giving them the exceptional control they have over their own territory. That will disappear within a few generations once they let Jews in and then it will be open season on the Chinese in their home territory with ultimately the Black MAN the moral authority. 72
Posted by daniel on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 19:18 | # I’ll say this, Jim, your argument is making more sense. The original post was not especially eloquent, and I believe that is part of why it had not spawned riveting coherence. Silver, I think it was, made a good point, that migrants first reason for coming to Europe is probably economic. Though he may underestimate the extent to which some are motivated by White women. As you begin to articulate the possibility that Chinese might clone White women for economic reasons, in order to sell them, the scenario makes a bit more sense - especially as conducted in cooperation with Jews, Arabs and other pimpish sorts. As you equate moral authority with African bio-power it also helps your case.
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 19:31 | # Tyler, when I said
I was referring to the natural history of northern Europeans that began the process of recovering sexual being from the natural history of African evolution that involved a trend toward eusociality. An important contributing factor to that recovery from African eusociality was establishment of independent households where the men would suffer high mortality rates during the winter as they went out to hunt, and nubile women would be in relatively abundant supply as a consequence of the resulting gender ratio. This meant that until the advent of agriculture, there was little need for men to compete with each other over women—hence a lessening of the advantages of male eusociality such as gang formation. By the time agriculture came along and, with the warming climate, increased carrying capacity hence population density, the propensity toward individuated sexual being (integrity)—as opposed to group being (integrity)—had reasserted its original form present is other sexual species. That’s why natural duel emerged among northern Europeans as the appeal of last resort in dispute processing as a formal law during the neolithic—when both population density and man:woman ratio increased—allowing the northern Europeans to adopt agriculture without degenerating into civilized social organizations. 74
Posted by MalcolmC on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 20:07 | #
In the case of Japan, the Portuguese were the first to contact them and establish trade relations. However, they were expelled since they were spreading Catholicism and there was an uprising from a region that had converted to Catholicism. From then on, the Dutch were the only Westerners allowed to contact and trade with the Japanese, and the contact was highly regulated and restricted. There was an artificial island built in the bay of Nagasaki that housed the Dutch and where trade and contact was conducted. The Dutch were generally not allowed to leave the island, and the Japanese were generally not allowed to enter the island: 75
Posted by MalcolmC on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 20:14 | #
I believe Korea was able to delay contact even later than the Chinese and Japanese. Ernst Oppert was a Jewish trader who in 1867 tried to blackmail the regent of Korea into removing trade barriers by stealing the remains of the regent’s father from his grave: 76
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 20:31 | # Tyler writes: “Isn’t a VR/Matrix type thing more likely or likely to come online earlier?” It is a race against time but keep in mind that it only takes 13 years for a female to reach puberty and the clones could already be 2 year old now. This is NOT science fiction. It is present technology. Moreover, the malevolent masters of the matrix will rely on making reality even more unbearable than it already is in order to drive people into their “virtual reality coffins”. A real world with an abundance of real high IQ blonde bombshells will be a problem. PS: You might like to read My Vendetta Against the Wachowski Brothers. 78
Posted by Trainspotter on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 23:06 | # @Leon: thanks, I appreciate it. James Bowery: “And I think you’re barking up the wrong tree when you hypothesize WNs or anyone else going into a comparable scale with “attractive Asian women” or any other race’s women. The big production runs (the kinds the Chinese are good at) are going to be of northern European women.” I was not suggesting that WN societies would do such a thing with Asian females, in fact quite the opposite. I was suggesting that they would not. But if we’re looking at this from the standpoint of comparative “production runs,” I’d wager that the production runs of cloned Asian females would be pretty big. There is in fact a substantial demand for that sort of thing…and not just among Asian males. If we assume this is all about China making money, instead of viewing it in terms of a racial attack, certainly there would be good money to be made in attractive, especially servile Asian females. In any event, it would be engaging in esoteric hair splitting to quibble over this. The salient point is in the fundamental implications of these new technologies, not fixating too much on a single hypothetical. The new technologies can and will likely be utilized in all sorts of ways. The major point being that cloning/genetic engineering and similar technlogies will likely be used against us in the future. On the other hand, particularly if we have achieved territorial sovereignty in one or more places, we can use this technology for our own benefit, and will be better able to deter its use by those who mean us ill. Ultimately, it’s all about power. Right now, we have no power. On the other hand, anti-whites have power. Non-whites such as the Chinese have power. There is a host of revolutionary technology that is already here, or soon will be. Under the current dispensation, anti-whites and non-whites will be able to use these technologies for their purposes, not ours. That’s the fundamental issue, and it provides renewed urgency for us to achieve territorial power. We can no longer afford to be utterly prostrate, as the world is simply moving too fast. As long as we’re powerless, the issue is rather moot. I therefore went a bit further in my post and assumed that we will be able to achieve power through territorial sovereignty, and the positive and negative consequences of this technology in that context - to me the only context that matters. James Bowery: “Moreover, it doesn’t need to involve “slavery” at all—at least not the de jure kind.” From my perspective, when you take someone else’s DNA, create a human being, and sell them to the highest bidder…I call that slavery. You can call it what you will. If these technologies can, in essence, redefine our concepts of slavery and “human rights,” the implications are tremendous indeed. Chinese willingness to use technologies in ways that undermine the acceptance of liberal norms could have consequences for us that are horrific…or on the other hand offer the possibility of freeing ourselves from a dysfunctional culture that is becoming less relevant by the day. James, you asked for people to think about the implications of what you hypothesize. I did so, at least to an extent. Yes, I spent part of the post explaining why I was not confident that your particular hypothetical would come to pass quite as you describe, but then I went on to take it as a given and throw out a few implications flowing from that given, in what I see as a meaningful context. I did this to help get the thread back on track, as you requested. Yet you choose to quibble with me over side issues instead of addressing my actual points.
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jun 2012 23:38 | # When you quoted me about “slavery” you left this off of the quote: “They can just raise them to like living in the Hallstatts (or other real estate developments) that are mass produced, and then charge them nothing to live there.” Yes, I agree with you that this is de facto slavery—but not because the DNA was stolen. It is de facto slavery for the same reason that young northern European women are enslaved by their indoctrination by Jews and the unnatural environments to which they are subjected. They think they have freedom but they are programmed robotic monster slaves. My point is that this kind of slavery through usurping ancestral indoctrination and interposing alien indoctrination for the benefit of the aliens—is not legally recognized as slavery: It is not “de jure” slavery and hence will not be opposed on those grounds by Pax Judaica since Pax Judaica is largely founded on precisely that kind of slavery. And I’m not really quibbling over side issues. I’m placing things in proper perspective. Genetic engineering may or may not be the larger issue in the longer term depending on what happens in the near term. My point was that it isn’t clear to me that the current racial animus motivating the attacks on our people will survive the commodification of the underlying sexual prize of northern European women. The real quibbler here is Silver making a mountain out of a molehill about economics when the primary motive for power among men—hence economic success—is maximized sexual success. The only hyperbole in which I engaged was ignoring the motives of female immigrants and some of the more eusocial of the male immigrants. Even the male immigrants that are sexually active and don’t go after our women cannot be said to be failing to do so out of a lack of desire to do so, rather than a lack of sufficient economic success to do so. 80
Posted by Pfft on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 00:38 | # Ever seen lines of Oriental men waiting their turn for a chance to enjoy a piece of sloppy three dozenths with white women? I have. In Dongducheon and Iwakuni. MPs and courtesy patrols usually turned a blind eye. No shame about it at all. I take that back. The lines formed at night. Meaningless anecdotal evidence, of course. Some good-looking blonde military women and dependents amass quite the fortune in Asia. Bowery’s not too far off. 81
Posted by daniel on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 01:07 | # My point was that it isn’t clear to me that the current racial animus motivating the attacks on our people will survive the commodification of the underlying sexual prize of northern European women.
I like all women of European descent. That is not to be construed as saying that I want for them to be blended into one people. 82
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 01:27 | # Your personal preferences are not at issue here, daniel. What is at issue is an objectively verifiable or falsifiable proposition. What do men who immigrate to our lands tend to choose when they have a choice in sexual partners? Note, this is predicated on the men having high sociosexual status which, for most non-Africans means economic success. For Africans, Jews have been working feverishly on their behalf to GIVE them sociosexual status so economic success isn’t as much of a requirement. The racial animus toward Europeans expressed by the media in relentlessly promoting couples like Seal+Klum, Woods+Nordegren, as exemplars does not include nearly as many cases where the females are southern European. Why do they do that rather than relentlessly promoting such pairings involving southern European women? Another aspect of this is the well known fact that Jews invest heavily in the making and distribution of movies where the object of desire is clearly a northern European female and the object of derision is clearly a northern European male. If blond or red hair were considered “white” racial traits this would be more of an issue for white nationalists, but as things stand, it is a perfect way for Jews to divide whites and you know what? White nationalists generally go along precisely because to object strenuously would be seen as “Nordicist”. 83
Posted by daniel on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 01:48 | # I believe the reason that they have targeted northern Europeans to whatever extent they have is because that was the ruling group of America that they sought to over-turn. However, Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” video was produced, promoted and jammed by Jewish organs. Jungle Fever was another movie which targeted Italian women (Spike Lee could not have made that movie without Jewish support). Mia Sara performed in an after school special where she has a relationship with a nigger. Southern Europeans are a smaller demographic in the US but they have not been exempt Jewish targeting.
Posted by Fairbanks on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 02:14 | # I don’t think Southern Europeans have really been targeted. If they have, it’s usually incidental and a result of being grouped with the wider white America. If anything, they have been valorized, especially the men with all the Mafia movies that portray them as heroes and macho, cool, and paragons of masculinity. The Mafia has been raised up to a mythic status and noble and virtuous in the minds of many. 85
Posted by Fairbanks on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 02:22 | # Here’s a relevant article to this topic that just came out. The youth leader of the ANC (African National Congress) demands white girlfriends for the ANC: ANC leader demands white girlfriend
Posted by daniel on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 02:36 | # To whatever extent the mafia has been glorified is very unfortunate. The mafia is not about protecting culture, it only cares about money - that is the reality. I understand Camora is involved in prostitution and cooperating with Nigerians toward that end. The craftsmanship in the godfather movies was good but the story was awful, really demoralizing. Whether targeted or through incidental damage Italians are suffering from political correctness as well. In a way, they’ve had a particularly bad situation as they’ve neither been granted group protection as a minority nor have they enjoyed an inside track to the White power structures in America. Italians are classified among White privilege when convenient to absorb blame, and often not included in White privilege when they might actually derive its rewards. I don’t want to make a big deal about this, just want to note that it is a tricky and someways particularly bad situation that Italians occupy among P.C. But let me repeat, romaticizing the mafia is doing nobody a favor, even if it is intended to do so.
Posted by Hesper on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 03:33 | # China is on the verge of economic collapse. Before I give my assent to that pithy prediction I’ll have to qualify it by drawing for the reading public here a revealing world-picture of the twentieth century. China was infiltrated successfully by the West (e.g. the 1911 “Chinese” revolution, where the Manchu emperor was deposed by Christian proselytes and white man financiers, was an imposition from the exterior, and internally an acquiescent reaction to the stimulus of aforesaid exterior imposition, it was no expression of indigenous sentiment or national interest) at the beginning of the last century, but we became fully at about this same time the Judeo-West (e.g. the Federal Reserve Jewish piggy-bank, the 100% owned-and-operated Jew puppet Woodrow Wilson and the calamity of 1917 in Russia, etc. The first two of those events bringing about the third). Between the 1933 ‘election’ of the fervent Soviet communist ally Roosevelt and the Jew-aware but not Jew-resistant Nixon, there was, at the highest levels, insincere, deliberately ineffectual or sabotaged and counter-productive ‘struggle’ against Third World quasi-communist (but in reality nationalist anti-Western) movements - but never against Jewry’s bosom child the Soviet Union (Slavicising realists were at this time, not discarding the Jewish Marxian religion, but like the gentile converts to the Church in the second century keeping the original Judaic faith while expelling the now obnoxious Jewish rabbis). Kissinger, and Jewish economists and big business pooh-bahs like Friedman, led the charge to ‘open up’ China to Judeo-Western fractional reserve banking and lending, mass transfer of our technological methods, machines and factory production to the Orient, and inviting Orientals to our universities where we teach them how to compete against us, despise our obvious decadence at close quarters and ogle our women (90% of Oriental students here I see dye their hair brown, red or blond because naturally theirs is uniformly straight-textured black, unless it’s a mixed-blood). The Judeo-West is being drained dry, but when we stagger and fall, the entire edifice our spirit, and greed, has built will crumble too - most disastrously in China. This is why I assento the comrade Sparkle’s prediction. From there the anarchy will spread destroying nation-states that are not self-sufficient (self-sufficient/independent = uncontrolled by the American empire). Luckily (because I know you’re worried), international Jewry, not without some danger or injury I must confess, can pick up their travelling-cases en masse in a few month’s notice and hop aboard private jets, Israeli-owned airbuses or military transports (made and paid for by Mr and Mrs Brian-dead in Kansas or wherever) to the large, wealthy and well-connected ‘Western’ expatriate colonies in Shanghai and Peking. Once there shall they prevail in usurping the government behind the curtains? Maybe. Maybe not. But they’ll be alive, mostly intact, and enjoying far better prospects than a vampire-bled, home-riven and race-blended demoralised ‘West’. 88
Posted by Hesper on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 03:39 | # I append this comment to explain my conception of China in this period in purely ‘negative’ terms, i.e. China acts only to negate what the actual historical agents of this period, Westerners and by way of dissimulation, mimicry and distortion, the Jews, develop and deploy. 89
Posted by Silver on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 06:35 | # Hesper, What an incredible load of fact-free nonsense. I’m glad you posted it, though, because it provides an excellent illustration of what occurs to a man when he succumbs to the “Race is wrong, therefore everything is wrong” fallacy. To those other readers put off by this rubbish: don’t just grit your teeth and endure it, speak up, and help drive the kook wing from this blog (just as was done J Richards). Bowery,
Setting the record straight is hardly making mountains out of molehills. That the primary motive… etc is naked assertion on your part, and could be refuted without much effort. But to play along for a moment, why should anyone accept your definition of maximized sexual success? Indeed, it’s not even clear how you yourself define it with respect to quality or quantity, relationship status, whether procreation is involved etc beyond the certainty that your definition will include the term “northern European” somewhere. On the other hand, regarding northern Europeans being “targeted” in media, entertainment and advertising, I wouldn’t disagree. 90
Posted by Dubonnet on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 08:02 | #
In Asia today, most of the foreign men that have sex with the native women or marry them are white men, and most of them are probably of northern European descent. And they are mainly the ones who tend to promote liberalism, open borders, PC, feminism, promiscuity, cultural Marxism, etc. there i.e. the things we tend to associate with Jews and blacks in the West. There aren’t many Jews and blacks there. 91
Posted by Hesper on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 09:57 | # What an incredible load of fact-free nonsense. I’m glad you posted it, though, because it provides an excellent illustration of what occurs to a man when he succumbs to the “Race is wrong, therefore everything is wrong” fallacy. Since you haven’t specified in what particulars the analysis, consisting of what I will allow to be broad-strokes of a very complex and undulating period, is in error then I should dismiss your puffed-up reproachful clucking as the blarney it is. I never stated that the Cold War was a sham in the manner silly obsessives allege the moon-landing is, merely at the highest level there was insincerity, massive collusion with the Soviets, Third World and domestic communists, and that the Jewish (and gentile) oligarchs, and of course the rank-and-file of Jewish academia were wildly pro-communist and introduced its precepts as dictates (anti-racism, evil of patriarchy, dole queue welfare-socialism, etc). The Chinese revolution was fraudulent (as all modern revolutions have been), and FDR and friends were not terribly perturbed when, having obliterated the anti-communist traditionalists of Tojo’s Japan, the USA and Western “democracies” lost China to a Jewish-founded political religion of almost unimaginable destructiveness and insanity (similar to Christianity, however, in that it conveniently abolishes racial distinctions and borders, a feature helpful in the extreme for a country-less nation-hopping people as the Jews). Why I am to be scolded on account of your obvious historical ignorance and nonchalant hand-waving self-importance? Kissinger did indeed demand rapprochement with Red China, and the Jewish State of Israel sells what they extort and receive as stolen goods from the West to China whose good graces they strive to win. If you lived in a country to which you felt a riveted ancestral attachment, or if you really had something to lose from this degenerate period, you might not be so sarcastic and quick to insinuate paranoia or unintelligence against someone who knows infinitely more than you. I thought you weren’t a rude prick but it appears I was too amiable in my assumption. You’re a shallow glib materialist, of poor historical learning, as too many of your lot are. 92
Posted by Hesper on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 10:24 | # Since Silver’s securely employed at the chicken shop, has frothy beer and a packet of steaks in the fridge, and a full tank of petrol in the car (with the requisite Panagia icon on the dashboard), young Master Acropolis Now of the millenial generation thinks affairs are happy and invulnerable, with not a cloud in the sky for months and months into the future (such being the limited time perspective of a boy who is devoid of any landed connections and thinks the insignificant three or so decades he’s been gulping in breath establishes his status as a world-wise seer). What will things be like in 2020 Silver? 2030? 2040? You’ll only be sixty or so I reckon by 2040, that’s not even retirement age now. What will the retirement age be then? Will the Lebos you see around you at the Parramatta shopping centre, bearded ugly father, veiled mother and ten offpsring in tow (all generously supported by Anglo and white Aussie taxpayers) pay for your retirement? Will you like bumping shoulders anonymously in the Melbourne of 2040 against half-Chinese or quarter negro strangers, without a smile and with the danger of pickpocketing or a knife stab ever present? Do you think, having been flooded by Indonesia and with Aussies few and far between, a China hungry for minerals won’t be bullish? What about ‘our’ 750,000+ Chinese-‘Australians’? Do Chinese strike you as the sort to lose affection for the motherland, in other words are they a non-racist snuggly kitten kind of lot? Or is History over Silver? No more hate, no more sin, no more poverty (hat tip to Bono) and no more wars for booty, land or slaves - the limbo prevailing since 1945 (what about what’s occurred in Kampuchea, Ruanda, the Congo and Balkans in the meantime?) will go on for ever and ever and any naughty little kook hinting otherwise is like a spoilsport bigot warning Greece not to fritter foreign banks’ money on no-work plum jobs for podgy ex-brickies in the Piraeus sveral years ago. Look what fun they’re having in Greece now! I hope America, or the ardently pro-Turkish Jews, don’t turn a blind eye, because a sinking Hellas is a tempting morsel. Turkey took half of Cyprus, without even having a legitimate claim (or covert American approval) unlike Saddam’s seizure of Kuwait, but the Turks are good for the Jews and “self-determination”, “international rule of law” etc were barely heard what Famagusta was sacked or those monasteries burnt down. But that’s just kookery. 93
Posted by Classic Sparkle on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 15:09 | # Kissinger did indeed demand rapprochement Indeed! The gods of the market and lesser deities demand it! The fates and furies require the Lexus parked underneath the olive tree… China has served its purpose. Its great economic contraction is already underway. 94
Posted by uh on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 16:09 | # HESPER — I BOW TO THEE. With one reservation. Communism nowehere “abolished racial distinctions”. Borders were effaced, redrawn, populations resettled, but you will not be able to find a single instance of Communist doctrine or policy even distantly approaching what desegregation in the United States has wrought. Communists did not “invent” anti-racism or political correctness, and Communism is not responsible for desegregation, civil rights, or any of the suite of anti-white social mechanisms which afflict us. 95
Posted by uh on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 16:34 | # The total commodification of memsahibs. I like it. They’re nothing but fuck-dolls anyway. They don’t serve my genetic interests. Show of hands — how many of you have they served in that fundamental respect? are they really “our” women, or is Bowery a very smart pedestalizer? wasn’t Halstatt commodified when it became a tourist town 150 years ago? I can’t afford to stay there, can any of you? remember when the gypsies moved in to Saxon Transylvania? Where are all the thick-ankled stout broads who can carry a pig in one arm and an infant in the other? what does it matter anymore what the Chinese are doing? Our arm’s been twisted, and broken. They win. 96
Posted by Anon on Mon, 11 Jun 2012 22:55 | #
It’s because the Jews are on a mission to race mix whites into oblivion. The Jews knew that they couldn’t convince WN to race mix with blacks, so they had to come up with a new plan to encourage whites to race mix. They chose Chinese and then pushed hard a Whites + Chinese race mixing agenda in the WN community. WN culture is 90% under Jewish control. The Jewish plan is that once whites have race mixed with Chinese, they will be divorced from their identity and therefore more likely to race mix with niggers in the 2nd generation. The end game is to race mix whites with blacks to the point that whites become low IQ slaves under Jewish control. Obviously, the “Final Solution to the Jewish question” whites should be aiming for is to race-mix Jews with low IQ niggers so that Jews will no longer be a threat to whites. This is a “Final Solution” that liberals can support because it doesn’t involve killing anyone and it involved race-mixing, which liberals are supposed to support anyway.
Posted by daniel on Tue, 12 Jun 2012 05:56 | # Just on this one thread we have two who admit to having fucked or are currently fucking non-whites, that is Leon Haller and daniel. - Wayne I admit to no such thing. A former girlfriend who was 1/4 Chinese is hardly high treason; insufficiently White perhaps, that is why I broke up with her. 98
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 12 Jun 2012 09:21 | # Anon - then you will pleased to hear that a marital feud between two elite jewish families is over a rapper: Of course these are younger, peripheral family members…. 99
Posted by Anon on Tue, 12 Jun 2012 21:56 | # If the Chinese started up a human cloning factory, I would get a sample of DNA from Nick Griffin’s daughter and then put in an order for 1,000 clones of her. The reason I chose her is because as the daughter of Nick Griffin, she will be guaranteed to have inherited the racist gene as well as the political skill gene. Which is a good combo. Next, I would go to the UK chess championships and get a sample of DNA from the male English chess champion, then place an order for 1,000 clones of him. This would leave me with 2,000 clones on my hands. I would need a place to house them. I would order an authentic English clone village from the Chinese, large enough to house 1,000 families with an average of 8 children each. The clone village would need to be located in deepest darkest rural China, far away from prying eyes. The advantage of having this village in China will be that there is no black people around. I would raise the clones in this fake English village, telling them that they live in England. Their mission would be to breed with one another, to merge the DNA from Nick Griffins daughter with that of the chess champion. They would need to have 8 children per couple, leaving me with a small army of 10,000 highly talented nationalists, being raised in a totally controlled environment, free from the influence of the BBC and MTV. When the children reach voting age, that will be the time to move them to England so they can join the BNP. I will make use of illegal immigrant smuggling routes to get them into England. The BNP has a membership size of about 8,000 people, so when I move my 10,000 clones into the party, I will have control of more than 50% of the party membership and thus control of the party. Due to the carefully selected genetics my clones have inherited, they will be oozing with talent and naturally the BNP will be propelled into power. Once the BNP is in power, I would use tax revenues to buy up more clones from China in order to solidify the victory. Then airstrikes on any African country that dares to buy cloned white women. We can’t have Africans buying white clone women because it would end up increasing Africa’s IQ level and making it more of a threat to Europe. 100
Posted by Anon on Tue, 12 Jun 2012 22:06 | # I can’t help but wonder who is paying for this Chinese town, or whose idea it was. It may turn out to be an example of Jewish subversion of Chinese culture. Don’t be surprised if you find out that the people behind this clone Austrian town in China are actually Jewish. Wayne should investigate this and of course alert his fellow Chinamen of the risk posed by Jewish infiltration and subversion. This could turn out to be part of the Jews plans to lure whites to China for the purposes of race-mixing. 101
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 02:16 | # @ANON
What’s the point of being an Aryan if you do unto them what they’d do to you? Take the case of Kate Rothschild (now Goldsmith); see link by Lurker. The Rothschilds are supposed to be evil incarnate, sitting on a wealth of trillions that they’ve obtained via usury, wars and a long list of criminal behaviors, presumably thinking they’re demigods or perhaps gods. But if it’s true that Kate Rothschild committed bestiality with an ape [that’s how the creature looks], then she obviously isn’t Jewish supremacist scum. And look at her. One look at a good number of hook-beak Jewish women and you know you’re looking at evil, such as the lying feminist scum Betty Freidan. But Kate Rothschild has no hook-beak or malicious look to her. She’s a decent Jew, a rare creature, and royalty. It’s tragic to have someone like her commit bestiality with an ape. Hopefully no sprogs will come out of this. The good news is that she had three children with a Jew, and hopefully they’ll take after her, minus the interest in bestiality. Kate’s aunt, Kathleen Rothschild, also fell for an ape, but she already had 5 children, and as far as I know, the ape didn’t give her sprogs. Kate’s husband’s sister, Jemima Goldsmith, also did something remarkable. She married and had two children with a Pakistani Muslim! Talk about a non-prejudiced Jew! The redeeming thing in Jemima’s case is that at least the Muslim happened to be a light-skinned, predominantly caucasoid individual. There are some decent Jews, but too few. More children by decent Jews, with other Jews = racial improvement of Jews, which this race of genetic defectives, and humanity, desperately needs. 102
Posted by Circassian on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 03:04 | # Couple of questions to the author of this post who lives in virtual reality expanding in horizontal direction all the way to Irkutsk: 1) Why did you post that ugly image of a nigger holding in his arms a white woman? Don’t we have enough of that on Jew-owned mass media and Jew-owned internet enterprises like Yahoo? 2) Why do you insist on commenters staying on a very “realistic” and very “urgent” problem of the day like Chinese cloning white women to fuck? 103
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 03:05 | #
Aren’t you doing just what Jews do to Aryans when you engage in extreme dehumanization of Jews? Sure, Richards, you intend it as satirical - but still. P.S. If you regard Jews as the literal spawn of Satan - you know you do - then why not exhort the extermination of Jews? If Jews are not fully human, and therefore not entitled to the same moral considerations as those who are fully human, why not just kill them like so many pestiferous cockroaches? 104
Posted by Circassian on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 03:53 | # CC, Extermination of Jews is not a good idea and it is not even necessary. The final solution is a simple two-step move: 1) Every country in the world shall establish a department for registering and counting the Jews of that country. The need for this is to be declared openly and explained to the public the justification for doing so based on rigorous historical research. 2) Jews should get a fair representation in all important areas that has to do with governance, but not more than that, i.e. 2%-3% in accord with their share in the population. It can be done, and it will be done as soon as whites of the West lose the benefit Jews bring to them: the spoils of looting of the world that makes Anglo-Saxons comfortably numb. 105
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 04:08 | # I’m not saying exterminating the Jews is morally admissible, Ivan (it isn’t morally admissible). The question was purely rhetorical and intended to pour a little cold water on the fire of Richards’ intellectual and moral vanity. It seems from time to time that Richards needs be reminded that he is not God. And thank God that he isn’t. 106
Posted by Tom on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 05:07 | #
Jews can and should get “fair representation” in their own land. If Israel isn’t enough, they can get another piece of land to live independently. They don’t have a right to live anywhere, everywhere, among other peoples. If you’re ever in a position to be able to count Jews and drastically reduce their influence, then you’ll be in a position to be able to deport them. 107
Posted by Tom on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 05:21 | # Jews are angry and using the government to “investigate” a private genetic-diagnostic company in Hungary because a Hungarian politician used the company’s services to verify and declare that he does not have Jewish or Gypsy genes: If they can’t even accept people discovering their genetic ancestry and sharing and advertising it to other people, what makes you think they’re going to just let people count Jews and then control and restrict them? 108
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 05:30 | # Morality has nothing to do with it. Saying that killing human beings is immoral doesn’t make much sense. If I recall correctly, not so long ago you have been advocating Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in a violation of nonaggression pact. And, of course, it was obvious from the start that the aggression would lead, and it led, to the killing of millions and millions of people who have done nothing wrong. On the other hand, killing the invading Germans was obviously justified and “moral” in the eyes of the people who were defending their country and their lives. This is a game, dear CC, and the name of the game is survival and propagation of your own. But why kill, if we can arrange things in such a manner that we don’t have to kill each other in order to survive? Can’t we just compete without killing each other? After all, cooperation has many benefits. P.S. By the way, as far as I can tell, J Richards is a good man. 109
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 05:46 | #
To large extent, the power of the Jews comes from the willingness of whites, mostly of Anglo-Saxon variety, to cooperate with them in the criminal enterprise of looting the world. That willingness is not something that can be guarantied forever, and when it disappears, no one will be asking the Jews their permission to do something, or seeking an advise from them how to do it. 110
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 06:04 | #
Taking your words at face value, Ivan, it seems you will the ground before you to fall away even where you wish to step. Without morality “might makes right” and “do as thou wilt” is the whole of the law.
You surely are a strange character.
Good question. And one to which I can find no good reason to furnish an answer contrary to the one you would wish me to give.
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 06:40 | #
That I do not question. It is just that there is an element of puerility to JR’s emotional life, insufficiently counterbalanced by gravitas, which renders him unfit for Leadership.
Posted by Hesper on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 06:58 | # It can be done, and it will be done as soon as whites of the West lose the benefit Jews bring to them: the spoils of looting of the world that makes Anglo-Saxons comfortably numb. By that time the addict will be incapacitated and unable either to recognize his surrounds or retaliate. Meanwhile the dealer will have flown across the globe in search of refuge with his gains the inducement to bribe the purchase of an hospitable reception. No one here, I wager, is more affectionate in regarding the honour and manfulness of our Tscherkess friend, but his sanguine prognosis is redolent of a Moslem’s faith in the divine providence of al-Allah to ensure justice is served. El-Yahweh is stronger, more cunning and a truckload richer than his cousin semitic tribal deity. Your misapprehension that we are primary, or substantial, beneficiaries of the Jewish global exploitation is bemusing as a dispassionate and sedulous observer should notice that since the Jews’ full seizing of the reins from 1960 or so onwards Western social conditions, for the mass of plebs, relative to the professional cosmopolites (headed by the Chosen with venal and pliable native classes of collaborators, and increasingly conglomerated from the ambitious, shameless and whorish arrivistes of the Barbarian world from Azerbaijan to Kenya to Korea and South America, gobbling up fickle careerist women, prestigious professorships from the peoples which invented the sciences being studied, luxurious houses in countries where usable land is dwlindling, et cetera) have sunk. We are kept in check by saturated intoxication from a multitude of media, from the narcotic to the electronic and morally propagandistic. I’m not saying exterminating the Jews is morally admissible, Ivan (it isn’t morally admissible). What cruel irony it is from the Jews then that they would deport or massacre or somehow else detroy us down to the last child with a psychologically religious and undoubting mental absolutism that admits of no compunction or unspoken reference to otherworldly ethical strictures against sin (war crimes) and the threat of judgment (show trials). None today mourn the Amalekites or the Hellenised Aramaeans who fell victim to the Maccabees though American Christians read these histories devoutly and sing praises that el-Yahweh’s divine race triumphed genocidally over their rivals for living space. Anyway we haven’t the means to contemplate such things, they’re prudentially and technically inadmissible. In the Western world only Jewry possesses the will and the means, and in Palestine they’re using both. 113
Posted by Hesper on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 07:10 | # If you’re ever in a position to be able to count Jews and drastically reduce their influence, then you’ll be in a position to be able to deport them. Thank Chr—t someone besides me here is alive to reality and our interests. Tom I owe you a beer. 114
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 09:50 | # I’m not personally as Jew-hostile as many here, but the solution to the JQ is very simple, and need not involve anything too morally impermissible (that is, from some ethical standpoint: Christianity for me), let alone legally complex. Let white lands be made non-Aryan-free. Remove all nonwhites, including Jews, from the (American) White Republic (as well as Europe), and then write that new dispensation into an irrevocable constitution. Some might argue that Jews are still too dangerous (to whites) simply to be allowed to roam free even in nonwhite lands, and that all Jews need to be deported to, and then ‘quarantined’ in, Israel (I do not share this view, but it is another viable alternative). The real focus, however, should be on whites toughening ourselves up. Jewish power is overwhelmingly a function of white racial confusion and weakness. If there should one day arise many more racially self-confident whites, malign Jewish influence will correspondingly decline. White pride is a tactically better approach than anti-Semitism. 115
Posted by Classic Sparkle on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 10:20 | # *snaps* Poof! Two thousand year old problem that our ancestors, our betters, couldn’t solve all sewn up in a couple paragraphs. Are you going to go door to door demanding papers Leon? Or will dividends from your gold stocks enable you to buy your way out of service to the White Republic? Oh wait! You’re a fucking greyish fellow who gets to tie yellow ribbons to mighty oaks with misty eyes and patriotic fervor while the young men like me tie the yellow stars to the Steins you were just snorting coke over dinner with! Judenfrei for thee! Just protect my stocks while you eject the brokers!!! Lolozzzlolzies. 116
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:55 | #
That’s the idea behind messing with white race and attempts intensified since mid-sixties to alter it to the point of no return. It won’t work. Yes, dear Hesper, justice will be served. However, it will be ensured not by the divine providence of al-Allah, but by the irresistible tenacity of life to endure. 117
Posted by Rerevisionist on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 15:48 | # Interesting and rather depressing material. Or maybe I’m getting old. However, your views on the future might be modified by the awareness that ‘nuclear weapons’ are almost certainly yet another Jewish lie. has one year’s forum debate on this. Start eg with the section on Hiroshima’s fake atom bombing. The find out why the H bomb hoax was invented - to keep Jews in the USSR from having their slave plantation democratised. 118
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 17:55 | #
Let’s be specific, Hesper. Fly where? With the screw-up of the Western world, which is all but complete by now, there will be only two powers left in the world worth of infesting by the Jews - Russia and China. We can safely exclude from this short list Russia for obvious reasons: Jews screwed up Russia twice in the last 100 years so badly that anti-Jewish sentiments are very strong there from the top to the very bottom. China? What is it that Jews can offer to bribe China with? Money? The Chinese have accumulated so much confetti that they do not know how to get rid of them. Technological know-how? They’ve already got it from the Jews who shipped all of it to China as the result of their greedy policy of using cheap slave labor. Besides, Russia’s Putin is busy forging Eurasian cooperation with Russia and China as principal members to counterbalance thoroughly Jewdised West. On the question who are the primary, or substantial, beneficiaries of the Jewish global exploitation. Yes, you are right that most of the spoils goes to those who cooperate with the Jews directly by selling out the interests of their own people. But can you name a single race or nation in the world who benefited from the Jewish thievery as a WHOLE, with the notable exception of those leaving in the West? Where else can you find Christian-Zionists, or Muslim-Zionists, or Buddha-Zionist in the world in millions, except the United States. Americans still live relatively well, well enough to make sure that rude awakening from the sleepy existence, induced by the drug of living comfortably, is not in the cards yet. The real and rapid education of the masses will ultimately come from that awakening, which will happen sooner or later. Jews have painted themselves in the corner. This time, hopefully, for good. 119
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 23:00 | # Careful with painting me as a pariah, Ivan. “Revisionist” may feel it necessary to distance himself from me and start up a site about Dolly being a lie. He certainly wouldn’t want to be mistaken for a DnD playing VR avatar, or whatever other “descriptive” bioattack with which the pseudonymous MR-idiocracy decides to juice up their hormones, from the safety of their keyboards ensconced as they, and their keyboards are in Great Mother (may the aroma of her pheromones ever be with you) Civilization. What are you poor creatures going to do when it all goes to hell? Bang on your keyboards furiously to get drinkable water? 120
Posted by Anon on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 23:29 | #
Kate Rothchild didn’t have sex with a black, it’s a PR stunt designed to encourage race mixing amongst English upper class women. English upper class women are supposed to respond to this by saying “If Rothchild is race mixing with a nigger, then I should too!”. The Rothchild plan is to get the rest of the upper class race mixing with low IQ niggers in order to give the Rothchilds a further IQ edge over their upper class rivals. Because race-mixing is a form of biological warfare.
The only tradgedy is that she didn’t get pregnant with a black baby. Of course she couldn’t have got pregnant from him, because she never even had sex with him in the first place. It was a PR stunt. Now the question is, why doesn’t J Richards want Jews to race mix with niggers? Why is J Richards celebrating Jews having an above replacement level birth rate? Why is J Richards celebrating the fact that there are more Jews on earth? Why does J Richards want genetic improvment of Jews? I think we all know what the J in J Richards stands for…
Just a spot of WN science fiction fun. Sadly, 90% of WN culture is controlled by Jews, so most WN novels are depressing dystopian books because the Jews want to encourage a negative pessimistic outlook amongst the WN community. The fictional themes explored in this thread are positive and forward thinking which is not the kind of thinking the Jews want to encourage in the WN community. Hence the Jewish outrage.
Because killing people is bad. WN community will not get the support of white liberals if they promote killing Jews. Hovever, if WN promote race mixing Jews with low IQ niggers, then this is a cause that white liberals can really support because liberals are very much in favor of race-mixing. The Jews cannot complain about this strategy after they have spent so long encouraging whites to race-mix. Race mixing Jews with low IQ niggers really is THE final solution.
Because throughout the last 2,000 years, there haven’t been any low IQ niggers around to race mix with Jews, so it was never an option. However, things are different now. Nowadays there is a nice supply of low IQ niggers to race mix with Jews, so at last the final solution to end the Jewish Question once and for all is now available.
Excluding Jews has been done before and it doesn’t work. Besides, white liberals wouldn’t support excluding Jews. Instead, trashing the Jewish genepool by race mixing them with low IQ niggers is a much better option. Liberals cannot complain about this strategy because it doen’t involve killing anyone and it involves race mixing which is something they really love. Race mixing Jews with low IQ niggers really will solve the Jewish problem once and for all. It doesn’t involve anything “nasty” like killing people, or excluding Jews from society. Once the Jews have been race mixed with low IQ niggers they will be free to travel wherever they want and do whatever they want. They won’t be oppressed at all. Their new low IQ status will mean they are no longer a threat to Whites/China/Palestinians/the world and black skin will make it harder for them to “shapshift”. It really is the final solution to end all final solutions. In fact, there is no reason why the Jews shouldn’t support this idea themselves, their culture and religion will remain unchanged, the Rabbis will still have a flock of Jews under their control. They will still have cultural continuity going back thousands of years. They only thing to change is that they would have a new black phenotype and a lower IQ. And they can’t really complain about that considering how hard they have been campaigning for it in the West. 121
Posted by Hesper on Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:18 | # ...will be ensured not by the divine providence of al-Allah, but by the irresistible tenacity of life to endure. What an enchanting Hallmark© message Ivan. Do you devote the hours of your leisure to penning dime-store romance novels as well? I can picture the titles of these saccharine literary analgesics this moment:“The Clandestine Mistress”, “The Caucasus shepherd girl and her Persian Master”, “Having the Boss’s Baby”, “Arabian Nights - Oriental Pleasure: Six Sizzling Erotic Tales of Love and Hope Against the Odds by Ivan the Tscherkess physics teacher”. I know you’re a white Asiatic from the the periphery of the Perso-Aramaic world-culture (this culture began with the dualist-morality monotheism of what the numbskulls in our cause believe was an ‘Aryan’, and therefore non-dualist, religion of Zoroastrianism simply because the grammar and language are cognate with ‘Aryan’ tongues some 3,500 years ago; and the Perso-Aramaic Kultur fulfilled itself in, passing over Judaism and Christianity as incomplete adolescent and maturing forms, the universal dualist-morality puritanical monotheism of Islamic Zivilisation) and that despite the hard-headed, iron-hearted realism of your behaviour, Perso-Arameans’ moral world-view is in its theory and particulars surprisingly childish and almost slavish. Compared to Christianity, especially post-Renaissance Western Christianity, it’s veritably barbarian but it lacks pagan wholesomeness in accepting the meaninglessness of a ‘justice’ which cannot enforce itself. Anyway, those remarks were mere preliminaries to my assertion that you dear Ivan don’t know one of the fundamentals of Life and are therefore arguing from delusional premises (the premises of your world-culture whether its supreme principle is onomastically designated Ahuramazda, el-Yahweh, the Logos borrowed confusedly from a completely alien Classical idea which is impersonal, non-supernatural and really a short-hand syndrome for the conjuncture of natural forces, Christ, al-Allah, and whatever the Bahai-ists abase themselves before). Life is essentially aimless and endless. The Greek philosophers knew it, Goethe knew it and now you know it. There’s no indefinite and invariable “tenacity…to endure”. Such a declaration is contradicted by every visible fact of the world at present, in the recent and more far-off historical annals not to mention the palaeontological record. Just because Tscherkesses, pedigree-less Arabs and Iranians have been drawing in oxygen, vegetating, defecating and masticating without discontent for the last thousand years like a herd of elk doesn’t mean they’re alive to history. They’re barely living, they’re zoologically living. We may not be so lucky (given also that we’re more unique than Perso-Aramaeans biologically, although frankly Kultur-Zivilisation entities, to quote Goethe, are a “unity of meaning” not a unity of blood per se). There are no guarantees of our survival post-WWIII Ivan any more than the Babylonians, Romans, Angkor Wat crowd, Toltecs (the Toltec Kultur was to Aztec Zivilisation as the Greek artistic and intellectual culture was to Roman politico-military civilisation, Germano-Latin medieval Catholic culture to Protestant/Tridentine-Papist Nordic industrial civilisation, etc) or any other amorphous mob of semi-piggish barn animals whipped into a cogent and self-aware group by superman egoists had such a guarantee. Justice and its auxiliary terms Guilt and Innocence are human conceptions. They hold no validity beyond the prejudices of human thought and the attributed intelligible ideas of human language. Like Peace, which I chided comrade Bowery from using as if it were a concrete description corresponding to an empirical reality, they are literary conventions and the attempts of our intellectual consciousness to make sense of a world which is changing so fast and so erratically we can’t comprehend the picture in front of our eyes. Permanence is an illusion. Paraphrasing Heraclitus, ‘Everything tunrs around’. 122
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 14 Jun 2012 03:23 | # @Ivan You forgot about Turkey the rising anti-Christ superpower after Russia’s collapse already backed by senior Jewish individuals in the US who lobby for there interests that after AIPAC the Turkish lobby is the most powerful in the US and there best friend in the whole world Islam. Next 100 Years - STRATFOR - George Friedman Joel Richardson Interview About The Islamic Antichrist It was a Hungarian Jew Arminius (Hermann) Vambery working on behalf of Lord Palmerston that formulated the idea of pan Turanianism Even your Circassian brothers are represented by Jewish interests like the Chechens, Bosnians, Kosovo Albanians, Syrians, Libyans, Turks, etc. 123
Posted by Circassian on Thu, 14 Jun 2012 05:36 | # Hesper, I am well aware that all life forms have certain life span. Everybody knows that civilizations rise and fall. There is no need to present that simple fact as a great insight. All civilizations you have mentioned died of senility, dying from senility is a natural thing. What you are missing is that Western Civilization is not old enough to die of senility - it is sick, but not senile. The Russian Civilization, which is older than the Western Civilization, has recovered twice from the same kind of sickness induced by the same kind of parasites, why can’t the Western Civilization? 124
Posted by Jenko on Thu, 14 Jun 2012 06:10 | # Chinese don’t need black authority. There is no black authority outside of White countries. Only Whites have subscribed to the idea that blacks are worthy of worship. Once the shit hits the fan, worship of blacks ends. Creatures like Seal will not have any more Klums. And those treasonous Whites who enable the Seals of the world are going to end up between hostile, awakened Whites on one end, and TNB on the other. No one is going to have any use for the self-styled “anti racists”. 126
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 18 Jun 2012 17:46 | # That is quite plausible, perhaps even likely, Swan, but it is incidental to the primary point which is that it is not the Asian men going after our women under the protection of our occupation governments, who are among the serious problems—and that Chinese specialize in exporting, their manufactured goods, to areas where there is little doubt the preference would be for the blonde bombshells of the high IQ variety. 127
Posted by George on Mon, 18 Jun 2012 18:15 | #
I don’t understand why high IQ would be necessary. Since when are guys, let alone Africans, into hot chicks with high IQ as sex toys? 128
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 19 Jun 2012 01:20 | # Re Swan’s girls. They’re back! Asian girls who could be Eurasian or even pass for white, especially the two on the right. If they are going to go that far, cloning girls like that why not indeed clone white girls? 129
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 19 Jun 2012 02:15 | # George, high IQ is good for solving problems that the harem idiocrats create. 130
Posted by timber on Tue, 19 Jun 2012 02:36 | # No way those girls could pass for white. They don’t really look ‘eurasian’ either. 131
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 19 Jun 2012 09:41 | # My Eurasian girlfriend looks whiter than any of those four. Not as hot, of course, but not all that much less attractive ... chest not as nice as the two bottom ones ... the Eurasian who should be brought up is “Maggie Q” (chick in the fourth Die Hard movie), one of the hottest women on Earth ... in fairness, however, I think Zhang Ziyi, who is full-blooded Asian as far as I know, is amazingly hot, too - remember Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? 132
Posted by Swan on Tue, 19 Jun 2012 18:51 | #
Posted by anon on Thu, 21 Jun 2012 15:33 | # I assume they are experimenting with cloning but also assuming a minimum of sixteen years to grow and that mass production wouldn’t happen for some time after further experimentation i think the decision point on our survival or otherwise will have been reached before this comes to pass.
Jews hate everybody but not all at once. The people they hate the most are the people they consider the biggest *potential* threat at a particular time and place.
The Chinese aren’t stupid. If they did this they’ll clone Chinese women. Even if it’s true that most of the people they’d sell them to view northern european blondes as the ideal (which is probably true at the moment but may not be then) those men would still trade a pretty (and very light-skinned) Chinese for their own women. So it would be like a mass version of what Jews do with a host nation’s original elite - colonization by stealth. 137
Posted by anon on Fri, 22 Jun 2012 21:33 | #
I assume he’s trying to point out that although someone like Klum might be the physical ideal for most of the 3rd world they’d find an attractive Chinese clone an acceptable alternative as a lot of it is simply about light skin. If the hair colour did turn out to be a big factor i expect they could figure out a way to give them different hair colours 141
Posted by John on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 17:01 | #
As a kid in school I remember wondering why whites were called “white”, why blacks were called “black”, and why Asians were “yellow” when their skin colors didn’t appear to match the labels, and when drawing people I had to use the “peach” and “brown” crayons to represent whites and blacks. So I wondered why we weren’t called “peach”, and why blacks weren’t called “brown”. I remember wondering why Asians were “yellow” and thinking that “white” (I was thinking of a ghost white or white paint type color) skin color was a feature of some Asians rather than whites. 142
Posted by Limped dick white supremacist on Mon, 03 Dec 2012 16:35 | # Sob, sob, sob. I am an angry, limped dicked, pussy begging, sex starved White nationalist loser. I hate those pesky jews. I hate those pesky niggers. I hate them muslims. I hate those slitty eyed yellow asians but I love fucking their small shapeless women because I’m a closet fag. Time for me to whine and bitch about everything on Stormfront. 14 words, Sieg Heil, the destruction of the ZOG and White Power! 143
Posted by pathetic white guy on Mon, 11 Mar 2013 02:35 | # What the fuck!! Blacks are taking the hottest white girls, I don’t want to settle with asian mans garbage!!!!!!! 144
Posted by Li Mei-shan on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 19:13 | # First of all, Asians/orientals whatever name you want to call us have African/Aboriganl ancestry… I don’t appreciate the racist and negative comments. In my country we are well informed of our history and still live alongside the Negrito tribes that still exist in our countries. Many of you claim intelligence but lack common sense and compassion, generalising others in nasty ways. not very intelligent after all. 145
Posted by andy on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:46 | # Thank you let mei shan speaking the truth to These albion and yes white mean are the ones going around watering done other races Who the fuck would want a inbred albino monkey clone lmao i cant tell yo how many white mean mean throw there selves at me and at asian women and im black but i guess i would Talk all this bs too if my face were becoming extinct lol by albion 146
Posted by vladtheimpaler on Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:46 | # you people on here are pathetic,white people aren’t going anywhere you losers,and chinese are dumb as rocks,so go take your self defeated asses and kill yourselves we will continue the white race without your pitiful asses.i think most of you are getting your rocks off talking about whites going extinvct you perverted bastards,niggers won’t breed anyone out but themselves,and negroes don’t control eUro white women,i have never heard such a bunch of beta bullcrap in all my life.HEY ANDY….NIGGERS ARE LIVING PROOF THE INDIAN FUCKED THE BUFFALO.THAT’S YOU NIGGER.EXTINCT BY ALBION,YOU COLORED MUTHR FUKERS ARE GONNA BE EXTINCT BY NUCLEAR SUB OR BIO HAZZARDS…..LOL…WE GOT SOMETHING PREPARED FOR YOU.SO SUCK MY WHITE DIK ASSHOLE.EXTINCT…YEAH YOU WISH,NOT IN YOUR LIFETIME MUTHR FUKR YOULL BE A DEAD MUTHR FUKR LIKE THE REST OF US.AND ON YOUR DEATH BED,WHITEY WILL STILL BE IN CHARGE LOL…SO G.F.Y. 147
Posted by Excess Chinese males Ukrainian women on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 03:27 | # Ukrainian Brides May Solve China’s Gender Gap, Chinese Media Claims “Their economy is depressed but beautiful women are running rampant,” the state-run Beijing News reported Jan. 22 in a story suggesting that Ukrainian women could be the solution to China’s woman shortage.” The 34 million extra men pose serious social risks, but some just see a matchmaking bonanza.
Posted by Huh? on Sun, 30 Aug 2015 06:31 | # All you hear is the insecurity of the oppositie gender, that somehow loses in the hunt for a partner. But in fact reliability is a greater evolutionary gain. Looks will be looks, but sadly comes often without the brain, and looks itself is up for discussion, brain in IQ is a fact. What you see is what you get, tell me how can you see a persons intelligence as we got ourselves a looker with a high IQ you might think. But why does this person contradict this in her actions, a narcisistic form that counters collaboration in society. Because as for a leader she failed by overcompentsating and highlight her own precious actions, as there were never precious actions before this; is lacking empathy. As for all the racemixing theories it’s an expression of an idea that should somehow be consumed by the baffled other. As for evolution the mixing could give as much problems not only by cultural differences, but also the reason that started it: a somehow better choice than the obvious because she says so. 150
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 01 Jan 2016 17:08 | # This year, a Chinese company plans to open a massive factory to clone 100,00 cows
It doesn’t matter what Xu wants. Once the technology exists, what the market wants matters. 151
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 01 Jan 2016 22:33 | # Genetic engineering could be used to preserve our Aryan individuality instead of single deadly combat. That of course assumes there is a need for any of it in the improbable instance that our ancestors were subjected to group selection in our evolutionary past. However, there is nothing to prevent us from ensuring that every shiftless nigger receives a monthly stipend, as opposed to merely most of them, in the form of a citizen’s dividend. You see, at least some limited human progress is possible! 152
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 14:50 | # A decade ago I wrote (above):
Black Pigeon Speaks does a reasonably good presentation on the gender ratio issue and mentions that Sweden now has a worse gender ratio among young adult men than even China due to the influx of young men looking for a better wife. There is nothing mysterious about this except for the relentless attempts by folks in places like MR to pretend the economic motivations trump sexual motivations. Quoting Scarface: “First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the pussy.” Of course, merely being permitted boots on the ground in enemy territory is power. This is one of the many reasons I try to get people to pull their heads out of the asses and reorient their thinking toward evolutionary psychology with particular emphasis on the 600 million year old history of male intrasexual selection competing over territory and mates. But it appears “civilization” has done a really good job of making it impossible for them to do so without falling into the fallacy of regarding such an analytic framework is anything but adolescent self-indugence.
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Posted by Classic Sparkle on Wed, 06 Jun 2012 17:28 | #
This would be pretty good for the whole world. The lightening of the whole globe!