Count the lies A fine example of wysteria-hysteria from the Guardian’s education correspondent Matthew Taylor appears on-line today. See if you can beat my count of the wall-climbers’ inflations, distortions and outright untruths this flapdoodle peddles. The rules are simple even for average folks of 100 IQ. A palpable but minor inflation of the facts scores an inferior one point; an old-fashioned, uncomplicated distortion scores a downlow two; but a rip-roaring, black-hearted lie gets the full, Billy Bragg house. Clue: there is more than one of the latter. I scored a niggardly eighteen points.
It’s nice to see the outrage going nation-wide, campus-wise. But, really ... Hind Hassan? Shaheed Fazal? Pav Aktar? What ever happened to little Loser Lane? Surely, a bunch of Pakistanis don’t speak for Brixton’s educational finest? Or maybe they do. I wonder what their mean IQ is. I should just make clear my thanks and appreciation to Frank Ellis for this entertainment. If we can’t drive these aliens out of the country yet humanely repatriate these fine people, as Ellis suggests, we can at least drive them up the wall. Comments:3
Posted by slinker, sailer, toldya, sly on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 21:02 | # “Surely, a bunch of Pakistanis don’t speak for Brixton’s educational finest? Or maybe they do. I wonder what their mean IQ is.” GW, now, just what are you implying? That South Asian cognitive elitists don’t represent all that is good and great in England? Surely, you jest! 4
Posted by Just a thought on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 22:06 | # Your ignorance is truly highlighted in your assumption that all the above motioned “a bunch of Pakistanis”, I can assure they are not, but even if they were I am positive they all hold full British citizenship. How can you expect people to absorb your racial ideologies if you are mindless enough to display such gratuitous prejudicial stereotyping as displayed above? For example may I highlight, “Hind Hassan, treasurer of Unite Against Fascism: (Orwellian for pro Infidel racism)”, surely Andrew and “Guessedworker” don’t speak for the intellectually superior white supremacists finest? May you all rot peacefully in hell. Good day. 5
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 22:20 | # JAT’s puny valediction overlooks the fact that for many British people whose towns have been colonised by Third World interlopers, Sartre’s ‘other people’ view of hell is already prevalent. 6
Posted by Shaheed Fazal on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 23:35 | # Just thought i would let you know that i am not Pakistani! I am actually a Canadian of East Africa origin! 7
Posted by Hanif Leylabi on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 23:30 | # I’d also like to point out that Hind Hasssan is Iraqi and not Pakistani. That’s three people , including myself, you have labelled as Pakistiani simply because we have foreign names that you recognise as vaguely Muslims perhaps. Racists and idiots. 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 00:19 | # It doesn’t matter, really, where you come from, Hanif. The fact is that you have a homeland somewhere and it is not England. Yet you victimise an Englishman in England, who did no more than speak the truth, didn’t you? You did it because he supports his people and you don’t ... which is natural enough but which makes you every bit as much a racist as anyone against whom you have ever employed that smear. Frank Ellis belongs in England. As an Englishman he is one of us. He is valued by us. His interests are our interests. None of that can ever apply to you. That’s not racism, btw. That’s Nature. Delegitimising the natural rights and interests of the English in England IS racism, however. This is a point of view you will hear much more of as the years pass. For we are going to take back our politics and then our country. 9
Posted by Nio Zilda on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 01:39 | # I notice Leylabi’s blog is called “left now.” If only! And for good, along with all his swarthy brethren. 10
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 03:00 | # Hanif Leylabi’s ‘idiots’ remark is perfectly natural coming from a member of a welfare-dependent interloper group whose valid contempt for the White British imbeciles who subsidise and fawn on them is limitless. 11
Posted by Hanif Leylabi on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 15:52 | # I am white by the way people. Dependent group? I think you’ll find that most Iranians in Britain are actually quite wealthy. Not that it matters. And what is nature? It was natural for us to shit in fields at one point, but people don’t do that anymore do they. Our conciousness is determined by the material conditions of the world in which we live not by some primitive racist gene. 12
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 19:55 | # Hanif, It is immaterial to me whether you are, in fact, green or blue. It wouldn’t matter if you were French or German. You are victimising one of my people. Read the EGI posts (link at top right of page) and you will understand yourself better as well as the people amongst whom you live. Consciousness, you say? An interesting word about which I have some few insights. It is not determined solely by environment but, in its sensory power, by intention and capacity (between 50% and 80% heritable) and, in its engagement with externality, by that mix of perfect plasticity (individual psychology) and genes again (including race and love to kind). As a non-English racist I understand why you are on the political left. It fits your needs. I understand that you are stuck with 100% environmentalism, whereby you have to condemn the scientific knowledge Ellis espouses and talk about a “primitive racist gene”, as if love is primitive and not sublime and eternal. Well, really, have the genome readers found that hateful white gene already? Do tell me where the paper on it can be found. Come on, Hanif. MR is the one place in this world where you can be honest. You are an anti-English racist using leftism as a vehicle. You can say it. 13
Posted by The Editrix on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 13:22 | # What a pity to invalidate a good point by racism. Whatever those students are otherwise, Black, Brown, Yellow, White or Green with pink polkadots, they have one thing in common, their Muslim faith and/or background. The hothouse of hatred. THAT is the problem, not their “race”. 14
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 13:51 | # Editrix, I made that point viz-a-vis Loser Lane. In this instance, the objectors are Muslims - though not, in fact, all Pakistanis as I originally thought. However, I sense that you are unable to process the concept of human difference. This is a grave drawback if your desire is, as your blog appears to suggest, that you wish to save European civilisation. Europe is a product of European genes, not some sort of idea that floated down from space and took up residence in people’s minds. Be more realistic. Islam is only a foil for genetic difference, and alien ethnic genetic interests. 15
Posted by The Editrix on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 17:09 | # Oh, you got me wrong. I am all FOR processing human differences. Don’t, in fact, Asians, Pakistanis included, rate higher than us White Northern Europeans, IQ-wise? (I may be wrong.) I remain adamant, however, that the cause for violence and pure EVIL as we are currently experiencing it, is not race. It’s that death cult called Islam. Members and converts of all skin tones are proving that on a daily basis. As an aside, my own race, as White and intelligent as White and intelligent can be, fell for an Austrian housepainter only 74 years ago, which led almost to the extinction of same race, plus the extinction of another race (Ashkenazim Jews) who are rating even higher than us, IQ-wise, and who contributed considerably to our mutual culture. So is there a genetic interest for (self-)destruction in the German genome? If political correctness wouldn’t forbid it, a little coloured slut like Hind Hassan ought to have been bitch-slapped years ago and told to put whatever intelligence she may possess into her studies and not into “politics” that don’t concern her anyway and then go home to the cesspool where she comes from to help make life easier there for those who are not as lucky as she has been. Just what Kipling called “Take up the white man’s burden”. 16
Posted by The Editrix on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 17:11 | # “Are there races, Editrix?” I think my last post answered that. I take it that the question was asled in jest anyway. 17
Posted by The Editrix on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 17:14 | # “ recognise as vaguely Muslims perhaps. Racists and idiots.” Since when is the Muslim faith a race? 18
Posted by The Editrix on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 18:22 | # “Whom do you side with?” Why should that interest you? Frankly, I consider an oh-so-clever question like “Are there races”, when it is not even germane to my inititial remark, or better: when my initial remark CLEARLY IMPLIED that I recognise races as such, an insult. The more if it is accompanied by a patronising “I see from your answer that you know there are races.” I don’t like kindergarden games, so that was my brief interlude here. Get stuffed! 19
Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 19:08 | # Oh, you got me wrong. I am all FOR processing human differences. Don’t, in fact, Asians, Pakistanis included, rate higher than us White Northern Europeans, IQ-wise? No, they don’t. 20
Posted by Rnl on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 23:00 | # The Editrix wrote: the cause for violence and pure EVIL as we are currently experiencing it, is not race. It’s that death cult called Islam. But the story you are responding to doesn’t involve either violence or pure evil. It recounts instead an attempt by anti-racist activists to wreck the career of a British academic. Frank Ellis has discussed dangerous facts and expressed impermissible opinions on the subject of race, and Pav Aktar et al are hoping to prevent him from doing so again. Making an example of Ellis may silence him and will certainly discourage others from expressing similar opinions. That’s why anti-racist activists are trying to get him. The Koran is mentioned nowhere in the article, and none of the anti-racists listed are acting explicitly as Muslims. Their activism is no different in kind from anti-racist activism anywhere else. Prof. Fraser in Australia has been subjected to similar treatment, as has Prof. Rushton in Canada. Neither Fraser nor Rushton was targeted by Muslims. Vocal demands that Whites not discuss race critically are among the many costs we pay for multiracial demographics. That’s true in countries with large Muslim populations, like the UK. It’s also true in countries with much smaller Muslim populations. In other words, the following is a mistake: Whatever those students are otherwise, Black, Brown, Yellow, White or Green with pink polkadots, they have one thing in common, their Muslim faith and/or background. The hothouse of hatred. THAT is the problem, not their “race”. The most important feature that these students have in common is their militant anti-racism. Non-Whites have entered and continue to enter majority-White nations because Whites fear “racism”; non-Whites and their liberal allies then use charges of “racism” to prevent White populations from complaining about their displacement and even from dispassionately discussing the problems that darkening demographics cause. “Racism” is an ideological weapon devised for destroying Western nationhood. The larger a nation’s non-White population, the more powerful the weapon becomes, whether those wielding it are Muslims or not. Origins of the Word ‘Racism’ an Austrian housepainter How many houses did Hitler paint during his career as a housepainter? If you know the answer, you should ask yourself why you chose to invoke this ridiculous canard. 21
Posted by Rnl on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 23:12 | # From Editrix’s first post: THAT is the problem, not their “race”. If you don’t want to discuss this subject further, that’s fine. But the following is clearly incorrect: “my initial remark CLEARLY IMPLIED that I recognise races as such.” Someone who recognizes the existence of races has no qualms about writing the word race. Somone who doubts the existence of races is likely to scare-quote _race_. She is also likely to deny that race has anything to do with the antics of non-White anti-racists. 22
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 23:53 | # That’s an excellent Sam Francis article on the origin of the word “racism” which Rnl linked two comments back. I just read it, not having seen it before. I was sure the origins of that word were something along the lines Francis documents. Turns out I was exactly right. 23
Posted by Makez Rikweda on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 02:20 | # I don’t know what I find more offensive: the ignorant and self-righteous nonsense that you spouted in that poor excuse for an article or the fact that you probably believe all of it. Just to be clear, I found myself unable (and indeed, unwilling) to wade through your terrible writing, not only because it was badly written and seemed to display no sign of rational thought, but also because you fail to grasp the simplest of concepts, for example, not all of the people at Leeds which you mentioned were ‘Pakistani’. Surely this is not a good indicator of your IQ, which you place such heavy emphasis upon, dear. This comes from someone who got straight As in her GCSEs and A Levels before going on to read for both an undergraduate and masters degrees at top London institutions. Not bad for an Asian who learnt your language at the age of 8, eh?! Just to break it down for you, thankfully, the majority of people who live in this country do not pander to your form of extremism because they realise that non White ( and indeed Muslim) communities are not fueled by some conspiratorial, evil desire to “ethnically cleanse” England of all its natives (though I would pause to point out that your Anglo Saxons were themselves Germanic peoples who settled England in and after the 5th century) but rather, they work hard, pay taxes, believe in community cohesion and feel strong bonds of loyalty to this country - it forms a part of their identity much like their religion and cultures do. So while it’s easy to expound your grossly simplistic “us’ versus “them’ mentality to which you win over ignorant, disaffected people at the bottom of the social ladder, I truly believe that most people will outgrow views such as yours once social problems are dealt with and they feel as if their voices are being heard. Education is also key. I would advise all of you who have written openly racist and prejudiced comments to make an Asian (or ‘Pakistani’ since it’s the only label which you seem to recognise) friend. I’m sure you’ll find that they are not too dissimilar to you in their likes, dislikes, intellectual capacities etc. Fight your ignorance, dear friends. Oh and Editrix, I was personally very offended by your comment about Hind Hassan because I’ve met her and she is the single most impressive, intelligent and beautiful woman that I have ever come across. Also, your little comment about her being a “little coloured slut” doesn’t say much about your intelligence (though I can hardly claim to be surprised) for I hate to point out that even you are coloured, even if that colour is white. Simple simple person, please go and enlighten your mind. 24
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 04:07 | # I think one of our complaints is that our countries get to be the generic workbench on which you get to construct your desires. They are never for us alone. We get to hear how wonderful and creative you are and look at all the stuff you have done yet for some reason you need us to make these things concrete. Why is that? Why cant you go home and do all the same things? Post a comment:
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Posted by john on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 15:00 | #
The Klu Klux Klan ending was an inspired touch. Must send Ellis a letter.
The BNP too socialist! I,m all for prenatal care though:,,2682-2078125_1,00.html