Déjà vu in loyalist Belfast In loyalist Belfast there are signs of a different kind of fight against the drive for a multiracial utopia. You will remember the Roma physically forced out a year ago. Well, the attacks on immigrants are, it seems, continuing. From a Guardian article by a self-described black, self-confessed IRA terrorist turned journalist, who served a seven year sentence for possession of weapons:
So the recogniseable elements are all here. “Some” among Belfast’s working class loyalists (whom, naturally, no one has had the political courage or integrity to consult) are “alarmed” at the “rate of change”. The immigrants, meanwhile, “make easy scapegoats” for “the racists”. And what a neat transition into blame mode that is! That it’s wrong to coerce Belfast folk into accomodating foreigners never enters the writer’s ethnic head. We are told that education and leadership will “address the racists”. Well, there are some very hard, very uncompromising, very organised groups in loyalist Belfast. They stood their ground against the IRA not for years but for decades, and were in no wise less lethal or remorseless. The question is: are some of them standing again now? The answer probably depends on whether they possess a political understanding of the war against European existence as nuanced as the one they acquired of The Troubles. Simple xenophobia wouldn’t have the legs to fuel a long war against the MultiCult. This is one story to keep an eye on. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 05:31 | # ”It surely will not have escaped notice that the republican sympathisers in Ulster as well in Eire have come out on the side of the multiculturalists” (—Dan Dare) Yes that’s been remarked upon in this blog’s pages on numerous occasions and I for one remain somewhat baffled by the phenomenon of Irish Catholic nationalists like Gerry Adams aggressively supporting the demographic replacement of the Irish race by Sub-Saharans right in his own country, right in the Irish Republic. There are videos posted on YouTube showing him out in the streets cheering on African Negro demonstrators demanding an end to talk of placing a limit on the numbers coming in, and so forth. After years of thinking hard about Jews I now feel that I know exactly why Jews want Euro-race peoples exterminated and replaced by Sub-Saharans but I’m baffled as to why Irishmen want Irishmen so exterminated and replaced — especially after fighting so hard to eject the English and have the place all for themselves. Men died for that, women too, and teenagers, hanged, shot, blown up, and now Gerry Adams’ generation is giving it all away to the Cameroonians, Nigerians, and Jamaicans? I mean, I’m sure Sinn Fein has its share of outright communists but still, it’s a hard thing to wrap one’s mind around, as the expression goes. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 05:39 | # Anyway, God bless the Ulstermen who drove out the gypsies and may they continue to drive out any and all other racial/ethnocultural incompatibles sent among them in inappropriate numbers by the British or the EU feds. God bless you, men of Ulster! 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 05:45 | # Those southern Italians who were in the news the other month for driving out the Negroes deserve our heartfelt thanks and praise as well: good work, southern Italians! May God bless, defend, and prosper you and your country always! 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 05:47 | # Too bad these gypsies and Negroes weren’t driven out of Ulster and Italy and straight into Israel. 6
Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 14:47 | # There is still a pulse in the Western body! Interesting enough Ulster is, after all, the mother country of the Scotch-Irish in America. In America these are about the only people of the original British settlers in the new world that still have a semblance of ethnic and cultural -American based- identity and are the most resistant to “change” and multiCULTopia. In fact some years back there was brief discussion about whether or not Appalachian people (who are predominantly Scotch-Irish and northern-English in extract) should be considered a distinct ethnic group as their culture and (genetic) identity was generally internally cohesive, having had little to no admixture with other ethnic groups or cultures in the US over the past few hundred years. They are those backwards rednecks and racist hillbillies who “cling to their bibles and guns” that you hear so much about. Good stock (if I do say so myself). ... 7
Posted by aryan on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:30 | # They are those backwards rednecks and racist hillbillies who “cling to their bibles and guns” that you hear so much about. Oh, yes. And the same backward redneck whores who squeeze out three or four half-castes each. Nothing against Ulster girls though—lovely when their heads aren’t full of coke. 8
Posted by Irish English on Sat, 26 Jun 2010 09:56 | # Funny seeing as it’s the loyalist paramilitaries that smuggle illegals into Ulster in the first place. 9
Posted by Long live Ulster on Sat, 26 Jun 2010 20:00 | # Good to know that the Ulstermen still have the guts to defend their homeland, unlike our faggy Englishmen I lost all pride for my country when I saw our football players (all the n****r scum included) scelebrating their not getting eliminated in the World Cup, almost as if they had won it. pathetic. I hope the krauts give them a good thrashing. 10
Posted by Irish Anti-Commie on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 19:44 | # Some of the “Loyalists” are as bad as Sinn Fein and also want a coffee-coloured Ulster or a coffee-coloured Six Counties as we would say in the Free State of Eire.
http://www.independent.ie/opinion/analysis/the-state-trimbles-in-499883.html And heres some of the “vibrant” Loyalists who share a similar exotic background to the black IRA man in the Guardian. 11
Posted by Joshua on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 23:23 | # “Irish Anti-Commie” makes a very good point; and I’m a Protestant European-American of Scots-Irish and English descent. Just as I hope to see reconciliation between Serb and Croat, let us hope and think about possible reconciliation, even if incipient and provisional, between Irish Roman Catholics and Northern Irish/Ulster Protestants. They both are White. And they both share a common, inveterate, and genocidal enemy in the Jew directed Multicult. 12
Posted by Matra on Thu, 01 Jul 2010 00:53 | # David Trimble tried to modernise Unionism to make it more respectable in the eyes of outsiders. A significant minority of Unionists (not Loyalists) found it tiresome (and embarrassing) always being on the defensive as the ‘Afrikaners of Europe’ whilst Republicans were celebrated by the world’s media as great progressive romantic freedom fighters. Of course, most Protestants, especially the working class loyalists, dislike, even despise him, consequently he failed to get re-elected to a once safe seat in 2005. His legacy to his party is that for the first time in its century of existence it does not have a single seat at Westminster. The Shoukri brothers freak show got attention precisely because it was so unusual. That said, there is little doubt that more and more formerly conservative middle/upper class Protestants are starting to sound like Irish Catholics and ‘Islington socialists’ in the way they flaunt their tolerance for the exotic. It’s not respectable to oppose multiculturalism and there are few things in life the British middle/upper class (especially if female) is more obsessed with than respectability. 13
Posted by Irish Anti-Commie on Sun, 08 Aug 2010 18:59 | #
Some Ulster Prod and Irish Papist women sadly have a tendency to race-mix.
Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/monster-who-raped-and-murdered-mum-gets-22-years-in-jail-14162647.html#ixzz0w2FwBnPr Grace Moore from a Protestant enclave of West Belfast has a mixed race daughter Lori. I’m guessing although Moore is an English or Irish surname and some Afro-Caribbeans have British surnames she didn’t marry the black father. She brings another blackman home, who rapes and murders her. The mixed race daughter who found her mother dead then becomes Miss Northern Ireland. I’m guessing the black IRA man Tim Brannigan inherited his very Irish surname from the maternal side of the his family. The same as other more famous black Irishmen like the rock star Phil Lynott and soccer player Paul McGrath. The black father wasn’t to be seen. Lynott died of a drug overdose leaving his mixed race children fatherless while Paul McGrath beat up his white English wife, forcing her to leave him. I am seeing a trend in all this. 14
Posted by Miss A on Mon, 16 Aug 2010 23:00 | # As a second Generation Mixed Race individual with white grandmothers and of northern Irish decent, I find this highly insulting. There are a lot of upstanding black and mixed raced indiviuals, like those in my family, a lot of celebrities that are especially talented in sports, or music, just because of the detriments of colonialism that left africa crippled, and a lesser power financially and therefore educationally you people want to throw stones. Since you are all supposedly christians, or maybe you are not, everyone knows the words ‘may he without sin cast the first stone’ and if you don’t know,then you should now know them, I can not blame you for your ignorance because you know no better. But your lack of compassion and cruelty are the things that start wars and conflict and are frankly a disgrace, it is your lack of compassion that you show people that causes them to react without compassion towards you! 15
Posted by Miss A on Mon, 16 Aug 2010 23:27 | # Furthermore, hate is a weakness, no doubt about it. If you people had gone to university and studied genetics you would know that race is completely irrelevant. Apart from the social concepts that were created to control you. 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Aug 2010 01:32 | # “As a second Generation Mixed Race individual with white grandmothers and of northern Irish decent, I find this highly insulting.” (—Miss A) We don’t want the entire British race changed from white to mulatto, Miss — which is different from whatever personal opinion any of us might hold of this or that mulatto individual. It’s not the same thing. Is there anything wrong with that? If not, all we’re asking is a cap on racially unlike and ethnoculturally unlike immigration, ideally followed by measures to restore a racial balance closer to what reigned forty thousand years in the British Isles before things got totally out of hand about fifteen years ago. If there’s something wrong with that, please list the races that are slated next for obliteration through government-enforced race-change: since there’s not a thing in the world wrong with it, let’s do it some more. If you as a mulatto feel embarrassment at our desire not to be mulattoized ourselves that’s your problem, not ours. It’s a problem your parents should have thought about before miscegenating. In deciding to miscegenate they brought your embarrassment into being. We’ll be damned if they brought our racial demise into being and in accord with that we have every intention of saying what our views are. We who wish the preservation of our race into the future reject our race’s being held hostage by the embarrassment of the fruit of mixed marriages such as yourself. That’s something you’ll simply have to learn to deal with as best you can. Were our whole race not at stake you wouldn’t hear a peep about any of this from us. But it is. “There are a lot of upstanding black and mixed raced indiviuals,” (—Miss A) Yes, no one on our side remotely disputes that. But we don’t wish the whole country to become mixed race, and accordingly we’re willing to do without those upstanding mixed-race individuals in our midst: it’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make. And we consider that non-negotiable. Moreover it will never be subject to change no matter how many mulattoes of upstanding character are born: we reject transforming our race into something else. “just because of the detriments of colonialism that left africa crippled, and a lesser power financially and therefore educationally” (—Miss A) No, what left Negro Africa “crippled and a lesser power financially and educationally” is lower Negro intelligence combined with certain other inborn traits of the Negro that greatly hinder the making and the upkeep of civilization as the white and yellow races know it. Long story short, what left Negro Africa “crippled and a lesser power financially and educationally” is being 700,000 years to two million years behind whites in evolution. “If you people had gone to university and studied genetics you would know that race is completely irrelevant. Apart from the social concepts that were created to control you.” (—Miss A) The late two-or-three-decade confusion about race “not existing but being merely a social construct” is now admitted by virtually all serious scientists to be just that, confusion. “your lack of compassion and cruelty” (—Miss A) Rejecting our own genocide shows lack of compassion and cruelty? So the Armenians were extremely lacking in compassion and cruel to object when the Turks genocided them; idem the North Amercian Red Man when the whites genocided him? Citing those as instances of lack of compassion and cruelty could have come straight out of George Orwell. 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Aug 2010 01:39 | # “before things got totally out of hand about fifteen years ago.” (—my comment just above) excuse me, more like around twenty-five. 18
Posted by Irish Anti-Commie on Tue, 17 Aug 2010 15:47 | #
Were you raised by your (I assume) mixed-race father? The following is a message from a blackman. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=15971
Yes, and the two most famous black Irishmen, a sportsman Paul McGrath and a musician Phil Lynott, both heroes of mine growing up also happened to be a junkie and a wife-beating alcoholic respectively. White Europeans thought Africans to read and write and converted them to Christianity and are now sending them aid. This is the thanks we get. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2009/1211/breaking30.html
Like I said above most Africans would be ignorant of Christianity if it wasn’t for Europeans. Only the Ethiopians were Christian in sub-Saharan Africa before European colonialism. You should be thanking Europeans for ending Africa’s ignorance.
So you are condoning violence against white people? Why don’t you condemn the rape and murder of Grace Moore? Is it only white racists that a have a lack of compassion and are cruel? The Nigerian who raped and murdered Grace was pretty cruel and he wasn’t very compassionate. 19
Posted by Irish Anti-Commie on Tue, 17 Aug 2010 16:07 | #
If race was irrevelant, there would be be no need for so many anti-racist organizations and most of the hate I see these days comes from left-wing anti-racists and blacks with a chip on their shoulder. Whats wrong “the social concepts” anyway? Are you saying we should abolish society? There is genetic difference between races anyway. Race is more than a social concept. Post a comment:
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Posted by Dan Dare on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 04:51 | #
It surely will not have escaped notice that the republican sympathisers in Ulster as well in Eire have come out on the side of the multiculturalists, and this this can add to the beleageured mindset on the Loyalist side.
Given that the level of enrichment as of now in Ulster has barely reached that of England in the early 1950s it is indeed encouraging that a resistance movement already appears to be gestating, even though it also seems to seems to be somewhat anarchic or ‘provisional’ in character (as is also the EDL). Given the propensity of Ulstermen to stand up for themselves - a trait that seems to have been unfortunately mislaid on the mainland - this will indeed be a development to watch closely as well as, hopefully, an exemplar that might be emulated elsewhere should it turn out to be as effective in its efforts to deter the neo-colonial re-settlement of Ulster in the long-term as it has been to date.