Did I Really See That?

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 August 2014 08:29.


Am I really seeing this?

1925 words

Before proceeding to disconcerting examples of media abuse and manipulation against us, let’s look at some background that Bill provided, of an England as it used to be:

“Yes. I’ve shown this before. Pity the music is not English but I still love it. Today its the BBC* (modernity) that gives us our culture so is it surprising we are what we are?” - Bill

We have touched upon this to some extent, but not as a focused topic: specifically, turning points where media pushed the envelope of liberalism. Bill cited the British program, “That Was The Week That Was.” I acknowledged his indignation with media pushing liberalism in that era by citing segments from The Beatles, “A Hard Day’s Night.”

There are other obvious examples from that time, notably -

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?

And in the late 80’s, the dam bursting with

Madonna’s Like A Prayer

..which, btw, was shown continuously in Eastern Europe prior to the fall of communism.

However, there are examples of liberal envelope-pushing that are promoted not so much to cross the line (though they do) but to put it across as Taken For Granted.

Where these tactics are effective indeed, Whites can feel all the more alienated and foreign in their sense of righteous indignation, as no shared social, let alone institutionalized, response is forthcoming.

This is perhaps more of a pre-Internet phenomenon, when non-interaction with media provided little recourse to discuss the shock of this kind of assault on White interests.

Yet, as we have had these experiences, of seeing galling transgressions of White interests in media or in day-to-day interaction, it may help to know that you are not crazy: yes, you saw this and it is outrageous to an extreme. With that, these experiences acknowledged, it may be possible to redress not only these episodic instantiations, not only patterns, but lynchpins behind their occurrence.

Contributing to the feeling of “did I really see that?” is having these shocking experiences shrugged-off by others (Whites), either simultaneous to the occurrence or in the attempted report of it as an outrage.

I would encourage commentors to list a few of these experiences of “did I really see that? Could this be true?” (typically treated by others as if nothing, the fault is in you).

Perhaps it will take a while for some MR readers to do without the company of those who bow to Hitler as master. They have other places to go. MR is Hitler-free racism. If you say that I do not understand the YKW media control and power of financial institutions - along with others, unconcerned for Whites - to exercise influence to the detriment of Whites, I answer, wrong, I do know; and if you do not wish to participate, its your loss. Those who do not preach Jesus, Hitler or inclusion of Jews, are welcome to participate - it may be ameliorative in the sense that you are not alone, and more.

Bear in mind that this is retrospective, the cause for dismay may be less perceptible as our enemies have institutionalized the assault. That has been their objective, as these points of assault have been made, and given no response, institutionalization and normalization ensued. However, with critique and consciousness raising, that institutionalization can be razed.

Examples in media that come readily to mind from my own experience are these:

1. Paris Trout

My father was a chronic TV watcher, with a subscription to “HBO” (home box office). HBO, a kosher outfit, of course, had a channel to funnel-in the most egregious anti-White propaganda to White homes. In days prior to Internet, a conscientious White might watch this kind of stuff just to see what “they”, those antagonistic to our interests, were trying to get away with (that there was such a “they” was clear; even though there was no confirmation other than that “they” were “liberals”). Sometimes they pushed the envelope to where you would think other people could not possibly ignore it as unimportant. But my father did manage to ignore it, as did just about everybody else, it seemed.

I found Paris Trout to be shocking anti-White propaganda. Did I really see this movie? The image at the top of the post is of the wife of “Paris Trout” being violently raped by him with a coke bottle; while he tries to cover-up his guilt for having shot a black girl. Could such egregious anti-White propaganda, in all defiance of any sense of the reality of racial injustice (against Whites), really exist?

2. Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story

Of course I did not watch it, but you didn’t have to be more than a captive audience for its commercial to see the naughty hero being persecuted by a shotgun wielding dad for innocently frolicking.with his daughter.
Dennis Rodman

3. Ice-T and prostitutes on PBS (American public broadcasting service)

A while back I tried to locate this piece that I had witnessed on PBS and found what must have been the episode listing. I did not make a note of it, thinking that I would be able to trace it again if need be. However, I have not been able to find it by Google search recently. I will keep trying.

It was a documentary of sorts, I would guess from the late 80’s but maybe very early 90’s, which featured Ice-T surveying street life in his Chicago (neighbor)hood, with a particular focus on prostitution as a matter of fact.

Some of what viewers were treated to:

A black pimp saying he “doesn’t know why, but he gets more money for White pussy.”

Ok, no great revelation there.

Then we are treated to a young blond lady sitting in a car, saying that she “hates being a ‘ho” (its wigger ebonics, not a garden instrument she resents being likened-to). Then we can hear her as she performs on a customer in the car.

We are saddened and repulsed but not quite shocked yet.

Next we come to more enterprising prostitution in Ice-T’s neighborhood. We see some (quite beautiful) Eastern European women brought in to work the area (bear in mind that in your life, you are straining for approval from White women half as pretty). Then Ice-T takes us into a club (bear in mind that this is PBS, Public Television, not late night and anyone can see it). We are treated to a black man giving one of these Eastern European dancers money; at which point she moves her bikini bottom aside and we can see the black man perform cunnilingus on her.

I am witnessing porn, interracial porn, on public television.

Am I really seeing this? How screwed-up are the-powers-that-be?

Bear in mind this is before Internet - whereas now, with the Internet, being confronted by porn is not surprising, but still does not generally happen by standard channels or unless you seek it out.

I never heard a peep of complaint from Anybody, anywhere, about this enactment of interracial porno on Public Television. Rather than being ostracized, Ice-T has been institutionalized.

The taken-for-grantedness gets worse in my experience.

Now I am going to do something unforgivable to our Nazi friends. I am going to mention the “P” word. It matters not that what I am about to say is fairly critical, the mere mention will set eugenic-bred Nazi dogs such as Goybbels and Marcus to barking. So be it. Yes, we will be covering events in England more closely, along with stories from other European people and places in days to come (I will need help, of course); but for now I have to follow-up this story with what I know from my experience:

Going to Poland to escape the hell of America’s demographic and rule structure, one of the first places I tried-out was Gdansk.

There, I saw a band headed by a female singer. My acquaintance proudly told me that she had hosted Ice-T when he came to visit Poland. Aha. So now we know where Ice-T and his bro’s fetched some of their “ho’s.”

That my acquaintances could not quite understand why I would not see her having hosted Ice-T as a cool thing just goes to illustrate once again the problem of homogeneous White demographics taking for granted their Whiteness as they lack meaningful experience of the impact of non-Whites. The frustration of trying to tell them the truth as opposed to the media portrayal.

It gets worse.

In Piła, the second place I visited (because my cousins are there), I thought to take up business with a computer student named Oskar Matyszczyk; having nothing to lose myself, exploration of business opportunities with a westernized and English speaking local seemed as if it could help. He was outgoing and uninhibited - open to western, enterprising ways.

..in his over the top, puerile, cartoonishly distorted way, so I found.

Uninhibited and westernized indeed. As Oskar bopped through the streets of Piła with headphones on, singing along with Ice-T, “fuck the Police, fuck the FBI, fuck the CIA”...

I tried to no avail to get him to take the disposition to say “fuck Ice-T” as well, by recounting the PBS episode to him.

He responded, as he would, with, “please no” (as in, not now, his appreciation of Ice-T was paramount).

Not that I was unaware and unconcerned for the hazards of westernization - quite to the contrary; but was I going to tell these people who just shed communism to be more social? Figured I may as well make the best of it.

That mix of incorrigible stupidity and intelligence, hospitality and immorality, of the Piła folk (circa post communism, pre-EU) is one that was a bit too exotic and I could not recognize its difference given ready narcissistic similarities to American culture; both as they were Europeans, and as they were mimicking American culture.

It has been a real problem to talk critically about America to people who have come through the trauma of communism; they tend to overcompensate in ways that are not balanced in White interests. Sickening.

Anyway, coming back to the point, one can feel very much alone in indignation to these moments of liberal media envelope-pushing, especially when other Whites take it for granted, as if you are a prude, the one who doesn’t get it, whatever.

Paris Trout, Dennis Rodman, Ice-T (and his White ho’s)

Normalized and Institutionalized.

Such shocking instances in the everyday are many - did I really see that? People are welcome to share their otherwise would-be normalized and institutionalized experience of media, or some everyday instances - as shock: “did I really see that?”


Of course jamming of this kind of propaganda has gone into overdrive to the point where it is beyond shocking; rather, one comes to expect it and has to stave-off becoming completely numb to it (as that is the strategic point of informational jamming - to force acceptance). This does not even take into account the more obvious examples of movies such as “Jungle Fever.” When asked by a friend if I was going to see Quinton Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” when it came out, I replied, “no, because I know it is going to be about making excuses for White women to F___ Negroes.” He asked me incredulously how I knew? citing a scene toward the end (where the large black is on the phone, satisfied with Uma Thurman at his side, congratulating his anti-White zombies who robotically moved to his defense - as programmed by Quinton Tarantino, Whites are to be zombies in defense of blacks, in accordance with his Jewish masters).

How did I know? I answered, because it is a Hollywood movie. The motif or a leitmotif is predictably going to be promoting blacks to White women.

Oh, Fried Green Tomatoes - that was another. Cathy Bates barbecues a klansman and feeds him to White people. Isn’t that nice?

*Regarding The BBC, note David Duke’s discussion on 08-15-14 where he details the Jewish part/takeover of TV media in the UK - same as in The U.S.




Posted by john on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:56 | #

Put some of them on my Tumbler:


Posted by john on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:59 | #

Search for iroriworld


Posted by Fr. John+ on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:04 | #

Propaganda is the hallmark of the Liberal/Jewish Weltanschauung.

Been hearing retractions from the Open Borders, ‘We’re all one race, the human race’ crowd, over the BS that is the ‘Out of Africa’ thesis?


No, thought not.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:05 | #

That we are importantly different from blacks and that it is an important difference to maintain is sure.

How important it is to reject “out of Africa” is less sure. In fact, dubious as an effective angle.

Yes, one might/should emphasize that important mutations occurred after Africa.

However, one cannot deny that it is possible to breed with Africans, and therefore one should, I would argue, prepare rhetoric and other tact in defense against whatever advantage their bio-power of pre-evolution (to Whites) may have, certainly as it is deployed by Jewish interests against us.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:02 | #

Date: 08-13-14

David Duke describes the Jewish takeover of the BBC and how it has effected their treatment of Gaza and other Israeli issues.

As with Hollywood, CNN and NPR in America, Jews occupy key positions in the BBC.

The BBC, a so-called public service broadcast, a so called British national service; costing the public 8.4 billion pounds annually through its annual television tax charged to all Britons; is also the world’s best known international broadcast, available in almost all nations, but unlike other broadcast corporations it has not lost viewership due to the Internet, and has not reduced its staff at all, maintained at 23,000.

Controlling figures and methods of indoctrination show its Jewish control.

The current head of BBC television is Danny Cohen, who prior to his April 2013 appointment there, was the controller of BBC1, the BBC’s principle television channel in The UK.

We all know that Cohen’s are the most esteemed of Jews among Jews, of the inner circle they are the most Jewish of Jews, genetically purest, and in terms of Jewish interests the most ethnocentrically determined.

As in other important positions of niche control, they use nepotism to take over and promote views favorable to Jewish interests.

BBC head of statistics is Anthony Rubin (who has recently sponsored an article disputing UN statistics on Gaza).

Particularly telling of the BBC’s heavy Jewish bias is the resignation of Max Keiser.

The well-known financial journalist Max Keiser had been commissioned by the BBC to do a series called “The Oracle”, but Keiser quit after 10 episodes because he “got strict orders not to mention Israel in any context. This kind of censorship leads to the Gaza horror.”

..The U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry (Cohen)

They play divide and conquer, have done so in the recent example of ISIS, whom they were responsible for arming and creating.


Posted by A Time to Kill on Mon, 30 Dec 2019 05:01 | #

Although this post remains “open”, it seems to have been scrubbed from internet search engines. Interestingly, its part of a three part series called, “Did I really see that?” ... I guess that now you don’t see it, if Google has its way.

I had intended to add the following tidbit regarding John Grisham’s “Time to Kill” when I discovered that I was unable to locate the post within Google Search:

“A Tim to Kill” by John Grisham:


In 1984 at the DeSoto County courthouse in Hernando, Grisham witnessed the harrowing testimony of a 12-year-old rape victim.[1] The inspiration came from the case of the rape and assault of 12 year old Marcie Scott and her 16-year-old sister Julie Scott. Unlike Grisham’s depiction, however, the Scotts were white and their assailant, Willie Harris, was black.[2]

...when I was explaining to a friend in Poland the near exclusive phenomenon of interracial rapes in America being black on White (and not White on black), he cited this novel as an example of how he “knew” how Whites were raping blacks.

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