Dr Henry Morgentaler, no hero in the blogosphere

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 11 July 2008 23:44.

On July 1st the Canadian government announced the award of its highest civilian honour, the Order of Canada, to Dr Henry Morgentaler, holocaust personality, humanist and abortionist extraordinaire.  Of course, it was ultra-controversial with Canada’s Catholic and pro-life groups.  But a wave of wider protests have washed up the very steps of the Governor General’s house, and scores of past recipients of the award have returned their medals.


Morgentaler, now 85, describes himself as a Polish Jew who survived Auschwitz from 1944, and was finally liberated by the Russians.  He opened his first abortion clinic in 1969, operating at that time outside of the law.  Here’s a comment from Canadian Cynic blog on his activity in those early days:-

... those of us who were alive and watching the coverage during the time of the Morgentaler “protest”, remember a lot more than a man who was standing up for the right to choose. Morgentaler was not upholding some sacred ideal, he was taking advantage of a weak and unconstitutionally written law against the right to choose, (in order to supply a service that many would argue should be provided, to be sure), as a cash business, plain and simple. The best that could be said about his motivation was that it resulted in utilizing clean, sterile, safe procedures.

In essence, he was providing the same services a back-alley coathanger abortionist was, for the same reason, but within the guildelines of medical procedures within the medical community, motivated to do so by the threat of losing his license. When his case came to the light of the media, pro-choice activists flew to his defense, paying his legal bills, encouraging him to open new clinics, and in some cases, even funding the entire startup operation.

And here, if you are wondering, is the legal framework for abortion in Israel, to which Dr Morgentaler did NOT make aliyah after the war, preferring to migrate to Canada and, in due course, to agitate for “personal liberty” in the context of “the silent holocaust”.

Circumstances under which abortion is legal

The termination committee approves abortions, under sub-section 316a,[1] in the following circumstances:

  1. The woman is younger than seventeen (the legal marriage age in Israel) or older than forty.
  2. The pregnancy was conceived under illegal circumstances (rape, statutory rape etc.), an incestuous relationship, or outside of marriage (children born outside of marriage are not considered illegitimate by Jewish standards).
  3. The fetus may have a physical or mental birth defect.
  4. Continued pregnancy may put the woman’s life in risk, or damage her physically or mentally.

Finally, here’s a comment from a congratulatory article in today’s Guardian:-

Jul 11 08, 09:58p

Did Dr. Henry Morgentaler abortionist and recent recepient of Order of Canada assume identity of real survivor of Auschwitz Abraham Morgentaler???

Was Morgentaler ever at Auschwitz??? If not, did he lied to us about his medical education in Germany??? Did he become an abortionist in an effort to cover up his ignorance of medicine that was showing in his general “medical” practice????

The “tattooed” number 95077 that Morgentaler remembers so well seems to be way too low. He allegedly arrived at Auschwitz in 1944. Henryk Mandelbaum who arrived at Auschwitz on April 10, 1944 had number 181970.

The only way Morgentaler could get away with his lie would be if Germans were to recycle their numbers. According to this link: http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10007056

it never happen with Jewish prisoners, and yes numbers were assigned not only in sequential but also in alphabetical order (going by last name of prisoner) in each transport that arrived.


Partially salvaged Auschwitz Records show 297 finds of numbers in 95xxx range. Many entries indicate that prisoner died in March or April of 1943. Some were shot dead on 19 of February of 1943, others were shot after an escape attempt on 13 February of 1943

Close numbers

Abelowicz, Chaim

ur.28.10.1910 (S?onim), numer obozowy:95043, zawód:krawiec

Pulchny, Stanis?aw

ur.17.4.1915 (G?ogoczów), numer obozowy:95103, zawód:rolnik

Mijas, Leon

ur.19.1.1921 (Ruda Bia?aczowska), numer obozowy:95176, zawód:górnik

Czerwieniak, Asafan

ur.1912 (Wierchomnia), numer obozowy:95236, uwagi:rozstrz. 19.2.1943 w Au


I found him!!!

Morgentaler was in fact at Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII.

Abramek Morgentaler from Woclawek, that is, who is now living in Israel.


Abramek Morgentaler sko?czy? osiemdziesi?t jeden lat, ma si? dobrze, chocia? ostatnio martwi?am si? o jego zdrowie. Piel?gnowany przez cudown? ?on? El? i ca?? rodzin?, szybko powróci? do zdrowia. Kiedy bomby spada?y na Hajf?, jego serce i p?uca zaniemog?y. Modli?am si? do Boga i Bóg mnie wys?ucha?.

Abramek jako trzynastoletni ch?opiec straci? ca?? rodzin?. Niemcy zagazowali jego rodziców i trzy siostry w obozie zag?ady w Che?mnie nad Nerem. On zes?any do obozów pracy i koncentracyjnego w Auschwitz cudem ocala?.

Translation: Abramek Morgentaler just turned 81, he is doing well, I was concerned over his health lately. Nursed by his wonderful wife Eli and whole family, he quickly recoverd. When bombs fell on Hajfa his heart and his lungs failed. I prayed to God , and God heard my prayers.

Abramek as thirteen years old boy lost his whole family.Germans gased his parents and three sisters in Chelm concentration camp. He was send to labour camps and Auschwitz concentation camp, by a miracle he survived.


Lets see what we have:

Abelowicz, Chaim

born 28.10.1910 (S?onim), prisoner number: 95043, profession: tailor

Pulchny, Stanis?aw

born 17.4.1915 (G?ogoczów), prisoner number: 95103, profession: farmer

Mijas, Leon

born 19.1.1921 (Ruda Bia?aczowska), prisoner number: 95176, profession: miner

Henry Morgentaler claims that his prisoner number was 95077

First name on that list is Jewish and starts with “Ab” and has number 95043 assigned to it. We can safely assume that he was first on a list of prisoners that came on this particular transport.

Other name starts with “Pu” and has number 95103, assigned to it.

Morgentaler starts with “Mo” and he claims that his prisoner number was 95077. It does make sense as M falls between A and P in German alphabet.


Now we get this:


“It’s much easier not to think about it, not to acknowledge what people did to other people not so long ago,” said Polish Jew Abraham Mor-Morgentaler, who spent two years in the camp.


And we get that:


“It’s much easier not to think about it, not to acknowledge what people did to other people not so long ago,” said Abraham Mor-Morgentaler, a Polish Jew who spent two years in Auschwitz. “But if we forget, the genocide may return.”

Mor-Morgentaler is one of the few who, by chance or cunning, cheated death at Auschwitz. Most Jews arriving there by cattle trains were sent straight to gas chambers and their bodies burned in one of the camp’s five crematoriums.


Now it all starts to make sense Polish Jew Abraham Morgentaler from Woclawek arrives at Auschwitz in January of 1943 and is freed two years later by Russian Army in January of 1945.



Posted by onetwothree on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 01:26 | #

The bum obviously spent his time in Europe fighting against the people’s “right to choose” whether to have any unplanned Jews.


Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 17:54 | #

Nice one, onetwothree.


Posted by karolak on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 12:57 | #

Here is some more:

Is it possible that “Henry Morgentaler” that we know, knew about (his relative ???) Abraham Morgentalerthat was sent to Auschwitz in January of 1943, and he somehow learned of his prisoner number??
Is it possible that “Morgentaler” that we know decided to use this knowledge and wrap himself in martyrdom just to get ahead in life??

A Polish Jew who survived the Auschwitz death camp (where he was tattooed with number 95077), Morgentaler has pointed many times to what he saw as one of the root causes of Hitler’s death machine – unwanted children who were fighting back against a family that abused them.

In 1944, Henry, his brother and their mother were rounded up and shipped to Auschwitz. His number isn’t tattooed on his arm because, by then, the Nazis were too rushed. “But I remember my number: 95077.”

Henryk Mandelbaum
  He was forced to do the work from his arrival in Auschwitz, at age 21, on April 10, 1944, until January 1945, when the Nazis forced him and other fit inmates on a death march to flee the advancing Red Army. The Soviets liberated the camp on Jan. 27, 1945, finding the weak and sick left behind.
During his months in the camp, Mandelbaum - inmate number 181970 - witnessed the death of some of the 400,000 Jews brought in transports from Hungary in the summer of 1944, and handled their dead bodies.


“His brother’s ashes have been scattered at Auschwitz joining those of their mother, who was on the same death train as her sons but never came out.”

I remember what Morgentaler has told me about Lodz, about how he had a repeated dream of being surrounded by Nazi guards in uniform. In 1944, he was taken to Auschwitz by train, his mother was sent off for immediate gassing, and he scarcely survived his time there, literally dodging bullets in the last days of the Second World War.

Two men fell in love with Rosenfarb during those difficult years: the young Henry Morgentaler, who dreamed of becoming a doctor, and Bono Wiener, five years older than her, who was a leader of the illegal resistance against the Germans in the ghetto. In April 1945, she and Morgantaler were liberated from Bergen Belsen and smuggled themselves into Belgium where they were not allowed to work.

After his liberation from Auschwitz, Morgentaler won a scholarship and used it to study medicine in Germany. The new doctor and his wife emigrated to Canada in 1950 and settled in Montreal, where he practised family medicine, embraced humanism and enjoyed life.


Posted: 07/ 10/ 08 4:24 pm   Post subject: 


Maybe we have the beginnings of a conspiracy theory here.

Born in Lodz, Poland, on March 19, 1923, Dr. Morgentaler was …
He’s obviously enjoying himself immensely as he tucks into a dinner of caviar, borscht and blinis at a Montreal Russian restaurant, Troika, that was a favourite of his late brother, Mike. … This is the place where he and Mike, who died in 1996, …
“When I was 4¼, my brother was born,”

From this we know Morgentaler was born in 1923, his brother Mike was born 4 years later, that is 1927, and his brother died in 1996. They were both born in Lodz Poland.

Morgentaler does not own the Harbord St. building. It’s owned by Gestions Habal Inc., of Montreal, which is his brother Abram’s firm. Abram (Mike) Morgentalertold The Star ...

His brother’s original name is Abram.

But Yad Vashem, the world’s greatest source of holocaust information, says that Abram died in the Holocaust.

Abram Morgentaler was born in 1927. Prior to WWII he lived in Lodz, Poland. During the war he was in Lodz, Ghetto. Abram perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Lodz ghetto inmates found in the Lodz Names - List of the ghetto inhabitants 1940-1944, Yad Vashem and the Organization of former residents of Lodz in Israel, Jerusalem 1994.

  Full Record Details for Morgentaler Abram
Source     Lodz Names - List of the ghetto inhabitants 1940-1944, Yad Vashem and the Organization of former residents of Lodz in Israel, Jerusalem 1994
First Name     ABRAM
First Name     ABRAM
Sex     Male
Date of Birth     27/09/1927
Permanent residence     LODZ,LODZ,LODZ,POLAND
Place during the war     LODZ,GHETTO
Street in Ghetto     SPERLING GASSE
House No. in Ghetto     16 FLAT 2
New Street in Ghetto     DOM
New House No. in Ghetto     9
Occupation in Ghetto/Camp     PUPIL
Type of material     List of Lodz ghetto inmates
Language     German

If Henry’s original name was Henoch, he also died.

Henoch Morgentaler was born in 1923. Prior to WWII he lived in Lodz, Poland. During the war he was in Lodz, Ghetto. Henoch perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Lodz ghetto inmates found in the Lodz Names - List of the ghetto inhabitants 1940-1944, Yad Vashem and the Organization of former residents of Lodz in Israel, Jerusalem 1994.

Full Record Details for Morgentaler Henoch
Source     Lodz Names - List of the ghetto inhabitants 1940-1944, Yad Vashem and the Organization of former residents of Lodz in Israel, Jerusalem 1994
First Name     HENOCH
Sex     Male
Date of Birth     19/03/1923
Permanent residence     LODZ,LODZ,LODZ,POLAND
Place during the war     LODZ,GHETTO
Street in Ghetto     SPERLING GASSE
House No. in Ghetto     16 FLAT 2
New Street in Ghetto     DOM
New House No. in Ghetto     9
Occupation in Ghetto/Camp     TEACHER
Type of material     List of Lodz ghetto inmates
Language     German

Did Mike and Henry take over the identities of the true Morgentalers?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 14:15 | #

“Did Mike and Henry take over the identities of the true Morgentalers?”  (—Karolak)

That’s a rhetorical question of course.  Clearly what’s going on is the Jews are cramming every name they can think of onto the list of “Jews who perished” in the ©Ho£o¢au$t®™ as they try desperately to inflate the numbers.  The true number is around 350,000, certainly a holocaust in itself but not “six million” which is some sort of cabalistic number with mystical Jewish significance which the rabbis apparently insist on because it fits some sort of prophecy in their religion that announces the restoration of Israel, or something like that. 

Question:  this quack, whose chosen career-path of industrial-scale abortionist has made him immensely wealthy (the article about him says he’s planning to abort the Eskimos now — his highly-profitable abortion-mill organization is “opening two new abortion clinics in the Canadian arctic”:  so, what’s the plan, once the population of Eskimos plummets, his Jewish friends in Ottawa will see to the importation of plenty of Somalis and Mexicans to re-settle the place, billing the government handsomely for their “services” through compensation schemes Canadian Jews got the government to adopt in order to assure that outfits importing non-white refugees to Canada for resettlement get generously reimbursed?  Or is this assault on Eskimo demography and morality just a sign of his dedication to saving the seals?), —- does this quack plan on reimbursing the German government for the decades of monthly ©Ho£o¢au$t®™ compensation checks he’s doubtless claimed and received, now that it’s come out he never was in the camps but stole the identity of someone who was?  And if he was indeed in the camps does Yad Vashem plan on erasing his name and his brother’s from the list of those who perished along with the other 5,650,000 falsely so listed?  And does Israel plan on reimbursing Germany for all the trillions it has extracted from them under false pretenses?  And an apology wouldn’t be out of place either — does Israel plan on making one?  Oh, and when does Israel plan on handing over to Poland that Polish Jew they’re hiding so the Poles can put him on trial for all the documented heinous war crimes he committed against Christians?


Posted by 2R on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 08:01 | #

I’m not generally one to talk about people’s anthropological features.  I find it immature and pointless.  But I do need to point this out.  In the case of “the Jewish people”, folks like to point out the Jew’s smelling device as being a “Jewish” nose or a “hook-nose.”  But I’ve noticed other ethnic groups who also share that type of nose.  Instead, I can tell a Jewish person more from their mouths.  They seem to have a strange mouth feature that I really can’t describe, but seem to be unique to many of “The Jewish People?”  I can especially see this mouth feature when they’re smiling.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

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