Early Evidence That Immigration May Be a Major Cause of Autism

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 09 September 2006 13:32.

If, as I have hypothesized and studied, immigration were a major cause of autism, particularly if it were caused by a slow pathogen (perhaps “stealth” pathogen to use Ewald’s terminology) one would expect that the earliest studies of autism prevalence in the West might show a higher degree of autism among children of immigrants from ‘exotic’ countries.

Guess what?

There is no evident reason why the prevalence should be the same in different countries or why it should not change over time. The variations in prevalence rates among the published studies could be due to real differences. The higher rates among children of first generation immigrants to Europe from ‘exotic’ countries may be one piece of evidence supporting this possibility.

European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol.2, Issue 2, April 1993, pp.61-74 Hogrete & Huber Publishers

The Definition and Prevalence of Autism: A Review

Lorna Wing

The Centre for Social and Communication Disorders, Elliot House, 113 Masons Hill, Bromley, Kent, BR2 9HT, UK

The paper also states that prominent among these ‘exotic’ immigrants were those of Caribbean descent.  This is consistent with my previously stated conjecture that the pathogen is endemic to the lower caste of India, as there was a significant early diaspora to the Caribbean from India of the lower caste.




Posted by On Holliday on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 21:34 | #

Another possibility is that the Negro - having “evolved” in relative isolation in Africa - has an amygdala structure which, like that of whites, is particularly susceptible to “shock” when confronted with racially intermediate types such as South Asians.

Given the prevalence of South Asians in the UK, it would not be surprising that Negro immigrants exhibot higher autism rates there.  One wonders if rates of Negro autism are higher in West Indian nations that have significant numbers of South Asians.  Fiji Islanders would be another population worthy of study to test the hypothesis that it is the physical appearance of South Asians which induced autism in children of other racial groups.

Regardless of one speculates about pathogens or phenotypes, social ostracism of South Asians would seem to be a prudent measure for individuals of other racial groups.


Posted by On Holliday on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 21:56 | #

The amygdala is the primary brain region involved in fear-conditioned learning. However, “the amygdala” in fact refers to a number of functionally separate nuclei that are anatomically grouped together. The learned state of fear involves activation of the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala which in turn activates the central nucleus of the amygdala (Fig. 1B). As its name implies, the central nucleus is a “hub” that serves to initiate the full fear response whether it is activated physiologically via the basolateral nucleus or experimentally through electrical stimulation…Neuro-biologically, the amygdala is an important mediator of convergent sensory associations and a source of divergent outputs related to learned fear.”


Of course, it is well known that the amygdala is linked to racial recognition.



Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 08:19 | #

Your UCLA source is good for a laugh, highlighting, as it does, the malign colonial influence of Whitey.

It should be obvious to anyone who claims to know anything about Indians that, with very few exceptions (the forebears of VS Naipaul, for example) the vast majority of their colonial-era transplanted diaspora are from the lower castes.

This is because, for traditional Brahmins or other similarly observant high caste Hindus to cross the sea was, in those days, to break caste and forfeit the favour of the gods.


Posted by On Holliday on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:41 | #

In my opinion - assuming the amygdala hypothesis is correct (which it may well not be, of course) - caste status doesn’t really matter, phenotype does (of course, there is a weak correlation between the two, but even the higher castes would exhibit the same problem, anyway).

This hypothesis also makes no difference between foreign born and American born.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 20:48 | #

Al, “the malign colonial influence of whitey” is apparent from the destruction of our homelands by the former colonial subjects.

I think any rational conservative would, if given a chance, go back in time and stop the elites who involved Europeans with Africans and south Asians.  Places like Australia and North America are a different story largely because the carrying capacity of the cultures was so much lower, optimistic pre-Columbian population estimates notwithstanding.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 21:04 | #

Holliday, there are a couple of studies that indicate there is a higher incidence of autism among Africans than others.  That’s interesting to me since it would be evidence against <a >my underlying hypothesis of genetic omnnidominance</a> since my hypothesis was that older populations would tend to have higher disease experience.  Of course, one data point does not a rule make but the hypothesis looking for autism among northern Europeans was derived from that hypothesis and the data supported it at the level of ecological correlation.  I’ll be looking at these studies in more detail.

You, on the other hand, seem to think that Africans would have lower disease experience than Europeans, if not northern Europeans.  I’ve thought a more nuanced version of the GOD hypothesis would take into account not just ecological distance from the original habitat (time) but also size of the local region’s population (space) as per multiregionalism.  In that respect, Eurasia might be considered a larger region than subsaharan Africa and hence might compensate somewhat for the time advantage enjoyed by Africans in that ecosystem (time during which they could coevolve biological weapons in the form of various parasites, pathogens etc.).

With recent discoveries in multiregionalism, I’m more prepared to revise my thinking about the GOD hypothesis.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 21:06 | #

PS: Its really nice to think I can sit down and write about my thoughts without the threat of JJR around to drown them in his drivel posts.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 21:49 | #

James, the mass-migration to the West of citizens of former territories of Empire was by no means a foregone conclusion. Indeed,had you informed an Indian bearer in a British Raj house servants-hall in the 1940s that his grandchildren would be British residents and full citizens, he would have concluded that Sahib was suffering from sunstroke-induced delirium.

It was post-war social-Marxism, not empire-building per se which, combined with a suicidal policy of allowing entry to a muddy flood of cheap labour, led the mindless push for that baneful concept of racial equality in Britain.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 22:09 | #

Al, I think it is largely a result of empire building.  If you aren’t willing to go in and literally exterminate all of the people in the land you are colonizing, and you are colonizing places with higher disease experience (I’m speaking of disease in the most general, including memetic and human genetic, sense here—not just microbes) I do think you are _very_ likely to be destroyed by the human ecology you “conquer”.  Even then you are in danger of bringing back the microbes etc.


Posted by On Holliday on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 23:31 | #

“You, on the other hand, seem to think that Africans would have lower disease experience than Europeans, if not northern Europeans.”

Actually, I was thinking a bit different, and more specifically about the amygdala.

In my hypothesis, the more “pure” populations would be more
sensitive to racial amygdala shock than would populations such as South Asians, who evolved in a clinal zone of inter-continental genetic admixture (as opposed to intra-continental admixture found in other populations). 

Here, South Asians would be more resistant than, say, Hispanics, who are a more recent admixed population.  There may be an inverse relationship between admixture LD and sensitivity, with old admixed populations being the least sensitive, as they had the longest time to evolve resistance to exposure to varied alien phenotypes (and think of the significant differences in phenotype among caste populations in India, for example).

Conversely, the admixed populations, particularly those who are older, more ‘stabilized’ blends (South Asians > Hispanics) would have the greatest negative effects on the susceptible populations.

This may have no correlation at all to resistance to other diseases, etc.  - it *may* be specific to the evolution of brain structures more adaptable to the recognition of novel racial phenotypes.

Africans were certainly exposed to many microbial pathogens, but their relative isolation from other population groups meant less evolution in brain functions able to shield senstive children from the “shock” of seeing peoples with physical features taken from different inter-continental races (e.g., South Asians with ‘Caucasion’ or Australoid features, coupled to Negro skin color, coupled to Mongoloid hair, etc.)


Posted by On Holliday on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 23:47 | #

“There may be an inverse relationship between admixture LD and sensitivity,”

Correction: a direct relationship; more recent admixture - greater LD, greater sensitivity than the older admixed populations


Posted by Italion Stallion on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 02:14 | #

How about some better evidence to support this idea.

What is the hypothesus here ?  i know a bit about spectrum disorders. Autism affects the white matter throughout the whole developing brain. That will include the amygdala, due to it being one of the most connected areas of the brain. The link between mmr and autism is bad science. It has come to light recently that the only kids getting autism from mmr were those at the end of the que for jabs. The Thimersol (mercury) preservative sits in the bottom of the vaccine bottle. Only a fraction of those who recieve MMR get autism, but those who do have their nervous system flooded with mercury. Statistically they didnt show up. But in terms of severity it is profound.

Mercury has been proven to affect brain white matter in a similiar manner to high doses of testosterone which is why autism is considered a male brain syndrome. People who recieve mercury fillings as adults develop aspergers type symptoms. MS patients (another white matter illness) have improved symptoms on removal of mercury fillings.

On the same point my research tell me that immigration evolves humans.



Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 22:09 | #

Thiomersal is soluble in water.  If you have evidence of a precipitate, please provide the cite.

As for Lynn and migration:

First of all migration is the primary driver of the evolution of hypocrisy—by which I mean preaching (not simply believing or passively professing) to others (as you are now doing) and then practicing that which is self-serving in at least a short term genetic self-interst sense (as you are doing).  Clearly, there are forms of hypocrisy that benefit from higher IQ—for example acquisition of the media so you can preach louder than the people you are competing against, or acquisition of academia positions, etc.

Secondly, from the Wikipedia article on Lynn:

Lynn has spoken against immigration in Britain at a 2000 American Renaissance magazine sponsored conference, citing problems of unemployment, crime, illegitimacy, and low IQ, considering African and African-Caribbean immigants to perform worse in these measures than Indian and Chinese immigrants.[12] Lynn spoke on his book IQ and the Wealth of Nations at a 2002 American Renaissance conference.[13]


Posted by On Holliday on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 23:32 | #

Yo Adrian!

The “Stallion” spells, and reasons, about as well as Stallone speaks.

From a previous thread, an inverse relation between admixture and IQ:

I did a rather crude, yet informative bit of data crunching.  I took from the ABD site ABD 2.5 data for percent non-Caucasian ancestry (non-“Indo European”) for several areas of Europe, as well as North Africa, Turkey, Puerto Rico, Mexico,and India, and then did a scatter plot of that against national IQ, using available data (using, for, example, Sweden for Northern Europe, Egypt for North Africa, an IQ of 110 for Ashkenazi, merging Portugal and Spain for Iberia, etc.).
The trendline formula: y = -0.3595x + 101.26
In other words, the greater the admixture, the lower the IQ.
The same would hold true for Asia, as the higher-IQ regions (e.g., China and Japan) have significantly higher percentages of East Asian genetic background than to the lower-IQ regions of Southeast Asia.
Of course, the areas of the Earth that have seen the most “migrations” are *not* those with populations exhibiting the highest IQ.

By the way, your “research” is nothing more than your opinions, “bolstered” by irrelevant links.


Posted by On Holliday on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 23:35 | #

Actually, migration and admixture between widely variant subspecies is an impediment to evolution:


Not to mention the issue of ethnic genetic interests…


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 00:12 | #

Holliday, we need to distinguish between admixture and migration.  Clearly, a deme like the Jews has managed not only to be a migratory people and to promote migrations among other people, but also to avoid admixture relative to other people even as it promotes admixture among other people (ie: hypocrisy) and has been doing so at least since the beginning of Christianity with its Jewish Evangelists.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 00:21 | #

“since the beginning of Christianity with its Jewish Evangelists”.

Edward Gibbon said as much in his masterly ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’, citing the rise of Christianity as one of the reasons for the Empire’s collapse. Gibbon attributed the ruinous (for Rome) ascendancy of the Hebrew heresy to “the zeal of the Jews”.


Posted by Andy on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 00:48 | #

Yo Adrian!

The “Stallion” spells, and reasons, about as well as Stallone speaks.

  Heheh. I have to admit that this gave me a chuckle.  I’m guessing Sly at least spells “Italian” correctly when referring to himself as the Italian Stallion.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 02:25 | #

Due to his height I think Stallone could be more of an Italian donkey than stallion.


Posted by On Holliday on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:15 | #

“Holliday, we need to distinguish between admixture and migration.  Clearly, a deme like the Jews has managed not only to be a migratory people and to promote migrations among other people, but also to avoid admixture relative to other people even as it promotes admixture among other people (ie: hypocrisy) and has been doing so at least since the beginning of Christianity with its Jewish Evangelists.”

James, I agree.  I assumed that the “Stallion” had admixture in mind, because it is hard to see how migration sans admixture would, in theory, promote human ‘evolution.’ (sic).

Of course, the “Stallion” may counter that the ‘evolution’ may occur in the absence of admixture if a ‘superior’ migratory group displaces an ‘inferior’ one, or if the very presence of a migratory group stimulates selective pressure on both natives and migrants.

Regardless, the evidence shows no correlation between high IQ and history of extensive migration, for native peoples.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:05 | #

“Thiomersal is soluble in water.  If you have evidence of a precipitate, please provide the cite.”

was in a recent newspaper, so no link. Thimorosal is of course soluble in water. The article citied that the administors were not shaking the bottle sufficiently for the mercury which is heavy to stop sinking. Thats all i know regarding that.

“By the way, your “research” is nothing more than your opinions, “bolstered” by irrelevant links.”

It is an opion blog. The links are far from irrelevent.

“James, I agree.  I assumed that the “Stallion” had admixture in mind, because it is hard to see how migration sans admixture would, in theory, promote human ‘evolution.’ (sic).

Of course, the “Stallion” may counter that the ‘evolution’ may occur in the absence of admixture if a ‘superior’ migratory group displaces an ‘inferior’ one, or if the very presence of a migratory group stimulates selective pressure on both natives and migrants.

Regardless, the evidence shows no correlation between high IQ and history of extensive migration, for native peoples.”

I’m glad you brought up the difference between migration and admixture, and corrected yourself.  When lynn had to defend his findings he brought up the concept of selective pressure on migration input to explain oriental and ashkenazi IQ. The point in my own blog is clear. Any gene pool in a vacumn eventually expresses femininity and becomes weakened easily by disease. Orientals and jews clearly highlight this.  The flus that run riot through orientals. The jewish genetic diseases which are are all glycolipid immune disorders of the CNS. Type-r pools build strength through rebound mechanism. Racialism seeks type K pools which always move toward femininity.

Racialism is an expression of femininity. Rushtons research on kinship relies on female odour preference which seeks out gradual variants. All he found with male kinship was that men seek other men who can solve problems of context, which would most likely be similiar.  Men in fact will get together with any race of man to deal with competitive problems. Sport is an example of this.

Stormfront bans me from discussing all of these issues. Not because they break rules or have been done ad hominem. The management of stormfront are scared of the link between between racialism and feminity on their floating male membership who arent hardline racists but are reactive.


i’m setting up my own blog to explore racialism and femininity properly. I’ll expect nothing positive to be conceded here on this subject.

Stormfront prevented me from doing an online psychometric evalution of their members to determine feminine thought processs.

I admit it was a lot to ask.

What i’d like to ask here, is how would you feel if a strong case were made to highlight the link between racialism and femininity ?


Posted by On Holliday on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 14:03 | #

“Any gene pool in a vacumn eventually expresses femininity and becomes weakened easily by disease.”

I see.  Just because you make a statement means it is true.  I do realize that passes for intellect on this blog, but some of us will protest.

“Orientals and jews clearly highlight this.”

No, they do not. 

“The flus that run riot through orientals.”

Moron, Orientals get the flu because the flu originates there - because of their overcrowding, farming habits, and poor hygeine.  R-selected populations are no more immune to the flu than are Asians.  Let’s see how Africa does in the next Pandemic, that is, if they aren’t all dead by AIDS by then.

“The jewish genetic diseases which are are all glycolipid immune disorders of the CNS.”

Due to extensive inbreeding, and, possibly, selection for intelligence.  European ethnic groups of sufficient size, and of the same ethny, do not exhibit the same health problems.  Migration is not necessary to “cure” a non-existant problem in larger European ethnies.  Please convince Jews to miscgenate.

“Type-r pools build strength through rebound mechanism.”

R-selected populations are the unhealthiest on Earth.  Look at Africa.

“Racialism seeks type K pools which always move toward femininity.”

Right.  Your game is obvious.  Attempt to convince teen-age and 20-something Stormfronters - with their male egos and their raging testosterone - that white racialism is “feminine.”  Meanwhile, non-whites, including the “r-selected”, will continue to be racialist and defend their ethnic interests.

Congratulations on another moronic concept invented to delegitimize whites behaving in defense of interests the same as every other people.  White racialism must really frighten you, doesn’t it?  Why should the “feminine” frighten you?

“Racialism is an expression of femininity.”

No it is not.  Men are invariably more “racist” and “prejudiced” than women.

“Rushtons research on kinship relies on female odour preference which seeks out gradual variants. All he found with male kinship was that men seek other men who can solve problems of context, which would most likely be similiar.”

Both genders seek mates similar to themselves.  Furthermore, Rushton’s work is descriptive, not prescriptive.  Most Americans are obese.  Is obesity healthy?

Go away, idiot. 

“Men in fact will get together with any race of man to deal with competitive problems. Sport is an example of this.”

Hmm.  That is why baseball was segregated for decades and integration had to be introduced by elites over the objections of the white players.  That is why men of the same ethny will eagerly get together and engage in ethnic cleansing of other groups.  Review the history of inter-group violence.

“Stormfront bans me from discussing all of these issues.”

Because you are an imbecille.

“i’m setting up my own blog to explore racialism and femininity properly. I’ll expect nothing positive to be conceded here on this subject.”

Because you are an obsolute moron, inventing your own bizarre worldview, unconnected to reality, and which is aimed specifically to delegitimize our own genetic interests.

“Stormfront prevented me from doing an online psychometric evalution of their members to determine feminine thought processs…I admit it was a lot to ask.”

Sure, why should they participate in your Frankfurt school-like pathologization of white gentile ethnocentrism, which is weak anyway?  How about this - *first* bring your message to the Orientals and the Jews.  Get Oriental nations to import large numbers of r-selected ‘southern’ migrants.  Get Israel to do the same.  Go to Jewish and Asian nationalist groups and convince them that their ethnocentrism is a form of “femininity.”

“What i’d like to ask here, is how would you feel if a strong case were made to highlight the link between racialism and femininity ?”

How would you feel if a strong case was made linking racialism and preservation of genetic interests?

Wait…it’s already been done.

Another example, GW, how your “anyone can comment” mantra embarasses this blog.


Posted by On Holliday on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 14:06 | #

““Men in fact will get together with any race of man to deal with competitive problems. Sport is an example of this.”

“Get that nigger off the field” -
Adrian Constatine Anson, white Hall of Famer, in reference to Moses Fleetwood Walker, a mulatto


Posted by Italion Stallion on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 14:30 | #

How would feel if you were beaten to a jelly?

EEl like.


Posted by On Holliday on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 14:34 | #

“What i’d like to ask here, is how would you feel if a strong case were made to highlight the link between racialism and femininity ? “

I’ll answer that.  First, I note you use the feminine word “feel” - very interesting.  Let me tell you instead what I would *think.*

I would think that your semi-illiterate flim-flam was unimportant.  I am not so insecure in my masculinity that I am going to be concerned if a particular adaptove behavior I express is considered by a fraud such as yourself as “feminine.”

Your scheme may work on the numbnuts at Stormfront, or the masses here, but, in my *opinion* (not “feeling”), your own assertions are worthless.

Of more interest is your motivation.  Readers should note how people like the “Stallion” - and they are a dime a dozen- reveal their motivation via the target of their attention.

They are opposed to racialism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia, and favor multiracialism and migration, either out of “moral” principles, or “scientific/psychological” arguments or both.

Then they proceed to focus their attentions on the very group that is:
a) weakest in ethnocentrism
b) the least racialist and xenophobic
c) the most accepting of newcomers

- that is, white gentiles, while either ignoring - or in some cases applauding, the ethnocentric, racialist, and xenophobic behaviors of colored and Jews.

Oh, some of them may pretend to be opposed to these behaviors by the latter groups, but, for *some reason*, all or most of their attention is always focused on supressing the low level of ethnocentrism among white gentiles - the very group that *needs* ethnocentrism in competition with their more aggressive, collectivist ethnic and racial groups.

Interesting.  Interesting.

Always convenient to “disarm the competition”, isn’t it?


Posted by Italion Stallion on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:38 | #

“Due to extensive inbreeding, and, possibly, selection for intelligence.  European ethnic groups of sufficient size, and of the same ethny, do not exhibit the same health problems.  Migration is not necessary to “cure” a non-existant problem in larger European ethnies.  Please convince Jews to miscgenate. “

Inbreeding exactly. If White nationalists had political power, the result would be similar to jewish genetic competition. Further in group competition and inbreeding. Convergent behaviour breeds convergent behaviour. Also racialism is inherently tied to right wing monetarism. This can already be seen in the much fragmented political splinters within white nationalist groups. A lot of which I understand comes down to money and debates over who has the greatest racial purity between different factions of Europeans. As a prime example Hitler, who also began from an economic stance, started off with nationalism and then refined his views into
greater genetic selection within his own german nationals.

Wherever you go Type r pools are in comparison to Type K pools, unhealthy and suffer great loss of numbers. They are also highly vigorous, due to increased testosterone and faster reproduction which is why they breed resistance to disease.  This is clearly illustrated in Africa. Not only does the African population increase as a result of AIDS which is highly penetrative in comparison to Flu, it migrates and kills of even greater numbers of orientals, Europeans, Americans.  Africans are the most likely to develop immunity to aids.  The point remains unanswered The purest Type K pools have weaker nervous systems. Why ? because Testosterone prunes the nervous system towards localized processing (Abstract thought, Skeletal muscular, neuron processing over connective mylenation). THAT reduces the need for CNS connectivity.

“Right.  Your game is obvious.  Attempt to convince teen-age and 20-something Stormfronters - with their male egos and their raging testosterone - that white racialism is “feminine.” Meanwhile, non-whites, including the “r-selected”, will continue to be racialist and defend their ethnic interests.”

What paranoid trip are you on ? I don’t care about stromfronts membership. My prime area is researching symmetry in complex systems. This is just a side issue which appears to bear some fruit of truth.  REALLY I’m just fascinated why stromfront suppresses the issue. Check how wired up you got over the issue. If there was no issue you wouldn’t react.

“Congratulations on another moronic concept invented to delegitimize whites behaving in defense of interests the same as every other people.  White racialism must really frighten you, doesn’t it?  Why should the “feminine” frighten you? “

Females frighten me when they gain too much testosterone, or start to squew man genetically towards female thinking. Check out Hitler and jews for a good example. That’s why they both got on so well.

“Men are invariably more “racist” and “prejudiced” than women. “

Prejiduced yes. Racist no. Unless the men belong to a racial group. A racial group requires heavily on selective females. Under nationalism and manipulation men can easily become racist. Men in natural form express group reactivity. They are not inherently racist in the genetic sense. Quite the opposite. All studies of male sexual behaviour bear this out. Men seek freedom. Men like to do whatever they like, go wherever they want, and have sex with whoever they please. Unless their behaviour has become feminized genetically or politically manipulated that is.

“Both genders seek mates similar to themselves.  Furthermore, Rushton’s work is descriptive, not prescriptive.  Most Americans are obese.  Is obesity healthy?
Go away, idiot.  “

That’s hardly a decent discourse on Rushtons work. Obviously I have read and considered his papers more than you. I considers Rushtons work to be excellent.

“That is why baseball was segregated for decades and integration had to be introduced by elites over the objections of the white players.  That is why men of the same ethny will eagerly get together and engage in ethnic cleansing of other groups.  Review the history of inter-group violence. “

I’ve played myself in sport, reaching to professional level in Ice Hockey. One of the most racist sports in America. I’m dark skinned due to being half Italian.  The racism in locker rooms exists to thrash out group coherence. It’s purely the result of social laziness and the desire to bond through experience. Much initial aggression between men in the locker room is just the process of testing each other out, based on our upcoming missions.

It is not genetic.
It is not absolute.

Men in sport overcome racism, depending on behaviour, success and merit. It’s group reactiveness. This is not the same as the gene based racism that forms the basic core of white nationalism or some forms of ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing is primarily based on intolerance of other group behaviours. Not a desire to dig out gene sets. The best way to dig our gene sets is for females to select them.

In sport (especially amateur which is what most men are involved in) overall politics do not decide who makes up the members of male team. Males of any race will get together, and sort between themselves who is best suited to compete and / or overcome threat.

“How about this - *first* bring your message to the Orientals and the Jews.  Get Oriental nations to import large numbers of r-selected ‘southern’ migrants.  Get Israel to do the same.  Go to Jewish and Asian nationalist groups and convince them that their ethnocentrism is a form of “femininity.”

Femininity is the final result of ethnocentrism not a cause or a form.

“How would you feel if a strong case was made linking racialism and preservation of genetic interests? “

Well we agree on something. Genetic interests are what femininity is about. Note how the Y chromosome is devoid of all genes except for unique focussed mutation mechanisms which preserve male fertility. The male genetic system consists of nothing but an abstract expansion which explodes within the pre-existing female one.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:45 | #

I had stated: “Thiomersal is soluble in water.  If you have evidence of a precipitate, please provide the cite.”

“Italion Stallion” wrote: “Some was in a recent newspaper, so no link. Thimorosal is of course soluble in water. The article citied that the administors were not shaking the bottle sufficiently for the mercury which is heavy to stop sinking. Thats all i know regarding that.”

So do you have any cites showing that salt solutions—any salt solutions—can be concentrated through gravitation?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:58 | #

Another example, GW, how your “anyone can comment” mantra embarasses this blog.

You presume upon - or against - the good sense of the MR reader.  Do you suppose that he can’t formulate a perfectly valid opinion of the unlikely Istallion?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:15 | #

“Testosterone prunes the nervous system towards localized processing”

Wrong way around.  In the evolutionary past it was ST that was pruned by repeated winter die-offs.

The racism in locker rooms exists to thrash out group coherence. It’s purely the result of social laziness and the desire to bond through experience. Much initial aggression between men in the locker room is just the process of testing each other out, based on our upcoming missions

A wholly American observation.

“Men are invariably more “racist” and “prejudiced” than women. “

Prejiduced yes. Racist no. Unless the men belong to a racial group. A racial group requires heavily on selective females. Under nationalism and manipulation men can easily become racist. Men in natural form express group reactivity. They are not inherently racist in the genetic sense.

I’m sorry but I think you must be a homosexual.  Your conclusions are simply 180 degrees facing the wrong way, which is a hazard of the feminised male mind.  So, too, is pathologising normality in an attempt to smash everything down to the same perverse level.

“Nationalism” is the normal state of mind of all peoples.  It’s real name is ethnocentrism.

Women are less ethnocentric because in evolutionary time tribal conflict might at any moment remove their natural mates, rendering necessary the pursuit of their genetic interests through genetically “differing” males.

Femininity is the final result of ethnocentrism not a cause or a form.

Ill.  Masculinity AND feminity are the product of natural human expression, for men and women respectively.

You must question your motives and your state of mind more, and trust the siren claims of your heart upon your intellect less.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:21 | #

“I would think that your semi-illiterate flim-flam was unimportant.  I am not so insecure in my masculinity that I am going to be concerned if a particular adaptove behavior I express is considered by a fraud such as yourself as “feminine.”

This is not an issue about masculine insecurity. I research symmetry in human systems. Starting with the brain. This lead to races and sex differences

“Your scheme may work on the numbnuts at Stormfront, or the masses here, but, in my *opinion* (not “feeling”), your own assertions are worthless. Of more interest is your motivation.  Readers should note how people like the “Stallion” - and they are a dime a dozen- reveal their motivation via the target of their attention.
They are opposed to racialism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia, and favor multiracialism and migration, either out of “moral” principles, or “scientific/psychological” arguments or both.

Then they proceed to focus their attentions on the very group that is:
a) weakest in ethnocentrism
b) the least racialist and xenophobic
c) the most accepting of newcomers

- that is, white gentiles, while either ignoring - or in some cases applauding, the ethnocentric, racialist, and xenophobic behaviors of colored and Jews.

Oh, some of them may pretend to be opposed to these behaviors by the latter groups, but, for *some reason*, all or most of their attention is always focused on supressing the low level of ethnocentrism among white gentiles - the very group that *needs* ethnocentrism in competition with their more aggressive, collectivist ethnic and racial groups. “

I’ve not got a scheme. Racialism just doesn’t “click” with me. Any kind. Not that I disagree with it. If its feminine its 50% of life. For research in symmetry within living systems its obviously vital to explore this. That’s my primary agenda.  By suppressing Racialism and femininity stormfronts moderators are in fact showing their intelligence. I’m an opportunist. I don’t care about stormfront.  All is see is an opportunity to explore an interesting area. Stormfront are strong in all the areas A,B,C.


Posted by Holliday Departs on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:38 | #

I will make two comments here.  First, an answer to “Stallion.”  The second, a comment concerning this blog.

First comment:

“If White nationalists had political power, the result would be similar to jewish genetic competition. Further in group competition and inbreeding. Convergent behaviour breeds convergent behaviour.”

A comment with no meaning.  As stated, there is sufficient genetic diversity within European ethnies and within the European race so as to avoid inbreeding depression.

“Also racialism is inherently tied to right wing monetarism.”

Incorrect.  I am a racialist and an economic leftist.  You, are on the other hand, are an ignorant fraud.

“A lot of which I understand comes down to money and debates over who has the greatest racial purity between different factions of Europeans.”

One can thank “Majority Rights” for leaving this impression on both counts (see comment 2).  Among the sane and intelligent factions of racialism, this does not hold.

“Wherever you go Type r pools are in comparison to Type K pools, unhealthy and suffer great loss of numbers. They are also highly vigorous…”

They are unhealthy and vigorous.  Interesting.

“…due to increased testosterone and faster reproduction which is why they breed resistance to disease.  This is clearly illustrated in Africa. Not only does the African population increase as a result of AIDS…”

The African population does not increase “as a result of AIDS.”  It increases *despite* AIDS – because – and let me use language consistent with MR’s porno lovers – blacks will fuck anything and everything, resulting in both a) an immense AIDS burden, and b) a population that increases faster than they are dying off.  That this population is unhealthy – and lacks any positive proximate characteristics whatsoever – is immediately obvious to neutral observers.

“…which is highly penetrative in comparison to Flu, it migrates and kills of even greater numbers of orientals, Europeans, Americans.  Africans are the most likely to develop immunity to aids.”

Really?  The mutation which results in immunity from infection is found at highest frequencies in Europe, particularly Northwestern Europe.  Once again, the K selectors are better off than the R’s.

“The point remains unanswered”

You have made no point.

“The purest Type K pools have weaker nervous systems.”

Evidence?  Is that why African Americans have higher rates of psychopathic behavior, and lower IQ, than other groups?

“Why ? because Testosterone prunes the nervous system towards localized processing (Abstract thought, Skeletal muscular, neuron processing over connective mylenation). THAT reduces the need for CNS connectivity.”


“What paranoid trip are you on ? I don’t care about stromfronts membership.”

Which is why your own site is based upon stormfront’s alleged biases?  Liar.

“My prime area is researching symmetry in complex systems.”

Incorrect.  Your prime area is delegitimizing white genetic interests.

“REALLY I’m just fascinated why stromfront suppresses the issue. Check how wired up you got over the issue. If there was no issue you wouldn’t react.”

The same reason one reacts to someone attempting to rob them.  There is an issue – you are a mendacious, vicious, destructive force.  When one observes evil that attempts to destroy one’s people, one is appropriate to react.  That does not mean your “work” makes any sense.  Only that you are a parasitic turd.

“Females frighten me when they gain too much testosterone, or start to squew man genetically towards female thinking. Check out Hitler and jews for a good example. That’s why they both got on so well.”

Is that supposed to be funny?  And what is “squew?”

“Prejiduced yes. Racist no. Unless the men belong to a racial group.”

All men do belong to a racial group, idiot.

“A racial group requires heavily on selective females.”

Natural selection as well.  And our porno brigade can explain why sexual selection in humans was predominantly male to female, not the reverse.

“Under nationalism and manipulation men can easily become racist.”

Non-whites are inherently racist.

“Men in natural form express group reactivity. They are not inherently racist in the genetic sense. Quite the opposite. All studies of male sexual behaviour bear this out. Men seek freedom. Men like to do whatever they like, go wherever they want, and have sex with whoever they please. Unless their behaviour has become feminized genetically or politically manipulated that is.”

Besides the juvenile stupidity here, do you have any idea whatsoever comparing between descriptive and prescriptive arguments?  Just because a man may wish to miscegenate, does not mean it is optimal. 

“ That’s hardly a decent discourse on Rushtons work. Obviously I have read and considered his papers more than you. I considers Rushtons work to be excellent.”

Consider Rushton’s politics, I think it is you who are misinterpreting his work.

“I’m dark skinned”

That I believe.

“due to being half Italian.”

That I do not – unless the other half is black.  Is Roy Campanella your role model in this regard?

“Men in sport overcome racism, depending on behaviour, success and merit. It’s group reactiveness.”

No, it is societal pressure and propaganda – very feminine that.  John Rocker seemed very masculine when he freely expressed his views, very feminine when filth like you forced him to recant.

“This is not the same as the gene based racism that forms the basic core of white nationalism or some forms of ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing is primarily based on intolerance of other group behaviours. Not a desire to dig out gene sets.”

The result is the same.

“The best way to dig our gene sets is for females to select them.”

First of all, who the hell knows what you mean by “dig gene sets.”  Second, you completely ignore natural selection.

“In sport (especially amateur which is what most men are involved in) overall politics do not decide who makes up the members of male team.”

Wrong.  Re: Anson and Walker, Branch Rickey and Robinson.  Sports are completely political; they express the society they exist in.

“Males of any race will get together, and sort between themselves who is best suited to compete and / or overcome threat.”

Whites caught in a Negro race riot experience first hand how the males of different races “get together.”  Reginald Denny “got it together” upside the head.

“Femininity is the final result of ethnocentrism not a cause or a form.”

In other words, I’m not going to address those groups that are most ethnocentric.  Instead an incoherent comment justifies my anti-white genocidal agenda.

“Well we agree on something. Genetic interests are what femininity is about.”

There is no connection there whatsoever.  An asexually reproducing organism has genetic interests.  Go away, retard.

“Note how the Y chromosome is devoid of all genes except for unique focussed mutation mechanisms which preserve male fertility. The male genetic system consists of nothing but an abstract expansion which explodes within the pre-existing female one.”

I can let Jim Bowery answer that one.

Comment #2:

Re: Majority Rights, GOODBYE.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:51 | #

Wrong way around.  In the evolutionary past it was ST that was pruned by repeated winter die-offs.

That’s not what I was saying but on that point refer to the fact the high T races exist in hotter climates.

“The racism in locker rooms exists to thrash out group coherence. It’s purely the result of social laziness and the desire to bond through experience. Much initial aggression between men in the locker room is just the process of testing each other out, based on our upcoming missions …….A wholly American observation. “

My sporting experience is from Britain. That’s not exclusive to Britain. Not that it matters. Being involved in sport does gives a glimpse to how we behave as men in all nationalities. Due to Import players, training camps, international tournaments.

“I’m sorry but I think you must be a homosexual.  Your conclusions are simply 180 degrees facing the wrong way, which is a hazard of the feminised male mind.  So, too, is pathologising normality in an attempt to smash everything down to the same perverse level. “

First of all, I wouldn’t waste my life denying myself homosexuality. It that’s where my pleasure and happiness has to lie. So be it. I’ve researched every sexually dimorphic area of the brain, I’m already quite aware what female and male bits I have and quite happy to admit to any of either sex. SO perhaps you’d care to expand on your evaluation of me. My research is about symmetry in complex systems. If you think I got something 180 degrees the wrong way. I want to know more.

Really you want to lower the debate to level of attacking each others sexuality at an indivual level ?  When men compete we tend to do three things to each other.

1.  Atttack each others sexuality.
2.  Attack each others credibility
3.  Attack each others ability.

Not that I would usually get into these playground games. But just to show how easy this game is to play on point one. You just exhibited one of the prime symptoms of repressed homosexuality which is misogyny.

“Women are less ethnocentric because in evolutionary time tribal conflict might at any moment remove their natural mates, rendering necessary the pursuit of their genetic interests through genetically “differing” males. “

Women seek average genetic variants on their own fathers theme if they have the reproductive hand. Borne out by Rushtons odour preference.  When their natural mates are removed through conflict the female is more likely to be dominated and are losing the reproductive hand to the male. Within a peaceful society women will fuss over smaller and smaller differences between men.

“Masculinity AND feminity are the product of natural human expression, for men and women respectively. “

I’d agree with that.

“You must question your motives and your state of mind more, and trust the siren claims of your heart upon your intellect less”

He he…Back to playground strategy one I see. Ok I’m gay, biseuxal or closeted. Now can we debate the real issue.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:53 | #

out of time and steam at this stage.

BLoody hell….I DID not expect this blog to be so active.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 17:15 | #

Seeing as this debate has gotten rather low, which i did not expect seeing as this forum, I thought was run by Stormfronts “igor systanevitch?”..

TO summarize i just want to make the following CLEAR to those visitors not so inclined to reply in this manner.

I research symmetry in complex systems, which began out with writing a book on the electromagnetic structure of the brain.

THis lead to an unresolvable problem that had to pan out to looking at human groups. SEx differences within brain structure. And Sex differences within human groups.

Due to political correctness a lot of the best biological evidence on human groups was racial, and this lead me guys like Lynn, rushton, leman and so on. The only way to discuss this was visit forums like stormfront. They then repressed any thread which brought up the issue of racialism and femininity.


This only arose due to the the process of Rebuilding Rushtons model for hemisphere and climate distribution of K and r groups to accomodate neurological models, that as i mentioned ended up being sex based.

I found that the expression of femininity is highly linked to racial convergence.

It needs exploring. Thats all its about.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 17:32 | #

I had stated: “Thiomersal is soluble in water.  If you have evidence of a precipitate, please provide the cite.”

“Italion Stallion” wrote: “Some was in a recent newspaper, so no link. Thimorosal is of course soluble in water. The article citied that the administors were not shaking the bottle sufficiently for the mercury which is heavy to stop sinking. Thats all i know regarding that.”

So do you have any cites showing that salt solutions—any salt solutions—can be concentrated through gravitation?


Posted by Italion Stallion on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 23:31 | #

“So do you have any cites showing that salt solutions—any salt solutions—can be concentrated through gravitation?”

This is not my research area.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:06 | #

I learned a lot from perusing the posts of JW Holliday and I admired his tough-minded approach to the concerns of White people.  It is to be hoped that his indispensable comments can be viewed on another blog.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 04:13 | #

So the “Italion” not only has no cites except “was in a recent newspaper, so no link” to back up his assetion about the concentration of Thimerosal being greater at the bottom of the bottle, he doesn’t have any plausible way for this to happen except the supposed tendency for “mercury” to settle to the bottom of a solution.  Never mind its a salt of mercury and dissolved heavier salts have about the same tendency to settle out of solution as do heavier gasses to settle out—which is to say virtually nil.

This guy’s a real piece of work.  Hard to believe he didn’t show up until JJR left unless he is some sort of weapon to destroy the MR blog in retaliation for getting rid of someone who is sympathetic to south Asians—which I suspect the “Italion” is.


Posted by Rnl on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 06:18 | #

Italion Stallion wrote:

Due to political correctness a lot of the best biological evidence on human groups was racial, and this lead me guys like Lynn, rushton, leman and so on. The only way to discuss this was visit forums like stormfront.

Your explanation doesn’t adequately address Holliday’s objection. 

Whites are the least ethnocentric of the major racial groups. If the information you have accumulated about the perils of racialism and ethnocentrism is as significant as you believe, then surely communicating it to the most ethnocentric groups should be your first priority. They are, after all, practicing ethnocentrism far more diligently than Whites and are therefore in much greater need of the benefits—assuming there are any—of your research.

Yet you have chosen to illuminate White racialist forums. Why?

how would you feel if a strong case were made to highlight the link between racialism and femininity ?

It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. As you yourself point out, half of any racial group is female.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 13:37 | #

how would you feel if a strong case were made to highlight the link between racialism and femininity?

BTW: If the a strong case were made to highlight the link between racialism and feminity I would “feel” that this strengthens the case of racialism because the natural state of affairs—the state of affairs most characterizing human evolution up until the advent of the horse, wheel and agriculture is what most people call “racialist”. 

The gene flow rates with which we evolved are so much lower than present that our very natures are “racialist”.  Any supposed tendency toward greater “masculinity” that resulted from violation of our natures I would find just as objectionable as I would any tendency toward greater “femininity” due to violations of our nature by, say, <a >the pollution of the envirionment by estrogens</a>.

Technologies do have environmental consequences many of which are negative.  Transportation technology—particularly flight—was a radical departure from natural population structure and this has corresponding nasty side effects.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 13:41 | #

Finally, I will third Holliday’s incisive question of our objectionable south Asian guest calling himself “Italion”:

Your explanation doesn’t adequately address Holliday’s objection.

Whites are the least ethnocentric of the major racial groups. If the information you have accumulated about the perils of racialism and ethnocentrism is as significant as you believe, then surely communicating it to the most ethnocentric groups should be your first priority. They are, after all, practicing ethnocentrism far more diligently than Whites and are therefore in much greater need of the benefits—assuming there are any—of your research.

Yet you have chosen to illuminate White racialist forums. Why?


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 13:47 | #

Ah, I just saw his picture… perhaps the “Italion” is a relatively north African breed of Sicilian getting his jollies by violating the British Isles with his greater “masculinity”.  The identification with south Asians is natural given their recent bid to take over the British homeland.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 13:21 | #

“Your explanation doesn’t adequately address Holliday’s objection.  “

What one ? there were many. Also the level of this persons debate, began well, then resorted to insults.

“Whites are the least ethnocentric of the major racial groups. If the information you have accumulated about the perils of racialism and ethnocentrism is as significant as you believe, then surely communicating it to the most ethnocentric groups should be your first priority. They are, after all, practicing ethnocentrism far more diligently than Whites and are therefore in much greater need of the benefits—assuming there are any—of your research.
Yet you have chosen to illuminate White racialist forums. Why?

perhaps the “Italion” is a relatively north African breed of Sicilian getting his jollies by violating the British Isles with his greater “masculinity”.  The identification with south Asians is natural given their recent bid to take over the British homeland.”


A middle eastern descent perhaps. As do many in italy have these features, as do many from Greece and spain. In Britain I’ve had Italian tourists come up to me and speak to me in Italian, even though I was raised in Britain. Many Asians enquire about my origins, but they don’t presume I’m asian. My exgirl friend did a little street experiment. She would ask total strangers in “hometown” Britain, where I was. Those who said Italian were older and well travelled.  Those who said asian tended to be 40 and under. If you’ve asked me about why I sought out stormfront, your behaviour has just answered that question. The glee with which you sought out to mark with a negative “north african” brush..at least negative in your post knowledge of low African IQ groupthink points out the problem. On that point, my IQ is 137.  I’ve only done one test, so that’s the lowest it can be.  Many of my relatives much higher.


How African or middle eastern are Italians ? Those guys look more middle eastern than me. Yet they still appear to come out top in global competitions. I have a haplotype map, not to hand. Southern Europeans have a good dose of middle eastern genes, yet they still thrashed out the creative basis of Europe, repeatedly. Despite the dark middle ages following the fall of the roman empire ..partly by north European incursion, the creativity rebounded with the forming of the renaissance. Not that such an ethnocentric discussion can really interest me. I’m just making the point, that its easy to construct a good one in favour of southern Europeans against northern. In fact historically many southern Italians and greeks are racist towards northern Europeans stemming back to the founding of European civilisation.

TO really illustrate the point I’m trying to make about Racialism and femininity is a deep one about systems.  I made the point that the male genetic system is in itself quite non-genetic. The y-chromosone is almost solely dedicated to unique genetic mechanisms called palindromes that mutate at abnormal levels with one purpose. To protect and increase sperm production which results in the production of greater amounts of testosterone.  Testosterone as a steroid travels through cells in all parts of the body and abstract its in response to pressure and change. Testosterone is a molecule of dynamic change. In opposition to Estradiol which forms weakly broken hydrogen bonds. Testosterone only operates under pressure states called “van der Walls”.  These states are associated at a physical level with the dynamics of phase change, such as those between liquid to gas. A good prize winning book on the subject of how groups of men express these qualities.


The male biological system (when it has the upper hand) will tend to dilute, override and diverge from it’s genetic inheritability factor, in spite of all modifications we try to impose by religion, groupthink, racialism, ethnocentrism or whatever. When testosterone is high during child development, it increases right brain dominance. Illness aside, this remains all ones life. Right brain dominance is creative, restless and divergent.  As a result its non racial as a human system high in testosterone will spread outwards. Right brain dominance is higher as the testosterone level within the population increases. Put simply Type r populations are right brain dominant. Type K left brain dominant. This is the focus of my research in the area of human systems. Type K population are biased towards femininity. As the K factor increases the femininity increases. Rebound strength decreases. Male fertility decreases, Creativity decreases. 

Regarding Stormfront. I had already explained why I had ended up in that environment if you scroll up about eight posts. There is no point in bringing this subject up within Jewish and oriental populations. Not only are they resigned and coping with their feminity. To me they are only useful for tests regarding testosterone levels and brain dominance.

“It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. As you yourself point out, half of any racial group is female”

Female in that the sex ratio is male / female almost 50/50. I propose that Sex ratio is in fact achieved through degrees of bisexuality that squew male and female fertility. Looking within the racial group finds which system has dominance. Genetic or environmental. Females systems are biased towards genetics. Male towards environmental change.

The question for yourself is not about male/female numbers its this. If you pursue racialism based on observable genetic qualities the result is an increasing convergence towards a group which exhibits female dominance. Orientals are jews are big examples. Hamish are another.

SO I am curious to get answers from many people here on this issue. Is that what you want ?


Posted by Italion Stallion on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 13:34 | #

“So the “Italion” not only has no cites except “was in a recent newspaper, so no link” to back up his assetion about the concentration of Thimerosal being greater at the bottom of the bottle, he doesn’t have any plausible way for this to happen except the supposed tendency for “mercury” to settle to the bottom of a solution.  Never mind its a salt of mercury and dissolved heavier salts have about the same tendency to settle out of solution as do heavier gasses to settle out—which is to say virtually nil.

This guy’s a real piece of work.  Hard to believe he didn’t show up until JJR left unless he is some sort of weapon to destroy the MR blog in retaliation for getting rid of someone who is sympathetic to south Asians—which I suspect the “Italion” is.”

Like I said autism isn’t my research area. If that’s wrong information about thimerosal settling, then I can’t say for sure.  I’ve enough on my plate debating racialism and femininity.

There are big flaws in the scientific method, and there is severe doubt about mercury. We know its toxic to mylenation. WE know that mercury fillings exacerbate illnesses of mylenation.  With that in mind, we shouldn’t be injecting developing children with it just to save money. 

I don’t care about any racial group. I research symmetry in complex systems.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 14:24 | #

Just to rephrase my question properly. What i’m curious about is this

1. Were advocates of white nationalism ever aware that gene based racialism moves towards human groups towards femininity ?

2. There appears to be an emotional response on this issue. Is this related to self homphobia ?

3. Unlike the european gene pool which arose mainly through, conquest, competition, conflict as well as intellectual pursuits, jews and orientals built their systems based on genetic self preservation.  White nationalism prides itself on being more creative than jews and orientals. Yet at it’s core the policy is constructed on a similiar genetic basis. This would ironically lead to a decrease in the very basis which founded its qualites and a move towards an oriental / jewish basis.

My take on this as pointed on my blog


is simply that the white racialism arises out of natural femininity. It is not aware of itself, in this sense.

We are all here anonymously. No stormfront moderation based towards recruiting young men as on opposing views.  So what do you have to say ? Especially on point 3. That the formation of white nationalism has nothing to do with how the white european gene pool succeeded and that the preservation of that, by natural laws of physics is not only impossible but counterproductive. CReative progress cannot be preserved. Preservation destroys male creativity, which occurs by the existence of freedom, conflict, dynamism, promotion of the masculine and mess basically.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 15:26 | #

Is there anyone left out there who wants to debate this person, because you haven’t got long.  I don’t intend to host his “arguments” ad infinitum.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 15:31 | #

This just came to mind. Jewish talmud specifically teaches men to supress their creative instincts so that they can adhere to the word of the torah, which is really about genetic preservation of a proposed superior. Just look at middle ages european genetics to see the result.

Oriental appearance arose from a founder group which specifically excluded masculine characteristics such as body hair. This was also based on ideas of genetic superiority. We now know that body hair arises from Dihydrotestosterone the prime hormone which causes initial pre-natal sexual differences. The earlier in development that sexual differences are less marked the greater impact through subsequent stages. Human development by default is female. It requires testosterone to become male.

This appears to be a truth. Bloodlines, superior genetic picking. Its a feminine issue. The life of a female is based on superior genetic decisions. The life of a man is quite the reverse. Do whatever the hell we please. Travel, adventure, novelty, divergence, spread seeds everywhere, the more widely spread the better. Man in his default form couldnt give a hoot about genetic superiority.

Interestingly the leaders and those who spend greater amounts on genetic research institutions per population, in spite of hardship elsewhere are jews and orientals.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 15:32 | #

“Is there anyone left out there who wants to debate this person, because you haven’t got long.  I don’t intend to host his “arguments” ad infinitum.”

aha supression looms. I wondered how long it would take.

No worry, everything i do is saved for re-use.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 15:35 | #

No debate. No answers.

The same stunned and fearful silence, i got from the management at stormfront.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 17:09 | #

Here’s a picture of the “Italion Stallion” as presented by his website:



Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 17:10 | #

Strange, the Preview button showed the picture but now it merely says “image” where there was a picture shown in the preview.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 19:06 | #

Here’s another attempt to show the picture provided by “Italion Stallion” of himself:

<img >


Posted by Rnl on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 07:27 | #

Italion Stallion wrote:

No debate. No answers. The same stunned and fearful silence, i got from the management at stormfront.

It’s hard to respond to your claims, because you express them so poorly. You say English is your first language; I would have guessed differently. It’s challenging to follow posts in which every third sentence is gibberish. If you are capable of writing more clearly, you should do so.

I suspect, however, that the core of your argument is here, though I may be wrong, for the reason I’ve just mentioned:

Women seek average genetic variants on their own fathers theme if they have the reproductive hand. Borne out by Rushtons odour preference. When their natural mates are removed through conflict the female is more likely to be dominated and are losing the reproductive hand to the male. Within a peaceful society women will fuss over smaller and smaller differences between men.

In other words, in a peaceful society in which women are free to choose mates according to their own inclinations, most will choose men on the basis of some physical resemblance to their fathers. Their choices will therefore be racialist in effect, though not always in intent. For example, they’ll be more likely to choose other Whites as mates and less likely to choose Blacks. On the other hand, in a society in which these natural mates have been removed (killed, perhaps) women will be compelled to accept mates who don’t resemble their fathers. The latter situation is, in your opinion, preferable to the former. Women will no longer have the reproductive upper hand, and that’s good.

Is that a fair summary of your argument? If it is, you must explain how the bad effects of what you regard as the non-optimal mating pattern come about. Why is it bad if women choose their mates according to their own inclinations? By what mechanism are the allegedly bad effects of their ability to choose transmitted to their racial group? Why should I be worried that women, if they are allowed to act on their own inclinations, will choose mates who in some way resemble their fathers?

A program of mass interracial rape would, it’s worth observing, produce the state of sexual politics that the Stallion considers optimal: “When their natural mates are removed through conflict the female is more likely to be dominated and are losing the reproductive hand to the male” (Stallion).

If you pursue racialism based on observable genetic qualities the result is an increasing convergence towards a group which exhibits female dominance.

Again, you have to specify how this occurs. You appear merely to be saying (a) that women are more likely than men to choose mates on the basis of observable genetic qualities and (b) because racialism values observable genetic qualities, just as women do, racialism is feminine, which is bad.

If that’s what you’re saying, it can’t be taken seriously. You are invoking “feminine” as though it were stigmatized as a negative cultural trait and then attaching it to racial attitudes that you want Whites to reject, relying on the mistaken assumption that male racialists will repudiate any “feminine” set of political beliefs as a threat to their masculinity. I don’t see how you could mean anything more substantive, because you have provided no explanation that I can discern for how (bad) feminine traits are physically spread throughout a racial group to bring about (bad) feminine effects.

At any rate, none of this theorizing of yours has much contact with the real world. In the real world White racialists oppose Third World immigration. We do so for a variety of reasons. Some prefer cultural arguments, others prefer genetic arguments. But the most obvious and by far the most popular argument (really just a fact) is that Third World immigration causes bad effects to Whites as a group. We’re worse off as a result of it. In Europe Muslims blow up trains and demand the imposition of medieval sharia law. In the United States non-Whites are massively overrepresented in crime statistics and both demand and receive racial preferences that penalize Whites. Because the importation of non-Whites causes and exacerbates these (and many other) bad effects, White racialists oppose the importation of non-Whites.

Let’s implausibly stipulate that our opposition to non-White immigration is feminine. Your task, as an advocate of multiracialism, is to prove why we’re wrong, not how we’re feminine.


Posted by dan on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 18:49 | #

visit http://www.geneticholocaust.org if you want to find out why there so much autism


Posted by elder on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 19:41 | #

It is clear that the rate of autism is increasing and that Britain and the USA have been found to the highest rates of this condition.
Autism has also been found to be substantially higher than normal in children of immigrant families.
Harper & Williams (1976): “In a survey on the occurrence of infantile autism in New South Wales it was found that 21-9% of children had at least one foreign-born parent whose native language was not English.”

Gillberg et al. (1987): “Urban children with autism more often than age-matched children in the general population had immigrant parents from ‘exotic’ countries.”

Gillberg et al. (1995): “The prevalence for autistic disorder in Göteborg children born to mothers who were born in Uganda was 15% which is almost 200 times higher than in the general population of children.”

Gillberg & Gillberg (1996): “Fifteen of these children (27%) were born to parents, at least one of whom had migrated to Sweden.”

Bernard-Opitz et al. (2001): “Discussion focuses on possible risk factors and psychosocial adversities for autism such as a high frequency of caregivers who are foreign maids, the use of multiple languages and the high level of punitive educational practices.”

Lauritsen et al. (2005): “An increased relative risk of 1.4 was found if the mother was born outside Europe, and in children of parents who were born in different countries.”

Maimburg and Vaeth (2006): “The risk of infantile autism was increased for mothers aged >35 years, with foreign citizenship, and mothers who used medicine during pregnancy.”

Kolevzon et al. (2007): “The parental characteristics associated with an increased risk of autism and autism spectrum disorders included advanced maternal age, advanced paternal age, and maternal place of birth outside Europe or North America.”
This higher rate among immigrant families could well be because immigrant families are more likely to be ethnically diverse .
The Amish communities of North America have bred among themselves for decades, they have little to no case of autism among there population. They are ethnically not diverse.
The MMR vaccine has been ruled out as a cause to autism
Surely this is worth investigating. I fully recognised that autism occurs in homogenous populations but am looking for a further cause. Also when i say ethic diversity i am claiming someone who is part Irish and part German to be ethnically diverse. Bearing the above information in mind do you think that autism could be increasing with ethnic diversity.
Thank you

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)
