European “Tea Party” for Ron Paul Look for demonstrations in Europe on December 16 in sympathy with the Ron Paul “Tea Party” money bomb held in the US on that day: Comments:2
Posted by ha3ard on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 03:23 | # It’s beyond me why you keep betting on a dead horse… this guy, Ron Paul, can’t stand a chance in the republican elections. Get your head out of the sand, face the facts and then decide to do something. There’s a common fallacy amongst supporters of a particular candidate to have rose-tinted glasses… they have set emotional expectations then the only role their mind plays is to enforce those expectations with the favourable data while quietly ignoring or sidelining the adverse findings. Try to argue with a fan-atic. 3
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 03:30 | # GW, “What’s the score with this guy? The real deal or a stopper on Paul?” Stopper on Paul, plus semi-unifier of the GOP base. Huckabee is the candidate the leaders of the so-called Christian Zionist “religious right” (Hagee, Robertson, et al) have now united around. Brownback was their other boy but he hasn’t caught fire. The GOP has two real wings these days. The dominant one in terms of cash and media access is the Neocon/CFR wing of globalizing elitists, personified by the Bush family and their appointees. Giuliani, Romney, McCain and Thompson are all creatures of this section. The second wing is the ‘Religious Right’ of rapture cult Zionism. These folk are the foot troops and provide the bulk of the Congressional GOP. Their two players this year were Brownback and Huckabee. The blue collar Reagan Democrats are long gone. This is why Tancredo and Hunter never obtained traction and faded early on. Once the toe-tapping leaders of the rapture bunnies settled on their boy (Huckabee) it was inevitable he’d shoot up in the polls. They have a solid infrastructure and network to use to promote him. The reason both Huckabee and Brownback were languishing is the clerics hadn’t made up their collective mind, and until they did the sheeple infrastructure was paralyzed. Huckabee has just one plank that will really appeal to Mainstreet White USA, and that’s his immigration plank. If you want to be frightened, read Huckabee’s issues list. His foreign policy section reads like it was written by Netanyahu. It deals with precisely one country: Israel. The rest of his foreign relations with countries not under open Jewish domination are apparently defined in the War On Terror section: “I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war.” Huckabee is almost certainly not electable. His first mission is to maximize Hagee/Robertson et als negotiating leverage with the country club elitists. But I expect Huckabee to go the distance in the primaries given the large supporting infrastructure he now controls. Giuliani stinks like dead fish to the base Huckabee represents. However, if Huckabee and Hillary are the nominees, then I expect that’s the moment Jew Bloomberg will enter as an Independent and put America up for sale to the highest bidder, Bloomberg acting as agent for World Jewry. Huckabee and Hillary are both such hyper-polarizing candidates that we’d be entering uncharted territory as a consequence of such a campaign, no matter who won. It’s conceivable the USA could fragment politically as a result. Maguire 4
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 03:49 | # “this guy, Ron Paul, can’t stand a chance in the republican elections.” I agree. He has no real base inside the GOP. And the two bases the GOP does have would work to throw the election to Hillary first even if Paul by some miracle became the nominee. Ron Paul’s real strength is potentially great. He has tremendous commitment from his supporters extending into physical action. The problem is nearly all of them are external to the GOP. “Get your head out of the sand, face the facts” I am. A Huckabee-Hillary match-up could blow the USA apart on “Red State”/“Blue State” fault lines. It would however provide the most optimum environment for Paul to run as an Independent. He’d actually be occupying the ‘Center’ in that case. “then decide to do something.” I am. Preparing for the USA to go the way of the USSR. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 03:57 | # I thought you left, Hazard. Didn’t you say bye? Then go. 6
Posted by ha3ard on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 04:30 | # Why do you want me to go? Are you dissatisfied with yourself or is it maybe because of my smugness? I said bye, not adieu, like farewell you know… next time it might be better to end my replies with Regards just as not to arouse suspicion and disillusionment… which meaning of the word do you prefer? disillusionment 1. A feeling that arises from the discovery that something is not what it was anticipated to be, commonly held to be stronger than disappointment especially when a belief central to one’s identity is shown to be false. 7
Posted by ha3ard on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 05:12 | # Maguire: I am. A Huckabee-Hillary match-up could blow the USA apart on “Red State”/“Blue State” fault lines. It would however provide the most optimum environment for Paul to run as an Independent. He’d actually be occupying the ‘Center’ in that case. # I think that would be his best shot, to run as an Independent and capitalize on his ‘uniqueness/different/freshness’, offering something new altogether and playing the role of the common wise guy, humble beginnings, average David and Cinderella son that decides to have a go at the Goliath and prove that the people democracy is an american dream that is neither dead or a nightmare (sorry, I couldn’t help myself). It’s a difficult hand to play but if he’s proving he’s worth it, the people will love it, americans love surprises and people in general tend to sympathise with the weaker player. The electorate seems a bit bored with the game played by the old-school boys and their networks and signals that they are ready for a change, there is a woman and a black-fella in the race. ha3ard: “then decide to do something.” Maguire: I am. Preparing for the USA to go the way of the USSR. # Hmm…. I hope you’re not living in California or New Mexico. As a side note, I do wonder who reaped the monetary rewards of the on-going sub-prime conmen crisis. I mean, the poor lost their homes to foreclosure, the rich lost fortunes in asset-backed securities, the middle-income ones saw the value of their living homes and investment properties drastically depreciate….The property brokers made some good bucks, true, but they are but peons in the game… who were the real players behind all this gargantuesque scheme? Is there anyone who won money out of it? And if yes, who are they? My hunch is that the winners were the ones that managed to sell the asset backed securities to the banks and the various investment funds… in the end it pays to have Stan O’Neal installed as CEO at Merrill Lynch. A master strike, they deserve congrats. 8
Posted by VLC on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 07:38 | # Maguire:
ho ho ho that’s so funnay, right ? If I lived in or near Iowa I would print this article and pass it around. But his poll numbers are probably exagerrated just as Ron Paul poll numbers are below his real numbers. I think it was in the NH straw poll that Paul got to 5th place with 9 % (and Tancredo at 4th) although he was supposed to be at 2 % according to the polls. Speaking of polls apparently neither Tancredo nor Paul nor Hunter are included in those some of those phone polls: 9
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 09:13 | # GW: I’d say Huckabee’s an impact minimizer against Paul (he is definitely not part of the “big boy” club) but he doesn’t seem to be having enough of the desired effect. I suspect his purpose is to slow down Paul’s momentum at a critical stage—at the cost of some early embarrassment of the big boy club—but he appears to be having a bigger impact on the big boys than anticipated and less of an impact on Paul’s momentum than intended. ha3ard: There’s been a lot written here at MR, by myself as well as others, about the reasons supporting Ron Paul is a strategic win even—perhaps especially—if he loses. You might consider browsing some of the prior discussion. It would be better if you didn’t fight straw men—the adults are plentiful here and are looking for something more meaty. Maguire: I’ve suspected for some time that Unity08 is set up for a Bloomberg run but if they really do an “online primary” there is a significant chance that the “online kooks” will run a Paul/Kucinich ticket or turn on Bloomberg. 10
Posted by Scipio Americanus on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 09:32 | # VLC is entirely correct regarding Huckabee’s position on illegal immigration. His reputation as a friend of illegal aliens is well established and will be exposed to the light of day in the weeks to come. That issue alone will destroy any chance of him securing the Republican nomination. In addition to this, the man is a big-government liberal when it comes to spending and taxation, two additional issues that are sure to upset the Republican base. Huckabee is DOA, regardless whether he wins Iowa or not.
* 2006: Supported President Bush’s immigration plan and claimed that opposition to Bush’s proposal was driven by “racism or nativism” and that it wasn’t amnesty. ( Ralph Hallow, “Huckabee ‘Serious’ About Presidency,” Washington Times, 5/17/06) * Wrote in his 2007 book that implementing strict enforcement of immigration laws “would be sheer folly” and that it made sense to give “those here illegally a process through which they pay a reasonable fine in admission of their guilt for the past infraction of violating our border laws and agree to adhere to a pathway toward legal status and citizenship.” (Mike Huckabee, From Hope to Higher Ground, 2007, p. 117-118) * As Governor, Huckabee fought for in-state tuition and taxpayer funded scholarships for illegal immigrants. He opposed legislation to require proof of citizenship in order to obtain public benefits and to vote. He vocally opposed a raid on a factory in Arkansas that employed illegal immigrants. And he led an effort to bring a Mexican Consulate to Arkansas - one of the main functions of the Consulate would be to issue identification cards to Mexicans living, both legally and illegally, in the U.S. * Championed an effort in Arkansas to give in-state tuition at state colleges and taxpayer-funded scholarships to illegal immigrants, similar to the DREAM Act proposal at the federal level. (Laura Kellams, “Senators research U.S. law on aliens,” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 1/27/05) * When Republican state senators in Arkansas proposed legislation modeled after Arizona’s Proposition 200 [to require proof of citizenship for voting and public benefits], “Huckabee described it as ‘inflammatory ... race-baiting ... demagoguery.’ He said the bill, which seeks to forbid public assistance and voting rights to illegal immigrants, ‘inflames those who are racist and bigots and makes them think there’s a real problem. But there’s not.’” (Governor says anti-illegals measure could scare off companies like Toyota,” A ssociated Press, 2/3/05) * Opposed a raid on illegal immigrants in an Arkansas poultry plant even though calls to his office were “about 1,000 to one” against his stance. (Melissa Nelson, “Huckabee Risks Political Fortunes To Denounce Immigration Raid,” Associated Press, 8/5/05) * Helped lead the effort to open a Mexican Consulate in Little Rock to issue Matricula Consular cards to Mexicans living in the U.S. (including those in the U.S. illegally). Many banks, including some in Arkansas, accept the card as a valid form of identification. (Jon Gambrell, “Ark. Candidates Criticize Mexican Matricula Cards,” AP, 10/18/06) * Writing for World Net Daily, Dr. Corsi exposed the fact that Mike Huckabee “worked with some of the state’s most prominent and politically powerful businesses to establish the [Mexican] consulate as a magnet for drawing illegal immigrants to the state to accept low-paying jobs.” Scipio Americanus 11
Posted by Scipio Americanus on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:03 | # “Huckabee and Hillary are both such hyper-polarizing candidates…It’s conceivable the USA could fragment politically as a result. ” (Maguire) Maguire, I don’t think Huckabee has a chance of winning the Republican nomination due to his established record of supporting illegal immigration as Governor of Arkansas. Remember John McCain? Look what happened to Eliot Spitzer’s recent driver licenses for illegals initiative in liberal New York—he was forced to repeal it after nearly inciting a revolt among his own constituents. Heck, even Hillary Clinton was booed off the stage earlier this week by an audience of Democrats when she attempted to justify her support of Bush’s amnesty bill. ITZ ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! Just wait until Lou Dobbs begins to hammer away on Huckabee’s demonstrable record of treason now that he is the current front-runner leading up to Iowa. I predict his political fortunes will begin to plummet among the Republican faithful who are not aware of his sordid record of treachery and deceit. However, if the rapture bunnies insist on supporting him, it very likely could tear apart the Republican Party—something the both of us would, no doubt, celebrate with a toast and a cheer. I think political fragmentation of the United States in the next few years is highly unlikely regardless of the candidates and election results in 2008, but we are certainly moving in that direction given the demographic catastrophe that has befallen our nation combined with the so-called “Red State”/“Blue State” political dichotomy. (Did you notice how the Liberal Establishment switched the colors on us back in 2000?) Keep an eye on California— it’s the canary in the coal mine—and will inform us in advance of such an earth shattering event. Until then, a few departing words from your old friend Robert Frenz: “Make sure you do not forget those who are your enemies—those who work against the interests of your white nation—for that knowledge will be called upon when accounts must be settled. Keep your powder dry and above all, be patient. The winds of change are becoming more brisk.” Scipio Americanus 12
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 15:10 | # “Maguire, I don’t think Huckabee has a chance of winning the Republican nomination due to his established record of supporting illegal immigration as Governor of Arkansas.’ Just to make my own view clear; I regard Huckabee as another 100% Judaized, lying rapture cult snake in the grass. Not to be trusted even if he announces the sun rises in the east or it gets dark at night. “Just wait until Lou Dobbs” Read Huckabee’s website. His positions on immigration and “North American Union” were essentially written by Lou Dobbs. “sordid record of treachery and deceit.” Who in the GOP field besides Paul doesn’t have an equal or worse record of that? “I think political fragmentation of the United States in the next few years is highly unlikely” The collapse of the USSR took everyone by surprise, too. The centrifugal forces tearing the USA apart are very strong now and continue to grow in power. “Make sure you do not forget those who are your enemies—those who work against the interests of your white nation—for that knowledge will be called upon when accounts must be settled. Keep your powder dry and above all, be patient. The winds of change are becoming more brisk.” Back in those days we’d also announced the pre-revolutionary era ended on 9-11-01 and we had now entered the Revolutionary period. Those brisk winds of historic scale change have accelerated to tropical storm force. The core of the hurricane is approaching. Huckabee is the original Lego candidate and is worth study for this reason. His foreign and military policies were written by people even Binny Netanyahu probably considers over the top extremists. His second amendment yap comes from the NRA. His trade statement was written at Wal-Mart HQ in Bentonville, AK. His Judeo faith-based social policies were composed by James Dobson and Pat Robertson. He has some Vox Populi issues to scrounge up votes. These are throwaways, though. His immigration patter comes straight from Lou Dobbs. He’s tossed some vacuous non-specific jello on the wall about “Energy Independence” since 99% of the voters who drive are energized about fuel prices. The most striking part of Huckabee’s website is how hard he’s openly running against George W. Bush on immigration and deficits. Not a good sign for the GOP overall. He probably couldn’t win a straight matchup even against Hillary. This where the Bloomberg Factor would come into play. Bloomberg could decide the election by the way he chooses to frame his campaign. He’s quite capable of tubing Hillary. Look back through Huckabee’s planks to determine which ones World Jewry will enforce as their price for the White House. Hillary however has powerful allies in the Bush clan. I think they will be working as hard for her in 2008 as she did for them back in Y2K. Back in 2000 I pointed out, before the election, that the Elian Gonzalez deportation drama was not something an Administration genuinely trying elect Al Gore would have done in an election year. Elian Gonzalez cost Al Gore most of the Cuban vote in Hialeah, Florida’s electoral votes and the White House. 13
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 17:40 | # This article should be distributed far and wide, preferably with some commentary including reference to the phrase “Ron Paul” so it is picked up in searches by the Iowa campaign for Ron Paul. Any additional information on Huckabee’s real immigration position should be posted here or sent to me so I can add it to the wiki article. 14
Posted by Duncan Tyyne on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 18:23 | #
He appears to be exactly that. He also appears to be trying to drum up support on college campuses, with frat boy types, to counter Dr. Paul’s college libertarians and other assorted outsiders. Chuck Norris has endorsed him, and there’s a video making the rounds in which the two men interact with each other. For whatever reason, there has been a massive resurgence of interest in Norris as of late among young men of college age. He is painted as an unstoppable snake-eating he-man - a perfect image for today’s emasculated couch potatoes to project themselves onto. I find this rather curious, since Norris is probably the least interesting of all the 1980’s action film stars, and he’s not even that great of a martial artist. When I was a child I briefly took karate lessons from a man who defeated him in a full-contact match. All this considered, I suppose you could say it’s appropriate he’s supporting Huckabee, a Christian Zionist who is boring at best and irritating at worst. All this is neither here nor there of course, I just thought it was an amusing tidbit. By the way, you could stop by WorldNetDaily for a sampling of Norris’ idea of conservative “thought.” His articles praising Martin Luther King and Negroes in general would be a good place to start. 15
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 18:51 | # James, Good job. It is an idealistic but vain hope to think that GOP party cadres that have allowed reptiles like Giuliani and Huckabee to reach the #1 & #2 spots respectively will play fair and square, or show any reciprocal loyalty to Ron Paul and his supporters even if Paul somehow managed to win the nomination. Paul is “not right with G-d” (i.e. the Jews’ self-appointed godhood) on the prime Jewish issues of War and Federal Reserve. The rest of the GOP field and Hillary and Obama have common correct policies there. Duncan, “Chuck Norris” is a Jewish media employee. And like all Jewish media employees (such as Pat Buchanan) he is 100% dependent on their favor to keep collecting residuals from his B-grade action flicks. M 16
Posted by DavidL on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 20:17 | # Isn’t it inconsequential who wins as POTUS- World elite team 1 or team 2 ? For instance Bill Clinton was/is an able pol but behind the scenes it was Bob Hillary, Huckabee if they don’t “dance” as instructed Dealey Plaza is just 17
Posted by Duncan Tyyne on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 21:05 | #
As is Arnold Schwarzenegger, who must work much harder; his father was a member of the NSDAP and he himself had given indications, decades ago, that he might have been pro-NS. Someone at the Wiesenthal Center once boasted, “Every time he finishes a movie, he writes a check.” I still believe that deep down, Arnold still has repressed pro-NS (or at least pro-white) sympathies, despite (or more likely because of) his over-the-top support for organized Jewry. Of course, I no more expect him to begin expressing them any more than I would expect Dog Chapman to begin acting as tough as he looks. A white celebrity refusing to apologize to the elites after a “racist gaffe” would be a big step in the right direction for us, but at the moment Ron Paul’s refusal to return donations from sources like Stormfront might be the best we can hope for. 18
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 22:51 | # >Isn’t it inconsequential who wins as POTUS- World elite team 1 or team 2 ?< From our viewpoint it’s inconsequential. But it’s not to the sheeple following these two, and particularly to the white family church-goers. We ought to try to understand what’s happening in other people’s minds, even if we don’t agree with them. Most of these people go with good intentions and are genuinely seeking a moral basis for family and community life. Anti-abortion, anti-homosexual agenda, homeschooling, these are their *real* issues. Reaganesque blue collar economics too, but these are never raised. They are intentionally misled by a cabbalistic pastorate and priesthood of Shabbas Goy servants of International Jewry. The rapture cult Zionism force fed each week in sermons and each day on religious televitz channels. It’s straight out of the marginal notes of the Scofield Reference Bible. (note to GW: copyright Oxford University Press). Well, the Zionism and its true agenda (Federal Reserve, war, race replacement, ‘free trade’, ‘hate crime laws’, continued impoverishment) is all the toe-tappers have to show their deceived sheeples. Ground continues to be lost on the social policy front which is the followers’ heart-felt interest. The toe-tappers’ last max effort yielded GW Bush, plus the loss of the Congressional majority. These false flag leaders’ credit with their own followers is now starting to run low. And, praise be Internet, it is occuring to more church going white families every hour that sodomy, pederasty, sexual immorality and massive financial corruption is not the exception among their “church leaders”. It’s the unvarying rule. Divide et impera. When the Jews first began rooting themselves in this land they promptly began implementing their age old strategem of Acts 17:5: “But the Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city.” Bad characters including non-whites, the corrupt, the sexually depraved and the biologically degenerate. Now Hillary and Hucky are one on Israel, pro-Jewish wars, globalism, race and other core Jewish issues. And we can note in passing that these issues have not even been the subject matter of an American election since the 1920s. The Jews don’t want the goyim even thinking about these subjects. They want a Soviet style electoral slate of Yes or Yes and they’ve gotten it. But elections have to be about *something* to retain enough interest and participation to lend superficial validity to the outcome. So they were refocused on Sex. It’s on the sexual social issues that differences between Hillary and her ‘base’ and Huckabee and his ‘base’ are profound. These differences are so profound they cannot be politically bridged. They describe fundamentally incompatible visions of life. Abortion will either be allowed or prohibited. Homosexuality will either be mainstreamed or closeted. God will be either be allowed in school or prohibited. Immigration will be permitted or prohibited. The Second Amendment is an individual right or it isn’t. No possible political compromise is open. It’s literally not possible for two such groups to co-habit the same country. And the Red State/Blue State distribution is making it more obvious all the time that it’s not necessary, either. I have to reach back to the US election of 1860 to find one when such opposite political groups were also so regionally concentrated. There is no possible outcome that the ‘losing’ group will recognize as acceptable or even legitimate. 19
Posted by danielj on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 23:29 | # When the Jews first began rooting themselves That would be with Columbus himself would it not? 20
Posted by danielj on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 23:34 | # Join me in the quicksand of hopelessness and hills of despair where our slain ancestors and fallen comrades bleed rivers of White blood… There is no hope. There is no hope. There is no hope. Keep telling yourself and you’ll eventually have enough sack to act violently when the time comes. The absolute best we can hope for is to go out with a bang. (Or does anybody here actually believe that Ron Paul will win and not be killed?) 21
Posted by davidL on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 00:21 | # “They are intentionally misled by a cabbalistic pastorate and priesthood of Shabbas Goy servants of International Jewry. The rapture cult Zionism force fed each week in sermons and each day on religious televitz channels. It’s straight out of the marginal notes of the Scofield Reference Bible. (note to GW: copyright Oxford University Press)” Can’t vouch for the accuracy of the following quote but it confirms your words above. “(Gen.)Cornwallis revealed to (George)Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, True or not, it sure seems a reality now. 22
Posted by danielj on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 16:07 | #
I’ve read somewhere (maybe on Solar General) that Pat B. has an inner circle positively riddled with jew/rabbi types. Anybody got any links or info? 23
Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 13:01 | # “The collapse of the USSR took everyone by surprise, too. The centrifugal forces tearing the USA apart are very strong now and continue to grow in power.” (Maguire)
The term “revolution” in our context is not synonymous with the disintegration and break-up of the United States, at least not yet. I’m afraid we’ll see an Executive Order inducing the suspension of the Constitution and the rise of an authoritarian regime before our masters permit the geographical destruction of the Frankenstein monster they have feverishly worked so hard to construct and foster. There is simply too much at stake for the ruling Judeo-Liberal elite to lose both nationally and internationally and they know it! Maguire, do you actually think Kosher Inc.(my pet name for International Jewry) will give up their North American plantation so easily without a fight? Indeed, where would the next base of operations exist to enforce their New World Order system? No other political entity on the planet, not even an aggregate of nations such as the European Union, exists that could fill the political, economic and military void that would be created. Simply stated, no other country on earth is capable of threatening and projecting the military force on a global scale that is required to enforce and expand the current international regime. I’m sorry, but it will not vanish anytime soon and certainly not without a long and bloody struggle. If the Jews lost their grip on the United States due to a civil war and national disintegration, it would not only spell an end of their NWO scheme but also the death of their Bandit State in the Near East. The United States of America may eventually break apart in the near future along demographic and ideological lines, but not in the relatively peaceful manner we saw with the USSR given the demographic dispersion of races and political ideologies throughout the country coupled with Jewish interests which demand that it remains a functioning state to do their demonic bidding. Indeed, if we Americans truly want independence from our political and racial enemies alike, we will have to pay for it with their blood as well as our own. That is something most Americans are not willing to contemplate at the present time, regardless of ideological and racial differences. The USSR essentially imploded and split apart peacefully for two fundamental reasons: 1) The productive, white Russian population dwindled to less than 1/2 of the Soviet’s overall population, but effectively remained contiguous within the borders of current day Russia. In other words, the various ethnic groups were not widely dispersed and intermixed among themselves, thus allowing the former Soviet Republics a more orderly transition to independent statehood. Such cannot be said of the United States today, which is a vast stew-pot of countless races and sub-racial groups intertwined with one another, similar to India or Brazil. Currently, 6 states now see [white] Americans as an effective minority (under 50% of the state population) and at least a dozen more will be joining them within a decade given current demographic trends. 2) International Jewry, although playing both sides of the so-called “Cold War,” essentially shifted its allegiance to the pro-Zionist United States and away from the Communist system of the Soviet Union (which had become overtly anti-Zionist) thus effectively pulling the plug on their own creation. Incidentally, this overt hostility to Zionism and the state of Israel played a large role in the conversion of Jewish Trotskyite Marxists back in the late 1960’s into the Neoconservatives of today. (The British Journalist Douglas Reed predicted this would happen years before it actually manifested itself.) As a result, the Jews have bet their bankroll on the United States and are not going to watch it disappear so easily given the enormous stakes involved. Perhaps when the white majority becomes a minority, but no sooner. As you stated correctly, “Those brisk winds of historic scale change have accelerated to tropical storm force. The core of the hurricane is approaching.” Much of our near term future depends on whether the Judeo-Liberal Establishment is willing to slow down their assault on the vestiges of America by shelving, for the time being, such things as “hate-speech” legislation, federal gun control initiatives, amnesty for illegals, pro-sodomite legislation, current levels of legal non-white immigration and a host of other tyrannical measures that simply will not be tolerated by Americans, regardless of political affiliation, in the years to come. So far, the politicians and the powers that control them do not seem to be catching onto the rising level of anger which exists out in the American hinterland these days. There exists a real disconnect between the American public and the Washington Beltway crowd regarding a host of issues but especially on illegal immigration and border security which is directly connected to the loss of good paying jobs for many Americans. In fact, many states are now cracking down on these parasites with legislation of their own, thus circumventing the District of Corruption all together. As I stated earlier, Huckabee’s current policy points on illegal immigration are in direct conflict with his actual record as Governor of Arkansas. No amount of doublespeak on his part will change this fact. Simply stated, his record is the WORST of any Republican presidential candidate to date. It is my sincere belief that illegal immigration will be the most important issue of the 2008 campaign season and if I’m correct, the Republicans will be committing political suicide by nominating a huckster like Huckabee. I believe once his ACTAUL RECORD is known by most voters, it will effectively end his run for the presidency much in the same manner that John McCain’s record of foul treachery on this very issue effectively ended his bid for the White House. The feeding frenzy has just begun. Scipio Americanus PS: The issue of US disintegration is one that deserves a separate thread given its obvious importance. Again, our differences seem to be limited to the time frame involved—yours is several years, while mine is several decades. Regardless, we both know what direction things are moving. I would be honored to discuss this issue further with you; perhaps Guessedworker could start a thread to discuss it? If not, please feel free to email me so we can continue the discussion privately. Thanks for your time and reply. Both are greatly appreciated. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 24
Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 13:06 | # James, I happy to shed some much needed light on Huckabee’s established record of treachery on this most critical issue. It’s something I’ve been cognizant of for several years given that my parents retired to the state of Arkansas and have been providing me with intelligence reports on his long established embrace of illegal aliens. Indeed, Arkansas has the largest number of illegals per capita of any state in the union! As one Arkansan stated: “Huckabee had so many Mexicans in Arkansas during his term as governor that he even built a Mexican Consulate for Mexico in Arkansas on the backs of Arkansas tax-payer money rather than making Mexico pay for their own Consulate.” Just wait until talk radio really gets going on this issue…I’ll repeat my earlier prediction: Huckabee is DOA! Scipio Americanus Audio Report: Report card slams Huckabee on illegal alien issue : Video: Stephanopoulos nails Huckabee on scholarships for illegal alien students: Video: Huckabee wants scholarships for illegal aliens: Video: Huckabee Flip-Flops On Amnesty For Illegals Mexican consulate deal dogs Huckabee campaign: Huckabee defends societal cost of illegal aliens: Huckabee wanted licenses for illegal immigrants: Mike Huckabee: “illegal” immigrants’ best friend: 25
Posted by Maguire on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:50 | # Scipio, “The USSR essentially imploded and split apart peacefully for two fundamental reasons:” There was a third reason which is little remarked on. The USSR had entered a period of severe internal oil shortage. Exports virtually ceased. Old fields were played out and new ones weren’t being effectively developed. There was a strong ‘Peak Oil’ aspect to the USSR’s final crisis. This was rapidly masked by the break-up, the grounding of the air force, the mothballing of the naval and merchant fleets, the cut-off of supplies to the Central Asiatic ‘stans and Eastern Europe, and the Great Depression economic conditions inside ‘Russia’. The initial resumption of limited oil exports in the early 1990s was made possible by the demand destruction in the former Communist empire areas. Since that time there has been more effective development in the Caspian Sea basin and Siberia. The reduced population, reduced military activity (except for Virtual Reality reenactment) and reduced industrial activity has allowed oil exports to grow again. “Maguire, do you actually think Kosher Inc.(my pet name for International Jewry) will give up their North American plantation so easily without a fight?” No. And I fully expect they’ll arm the Mestizos with military grade weaponry. “Simply stated, his (Huckabee) record is the WORST of any Republican presidential candidate to date.” Sanctuary City Giuliani is a strong competitor for this title. As is McCain. “It is my sincere belief that illegal immigration will be the most important issue of the 2008 campaign season” I have no doubt of this for many voters, and particularly the ones who make the connection between immigrants, falling wage rates, rising taxes and declining quality of life. And it’ll be very important in Congressional races, Senate races and, now, state and local office races. But it’ll be hard for the issue to manifest any presence at the Presidential level given the nature of the elite’s pre-scrubbed candidates. “There exists a real disconnect between the American public and the Washington Beltway crowd regarding a host of issues” This is always the primary driver behind revolutions, polity breakups and civil wars. “In fact, many states are now cracking down on these parasites with legislation of their own” I personally expect the Supreme Court will issue another Dred Scott scale decision as its contribution to fragmentation and civil war. This is to federally pre-empt all immigration enforcement. Several cases suitable for such a ruling are inching forward through appeals. And the other predicate for POTUS to decide to take one of these up, conflicting rulings between appellate circuits, is also growing in scale. “The issue of US disintegration is one that deserves a separate thread given its obvious importance.” Yes. I have touched on this obliquely several times. It’s an ever-present consideration for GT & me that informs all our thinking. “Again, our differences seem to be limited to the time frame involved—yours is several years, while mine is several decades.” My time frame is controlled by historical signs of the times. The traditional prerequisites of Revolution are all in place and growing stronger. These include failed foreign wars, spreading economic chaos, fiscal bankruptcy, isolated and massively corrupt political elites, and a population that is alienated from the regime’s fundamental institutions, as opposed to individual unpopular political figures. To this we can add the traditional last gasp of Dead Man Walking ancient regimes: this is the increasing reliance on open police repression of all political dissidents, no matter how peaceful and “lawful” they are. Maguire 26
Posted by Scipio Americanus on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 16:38 | # “I personally expect the Supreme Court will issue another Dred Scott scale decision as its contribution to fragmentation and civil war. This is to federally pre-empt all immigration enforcement.” (Maguire) Yes, I have thought of this too, but for now they will rely on the ACLU and the SPLC as well as the Federal Appeals Court to gum-up the works until the Black Robbed Tyrants on the Revolutionary Tribunal [Supreme Court] can hand down a final ruling. Also, keep a close eye on the 2nd Amendment ruling due to hit news-stands this summer. (I’ve prepared for a worst case scenario by loading up on ammo, especially 7.62 mm and 5.56 mm ball.) While I don’t expect the 2nd American Revolution to occur as soon as you do, I’m already prepared, just in case. Of course, if the elites attempt to ram through their North American Union and overthrow the 1st and 2nd Amendments within the next several years, then I’ll definitely revise my current threat assessment and near term outlook accordingly. Scipio Americanus 27
Posted by GT on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 18:18 | # (I’ve prepared for a worst case scenario by loading up on ammo, especially 7.62 mm and 5.56 mm ball.) FIP only: Reloading is a useful skill. 28
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 18:35 | # If the welfare bureaucracy is any indication of what we can expect from the “gun license” bureaucracy, a Supreme Court ruling favorable to the 2nd Amendment could be the way the “entitlement” to military grade armaments are to be preferentially awarded to the Mestizos. If you’re of the Posterity of the Founders and have an outstanding parking ticket in another State, you won’t be able to buy so much as a .22 but if you’re Mestizo, here illegally with a forged drivers license and a criminal record a mile long, you’ll be able to get a hyperbaric RPG discounted at K-Mart—no questions asked lest you be sued by the ACLU. 29
Posted by a lurker on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 22:15 | # The issue of US disintegration is one that deserves a separate thread given its obvious importance. Again, our differences seem to be limited to the time frame involved—yours is several years, while mine is several decades. Regardless, we both know what direction things are moving. I would be honored to discuss this issue further with you; perhaps Guessedworker could start a thread to discuss it? This is an issue of great interest to me as well. 30
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 21:57 | # Romney goes after Huckabee for being soft on immigration. There is so much material here that Huckabee is toast. Post a comment:
Next entry: LA Times: Symptoms of an economic depression
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 00:53 | #
All the UK press coverage of the Republican race this week has been of Romney (and his Mormonism) and Huckabee (and his Creationism), with Huckabee being presented as the affable, folksy alternative to the GOP machine politicians. He seems able to raise money on-line, too, so presumably he doesn’t have big corporate or institutional backers. What’s the score with this guy? The real deal or a stopper on Paul?