Posted by danielj on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 01:16 | # We need to come up with a term that carries the same connotation as shabbas goy but without the negative association of “self-hating Jew” that can be used to describe Finklestein types. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 01:25 | # Conscience Jew? (Conscientious Jew would imply religious observance) 4
Posted by danielj on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 01:34 | # Dunno. But in honor of Mr. Fink, no pork on my pizza tonight! 5
Posted by Wild Bill on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 01:56 | # How could his parents have been in the Warsaw ghetto and in Auswitz and Majdaik? They covered a lot of territory. 6
Posted by danielj on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 02:39 | # How could his parents have been in the Warsaw ghetto and in Auswitz and Majdaik? You didn’t know? Jews that were born before the founding of the modern state of Israel that had partaken of the blood matzo had the ability to teleport. The problem was, a lot of them skimped on ingredients and settled for low quality Christians. Consequently, YHWH was pissed and the Jews couldn’t teleport very accurately as a result of His curse. So, we end with this strange WWII phenomenon of Jews teleporting from one German death camp to another only to end up in Brooklyn or dying, well fed and nourished, while being taken care of by German hospital staff. 7
Posted by Jeffrey Heavin on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 03:13 | # I found out recently that a relative of mine perished at Auschwitz concentration camp…fell right out of the guard tower! 8
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 03:24 | # One of the things i think this clip shows is the power of moral certainty (regardless of whether it’s right or not) to potentially dominate a whole room full of people. If the speaker has that hellfire and brimstone moral certainty and the audience contains enough kin+ people, i.e people who are pragmatic but capable of being morally bullied or kin++ i.e people who are naturally inclined to abstract ideals then he can get the whole lot to do what he wants. Only kin people i.e those who are solely pragmatic and incapable of being morally bullied would be immune and even they may have to go along with it if the majority agrees. 9
Posted by danielj on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 03:39 | # If the speaker has that hellfire and brimstone moral certainty and the audience contains enough kin+ people, i.e people who are pragmatic but capable of being morally bullied or kin++ i.e people who are naturally inclined to abstract ideals then he can get the whole lot to do what he wants. Yes. It is the disgusting convergence of Protestantism and Judaism. A chimera of narratives of suffering, money getting, Puritanism, etc. I too noticed that the Fink comes off a little like the Talmudic Jonathan Edwards. 10
Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 03:58 | # Well I think it should be acknowledged that Finkelstein has had the balls to call out the one of primary ideological uses of ‘the Holocaust’ : to promote and defend Israel in grotesque form of a geo-political shakedown act (and as a bonus make a buck or two at the same time). And he has suffered for it professionally and attracted very powerful enemies. I guess he sees himself primarily as a defender of ‘human rights’ in the universalist tradition, but whatever his starting point may be I think he does provide some excellent insights into Jewish mendacity on this topic. 11
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 07:16 | #
I’d say the exact opposite. It shows the almost complete disconnect between Protestantism and Judaism at the psychological level and at the same time a sideways similarity. Finkelstein is like a genuine hellfire Protestant minister and that is what makes him so *unlike* most Jews as you can see from the audience and his general popularity with Jews. On the other hand watching him act that way reminded me of watching Jewish liberals mimic the behaviour of hellfire preachers to manipulate an audience susceptible to that moral certainty schtick in the same way White tele-evangelical conmen mimic the behaviour to make money off the gullible. It also makes me wonder if the European religious divide partly follows a psychological one. 12
Posted by Jupiter7 on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 15:06 | # Does anybody here seriously believe that Norman Finklestien would support the Native Born White America revot against race-replacement? WE all know the answer. On the other hand, it would be great if the celebrites in the revolt against race-replacement-Taylor,Brimelow and Spencer-in their public appearances fought with the same in-your-face-pitbull determinism of Norman Finklestien. Use lots of examples of economic ad physical violece directed againts Native Born White Americans. You really gotta flatten the race-replacement enthusiast in a “debate”. Hopefully things are incredibly miserable for the native English these days…miserable enough so that they finally rebel against is going to take a full-blown race war to reverse it. If a race war starts in Britain first….America will be next..or it could work in reverse. 13
Posted by Silver on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 18:17 | # I think Finkelstein is a genuine Jewish example of an extended sympathy Liberal (as opposed to Jewish nationalists pretending to be liberals) and you can see how mentally painful it was for the ultra kin-centric girl to even try and wrap her head round the concept. I would have thought you’d have learnt to be more cynical by now, wandrin. You’re think they’re above acting? I’ve viewed enough footage of emotional Jews bursting into tears at the slightest bit of criticism to be leery. Are so many of them really are this way or is it just a ploy to garner sympathy? I’ve taken part, I think I can fairly say, in vastly more heated, “high stakes” (in our minds) political arguments (with people of backgrounds similar to my own; I’m not talking about the stuff here on MR) than average person and I’m yet to see one person burst into tears the way I’ve seen so many hysterical Jews do. And what about Finkelstein himself? Was that heartfelt or was he performing? I’d guess the latter. Look how easily he transitioned into done-this-a-thousand-times smart aleck mode when he turned towards the camera after stepping away from the lectern. If he was as moved as he sounded you’d expect him to be shaken up for a good few minutes, not cracking jokes. 14
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 22:09 | #
Either way works for me. His act, if it’s an act, was good enough to make me see the connection between Protestant hellfire and liberal hellfire “preachers” using the same moral certainty schtick - and the important thing about that is not the details of the religion but *why* that schtick works so well on some people and not at all on others. And a ploy to gain sympathy - well manipulating guilt and sympathy, that’s what this is all about one way or the other. Last of all, if he was acting and if the theory is correct, then the performance wasn’t directed at Jews.
No. If it’s not an act, on balance of sympathy terms his schtick would simply relate to Israelis weighed against Palestinians. 15
Posted by danielj on Thu, 07 Apr 2011 01:37 | # Does anybody here seriously believe that Norman Finklestien would support the Native Born White America revot against race-replacement? WE all know the answer. Anybody will with a gun to the head, metaphorical or otherwise… 16
Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 07 Apr 2011 10:13 | # Some excellent videos on Jewish organized crime - worth seeing.
Posted by danielj on Fri, 08 Apr 2011 00:46 | # And what about Finkelstein himself? Was that heartfelt or was he performing? I’d guess the latter. Look how easily he transitioned into done-this-a-thousand-times smart aleck mode when he turned towards the camera after stepping away from the lectern. If he was as moved as he sounded you’d expect him to be shaken up for a good few minutes, not cracking jokes. He has been at it for years. He probably very rarely is actually “moved” anymore into outbursts of genuine emotion. You can only keep up the “outrage” for so long. Plus, if he was performing to add force to his argument-that Jews are Naziesque in their oppression and brutalization of Palestinians-then he should still be commended no? 18
Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 08 Apr 2011 10:21 | # Just don’t forget that Finkelstein is an unrepentant Communist. Although, him being an atheist might put him in good with certain people here. Who knows? 19
Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 09 Apr 2011 04:03 | # More Finkelstein Around 1hr 10mins he lets rip on Jewish control in the media and what he calls the ‘ethnic factor’. He may be coming from a very different starting point but if Kevin MacDonald was making this speech no doubt it would be ‘hate speech’. 20
Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 09 Apr 2011 04:09 | # Around 1hr 20mins on the same video Finkelstein discusses the ‘invention’ of the Holocaust industry - very much echoes GW’s accounts on this topic. 21
Posted by DRS on Sat, 09 Apr 2011 15:23 | # I don’t think the girl that cries is jewish. She’s your typical mentally-ill white liberal Canadian. Her religion of political correctness states that you must not criticize jews, ever. When she sees a jew calling other jews “nazis” the short-circuit that occurs starts to fry her brain. 22
Posted by Alexander Baron on Sun, 10 Apr 2011 01:02 | # Classic - the manipulative little bitch never knew what hit her. 23
Posted by Ivan on Sun, 10 Apr 2011 19:59 | # Drawing parallel between what Germans did to Jews, on one hand, and what Jews are doing to Palestinians, on the other, is completely bogus. Germans were trying to get rid of the vermin that brought the German state and society to the brink of destruction and decay, in other words, they were simply trying to get back in order what rightfully belonged to them. While the Israeli Jews are driving out of their own land native Palestinians who have done nothing wrong to the Jews. The so-called ‘good’ Jews, like Norman Finkelstein, are simply telling the truth that is already well known to the gentiles at large and cannot be hidden any longer. I pity any ethnic group, any nation, any race that relies on a Jew to tell the truth about the Jews and the dangers the Jews pose to all gentile peoples. I am not saying that Finkelstein does not tell many truths about the Jews - he does. But I insist that Finkelstein has never revealed anything about the Jews that gentiles like Henry Ford, Adolf Hitler, Dr William Pierce, William Gayley Simpson and many other gentiles did not before him, and he never will. It is degrading to think that the whole gentile world is incapable of figuring out who the Jews are, and what they are up to. It is pathetic to resort to people like Norman Finkelstein, Israel Shamir, Henry Makow, Brother Nathanael and other “ex-Jews” for the truth about the Jews. We don’t need “ex-Jews” to tell us what the Jews are up to and their nefarious ways of getting what they want. From the gentiles perspective “good” Jews like Norman Finkelstein are, at best, traitors to their race, or, which is infinitely more likely, Trojan horses in the midst of gentile peoples. I like Prof Norman Finkelstein though. I have a great respect for him but for the reasons that may surprise you - he does everything he can to protect his tribe, i.e. the Jews, and he does it in an honorable way. He is not a traitor to his race, and he is not a Trojan horse. He does what everybody should do - to protect his tribe to the best of his ability. A gentleman can and should respect his enemy, if the enemy deserves it, and at the same time show no mercy for him. But every gentile has to pay very close attention to what Finkelstein says and how he says it. The most sober analysis of what Finkelstein is all about, in my view, is given by Dr. William Pierce who saw very clearly through this foggy notion of “ex-Jew”: In the Sep 2000 broadcast of American Dissident Voices titled “The Significance of the Holocaust”, Dr Pierce pointed out: Today we’ll look at what a Jew has to say about the Holocaust trick. The Jew is Norman Finkelstein. He is a professor at the City University of New York, and he’s a leftist. Like some other leftist Jews, he’s at odds with what he sees as a fascist government in Israel. More than that, I believe, is his concern that the greedier and more ambitious Jews will overreach themselves and bring disaster down on the heads of all the Jews. He’s especially concerned that the Holocaust myth will come unraveled and result in an enormous Gentile backlash against the Jews. He would like to defuse the thing before it blows up. And so Finkelstein has just had a book published for that purpose. It is titled “The Holocaust Industry”, and his fellow Jews are not happy about it. You can listen to the entire broadcast here: Use Search function on the page to get to “The Significance of the Holocaust ” broadcast. 24
Posted by Hadding Scott on Mon, 02 May 2011 21:07 | # Finkelstein says that his father was in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and that he was in Auschwitz after that. There is a problem: according to the Holocaust Museum in DC no Jews were sent from the Warsaw Ghetto to Auschwitz. 25
Posted by Hadding Scott on Mon, 02 May 2011 21:21 | # Professor Robert Faurisson on Norman Finkelstein: With certain Jews, pointed criticisms of “Shoah Business” or the “Holocaust Industry” resemble recriminations between shopkeepers claiming they haven’t had their fair share of the profits. With Norman Finkelstein this is blatant. Today that which unites the Jews, whatever else they may assert, is the religion of the Great Swindle and the Great Slander. [...] The examples of Jews who have consistently denounced the horrid lie in its entirety are laughably few. I know these altogether exceptional cases and am amused at seeing that, like you, some revisionists today continue to cite the names of “Jewish revisionists” who, in actual fact, were either not really Jews or not really revisionists. 26
Posted by Ivan on Tue, 03 May 2011 01:41 | # I have come across the youtube video, Dasein is referring to, multiple times in the past: , and it always felt to me like a staged scene. But only this time I have noticed Star of David hanging from the neck of that nigger with a beard shouting: Holocaust is a joke. Stop the video at 1:19 and you’ll see it too clearly. 27
Posted by Ivan on Tue, 03 May 2011 01:53 | # Based on my experience, if Hadding Scott is pointing you to some place, you better go there and check it out, because that is the place where you’ll find, almost invariably, a profound and liberating truth. Post a comment:
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Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 06 Apr 2011 01:12 | #
I think Finkelstein is a genuine Jewish example of an extended sympathy Liberal (as opposed to Jewish nationalists pretending to be liberals) and you can see how mentally painful it was for the ultra kin-centric girl to even try and wrap her head round the concept.