Why Only Fourteen Words? by Alexander Baron
This minority has no desire either to integrate or to assimmilate; from academic studies it is clear that crime amongst them is extremely low, and such 21st Century niceties as AIDS, other sexual diseases, juvenile deliquency and the range of mental afflictions most of us seem to suffer at some time – from anorexia to depression, from bulimia to schizophrenia – are all but absent from them. Most curiously, this exclusively white minority is never accused of that most heinous of crimes – “racism” – at least not by the mainstream liberal establishment. Their insularity is not only taken for granted but accommodated, although unlike other far more prosperous minorities, they are extremely averse to taking any sort of state handout. Oh, to be an Orthodox Jew! In spite of a number of scholarly works addressing the subject – including dare I say by a certain Alexander Baron? – an enormous amount of disinformation abounds over the so-called Jewish Question. This disinformation, and at times pernicious, lying propaganda, is one that is seldom if ever addressed because it fits the agendas of both anti-Semites – real anti-Semites – and Organised (Zionist) Jewry. The anti-Semites – including the ideologues and the outright crazies – perpetuate the myth of the Jews being one big happy family who through a universal conspiracy are engaged in a relentless war against Western (read White) Civilisation, while Organised Jewry do their best to perpetuate the same myth of unity amongst their own kind while at the same time protesting totally vacuously to the goyim that they are a poor, oppressed, powerless minority. Anyone who truly believes the Jewish establishment is powerless hasn’t experienced the perfidy of the hidden hand. The ultra-Orthodox – the “real Jews” as opposed to the ethnic crypto-Jews (1) – are not only passionately anti-Zionist but are wise to the reprehensible methods used by their ugly cousins to stifle all dissent, including the exploitation of and even fermentation of “low level” anti-Semitism. While the Zionists and their “anti-fascist” fellow travellers regard the Holocaust as a big club with which to batter the goyim over the head: the Palestinians, White Gentiles generally, and most especially White Nationalists, the ultra-Orthodox regard it as divine retribution for straying from the straight and narrow – an unnecessarily harsh judgment, to put it mildly. These Jews are no threat to anyone and never have been, but because they more than any other kind are visibly identifiable as Jews, it is they rather than the “Jews in suits” (2) who reap the whirlwind when the balloon goes up. Returning to the subject of Separatism, way back in the 1980s, the American White Separatist David Lane (1938-2007) coined an expression that has become known as “The Fourteen Words”, which, on the off-chance you are unfamiliar with it, reads:
This is an extremely modest and moderate expression, and need not be perceived as anything else, even though Lane’s actual methods were anything but moderate. (3) Regardless of Lane’s methods, The Fourteen Words are classified by the Anti-Defamation League as “hate speech”. (4) It is though a curious anomaly that every race and ethnic group on Earth – including at times white ethnic groups – has the God-given right not only to promote a secure future for its children, but to take drastic action in pursuit of this agenda. Any race except the White Race. The Amish for example, are an ethnic group as much as a religion, and the legal authorities as well as for example the ACLU bend over backwards to accommodate them. (5) There are also various tribal peoples around the world who “liberals” including die hard race-mixers as well as environmentalists acknowledge have the right to self-determination. Consider for example the following extract from a leaflet put out sometime ago by Survival International:
The Sentinelese are one of the most primitive tribes left on the face of this planet – your equals, be it noted – and are in fact far from the only such tribe in this part of the world. The most striking thing about this leaflet is its muted rhetoric. No vitriolic condemnation of these appalling and totally unprovoked “racist” murders. Imagine the hysteria that would erupt in Britain or any other predominantly white nation if vigilantes were to arm themselves and murder illegal immigrants. Yet in this instance, not only were these murders not condemned, but the victims were blamed for them “and” there appears to have been no attempt by the legal authorities to hold the perpetrators to account. While murder is of course an extreme and unsatisfactory reaction to the invasion of a society and its possible colonisation by alien races – as the Sentinelese clearly feared – there is just as clearly room for bridge-building provided organisations such as Survival International can be made to see the error of their ways, or rather the error of their rhetoric, because, incredibly, they attribute the threat tribal peoples face to “racism”. No, it is not! Rather it is “anti-racism” that calls for the assimilation and ultimately the destruction of all cultures, and races, worldwide. It is this pernicious dogma spurned on by the lying propaganda that attributes all the evils of the world to Imperialism, Colonialism, “racism” and of course those dreadful Nazi “gas chambers”, that has been responsible for the brainwashing of entire generations of Western, and other societies. If the likes of Survival International want to preserve the heritage of tribal peoples, how can they in all reasonableness deny the same right to any race, including the White Race? In short, The Fourteen Words should be viewed not as a parochial but as a universal concept. This means that we should, must, be prepared to work with all like-minded individuals and organisations who share the same aspirations. Lincoln Rockwell – the arch-hater – made serious efforts to do this with Black Separatists, so too in her own small way did the well-meaning but extremely gullible Lady Birdwood. Having said that, Survival International are not the only ones who have to change their rhetoric, so too do the White Power advocates. We are not fighting for White Power, but White Survival, and it is not our myriad enemies both without and within who are the biggest threat, but time. After decades of failure, we have no more of this most precious of commodities to waste. Notes And References (1) This is really not such a difficult concept to grasp; Jews are the men and women who practice the undiluted essence of Orthodox Judaism. By and large their involvement in the murky world of politics is extremely minimal. The Jews who cause all the trouble, who always have, are crypto-Jews, ie persons of Jewish orgin, which can mean almost anything, but is largely a question of self-identification. Most of them have only the most tenuous of connections with Judaism in much the same way most white “Christians” have only the most tenuous of connections with the Church. (2) A phrase attributed to convicted rapist Mike Tyson. (3) Lane died in prison having been implicated in – among other crimes – the 1984 murder of shock jock Alan Berg. Ironically, another David Lane was the first director of the perfidious (and misnamed) Commission For Racial Equality. (4) See http://waybackmachine.org/*/http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/numbers_14words.asp The ADL is an organisation that has condoned at least two acts of indiscriminate mass murder: the 2008-2009 Gaza Massacre, and the 2010 Flotilla Massacre. Hate Speech…yeah, right. (5) Rightly so in my humble opinion; the Amish are amongst the most benign and inoffensive minorities on the face of this planet, although most people would consider their austere lifestyle a far too heavy price to pay for their resultant insularity. Comments:2
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sun, 10 Apr 2011 14:11 | # I have been saying the same thing for years. Expect to be called a sell out / jew / scum bag etc etc by the usual suspects ( usually employed by the state to undermine nationalism ). As for the 14 words they were not created by David Lane, they were taken from a speech Heinrich Himmler gave to the SS during the war. The enemy is Zionism, and seeing as the most dedicated anti-zionists on the planet are Jewish like Noam Chomsy, Gilad Atazmon and Norman Finkelstien - and the most dedicated Zionists are always gentiles like Tony Blair, George Bush and David Cameron - attacking ’ ze jews’ as being a monolithic block is the politics of either the idiot or infiltrator. 3
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 10 Apr 2011 21:18 | # Undoubtedly Mr. Baron is a perspicacious erudite fellow. However, considering the criminal activity of Orthodox Jewry; international money laundering, trade in human organs, prostitution, sexual abuse, illegal immigration and the kosherizing food scam, to name a few, it is clear, regarding the view that OJ is a benign force, and with all due respect, that he has his head fully stuck up his ass. 4
Posted by Alexander Baron on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 01:54 | # I never said Orthodox Jews were saints; the Kosher food scam is a myth by the way. I was trying to make the point that we have a lot of common ground. This is nothing new from me by the way, I worked this out in the early 1990s. See for example http://www.infotextmanuscripts.org/hsi.html http://www.infotextmanuscripts.org/rabbi_exposes_conspiracy_1.html 5
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 10:42 | # See what I mean Alexander, As soon as you talk sense they come crawling out of the woodwork spitting and hissing ’ ze jews, ze jews’ like demenated cockroaches. The fact that Jews, like all human beings, have good and bad amongst them ( just as we have pimps, war crminals, crooks, thieves, paedophiles, money launderers who are all impeccably Aryan in our race ) doesnt even register in their tiny little minds. 6
Posted by anon on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 17:24 | # But the pimps, the war criminals (A.H. excepted), crooks, thieves, paedophiles and money launderers were never so fatal to our race-life as the Jews, and that is why we point to them. Three big names, and not nearly big enough to count toward correcting the bad, don’t balance that scale, nor does anyone here deserve to be characterized as the Nazis once did Jewish peddlars. There’s great semantic trickery in relying on this “good and bad in EVERY race” trope, as there would if we were speak that way of, say, avian species: supposing there to be many fewer total cowbirds in a biosphere than bluejays, yet those cowbirds would be a detriment to all the avian species whose nests serve as host for its eggs, while bluejays are only rarely aggressive. We would have then a ratio of one species whose general population is given to exploitation of others’ living space to another which is generally helpful with some tendency to aggressive behavior. No ornithologist would glibly speak of “good and bad in EVERY” avian species; it would make him a moralist of birds. So we ought to observe the same rigor when speaking of human varieties .... but I see that you speak from under some very heavy ideological overlay, Barnes, and you don’t seem able to accept that no one here is willing to trade in the full truth for a political half or quarter-truth if it offend fewer sensitive souls. 7
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 18:39 | # The fact is that in the history of British and American democracy there has never been ; 1) a Parliament or congress or senate or Houe of Lords filled with a majority of Jews and with a minority of white Aryans 2) a parliament / senate / congress / house of lords that passed the laws to allow in mass immigration other than comprised of roughly 90-99 % white Aryan people The plight of our people, is the fault of our people. 8
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 18:44 | # Oi Captain Chaos - ready to spit your dummy out ?
Cultural Nationalism is a form of nationalism which is predicated on four fundamental principles ; 1) That it is ethnic groups which create cultures eg the Anglo-Saxons created England and the English Language, the ethnic French created France and the French language and the Zulu people created the Zulu culture.
2) That as long as the indigenous ethnic groups which create a culture remain the demographic majority in a nation in perpetuity, then the indigenous culture of that nation will remain the dominant culture of that nation.
3) That any immigrant of any race or religion can be fully integrated into the culture of a nation, as long as the percentage of immigrants in that society do not become a demographic threat to the numerical superiority of the indigenous people of that society.
Cultural Nationalists believe that a people and nation share not just the same territory but also a shared philosophy of life, shared values and the same aspirations which together form the strong cultural and a civilizational basis for a nation. Britain’s indigenous diversity in terms of its heritage and customs, ancestral traditions, folk languages and traditional ways of worship are very basis of its uniqueness amongst other nations, and this indigenous diversity is based upon a shared and unifying national cultural basis which is essentially native to the British Isles and people.
As the historian William James Durant wrote, ” A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within “. Cultural Nationalists believe that the destruction of modern civilisations from within is accomplished by ;
B) Colonisation and multi-culturalism C) Cultural Relativism D) Economic collapse caused by unintegrated groups of culturally alien colonists who rely on welfare benefits or other state largesse for their subsistence instead of working within the economy for the benefit of the nation and who also export capital out of the nation state back to their ancestral homelands.
We believe that anyone can become British, but that in order to do so they must become fully culturally integrated citizens of our nation and society.
In other words Britain is one of the most crowded nations on the planet and therefore we cannot continue to allow millions of immigrants and colonists to continue to pour into our country. The ideology of multi-culturalism combined with mass immigration is creating within our nation the same sort of racial, cultural and religious schisms and dynamics that have led to countless civil wars in nations like Bosnia, Croatia and a myriad other nations across the planet. Only when all immigration is ended, and all the colonists already present within our nation are deported and the ideologies of multi-culturalism and cultural relativism are replaced by British Cultural Nationalism and cultural integration, can we prevent the societal collapse that will inevitably come in the 21st century. Cultural Nationalists believe that the reason why the unintegrated immigrant colonist communities in our country are having so many children compared to indigenous British birth rates is due to the fact they have been allowed under multi-cultusalism to retain their ancestral cultures with corresponding high birth rates. At the same time the Welfare State has allowed them to claim benefits whilst staying within their closed communities and simply having children. We believe that by demanding full integration into British society that this will ensure that immigrant communities will have the same levels of birth rates as the rest of British society. This will further defuse the ticking demographic timebomb in our country as indigenous birth rates fall below replacement rate and immigrant birth rates continue to rise.
Therefore the fundamental basis of cultures which are indigenous ethnic groups, are inevitably undermined by racial nationalism leading to the death of those indigenous ethnic cultures. If Britain were colonised by the Ethnic Chinese or the Ethnic Germans then the end result would be the same. They would both impose their own ethnic cultures on our country and usurp our own indigenous ethnic
The removal of millions of colonists from our country will act not just to ensure the cultural integrity of Britain, but also the ethnic integrity of the indigenous British people. Cultural Nationalism also repudiates the Civic Nationalist position on Those who are born here and who adopt the ancestral cultures of their parents or grandparents are not British, they are colonists. We do not believe that the bestowing of a passport upon a colonist by a transient government anytime in the past equates to them being a British citizen. British citizenship is based on duties and responsibilities. The primary duty is to integrate into totally into our culture and society. Those that refuse to integrate totally into our society and national culture will have their citizenship revoked, regardless of how long they resided as a colonist within our national territory. Cultural Nationalism stands opposed to the erosion of our ancestral rights and liberties, such as free speech, due to the dictates of political correctness. Cultural Nationalists defend the British Constitution, ancestral laws and liberties of our nation and also the supremacy of Parliament against the subversion of our national democracy by supra-national institutions, dynamics and powers such as the UN, EU, US, World Trade Organisation, World Bank, Bilderbergers and globalism. Cultural Nationalists believe that the old Left / Right split in politics is now an artefact of the 19th and 20th centuries, and that the political struggle of the 21st Century is between Nationalism versus Globalism.
Posted by Danny on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 20:57 | # Common Purpose are planning a big offensive on May 1st: http://pjcjournal.wordpress.com/2011/04/09/new-american-revolution-warned-is-just-weeks-away/ 10
Posted by Lurker (Mk II) on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 21:39 | # “this exclusively white minority…” Jews are Near-Eastern Asatics. OK, most try harder than others such as the Orthodox of Stamford Hill to pass for white. Some may be barely aware of their Jewishness apart from bagels, jokes and Passover. But they are still the Stranger, in Kipling’s great poetic definition. The Orthodox are the least likely of the breed to have become hybridised. Moreover most Orthodox practitioners are certainly not anti-Zionist. In Israel they cut deals with the secular founders of the State and made their peace with an un-Toraic, blasphemous innovation to get special privileges, such as seats in the Knesset under a loaded PR voting system, and exemption from military service. Usually the more devout a Jew, the noisier he is in defence of ‘the land G-d gave us’. Baruch Goldstein was no dope-smoking, bi-curious sabra boasting about how he eats couscous and hangs out with Arabs in Haifa. In the USA the loudest criticisms of Israel come from leftwing atheist Jews of the J Street/Tikkun kind, not from Orthodox rabbis, except for the gallant but tiny upholders of pre-1948 views such as Neturei Karta whose numbers are equally minuscule in the Promised Land these days despite their high birth rates. As usual, Baron’s attempt to portray himself as the voice of reason leads this narcissist into a morass of ‘mischling’ platitudes—half- and quarter-truths—which are more harmful to the cause of white racial preservation than outright lies, because they are harder to unpick. Does Baron have a Hebrew bloodline? 11
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 00:01 | #
So did the French when we were at war with them. THEY are at war with us whether we like it or not and wars don’t require mutual consent - and yes even the “nice” ones because they don’t see it as them waging war on us they see their relentless race-war against White people as pre-emptive self-defence. Rabbi Moses and Samuel arrive at a village. In the night, while the peasants sleep, they sneak into a peasant’s house. Moses hands Samuel a knife and says cut the peasant’s throat while he’s asleep. Samuel asks why? Moses replies, They will try to kill us one day so we need to kill them first while they sleep. Samuel asks Why will try to kill us? Moses replies, I don’t know but they always did in the past. Samuel cuts the peasant’s throat. At the third house he misses his stroke and the alarm is raised. The whole village chase after the Jews with weapons. Moses says, See! I told you! A sweet little old lady, (as long as you don’t watch her face too closely as she speaks), actively waging a genocidal campaign of stealth biological warfare against the Swedes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9DBmP86vAM If and when they stop we won’t be at war any longer.
If you want to find demented go read the comments at any number of Jewish blogs. That’s what two thousand years of ingrained paranoia does. The only sensible argument on this topic is between those who say you must be explicit about it and those who say replace the word Jews with codewords depending on the context and the audience. If you want to ignore or avoid talking about Jews then you’d be better off just picking “marxists” and “global capitalists” (or some similar pairing) to represent the left and right sides of the pincer attack. If you specifically want to sound pro-Jewish then it won’t work because they’re too paranoid. They don’t like any White person talking about Jews unless they’re on the payroll mouthing flattery Jews have written. Anything else, no matter how positive or genuine, makes their inner gargoyle screech. I won’t argue about it any more in case it’s part of some strategy but would just re-iterate that last point. 12
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 00:25 | #
Look at the “Equality” Bill. There was no resistance because the resistance was destroyed in advance. The political battle over AIDS wasn’t fought in parliament it was fought on Eastenders. The political battle over section 28 was fought on Brookside and Grange Hill. The political battle over the Race Relations Act was fought by paying some people to say nasty things and then making a big issue of it in the media. Media and education rule meta-politics. They didn’t fight the war in parliament. They fought it in the media and in the schools and in the universities. The stuff that happens in parliament is the equivalent of signing a surrender treaty after the war is lost. @@@ The fault was in not understanding the biological reality of Diversity Kills, the fact that if you allow unrelated ethnic groups into your living space in large numbers then that will inevitably lead to conflict and that the very worst possible case is to allow a clever and cohesive minority ethnic group to take a dominant role in your media and education system. 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 00:28 | # Alexander: In short, The Fourteen Words should be viewed not as a parochial but as a universal concept. On pages 173 and 174 of On Genetic Interests, in his first section on fitness portfolios, Frank Salter talks about the various Geneva Conventions and other human right laws and institutions that have been established under the auspices of the United Nations. By and large, he says, these are public goods of benefit to all humanity. But the Universal Declaration of Human Rights he says:
Salter is a Universal Nationalist. I don’t think, though, that he would support the view that it is possible for the European host to work with Jewry. Jews, in any case, appear to have group evolutionary strategies for manipulation which they are not free to set aside. 14
Posted by anon on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 01:09 | # Comment by Wandrin at 11:01PM a miniature tutorial of the whole JQ. If you want to find demented go read the comments at any number of Jewish blogs. That’s what two thousand years of ingrained paranoia does. He won’t, and if he did, he wouldn’t say a word to them about it. Tacit acknowledgement that they cannot be reached with appeals to civility and false distributions of blame, nor any of the human methods by which whitey draws chalk circles around his own. 15
Posted by anon on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 01:13 | # Jews, in any case, appear to have group evolutionary strategies for manipulation which they are not free to set aside. No more than the cowbird can be bidden to build its own nest—or stick to it alone if one were set aside for it. 16
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 01:22 | #
We should relay that gem from the inimiatable Master Barnes to the people of Postville.
How do you ally with people who think of you as scum of the earth and delight in making your life as miserable as they possibly can? It’s delusional madness. 17
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 01:35 | #
They didn’t have to fill legislative houses. They used the courts and manipulated public opinion.
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb039/is_1_34/ai_n28957938/pg_17/?tag=content;col1 18
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 05:08 | #
That wasn’t me, “Master” [LOL] Barnesy, though I don’t fundamentally disagree with anon’s comment. But I will say your attempt to address the Jewish Question in a manner that is allegedly politic so far has been pretty ham-fisted. If you can’t get it right, maybe best to not bring it up at all. 19
Posted by Ivan on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 05:53 | #
Mr Lee doesn’t sound like an intelligent man. Can you do a third grade math, Mr Lee? How old is Zionism, and how old is the Jewish problem? One more question Mr Lee, if I may. Are you sure about your ethnic background? The way you talk is not the way gentiles talk. You sound like you are about to hit what I call the Hebrew hysterics button at any moment. Don’t be upset at me now, Mr Lee, I’m just asking simple questions. 20
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 08:04 | # 1) Thanks Ivan, I was wondering when call me a Jew. You folks never dissapoint do you ha ha ha ha !
3) The laws that control the media were passed by - yep Aryans The BSKYB takeover will be passed by - yep Aryans. The regulation of media output laws were passed by - yep Aryans. The failure to pass laws to take the media back from zionist supporting oligarchs who us it to attack nationalism is the fault of - yep Aryans.
The same applies to the education system, tv shows, race relations acts, etc etc - all are problems caused by the actions / inactions of yep whites. The plight of our people, is the fault of our people. 21
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:42 | # LOL. When was the last time a priest or pastor was caught trading human kidneys for cash? Kidneys for Kash. Oi vey, are they kosher? Here are the pillars of morality, the rabbis, in this supposedly highly religious society, profiting from human suffering, Oh, the humanity. LOL. Even if the suicide meme is accepted why on God’s good earth would any sane gentile ally with those whose contempt for them knows no boundary? Orthodox Jewry will set you free, just ask the good folk of Postville. It wasn’t the chavs that brought the illegals to the UK.
And this is what Master Barnes wishes to ally with? It’s people like Lee that blacken the good name of Barnes. LOL. 22
Posted by Ivan on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:45 | # You are avoiding my questions, Barney. Not good, not good. You are passing on an excellent opportunity to improve your reasoning skills, brother. So, how old is Zionism, and how old is the Jewish problem? 23
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 10:37 | # Interesting post, Mr. Baron. I’m away getting in some excellent spring skiing, so I’ve no time for comments. I do have a clarificatory question for those others desiring a judenrein West: You see Jews as an ethnicity, not merely a religion. What proportion of ethnic heritage is sufficient to constitute a “Jew”? Or, can a white man possess any Jewish blood, and still be considered acceptable to WNs? 24
Posted by Danny on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 16:02 | # cotewood, That repulsive piece of pc shit, Tom Chivers, has had me kicked off of the DT website for daring to question the little darlings of the pc movement - the gay community. All of my posts on his site were censored and I am now barred. The scum just do not have the arguments so they close the debate down by banning people. The funny thing is that they scream about free speech when someone burns a koran. They are just so fucking pathetic. That and scared I suppose. I think the points that got me barred were these: 1. HIV is a gay disease that spread to heterosexuals. 25
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 16:53 | #
Are you voicing a personal concern here, Leon? If so, how much so? 26
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 18:32 | # O/T Is there a coded message here? Got a Roman nose, flared nostrils and wide set eyes? Then you’re set to get filthy rich 27
Posted by danielj on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 19:33 | # Leon, These folks aren’t worried about a little Jew blood! They reserve their contempt for the fractionally Sicilian. 28
Posted by RS on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 21:50 | # > the range of mental afflictions most of us seem to suffer at some time – from anorexia to depression, from bulimia to schizophrenia – are all but absent from them. Strange coincidence, the NYT has a story right now: In the large and growing Orthodox Jewish communities around New York and elsewhere, rabbinic leaders are sounding an alarm about an unexpected problem: a wave of anorexia and other eating disorders among teenage girls The story even cites figures suggesting the rates among these orthodox may be around 50% higher then in some comparison group. At least one of these studies sounds very suspect, though: The other study, done in 2008, looked at 868 Jewish and non-Jewish high school students in Toronto and found that 25 percent of the Jewish girls suffered from eating disorders that merited treatment, compared with 18 percent of the non-Jewish girls. I doubt anyone will dispute that 25% and 18% are rather ridiculous figures, suggesting a very broad definition authored by field crying out for funding and importance. 29
Posted by Danny on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 22:34 | # cotewood, I laughed out loud when Tom Chivers replied to you about censorship: “It’s purely to do with whether people get offended by his comments”. OK - in other words no free speech then becuase all speech acts are potentially offensive to one or more listeners. What a slimey little turd. Scum like him have turned Voltaire on his head and do not seem to be saying: “Monsieur l’abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write.” but are instead saying: “Monsieur l’abbé, I detest what you write, and I will take your life to make it impossible for you to continue to write.” Maybe someone should remind him of something else that Voltaire said: “Prejudice is opinion without judgement.” He exercises no judgement and is happy to act as a cipher for the powerful. He is as prejudiced and opinionated as the worst of them. He went on to say on the blog: “Itzman: you’re quite right, of course, in that if the report comes back and suggests that the risk would be too great, then we should continue with the current policy. If the report suggests otherwise (and if we are happy that the report is well carried out), then we should change our policy. But it has to be based on evidence, and it has to change when the evidence does, or it is prejudice, not discrimination.” How jejune is that? It displays a stunning ignorance of how the political cycle works. Reports conclude what the people who commissioned them tell them to bleeding well conclude, ffs. This report will conclude - provided there is no immediate outcry by the public - that homosexuals can give blood after ten years’ sexual inactivity and then when the climate has warmed further that ten years will be reduced to five and so on until there is no discrimination and we have thousands - possibly tens of thousands more people - infected with sexually transmitted diseases. If there is an outcry it will go quiet for six months then the bastards will try again. But to argue this is driven by concerns over the supply of blood and the risk to the general public is pure cant. 30
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 00:53 | # Danny, I did my best to shame them for banning you. Your comments seem to have disappeared from other threads as well. You might check that out. The DT banning system does not record IP numbers, only log-in details. So you can create another Facebook account tomorrow and go back to work. I hope you will do so. 31
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 02:03 | #
Personally i have two definitions of “white enough”, one very narrow and one very broad. I don’t fit within my first definition, although my kids do. I’d like both categories to be increasing in numbers.
Posted by corwin on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 04:07 | #
Do you have non-white ancestry? 33
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 06:21 | #
Usually it’s decided by the group. Israel uses one definition, some gentile blood, while Orthodox Syrian Jews use another, “We don’t want gentile characteristics”. 34
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 09:55 | #
Depends if you count Wales (My first definition of white enough is more phenotype than genotype. I’d like more blonde/blue simply because i think it looks good. My second definition is much looser. I want both to be on increasing trends.) 35
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 11:37 | #
I guess that would be OK as long as he possessed the blood rather than the blood possessing him. But in truth, I’ve never met one and have no expectation of ever doing so. 36
Posted by danielj on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 13:54 | # I guess that would be OK as long as he possessed the blood rather than the blood possessing him. But in truth, I’ve never met one and have no expectation of ever doing so. I guess you weren’t here when Scrooby was here. 37
Posted by anon on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 16:03 | # I guess you weren’t here when Scrooby was here. Despite his vociferous anti-Jewish pretension, he was the very picture of “nebbish”. Memory is dim but I recall at least two occasions in which someone backed him into some Barnesian rhetoric. I’d feel safer with a bunch of fractional Sicilians and Silvers than that lunatic. 38
Posted by Danny on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 16:40 | # Guessedworker You’re right. They have disappeared me on all threads. They are so confident of their arguments that have to do the cyber equivalent of burning books. I trust the irony of this will be lost on them when the boot is finally on the either foot. 40
Posted by danielj on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 19:38 | # Anon, I had many disagreements with the Fred so I never really paid attention too much. He seemed solid to me but perhaps it was because I never noticed the incidents you described. I also missed whatever blowout happened that caused his departure. 41
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 20:11 | #
Fred was here when I first started visiting. I’m surprised to learn that he was partially of Jewish extraction. He always came across as solid and indefatigable. I can now contemplate the source of his indefatigability from a different perspective. 42
Posted by Ivan on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 01:24 | # Over the years I have developed one of the most reliable litmus tests that almost no jew or part-jew can pass - a person’s attitude towards Muslims. Scrooby, no surprise there, failed that test. Here is a lovely chit-chat I had with Mr 50/50 a few months back.
It wasn’t long time ago when you shrieked at Alex Linder’s suggestion that jews should be exterminated. But you are OK with great strategist Norman’s plan to starve millions of gentiles to death. What happened, Fred? Are the jewish genes taking over at last? Or maybe you are simply one of those bastards who do not mind dirty deeds as long as those deeds are done by the hands of others to your benefit?
So go ahead and click dammit! Supposedly? Not aware of the details? Why would one promote the other to knighthood if not aware of the details? That’s why I call all this phony “high-IQ” talk masturbation. It’s Scooby snacks, Scrooby. I find it odd and hard to believe that Mr Scrooby, who probably spends more time at Majorityrights than GW himself, missed the following brilliant idea by the Honorable Norman Lowell: http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/moscow_metro_terror_and_empire/
It can’t be more explicit than that, can it. How is this different from what the West is doing today in Iraq and Afghanistan, and hell bent spreading it to Iran? Today white people in the West have a convenient excuse: You see, we are good guys, it’s the bad jews who are forcing us to do all that. Well, then isn’t it fair to say that YOU ARE the fools and the tools in the hands of the Jewry waging wars in ME? With Emperor Norman The Idiot, you wouldn’t have even that excuse. It’s not that I fear that Norman, by refusing to share his food, could starve me or anyone else. Feeding himself is probably the highest feat this buffoon can accomplish in life. I’m simply pointing out how idiotic and how far from reality a phony intellectual can be. At the first real sign Norman was getting into a position where he could implement his “plan”, I wouldn’t be surprised to see many Muslims volunteering to hunt down his fucking ass and slaughter him like a pig. Could you blame them? Islam is not an ideology of aggression, but it does not fool its followers with horseshit like “If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also” that would make them meek. Islam is meant to defend its followers, not to fleece them. This is an ideology that proved most successful in resisting the jewish filth, manipulation, and usury. That’s why Islam is on the rise today, not because it is an aggressive ideology. And the West that allowed itself to be fooled, manipulated and dominated by the parasites is in the state of bacterial decay. Wake up from your fucking self-gratifying arrogance, look around with open eyes and open minds, and you won’t fail to see the truth. Even if you are stupid enough to fight jewish wars, have at least the wisdom to look closely into what makes strong those whom you’ve designated as your enemies and learn from them. 43
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 02:03 | #
Fred was sound and I would feel safer with him around than with an army of Silvers. 44
Posted by MKB on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 02:13 | # Islam is not an ideology of aggression Uh-huh. Please tell that to anyone who has had to live with majority Muslims. “I have been commanded to fight until Allah’s religion has been made supreme over all the earth.” You can’t serve God and Mammon, you can’t serve Jesus and Mohammed, you can’t be White and Muslim. 45
Posted by MKB on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 02:33 | # That’s why Islam is on the rise today, Actually, why is Mohammedanism on the rise? Because of the multiculturalist left, which can, and now has, made a deal with the devil to squash out Whiteness at any price. If that means flooding the country with ignorant, aggressive, hate filled Muslims who want to rape everything that moves, then so what? At least there’s less White people. If the words of Christ are “horseshit” as you call them, why have His followers created a paradise that Muslims, and the whole rest of the world, are so eager to flood into and destroy? What has Mohammed ever given anyone but STDs and the Law of the Jungle? Jesus elevates humanity, Mohammed turns everyone into a breeding jungle ape. Once the left has been dealt with, it will be a simple task to put the followers of Allah’s Great Faker back in their spot. 46
Posted by Ivan on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 05:33 | # MKB, I am sorry to inform you, brother, but you didn’t pass my litmus test. P. S. Good like with dealing with the left (why left, by the way, why not call a spade a spade - the jews) for nothing could make me happier than your success. 47
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 06:28 | #
It obviously is an ideology of aggression to anyone who has studied it. That may or may not be important or relevant to the aims of this site but that’s a separate issue. 48
Posted by Ivan on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 06:39 | # The most valuable advice white people can get from anybody is as simple as white man himself: Thinking in terms of whites against nonwhites is suicidal for you at this stage. That mindset is not yours, it has been put in your stupid heads by the slick jew, whether you realize it or not. It is a losing proposition, it is a losing frame of thinking. A paradigm shift has to occur for you survive. For you to get a reasonably good shot at survival as a race, the right frame of thinking for you should be: gentiles against the jews . You have to disassociate yourselves completely from the jews. You cannot win a battle against the jew, who is indeed waging a war of annihilation against white race, until you join forces with all nonwhites willing to do so. And Muslims are the first candidates you should seek cooperation with for Muslim countries are the ones suffering most from the jewish wars waged against them by hands of spineless whites. Can you understand that simple truth, whitey? Seeking a place to hide like cowards in North West, or Alaska, or Antarctica just to avoid confrontation is unthinkable and shameful, not to mention absolutely childish and impossible. A piece of land will not help you to gain character and protect you from the harshness of life. Jews never had a piece of their own land until very recently, but that did not prevent them from learning how to stick together and fight. Grow up, white man, or perish. 49
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 07:33 | # Ivan, your stated position is the same as that of all sane White Nationalists: non-Whites, including non-White Muslims (some Muslims are White, though obviously most are not), have no place in traditionally White lands. Likewise, Whites have no place in traditionally non-White, including Muslim, lands. So long as Whites and non-White Muslims both steadfastly adhere to that most reasonable of standards there should be no cause for strife between them and room for co-operation on the international stage. Co-operation in containing Jewish aggression would not be uncalled for. 50
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 07:36 | #
Gearing up for another Crusade, Wandrin? 51
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 07:42 | #
And yet this is precisely the strategy preached to justify the establishment of the Islamic State of Pakistan-avoiding confrontation with Hindu India.
http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00islamlinks/txt_rahmatali_1933.html A separate territory, in which to preserve Islam, in the face of Hindu communalism, was a matter of life and death for all Muslims of India. 52
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 08:00 | # I’d be curious to get GW’s take on “Uncle” Harold Covington’s Northwest Imperative. What, seeing as it’s all the rage now. Greg Johnson is in favor, Hunter Wallace is opposed. Does that explain why one is in favor and the other is opposed? Does Hell have no fury like a woman scorned? GT and Maguire are opposed because it is a competing strategy to the, um, machine shop strategy. Hmm. 53
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 08:58 | # Ivan,
I’m not inclined to the strategy myself but i’m inclined to individuals picking a strategy and going for it rather than everyone arguing over what the strategy should be and not doing anything till everyone agrees.
Crusade to Mars. 54
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 10:29 | # Jimmy Marr, Unfortunately, “Haller” has sometimes been stolen by Jews (as with Rosenberg, Bach, etc). I, however, have no Jewish or nonwhite blood that I am aware of, nor do I appear other than pure Nordic. But my question is an important one, no? How much Jewish ethnic background comprises a “Jew”? Surely, if WNs are going to devote much theorizing to the “Jewish problem” they need to be able to define terms. What constitutes a “Jew”, if the subject does not practice Judaism? This is especially important these days, at least in the US, as there are now many persons who consider themselves “white” (at least anthropologically, if not philosophically) who possess some quantum of Jewish blood (I know several myself). What is the WN position wrt them? 55
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 11:39 | #
Personally i’d do it the other way round by arresting the people who’d been actively involved in engineering this attempted genocide regardless of ethnicity (and from both the globalist side and the left-liberal or marxist side) and putting them on trial. Start with the worst and well-known so the ones lower down who know they’re guilty will know it’s just a matter of time before it’s their turn and let them self-deport. I’d think about the ones who were left over when that process was complete. 56
Posted by danielj on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 14:08 | # I’d be curious to get GW’s take on “Uncle” Harold Covington’s Northwest Imperative. What, seeing as it’s all the rage now. Is it? Greg Johnson is in favor, Hunter Wallace is opposed. Does that explain why one is in favor and the other is opposed? Does Hell have no fury like a woman scorned? I’m in favor. So-Cal is a lost cause. I’ve spent a lot of time in Northern California. It is “home” in a meaningful sense. I’d move to Vermont though if they seceded. 57
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 14:19 | # I made an interesting discovery yesterday of a person on facebook who posted a comment which had been rejected twice in the debate of NW idea at CounterCurrents. The comment was quite good, in my opinion. It voiced the objection that any attempt to build an ethnostate in a previously diverse area would rightfully be seen as a violation on UN genocide conventions. He was in favor of using those laws to our advantage by bringing civil law suites rather than flouting them with rhetoric to the contrary. This is an interesting point. We can’t simultaneously expect to fight genocide while planning to implement it. But the real eye opener to me was, according to the author, the comment was disallowed! I like fiction, and I like White community. I’m not sure I like the idea mixing them together in the public consciousness, and I’m damned sure I don’t like resorting to censorship to facilitate it. 58
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 14:34 | # I don’t know the answer to your question, Leon. I think Wandrin’s response is a good one. In my experience, problematic Jews don’t have any trouble identifying themselves as Jews. If they believe they are Jews, why should we, as WN’s argue with them? 59
Posted by anon on Thu, 14 Apr 2011 16:38 | # It is more psychological. One drop means nothing genetically, but if they are aware of even the slimmest Jewish genetic ancestry, their mind is warped by it; such is the compelling nature of Jewish cultural identity. For all his ITS-THE-JEWS warbling, Scrooby hesitates. Can’t hesitate here, anytime. Although talk of starving peoples and so on is toxic nonsense, of course. As an unknown let me divulge that I live in Belize, an ethnic dump. But you know, we don’t have a Jewish problem. We probably will soon enough, and the ruling government is black, and the blacks of Belize City are becoming a nationwide problem—but otherwise, people really do get along. You want a house? Mennonites will build it and plant it for you. Want some good coconut trees? The Mayan family down the road will sell you some for $15 apiece. Need plumbing and roof or car repairs? The mestizo dude in town will do it for cheap. Avoid the whites, beware of the young blacks, and it is a naturally “tolerant” society. But it is also nonsense to think that Europeans could ever come to some social balance with Muslims under the ruling narratives of our age. 60
Posted by Ivan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 00:03 | #
I am not calling for whites to accept nonwhite Muslims in their lands, I am not asking whites to like Muslims. All I want is for whites to stop waging wars, which are instigated by the Jews and are in the interests of the Jews, against Muslim countries. Jews cannot wage those wars without using the power of the West, especially that of the United States. I don’t believe multicultural cesspool is a good thing. I don’t want white jobs and white technology shipped to China, India, or any other third world country. I want all European countries to shut their borders to all and any nonwhite immigration completely and without any delay. The problem is: none of it can be done with the Jews in firm control of the Western money and Western media. You are not in control of you destiny, and you won’t be, until you get rid of the Jewish control over your minds. The world ruled by the Jews is not a good world - it can’t be. It is of paramount importance for all gentile people to get rid of the yoke of the eternal parasite. And there is nothing more natural than cooperation between whites and Muslims to achieve that goal. After that, if you wish to fight Muslims, or to attempt to starve them in pursuit of your own interests, not Jewish ones, by all means, you have my blessing - go ahead and try it. Jews are ultimately going to lose simply because their way is not a nature’s way. But if we sit around and do nothing, or even worse, just keep fighting each other in wars instigated by the Jews to weaken both sides - the whites and the Muslims - the damage and injury done to both sides can be enormous and hard to heal. Still, I have not doubt in my mind, with the usurer gone, things will sort out themselves in a natural way. I am not saying that there will be no conflicts after the parasite is squashed - I am not that naive - but things will start flowing again in accordance with the ways of the nature. On a personal note. I’ve being living in the Unites States for the last 18 years. I do not like what is going on here: the decision has already been made - I am going home. 61
Posted by Thunder on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 00:11 | # Anon, What do you mean by avoid the whites? at 3:38pm For my part in this whole jewish issue, we should have no truck with them. They need us. We do not need them. Play it safe. Send them away. Likewise for muslims. Leave them to their own space. Let them find their own destiny. Why do these people always want the right to associate with us? Can’t they manage by themselves? 62
Posted by Thunder on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 01:54 | # I said: Why do these people always want the right to associate with us? I was referring more to muslims there, with jews we all know they are parasitic. I guess muslims are too, to an extent. Perhaps muslims are also after some good genetic stock considering the inbreeding they are prone to. See MadDonald’s article at Occidental Observer on Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society by Sennels. 63
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 01:54 | #
The problem is that this only outlines one-side of the issue. One side is, as you suggest, European wars waged against Muslim nations that also potentially serve Jewish interests. The other side is the wars of anti-discrimination waged inside European homelands by Jewish interests that are allied with non-whites (and some whites) including Muslims. If the request is for Euros to end wars against Muslim nations by throwing off Jewish interests, then Muslims must end the anti-discrimination wars against Euros in their homelands by ending the alliance with official Jewry. And the only way to do that is for Muslims to return home en mass. However that is highly unlikely even if Euros somehow managed to ends the wars on Muslim nations. It is unreasonable to ask of us that which you will not do, as a group, yourselves. The strategy for Muslims will be to continue to come to the West and advance the interests of Islam and Sharia. Once in ascendance, the need to ally with Euros to defeat Jewish interests that are antithetical to Islam and her populations will be no more. Islam will be the West and the West will be Islam. 64
Posted by anon on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 03:57 | # Indeed. You show up here puting the boot into Fred and then come out with that? Baptists, guys. Most of the whites here are with the churches. 65
Posted by Johnathan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:25 | # Baron writes a charming piece… but that’s at face value… some of the comments cleared up the flaws in his writing… and yet again I find that there’s two sides to every story… Many of the jews just wanna be left alone, and leave others alone. Many of the jews are jerks who wanna influence non-jews and think non-jews are scum. That’s life, I wish the latter would disappear, and the former would either assimilate or go to Israel in the long run. Many people say Israel was stolen of course… And yeah, it kinda was, the Jews conquered it and have been running pretty damn… brutally I suppose?... ever since. What’s new? Race A conquers land inhabited by Race B and Race C, oppresses them, maybe Race’s B and C uprise, if so, god bless them, maybe they butcher the children of their oppressors, if so, god forgive them, that’s life… Sad, but how life tends to go in my eyes when someone conquers another race without exterminating it… eventually there is an uprising, often bloody, and taking the lives of innocents with it. Think Russia 1917. 66
Posted by Ivan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:30 | #
I am glad you mentioned that. Firstly, the way you put it ( potentially serve Jewish interests) is not quite correct: those wars serve Jewish interests directly, not potentially. Secondly, your statement implies: whatever whites do in cooperation with the Jews are in the interests of whites as well. Unfortunately you are right about that: looting other countries of their natural and labor resources serves not only Jews, but whites as well. For example, outsourcing jobs to cheap Chinese and Indian labor is a stupid and suicidal policy for whites on the grand scale of things, but it makes living comfortably on slave labor possible for the entire populations of Western countries, including whites, i.e. it is in short run interests of the whites, albeit shortsighted one. That’s why whites keep their mouths shut about those unsavory deeds.
Right again. Muslims will not return home en mass even if Euros somehow managed to ends the wars on Muslim nations - YOU will have to kick them out. And I want you to do just that! I am not worried too much about the fate of that miniscule part of Muslim population of the world, not to mention, being kicked out of the ‘paradise’ is not the worst thing that can happen, and will happen, to those poor souls when the massive clash between them and the native populations of white countries ultimately ensues, as designed by the Jews. And you can do just that with ease in few short years as soon as you get rid of the rule of those who enabled and arranged nonwhite immigration to white lands in the first place. You could completely shut down nonwhite immigration to your lands in a matter of few months via legislation and then launch a series of carrot and stick policies to slowly but surely start reducing the percentage of nonwhites in white lands. 67
Posted by Johnathan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:31 | # Btw, on a personal note connected to Leon’s piece about the “fate” of part-jewish people. I’m half-Jewish myself, and find it… well… frightening… that because my extremely-distant one nine-thousandth (maybe) cousins in Israel and the Jewish-dominated media screw most non-Jewish over with their propaganda bs, a majority of WN’s seem outright hostile to anyone of even partly Jewish blood. Seriously, what have I, or theother half-jew I know, ever done to you? Hell, I sympathize with WN causes more than I ever have with Jewish causes… I guess maybe you guys just haven’t met any half-jews and realized it, probably because we’re not really Jewish nor do we really act jewish XD… But still you act as if me having a (substantial?) amount of middle eastern blood is some bad thing. WTF? You think that because my father looks like an Italian and babbles in Hebrew every Saturday morning that I’m some mongrel parasite? It’s pretty stupid what he does from that perspective… but whatever, if obsessively praying ancient prayers to his god makes him happy, then fine, he doesn’t ever bug me about it and is even ok with the fact I go to church once in a while. I don’t know about you, but I’m white skinned, brown haired, and brown eyed. I sure as hell ain’t no mestizo, not racially or culturally. So tell me, how am I, exactly, a parasite? 68
Posted by Ivan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:56 | #
(1) Your intelligence suggest otherwise (2) If inbreeding tends to reduce intelligence, wouldn’t the Jews be the most stupid race on earth? Reading is not enough. A man should be able to think for himself, and while doing that it is highly recommended to use one’s head rather than his ass. If you are unable to think for yourself, if you always rely on what intellectuals tell you, at least pick up the good ones. I suggest you to study what William Simpson has to say about the impact of inbreeding on the quality of human beings: Chapter 16. The Necessity of Eugenics 69
Posted by Ivan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 05:42 | # Johnathan, You strike me as an intelligent, honest, and decent man. That’s all what matters to me in a human being. But there are individual humans, and there are races. Even about the races I do not think in terms of good/bad. Jews are indeed unique in the sense that their interests AS A RACE are the opposite of the interests of all other gentile peoples. That’s where the problem is. I do not blame Jews for their, absolutely natural, desire to preserve themselves and their way of life, even though I think that way is a parasitic way. I do not wish to cooperate with them, instead, I want to fight them because their interests AS A RACE are in irreconcilable opposite of the interests of my people. 70
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:07 | # Johnathan, Nothing I said above can or should be construed as a criticism of Jews - though neither should this statement be interpreted to mean that I have no criticisms of Jews. I merely seek to stimulate discussion as to the old Nuremberg laws question of what, precisely, constitutes a “Jew”. WN as a movement is, obviously, taxonomically obsesssed. It seems therefore incumbent upon us to have some objective standards when referring to ourselves or others. I’d like to know what those are, or ought to be, in the opinion of other WNs. Of course, I certainly do have my opinions on the JQ and how to think about it in the context of securing a future for white people and culture. Before offering them, however, I had hoped more analysis would be forthcoming. 71
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:12 | # anon, It is interesting that a resident of Belize should find his way here. Are you white? What is your interest in WN? Also, what percentage of the population of your nation is white? 72
Posted by Johnathan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 14:29 | # Yeah Ivan I can see very well where you’re coming from, my father’s people have screwed over my mother’s people plenty of times, and my mother’s people his. Bad blood for the last two thousand years, possibly more. I don’t blame you for wanting to fight the Jews, it’s perfectly natural. But what about the estimated 1,000,000 half-Jews in the USA like me? Our interests range from pro-jewish to pro-white, although many of us are simply disaffected and agnostic in life as well as culture and racial consciousness. Many of us consider ourselves white, because we look white and in many cases act white. It’s true that in a way, we have “Split souls” because of this, and I’ve never understood any of the Jewish mother jokes (as an example) because my mother converted before she married my father. An example would be the stories she told me as a child. Of course we didn’t sing Christmas songs, because she unfortunately rejected her heritage, but still her culture and roots shined through and as I’ve gotten older (I’m 18 now), I’ve noticed just how different my upbringing was in some ways compared to full-blooded Jews. Another of my questions are. I look white, act white, and share many of the interests of whites, even if I do not publicly say so. I actively seek to assimilate, why? Because that’s what I want to do, the Jewish side of me has been dying for years, and so it should be perhaps. I’m sure there are hundreds of thousands of other half-Jews in this situation (if WN wasn’t actively hostile to them, they could perhaps be a great bulwark against Judaism, a partially blooded fifth column holding Jewish tribal power at bay with insiders knowledge) and for me, my question is. Do you consider me white? Do you actively fight against those with part Jewish blood like me? Will my circumstances of birth force me to be opposed to WN and WNs as a threat to my place in my country? Even though I’m naturally somewhat for it and pose no real threat to you? Will another couple hundred thousand of my brethren be forced into this awkward position? And have no doubt, such attitudes are more than affective at driving people like me back into the fold of Judaism… If ultimately, at the hands of a future hypothetical revolution, given no other option except nominally re-embracing Judaism or being driven out of my homeland (America), guess what I’ll choose? It’s just something I’d like answered, if you can. As an aside to the one-drop rule, although my father’s roots affect me, it’s likely I’ll intermarry just as he did, further diluting such blood and making the situation of my children completely unlike my own. Their Jewish blood will be negligible, and they will hopefully have none of the issues of identity I have had. The other half-Jew I know might do the same, and he sure as hell is probably not going to become Orthodox (at least not while eating burger king ham sandwiches every morning and never going to synagogue). I suppose I’m making an appeal to y’all for us half-Jews, who are slowly beginning to outnumber full-blooded Jews in the USA, and whose loyalties could shift either way depending on who is willing to accept them. We could literally cripple non-Hasidic US Judaism by way of dilution if current trends continue, and no doubt the Jewish establishment will eventually try to either push us away or gather us back up. WN’s could play a part in this game as well. For amongst the Jews, we are a subconscious fifth column of assimilation. Sorry for the long post, and thx for your answer, it truly means a lot to me. After all, the litmus test of fitting into one’s country is whether there are any relatively substantial groups opposed to your presence there. 73
Posted by anon on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:08 | # Seriously, what have I, or theother half-jew I know, ever done to you? To start, asking us such a stupid question. I call it the “hat-in-hand” technique. I guess maybe you guys just haven’t met any half-jews and realized it, probably because we’re not really Jewish nor do we really act jewish You are a Jew, you aren’t a Jew, and so around we go for all time. Many of you presumed halflings rely on bogus family history, so maybe you really are not a Jew, and then it’s up to you to decide to drop the half-identification. Don’t expect us to explain ourselves to you. We are not beholden. You think that because my father looks like an Italian and babbles in Hebrew every Saturday morning that I’m some mongrel parasite? Babbling in Hebrew is not “stupid”; it is a remarkable preservation of spirit and culture. Sadly, it comes with much babbling in other languages that interferes with the existence of our people. So tell me, how am I, exactly, a parasite? You’re probably lying, for one thing. But what about the estimated 1,000,000 half-Jews in the USA like me? I’m glad you swung by Wiki or wherever for that number. You do your homework. Good. As for you halflings, you decide your allegiance. Don’t ask stupid questions. Our interests range from pro-jewish to pro-white, Uh huh. At a ratio of 999,995:5, son. The pro-white Jews fit on a blogroll. Many of us consider ourselves white, because we look white and in many cases act white. That’s what you think. But I’d bet you that my yidn-sense will go off like mad meeting any one of your “many cases”. I look white, act white, and share many of the interests of whites, Eager one moment to push us with emotional queries of how fast we’d dispatch for being half-Jew, eager the next to identify yourself with us and “white interests”. Something funny there. Even if you are just a troll, you’ve really got the Jewish hedging technique down. I actively seek to assimilate, why? All these keywords and numbers. “1,000,000 estimated”, “assimilate”, “culture and roots”, “two thousand years”, etc. the Jewish side of me has been dying for years, and so it should be perhaps. A tiny violin whines in the distance .... wait, or is it a kletzmer fiddle .... oy vey, de yiddishkeit in diese yingl shterbn iz! (if WN wasn’t actively hostile to them, they could perhaps be a great bulwark against Judaism, a partially blooded fifth column holding Jewish tribal power at bay with insiders knowledge) WHOA. WE’VE NEVER EVER HEARD THAT ONE. U R A GENIOOZ. And have no doubt, such attitudes are more than affective at driving people like me back into the fold of Judaism… Gevalt! We had better be real good to yous, den. Dass “effective” bai de weh. If ultimately, at the hands of a future hypothetical revolution, given no other option except nominally re-embracing Judaism or being driven out of my homeland (America), guess what I’ll choose? This would be creepy enough from a real Jew, but can you believe goyim pretend to be harmless little Jew yingls to, you know, teach us a lesson? Their Jewish blood will be negligible, and they will hopefully have none of the issues of identity I have had. LOL. This is quite the book report you’ve cooked up. Hitting all the main “issues”, each of them wrong. (at least not while eating burger king ham sandwiches every morning and never going to synagogue). HA HA! A BAD JEW! THAT’S SO EDGY!! and whose loyalties could shift either way depending on who is willing to accept them. Gold star for you! HA HA HA! 74
Posted by anon on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:20 | # Herr Kommandant Haller, In answer to your queries, It is interesting that a resident of Belize should find his way here. Are you white? What is your interest in WN? Also, what percentage of the population of your nation is white? The percentage of whites must be further broken down to natives, full-time residents, missionaries, and half-castes. Natives are very few; I see one for every thousand other Belizeans. Full-time residents are in the tens of thousands or some such, quite a lot, but they are mostly religious and monied slime. Missionaries of course are the scum of the earth. I won’t talk ratios among races but this is definitively a non-white nation with many whites present. Especially where I am, Cayo District, one often has the impression of Texas—mestizos everywhere, some blacks, beefy white men in trucks doing business, building things. Ya, I am a white European resident here. I mention this place only because it might interest those, like Silver, who believe in entente with non-white majorities. It exists here. Sadly the ruling UDP is doing exactly what is done in the US, sending “inner city youth” (i.e. ultra-violent feral blacks) to other districts where they waste no time robbing, plundering, and killing, usually Taiwanese grocers (another festering cancer) and Guatemalan farmers. But I haven’t seen a Jew in MONTHS, and that’s worth the downsides. 75
Posted by Johnathan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:31 | # Well anon, I’m simply being honest. My mother’s side of the family is from the south, I have ancestors who fought in the rev war and the civil war (confederate side). My father’s side is European Jewish. I’ve met several half-Jews, and brought up the question to them of identity, and they’ve more or less indicated that they’re on average, on the fence, but if I exist, then no doubt the political opinions range from pro-white to pro-jewish, with something in the middle probably being the large majority. And yeah, being a “bad jew” does wonders to drive you away from the tribe, you don’t quite get it just how much the little things like that count when it comes to “Jewishness”. And if you met me in real life? Yeah, perhaps your yid’n sensor would go off, my sideburns tend to give me my father’s jew-look, but whatever. And yes, we are in a way a fifth-column. Most jews are patently uncomfortable in the presence of half-jews… It’s a dilution of their heritage and they don’t like it. Yes, I “hedge” because I’m more or less split in who I am… That’s the way it is, and people like me end up having to choose which way they’ll go in terms of having kids etc. Believe me, I doubt you’d recognize many quarter Jews as having Jewish blood, and that’s because their half-Jewish parent found it worth assimilating. Assimilation matters to me, my father’s (and my mother’s chosen) people are a minority with a crappy past that happened to include an over-exaggerated tiny kingdom way back when. “A tiny violin whines in the distance .... wait, or is it a kletzmer fiddle .... oy vey, de yiddishkeit in diese yingl shterbn iz!” You think you’re clever making references to Fiddler on the Roof? Ha ha ha…. Tell me, how are the issues wrong, for me, they are very real. Believe it or not I actually give a damn about WN opinions. Why? Because quite simply the system and country is turning into a creaky morass, and it’s not unthinkable of some racial war sweeping across this country in 20-30 years. I’d simply like to know where I’m likely to be caught from your perspective because you’re the people most likely to actively go after me in such a situation once you finish going after the obvious Jews. If you guys didn’t exist, I’d probably never have asked myself these questions and never have really cared… And no, I’m no geniooz, this is something of a book report, I just want a straight answer as to what WN opinions are on half Jews, and I’m giving my own views on the issue. I have a lot of thoughts on this, because these issues are all very real. And yes, believe it or not, half-Jews are in a sense a bulwark against Judaism, they encourage assimilation and might one day force the Jewish establishment to turn their matters to other things. You’re a real smartas-s anon, and no, I ain’t no troll. Believe me, if I wanted to troll you guys then there are much quicker and easier ways to do it than writing long posts about my personal opinions and questions. Maybe I’m just young and stupid, but then again, so are you apparently. Btw, I know who my family is, I haven’t gotten a blood test yet to prove it (there IS actually a morass to that), but I know who my family is… Relatives and birth certificates don’t usually lie. 77
Posted by Silver on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 18:22 | # And no, I’m no geniooz, this is something of a book report, I just want a straight answer as to what WN opinions are on half Jews, and I’m giving my own views on the issue. I have a lot of thoughts on this, because these issues are all very real. Jonathan, I know your question seems important, but it really isn’t important what “WNs” think. They’re a tiny minority of loud mouths who think they know something about the world. Sure, they’re aware of a couple of factoids about genetic proclivities and they have a keen awareness of the process that is causing and (ultimately will cause) the extinction of their kind (mixing). But beyond this they don’t know very much at all. (This becomes most obvious in any honest debate before an audience of neutrals. WNs only think they dominate honest debates because so few people are willing to debate them.) They’re hardly the people to turn to for answers to important life questions. Now, while it isn’t important what “WNs” think, it is important what whites think. And to answer that you’d need to consider what sorts of reasons that compel whites who eventually come to think that their racial belonging is an important aspect of their existence (and one which requires defense or, even, advancement). These reasons differ substantially from the reasons WNs tend to settle on and insist that you, too, find compelling. (This is one reason, among others, that WNs so often find themselves ignored or ostracized.) So WNs aren’t going to be much help here. But let’s assume you care what WNs think. And let’s assume they gave you an answer: no way, Johnny, those Jew genes o’ yers damn you to the hell of non-whiteness. What then? The issues you seconds ago considered so important all of a sudden become totally unimportant? You cared about race while you thought you had a shot at being considered a White Man in good standing, but now that you’ve been shot down, hmm, maybe race isn’t so important after all? WNs are no help here, either. The main reason, I think, that WNs are so utterly useless in answering the questions “normal” people tend to have is that they spend 90% of their mental energy on thinking about what they’re going to do when they’re king, and only seldom give any thought as to how they might actually accomplish the all-important step of becoming king. (Alerting them to this only angers and/or depresses them, probably because it draws attention to the rather dismal likelihood of their ever becoming king.) 78
Posted by Johnathan on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 19:36 | # Interesting point Silver. I’ve honestly noticed that most whites really don’t care much about the Jews one way or the other except that they tend to dominate the media, fail to fit in socially, and get special treatment. Amongst me and my friends, my being half-Jewish really doesn’t matter, and I haven’t been asked “Are you Jewish” for YEARS (once I started socializing a lot more at puberty, the Jewish trappings from synagogue life quickly fell away just as synagogue life itself fell from my life). But yeah, it does seem that WN’s make a deal out of it much more than the GP. And quite honestly, while I do want to hear their opinion, it seems divided, with a substantial tilt towards “nope you’re part-Jewish so you ain’t white”. But whatever… My dad’s obviously Jewish (or at least Middle Eastern-ish) in his looks, but he gets along fine wherever he goes. I think social skills, getting along with people, and just not f**** with people count a lot more than pure issues of race. Although race certainly counts to a great extent… Ivan can fight his Jews, but why should he want to fight me? That’s what bugs me… Seriously, people like Anon assume that every person of Jewish blood who debates the WN claim that Jews are all out to get rid of, or put down, or whatever, “gentiles” must be some troll or liar. Anon can write about antique fiddles and blabber on in terrible (I’m assuming) Yiddish all he wants… And I’ll take the pleasure of responding in a related tongue, albeit probably with just as bad grammar. “Ich bin sooooo cool fur ich kann sagen die beleidigung im andere sprache! Kekeke… Anon, leck meinen Arsch! Fur du bist nicht klug mit deiner benutzung des Yiddish-worter (als diese worter yiddish sein…)” 79
Posted by anon on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 23:18 | # Look for Johnathan’s* upcoming essay, White Nationalism: What’s in it for we Halbjuden? [small]*A goyish troll.[/small] 81
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 00:34 | # It sounds like one helluva plan, Ivan. Euros must stop doing the bidding of Jews, making war on Muslim homelands, while Muslims will continue to do the bidding of Jews and make war on Euro homelands. Where do I sign up? And if you don’t care about the Muslim diaspora, then why carrot, why not all stick? 82
Posted by Ivan on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 01:44 | # Well, Desmond Jones, I guess you have a better plan. Why don’t you enlighten the crowd by way of announcing it publicly here and now, unless it is a top secret, of course. Silver comes across clearly as a no-nonsense type of a person shining as silver, if you’ll pardon the pun. If I may borrow the expression from the foot soldier for a second: I like your style, Silver.
I care about safety and well-being of Desmonds Joneses: all stick with no carrots has a notorious tendency to backfire - it is not good for your health. 83
Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 01:54 | # Race is real and it matters. If WNs came to power and target for arrest and trial those people involved in the great betrayal… http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/Immigration.pdf ...then by an amazing coincidence i think the question of who’s too Jewish will mostly solve itself. Ultimately the problem isn’t Jews, it’s diversity. Jews are just the most hostile and extreme example of Diversity Kills because they’re the most ethno-centric* group in the world. So after the active traitors are sent on their merry way there would then need to be some number calculated to mark each nation’s genetic center, a second number to represent average genetic distance from that center and a third number to represent the ideal average genetic distance from that center. Then you have laws to get from A to B and to maintain B. The strictness of the laws are dependent on how quickly you aim to get from A to B. If you’re prepared to take your time then there’s no need to worry about the details too much - a spectrum of policies ranging from an enforced one-child policy for some to a welfare subsidized four-child policy for others would do the trick over time. *(when applied to White people, the word “ethno-centric” is always to be replaced with the word “racist.” There will be a test.) 84
Posted by Ivan on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 02:21 | # anon, I hope you’ll forgive me, white man, for saying this: the way you treated this kid Johnathan brought to my mind an image of a laughing monkey who thinks that showing its pinky arse is funny. 85
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 03:04 | #
Like your arch-nemesis, you are interpreting another man’s cautious doubts as a reflection of your own lucidity. 86
Posted by Ivan on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 03:58 | #
This sounds too serious coming from the great master of limericks and the protector of liars, but not too bad. Back to Desdemona. 7 Countries in 5 years , which culminated in a pair of shoes flying into bubbling Bush’s face, that’s what you could call one helluva plan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x9EYiKVQg4 Weasel Wesley is trying hard to palm its-all-about-oil decoy off on naive crowd, of course, still it can be instructive to listen to what he is saying. 87
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 04:39 | #
You seem an intelligent sort, Ivan, so surely you must understand that a plan is not the issue. They are the proverbial dime a dozen. However, here is a plan that both you and your friend Silver can easily implement. Return to your homeland, post-haste. Silver makes excuses for not practicing what he preaches because his conceit knows no bounds. Indubitably, you can do better. 88
Posted by Ivan on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 10:31 | # Well, I guess I was wrong in my guessing - Desmond Jones has no plan. You seem a sophist sort, Desmond Jones, so indubitably, you could do better. You could say, for example: No plan is proverbially better than a bad plan. However, here is a thank you for the excellent plan you have developed personally for me, which, indubitably, proves that proverbs are the proverbial dime a dozen. 89
Posted by anon on Sun, 17 Apr 2011 03:16 | # I hope you’ll forgive me, white man, for saying this: Astakhfirullah. You must understand he was a troll, not a real half-Jew trying to feel us out. I have seen goyim do this before. It’s a sort of exhibitionism. His profile was too studied and perfect to be real, as were all the naive questions. Real Jews of any sort don’t bother asking us questions; they shriek and whip the goyish crowd into frenzy against us. Johnathan, a goy slave, gave us the long version of “OMG, why do you HATE JEWS??”. 90
Posted by Ivan on Sun, 17 Apr 2011 04:58 | #
I’ll take it as a pardon of both my rude remark and my naivety. Thank you, anon. 91
Posted by Silver on Sun, 17 Apr 2011 12:51 | # Silver makes excuses for not practicing what he preaches because his conceit knows no bounds. Desmond Jones apparently is perfectly happy to sit at a bar all by his lonesome self. (And if you ask him nicely he’ll even pull an evolutionary explanation for it out of his rear end.) Other people tend to prefer, you know, company. But that’s just excuses, excuses. Since you brought up excuses, though, I’ll give you a real one. I don’t think you deserve all of N. America or Australia, plain and simple. So why shouldn’t fine folks like Ivan and I stick around and stake our claim to our own bit of it? And besides, my own extended family has already left a hefty but stealthy (I doubt even you’d tell them apart) genetic footprint in your gene pool (five cousins by my count). You really think the offspring are going to side with a Hitler reincarnate like you over their amiable uncle Silver? You should be thanking your lucky stars I still take your side (well, not yours personally) despite your best efforts. Wanker.
Good God, another wanker. There’s just no end of total, complete and utter wankers in your ranks, is there? It’s unreal. It’s just unreal. The wankers must outnumber normal people 500:1. Nobody should doubt that this fucking wanker anon takes himself seriously. Nobody should have the slightest doubt about that. The fact that neutral, unbiased observers would regard him pretty much as much of a wanker as I do doesn’t faze him in the slightest. They’re never fazed because they’re such complete wankers, the totality of their wanker quality is so absolute, it so totally suffuses their entire being, that they have no awareness of it. So they just keep being wankers, knowing nothing else. Year after year, decade after decade. You can understand why a guy like Barnesy above has all but thrown in the towel on race, and settled on cultural nationalism: there’s just no way known to man to avoid the wankers otherwise. 93
Posted by danielj on Sun, 17 Apr 2011 17:15 | # The wankers must outnumber normal people 500:1. That is just life. It is the same for people across the board from ethnonationalists to Wobblies. There is no greater concentration of wank in WN. 94
Posted by MKB on Sun, 17 Apr 2011 18:34 | #
When will Muslims stop waging wars, instigated by their mullahs, against White countries? No White country is flooding Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, UAE, hell, anywhere, with Whites. So why are you flooding our countries with your soldiers and bombs and asking us to leave you alone? Isn’t that hypocritical? Just because Jews hate us, does not mean that you also are not poison. No more Islam in White lands. 95
Posted by Thunder on Mon, 18 Apr 2011 01:27 | # MKB, Exactly. Muslims do not belong among us. Jews do not belong among us. Go home. You are not welcome. Why waste time arguing with them? Someone enters my house and questions how I conduct my affairs I send packing. Go home. You have already overstayed your welcome. 96
Posted by Ivan on Mon, 18 Apr 2011 06:17 | # The problem whites are facing today as a race has many similarities with the problem faced by the drug addict. That drug’s name is comfort of living , which was delivered and administered to whites by the drug dealer - the jews with their genius for looting. The drug addict cannot get rid of his addiction without suffering and enduring great pains, and he cannot get rid of his pains without drugs. It’s a catch-22 situation. A very difficult situation indeed. The solution is very simple: get rid of the drug dealer. But the addict is no longer capable of listening and following the good advice of those who can see the situation clearly from a distance. What makes things worse - the patient seems has lost his marbles and his will to live. That’s a shame. It truly saddens me. 97
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 18 Apr 2011 06:30 | # Silver and Master Barnes are essentialy unprincipled individuals who will say anything to defend their position du jour. One day the enemy is Zionism the next day “Israel is the only living organic nationalist state on the planet.”
http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/006128.html It’s in Britain’s interest to grind the Hezzies into dust. Sounds like something Tony Blair might say. LOL. And the Silver saga, OMG, will it ever end? One day he’s a Brit Paki who will impregnate every blonde white girl he can…the next day a Serb banging Thai hookers. He traveled back to his Serbian homeland, but the culture is too alien..he won’t go back because he’s too valuable to the WN cause to leave Oz, and today his glorious Serb homeland is a distant memory. LOL
http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/are_jews_white_revised/#c48610 98
Posted by Hamish on Mon, 18 Apr 2011 06:53 | #
Fawning garbage by Barnes. The Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon weren’t a threat to England or any other European country. It’s the Muslim orgs in England and other European countries which are the threat.
The truest thing Silver ever wrote. 99
Posted by Hamish on Mon, 18 Apr 2011 07:02 | # The irony is that the “moderate” Barnes took a position more extreme than most of those called extremists.
I just don’t think Lebanese belong in the West, and would prefer if they were deported from Europe back to their homeland. No need to grind anyone to dust to do that, much less any need to grind them to dust in their home country… 100
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 05:53 | # Barnesy is more damaging to the cause of British nationalism (or nutionalism as the case may be) than the alleged MI5 puppet Nick Griffin. So long as a more attractive electoral option than the BNP eludes British voters inclined to vote the nationalist cause, Griffin will remain a fixture on Britain’s nationalist scene. Either Barnesy is too dumb to know that he does injury to the cause he supposedly supports, or it is he who is in the pay of Britain’s security services. 101
Posted by Michael Anastasios on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 20:59 | # Hi Johnathan, The reason? Many Jews have lost a lot of money in the past 10 years due to the downturn in the economy, Madoff, etc. Previous scholarship opportunities etc have also vanished. Many Jews were able to go to college and professional school for free through endowments. Not so anymore. The money cushion that they could rely on in past years is gone, and in the midwest blacks, non white Hispanics, and muslims are moving closer and closer to Jewish communities. Young half Jews aren’t stupid, and know that white survival is necessary because the Jewish generation of their parents pushed into being allowed into this country in the name of diversity A.) cant tell them apart from whites and B.) don’t like them because they are Jews. I get along well with my friend who is half Jewish. He is pretty funny and I honestly enjoy his company. Sometimes he can act like a Jew and I call him out on it. I see a stark difference between himself and full Jews in the 40-70 age range especially. Those Jews are twisted, burning up with hate, and a corrosive influence on Western Culture. They seem to like to set people against each other, even people that I work with. Being in the Medical field, I know a number of them. They have a strange hatred toward white Protestant culture, I know this for a fact, even though Im not a Protestant. Their instincts are predatory. As someone of Greek descent, we have an angle on them and for an odd reason they don’t bother us much. We know who “They” are. In summary, I know that you have conflicted feelings about your identity. I myself am part English, and Im proud of that. It’s not something to be suppressed or hated. I think it’s a benefit. I think that you are in a unique position to stand up for Western Causes because of your background. Good luck. I wish you well. 102
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 20 Apr 2011 07:29 | # (back to the grind ...) anon, Thanks for the info. I thought there might be more Europeans in Belize as holdovers from colonial times. 103
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 20 Apr 2011 08:23 | # Question for all non-racial nationalists: Do you support the physical removal of all non-whites (ie, those whose ancestors were not Christian Europeans in, say, 1492) from Europe? Let’s clear the air. The immediate nationalist minimum is the end of all non-white immigration into white lands (either historic ones, like those of Europe, or created ones, as in North America and Australia). The ultimate nationalist minimum is the physical removal of all non-whites (except very temporary tourists, athletes or commercial visitors) from European soil, and, at the very least, all non-white illegal aliens from the “New World” white nations. I stress these are minimums. Those who do not subscribe to these tenets cannot be called WNs, or even national patriots, and should desist from commentary on WN sites (otherwise, their inanities should be ignored, except to the extent that engaging with them hones our own arguments, which, after all, are still developing and not (yet) rejoinder-proof). Our cause is as serious as any in the contemporary world. The white race is the most advanced race. It would be a catastrophe for humanity if we went extinct, as current trends now suggest we will. The cosmos is meaningful and morally ordered, even if it often appears to frail reason to be otherwise. It is the duty of each man to add to the sum of moral order, or, at the very least, not to detract from it. Allowing for civilizational regression is a way of increasing moral disorder. The de-whitening of the West is a form of civilizational devolution, both in immediate temporal perspective, and even more so when considered in light of the future. We must halt this devolutionary process, the scope of our actions to be circumscribed only by Christian natural law. 104
Posted by Johnathan on Wed, 20 Apr 2011 20:39 | # Hello Michael Anastasios, As for Leon’s quote, I have no issue stopping non-white immigration and rounding up, then throwing out, all the illegal immigrants (both white and non-white actually, since they entered illegally in the first place or overstayed their visa). It’d ease many burdens on our country and drastically slow this process of Hispanicization that’s ongoing in the Southwest and turning it into a de facto Mexican province. Perhaps better yet, if I could have it, the government would provide incentives for first and second generation non-whites to leave, something along the lines of what the A3P Party wants. 105
Posted by anon on Wed, 20 Apr 2011 22:07 | # But to myself and the outside world, I’m not a Jew, just someone with Jewish background. I’m an American, born and raised, with roots here that go back to the revolutionary war. Jew, not a Jew; Jew, not a Jew. Look for his second book in NYT Book Review: They Were Kosher and They Were Proud: Jewish Patriots of The Revolutionary War. 106
Posted by anon on Wed, 20 Apr 2011 22:18 | # Sometimes he can act like a Jew and I call him out on it. This urban frankness between Jews, Greeks and Italians, while humorous, isn’t what we are after. We do not care about half-Jews and Jews who let you call them a “Jew” sometimes without controversy. We want the cessation of Jewish privileges and influence in the West, however accomplished. “Conflicted” half-Jews, which is to say Jews waiting to ripen, are of no value to us. They are not us. A thousand fucking times over, they are not us. Doesn’t matter how many books on “the American experience” Jews write over the next four centuries, or the troll’s alleged “roots in the Revolutionary War”, we are the remnant and we decline this desperate conflation of identities. Jewish daddy equals JEW. Jew equals JEWISH INTERESTS. End of story. 107
Posted by anon on Wed, 20 Apr 2011 22:34 | # If a half-Jew were innocent of his heritage, he wouldn’t bill himself as a half-Jew to begin with, and ask how he fits in our worldview. Jewish identity is too compelling to be innocent of Jewish faults. Anyone with provable Jewish heritage, however slight, is a risk. Even those who believe they are of Jewish descent - as is fashionable among Eastern Europeans, like “Cherokee blood” to Americans - are prone to compromise. Can’t have it, chaps! 109
Posted by Hamish on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 03:57 | #
It is true that the vast majority of Jews in America today, especially the Ashkenazis, had their ancestors enter that country after the Revolutionary War. But I assumed Johnathan’s roots in the American Revolutionary War were from the non-Jewish side of his family. You never thought of that possibility?
Holding it against someone that they were honest doesn’t make much sense.
Since when? 110
Posted by Hamish on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 03:59 | # If anything I thought Eastern Europeans were less pro-Jewish than other Europeans, which would make them less likely to fool themselves into thinking themselves part Jewish if they aren’t. 111
Posted by Hamish on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 04:08 | #
I thought you were from Bolivia, Anon. What are you, someone who suffers from intense self-loathing? Or is it that you don’t know which groups the word “dagoe” is a slur for? It isn’t just an anti-Italian slur, but also was used against other southern Europeans such as the Spaniards who founded your country and who presumably played some part in your ancestry. 112
Posted by GT on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 05:06 | #
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 07:49 | # I could remark on your own vitriol-laced threnodies for our race which you make when the spirits move you, GT. But I won’t, that would be in poor taste. Yet, I cannot regard the well-intentioned works - however misbegotten - of those who would not see the chain of life of our people eternally severed as anything but sublime in this age where the narcissist’s credo is predominant. There is no magic bullet of a “practic” which can now cure the ill that ails, for it is of the soul, so to speak. A moral philosophy of sufficient potency and indubitable verity is required. For you, and the denizen of your sidecar, Maquire, this is a question which already has its answer. That answer is National Socialism. With Covington you certainly have that in common. What power this could have to move all members of our race is something I must question, though. To scratch the surface is to find German chauvinism painted on the canvas of messianic dominion over the Earth unto the millennia. Now, all racial loyalists will aver they would prefer Krauts fulfill that role in lieu of kikes - given the choice. That is, unless they are English. 114
Posted by Silver on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 09:45 | # Desmond, I know it sucks to paint yourself into a corner, but dredging up four year old threads and lying about their contents won’t help you look less foolish. Lol. Since you brought it up, even though those words were nothing more than ill-considered emotional outbursts (and if your side is prone to anything it’s unbridled emotionalism) I’m now doubly and triply glad I said those things. You can quote me on that. anon, You’re right. Half-jews, no good. Send ‘em my way. The half-dagoes, too. 115
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 10:18 | # Silver would I’m sure never confess it, but his own racial outlook is every bit as crude as his characterization of Nordicists’. Throw all the peoples surrounding the Mediterranean into a melting pot, do eugenics, and presto, a Medish Master Race. 116
Posted by iD on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 13:24 | # I enjoy the main posts on this website, however the comments are by and large repulsive; little more than ego driven rants, sarcasm and the childish tit for tat of people who don’t know their place in the world and burden us all with their neuroses. It is a shame that such crudity is allowed on an otherwise high minded website. How about a little more dispassionate anaylisis? 117
Posted by GT on Fri, 22 Apr 2011 01:44 | #
Would Daddy consider facts to be in poor taste, dear Cap’n? I don’t think so. Feel free to fire away. 118
Posted by Silver on Fri, 22 Apr 2011 03:06 | # Silver would I’m sure never confess it, but his own racial outlook is every bit as crude as his characterization of Nordicists’. Throw all the peoples surrounding the Mediterranean into a melting pot, do eugenics, and presto, a Medish Master Race. That’s not true. Firstly, there’s a vast gulf between my attitude towards racial others and yours. I’ve never considered “crudity” per se that much of a problem. It’s your deep-seated hatred of others, combined with the burning desire to war on them and “avenge” yourself, that I’ve taken issue with. (People like you—eg Leon Haller—are some truly dangerous, poisonous S.O.B.s. You should be given every chance to reform but if you fail to, quite frankly, I think the world would be far better off with you dead.) Secondly, I’ve never mentioned anything about nor am I even slightly interested in a “medish master race.” This is pure “projection” if I’ve ever seen it. As far as eugenics goes, I believe every society (no matter its racial composition) would benefit from the practice so it’s only natural I’d like to see it instituted in my own. It has nothing to do with “master” anything. Lastly, what’s so “crude” about the idea that the peoples of the Med basin share a strong degree of racial commonality and that uniting around such an identity in the new world diaspora communities (though probably not in Europe, but who knows) would best suit the interests of our various sub-groups and their members going forward (particularly in an environment of heightened white racial agitation)? Shouldn’t you be pleased that there’s somewhere you can unload all those not-white-enough undesirables? (Recall the adage “One man’s treasure is another man’s trash.”) 119
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:46 | # Silver is a Med? No wonder he has a deep-seated hatred of Serbs, (a South Slavic people) combined with the burning desire to negrify them. LOL. Not crude but stupid. There is little if any racial/genetic commonality between Southern Slavs and Medish people, so why, except to align with Jews in order to dispossess Nords in the diaspora of the superior societies they established there, unite around a foreign sub-group. Just call him Alon Zilver. It’s pretty evident that no one is migrating to Serbia; not even Silveric. LOL. http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/alon_ziv_on_race_mixing/ 120
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 22 Apr 2011 11:55 | # Firstly, there’s a vast gulf between my attitude towards racial others and yours. I’ve never considered “crudity” per se that much of a problem. It’s your deep-seated hatred of others, combined with the burning desire to war on them and “avenge” yourself, that I’ve taken issue with. (People like you—eg Leon Haller—are some truly dangerous, poisonous S.O.B.s. You should be given every chance to reform but if you fail to, quite frankly, I think the world would be far better off with you dead.) (Silver) Whoa, pal. Where did this come from? I’m one of the more moderate persons in these climes (note comment above ending with “Christian natural law”). And, interestingly, I have rarely joined in the anti-Silver invective. Strange. Silver, I don’t think you know what you believe. It changes comment by comment. 121
Posted by Silver on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 01:13 | # Leon, Whoa, pal. Where did this come from? What’s the matter, Haller? Surprised that someone might take seriously your issuing indignant proclamations about how your superiority entitles you to upend the lives of millions upon millions (some things never change; see Human History, Cancer of) and/or poison what should be regarded as the ironclad human right to positive self-regard of billions more? A bullet in the head is a trifle weighed against the misery you threaten. I’m one of the more moderate persons in these climes (note comment above ending with “Christian natural law”). Yours is a strategic moderation, not a heartfelt or ideological one. You even say so yourself. But if it makes you feel better, there are much, much worse out there. The difference is they usually don’t know any better; you do, but you’re an unrepentant asshole anyway. I know very well what I believe and it hasn’t changed much at all over the years—except in ways that today favor you. The fact that they don’t happen to favor you out of the goodness of my heart shouldn’t be of any more concern to you than that your barber doesn’t cut your hair out of the goodness of his heart. Desmond, Silver is a Med? Are you seriously going to pretend this is a revelation? No wonder he has a deep-seated hatred of Serbs, (a South Slavic people) combined with the burning desire to negrify them. LOL. Not crude but stupid. What a shameless liar you are. It’s quite fortunate, then, that you’re not a very able one. There is little if any racial/genetic commonality between Southern Slavs and Medish people That depends entirely on how intensely racial an individual feels. For who feel as intensely as the Desmond Joneses there is plenty of material there with which to erect mountains out of molehills. For those who don’t, it’s an non-issue. It’s pretty evident that no one is migrating to Serbia; not even Silveric. LOL. What do you mean “not even Silveric”? I’ve never billed myself as some super patriot or nationalist. (Geezus, I disavow nationalism.) When I went back it wasn’t for nationalistic reasons; it was for “racial” reasons. Not “racial” in the way WNs use the word, just “racial” in the sense of “fitting in” and “belonging.” It wasn’t for economic reasons that I left again, either. Obviously the place is poorer but all the modern conveniences are available. I left because being a cultural “outsider” (which I can assure you is how they see it) was just no fun. And the behavioral differences between them and me began to grate on me, too. However difficult it might be for a genetic determinist like you to grasp it’s pretty obvious to me that the people there behave very differently to the way those of us culturally formed in your countries do. Obviously this dynamic would be substantially mitigated if all of us (or large numbers of us) went back together. But you know what? People of my background pay about as much attention to my views as your people do yours. And that’s the biggest reason I support (cautiously) WNs—because I believe they can provide just the kick in the pants necessary for us to do some serious thinking about the people we’re doing our living around. 122
Posted by Christian M on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 05:22 | # Silver, You are a dingleberry hanging off the business end of the website. Please flush yourself, nobody will miss you. 123
Posted by Silver on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 05:59 | # Christian, you’ve got to be kidding. It’s vastly more likely nobody would ever miss reading your hyperanxious “white genocide” screeds that do zero to advance understanding. I bet there are plenty of readers who tend to agree with my way of thinking and believe it constitutes a serious way forward but are afraid to say so for fear of being drowned out by the echo chamber. 124
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 10:07 | # Your (I hope ironic) avuncular insinuations are a decidedly bizarre motif which I hope will not become a staple of your commentary, GT. Your prognostications of doom, dooooooooooom (!!!) and stated desire to see “classists” dispatched with all the fury of an Einsatzgruppe are not particularly productive either. 125
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 10:24 | #
Silver, mein guten buddy, if I give you enough rope I can always count on you to hang yourself. So much hate. Get a grip. I don’t “hate” “wogs”, I don’t wish to wage “war” on “wogs”. I only use that epithet in relation to you because it is a label you take to yourself as a chip on your shoulder. You suffer from a particularly petulant case of inverted Medish racial narcissism which can only play as unintended parody of the racial narcissism you accuse Nordicists of. Get over yourself. 126
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 14:12 | # What’s the matter, Haller? Surprised that someone might take seriously your issuing indignant proclamations about how your superiority entitles you to upend the lives of millions upon millions (some things never change; see Human History, Cancer of) and/or poison what should be regarded as the ironclad human right to positive self-regard of billions more? A bullet in the head is a trifle weighed against the misery you threaten. (Silver) Could you express this more clearly? 127
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 14:39 | #
Even the brilliant British historian, but none the less neocon Jew-tool (he claims Palestine was basically empty and the Jews just waltzed in to an unoccupied land - what a fucker), Michael Burleigh concedes the National Socialist assessment of “Polish mismanagement” of the third rate Polish society, Leon. Which is the counterpoint to the National Socialist conception of Germans as “culture bearers” due to their racial superiority. The more subtle, sound and morally courageous point is to acknowledge objective German superiority yet affirm Germans have no right to rule other European peoples as essentially their slaves. And, of course, the superior should preserve themselves. (Which was basically the point I was attempting to make as against the relatively mindless talking points of my interlocutors at Age of Treason until the “spam filter” started acting up.) 128
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 14:59 | # The more subtle, sound and morally courageous point is to acknowledge objective German superiority yet affirm Germans have no right to rule other European peoples as essentially their slaves. (CC) This German(-American) agrees. My point, however, concerned the limits of cultural nationalism. I think it applies to whites in Britain (eg, Poles), but not nonwhites. 129
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 15:06 | # The problem with those that do not possess the neural endowments to “do philosophy” is that they are basically reduced to explaining the world in terms of platitudes, er, talking points. The ability to “do philosophy” (to do one’s own thinking) does not unfortunately come with an Ivy League degree. These talking points can range from the “lead” produced by Barnesy to the “gold” on offer at another blog. (I mean, if it is all the Jew’s fault, that is, Whites did the best they could and were still had, took and bamboozled by the omnipotently crafty Jews, then Whites are pretty much fucked. But we daren’t say that too loud at other blogs lest we run afoul of the talking points. Yet we can pardon our brethren to a degree in that they actually believe their talking points are the be all and end all.) 130
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 15:56 | #
I take Silver at his word when he tacitly admits he is on the level of physical appearance a “wog”. Doesn’t that really explain it all without the need for recourse to a doctoral thesis? His is the cosmic rage of wanting in yet knowing he can never fully be in - hence his desire to ally with Levantines (e.g., Christian Lebanese, etc.) who are on the level of physical appearance more similar to himself. It would seem the more reasonable approach to Silver is to acknowledge his humanity yet hold firm to preserving all the European peoples, whilst holding one’s self aloof to his incessant efforts to mind fuck his interlocutors. That is in distinction to giving the Silvster a slurpy complement for his “good writing” in the naive hope that he will stop with the mind fucking which is, as should be obvious, irremediable due to the aforementioned cosmic rage, one the one hand; and on the other hand, basically telling him to STFU by calling him a “dingleberry” (he thrives on that kind of abuse, you see). None of this is ringing any bells? The Silvster is like Popeye, he is what he is. Let the wog have his spinach. 131
Posted by Silver on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 01:58 | # Leon, Could you express this more clearly? Yes, in my view you deserve a bullet in the head—not for anything you’ve done, but for what you threaten. Clear enough? Or perhaps you were confused about the “why.” That’s simple enough, too. You consider yourself oh-so-superior that you figure this superiority entitles you to ruin millions of lives, either physically, or, billions more, psychologically (by virtue of your endless expounding upon how non-white lives are essentially not worth living). Now, I don’t think you quite believe that latter part, but your indignation is so white-hot (it fairly leaps off the screen and headbutts one) that the way you express your views inevitably tends to affirm such a point of view. Aren’t you essentially going up to people and telling them, “Ah, I can see what your problem is: you’re not white. [Bwahahahaha. Snigger. Snigger. Bwahahahah.]” Whether you intend it or not that is the impression that millions are going to get. You’ve created a psychological problem for them where none ever needed exist. I don’t think that should go unpunished. (I want you on your hands and knees, Haller, hands and knees.) PS - this may upset you, but I figure you’ve got the same in store for me, so what the hell, fair’s fair, right? Dasein, My Greek’s too poor. I went to Macedonia, though, which was much to my liking. Cap’n, How long have you been storing that up? Lol. What’s this about “cosmic rage”? Sweet Jesus, talk about overrating yourself. Until I stumbled across the “racial underground” I knew of precisely no one of backgrounds similar to my own who ever expressed any desire to be “in” (the way you mean it). Nowadays I’m aware that such people exist. Still, in real life they must be few and far between. But that’s neither here nor there. The point is your way of thinking is a non-starter for most people. You—a veritable fuckwit like you—calling them “lemmings”* isn’t going to change that. Nevertheless, the essential tenets of your position (once you strip away the extraneous nonsense) tend to accord with what most people consider “good in life” and, politically, constitute a viable way forward. In my opinion, clearing the path of fruitcakes like you is a large part of what determines whether progress can be made on that front. * As I’ve said before, it’s your racial revulsion which causes you to see people this way. “Are they blind? How can they not see what miserable turds all these other races are?!?” It’s totally a question of perception. It’s like some art aficionado who has a big thing for, say, Rembrandts. Can’t get enough of looking at them. Considers all other artists hopelessly inferior. In fact, he wants to burn all other artists’ work, lest they cause some misguided souls to waiver from the true path. Art, he declares, has reached its pinnacle under Rembrandt and no negotiation will be entered into. Naturally, then, this chap will be going out of his mind that so many people appear to fail to see things his way—not only do they not think Rembrandt is the greatest, they don’t even seem to like him at all. O the encroaching darkness, o the end times. Woe is me, woe is me. 132
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 12:26 | # Leon, Could you express this more clearly?(LH) Yes, in my view you deserve a bullet in the head—not for anything you’ve done, but for what you threaten. Clear enough? Or perhaps you were confused about the “why.” That’s simple enough, too. You consider yourself oh-so-superior that you figure this superiority entitles you to ruin millions of lives, either physically, or, billions more, psychologically (by virtue of your endless expounding upon how non-white lives are essentially not worth living). Now, I don’t think you quite believe that latter part, but your indignation is so white-hot (it fairly leaps off the screen and headbutts one) that the way you express your views inevitably tends to affirm such a point of view. Aren’t you essentially going up to people and telling them, “Ah, I can see what your problem is: you’re not white. [Bwahahahaha. Snigger. Snigger. Bwahahahah.]” Whether you intend it or not that is the impression that millions are going to get. You’ve created a psychological problem for them where none ever needed exist. I don’t think that should go unpunished. (I want you on your hands and knees, Haller, hands and knees.) PS - this may upset you, but I figure you’ve got the same in store for me, so what the hell, fair’s fair, right?
You are very confused, perhaps beyond redemption. And ludicrously overwrought. My points are simple. As trends go, whites will not survive more than a century or so. Whites are, yes, the superior race, first by virtue of historical achievement, but even more, by virtue of their, well, virtue. We are ethically superior to other races by any ‘metric’ you care to employ. Combining that with our close-to-the-top cognitive superiority, as well as the all round fun and joy that whites bring to the world, and it would be a tragedy beyond measure if whites were to go extinct (in a way that could not be said for any other race). Whites have a right to live, and to live in non-alienating communities of our own kind. Instead, the modern world aggresses against us, prevents us from living as we were meant to live (ie, in accordance with our natures). No other race is subjected to this (more accurately, has the overflow of malevolent and/or brainwashed traitors who subject their fellows to this dispossession). Unfortunately, matters in my own still not long life have degenerated so far that, speaking practically, whites will not be able to secure their futures any longer without some degree of violence (unless the nonwhite colonists depart voluntarily, as they should, though probably will not). Many peoples have fought since the beginning of recorded history; soon we shall have to. I think my positions are perfectly compatible with a Christian (especially Catholic) view of existence. I have not proven this yet, but in time I will. Your imputation of some kind of strange malignity to me is exceptionally misplaced. I am both highly ethical in my personal life, as well as deeply interested in ethics. I am not, however, a fool, and thus I recognize when my people are being played for racial suckers - tricked into giving up our ancient patrimonies by means of false moral claims, especially about racial realities, considered both biologically and historically. And yes, our dispossession disgusts and infuriates me, as with any healthy (tribes)man; and yes, I am dedicated to doing something about it. 133
Posted by Mr Voight on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 14:41 | # Silver, There is already a broad (albeit dwindling) ‘wog’ community and identity in Australia. As you are against nationalism and therefore against starting a ‘wog state’, I’m not sure what more you want from those you feel kinship with. ‘Wogs’ remain pretty ethnocentric compared to Anglos. Now is as good as it gets. 134
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 15:10 | # CC
Jews adapted to our cheater niche. It’s why they win but also why they always lose to themselves eventually. Currently it looks very likely they’ll take us down with them but it’s not guaranteed. The only thing White people need to do to beat the Jews is to understand our own nature and realise Jews either were, or have turned into, a kind of photographic negative of us. Ironically our winning might be the only thing that saves them. 135
Posted by Silver on Wed, 27 Apr 2011 16:20 | # Voight, There is already a broad (albeit dwindling) ‘wog’ community and identity in Australia. As you are against nationalism and therefore against starting a ‘wog state’, I’m not sure what more you want from those you feel kinship with. ‘Wogs’ remain pretty ethnocentric compared to Anglos. Now is as good as it gets. You’ve got me all wrong. I’d be all for starting a wog state. You’re quite right that “now is as good as it gets” in terms of enjoying a sense of community infeeling. (Actually, it’s been steadily worsening for years, but I agree it’s unlikely to be as good as it was any time soon.) Failing that, I’d be all for repatriation. WNs can’t seem to process these views. To them it’s all part of the same “anti-white” con. “No way”, they’ll tell you, “you’re anti-white to the bone and there’s nothing you want in life more than to dispossess us. Certainly there’s no way in hell you could ever bear to be parted from us.” In reality, all I’ve ever wanted is to be left the fuck alone by you (in common with most of planet earth). It’s not the end result of (a reasonable sort of) WN that bothers me. If all it meant is that different peoples get to do their living in territories their own (exclusively, or as near to it as is reasonable or workable), I wouldn’t see anything to complain about. Most WNs do not appear to be content with such a state of affairs, however. They’ve got scores to settle, see. For example, you’ve got “Wandrin” here making long-range plans for an assault that will deliver not just all of north America, but all of south America, too. (Come on, you’re White right? So why shouldn’t the whole world be yours? Think big, as Crapandchaos advises.) Obviously those attitudes directly butt heads with what most people have accepted about the meaning of human differences on this planet: that, sure, we’re different, but we’re able to get along, cooperate and often sincerely like each other to a degree that was thought impossible only some fifty short years ago. So, while in my heart of hearts I want the same sorts of things that WNs want, I’ll never agree with them out-groups are to be hated and treated with utmost contempt and, if the opportunity presents itself, profitably warred on. A widespread, genuine appreciation of and enduring desire for peace has been one of the outstanding achievements of the post-war period and I’ll be damned if I’ll see it go down in flames over a few racial trivialities. Haller, you can call me whatever you want as much as you want. The bottom line is I don’t trust as you as far I could throw you, and I’ll do my utmost to ensure nobody else does either. Fortunately for me, the number of people of backgrounds like mine who would be so foolish as to trust anything emanating from your poisonous mouth could probably be counted on the fingers of one hand. 136
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 27 Apr 2011 20:17 | # Silver,
Let’s look at the options shall we, and let’s assume you’ve read Deutoronomy and all the rest and you’re not deliberately pretending you don’t know who first dreamt up the idea that they deserved to rule over and possess all the nations that you’re projecting onto us. 1. The Jewish way of being is a combination of supreme arrogance and supreme paranoia and they are flooding white countries with stupider people in order to destroy an ethnic competitor on a fundamental level while still having them as worker drones. As soon as they’re confident white people are on an unstoppable path to brown they’ll be working on doing the same thing to East Asians and further turning the brown into black. If they succeed, eventually there’ll be an entire planet of retard human cattle ruled over by a Jewish elite. Trouble is, the secret of Jewish success is their cohesion and the secret of that cohesion is fear and paranoia so what happens when they’re surrounded by human morlocks that are no more a threat than cattle? They’ll lose their fear and cohesion and slowly brown out themselves. So back to the stone age with no way back up again for, as Soren mentioned on a youtube clip, even if intelligence re-evolved we ate the ladder climbing up. The Jewish particular religion and way of being may have solid benefits for a nation in their own terriotory but when transplanted into a minority diaspora it’s a curse for everyone. . Instead America will slowly crumble and fragment into an India / Brazil type of place. Military expenditure will have to be slashed first to prevent zombie wars in the cities which further isolates Israel and that’s assuming the East Asians and Indians and Mexicans, who are much ethno-centric than Anglos don’t gang up on you and push you out. Also because the world population requires America to maintain its level of food surplus Jews destroying the American economy will be responsible for BILLIONS starving. So there you’ll be, the western world destroyed but everything lost in the process, half the planet starving, surrounded by ravening muslims and being slowly starved out ending in one final frenzied bout of paranoid screeching about how unfair it is and everyone hates you, a nuclear masada, nuclear winter and Hitler’s prophecy coming true of a dead rock floating in space for eternity. . . . .
I’m too lazy to point out all the things wrong with that but suffice to say the racial trivialities you people have put in place if unchecked will be the cause of billions dead. . 137
Posted by CL on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 05:08 | #
Sound like recipe for global love-in that would eventually destroy all the races through mixing.
You seem to be saying that instead of having all the non-Whites alter the fundamental character of Whites to the point of genocide, you want Whites to alter the fundamental character of all non-White groups to the point of genocide. Two wrongs don’t make a right. The better way to avoid the problems which come from Whites and non-Whites not getting along is for them to separate, as opposed to: 1. The Jewish/Leftist solution of making the Whites more and more like non-Whites through amalgamation and culture mixing. 2. The Wandrin solution of making the non-Whites more and more like Whites through, I would assume, some scheme involving eugenics. 138
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 05:10 | # Wandrin, I hate making yet another enemy ... but I have difficulty following the logic of some of your recent posts. Who are you talking back to immediately above - ‘Silver’? Are you imputing Jewishness to him? Do we know he’s Jewish? Anyway, take a deep breath, marshall your thoughts, and then let fly. I agree with Jimmy Marr about the general need for greater cogency among commenters here (if that criticism had been directed my way, however, I think it objectively unfair; my comments are occasionally long, but mostly cogent, and invariably intelligible). 139
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 05:28 | # Haller, you can call me whatever you want as much as you want. The bottom line is I don’t trust as you as far I could throw you, and I’ll do my utmost to ensure nobody else does either. Fortunately for me, the number of people of backgrounds like mine who would be so foolish as to trust anything emanating from your poisonous mouth could probably be counted on the fingers of one hand. (Silver) Silver, Exactly what views do you impute to me? That is, what do you not trust me to do or not do? Exactly what is your background - nationality, ethnicity, etc? Exactly what are your own views, considered practically? Finally, answer my damn question: do you support, oppose or not care whether Europeans remove all nonwhite residents from Europe? That is the nationalist ‘ultimate minimum’ (the ‘immediate minimum’ being nonwhite immigration cessation). A lot of people around here spill a lot of words, while not precisely addressing each other’s assertions. All very confusing. Anyway, Silver, I don’t think you are or ever will be in any position to do anything at all to stop me and my plans. Slowly, too slowly, whites are waking up to their unjust, expensive and increasingly dangerous dispossession. My goals are simple: tell whites the truth about race, civilization, and their crumbling way of life; aid in the formation and expansion of American and later white nationalist organizations, while simultaneously integrating traditionalist conservatism, Catholic natural law theory, and scientific race realism at the theoretical level; and finally, make what contribution I can to the formation of the white homeland, either as a new ethnostate within the relatively soon to be defunct US (“soon” within 2-4 decades), or as an expatriate community seeking to conquer demographically and electorally a small (in population), foreign, sovereign polity. How are you going to stop me? And, why try? 140
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 14:04 | # CL, reductio ad oppositum
I did put his name at the top. Silver is part Jewish. White people and Jews think differently when it comes to morality. I don’t mean on a surface level. They are fundamentally different at a biological level. They can ape White people in this area but that’s all - Silver is White enough to almost get it but not quite. (It’s not just Jews. It’s everyone originally from the clannish latitudes. Also i don’t think this trait is readily divisible so someone who’s half-Jewish and half-White doesn’t neccessarily get 50% of this trait. I think more likely is they have a 50/50 chance of getting either the White morality or the Clannish morality.) 141
Posted by anon on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 14:48 | # Wandrin, Trouble is, the secret of Jewish success is their cohesion and the secret of that cohesion is fear and paranoia so what happens when they’re surrounded by human morlocks that are no more a threat than cattle? They’ll lose their fear and cohesion and slowly brown out themselves. So back to the stone age with no way back up again for, as Soren mentioned on a youtube clip, even if intelligence re-evolved we ate the ladder climbing up. That was a great comment but this is pure fantasy, just as it was in the “Zweites Buch” and however Hitler came by it, likely from D. Eckart. Consider the Parsis of Bombay. At the pinnacle of success they are going extinct for their refusal to breed out. Jews are many more millions than Parsis, and their, forgive the expression, portfolio is much more diverse than a billion gutter brownfolk, as is their breeding pattern. You are looking too far forward anyway, and what you see is a precisely logical relation - a poetical device - that cannot possibly come to pass in real human relations. 142
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 16:32 | # anon
Quite. It illustrates a point. The diaspora Jewish state of being is built on paranoia. It’s the secret of their success when competing in the same terriotory with other ethnic groups (through relative cohesion) but if they ever succeed in this enough to lose the fear and paranoia then they lose the advantage. So all they can ever do is wander the planet making other people lose. They can never ultimately win. The same basic problem repeats in other ways. For example, Jewish paranoia and subsequent group cohesion and nepotism led to Jews steadily climbing the pyramid of American business till they reached the top en masse around the 1980s. What do a group of paranoid Jewish business moguls do with all that capital they control but which could be snatched off them by angry kulaks with pitchforks at any moment? They transplant it. They don’t just transplant the interest. They spend the next 30 years physically off-shoring the bulk of the accumulated capital of America. That’s all globalism was. Jews and their white sociopath auxiliaries looting America. Cheap credit disguised what was happening but now it’s all coming home to roost and the American power that protects Israel will crumble as the economic foundation of that power crumbles. Stuff like that will always happen because the basic nature is a logical curse. . 143
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 10:58 | # Wandrin, What is your ethnicity/nationality, if you don’t mind my asking? 144
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 12:10 | # Leon,
white rabbit 145
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 29 Apr 2011 21:02 | # Wandrin, Bingo @ 3:32 I’m gonna clip that one. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Syncretism on Sun, 10 Apr 2011 04:39 | #
I really appreciate this post. In order to speak of white preservation publicly without being immediately run out of town, we must often associate our desires with those of non-white groups like the tribe you mentioned. It’s a bit unfortunate that argumentation must take place this way, but this method is nevertheless useful in bridging gaps in the dialogue where “political correctness” usually acts as a pitfall.
I’ve been working on ways to bring up these kinds of topics to people in conversation without triggering their PC censors. If properly done, people are often surprisingly receptive to the fairness and logic of people (whites even) seeking their own preservation. The trick is to start like a PC dove and finish like a Realist-Hawk.