A few moments ago we cleared 500,000 hits since launch day. That’s rather better, I feel, than an OK start for a new venture in a crowded market. On behalf of everyone who labours here thank you for troubling to read us. To our commentariat, many of whom I feel I have come to know as friends, a particularly warm thanks. Your views, knowledge, good humour and articulacy are not wasted here.
Next stop six zeros.
Posted by Kub on Wed, 29 Jun 2005 16:35 | #
Thank you GW for a wonderful and very informative blog. It is indicative of the times that people would find a place like this worthwhile to visit and read. It doesn’t really surprise me considering the multitude of people I have spoken with over the last 5 years have all been fed up with the current state of affairs. It would not surprise me to see 1 million before Christmas…err…the Holiday season…no wait…we can say Christmas here.
Thanks again.