Governor of the Republic of Texas Remembers the 10th Amendment Although this isn’t addressing the primary cause of the loss of legitimacy—immigration enforced on the states with integration enforced on citizens—this is a very positive development. The primary danger here is that some “higher power”, such as a North American Union if not the United Nations, will attempt to disintermediate the relationship between the States and the Federal Government—using this crisis as an opportunity to increase the de facto centralization while, in effect, nullifying the US Constitution. In any case, the time is coming for action. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 23:58 | # If he supports NAFTA, what’s his gripe with D.C., John? D.C. should be just his cup of tea in that case but clearly it’s not. (Are you from Texas btw?) But you know, even if he’s a rank opportunist, look at what he knew he had to say in order to curry favor with Texans! That right there tells you everything you need to know and confirms what we all at this site have been saying since day one: the common people agree with us and are sick of it! What’s going on is being forced from the top down on unconsulted, unwilling populations and for Britain and Europe it’s the same: it’s being forced from above on communities of people who never asked for it and don’t want it. Same, I dare say, in Canada and Oz-NZ. Nowhere are the Eurosphere peoples demanding this crap; it’s the élites pushing it, pushing it, pushing it. That statement of Gov. Perry’s at that podium, expressing for once the point of view of the people, was truly a breath of fresh air, opportunist or not. It made my day! Let a few more governors make statements like that, putting D.C. on notice that the states are not going to take it any more, and it might just touch off the revolution we’ve been looking for. A good sign was one of the reporters asking the governor whether D.C. or Austin ultimately commands the Texas National Guard and the governor avoiding giving a clear reply, as if to leave open the possibility of Texas disputing D.C.‘s claim to ultimate command. That was very good. Remember how President Eisenhower forced Governor Orville Faubus to back down at Little Rock in ‘56 I think it was: Faubus had called out the Arkansas National Guard when the enforcement of the laws of the State of Arkansas was threatened by Federal integrationist zealots, and there was the very real possibility of an armed clash between Arkansas troops under the governor’s orders and U.S. troops under the president’s orders. You had Faubus literally standing in the doorway of the high school flanked by his Guards commander, vowing not to budge, as the city was garrisoned by fully-armed Arkansas troops ready to defend their state against D.C. The whole country was holding its breath, when suddenly Eisenhower simply “nationalises” the Arkansas Guard, transferring command over it from the governor to the president, claiming was he was allowed to do that under the law. When everyone looked at it, looked at the law, and decided it was in fact legal, the Arkansas Guard commander had to submit to Eisenhower’s orders and the high school was integrated. One thing that must be done at some point in the process of overthrowing D.C. is to have our side’s legal and constitutional experts go back, look closely at those statutes, and invalidate D.C.‘s authority to “nationalize” state Guard Units in case of conflict between D.C. and a state. In case of conflict between D.C. and a state any right to nationalize that state’s Guard must considered automatically voided. Until that’s done, any state making a move to assert its constitutional rights can be slapped down without a fight by simply placing its Guard under D.C.‘s direct orders. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 00:23 | # The reporter’s questions about who commands the Texas National Guard starts at the 7:32 mark. The governor starts beating around the bush by saying the Guard is under what he calls “bifurcated” command, in some situations under the governors’ orders, in others the president’s. At the 8:12 mark the reporter, not getting a plain answer, asks directly, “Can your authority be overridden by the Federal Government?” Perry then lays it out on the table, saying it’s time to draw a line in the sand, time for the States and the American people to tell the feds they’re not going to take it any more — implying he by no means accepted D.C.‘s unquestioned “right” to exert command over the Texas Guard, and that got him the biggest applause of the press conference. That’s a crucial point in all talk of resisting D.C. The reporter knew it, Perry knew it, the audience in attendance knew it. The right of D.C. to unilaterally nationalize the Guard of any state without the consent of that state’s governor MUST BE NULLIFIED. D.C. will NEVER LISTEN OR GRANT CONCESSIONS until it’s afraid of armed resistance coming from the States. It’s a simple as that: we are slaves or we are free men, one or the other. There’s nothing in between. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 00:41 | # For the record, the reporter’s two questions, pretty hard to hear, were, “Governor: who’s in control of the Texas National Guard?” and, when he didn’t get a clear answer from the governor, “Can you yourself be overridden [i.e., overridden in asserting your command of the Guard] by the Federal Government?” That reporter, whoever he was, knew exactly what the crux of the issue was, namely “How much military force is backing you up, governor?” — and so, it turned out, did the governor, judging by his expanded reply. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 00:50 | # About opportunists: I’m not too concerned about men’s motivations, whether opportunistic or idealistic, as long as they get things done. Opportunists can get lots of things done: Julius Caesar was an opportunist, as was Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, and for that matter, Texas’s greatest governor, Sam Houston (who knew another opportunist when he saw one — being personally acquainted with Jefferson Davis, he warned someone about him thus, at the outbreak of Lincoln’s War, “He’s as cold as a lizard, and ambitious as Lucifer.” Opportunists who get things done are fine as long as they’re working for my side. 6
Posted by John on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 01:12 | #
I’m not from Texas (I live in Sweden) but I have some friends there, have visited a few times and know a little about Texas politics. Perry is a globalist. Perhaps James’ cocktail napkin analysis is right. It makes sense to me that their shill leaders would not try to buck popular sentiment but to channel it instead. I expect some manufactured crises (on top of the economic meltdown) and a false flag or two in the next couple of years. 7
Posted by Eman on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 02:20 | # This statement of definance by Gov. Perry is a good sign, but that doesn’t change the fact that Texas has already become a state where non-Whites have tipped the balance and are now over half of the population. As a result, much of the state may already be lost to Whites. 8
Posted by Darwin: Anti-Immigration Activist on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 05:14 | # AMERICANS…OPPOSE THE HISPANIC INVASION OR YOU AND YOUR PEOPLE WILL BE WIPED OUT: “If the country were open on its borders, new forms would certainly immigrate, and this would also seriously disturb the relations of some of the former inhabitants. Let it be remembered how powerful the influence of a single introduced tree or mammal has been shown to be. He who believes in the struggle for existence and in the principle of natural selection, will acknowledge that every organic being is constantly endeavouring to increase in numbers; and thus if any one being vary ever so little, either in habits or structure, and thus gain an advantage over some other inhabitant of the country, it will seize on the place of that inhabitant, however different it may be from its own place.” - Charles Darwin 9
Posted by a Finn on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 21:04 | # Fred: “Opportunists who get things done are fine as long as they’re working for my side.” - Sometimes bad men do good things. Support their good deeds and resist their bad deeds, and them. Washington D.C. is not legitimate according to U.S. constitution. Thus: 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 23:39 | # A Finn makes excellent points above. I just want to mention the log entry video’s YouTube stats. By double-clicking on the video photo above you’ll go to the video at the YouTube site: in the six days it’s been up this video has had over 165,000 views, and 1,370 ratings, for an average rating of 4½ stars out of 5. And it says, bizarrely, the comments feature for this video has been closed: no comments are allowed. I wonder why. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 00:54 | #
Funny thing about balances though, they can tip both ways. What were the white-red proportions on the ground when the Pilgrims landed in 1620? What were the Jew-Arab proportions of Palestine in 1890? What are they both now? Tip or be tipped. If we’re gonna be forever at the mercy of the Jews tipping our balance, which is exactly what they’ve done and will always do, we’ll be, well, forever at the mercy of the Jews tipping our balance. It’s simple. When we start doing some tipping of our own, start tipping back a little, we’ll see some daylight in this problem for the first time in a long time. It’s the tipping the other guy’s balance game. It’s time we learned how to play. 12
Posted by John on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 14:02 | #
If this is not just talk and she really does, Texas will secede alright—right into the North American Union. 13
Posted by John on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 14:08 | #
When Perry and his Bilderberger puppet string pullers are done with it, it will be about as organic as the playing field in the Huston Astrodome. 14
Posted by splurge on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 16:34 | # Another apple and orange comparison by the Scoob. 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 02 Oct 2009 22:01 | # Part of what happened in Little Rock as captured in newsreel footage: . The NAACP which was behind this integrationist push was a Jewish-created, Jewish-staffed, Jewish-funded battering-ram oranization. The Jews were not fighting this war out of any love of Negroes. They were fighting it out of tribal antagonism toward Eurochristians. My answer to the Jews who did that: If we can’t have our country, the Jews certainly can’t have Israel. Post a comment:
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Posted by John on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 21:25 | #
Perry is a Bilderberger who supports the NAFTA Superhighway. That’s all I need to know about him. He’s an opportunistic POS trying to capitalize on current populist sentiment and co-opt it, perhaps to create a Frankenstein monster of the corpse of the Republican Party in 2012. For an MSM example, see Glenn Beck.