Police protection of child rapists

Posted by Guest Blogger on Wednesday, 15 April 2009 00:19.

By David Hamilton

Edmund Burke believed that politics should take account of human nature.  The dominant ideologies today completely go against that and try to stifle natural expressions of common sense.  In his greatest speech made in response to calls for him to be prosecuted under the 1976 Race Relations Act, The Uniform of Colour, Enoch gave an insight into how human nature operates:

“In understanding this matter, the beginning of wisdom is to grasp the law that in human societies power is never left unclaimed and unused.  It does not blow about, like wastepaper on the streets, owner-less and inert.  Men’s nature is not only, as Thucydides long ago asserted, to exert power where they have it; men cannot help themselves from exerting power where they have it, whether they want to or not.

The coloured population of over two million in England, a population which grows at the rate of nearly 100,000 a year while the remainder diminishes, a population which is predominantly concentrated in the central areas of the metropolis and other key urban and industrial centers of England, does possess—simply by reason of segregation and differentiation—a power which would not accrue to a mere random sample of two million persons similarly located but not perceived or perceiving themselves as distinct from the rest”.

The Sun of 10 November 2006 quoted Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller predicting waves of terrorist bombings, possibly with chemical and biological devices.

“At this moment, at least 30 attacks are being actively planned and 1,600 suicidal young terrorists are under surveillance. Round-the-clock vigilance by security services has thwarted five major conspiracies and saved countless lives.  There are plenty more outrages being planned.”

There is another aspect of the war being waged against us in our own country by people the elites who are bringing here. In an exposé of public interest the Daily Mail of 6 April 2009 reported:

Migrant workers and illegal immigrants (asylum seekers) were responsible for up to a third of all sex attacks in some areas.  Greater London was worst affected, with foreigners charged in connection with a third of rapes.  To get the figures the Express had to make a Freedom of Information request.

Most sex attacks were committed by foreigners in areas with large immigrant communities, like Cambridgeshire, Merseyside, Hertfordshire, Avon and Somerset. Police say it is difficult to bring foreign rapists to justice due to the large number of migrant workers and illegal immigrants of whom there is no record of them entering the country.

On March 27, 2009 six Muslim men were arrested for the sexual exploitation and rape of young English girls:

A police spokesman said that it was important to maintain a low profile in order to keep the impact and disturbance caused to surrounding communities to a minimum.

He added: “Uniformed officers from the Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be issuing leaflets to residents following the raid to reassure them and explain some details of the operation.”

Why don’t the police just beg Muslims to stop raping young white children and leave it at that? No policeman will have to stir himself to do any real policing. Nobody will be labeled a racist. Nobody will inadvertently ignite a race-war on our streets.

Our children they raped were as young as 11 years old. The Rotherham Advertiser reported it but, to fool the locals, thoughtfully left out the ethnic identities of the attackers. Well, they don’t want anybody to think too hard about it, do they?  The Advertiser also minimised the seriousness of the attacks by describing them as “exploitation and rape” when it was child-molesting and child rape.  Historically, invaders have plundered booty and raped the women of the conquered.  But this is being done to children - mere children - and with the complicity of the political police and government.

A muslim leader has accused the police of failing to tackle Asian gangs suspected of prostituting young white girls.

Officers are accused of being “over cautious” when investigating Muslim criminals because they fear being branded racist.

Last night Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Ramadhan Foundation, said the police were differentiating between criminals on the basis of race.

He claimed, driven by fear of race riots in places like Blackburn and Oldham, officers were “overtly sensitive” and not clamping down on the sordid practice.

The rapes in Rwanda are notorious.  In 1998, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda held that:

sexual assault formed an integral part of the process of destroying the Tutsi ethnic group and that the rape was systematic and had been perpetrated against Tutsi women only, manifesting the specific intent required for those acts to constitute genocide.

Presiding judge Navanethem Pillay said in a statement after the verdict:

“From time immemorial, rape has been regarded as spoils of war. Now it will be considered a war crime. We want to send out a strong message that rape is no longer a trophy of war.”

But the rapes on our children are “spoils of war.”  Although on a smaller scale than the above examples, the rapes of British children are perpetrated on one people (our children) by a different group of people (older Muslim men). The orthodox assumption is that Muslim rapists act like British rapists -  as individuals (or a couple), but this is a whole community based on extended families raping the children of a different community.

This where the idea of treating each case as an idividual case breaks down.  It is guerilla warfare: fighting by unconventional means within areas occupied by the enemy (us).

The brave grandfather of a 12 year old who was child-raped, and passed around to others to rape, reported it to Rotherham Police but they told him there was nothing they could do about it. So he went to Marlene Guest, a Rotherham BNP councillor, and explained that the police had refused to uphold the law against the rapists. Councillor Guest drove straight to the Rotherham Main Street police station and warned them that if they continued to shield child-rapists the BNP would publicise it as they had in Huddersfield.  That is the only reason Rotherham police acted.

In Huddersfield,  Muslim men were telephoning young girls and threatening to burn down their homes if they did not meet them. The Mother of one of the raped children, said that she knew of many case’s of child rape by Muslims in Huddersfield.  She took reporters to meet some of the Mothers.  All had the same experiences - multiple offences, and the police allowing Muslims to get away with it. These child rapes by Muslim communities are only exposed after heroic relations challenge the police’s fear of starting a race-war.

We have evidence of the community nature of the child-rapes in these reports but the Establishment pretends it is something else. It is being waged against us by extended families. British National Party Councillor Sharon Wilkinson listened to the story of a lady living in the war zone in a Northern Mill Town.  Hundreds of white girls, many as young as 12, are being lured into group sex and prostitution by gangs of British-born Pakistani men from West and South Yorkshire. The girls are introduced to their ‘pimps’ by classmates, often brothers and cousins of the older Muslim rapists. It is their community against ours.

The Daily Mail of 27 March 2008, prompted by that evening’s Panorama exposé, reported some case-studies which show that it is the Muslim community as a whole attacking our people.

Their faces remain shadowy, but Jane clearly remembers the sheer, terrifying numbers of men who would be brought to her bed at night.

“It happened every night. There were loads of men involved.” Her voice cracks. “You couldn’t keep count.” It was like a conveyor belt, she recalls. A conveyor belt of men all expecting sex. She was only 14.

Sinister: Young girls are being forced into prostitution by Asian and Afro-Caribbean gangs

The very idea seems medieval, a horrific nightmare. But this was 21st-century Yorkshire, and Jane’s experiences as a child prostitute were all too real.

In fact, it’s believed as many as 5,000 under-age British girls have been groomed for prostitution by ruthless criminal gangs. It is a sinister and deeply uncomfortable scenario, not least because these crimes frequently have a racial element: in many of the identifiable cases, the pimps come from the Asian or Afro-Caribbean communities.

As such, the parents of some young victims claim the authorities are reluctant to tackle the issue for fear of upsetting race relations in areas with large ethnic minorities. Whatever the politics, the reality of the plight of these young girls is chilling.

As Aravinda Kosaraju, a researcher at the campaigning organisation Crop (Coalition for the Removal of Pimping), puts it: “The abuse these girls suffer is horrendous. What we’re dealing with is gross criminality, and that should be confronted irrespective of the race of the perpetrators. “We are battling to get recognition that what we are dealing with is organised crime against children.”

It is hard to disagree when confronted by the brutal details of Jane’s story. A slightly built blonde from Yorkshire, who does not look her now 18 years, her memories follow what emerges as a depressingly familiar pattern: wooed by manipulative gangs of older men, victims are made dependent by expensive gifts and constant compliments. A sexual relationship ensues before the abusers begin to exert control through threats, brutality and drugs before selling the girls to other men for sex.

In Jane’s case, her treatment was textbook, sparked off by an innocent conversation with a group of Asian men in their late teens and 20s during a trip to town with schoolfriends.
She was just 13 at the time. “The grooming starts where you meet them and they’re nice to you and take you to McDonald’s and buy you cigarettes,” she tells Panorama. “I was flattered that older boys were interested in me, which at 13 is nice.

“And then you start to meet the cousins and the brothers, and then you realise that you’ve been passed on because suddenly you’re hanging around with older people.” It was not long either, before the “hanging around” took on a more sinister tone. “They start to touch you and say sexual things to you,” she tells Panorama. “And then the abuse starts. I was pinned down by two men while a third man raped me. And there were other men watching.”

Too scared to confide in her parents, Jane felt held to ransom by the terrifying threats from the gang if she even considered asking for help. “They’d say things like they’d bomb my house and gang-rape my mum,“she says.

Within weeks, Jane was being made to have unprotected sex with a succession of men day after day ...

The Panorama programme involved eight months of investigation and found that about 5,000 young English girls are being prostituted by Muslims and black gangs. We are victims of racial guerilla war and the police are protecting the pimps and rapists.

Muslims call us “infidels” which dehumanises us and makes us less than human in their eyes.  So they think they can do what they like. After all, we are beneath the compassion even of our own rulers, who simply import more Muslims.

From that previous Daily Mail report:

Sara Swann, a former government adviser on child protection: “Many girls are terrified and with reason. We had a case in the West Midlands where a girl had her tongue nailed to the table when she threatened to tell.” Another had her head pulled back, and a kettle of boiling water held over her open mouth.

These are our young girls Muslims are attacking.  British men have a duty to protect them.  But what do the police do?

In 2004, at the request of Colin Cramphorn, the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, Channel 4 pulled a programme about Muslim pimps operating in Bradford. Cramphorn felt the timing of the programme could contribute to community unrest. In other words, we are on the verge of a race-war with Muslims and the police are trying to cover it up. At the same the Government are picking serving soldiers who are prepared to shoot their own people.

The documentary, examined the work of Bradford Social Services, and claims that “charismatic, wealthier” Asian men are targeting white girls as young as 11 for sex and drug abuse. The use of “Asian” is a slur on Hindus because it is Muslims who are doing this to our young girls. The programme was made after attempts by two mothers to trace the men who took control of their daughters through drugs and intimidation.

West Yorkshire police asked Channel 4 to withdraw the programme after seeing a preview. Cramphorn feared race riots which erupted in Bradford three years earlier. In a letter to Mark Thompson, Channel 4’s chief executive, he said the documentary could lead to “community disorder”.

Mr.Cramphorn knew what Muslims are up to. They use the threat of street war to manipulate the authorities.  He is, by the way, the late Colin Cramphorn. His obituary in the Guardian of 4 December 2006 told us:

Cramphorn’s wider role came in the aftermath of the London bombings of July 7 2005, when it was revealed that the suicide team came from Leeds and Dewsbury, part of his patch. He rose to the challenge both operationally and, perhaps more significantly, in the way he led the reassurance of frightened and potentially angry communities, both ethnic minority and white, which avoided any serious backlash. In this, he built on the work of many other agencies, particularly in Leeds and Bradford, where many channels of communication between different groups swung into action at once.

But the chief constable reached out to others beyond this partly because he had given earlier, clear and outspoken warnings about what he called “Jihadists”, and had met initial mockery when he revealed that extremist cells had organised training camps in national parks, such as the Yorkshire Dales. But he knew what he was talking about.

It’s like the American frontier when the Native Americans were being pushed off their land: everything is a negotiation between two hostile communities through pow-wows and peace offerings.

The Times of 11 August 2007 reported on “growing concern” at the attitudes of some Muslim men towards white girls which campaigners claim few will address.

A hidden world in which Asian men “groom” young white girls for sex has been exposed with the jailing yesterday of two men for child-abuse offences.

Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32, from east Lancashire, were each jailed for five years and eight months after exploiting two girls aged under 16 by plying them with alcohol and drugs before having sex with them.

Both men pleaded guilty at Preston Crown Court to abduction, sexual activity with a child and the supply of a controlled drug.

… The trial came amid growing concern at the attitudes of some Asian men towards white girls which campaigners for women claim few people wish to address.

Parents have complained that in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labeled racist.

Heaven forbid, then, that the BNP should capture senior roles on police authorities and force the police to protect our daughters. Let us have none of that extremism threatening Labour’s Muslim vote.




Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 03:59 | #

It’s like the American frontier when the Native Americans were being pushed off their land: everything is a negotiation between two hostile communities through pow-wows and peace offerings.

Not true. The great Lakota chieftains, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, fought until their very last breath, to evict the white invader from their ancestral homelands.


In England, Islam owns the street.


Posted by John on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 17:25 | #

Not true. The great Lakota chieftains, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, fought until their very last breath, to evict the white invader from their ancestral homelands.

Neither the Lakotas, nor any other tribe had “hate crime” laws. Just tribes had leadership that actually cared about the tribe. The ones who negotiated were practicing Realpolitik.


Posted by Scurvy Phaerter on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 15:48 | #

Of course, Britain’s wonderful Daily Mail newspaper ( which frighteninglt enough is said to represent the English zeitgeist the way the Tory party or, formerly the Church of England or BBC did) would rather harry, persecute and demonize Polish immigrant workers, in a sadistic bullying pleasure seeking manner (which unfortunately THE defining English characteristic sine non qua), than ever dare raise a cowardly moralising against the precious pakis stuffing thin, modest wog-meat into as many tight, tender, pink young Anglo-Saxon pussies as possible ( I am reliablly informed that the Pakis favour ‘the chocolate gates’ and this service is usually demand -with the gift of illicit drugs from the the little chavy fuck-whores).
  The Daily Mail - What can we do without it?
From humiliating the Royal Family at every possible instantance, whilst hypocritically hating every manifestation of ‘sex’ but being obsessed by sex to the point of neurosis -it unfortunately lives up to its stereotype as the the most beshitted piece of arse-wipe on the planet.
The paralelles between the anally-represed, constipated, silently and shamelessly ‘egg-guffing’, lace-curtain twitchers of Surbiton are,alas, too obvious for me to point out.

Scurvy Phaerter - An expatriate Irishman, who knows England only too well.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 18:05 | #

“An expatriate Irishman, who knows England only too well.”

You don’t think Dublin is undergoing the exact same transformation as London?  (Aided and abetted by Sinn Fein, by the way.)


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 01:47 | #

Scurvy Phaerter - An expatriate Irishman, who knows England only too well.

If you can take pleasure in child abuse because the victims are English then your views are too poisoned to be worth anything.

Ireland is in the process of being over-run by the 3rd world as much as England is. If Irish or faux-Irish people who hate England can’t put it to one side temporarily then they are traitors to their own country.


Posted by James on Sun, 16 Aug 2009 23:21 | #

The police should take action against all the pimps and the courts should give them life sentences. These people are bad for all communities and should be dealt with. I am a Muslim and I also feel that these people should be dealt with harshly. The social services are also a big problem. Most of the girls the social services take in get pregnant with in the first year and both the boys and girls end up in prison from an early age. In many cases they do more harm than good and should also be reformed. A culture has developed where there is institutionalised acceptance of these bad things and in many cases an encouragement of such immorality. One only has to see the culture in university student accommodation, where young kids who have just left home, are given an environment where they could indulge in alcoholism and vice, so the night clubs could make money. Most of what is written here about Islam is incorrect. Read the Quran and find out for your self. Islam is totally against pimps. Every prophet including Mohammed, Jesus, Moses and Abraham was against pimps.


Posted by lee on Mon, 05 Oct 2009 23:05 | #

Lets face facts.  British girls especially from the north of England are being abused and exploited by pakistani muslim males.  So who cares weather the girls are white and the men are pakistani?  who actually cares about that fact that they are just girls, teenage girls being abused, scared and emotionally torn apart.

These girls are and will be tormented for the rest of their lives.  They see,feel and hear things that are beyond the average persons imagination even beyond the girls imagination.  A human body and brain was not cut out to be treated in such a way.  To be manipulated, beaten, raped, humiliated on a daily basis in unimaginable.  But that is the life of these girls.  The life society is letting them stay in and offering no help out.  This situation should have been avoided in the first place and believe me when I say it is not a new thing….. asian/muslim/pakistani pimps have been around for years alot longer than what has been publicised using pretty much the same method of recruiting girls.

It is damaging to society as a whole.  The pimps should serve life in prison and the girls given a second chance at regaining those lost years, the lost schooling, education, socialising, fun, love and laughter instead of the best way to make a man come quick or how to get to the GUM clinic or how to go about getting an abortion.  It is seriously disturbing.  These girls need out help, they are scared and lonely, traumatised and most probably numb to the bone and suffering from something similar to Stocholme Syndrome along with PTSD, psychosis, dissociation and much more that the NHS will foot the bill for.

Think of the girls, save the girls, give them a voice because theirs has been taken and brainwashed into oblivion.


Posted by torgrim on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:08 | #

“Who cares weather the girls are white and the men are pakistani?” -(Lee)

Well it seems that the pimps do. As with rape, a pimp is all about power. It seems that the negro or others find it a sense of power over whites to enslave and abuse white women.
Example; here in the US, there was something called the Minnesota connection where white girls from the norrthern part of this country were directed to prositution in NY and other metro areas. The pimps were almost exclusively negros. Here is an article about white slavery in the US, notice the lack of mention about the race of the pimp….

Fred is right, you have missed the point in this whole matter.


Posted by lee on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:20 | #

Unfortunately Fred Scooby you are the dim person here.  You are a bully and you are sexist and the BNP should be worried that they have someone like you supporting them.  So Fred, am I really a clueless woman voter? Am I really a bimbo?  Really you cannot answer those questions only I can…sO I suggest keep the name calling to yourself as you obviously cant read between the lines you poor soul.

Do not attack me like that because of your egotistical, sexist and narrow minded biases.  You show considerable lack of concern for these girls showing more support for your political party.

Yes I am a woman, I am a woman who dissociates, has PTSD and once upon a time had stockholme syndrome.  It is not ME letting those girls down.  It was YOU who let me down along with the rest of the country.  I have never been the cause of the problem, I was subjected to the problem ad YOU did nothing.

I do not speak on behalf of these girls I speak as one of them unlike yourself.  The problem is here and has been for many years and it needs to be erradicated weather they are black, white or blinkin yella.
And if the BNP is made up of people like you… well I shall say no more.

I am not dismissing that there is a prominent race difference but how is that helping the girls now?  It isnt put plain and simply… it has already happened so no need to be sour grapes over it, we now need to stop it and your ranting is not gonna help.


Posted by lee on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:44 | #

torgrim thank you for being a bit more gentle and informative than Fred Scooby.

however, I feel that everyone else is missing the point… do you really think these girls give a damn that these pimps are asian?  all they want is freedom.  And people sit here talking about pakistani men.  These men are definately not muslim men as they do not have a moral bone in their body, they are evil, sick and twisted beyond belief.  Its the girls that need to be talked about.

Why dont people target the police? why do the police give a damn if they are asian?  they are men attacking women and its against the law… its sick and it herrendous that the police even give a damn about causing upset amongst communities.  These so called communities have no right to become upset because these men are arrested for what they have done and I agree that I do not want to live amongst such communities.  So arrest the men regardless of race and put an end to the horror these girls suffer.


Posted by SM on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:47 | #

Number one, these are not ‘children’ and they are not being ‘raped’.

They are teen runaways in a bad scene. Bad scene people make bad decisions as part of their “coolness”. They think they’re hip and you aint got no balls (like the scene from the Goodfellas “they aint got no balls”). Ie they are not ‘kidnapped’—they are fucked up.

Finding an anecdote where some _individual chick_ had a bully boyfriend/pimp and wanted to change lifestyles (when she got older) but he smacked her, doesn’t address relevant features of the situation… 1) She is one anecdote; 2) she—like all females—only likes boys who are badasses and know how to keep her (so long as he as rank first).

If you ask hookers if they like their lives they will say no. But you know what? ...So would you.  So would most; discontent is human. (So you can’t use their 95 IQ testimony about the deal.)

Framing it as a “man act” issue of rescuing boopsy and then putting her in a good family misses a whole lotta points. She is already damaged goods and will corrupt other chicks—from the ‘good’ neighborhoods—into bad scene coolness.

Blacks were pimping in their ‘hoods’ before they got a hold of white teens. (I’d imagine the power flip though is not lost on them but it was not the motivation since they were already pimps before they got white bitches. They often treat their white hos more gently because they observed they are gentler creatures.)

Britain (as Rome and France before it) already had a “bad scene” underclass going back before the blacks/browns were introduced.

These bad scenes are part of civilization itself; therefore part of the general liberalism trend(which is civilization). Bad scenes are NOT created by some phantom called patriarcy; they are the side effect of marginalizing “patriarchy”. These bad scenes uniqiely and exclusively hide in the shadowed crevices of cities (like super-bully pathology and most other plaques we blame on “men”).

Female humans—and the people who come up with the anti patriarchy BS for everything—are horrible philosophers.

This kind of stuff is all “boiler plate” politics (eg holocaust or DV in general) used against men and “patriarchy” (as Fred Sc tried to grapple with). It is not as simple as saying ‘men like cute young things and don’t like females cheating and disrespecting and therefore… “child rape kidnapp victims” unless we marginalize male power’.

Female humans—and the people who come up with this man act spin—are horrible philosophers.

The males of a dying way have nothing to offer females other than obsolete protectionism as sexual display (like a bird dance); and if they are specifically racists they lense it through race.

Blaming moslem religious nuts for street walking tramp ism is a little absurd no? ...But not to a marginalized racist (dog on a leash) looking to demonstrate he is still useful anyway he can and to use any politic he can and get support from any quarter he can.

Marginalizing men/“patriarchy” IS why other races are taking over our territories, yes. ...The females will get their justice… in the end… (I think the jews might skulk away though, even though they deserve some of this justice the most—good and hard.)


Posted by SM on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:58 | #

>Why dont people target the police [as the way to make the ‘problem’ go away]?

Er um… cause people like you (“females make horrible philosophers”] advocated—and still do—shackles on the police to the point where they are really just first response fire squads.

As Fred Scrooby—‘that vicious, racist BNP supporter’—just tried to explain to you in a round about way, you dunce. (He did put too much race into as the CAUSE of the situation. But he was fairly clear about how liberals dames advocated/voted for a bad scene and now they are getting their up and comence.)


Posted by Mark IJsseldijk on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:59 | #

“…You are a bully and you are sexist and the BNP should be worried that they have someone like you supporting them…Do not attack me like that because of your egotistical, sexist and narrow minded biases…” 


“You show considerable lack of concern for these girls showing more support for your political party.”

Yes, as Fred and Torgrim said, you completely missed the point.

“Yes I am a woman, I am a woman who dissociates, has PTSD and once upon a time had stockholme syndrome.  It is not ME letting those girls down.  It was YOU who let me down along with the rest of the country.  I have never been the cause of the problem, I was subjected to the problem ad YOU did nothing.”

Speaking out against immigration or pointing out the mostly colored nature of the problem would result in jailing, and you know that well.  Maybe get angry at your evil, incompetent gov’t instead.

“I do not speak on behalf of these girls I speak as one of them unlike yourself.  The problem is here and has been for many years and it needs to be erradicated weather they are black, white or blinkin yella.”

How many times do we have to point out to you people that blacks and browns do this stuff at much higher rates than whites before it sinks through your thick skulls?  Jesus.

“And if the BNP is made up of people like you… well I shall say no more.”

Typical righteous outrage, the type I always hear from leftists.

“I am not dismissing that there is a prominent race difference but how is that helping the girls now?  It isnt put plain and simply… it has already happened so no need to be sour grapes over it, we now need to stop it and your ranting is not gonna help.”

If you get rid of the damned immigration and the anti-whites in power, all of these problems will go away.  I can’t spell it out any simpler.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:01 | #

Do you support the BNP, miss?  If not, which party do you support?

“I have never been the cause of the problem, I was subjected to the problem as YOU did nothing.”  (—Lee)

Very well, are you prepared to help British patriots solve the problem now, by throwing your support behind the BNP?

“it [excessive immigration of racial/ethnocultural incompatibles] has already happened so no need to be sour grapes over it, we now need to stop it”

How do you propose to “stop it”?  How do you propose to undo it?  Or is your attitude, “It’s already happened, no need to be sour grapes over it, just accept it and move on”?  Which is it?  And please do say which political party you favor.

Once again:  after posting the original comment you posted, if you do not support the BNP you have no moral standing whatsoever to protest against what is happening to these Northern girls.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:09 | #

Shit Monger,

You are right in your implicit assertion that White women suffer as a result of White men having abdicated their responsibilities, you are most emphatically wrong if you believe the remedy is to enthrone barbarism as the dominant ethos.  As with the White women you excoriate, you too have been failed by White men, in that you most certainly never learned what it is to be one in any ideal sense; that is assuming your degeneracy is not bred to the bone in you.


Posted by SM on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:14 | #

>How do you [miss lee] propose to “stop it” [‘it’ = female street walker bad scene]?  How do you propose to undo it?

Advocate more unconstitutional tariffs on men.

“female make horrible philosophers”

It is parliamentary democracy—that great uniquely white creating—itself that is to blame here, for creating the snowballs of enfranchisement.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:15 | #

“Blaming moslem religious nuts for street walking tramp ism is a little absurd no?”  (—SM)

No it’s not absurd.  First, they’re not “streetwalking tramps.”  They’re good 13-year-old girls from good families who are being groomed by Moslem men in their 30s and 40s to become prostitutes.  Second, these Moslem men are not “religious nuts”:  as I think Lee pointed out, Islam doesn’t condone their kind of behavior.  They’re not religious.  If they were, they wouldn’t do it any more than a religious Christian would.  They’re Moslem crooks, thugs, and lowlives preying on white girls and on the white race.  And this wouldn’t be happening to these young Northern girls if these Moslem lowlives had never been let into Britain.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:17 | #

SM gets the entire issue under discussion here completely wrong.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:25 | #

I’d bet a million dollars Lee either won’t say which party she supports, or will denounce the BNP and express support for another party, probably Labour.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:33 | #


There is a larger context in which you must consider all the suffer you now observe, and that which you have suffered: Our people, our race, is now dying.  And why is that?  It is because we have all been told since we could understand the words that our people are to blame for all the evils in the world.  It is a lie.  We have been told there are no real differences between a Negro from the Caribbean and a fair haired Englishman, so it does not matter if our people live, because nothing lost.  It is not so.  We are relentlessly given to believe that love our own is the greatest evil of all, that it is “racist”.  That is precisely the opposite of the truth - the love and loyalty you will find only with your own people is what is best in life.  It is exactly because of the way in which our peoplehood has been made to appear evil that the bonds of trust between us, which would have protected you, and all the other White girls who have been victimized by non-Whites, that these evils you disdain have come to pass.  Therefore, it is not in fighting against those of us who wish to save our people that evil will be vanquished, but if we stand together as a people we can make for a better world.


Posted by SM on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:41 | #

>White women suffer as a result of White men having abdicated their responsibilities

It is not simple “abdicating”.

It is a slippery slope of snowballs that went over everybody’s heads for too long.

Underling males—kept alive by human success—ousted overling males to get some sex. This started a social pattern. Human intelligence was able to see a tactic and repeat it.

This is called the “alpha beta gamma dynamic”. Beta males rouse up gamma rabble (getting ever larger because of human success at food and environment control) and use them to oust the alpha (strutting presumptuous peacocks that we are). _Then the beta become the alpha and are in turn ousted by the same tactic snowballing over the generations._

It is that that made white humans as smart as they are. One doesn’t need to be this smart to simply be an apex predator in temperate and cold clim.

Well that political dynamic /sexual tactic kept snowballing until we lost control-over/respect-from the females ...And then everything unraveled in a hurry.

But not necessarily economic unraveling.

Economically man has morphed into a hive (because of that endless coup d eta dynamic above). Hives are very efficient [meme = assembly mechanisms that will be selected for or against like any other variant in the universe. Humans spread memes by words and ideas while eg ants spread them by pheromones.]

We as tribal males are on the way out in favor of the city (hive). Things happen in the hive crevices that we as simper tribalists find distasteful according to our selected morality/way. These things ‘o the crevices deemed bad by assorted communities are actually efficient parts of the hive’s inner assembly line workings.

That’s why [these things deemed bad… welfare etc] are never really stopped (just used as demagoguery by various competitors inside the hive—it’s all part of the hive’s dynamism): if solution’s were actually thunk up and imposed it would unravel everything…

“Every cop needs criminals and all the sinners saints”...

I know this is over most people’s heads’ here. Just bare with me. (I told you all once before I am more of an old shaman now than just a simple chief (which I once was).


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:53 | #

Yet it may be that your theory is simply false and that which accounts for our decline is the hyper-individualism born of the indoctrination of our people to liberalism, which is the necessary condition for the Jewish pathologization of our adaptive living they have affected through their media and finance power.


Posted by SM on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 18:00 | #

>SM gets the entire issue under discussion here completely wrong.

I understood you.

But I wanted to say that islamic migration is not bringing the lower class runaway hooker vibe with it. C’mon.

One could say that southern trends over the millennia are bringing civilization—and all its crud—up north and therefore “immigration” (Romans, jews and before) is profoundly to blame in an ancient way.

One could keep going and say that civilization’s _complex politics_ are why the simpler Beowulf chiefs of yore were ousted and that is what made the rest of the tribe vulnerable to ever increasing immigration and civilization’s Diaspora crud.

But to simply say ‘darkies equal child rape’ is bull shit.

...As said “complex political” bullshit of civilization’s constantly demagoging parties.

We will be tricked into further ousting ourselves (our manhood) and the very things that protect our tribe.

It is similar to the confusion that leads rednecks to fight in “abgabastaba” (Afghanistan). If one said to him “you are fighting to impose Affirmative Action and government-cheese welfare-state bread-lines, strengthening liberal western governments (and therefore “gays” and atheism and immigration etc)” he would dismiss you and say “you get that fag shit from reading” (as I myself have been informed).

We will be tricked into further ousting ourselves (our manhood) and the very things that protect our tribe.

...As said “complex political” bullshit of civilization’s constantly demagoging parties.

I wish I understood how tribal darkies created the latest crud in the cities’ crevices. What a simple world it would be…


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 18:08 | #

Tell me SM, if your theory holds, why do we not observe the elites of East Asian societies desperately trying to do all they can to liquidate the genetic continuity of their own people?  Are they not northern-evolved as well?


Posted by Euro on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 18:41 | #

SM, could you kindly get in touch with me by requesting a moderator to give you my e-mail? Any moderator reading this has my permission to provide my e-mail to SM.

Fred Scrooby and CC are of course,correct. Dark savages do this sort of thing more readily than Whites.And their motives are clearly racial.However,it would be a big mistake to take a romantic view of females (any females,not just British ones nota bene) in an attempt to combat barbarism.Kind of like supporting “Capitalism” in an effort to combat Marxism.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 21:29 | #

the hyper-individualism born of the indoctrination of our people to liberalism, which is the necessary condition for the Jewish pathologization

Not so. Self-interest is sufficient. Poland’s arenda system was but one of many, many examples.


Posted by SM on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 21:42 | #

SM, could you kindly get in touch with me by requesting a moderator to give you my e-mail? Any moderator reading this has my permission to provide my e-mail to SM.

Hmmm. Interesting.

Dude I’m white (British). Any photo I send to you could be a net forgery anyway.


I don’t want a bunch of cranks there.

(I basically just want females who agree with me to post ;-p.)

I’m awnery[sp] and a loner.

There is scant anything about jews there. (I was going to post my couple pages on jews and then put it off. I might post that stuff here somewhere.)

My Jew diaspora theories parallel MacDonald’s on parallel coincidence.

...The Jacobin gene causes similar takes on everything.


Posted by SM on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 22:01 | #

>Tell me SM, if your theory holds, why do we not observe the elites of East Asian societies desperately trying to do all they can to liquidate the genetic continuity of their own people?  Are they not northern-evolved as well?

Orientals elites are 123 IQ ers. The mass of orientals is 110.

The Euro sphere mass is 100 (with plenty below that!), the marginalized elites are say 133 to 148. The Euro 120 IQers are “pretenders- to- the- thrones” who rabal rouse the horde and use it to box out the true elites. Our culture has unraveled because of it.

The jews are part of that alpha beta gamma thing, being basically a cluster of high 110s—and word gifted. They infuse it with alien problematic ness on top simply being part of the host culture’s endless coup d eta problem; Further they have a matriarchal culture.

I’m not “oriental” and I aint trying to make you lose to them in a fantasy war scenario in your head. They already out number Caucasians 2bill to 700 mill.

If you’re concerned about that, form up with the Russians. (It should’ve gone down like that in the mid 20th cent—instead of that disaster. Note the Slavs are a little meaner/more masculine than the Brits, though.)

The only long term solution(to stopping the endless cycle of coup d eta which unraveld us) is for one male per territory land owners; every male gets a plot and owned female(s). Use techno (genetic etc) to make everyone the same (and females compliant).

Space travel gives us raison d tre rally point (something to do, rather than ‘invading slavia’ or etc). And it gives space and another go/turn to try the scheme.


Posted by lee on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 11:14 | #

no this would not have been carried out by asians but sure as anything some other men would catch onto it and carry out the pimping instead, as someone said above that it is male instinct to dominate.  However I know that it is an elite few who would dominate women in the pimping, raping abusive sense.

Fred Scooby do you listen to a word I say?  I am a northen girl and have suffered at the hands of these pimps so I have more moral grounding that any of you here to protest against these pimps.

It - means that the girls have already been pimped, it is irreversible.  Its about fixing it now and not dwelling on the past.  Anger and rage does not get you anywhere fast.  There are white pimps who own brothels all over the country - so what about them, they are just as bad.  I hate any pimp and yes I blame the government and society as a whole for the ludicrous indulgence of mainly white men who use the services of these girls.

I support no particular party as I think they are all corrupt and I dont think the votes are counted correctly anyway.  So when I vote I say eeni meni myni mo and where ever my finger lands I vote.  Therefore I shall not be declaring my loyaalty to the bnp but rather supporting the irradication of pimping in general.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 12:15 | #

Shit Monger:

Orientals elites are 123 IQ ers.

I’m not aware of any specific, definitive evidence that establishes a more narrow than European normal frequency distribution of IQ in East Asians; though I am aware of the contention, and find it a plausible explanation for lack of East Asian innovation as against Europeans.

The mass of orientals is 110.

Richard Lynn, based upon his examination of the available IQ data states the East Asian average IQ as 105.

The Euro sphere mass is 100 (with plenty below that!), the marginalized elites are say 133 to 148.

Yggdrasil, the respected White Nationalist pundit, states, I presume based upon his perusal of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, that 50% of White Americans with IQ 130+ do not even attend college.  Now, I’m certain they are at least capable of attending a community college with intelligences in that range.  There not doing so is obviously a matter of choice.  I’m afraid that does not support your thesis of “marginaliz[ation].”  And obviously, at the very highest levels of governance, there simply must be those with IQs in that range.  In fact the average Ph.D. has an IQ of 130, if I’m not mistaken.

The Euro 120 IQers are “pretenders- to- the- thrones” who rabal rouse the horde and use it to box out the true elites.

No, those with IQ 120 are simply not intelligent enough to run the machinery of state at the highest level that is required.  Your thesis lives or dies based upon that fact alone, and there it dies.  Surely many of the like occupy the ranks of the petty bureaucrats which fill out the bureaucracy which they have an interest in maintaining because it is the source of their livelihood.  But you cannot say ‘A’ therefore ‘B’.  Your case has not been made.

Further they have a matriarchal culture.

LOL!  They were historically a patriarchal people.

I’m not “oriental” and I aint trying to make you lose to them in a fantasy war scenario in your head.

Why so defensive Shit Muster?  I never said you were…

They already out number Caucasians 2bill to 700 mill.

Uh huh.

If you’re concerned about that, form up with the Russians.

A pan-European alliance would be a good thing, but I’d prefer to preserve intra-European ethnic distinctiveness.

Note the Slavs are a little meaner/more masculine than the Brits, though.

Do you suffer involuntary tics?  Do you sometimes see black spots in your field of vision?  Nothing to be ashamed of by the way.

And it gives space and another go/turn to try the scheme.

Seriously dude, you are a fucking moron, in addition to being obviously deranged.  Luckily tin foil comes cheap.


Posted by Euro on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 19:14 | #

I’m reposting this article because of its relevance to both the Miscegenating Female College Students thread and this one.CC, and others skeptical of SM‘s unromantic view of the ladies,might want to consider this:

The results of importing black students into a college town

A police detective has written this article for VFR. Some details have been been altered or left out to conceal the identity of the city being described.
I am a police officer in the upper northwest and have been a cop for 16 years. Like many in my current community, I came here originally to attend college. Our city is small and predominantly white, and the university population is mostly kids from white, upper middle class families.
Our university tries its damnedest to recruit and attract minorities, but the demographics seem to remain constant. Our local community college is a different story. They have been recruiting athletes from large urban areas for years and have contributed significantly to our community’s young black population. It seems for every young black male recruited to play basketball or football, several male friends follow him from his community to ours. Subsequently, there are a large number of young, non-enrolled, unemployed black males living in our community.
One of the most obvious effects of this trend is the ghettoization of one of our older student neighborhoods. In the last twenty years, this multi-square block area has become almost exclusively subsidized housing, attracting the rest of our community’s dysfunctional welfare class. This neighborhood abuts our university’s east side and still houses many students. The predictable result of this is a significant increase in black on white crime.
These crimes take on several distinct forms. The most prominent are the random strong-arm (or armed) robberies in which a single white student is confronted by a group of black males and robbed. The net gain of these robberies is often only a few dollars or at best a cell phone, however, most are accompanied by an assault of some sort. Many times these assaults result in serious injuries. These robberies occur when some student is walking alone, to or from campus, often through this same area.
When I have responded to this neighborhood to handle a call, I quickly learned that I could expect absolutely no cooperation from the blacks I encountered. Those that were not openly hostile would lie about whatever they might have seen to protect another without compunction. I find this particular characteristic fascinating. Even the most hard-core, white-supremicist prison gang parolee will display the body language that shows discomfort with lying. Many will tell you that they can not answer a question before they will lie. But almost without exception, blacks can lie to your face without the slightest indication of an internal moral conflict.
On the opposite side of campus is a student neighborhood that contains most of the fraternities and sororities. This neighborhood is the epicenter of the weekend party scene with thousands of students roaming around in search of bars and parties until the early morning hours. When I was a student in the early eighties, this scene was relatively peaceful and rarely required the presence of law enforcement. In the last ten to fifteen years, however, the atmosphere has changed to an alcohol fueled, violence prone environment requiring a great number of officers to keep the peace.
Another significant change is the racial make-up of this scene. Once exclusively university students, now has mixed in large groups of black or Hispanic males, many of which are local gang members. Ironically, this demographic is almost always welcomed by the majority white student population. As recently as fifteen years ago, most of the loud music emanating from the bars and parties was white rock and roll, it is now almost exclusively black rap and hip-hop.
The allure of black ghetto street culture amongst the white middle-class youth is a significant factor in this dynamic. There is an almost child-like expectation that the affection for that culture by the majority group will somehow be reciprocated when it plays out on street level, face-to-face encounters. It almost never is. It is amusing in a cynical way to see the repeated shock expressed by these white college kids when that affection is met with unrepentant violence. Whether it is the white male student who is beaten down for taking issue with a black male making a pass at his girlfriend, or the girl herself who is assaulted for rebuking such an advance, these kids are often attacked for just looking at a group of black males the wrong way.
As a cop, I’ve often encountered these victims who, out of frustration, will express their anger and humiliation with an occasional racial epithet. This accomplishes little and allows other white kids to look on and express scorn at their racist attitude. Most often, however, they direct their anger at us for not keeping them safe.
It’s so richly ironic that these upper middle class white college students will often stand on the street corners yelling “F*ck the police!” as officers patrol this neighborhood. They do it to get the attention of their friends and prove their “street cred” to the crowd. Yet, when they become the victims of this random violence by the same black kids they’ve been trying to impress, they blame the police. If officers ever have a black kid detained for any reason, you can count on the white kids to harass the officers and claim they are racists for doing so. I actually used to be shocked myself by this behavior, but no more.
The other black on white crime amongst the college kids that is often not reported is the home-invasion robbery. Many of these upper middle class white kids are small time growers or dealers in marijuana. This activity is very open due to light penalties for possession and a movement to emulate California’s medical marijuana laws. Inevitably they will share or sell some marijuana with a black kid they meet socially. A short time later a group of several black males will kick their door down, brandish guns and demand the marijuana. We’ve had kids shot during these robberies and yet for everyone we investigate, probably three go unreported for obvious reasons. I’ve had black males that I’ve interrogated admit that they consider our town a target-rich environment for robbery and burglary, especially in the student neighborhoods.
You have written before about trends in black on white rape. While we have a significant number of sexual assaults, mostly involving significant alcohol consumption, I have not seen a similar racial component in these cases. This may be due to a factor I find equally troubling.
There seems to be a never ending supply of young white middle-class college girls who will enter into dating relationships with these lower-class, un-enrolled, unemployed, thuggish black males. I’m sure the allure has a lot to do with the popularity of this type of male in pop culture these days; but I still shake my head because many of these relationships end in domestic violence.
The pattern is usually the same. A few days into the relationship the black male will often move in with the female. She will then begin to financially support him. He will often take over use of her vehicle, forcing her to do without for days at a time. He will often take her checks or credit cards and run her into debt. It is only when he continues to womanize that she will take issue and confront him. This often results in an assault.

One would think that people would make rational observations about a certain group’s behavior, especially if it impacts them personally in a negative way, and make adjustments in their own actions and associations. However, the liberal dogma prevents this self preservation. Subsequently my community and many others continue to be target-rich environments.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 19:36 | #

Are you sure, CC?  My impression was this was well established.

If memory serves, Fred, it’s verbal non-verbal for Asians. It’s women, Lagriffe claims, have a narrower frequency distribution.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 19:44 | #

The data put forth by n/a and Audacious Epigone does not back up the contention that “a never ending supply of young white middle-class college girls ... enter into dating relationships with ... lower-class, un-enrolled, unemployed, thuggish black males”.

What immediately jumps out at me is how the vast majority of whites live with and marry other whites. In addition to being a consequence of a natural preference of people for others similar to themselves, this is also a result of sheer numbers. Most of a white man’s potential partners are white.

While a small fraction of whites live with and marry non-whites, significant numbers of non-whites live with and marry whites. If not for immigration and differing fertility rates, non-whites would eventually be swallowed up by the white majority, which would become slightly less white in the process.

The stereotype of the white guy and his Asian wife or girlfriend holds in comparison to the comparatively unusual Asian guy and white girl, but relative to all white men, it constitutes a tiny fraction of the total. Fewer than 1 in 100 white men are married to an Asian woman. Only 1 in 200 white women are married to black men. Although many white nationalists are understandably concerned about white women partnering up with non-white and specifically black men, fewer than 1 in 30 white women who are living in sin are doing so with a black guy.



Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 21:06 | #

White Nationalism, or whatever one wishes to call it, is primarily about preserving our race and intra-racial ethnic genetic constitution(s), but that does not mean other considerations ought not be involved, such as preserving our civilization.  Our civilization can be made wholesome and adaptive again with only seemingly radical at first managerial tweaks.  The problem with SM’s recommendations, aside from being wholly unnecessary, is that a decent White man would feel like he deserved a rope around his neck after having done them, which makes them less likely to be carried out in the first place.  Racial separation can halt most of miscegenation, what few non-Whites are allowed into the nation in the service of economic and cultural exchange can be prevented from miscegenating with anti-miscegenation laws, dysgenics can be fought by incentivizing higher birth rates among the IQ elite and painted as high status with propaganda.  Of course traditional gender roles ought be reaffirmed and can be affected with propaganda as well.  Remember, we are but sixty years removed from the the 1950s.


Posted by bigdukesix on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 05:16 | #


I’m guessing that you’re the “hysterical commenter Euro” that inspired n/a’s post on miscegenation. 

I’ll link it here as you don’t seem to have digested the message yet:


The situation is not nearly as bad as you continually try to portray it.


Posted by SM on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 06:30 | #

If my “each man is king on his own land/bio tech changes to character (INCLUDING the females specifically), so as to prevent coup d eta cycle from leading to ‘liberalism’” solution is wholly unnecessary, _then why did Euros so easily slip out of the ‘50s (and _previous socila environs_) in the fist place_?


Oh that’s right: the Joos.

Now the blacks. (Even more absurd as causation for anything.)

This is all way way over Corporal Gayass’ head, I’m afraid. Take his previous above for example:

“Posted by Captainchaos on October 07, 2009, 11:15 AM | #

...I’m not aware of any specific, definitive evidence that establishes a more narrow than European normal frequency distribution of IQ in East Asians; though I am aware of the contention, and find it a plausible explanation for lack of East Asian innovation as against Europeans.”

The whole post is “say anything one can in contest” gibberish. Including blithe self contradiction as above. Feminine.

How much time should a man like me spend dissecting his “challenges”?

He’s not in the same realm of thought.

And he has a very unpleasant tendency to demonize with lies designed to rally support from dunces. He goes from trying to out you as a jew to an oriental and then someone who hears voices—all without any evidence. It is all bullshit stemming from his childish and malicious mind.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 08:08 | #

Shite Muncher:

How much time should a man like me spend dissecting his “challenges”?

That is precisely the question I ask myself in responding to you, Shit Mensch.  I can promise you, I accord a “man” of your intellectual and moral stature every amount of seriousness that is justified.


Posted by SM on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 08:53 | #

>LOL!  They were historically a patriarchal people.

I do want to specifically address that, because it is important for all.

All people “historically” come from “patriarchal peoples”. (Note patriarchy and matriarchy are ill defined/never defined “just so” stories to boot.)

I’ve seen the canards (false reports/ junk studies) of matriarchies, including supposed ancient Euro ones. These _"beliefs"_ come from 19th and early 20 century liberal and marxist movements specifically _trying to misdirect and discredit_ the 19th century romanticist movements (Rob Roy-like then viking) which were masculine and therefore threatening to cosmopolitans—often effete—and therefore specifically migrant jews. These canards are part of the same academic hijacking that steered Euros away from “Darwinism” (theoretica AND practica) in the early 20th century. (All our modern problems stem from that bad turn at the fork in the road.)

(The Jew tactic for getting enough power to hijack and misdirect was protectionist demagogy and shameless/transparent sophistry. And Euro types indirectly help them by being wacky with the popular use of hyper-frenology and cruelty.)

The fact some Euro types have now embraced those matriarchy canards as their shining examples of the noble olde Euro way (to which we should aspire) is all part of the conservative /male susceptibility to being tricked into being against themselves (like pete puma in a *bugs bunny cartoon)—as I have said many times. [*Another infamous tricky jew /liberal getting over on various goy; ...Fudd most famously.]

The jews are a matriarchal people. Their households are a perpetual din of ranting clever females and deferential men. One would be very hard pressed to find a jew male who did not agree with that emphatically—nodding, with eyes rolling and a look of “help me” on his face.

This is one reason why they are the feminist activist race.

And now…

After over a century of liberal civil rights BULLSHIT (sophistry based) and legal scholarship ambition, their females have become the prosecutorial class of our culture. They impose one feminist edict after another, designed to marginalize the males of the host culture ...like a shepherd gelding and dehorning the rams of a corralled flock. The jew endless civil rights claptrap nonsense of yore is nowhere to be heard now. It is not only jew male desire to be against us that causes this hypocritical silence or the desire to keep mum with the ‘troublemaking’ BS (since they have observed that “the beast has reawakened”): it is also that they are powerless to stop their carping, kvetching, clever, hypnotic females as _has always been the case_.

Euros help them by being always quick to bully and punishing “perversion” (in the name of simple instinctual, competitive one upsmanship looking for any opening they can). Once the definition of perversion morphs (with prodding from the jews) over the generations to include “boinking a niece” and “disciplining a bad wife/female”, the Euros are more than happy to be the gullible cannon fodder working to geld themselves. Useful idiot dunces. (I find most white males to be dogs on leashes barking at everything on instinct—mailman, girlscout w/cookies, burglar—but only being let off the leash when master needs the teeth.)

At any rate, that’s what I meant when I said above “[jews are matriarchal and infuse our politics with that]”. For cpl-gayass to not get that and challenge it exposes his grudge motivated desire to blabber out anything in contest (to me). In short he is a child and probably “mildly retarded”.

If other ‘WNs’ don’t know this stuff about jews… that says a lot.

19th cent romanticism was rooted in part in a neo masculinity pendulum swing (specifically against baroque foppishness (lispy)), as all romanticism movements are in history—including our own now.

(Very interesting to note that Mendelssohn [earliest Zionism] was an early proponent of Celtic romance (‘PreRaphelite’) which led to Teutonic romanticism (eg Wagner), then Nationalism, then the Third Reich. Note Himmler and early Zionists have the same vibe—anti cosmopolitanism: get back to the land”—similar to Jefferson.)

I assert the _spreading_ into the N American hinterland is also an unwitting masculine rebellion against the female controlled etiquette of the _christian_ cites. We now erroneously/ falsely equate the outback’s vestigial /lingering masculinity with Christianity.


Posted by Euro on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 19:08 | #

I shall reply to my critics later on,when I have more time.For the moment I would ask that they ponder this series of photos in the order presented.
(The sign in the last photo reads “Bossi,Maroni,Berlusconi: Defendors of the Italian Race, and a blot on the Human Race!”)

(mayor of Syracuse New York)

(our quondam Green Jobs Czar)

http://www.corriere.it/gallery/Cronache/vuoto.shtml?2009/05_Maggio/stranieri/1&7;(a pro-immigrant rally in Milan,Italy)

Is there a thread connecting all of this?


Posted by Euro on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 19:13 | #

http://www.corriere.it/gallery/Cronache/vuoto.shtml?2009/05_Maggio/stranieri/1&7;Reposting photo ( in case of failure click on “immagini” # 7 at right)


Posted by Q on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 20:13 | #

The situation is not nearly as bad as you continually try to portray it.

The situation is probably worse than Euro portrays it. It’s true that the percentages of BM/WF marriages remain low—somewhere around 3% overall—but that doesn’t reflect what is acually happening. I’d like to see the stats on the percentages of white women who give birth to mulattoes outside of marriage. Also the true statistics on the percentage of white women between the ages of 18 and 40 that have had sexual relations with negroes. Given those statistics, then we can assess the true magnitude of the problem. BM/WF marriage statistics alone do not paint an accurate picture, not even close. Nor does a survey that explores and compares men and womens’ attitudes toward interracial coupling. Psychological testing or studies based on cherry picked findings that focus on contentious issues such as interracial sex invariably result in questionable results.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 21:19 | #

According to AE’s stats 3% is the approximate number of white women living in sin (sex outside marriage?). Marriage numbers are much lower, only 1 in 200.

However, the argument for Q and Euro is metaphysical. There probably is no data set that will falsify the assertion they hold so dear. For them, there will always be cherrypickers and the anecdotal will always triumph.


Posted by Q on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 23:18 | #

Given the fact that only 43% of black men ever get married and of those that do, 17.6 of them marry white women. That isn’t anecdotal, Desmond. And of course we all know the illegitimacy rate in the black community hovers around 70%; obviously most black men don’t marry the mother of their children.

Call it anecdotal if you must,  I’ve known many young white woman whom have had relationships with blacks thinking that marriage was in the future only to be dumped when the mulinyan finds out she is pregnant (which is a good thing for her in the long run). But still, the dumb young women is left with the horrible choice of having an abortion or popping out a moolie.

Here in the Detroit area, especially the suburbs that boarder Detroit proper, I see tons of young white women with groids.. and an equal number pushing little moolies in baby carts.  Sadly, their numbers are considerable.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 09 Oct 2009 05:03 | #

Their households are a perpetual din of ranting clever females and deferential men. One would be very hard pressed to find a jew male who did not agree with that emphatically—nodding, with eyes rolling and a look of “help me” on his face.

This is one reason why they are the feminist activist race.


children of Lilith?


Posted by Frank on Fri, 09 Oct 2009 05:07 | #

Here in the Detroit area, especially the suburbs that boarder Detroit proper, I see tons of young white women with groids.. and an equal number pushing little moolies in baby carts.  Sadly, their numbers are considerable.

Women are brainwashed too easily. Most of them can’t think clearly, so if brought up to be anti-racists they’ll keep to it until some new pathos argument wins them over. I’m not sure men are much better - just different. Somewhat complex and yet false ideologies (e.g. Marxism) are like crack for men. Logos, as well as ethos, appeal strongly to men.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 09 Oct 2009 05:10 | #

A race that doesn’t guard its women and raise its men well is surely short lived when living among so many aliens.

Thankfully many Southern women still hold too many racist memes to mix, but they don’t object when seeing a mother and her half breed children as I do. Such feats must be ridiculed else they won’t be discouraged.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 09 Oct 2009 05:13 | #

Note: Pairing up with a negro is a “feat”, haha.


Posted by Euro on Fri, 09 Oct 2009 16:19 | #

“After researching women’s sexuality for more than ten years, I can honestly say that most of our societal beliefs about females are grossly distorted and many are completely erroneous.” 

-Michelle Langley, author of Women’s Infidelity

Bigduke,n/a,Desmond.Let me address a minor matter first.There was nothing “hysterical” about my comment at Occidental dissent.Prozium mentioned that while on holiday he came accross an unusually high number of mixed couples.He didn’t specify the precise permutations involved.So I speculated,based on solid and widespread experience,that it was probably WF/BM.Right or wrong how is that “hysterical?”

It is terribly naive to rely on various studies and polls regarding this topic.Firstly;marriage,co-habitation and dating do not correlate perfectly with sex.Have you ever been to a bar or club?Are you familiar with “groupies” and female sex-tourism?Ever heard of “swinging?” This hardly exhausts the possibilities. I’ve known women who have “shagged” blacks who could honestly say they have never married,dated or lived with one.

Anecdotal,Desmond?Perhaps,but its also illustrative and therefore illuminating and possibly emblematic.Rest assured,the parameters of those studies leave out a considerable amount of data,which ,if included,argue rather in my favor and against yours.Hard cheese old shoe.

Focusing on marriage is to focus on a increasingly shrinking phenomenon.The average age of first marriages has steadily risen,the number of never married continues to rise,divorce is endemic.Pre-marital and even extra-marital sex are no longer frowned upon.More and more,what occurs outside of marriage is what really matters.

Furthermore, a study usually deals with a “snapshot” examination. A woman who lived with a Black in the past but no longer,can be misleadingly categorized. The difference between “have you ever in your lifetime” and “are you currently” can be quite significant.

Finally,never forget that women lie.Polls and other studies that rely on female opinions are totally worthless.Q is nobody’s fool.

There is nothing metaphysical about this.It’s cold hard reality.If you wish to remain comforted by illusions that is your privilege. Male creditis hosti.


What immediately impressed me about these young Americans, by far the numerical majority and most of them meeting for the first time in Hawaii, was their warm camaraderie and my ability to communicate on their own terms with no hint of a generation gap. Virtually all the young brothers consorted with ofay chicks (at least 80 percent of them longhaired blondes), and the sisters were affiliated with white boys. Occasionally a brother, a honky lad, and two white girls rented quarters together. Young blacks in bountiful Afros and wearing dashikis crashed in pads rented by ofays they never knew before; occasionally I permitted young white girls to sleep overnight on my floor. I saw no signs of racial hangups; these were all members of the Now Generation associating with whom they liked and color be damned. (Davis, Livin’ the Blues, pp. 327-328).  Frank Marshall Davis,likely the real father of Obama.


More metaphysical anecdotes.


Posted by terry smith on Tue, 18 May 2010 00:59 | #

my kids live with a convicted child molester, in midland,mi his name is gragory mathaw luke and they thinks it fine. he has three convictions and my kids have to go to school and hear about it . what can kind of law protect this . i need help bad before it happens to my kids if anybody can help call me at 8656596666 my name is terry smith thanks very much god help me

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
