Guyana’s future Equality Minister to sue Whitehall departments
Yes, Trevor Phillips, CRE chief and demoniser of black pudding eaters everywhere, is back to his best form once again.
He has had a very lean spell, even if he did bring it on himself. You see, when you write-off your best bit of special pleading in years you are likely to confuse people somewhat. Telling the entire country and its goldfish that a keeness to admit institutional racism was just a white “cop out” might have looked to Trev like proof of his high standards. But to the accursed majority it just looked like there was no pleasing the man. Sorry, The Man. There probably isn’t, but never mind.
Then there was Trev’s theory about the failure of multiculturalism. Now, I didn’t mind this one at all because multiculturalism is a failure for very sound sociobiological reasons. But for some unaccountable reason few of Trev’s so solid brothers follow my line of reasoning. Lee Jasper, a most unreasonably angry black vice-something in Livingstone’s Leninist London [finally, an “L3” comparable to Loony Labour Left], was especially scathing:-
In the real world, this onslaught translates into an approach that says: “Assimilate, accept the majority’s norms - because if you don’t, your failure to integrate, not racism, is the problem.” Counterposing integration to multiculturalism is bound to lead to castigation of black communities for supposed failings.
Supposed? Failings? What could he mean?
Completely unphased, Trev then experienced that Archimedian moment. Not about anything difficult like arithmetic or geometry, of course. No, this was about the low educational attainment of black yoofs (not to be confused with the low intellectual abilities of same). But once again he was slaughtered in the bath, sorry press. Or “well slortard” I suppose one should say in the required argot of Railton Road.
It wasn’t looking good. Despite the neat suits, public pronouncement as a vehicle for self-promotion just wasn’t delivering the desired limmo-full of national praise. Now, perhaps, the grizzly fate of his predecessor at the CRE, the bibulous Gurbux Singh, was beginning to make sense.
But the great thing about race relations is that there will always be another socialist-red bus along in a minute. And sure enough, Trev has come up with a good one ... a legal assault no one will challenge on a victim no one will ever, ever defend:-
The chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality accused the Government yesterday of “deep institutional complacency” for failing to enforce its own laws to safeguard the rights of ethnic minorities.
Trevor Phillips, who has close links to Tony Blair and New Labour, said the CRE was poised to take legal action against several Whitehall departments over their alleged incompetence in upholding the law.
The Man is incorrigible.
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 03:00 | #
The weasel words ‘institutional racism’ obfuscate the dangerous liberal/left agenda and imply that anything which protects or furthers the interests of Whites in our own country is somehow morally wrong and requires correction.
Of course the only victims of ‘institutional racism’ in the real sense are native UK Whites whose interests are constantly subordinated to those of the Third World interlopers who infest our nation.