Happy Fifth of May! Comments:2
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 06 May 2009 19:41 | # Ah, good deal! I’ll have to dig out my Swedish tri-crown shirt for today. 3
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 07 May 2009 00:46 | # A splendid notion, James. The Communist May Day holiday should be replaced throughout Euro lands with this one. Also, I’m sure that the UN’s steadfastly pro-Western bureaucracy would certainly declare May 5th an international holiday in recognition of the myriad civilizational contributions of Whites. Perhaps Israel might propose the motion - modesty forbidding and all that. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 May 2009 13:09 | # Non-Yanks may not be aware of an implied sub-text in the log entry that Yanks will pick up on: in the United Islands of Dr. Moreau (previously known as the United States) the federal government and every other source of societal authority here, both public and private, is trying to ram a Mexican national holiday down the nation’s throat to adopt as our own, a holiday called “Cinco de Mayo,” (“May Fifth”). I forget what it commemorates in Mexico but whatever it is, it’s not something white Americans should “celebrate.” The implied spirit in which this log entry was posted was resistance to being forced by our government to adopt “Cinco de Mayo” as a new national holiday here. Looking at the Wikipedia article linked in the entry I’m made to feel extremely uneasy by the association of this date with the pro-race-replacement E.U. (or, as the BrusselsJournal.com would think of it, the pro-Islamification E.U. — that site considers race-replacement a non-issue, its one-and-only concern being religion-replacement: over there if you take a white man and change him into a Negro that’s the greatest thing since sliced bread as long as it’s not a Moslem Negro — but I forgot BrusselsJournal.com is a “conservative” web-site, so that must be OK then: remember, the “conservatives” are the good guys!). I would never celebrate anything that might strengthen the E.U. What I commemorate on May fifth is the final official meeting of the government of the Confederate States of America, which took place on that date, headed by President Jefferson Davis and attended by the members of the CSA cabinet, as they were fleeing the advancing Union Armies. It was the last official beating of the CSA’s heart, the final impulse in its nervous system, before that nation, the CSA, was forced into a state of suspended animation by the Yankee tyrants and war criminals who will in due course fade from history as evil always does, with the new dawning, the reawakening, of the now-sleeping Confederacy. No, I’m not asking anyone to agree with me. I’m just giving my view of things. 5
Posted by Wild Bill on Thu, 07 May 2009 15:23 | # Now this is the kind of activism we need in order to prevail!! ...otherwise some would suggest its a slow news day for whitey. 6
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 May 2009 16:10 | # Fred, there are two “Europe Days”: May 5 and May 9. Why do you suppose that they found it necessary to promote May 9 as the celebration of the European Union when there was already a pre-existing May 5 celebration? 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 May 2009 16:51 | # James, I don’t think the Council of Europe day is something we should be celebrating either (the May 5th date as opposed to the E.U.‘s May 9th date). Europe is made up of separate countries. That’s the way it should stay (that, or separate regions in the Norman Lowell sense). It should not be brought together in any “one-unified-Europe” scheme (except, again, under a Lowell-type organization of relatively autonomous regions officially and explicitly protected as to the preservation of their racial and ethnocultural identities against Jewish depredations, attacks, and racial warfare). Do that, and aside from annihilating the individual identities of the several Euro nations and races, already bad enough by itself, the next step will be far worse: bringing Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa together in “one unified race-doesn’t-exist-except-for-the-Jews-and-Israel-they’re-exempted-from-worldwide-forced-racemixing-as-compensation-for-the-Holocau$t-but-whites-have-to-undergo-it-as-punishment-for-perpetrating-the-Holocau$t” scheme. 8
Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 07 May 2009 17:36 | # In Hawaii (USA), left-wing lawmakers are designating September 24, 2009 as ‘Islam Day’: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1239710886578&pagename=JPArticle/ShowFull 9
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 May 2009 23:52 | # I don’t think the distinction between the Council of Europe and the European Union is of any less importance than the distinction between the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution:
Indeed, given the opportunity to draw a distinction between May 5 and May 9, it makes a lot of sense to celebrate May 5 and most pointedly NOT celebrate May 9. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 08 May 2009 00:01 | # OK, I see your point, James. (And it’s certainly better to celebrate the Council of Europe than Cinco de Mayo which the feds and media are trying to persuade us in the States to start celebrating.) 11
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 08 May 2009 01:11 | # If an Hispanic-related holiday is to be declared then surely we must celebrate the banner year of 1492 when two momentous, simultaneous Spanish events altered the prospects of Euroman, viz., the expulsion of the Muslim Moors from Spain and the discovery of the ‘new world’. 12
Posted by battle on Fri, 08 May 2009 01:24 | # RESTORE THE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC: http://www.restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php ANTI-CHINESE TENSIONS ON THE RISE IN AUSTRALIA: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3658.0 The Chinese are Coming! China military build-up seems U.S.-focused: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3656.0 The YELLOW PERIL: Australia muscling up as America’s power wanes: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3642.0 Revealed: the Rise of Mixed-Race Britain: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3423.0 OUR ANGLO-SAXON CULTURE: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3459.0 HOMOGENEITY: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3424.0 ANTI-WESTERN NATIONAL SOCIALISM: MIRROR-IMAGE OF JUDAISM: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3358.0 RACIAL POLICY: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3432.0 DEATH BY GOVERNMENT: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3212.0 “An armed citizenry is the first defense, the best defense, and the final defense against tyranny. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government—and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws.” Edward Abbey, “Abbey’s Road”, 1979 AMERICANS HAVE TWO OPTIONS: REVOLT OR DIE: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3132.0 ANGLO-SAXON DESTINY: The question often arises, will our civilization continue? Doubtless there will be many changes and marked improvement in the years to come. Many nations have risen to glory only to fade away into overlasting night. Many nations have come to their culmination and their death. The ancient ruins, uncovered cities and monuments bespeak of mighty nations and populous cities of the past that are now no more. What shall be our destiny? Shall we in turn take our place with the races of men that have appeared on the earth and disappeared never to rise again shall these world civilizers be supplanted by a more powerful people, and forced to pass from the stage of action? I think not, because they possess the essential principles of civilization to give them permanency. Principles that the civilizations of the past did not possess. They have entrenched on the Lord’s side. They have the truth and so long as they let it shine they will never outgrow it. They have founded their civilization on the principles of righteousness and brotherly love as taught in the Bible, and the heavens may pass away but the word of God shall abide, and if these people continue on the firm foundation they shall never be moved. With these principles embodied in the very heart and soul of the people their destiny is determined and their mission is evident. The crisis has come and with other Anglo-Saxon nations we are now facing a great turning point in our history and questions are now being decided that will involve us for all time to come. http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3216.0 A CONFUSED, PATHETIC, IGNORANT, MULTIETHNIC, THIRD WORLD-SWAMPED WEST: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3224.0 Aryanism and Semitism: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3234.0 The Greco-Roman legacy and the Judeo-Christian values form the basis for Western revolutions since the Age of Enlightenment http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3318.0 NATIONAL SOCIALISM: MIRROR-IMAGE OF JUDAISM: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3358.0 MULTI-RACIAL IMMIGRATION AND ITS DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES FOR WHITE ANGLO-AMERICA: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3292.msg15286#msg15286 THE DECLINE OF INTELLIGENCE IN AMERICA: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3190.0 EAT. SURVIVE. REPRODUCE. “WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT?” http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3191.0 ASSIMILATION is easiest “among people who are culturally similar to the dominant group,” but when different races are involved, “assimilation efforts become irrelevant”. Milica Zarkovic Bookman, ‘The Demographic Struggle for Power’, 1997. The historical record indicates that ethnic separatism among Caucasian-derived groups has a tendency to collapse within modern Western societies unless active attempts at ethnic and cultural segregation are undertaken. As expected from a resource-reciprocity point of view, in the absence of rigid ethnic barriers, marriage in Western individualist societies tends to be importantly influenced by a wide range of PHENOTYPIC features of the prospective spouse, including not only genetic commonality but also social status, personality, common interests, and other points of similarity. This individualist pattern of marriage decisions has characterized Western Europe at least since the Middle Ages. The result has been a remarkable degree of ETHNIC ASSIMILATION in the United States among those whose ancestry derives from Europe. This is particularly noteworthy because ethnic conflict and violence are on the rise in Eastern Europe, yet European-derived groups in the United States have an overwhelming sense of commonality. The long-term result of such processes is GENETIC HOMOGENIZATION, a sense of common interest, and the absence of a powerful source of intrasocietal division. The recent MULTICULTURAL movement may be viewed as tending toward a profoundly non-Western form of social organization that has historically been much more typical of Middle Eastern segmentary societies centered around discrete homogeneous groups. ETHNIC SELF-INTEREST is important in human affairs, and obviously ETHNICITY remains a common source of group identity in the contemporary world. People appear to be aware of group membership and have a general tendency to devalue and compete with outgroups. Individuals are also keenly aware of the relative standing of their own group in terms of resource control and relative reproductive success. They are also willing to take extraordinary steps to achieve and retain economic and political power in defense of these group imperatives. It is noteworthy that minority groups, especially African-American and Latino groups, have already developed strong ethnic identities in the U.S. These movements often have militant, racialist overtones. For example, Afrocentrism is often associated with racialist ideologies, such as those of Molefi Asante (1987), in which ethnicity is viewed as the morally proper basis of self-identity and self-esteem and in which a close connection exists between ethnicity and culture. Latino ethnic activists Latino activists have a clearly articulated policy of “reconquering” parts of the United States via immigration and high birth rates. In the long run, globalism and multiculturalism are a threat to almost everyone’s ethnic interest because both ideologies actually legitimize and increase ethnic competition. Globalism results in increased competition because everyone has potential access to everyone else’s territory, opening opportunities for plundering another’s backyard. Multicultural societies sanction ethnic mobilization because they inevitably become cauldrons of competing ethnic interests. In this very dangerous game of ethnic competition, some ethnic groups are better prepared than others. Ethnic groups differ in intelligence and ability to control economic resources. They differ in their degree of ethnocentrism, in the extent to which they are mobilized to achieve group interests, and in how aggressively they behave toward other groups. They differ in their numbers, fertility, and the extent to which they encourage responsible parenting. They differ in the amount of land and other resources held at any point in time and in their political power. Given these differences, it is difficult at best to ensure peaceful relations among ethnic groups. Even maintaining a status quo in territory and resource control is very arduous, as can be seen by the ill-fated attempts of Americans to achieve an ethnic status quo with the 1924 immigration law. Accepting a status quo would not be in the interests of groups that have recently lost land or numbers. It would also likely be unacceptable both to groups with relatively low numbers and control of resources and, conversely, to high-fertility groups. Yet the alternative—that all humans renounce their ethnic group loyalties—seems unrealistic and utopian. Indeed, given that some ethnic groups, especially ones with high levels of ethnocentrism and mobilization, will undoubtedly continue to function as groups far into the foreseeable future, unilateral renunciation of ethnic loyalties by other groups means only their surrender and defeat and disappearance—the Darwinian dead end of extinction. The future, then, like the past, will inevitably be a Darwinian competition. And ethnicity will play a crucial role. From the present perspective no fundamental conflict exists between the latter two sources of American identity; social homogeneity and hierarchic harmony may well be best and most easily achieved with an ethnically homogeneous society of peoples derived from the European cultural area. Indeed, in upholding Chinese exclusion in the nineteenth century, Justice Stephen A. Field noted that the Chinese were unassimilable and would destroy the republican ideal of social homogeneity. The incorporation of non-White peoples, and especially peoples derived from Africa, into peculiarly Western cultural forms is profoundly problematic. THE CHINESE EXCLUSION CASE, 130 U. S. 581 (1889): http://supreme.justia.com/us/130/581/case.html http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3057.15 http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3191.0 WESTERN SURVIVAL: Emulating Key Elements of Judaism: http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3292.msg15286#msg15286 In the United States we are presently heading down a volatile path—a path that leads to ethnic warfare and to the development of collectivist, authoritarian, and racialist enclaves. Although ethnocentric beliefs and behavior are viewed as morally and intellectually legitimate only among ethnic minorities in the United States, the development of greater ethnocentrism among White peoples is a likely result of present trends. The prediction, both on theoretical grounds and on the basis of social identity research, is that as other groups become increasingly powerful and salient in a multicultural society, the White peoples of the United States will become increasingly unified; among these peoples, contemporary divisive influences, such as issues related to gender and sexual orientation, social class differences, or religious differences, will be increasingly perceived as unimportant. Eventually these groups will develop a united front and a collectivist political orientation vis-a-vis the other ethnic groups. Other groups will be expelled if possible or partitions will be created, and Western societies will undergo another period of medievalism. http://restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php?topic=3658.0 13
Posted by TREASURE TROVE OF INFO on Fri, 08 May 2009 12:34 | # In case you missed it, the following links you to tons of great research from J. Philippe Rushton on all kinds of topics related to race/ethnicity, ethnic nationalism, ethnic altruism, race realism, ethnicity/genetics/biology and intelligence, and so on - http://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushton_pubs.htm 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 08 May 2009 12:50 | # I second the above comment on that web-page listing Rushton’s papers and links for reading them: a treasure-trove resource which everybody needs to have stored in his computer for returning to as needed, for study, and to use as a source of references and links to other authors. Store that link! Read the articles it lists! 15
Posted by Mark in Ark on Fri, 08 May 2009 14:51 | # Europeans hate Americans, and so deserve only contempt. Europe is dying, demographically and economically. They are the past. 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 08 May 2009 15:13 | # Mark in Ark, no matter whether you are sincere or are instead going out of your way to play the agent provocateur for whatever enemy reason, you have no place at this blog. Go away. Permanently, please. 17
Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 08 May 2009 16:26 | # JOG’s efforts to tamp down on internet free speech in America are well under way: http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=97257 A Mexican-“American” named Sanchez has proposed an internet hate law that could jail people for ‘hurtful’ speech for up to two years. I guess they’ve seen the ability of bloggers to reach the white populace and are starting their steps to end it. 18
Posted by Mass-media Jewry to censor internet soon on Fri, 08 May 2009 16:52 | # “The current days of the internet will soon be over.” You were warned. 19
Posted by GR on Fri, 08 May 2009 17:39 | # Europeans hate Americans, and so deserve only contempt. Europe is dying, demographically and economically. They are the past. Mark, try going to Europe sometime. Though you may on occasion scorn their fashion, you’ll encounter no hatred, and probably not much contempt, from Europeans. And if Europe is “the past”—it’s a past whiter than our future. 20
Posted by Essay contest - essay on White racial nationalism on Fri, 08 May 2009 18:38 | # Can you win the upcoming essay contest sponsored by The Occidental Quarterly? If you win you’ll get rather broad recognition along with $1,000…give it a shot if you have the time, knowledge, and will: http://www.toqonline.com/essay-contest/ 21
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 08 May 2009 21:00 | # Many Europeans hate America’s Jew-controlled foreign policy and its similarly directed dumbed-down media and this often manifests at a personal level. 22
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 08 May 2009 21:07 | #
You mean when I referred to Mark in Ark’s possibly being an agent provocateur? Did you see what the guy wrote? No one here thinks that, and there’s no place here for anyone who thinks that. Am I wrong? I didn’t intend the term agent provocateur to mean someone “covertly sent by a Jewish organization.” But we all know there are individuals out there who can be called agents provocateurs, who on their own go around deliberately harassing sites like ours by injecting nonsensical proposals or notions, over-the-top language, name-calling, and/or threats, in the belief they’re “taking us down a few notches” by means of what they doubtless view as their “clever sarcasm,” their “bitter irony,” or their “demonstrating to the world how crazy and extreme we are by coming to our threads and taking our ideas to [what they see as] their logical conclusions.” 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 08 May 2009 21:12 | # I’m certain we’ve dealt with that kind of “free-lance” agent provocateur here before. Silver, in fact, is in a sense exactly that kind of person. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 08 May 2009 23:10 | # “Cinco de Mayo,” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinco_de_Mayo , the Mexican holiday which the U.S. federal government and all pro-race-replacement forces in U.S. society are trying very hard to ram down white American throats as a holiday they ought to adopt and begin celebrating. Nobody in this country ever heard of “Cinco de Mayo” before something like ten years ago. Since then it’s been non-stop 24/7/365 government propaganda in favor of “Cinco de Mayo” here in the United Islands of Dr. Moreau (formerly known as the United States). Americans of Euro race have to REFUSE IN THEIR MINDS to have ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH “Cinco de Mayo,” a holiday for another race and culture, NOT OURS, despite the constant bombardment with pro-Cinco-de-Mayo propaganda. JUST SAY NO! REFUSE IT! 25
Posted by q on Fri, 08 May 2009 23:39 | # silver, on balance, is a pretty good contributor to MR. Where silver gets into trouble, is when he tries to even the score with his harsh critics. Too, it is evident that silver has some serious personal issues that he’s grappling with with his own phenotype ... nonwhite, as he describes it. 26
Posted by Tobowey on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:03 | # What is wrong with the Cinco De Mayo thing? A lot of the US’s states used to be part of Mexico, meaning that there are still a lot of Mexicans in the US. The US has pretty much always been a multicultural country, and I don’t know where the hell this race-replacement thing is coming from. All the cities I’ve lived in people either tend to segregate on thier or live perfectly fine together. Even amongst Interacial couples, the couples are close enough in nationality that it doesn’t even tend to matter. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:08 | # Everything of importance Silver concedes with his right hand he sooner or later retracts with his left. There is no net concession, ever. Zero. He’s perpetually either back to square one or headed straight in that direction. I am unable to see Silver as our ally in any way whatsoever. Silver is on the other side. That being the case, whether he’s a decent debater or not carries no weight: the raison d’être of this blog isn’t debating, it’s getting the most important issue of the past ten thousand years sorted out (ten thousand? make that two million). 28
Posted by Jupiter on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:09 | # The vast majority ery rapidly-like that well known insect species. Native Born White Ameicans are being forced to subsidize this hispanic breeding machine whose intetnt is to race-replace Native Born White Americans. Hispanics-many of them-can’t afford a pot to pee in…but they breed and breed and breed!!! California over time will be transformed into a ecological waste land…the hispanics.asians and iranians will make sue it happens. Will this be enough to wake up Native Born White Americans.? How many states must be transformed into an ecological wasteland for the message to sink in? Anybody kwo how many? James think aboutthis stuff. BUT LET US SUPPOSE THAT NATIV BORN WHITE AMERICANS DO WAKE UP after severa western states ecologically collapse. Where will the borders be enforced? At this point in time within the borders of America, hispanics should be considered an invasive pest species. What they ar doing within the borders of America is ecologically unsustainable. Life Boat ethics..quite nasty band brutal you know. We are rapidly moving n this direction. And fuck you Geraldo Rivera..you are a spic. You have on more than one ocasion on national tv declared war on Native Born White America..as have he spics at La Raza. I know your fucking “little” nasty game harbors evil intent towards White America. Go ahead breed yourselfs to your fucking hearts content…use p all the water in Califirnia…wipe out California’s megafauna and plant speceis..all with the blessing of a Legal immigant scum hindu from India who is the head of the California Nature Conservancy and a former student of the father of conservation biology Michael Soule. Fuck California real good. White Americans-REAL AMERICANS-will watch hispanic-asian-iranain poulation of California collapse. I want to throw up every time a see some 4’8’’ hispanic who loks about 14 years old with a fat belley and two infants hanging off her. You people are disgusting,irresponsible and a threat to the biota of California an the rest America. Native Born White Ameicans behaved repsonsibly and brought there fertility level down to the PG level back in 1973…they didn’t do it so the irresponsible hispanc breeding machine from south of the borders could come over and destroy this beautifull nation. Hispanics are taking of Native Born White Americans. The overpopulation they will cause in America threatens the existence of Native Born White Americans,he megafauna,the plant species,water supplies,farmland and anything I have left out. The Ameican West is in its drought in 500 years!!!..despite this Jewish controlled-owned environmental oganizations such as the Sierra Club-What is the name of the hedge fund guy who now owns the Sierra Club-advocate for importng more high fertility hispanic pests from South of the border. If you are not extremely outraged, yu hve narcotized youself with sports entertainment. Sports entertainament is a cancer on the civic life of Native Born White Ameira. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:11 | # Your google search for “Cinco de Mayo” has landed you at the wrong blog, Tobe. You haven’t the remotest idea of what you’ve alighted upon. Hasta luego, amigo! Bye-bye! And Féliz Cinco de Mayo! 30
Posted by Jupiter on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:21 | # Don’t have the time to correct the spelling in the above post. but you get the idea. I was inspired to write the above post after a conversation with a White Engineer of Italian ancestry today who said"I got to find a place where it is really cold. I can’t stand all these goddam fucking pakis and indians..I want to puke..got to get out of this shit hole.” White Americans..more of them ..are entering the complete disgust phase. This is a cucial part of the transformation process. I come across more and more White Engineers whose attitude towards asians in America verges on hate. Life Boat ethics is kicking in. And When Life Boat Ethics kicks in ...anything is possible including kicking out a majority of hispanics,asians,muslims and afro-carribrans. Pray for severe ad extreme water shortages in the Western States and Southern States this summer. Disgust..disgust..disgust..disgust and some more disgust America is a joke nation at this point in time. 31
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:23 | #
His name is David Gelbaum: http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/treachery_and_the_barcelona_process/#c72262 32
Posted by Jupiter on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:25 | # Fred Let the Tobe kid stay. We can educate him about the facts of life. 33
Posted by Jupiter on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:27 | # Fred And of course Gelbaum being Jewish is incidental to his divine edict to Carl Pope to go full speed ahead with open borders. 34
Posted by Tobowey on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:40 | # Wow, so the moment that someone who disagrees with you posts, you want him to go away. I’d also like to say, that besides native born Whites, there are also a lot of native born “Hispanics”. Most hispanics, at least up north anyway, are “white” hispanics who are descended of European Spanish, and not the natives of the Western Hemisphere. Although there most probably was some mixing along the way. 35
Posted by Jupiter on Sat, 09 May 2009 00:42 | # Hispanics,asians,iranians and pakis are turning California into giant rancid lifeless disease ridden cesspool. California’s biota views them as a evil,filthy weed species. So do I. 36
Posted by Tobowey on Sat, 09 May 2009 02:07 | # That is quite unfortunate for California. I live in NYC and stuff is pretty fine over here. Like everywhere else it has its bad parts, usually where people are more poverty prone. I understand what you guys are saying about this whole race-replacement thing, it’d be a sad day when we wouldn’t be able to identify with any race at all. What I’d like to tell you though, is, that as an American born “hispanic” myself, if you really intend to get rid of people like myself, I will fight you for my own right to live in the country that I was born in, and consider my nationality as. 37
Posted by Mark in Ark on Sat, 09 May 2009 02:37 | # I can assure you I am no agent of anything and that most Europeans really do hate Americans. I am a mean Scotch-Irish SOB who thinks the real enemy is SWPLs and blacks. Fred Scrooby is a tin-foil hat who is blind to the truth. 38
Posted by Darren on Sat, 09 May 2009 03:42 | # I wouldn’t blame Europeans for hating us. America is hardly, to use a Zionist phrase, “a light onto nations”. 39
Posted by Grubkur on Sat, 09 May 2009 05:09 | #
Actually Jew-raldo is a Tribe-man! Geraldo Rivera has rediscovered his Jewish roots, and he declares the Jews “need” him back. The Jews, apparently, have decidedly mixed feelings about his return. David Icke speaks of ‘Shape Shifting Beings’ and apparently Jew-raldo fits into that mold. In the ‘70s he passed himself off as ‘Jerry Rivers’ (Wasp phase), then went Hispanic, now he has come full circle and gone full on Jew!
That is fine, the Race War is coming. ‘America’ is an Artificial House of Cards just waiting to be blown away by the wind. CA will be one of the first places to Collapse due to over-crowding, lack of Water supply, and lack of electricity from too many Jews operating air conditioners. Read Thomas W. Chittums ‘Civil War 2’. Chances are though most Whites will have left (indeed alot already have, they are my new neighbors here in the PNW) so it will be Mestizo vs. Negro in most areas. I don’t live back East so am not sure how things will shake out in your area.
That is True and I can fully understand such an attitude. Not the first to have it either. Look at Ezra Pound and Francis Parker Yockey who even ‘got up out this bi-ya-tch’ to borrow a Negro-ism. (although seeing it from a Scots-Irish type is a little strange given how many of his co-Ethnics reside here and yes BTW a whole branch of my family is made up exclusivly of Welsh/Irish types but I myself am Adopted of Aryan Germanic/ Norwegian-ish Origins. ) 40
Posted by Tobowey on Sat, 09 May 2009 05:16 | # I guess we have it pretty good back east then. We have overcrowding due to people moving in, but because NYC is farther north from the border, you may get some illegal immigrants, but we probably don’t get as big a flood as your guys might get down south and Cali. 41
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 May 2009 07:39 | # The question everyone has to ask themselves is: Would I be where I am if the government hadn’t been protecting me from the people the government was supposed to be protecting from me? 42
Posted by Tobowey on Sat, 09 May 2009 07:58 | # Who is the government supposed to be protecting me from? 44
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 May 2009 17:23 | # Tobowey asks: Who is the government supposed to be protecting me from? Anyone who would have, in the absence of the government protecting you, challenged you to single combat to the death under the laws of nature when you entered their ecology. Government is a social contract in which the men agree to grant some of their individual sovereignty (right to kill cowards who refuse single combat to the death under the laws of nature) to the government which then, in exchange, agrees to defend their territory for them. If you are part of the breaking of that contract, your right to life is forfeit. 45
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 May 2009 18:15 | # It makes no difference, Tobe, if your citizenship was acquired through the fallacious anchor-baby interpretation of the XIVth Amendment to the Constitution, precisely because that interpretation of that amendment is fallacious and therefore your notion that you are a citizen is fallacious. And it makes no difference if your citizenship was acquired as a result of the Jewish hatched-engineered-and-pushed 1965 Immigration Law, because that law was never aired before the public as it should have been before being voted on: considering the portent of passage of that law (portent which has been borne out in nightmarish reality ever since) its sponsors in effect did the equivalent of sneaking it through in the dead of night (and lying through their teeth to accomplish even that) — any law having the portent that law did ought to have been put before the public in an entirely different way from what was done prior to the vote. It was no ordinary law but the most radical attack on the identity of the nation itself. All of which adds up to that law being morally null and void and of questionable legality, and therefore your citizenship, if you are a Hispanic who acquired that citizenship as a result of that law, of questionable validity if not outright invalid. When the time comes, you’ll be offered a generous buy-out of your citizenship in the event that the rescinding of all anti-white laws, rules, and directives and full restoration of white people’s freedom of association don’t induce you to depart of your own accord for what will then be greener pastures for Hispanics. If you then decline the generous citizenship buy-out offer, the invalid status of your citizenship will be invoked as legal grounds for escorting you to the border and across it with no financial compensation and with a warning not to return. 46
Posted by Tobowey on Sat, 09 May 2009 18:59 | # I can assure you that no one is going to escort me out of the country I was born in. I grew up an American, and I will surely die as one. There are no greener pastures outside of my hometown. I’ve been out of the country plenty of times, and while I can say it may be fun to visit, it surely would not be a choice residence for me in the least. Go ahead with fighting against your anti-white laws, but denying the right for families like mine, who have made the US their residence for generations, is not the way you should go about it. 47
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 May 2009 19:24 | #
How many generations? If your family go back before the 1965 Jewish law, I for one have no quarrel with your citizenship. 48
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 May 2009 20:50 | # Tobowey, I think if you stick with my criteria you won’t go wrong. If you don’t, you are in mortal danger and nothing will ensure your life and limb. 49
Posted by GR on Sat, 09 May 2009 23:48 | # I am a mean Scotch-Irish SOB Says it all. This is not a conservitard blog; rootin-tootin Scots-Ahrish hootin’ n hollerin’ is out of place. 50
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 10 May 2009 05:36 | # If you haven’t been to California in the last 15 years you are in for a big awakening. Many of us Native Born Californians have had it with the crime, congestion, overbuilt housing,—4’8” mestizos with two in tow and one on the way. The biggest newest building in Watsonville, Cal. is the Social Security Office. Oh and a whole bunch of new schools, built on Wetlands that the chicken shit Sierra Club took the side of the New People, the Migrant. Jupiter, you must live in an area of California just like the one I finally was forced to leave after death threats by MS13, three home burglaries and deliberately poisoning my good and faithful dog with of all things Paraquat soaked meat. It can’t last. Fly over Modesto California, it now has spread like a cancer from one side of the Great Central Valley to the other, once prime farm land is now covered by a gray mass of streets, lights and houses. The people that did this will NEVER be forgiven or forgotten. 51
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 May 2009 05:44 | #
Amen. 52
Posted by Mark in Ark on Sun, 10 May 2009 15:22 | # America isn’t worth saving: just look who they elected president. The vast majority (of whites as well) love the welfare/warfare state, taxation and regulation. 53
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 May 2009 21:33 | # “Latté Island,” who lives in Race-Replacementifornia, apparently doesn’t think much of Cinco de Mayo’s chances of catching on out there long-term: http://latteisland.blogspot.com/2009/05/trader-joes-doesnt-celebrate-cinco-de.html . That’s good news but LULAC had better not find out or they won’t be too pleased ….. http://www.vdare.com/letters/tl_050909.htm#b2 . The other thing, of course, is Where’d LULAC come from? Same place as the NAACP? These dirt-poor illiterate Mexican peons who cross the border to work here who come with nothing and go home with next to nothing, who can’t read or write English, Spanish, or Oaxacan, didn’t set LULAC up and nurture it to where it is today. Whites did that and only whites. Which ones? Which ones? What ethnicity is the behind-the-scenes mover and shaker behind LULAC? Hint: it sure AIN’T the Oaxacan-speaking illegal Mexican indios who swam the Rio Grande or drank cactus water crossing the Sonoran Desert on foot getting here, any more than it was the Negroes who gave us the NAACP. U.S.-based non-Mexican lawyers, money, political commitment and connections, talent, expertise, and ESPECIALLY connections with the big foundations like Ford, is what’s reponsible for outfits like LULAC, La Raza, MeCHA, and MALDEF. Who, exactly, is behind that? 54
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 May 2009 21:35 | # If anyone knows, just fill in the blank ________ . 55
Posted by torgrim on Mon, 11 May 2009 00:10 | # from latteisland…. The reason there hasn’t been a lawsuit or a sullen group of migrants intimidating this Trader Joes, comes from the fact that the only work for the illegals and other migrants in Mexifornia is in the fields. “Who, exactly, is behind that?” Fred Follow the money. Giant Ag., land owners that rent out the land to Mexican growers and grow arrogant, indolent, and raise a bunch of Trust Funders, that look down on the White working man. Trust Funders that go on to become lawyers and work for big Jew Owned Lawyer Nests (JOLN). The corporate mode of ag. needs the Migrant, the lawyer and every now and then a White man to engineer their runoff, water reclamation, etc. California is about tapped out, literally, most of the water sources have dams, the wet seasons are growing shorter and come later, the LA Basin is now paying big Ag. in N.Mexifornia for water that used to be for growing food, now the water is the “crop”. This is not going to last. Post a comment:
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Posted by CullTheDumbest on Wed, 06 May 2009 19:23 | #
Throw it back in their faces while reasserting collectivism. Good idea. See also:
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