How much for equal justice?

Posted by James Bowery on Friday, 22 June 2007 17:07.

in Tom Coburn: The Shame of the Senate mcjoan blogs:

Yesterday the House passed landmark civil rights legislation, H.R. 923, the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, by a vote of 422-2. The bill, sponsored by Representatives John Lewis (D-GA) and Kenny Hulshof (R-MO), would re-open hate crime cases during the Civil Rights Era, focusing on investigating and prosecuting murder cases occurring prior to 1970.

The two votes against? Georgia’s Lynn Westmoreland and that darling of people who aren’t paying close enough attention to reality, Ron Paul.

From the bill:

There are authorized to be appropriated, in addition to any other amounts otherwise authorized to be appropriated for this purpose, to the Attorney General $10,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2017 for the purpose of investigating and prosecuting violations of criminal civil rights statutes that occurred not later than December 31, 1969, and resulted in a death. These funds shall be allocated by the Attorney General to the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division and the Supervisory Special Agent of the Civil Rights Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in order to advance the purposes set forth in this Act.

So since they’re putting up $10M/year to solve old interracial crimes, because interracial crimes are so heinous, how much should they be putting into tracking down old black on white interracial crimes?  Better yet, how about black on white interracial crimes where the trail isn’t cold hence the likelihood of apprehension is much higher?  (That all assumes, of course, that there is equal justice regardless of race.)
And finally, how much money should be put into apprehending people like those who force integration on the rest of us so that there is a systemic bias toward minority on majority interracial crime?  If they cause an aggregate level of, say, 1000 assaults, murders, rape, etc., each, due to their violation of our right to associate with those we prefer—how can we make punishment fit the crime?  Oh, wait… those are the “civil rights workers” who are to be accorded special protection from those they victimize.




Posted by danielj on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 17:37 | #


wouldn’t the money be better spent by simply giving one million dollars to one-hundred American families?

i’m sure they are going to turn this “operation aging klansmen” into some sort of mini-series or docudrama style reality show.

it will be just like the end of Fahrenheit 451 when they count find the guy, they will just set the hounds on whomever is in the wrong place.


Posted by Scimitar on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 21:11 | #

I posted a blog entry about this the other day. The two men accused of murdering Emmett Till were put on trial and acquitted. Although they later confessed to the crime, both men died years ago. I checked the legislation and 1969 is the cut-off date. What sense does it make to spend over $100 million dollars to track down elderly murderers who are mostly dead? James Earl Ray, for example, died in prison about a decade ago.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 21:20 | #

What sense does it make to spend over $100 million dollars to track down elderly murderers who are mostly dead?

My point is slightly different.  My point is that if there is equality of justice before the law—what does this expenditure say about how much should be spent to make sure that black on white interracial crimes don’t remain “unsolved” given the fact that the problem is more than 50 times worse?  This is particularly important for this government to resolve since it is FORCING whites to accept blacks into their communities.


Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 01:20 | #

Bobo Till, like his rapist father, got his just desserts.


Posted by Alex Linder on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 01:39 | #

Hulshof’s our rep up here in Kirksville. I’d like to run against him if I can get my circumstances right. Anyway, here’s a little piece I wrote for Kirksville Today.

Weak Kenny: a Profile in Cowardice


Posted by danielj on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 02:52 | #

My point is slightly different….. -James

Noted. Let’s see… 60/1 violent crime rate makes… uhh…

6 billion??? Throw in another 50 million for robberies…

I’m not good at math and I program in a very high level language… Is that figure right?


Posted by gongstar on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 23:58 | #

If blacks didn’t exist, Jews would surely have to invent them. Then again, is anyone sure they didn’t?


Posted by Scimitar on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 00:49 | #

The cheap labor addiction is largely responsible for the Negro problem in America. The illegal immigration crisis, too. Jews were imported as generic European cheap labor to work in the Northern manufacturing belt during the late nineteenth/early twentieth century.


Posted by Calvin on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 01:26 | #

In reality it’s all about an economically privileged minority defending the system that bestows that economic privilege. The majority for whom this system is economically and socially detrimental must be portrayed as being motivated by something other than economic self-defence. To this end the elite have create a myriad of bogus definitions that portray opponents to the system as being inspired by ignoble motives such as “hate”, “bigotry” and “ignorance”.

Hate crime: An assault by a white person upon a non-white person.

Love crime: An assault by a non-white person upon a white person.

Civil Rights: The rights, belonging to everyone, protected under common law.

Civil Rights Legislation: An amendment to the legal code that awards special privileges to non-white people.

And so it goes…..! In the end you are either a direct financial beneficiary of a system that encourages an unrestricted labour market, or you belong to the class of secondary privileged individuals who are of all of the people necessary for the administration of the regime, mainly, of course, government employees. These people provide the same service to the economic elite that party members did under communism or the priesthood did under feudalism.


Posted by torgrim on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 18:43 | #

“And so it goes….! In the end you are either a direct beneficiary of a system that encourages an unrestricted labour market or you belong to the class of secondary privileged individuals who are all of the people necessary for the administration of the regime, mainly, of course,government employees. These people provide the same service to the economic elite that party members did under communism or the priesthood did under feudalism.”

I believe that this cuts to the central point and explains just why so many of Euro folk are compliant with this regime. Many of our folk are in the secondary class and benefit to the extent that they have some “support”, ie, health insurance,etc.

Those of us on the outside of this system, have always found a way to sustain ourselves. The problem for the elitists, today is, the sustainabilty of the system on the backs of those on the outside of this heirarchy.
The “peasants” are waking up, thanks to the avarice of the elites and their race replacement stragedy. Where do those arrogant and aggressive types think the traditional yeoman will do when confronted with complete marginalization?


Posted by 1 or 2? on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 17:50 | #

Everyone knows White on Black crime barely exists; when it does we are reminded of it in perpetuity.  Conversely everybody knows Black on White crime is committed with impunity…it’s often celebrated, ie OJ Simpson. Whites have dug themselves into such a politically correct hole, only an act of God can save the White race. Obviously, at the moment,  the masses of Whites have lost their collective will and courage to fight back against the subjugation and race replacement heaped upon them.

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