Australia a holdout? I’m sometimes bemused when I hear people talk of Australia as being a possible last holdout for Europeans. It’s true, as John Ray likes to point out, that we have a stricter control over illegal immigration than America or even Britain. But this is only to ensure that the massive legal migration programme continues undisturbed. Look, for instance, at what we poor Melbournians had to wake up to this morning. Our Labor Party Premier, Steve Bracks, wants to make immigration the “centre of government policy” (the centre of state government policy, when the state government is not even responsible for migration). He wants to use immigration to add an extra 700,000 residents to Melbourne to overtake Sydney’s size, and an extra 1,300,000 over the next 20 years to take the state’s population to 6,000,000. The supposedly “conservative” Federal Liberal Party welcomed the Labor Party’s interest in massively boosting foreign immigration. The Federal Immigration Minister, Amanda Vanstone, said “I welcome the Victorian Government’s enthusiasm for immigration.” And what of business? Australian Industry Group chief executive, Heather Ridout, supports higher immigration, saying “Business has been lobbying the Government quite consistently for more immigration”. Something to think about for those “conservatives” who believe that support for capitalism and the free market is an adequate way to define conservatism. The unions? Leading unionist Bill Shorten wants immigration rates doubled to 250,000 a year and thinks anything else would be “crazy”. The universities? One in five Australian uni students is now from abroad (mainly Asia). Meanwhile the percentage of Australian born high school students being offered a uni place has dropped from 65 to 55%. So we Melbournians are faced with an immigration onslaught which is supported by all the official institutions of society. Lessons? First, that our political class as a whole shares a basic belief in liberal principles. There is no genuinely conservative political party or social institution which will stand up for a traditional Australian national identity. The Liberal Party, exactly as its name suggests, is fundamentally liberal rather than conservative. This means that to regain any kind of control over our own fate, we need to start building a grassroots conservative movement. If there are any readers of Majority Rights living in or around Melbourne who would like to consider participating in such a movement please click here. Comments:2
Posted by John Ray on Mon, 11 Apr 2005 10:52 | # There is consensus in Oz about selective immigration because people like the results. I am one of them. The Anglo-Saxon world does not have a monopoly of good citizens. 3
Posted by JW Holliday on Mon, 11 Apr 2005 11:32 | # John, At what point does your European racial particularism kick in? 4
Posted by Mark Richardson on Mon, 11 Apr 2005 13:12 | # John, 1) The consensus is between the elites - no-one else has ever been given a say 2) The elites themselves are free to “like the results” as much as they want, since they don’t have to experience the results - they’re mostly insulated from the front line multicultural suburbs. 3) You’ve fallen behind elite opinion in arguing that the Anglo-Saxon world doesn’t have a monopoly of good citizens. The elites don’t need any convincing of this. They think, in fact, that the good citizens, the ones they have to compete to recruit in order to prosper, are living overseas. Which helps to explain why there’s a declining effort to train young Australians for the economy. A third of Australia’s doctors are now overseas born. Welders are being flown in from China, whilst Australian companies wind down local apprenticeship schemes. A declining proportion of Australian students are being offered university places - these are increasingly being taken by overseas students. The elites have given up on the idea that the future of their own country comes from within the country itself. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 11 Apr 2005 15:10 | # “The Anglo-Saxon world does not have a monopoly of good citizens.” (—John R.) Whoever said it did? But why does the non-A-S world have a monopoly of racially/ethnically more-or-less homogeneous nations? (Let’s not trot out Malaysia and so on, John—you know exactly what I mean so don’t play games.) 6
Posted by Andrew L on Mon, 11 Apr 2005 16:37 | # The bulk of our problem is third world flooding the country, Slave labour Sanctione, is abundant, The other problem was Eastern Block .Large numbers just will not assimulate, they congregate in own ethnic Groups, and there Children are hardend in Parents oirigins.That is Accross the board with all Ethnic make up. Whitlem decided we were going to be Communist, 30 years later we are still repairing the dammage, But it has gone to Far, Labour Party was the Culprit that engaged in the mother of all Branch stack,and political parties have all jumped on the band wagon, just look at the welfare Bill, in eight years , it has increased by 50 billion, ether the Unemployment figures are fraud, or the Imigration are fraud, it compounds in hospitals and ability to cope, some one has deliberatly made us a International Socialist Republic dumping ground.As was the point before,Who asked the public, No one. Anything that is prefixed with Loby in this place is A recipiant of the Soros Foundation.And can any one here remember what Australia was 30 years ago, Yep, starting to resembel an African Nation now,and spiraling out of control, compounding massive problems, and the polititions Just don’t care. There is a battle with reality on the Horizan, that is not racism, it is just fact, we are being systematically made redundant. And If you own a Small buisiness, the tax will tell you we are in state control mode. 7
Posted by Phil Peterson on Mon, 11 Apr 2005 21:28 | # The Anglo-Saxon world does not have a monopoly of good citizens. With friends like these….... 8
Posted by Mark Richardson on Tue, 12 Apr 2005 05:54 | # The Herald Sun newspaper, which ran the articles I linked to, also ran a readers’ survey on the issue. The survey question was “Should Victoria try to lure more migrants?” 1500 readers responded. Forty-seven answered yes. 1453 answered no. I know it’s not a scientifically conducted survey, but even so it suggests that if there is a “consensus” amongst ordinary Australians, it’s against mass immigration rather than in favour of it. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 13 Apr 2005 01:53 | # ... with perhaps a few Bush-family distant cousins thrown in? ... Post a comment:
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Posted by Andrew L on Mon, 11 Apr 2005 09:50 | #
If Anyone else in Australia, is stupid enough Branks is the king of the State Idiots, Gough’s other Bastard child, now the other, Latham has Gone.A Counter Revolution is healthy and looking stronger, Commander Bolt, Andrew type ,Front and Center.