In a black cab, episode two

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 29 November 2009 01:04.

Central London early this morning.  Clear skies, cold air.  No crowds of the aimless and the atomised.  Not all that many cars.  Most of the city is still observing the leisurely ritual of awakening to the weekend.  But a few people are out running or just wandering in Hyde Park, all whites bar the only two blacks that seem to have got themselves out of bed without being paid to do so.  The rest of central London, meanwhile, is strangely bereft of Africa’s giftless gifts to civilisation.

Asia has stirred, however, and is shuffling along the pavements, coldly gazing ahead, nothing to do with me.  But if it could just stay like this, one finds oneself thinking, it wouldn’t be too bad.  One could almost mistake my old city for being really quite white.  Almost.  The illusion won’t survive too long in to the day, of course.

First the Marylebone Road, then Kensington.  An hour’s meeting with an Italian client finishes at 11.00am and I am done.  I take my leave by the huge glass revolving door of the hotel and step out into the still cold air to find a cab.  It is now mid-morning.  But the city is quiet and two cabs, black and maroon, wait to my right.  The driver of the first one, the black one, sees me approach and lowers his side window.  First impression, Nick Griffin’s bad-boy bouncer.  Shaved head, strong features, but a bright and intelligent eye.  Good man to have on your side if trouble comes calling.

“Victoria,” I say, and we are on our way.

Now, taxi drivers the world over are a voluble bloody lot.  I like that.  I am a voluble bloody lot, too, and only really comfortable with people who have some conversation.  This guy is one of those.  Within a couple of minutes I find myself explaining my London roots.  A minute later he’s explaining what life is like in the city today.

“It’s a hard place to live,” he says, “... really hard.”  I, a London exile, look at the lost souls beyond the windows of the cab and try to imagine what these hardships might be.  But the conversation has already moved on.  We are rolling through Belgravia, past elegant terraces of six-story mansions.

“The people who live in all these houses ... now they don’t have it hard,” he informs me, “Each of these is lived in by one family.”  And, indeed, the houses are all ambassadorial standard.  “Thirty rooms for each family, then,” I say.  Do we have a class-warrior here?

No.  Because when I follow up that London is becoming a place only for the rich and the poor, and is slowly being drained of the social variety and cohesion I knew in my day and which went with it being our city, our London, the sad, true feelings of this sturdy man are revealed.

“That’s all gone and it will never come back,” he says, repeating “never come back” in a lower tone to make sure I understand the sense of loss which eats away at him as he drives through the MultiCult every working day of his life.  I hadn’t expected defeatism.

“The past doesn’t matter now,” I say, “It’s only about the kind of future we want for ... you know, our kids.”  And to that, he raises his left hand to the height of the partition window and gives me a thumbs up!

“Do you know the BNP website,” I say, pretty confident that he does.  I tell him the story about the two videos - Wembley and Peckham - that are posted on the front page.  “We’ll be a minority in our own land by maybe 2040 unless we change things ourselves, because nobody else is going to help - nobody.  We’ve got twenty years to do it by political means.  If we can’t do it by 2030 or so, all that’s left will be military means - I mean civil conflict.”

Then he tells me frankly that not long before he had gone to have a look at a protest of some kind at, he says, the inaptly named White City (in West London).  “Terrible place,” he says, “No one turned up.  No one is doing anything.  No one is going to do anything.”  He obviously feels isolated and frustrated that he can’t connect with good, solid, boots-on-the-ground guys like himself.  Of course I reassure him.  “There’s more going on than you see.  There is movement, I promise you.”

We are arriving at the Shakespeare, by the side of Victoria Station.  This is where I get out.  As the cab slows to a halt he says he hopes I’m right, but he has spoken to other passengers like me, and they are always very down about it all.  “When you speak to them,” I say, “you must give them hope.”  I can feel the emotional chord that strikes.

I stand on the pavement fishing my wallet out of my inside coat pocket with my left hand.

“How much do I owe you,” I ask.  He glances at the meter.  I know it was reading over £13.00 only a moment earlier.  “Give me a tenner,” he says.  I protest, but he will have none of it.  “Do you have a computer at home,” I ask.  He does, of course.  “Google majorityrights,” I say, “One word.”  He repeats it.  “It’s a website I own.”

I reach in to the cab and shake the man’s hand.  Who says kinship counts for nothing in this crazy world?

Readers with a long memory may know that I’ve written this post before, in October 2005 to be exact.  Four years.  Four years more anger and pain.  Four years more expectation.  I can’t help but wonder how I will write it in four years time.



Posted by Englander on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 01:26 | #

I find that if you raise these sorts of topics with ordinary folk and they realise that they can speak freely in your presence, they tend to agree completely and with a strong charge of emotion. It is as if they are relieved that they have the opportunity to say what they’re thinking in front of another human being. I find it strangely fulfilling myself to engage people in that way.


Posted by PF on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 01:44 | #

awesome slice of life piece. the appeal of this approach over the more fascistic ones is obvious. it doesnt militate against our sensibility and demand an act of radical self-reprogramming to accept. bravo.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 02:13 | #

I reach in to the cab and shake the man’s hand.  Who says kinship counts for nothing in this crazy world?

Half the time the Pakis don’t turn the damn meters on at all.  You’ll get a better deal on cab fare from a shit skin.


Posted by PF on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 03:06 | #

Friedrich, I challenge you to a game of online Dredel to decide the future of the white race.

If the white race’s future ain’t enough of a motivator, if you win you can have a silver star of David piece to bedazzle your grill. This is perhaps the only symbol known to man that will simultaneously endear you to ‘groids and israelites. To say nothing of the prestige these sorts of things carry in white social circles.



Posted by Selous Scout on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 03:17 | #

Thanks, GW, that was uplifting. One more reader, another friend. These real-life encounters matter. I haven’t been back to London in years. I’m almost afraid to go back. I’d hate to see what my old stomping grounds in South Ken, Ken High Street, and Chelsea are like today.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 03:24 | #

The warrior class: Any chap who is of normal physical health and can pull a trigger.  If you guys can roll up Rommel’s Krauts in North Africa this shouldn’t be a problem. 

In the mean time: pull get involved with the BNP, pull the lever in the voting booth for the BNP, and encourage others to do same.  Encourage friends and acquaintances to get on the Web and learn about what’s going on, and to spread the word once they know. 

If there’s any other take home point I’m not aware of it.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 04:47 | #

If you guys can roll up Rommel’s Krauts in North Africa this shouldn’t be a problem.

What’s the history of Britain? The Scots and Picts harass and finally run out the Romans, who were a mighty force themselves, only to be driven back by the Saxons, Angles, etc.

Even if the best of the English have died in the world wars or have taken up in America, they’re still some of the toughest around.


Posted by Armor on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 05:34 | #

What’s the history of Britain? The Scots and Picts harass and finally run out the Romans, who were a mighty force themselves, only to be driven back by the Saxons, Angles, etc. (—Frank)

I think the Romans pulled out their troops from Britain because they had to cut their army budget. The highly civilized, but too soft, British society was left unorganized, and the Anglo-Saxon savages jumped at the chance to invade. Civilized Britons, like Vortigern, had this strange, romantic notion that all men are more or less the same. He tried to inject some fighting spirit in his army by hiring English mercenaries. He reasoned that they would soon assimilate, become civilized, and soften up. His tragic mistake was due to the ability of the English to pass as normal white people from a distance. If Vortigern had taken a closer look, he would have noticed the chilling, crazy glint in their eyes.


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 06:02 | #

I think we are straying O/T here but I think the long term strategic error of Rome in this instance was invading Britain in the first place. But then compounding that by not subduing the whole British Isles in turn. If the whole area had been subdued then the need for a garrison at all would have been much reduced long term.

Of course we are looking at a long period here but they fixed the problem by eventually withdrawing the army & fleet. That was nothing to do with action in Britain by warlike natives but all to do with threats elsewhere in the empire.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 06:31 | #

If the whole area had been subdued then the need for a garrison at all would have been much reduced long term.

Too bad this was impossible. How many more legions would Rome have needed? It took mass media to neuter the Celts.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 06:38 | #

Mass media and the New Age Catholic Church bolstered by Cromwell’s bloodthirst… Maybe this economic depression (which hasn’t fully hit yet) will wake some sense into them. I see Ireland’s paying immigrants to return home; presumably the other Celts and English are snapping out of the trance as well?


Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 07:16 | #

The English seem to have snapped out of it as well. The problem is that no amount of dosh would seem to be sufficient to coax anyone into returning to Zimbabwe. And who can blame them, really.


Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 07:22 | #

“Google majorityrights,” I say, “One word.” He repeats it.  “It’s a website I own.”

A satisfying moment, I’m sure. But is there much on MR that is likely to resonate with your archetypal London cabbie?

A rhetorical question of course.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 08:16 | #

Perhaps for a mil each they would return, if only to escape again.

6K pounds is probably less the cost of escaping… Cut the military maybe.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 08:19 | #

I wrote:

6K pounds is probably less the cost of escaping… Cut the military maybe.

This should read: 6K pounds is probably less than the cost of escaping… Possibly reduce military expenditure if a source of funds are needed.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 08:41 | #

After reposting this at my other haunt, I’ll post a better reply (late - time for sleep wink ):

Voluntary repatriation packages worth up to £6,000 have been available since February for those considering returning to Harare, but they have been available only “in kind” – such as vocational training, aid in setting up a business or meeting the cost of the flight.

Cash payments of up to £2,000 will be phased in over the next six months and paid through the International Organisation of Migration office in Harare. This will be available in addition to the basic £4,000 package of repatriation assistance paid in kind.

Who would return for such a small package?

In the case of illegals such as this, ALL illegals ought to be booted out. If the English are serious about the repatriation of legal aliens, a million pounds is about what they’ll need to offer. Aliens come to England for money, and they’ll only leave voluntarily for money.

America sent some of its former slaves to Liberia, though sadly not all of them.


Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 09:14 | #

Practical advice from someone in the know.

Not everyone living unlawfully in the UK is at risk of persecution in Zimbabwe. There are some who are merely economic migrants. The option of returning voluntarily is good in the sense that you have control over the way you leave the UK.


The Ministerial Statement serves as a stark reminder that the United Kingdom cannot continue to host Zimbabweans indefinitely and therefore there will come a time when people that are living here unlawfully will have to return.

It is important to regularise one’s immigration status before they are faced with removal or detention. I have noticed that some of my countrymen and women have a tendency to jump on the bandwagon. There have been fads with regard to regularising one’s immigration status. It started with student visas, moved on to ancestry visas then asylum.

I asked someone why they had claimed asylum when their case clearly had no merit. The answer I was given was: “Well everyone else was!”

My own back-of-the-envelope calculation indicates that for a family with two children a golden goodbye package of £100,000 could actually be self-financing when offset against the cost of educating two children, family allowance etc. That aside, diverting the present foreign aid budget of £8 billion to such a purpose would support the repatriation of 80,000 such families annually.


Posted by Thunder on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 11:10 | #

What is going on with you Fred B?  Can you see no value in this piece or are you just being a shit?  You are really off track lately.


Posted by Angry Beard on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 11:19 | #

Of course, there are two types of london cabbie - the rough Jewish mensch types (who somehow never became doctors or lawyers), from Gants Hill and thereabouts - lucky GW never attempted his spiel on one of those, or perhaps GW’s jewdar is infallible, and the old-school Cockney ‘salt of the earth type’ - a type rapidly headed for extinction, the archetype of the stree-smart Victorian costermonger and WW1 Tommy, supposedly good-humored with a heart of gold beneath the rough but loveable exterior, but of course invariably a worshipper of Enoch Powell and a visceral, instinctive hater of wogs and the destruction of his native land.One is forcefully reminded of the 1968 walk-out by the London dockers in support of Enoch and the ritual ‘punching and kicking’ meted out on one Ian Mikardo MP, who attempted to placate the dockers with a lot of lefty guff.
Anyhow as the great Austion Osman Spare once said, “If you want to know the truth, ask a Cockney”.The true born English Cockney (as distinct from the fakers and those shitcunts* you see in EastEnders), is a rapidly vanishing species.The actor Stanley Holloway probably gave the best representation of the type, they were England’s equivalent of the true sons of the soil as the continental nations exulted their peasantries in such semi-mystical terms.Tough, rough around the edges but loyal to those they love, uneducated, but with a certain instinctive ‘horse-sense’ on the real issues of the day (such as immigration), that transcends the musings of the supposedly ‘intelligent’ political class.

*Good, old-fashioned, genuine Cockey expression of the ultimate contempt - and believe me EastEnders is deserving of it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 12:03 | #


Do I not recall you posting a piece at CP on how you berated a Jewish woman who called you a Nazi on the street outside your home?

This post is just about a tiny episode in the life of the city and of our people.  No, it is not politically deep - I am preparing to interview Dr Roodt this afternoon, and didn’t want to take my eye too much off the ball.  That said, it is heartening and true and something that will strike a cord with every one of us, for we all have such experiences.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 15:49 | #

That aside, diverting the present foreign aid budget of £8 billion to such a purpose would support the repatriation of 80,000 such families annually.

That’s a good response.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:11 | #

BBC exposes Kraut-loving Nazis in England:

That aside, diverting the present foreign aid budget of £8 billion to such a purpose would support the repatriation of 80,000 such families annually.

Assuming ten million muds in the UK, and assuming all these are members of families of four, given Dare’s parameters, it would take 31 years and 4 months to see the last of them off.  Yawn.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 20:29 | #

Make that 31 years and 3 months, but so long as during those long years nigg00ze are legally allowed to miscegenate with White women, and Jamie Fox is taught the posh accent so he can portray the next 007, what’s another month really.  After all, we must distinguish between “legitimate gene flow” and the illegitimate variety.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 21:26 | #

My scheme is not very generous.  Five years or nothing.  An absolute minumum amount - absolute minimum - reducing each year they tarry, and paid as a lump sum in the country of destination.  A legislative programme making life increasingly difficult, beginning with the outlawing of hallal and kosher slaughter and proceeding to disemployment, banning of association, destruction of religious buildings, and forced removal.

Self-interest will dictate a successful outcome.  These people were invited here by means of loudly advertised incentives.  They must be disinvited by means of equally loudly advertised disincentives.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:01 | #


I vaguely remember writing something along those lines.  But it was a while ago.  A quick search uncovered nothing.

FB will speak for FB.  But I do believe that, like many others we have seen down the years, he is moving (very publicly) through an ideological arc and cannot know himself know where it will take him.  This can’t be easy.  In any event, it is harmful and wrong to abuse our brother.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:06 | #

No, I mean five years to sell-up and get out or leave with nothing.  What more do we owe them?  We did not ask them here.  Thousands of our people, often mere children, are dead because of them.  Ancient family lines have been ended.  We have been called haters.  We have been made unwelcome on our streets and in neighbourhoods where generations of our forefathers lived.  We have suffered enough.  We should not now suffer to remove these peoples from our house.


Posted by Angry Beard on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:08 | #

    Apart from the small matter of the United Nations, the European Convention on Human Rights etc, etc (this is assuming by some miracle that the BNP is actually popularly elected - and somehow the whole gubbins of the establishment and vested interests are neutralized), you will of course make an enemy of the ‘diverse’ USA by then a majority non-White nation with enough nuclear fire-power to blow England to kingdom-come a thousand times over.
-At the risk of being a bore a sharp dose of realism is called for.

“Bunnies can and will go to France”.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:23 | #

Angry Beard,

I have consistently answered you that you do not understand the issue.  That is so.

Look, our life constitutes an insupportable offence to the messianic Jew.  The ascent to the Promised Land, when G-d will return among his Chosen People and anoint them with the material wealth and service of all humanity, requires our absolute racial dismemberment.  Read the Talmud, damn it.  Listen to the Lubivitchers.  Get an education.

For us, there is no expedient, Jew-appeasing (ie, US-appeasing) half-way house.  Our life is not permissable.  If we are going to mount an effort to live, therefore, we will necessarily offend!

When you understand the forces that are arrayed against us and the nature and urgency of our action, then I will listen to your council.  But you don’t understand today.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:38 | #

Beady Beardy, you assume us Amerikwans are going to be sitting here with our dicks in our hands until the jew-cattle come home.  Don’t count on it.  Seems as if you almost hope we do.  Now why is that?


Posted by Angry Beard on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:52 | #

Well, just look at what the Yanks did to poor little ol’ Serbia when the dared to do something about their muslim problem.
What was that I remember? - Uncle Sam’s finest bombing TV stations and murdering journalists, knocking out power stations and sewage works (And these are the gits who bang-on about Hitler’s blitzkrieg all the time) - and that was just for starters.
Look how the good ol’ US of A effectively economically destroyed South Africa (at a time when the USA was mostly White) through the usual mealy-mouthed American package of trade freezes, sanctions, embargoes etc - Britain is a nation wholly dependent on foreign trade and commerce to a vastly greater extent than South Africa ever was.
- I have no illusions whatsoever as to the real nature of the power behind the America throne - and what they have in store for any White European nation that would ever dare to re-assert ethnic genetic interest.

“Bunnies can and WILL go to France”.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 23:29 | #


Your womanly, Pymian neurosis will not save our people.  I stand for life, and on that there can be no negotiation.  Do you understand?  No negotiation with the infernal machine of our destruction.

In a sense it is immaterial what obstructions are placed in our path, who will place them there, or why.  If they restrain our ambition to live, they must cleared out of our way.  It’s that simple.  I leave it to you to imagine how that might be done.  Safe to say, what is true for one family of Europeans is true for all.  We would not be alone, therefore.  CC knows that well enough.  So should you.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 23:40 | #

I have no illusions whatsoever as to the real nature of the power behind the America throne - and what they have in store for any White European nation that would ever dare to re-assert ethnic genetic interest.

The Italians do it. 95% Italian and 98% European and no Yankee invasion. They’ve got that collectivist gene, it appears. smile


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 00:17 | #

”I want G.W. to tell us how he sees the U.K. surviving under his fantasy.  I assume that it would take a military dictatorship of hard men to even implement his ethnic cleansing.  Com’on, G.W.!  This is about as realistic as William Pierce’s novels.”  (—Angry Beard)

You’re a defeatist, AB, and this is not a defeatist site — which makes you stick out here like a sore thumb.

Undoing the mess is “about as realistic as William Pierce’s novels”?  Beginning to undo the mess “would take a military dictatorship of hard men to even implement”?  You do know, don’t you, that several European countries and Japan are now offering bounties to incompatibles to go home?  Is this not potentially the beginnings of undoing the mess, needing only the political will to continue it?  And yet ... not a “military dictatorship of hard men” or a “William Pierce novel” in sight!

Denmark: .

The Irish Republic: .

Japan and the Czech Republic: .

Vietnamese being called home by the mother country and heeding the call (something all current host countries could easily encourage and financially assist for all nationalities): .

Ditto the Chinese: .

Steve Sailer on the humane repatriation question, from 2005: .

It’s doable, AG.  Even when encumbered every step of the way by defeatists like you who are supposedly “on our side.”  (Frankly I doubt those last three words in your case.  Whose side you’re on I don’t know, but it isn’t ours.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 00:22 | #

Sorry, here’s the right Steve Sailer link: .


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:06 | #

You do know, don’t you, that several European countries and Japan are now offering bounties to incompatibles to go home?(-Fred)

This sounds like an incredibly stupid idea (or rather another Jewish scheme) unless the influx of newcomers from the third world is blocked first that is. Is it? No sarcasm intended, just asking, forgive my ignorance.


Posted by G_Lister on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:18 | #

Off topic but wonderful news from Swizterland. Great news in fact! Well done the Swiss - if only the people of our nation had such courage to stand up to the anti-western politically correct left!

In the UK an atmosphere of fear now stalks the land: people are reluctant to speak their minds, even if what is in their minds is by no means outrageous. Whole subjects, some of them of great national importance, are now beyond the pale of acceptable discussion. In the public service, underlings are afraid that their superiors might get to hear anything that contradicts the latest ideological doctrine, or even that fails to use the latest accepted terminology, and that they might suffer accordingly. In Britain, careless talk costs careers.

Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

Multiculturalism rests on the supposition—or better, the dishonest pretense—that all cultures are equal and that no fundamental conflict can arise between the customs, mores, and philosophical outlooks of two different cultures. The multiculturalist preaches that, in an age of mass migration, society can (and should) be a kind of salad bowl, a receptacle for wonderful exotic ingredients from around the world, the more the better, each bringing its special flavor to the cultural mix. For the salad to be delicious, no ingredient should predominate and impose its flavor on the others.

Even as a culinary metaphor, this view is wrong: every cook knows that not every ingredient blends with every other. But the spread and influence of an idea is by no means necessarily proportional to its intrinsic worth, including (perhaps especially) among those who gain their living by playing with ideas, the intelligentsia.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:18 | #


My own feeling is that several repatriative strategies will have to be pursued. These will involve carrots and sticks, of course. The carrots (training programmes where applicable, and financial assistance to the person in the new land of abode) will decline in use/value over a period of up to ten years. At the same time the sticks (for example, rising property and personal taxation, disincentives to employers, withdrawal of benefits) will steadily ratchet up, penalising delay and producing the required push and pull effect. Animal cruelty legislation, prohibition of religious worship, instant deportation for criminal acts ... there are all manner of ways to get the message across that it is time to leave. “Imaginative” investment in overseas government programmes and, if necessary, government officials will no doubt have to be instituted - headcount bounties being one example.

Desmond Jones:

The Voluntary Repatriation Encouragement Act passed by the Kohl Government in 1983, returned ~250,000, mostly Turks, (about a quarter of the foreign Turkish population in Germany at that time), to their homeland. A similar success rate in the UK moves 1.5 million home, (assuming a 10% foreign population, mostly in England) although that number probably will include Polish and possibly even Irish nationals. The remainder, ~4.5 million will need further encouragement, i.e. the stick. What then qualifies as a ‘fair and humane’ use of the stick? Or does it even matter if “...we shall not compromise on leaving nothing of the devil’s handiwork in place … on doing whatever we must to remain forever who we are.”

Posted by Fred Scrooby on March 14, 2009, 02:56 PM | #

Here’s Robert Locke’s plan as posted by Desmond in the Peter Hitchens thread:

Robert Locke’s transfer plan:
1.  As soon as the repatriation policy is credibly announced, X% of the non-whites see the writing on the wall and leave.
2. When a cash bribe is offered, another X% go.
3. When stiff taxes are imposed, another X%.
4. When arrangements for compensation for lost property are put on a sliding scale rewarding those who leave soonest, another X%.
5. When non-whites are fired from their jobs, another X%.
6. When they only receive an unemployment check if mailed to an address outside the UK, another X%.
7. When non-whites are expelled from schools and universities, another X%.
8. When certain parts of Britain are declared “non-white-free zones,” another X%.
9. When the electricity is turned off, X%.
10. When the water is turned off, X%.
11. When sale of gasoline to non-whites is prohibited, X%.
12. When sale of food to non-whites is prohibited, X%.
13. When a 24-hr curfew is imposed, X%.
14.  Arrest non-whites on the street and deport them.
15. Have the police physically drag non-whites from their homes.
16. Have the army physically drag non-whites from their homes.
17. Warn people their homes will be blown up with them inside them if they don’t leave.
18. Carry out threat 17.

Clearly most of the steps on this list are inhumane and I wouldn’t support those — firing them from their jobs for no reason, for example, or expelling them from schools or universities, and so on.  But lots are perfectly humane and are exactly the sort of thing that can be humanely implemented to make them self-deport back to the homelands whence they came and where they will be happier in the long run anyway, much happier.

Guessedworker vis-a vis extirpation of the Jews:

It is grotesque to destroy a man for his ethnicity, particularly where guilt is ascribed on the basis of that ethnicity alone, since no man cannot choose to be other than he is.

We are Europeans.  We cannot be other than we are also.  We cannot live like some murderous Asiatic potentate without doing violence to ourselves.  We cannot divorce judgment from individual wrong-doing.

Mixed messages.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:20 | #


AB isn’t asking real questions.  He is talking about the past and the present in a fixed way, minus the creative power of thought.

Now, please bear with me.  Any thinking person interested in revolutionary outcomes, whether he is an idealiser like CC or a materialist Anglo like me, must respect and accomodate only those forces or influences which operate in all times and in all places (forces like ethnic interests, the nature of power, the desire for justice, the essential nature, and so on).  Everything else is stripped away.  This is how one “does” revolution, intellectually.  AB does not understand that, and does not understand what is a permament, contingent force and what is local cause/effect, ie, a passing feature that we seek to create ourselves, not carry forward in aspic!  I might propose American financial and military power as one such cause/effect, albeit it a large and long-standing one that we want to utterly eviscerate.

Now, there are conversations in which AB’s intellectual shortcomings wouldn’t be a problem, for example conversations that do not posit change.  But we are not having such a conversation.  We allow ourselves the luxury of planning and the assumption that our plans will be contingent on the unfolding world ... that they will have agency.

What agency, specifically?  Well, historically, high among those permanent forces has been Europe and its people.  Our natural interests, intellect, energy, creativity, daring, organisation, wealth and power made us so.  Over the last century and a half, however, and particularly over the last six decades we, the creators of modernity, have been made subservient to (and placed at the disposal of) other forces acting in concert, namely the Money Power, Jewry, and the traitorous WASP elites and internationalists.  The revolutionary agency we seek is the complete and final overturning of this destructive and unstable dispensation.  That is the guarantor of life for Europeans.

So we do not negotiate on the end in view.  We work with the influences to hand to postulate its achievement, and we perceive those obstructions that so agitate AB as fluid forms in our hands.

Anything is possible to a man who knows how to conceive the world, Friedrich.  It is only a question of mind.


Posted by G_Lister on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:27 | #

GW thoughts on the significance of the Swiss news? Hopeful signs?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:27 | #


I have hardened on the time question.  I don’t think we can wait ten years.  Too much hostage and too great a fortune.  The harshness now is contingent on the reduction in time.  But all the programmes that I postulate, and more, will be needed to do the heavy lifting that is needed.

Robert Locke’s list postulates murder (refusal to sell food to migrant populations), and that I could never support.  Where are these mixed messages?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:59 | #


I think Dasein would be the better MRer to answer that, because it seems to me that signs of a Swiss resistance must reverberate most in Germany.  He is much better positioned to comment on that than I am.

As a general principle, certainly, it is always heartening to see the juggernaut’s progress halted anywhere.  When the juggernaut is halted by freely expressed popular will, however, we can be more confident about the instincts of our own people - more confident that the taxi-driver I met on Saturday morning, for example, is representative, and not just an outlier.

Ethnic interests do not disappear because our culture has been taken over and turned against us.  This fact, actually, is what is most terrifying to the people who have done this to us.  It is their fear that causes them to hurl invective at us at the very same time that they pass laws against our freedom of expression!

They are in fear of us.  Perhaps the value of the Swiss vote is that it will remind them a little more of their fear of the people’s retribution.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:04 | #

Assuming ten million muds in the UK, and assuming all these are members of families of four, given Dare’s parameters, it would take 31 years and 4 months to see the last of them off.  Yawn.

It’s got to start somewhere.

I was thinking about this today: you could establish something similar to Liberia in a desolate corner of Africa where the deportees from Europe are given first class citizenry above another group of immigrants, preferably a mix of Chinese and the inevitable local African. This new state should be very wealthy and full of opportunities, similar to how Israel is presently thanks to America’s annual tribute (which is supposedly enormous when adding in favourable trade agreements).

People should be struggling to prove they’re part Skraeling in order to get into this new state. Ideally all of the West and her colonies would dump their legal aliens there.

Sounds expensive? Well somehow, inexplicably, the impossible is being done right now. Ridiculous sums of money are vapourised right now in foreign military, aid, and trade policy from the US and I suspect the same from Europe.

Selling a policy is something to figure out, sure; but first one needs to decide what plan is to be sold. I like this New Liberia idea myself.

And once the last mongrel gleefully goes over with his kingly aid package, close the borders. Never again allow such a mistake to occur. And then cut the aid and allow the colony to go on its own, which like Israel it would collapse on its own.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:18 | #

Really, if you get enough Chinese or other high quality East Asian and high quality mixed white in there, the state might not even collapse, just turn into a Brazil for a time, before it slowly darkens.

The Jews want their mixed race kingdom, send them and their banks along for the ride too. Let them fight with the Chinese and mixed whites over power.


The way the US is sold on working night and day to burn large amounts of money is “terrorism”. The great Muslim bogeyman is going to get them if they don’t serve Israel and the military/industrial complex which profits from wars.

I don’t like lying to people, but that’s how the scam is currently run. Workers break their backs so the state may burn what they produce, all so a few may scrape a little off the top just before it combusts into vapour and ash. The Israelis I don’t believe know what they’re doing. I’m inclined to believe they’re insane or stupid. Since we’re all in awe of the alleged high Jewish IQ, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they’re insane.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:21 | #

Once the Internet is taken away from us (and there are increasing moves to do just that), we’ll have nothing.

True. If it can be taken away.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:31 | #

A German software engineer friend tells me that it’s technically feasible to impose a nation-wide filter aimed at sites the political establishment deems as dangerous or hateful. Germany will undoubtedly the first nation to take that step, with others to follow. I see the E.U. moving in that direction very soon.

The Chinese seem to get through their filters, though any who get caught risk becoming victim to a mobile death unit…

The filters do seem to have an impact on the Chinese from what I can tell though: they’re very nationalistic.


Posted by G_Lister on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:31 | #

GW thanks for your thoughts I have to say personally I’m somewhat impressed with Geert Wilders and what is happening in the Netherlands. Wilders brand of “cultural” nationalism seems to be much nearer to where people are at (in terms of having something to say which might resonate) as well as doing the job of “consciousness raising” getting into the MSM the idea that multiculturalism et al., is not so wonderful but without the baggage of associations with Nazism etc. In the old phrase of leftist radicals: ““Admitting the problem is half the battle” -

One the key issues in the UK is that there are excellent critques of the mutlicultural politically correct disaster unfolding before our eyes - for example from Theodore Dalrymple - but that people like Griffin are intellectually not up to the task of making the case (the Question Time performance was awful) and additionally simply have way too much baggage to ever get even a somewhat fair hearing by most whites, especially, crucially in my view, the middle classes. After all a post-modern right-winger like Wilders simply cannot be called a Nazi or asked about the Holocaust etc., as he has not got that baggage as far as I know - hence the normal demonology that is applied to the likes of Griffin cannot be done with anything like the same chilling effects.

P.S. off topic but did anyone else see Roger Scruton’s excellent TV essay on beauty? Roger Scruton now isn’t he rather counter-cultural for the BBC?


Posted by danielj on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:43 | #

True. If it can be taken away.

Of course it will.

They will only come for us and nobody will complain about that.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:45 | #

I also think G.W. is sending mixed messages, aside from being deliberately opaque in his posts.

I doubt he’d (openly) suggest that if Amerikwa were to nuke a White nation trying to free itself from the global jewlag that the Jews should be held collectively responsible, that is in a Linderian sense.


Posted by G_Lister on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:56 | #

Just a thought on the idea of a new Liberia - could redirection of aid into such a project not be soldas a progessive measure - “why should Africans be forced to leave their homes families etc for a better life - let us help them to help themsleves”.  Equally promotion of homogenous societies can also have a progessive spin - see David Goodhart’s on the costs of multiculturalism - In politics people must use any resource possible to create a positive and “reasonable” narrative (to the ordinary person) while removing negatives that would detract or prevent people from engaging with the narrative. And of course in politics there is always both an explicit and implicit set of messages. We need to open up the ideas into the mainstream that we do not have endless moral responsiblities to the third world - that multicultural societies undermined communities and the quality of life for everyone - and finally that political correctness is fatally turning the UK into a quasi-police state and is against out best traditions.

Open up some fissures in the contemporary elite worldview and far more radical ideas can eventually emerge onto the agenda.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:58 | #

Ivan, it shows what’s possible and in theory is a beginning.  In theory.  Of course all incompatible immigration must be halted and all the rest of it.  But it’s proof the beginnings of what needs to be undertaken can be, with zero disruption to anything, no need of “a dictatorship of hard men” or a “scenario out of a William Pierce novel.”  Since I posted that last comment we’ve got a second defeatist here, FB, jumping on the Angry Breard bandwagon — it’s Angry Beard and Angry Braun working as a team now.  Defeatists are the last thing we need hanging around here.  They’re poison.


Posted by Armor on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:00 | #

A Belgian politician has been sentenced to a fine and a suspended prison sentence and 10 years of political ineligibility (he can’t run for office for a decade) because he produced an anti-immigration pamphlet. The Orwellian sentence was recently upheld by the European Court of Human Rights. (—Mr Braun)

He was also condemned to work 250 hours for an organization specialized in helping the integration of immigrants.

According to the FdeSouche website, his anti-immigration pamphlet advocated these policies:
- opposing the islamization of Belgium
- stopping the pseudo-integration policy
- expelling non-European unemployed people
- reserving the priority of welfare benefits for Belgians and Europeans

The decision of the European Court of Human Rights (16.07.2009) can be read <a href=“>here</a>. Excerpts:

Relying on Article 10 (freedom of expression), the applicant alleged that his conviction for the content of his political party’s leaflets represented an excessive restriction on his right to freedom of expression.

The interference with Mr Féret’s right to freedom of expression had been provided for by law (law of 30 July 1981 on racism and xenophobia) and had the legitimate aims of preventing disorder and of protecting the rights of others.

The Court observed that the leaflets presented the communities in question as criminally-minded and keen to exploit the benefits they derived from living in Belgium, and that they also sought to make fun of the immigrants concerned, with the inevitable risk of arousing, particularly among less knowledgeable members of the public, feelings of distrust, rejection or even hatred towards foreigners.

While freedom of expression was important for everybody, it was especially so for an elected representative of the people: he or she represented the electorate and defended their interests. However, the Court reiterated that it was crucial for politicians, when expressing themselves in public, to avoid comments that might foster intolerance.

The impact of racist and xenophobic discourse was magnified in an electoral context, in which arguments naturally became more forceful. To recommend solutions to immigration-related problems by advocating racial discrimination was likely to cause social tension and undermine trust in democratic institutions. In the present case there had been a compelling social need to protect the rights of the immigrant community, as the Belgian courts had done.

With regard to the penalty imposed on Mr Féret, the Court noted that the authorities had preferred a 10-year period of ineligibility rather than a penal option, in accordance with the Court’s principle of restraint in criminal proceedings.

The Court thus found that there had been no violation of Article 10.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:06 | #

FB you continually yap about Wilders as if you need to convince people here he’s light-years better than what they have now in Holland.  Earth to FB:  everybody here, no exceptions, thinks Wilders is light-years better than what they have now in Holland.  Everybody here, no exceptions, fervently hopes he becomes the next prime minister.  Everybody here, no exceptions, was outraged when he was banned from the U.K. and everybody here, no exceptions, is outraged that he’s being hauled up on trial for “hate.”  What are you yapping about continually?  You’re preaching to the choir.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:15 | #

Do you suffer from the Tourette syndrome when you write, Screwby Jew?

Be nice. He was using a rhetorical device (repetition).


Posted by Armor on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:19 | #

Since I posted that last comment we’ve got a second defeatist here, FB, jumping on the Angry Breard bandwagon — it’s Angry Beard and Angry Braun working as a team now.  Defeatists are the last thing we need hanging around here.  They’re poison. (—Fred Scrooby)

Alert! I have identified a 3rd defeatist: DanielJ, in his latest post.

I think GW should quarantine FB before he infects everyone on the internet.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:21 | #

“A German software engineer friend tells me that it’s technically feasible to impose a nation-wide filter aimed at sites the political establishment deems as dangerous or hateful.  Germany will undoubtedly the first nation to take that step, with others to follow.  I see the E.U. moving in that direction very soon.”  (—FB)

There’s zero reason to think Wilders would oppose a filter for Holland that blocked sites frankly discussing anything racial no matter how politely.  Wilders is light years better than what they have now in Holland but as far as anything racial is concerned he’s a neocon.  On race he’s in the Fjordman camp:  only Moslems are a problem, race-replacment with Negroes is fine as long as they’re not Moslem Negroes.  Nothing indicates he views the immigration crisis otherwise than that.  But yes, he’s better than anyone in office there now and everyone here hopes he becomes PM.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:22 | #

I’ll try again… : link to rhetorical device wiki page.


Reg. New Liberia: my posts were about D-quality, but yea they were from another category that’s important to keep in mind…

G_Lister writes:

Open up some fissures in the contemporary elite worldview and far more radical ideas can eventually emerge onto the agenda.

Excellent point. We should be ready with polished proposals though for when such opportunities do arise.

When 9/11 hit America, Paul Wolfowitz had already written the solution.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:25 | #

I think GW should quarantine FB before he infects everyone on the internet.

We shouldn’t lose heart, if Braun, who was once the biggest Hitler-worshipper and Nazi fetishist on the Web can become a boot licking philo-Semite, then anything is possible.


Posted by G_Lister on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:26 | #

Thanks for the positive comment - yes I think Wilders is impressive in that he is creating a narrative which appears very reasonable to a wide number of ordinary Dutch people - i.e. he simply wishes to protect the best aspects to Dutch cultural and traditions and so on - but at an implicit level that begs the question why and how is Dutch society being undermined - it’s that old thing of “consciousness raising”.

If the very idea that multiculturism and political correctness are problematic can be made mainstream and “acceptable” then that creates within the range of “acceptable” ideological discourse a potential space into which more radical ideas may flow.

Even better if such questions can be raised with a quasi-progessive gloss (i.e. I wish to protect gay rights against Islamic extremists etc.) - hence is a form of ideological Jujutsu: using an attacker’s energy against him, rather than directly opposing it (in this case turning some of the lefts tropes against it) so much the better as the normal name-calling from the left will not be as effective. I also did read that the core of Wilder’s support is middle class - which is the crucial strata of society to win over in my view.


Posted by danielj on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:36 | #

Alert! I have identified a 3rd defeatist: DanielJ, in his latest post.

I think GW should quarantine FB before he infects everyone on the internet.

I’ve (mostly) consistenly argued against unfounded optimism since my arrival here, which apparently dates back to at least April of ‘07. Every way you look at it, there’s only one guy to blame Although, I didn’t exactly do it in that post.

I tend to post this comment as an accurate summing up of the matter:

Hope is by nature an expensive commodity, and those who are risking their all on one cast find out what it means only when they are already ruined; it never fails them in the period when such a knowledge would enable them to take precautions. Do not let this happen to you, you who are weak and depend on a single movement of the scale. And do not be like those people who, as so commonly happens, miss the chance of saving themselves in a human and practical way, and, when every clear and distinct hope has left them in their adversity, turn to what is blind and vague, to prophecies and oracles and such things which by encouraging hope lead men to ruin.

- Thucydides

Regarding Braun’s “point”: Anti-Semtism is currently impractical. Raging anti-Semites are only valuable so we have somebody to point at that is more extreme than us. How valuable does that make psychotic anti-Semites? Very valuable.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:39 | #

MarkIJ yes, I saw your last comment only after posting mine.  I can only say I hope you’re right.  If you are and Wilders becomes prime minister I’ll feel as if I’ve died and gone to anti-race-replacement heaven!  But even if you’re wrong, Wilders would be a huge improvement.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:40 | #

Even better if such questions can be raised with a quasi-progessive gloss

G_Lister, there’s also the risk the anti-immigrant sentiment will be channeled into support for liberalism.

In the US our nativist sentiment was successfully channeled into anti-Communism / pro-Capitalism and into anti-Democrat Party / pro-GOP.

Politics is dangerous… There are potential opportunities, but each reside next to numerous potential risks.


Posted by Selous Scout on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:43 | #

What I’ve read from Fjordman and Wilders suggests to me that they are racialists but keep their views on that subject well under the radar.  I could be wrong, but the impression I get is that they are implicit racialists who fear to speak explicitly for the sake of reaching a wider audience.

This is the approach adopted by the BNP, amongst others, and advocated in particular by Arthur Kemp—and yet the BNP/Kemp are catching hell from certain online WNs for doing so.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:02 | #

and yet the BNP/Kemp are catching hell from certain online WNs for doing so.

Perhaps there’s a silver lining, even if divisive and sapping of supporting.

The Jews today are very successful, and they’re extraordinarily divisive. They fight amongst themselves and accuse each other of being “anti-Semitic”. They’re never satisfied, and they’re always pulling others towards radical positions. Everything risks being “anti-Semitic”. We too must remain vigilant.

Never again can we fall for another scam.

In the US today Islam is little threat, even though we’re pumping in refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq… Nevertheless, we’re falling for the Islamic bogeyman.

Nativism is being eaten and totally replaced by “anti-Islamic” fear and ideological nationalism. Our ideological nationalism is powered by fear of the other and would collapse without the alleged Islamic threat.


It’s difficult to know what’s going on in Europe, but presumably attempts are being made to trick y’all as well into the same “reject Islam because it threatens our freedoms” and “fight for Israel” mode of thinking. Perhaps y’all won’t fall to worshiping Jews as many in the US do (they literally worship Jews), but you should be aware of what’s happening to your oversea cousins.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:04 | #

Perhaps there’s a silver lining, even if divisive and sapping of supporting.

That should read: “and sapping of support.”


Posted by GenoType on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:07 | #

Our natural interests, intellect, energy, creativity, daring, organisation, wealth and power made us so.  Over the last century and a half, however, and particularly over the last six decades we, the creators of modernity, have been made subservient to (and placed at the disposal of) other forces acting in concert, namely the Money Power, Jewry, and the traitorous WASP elites and internationalists.  The revolutionary agency we seek is the complete and final overturning of this destructive and unstable dispensation.  That is the guarantor of life for Europeans.

To the contrary:  Over the past century and a half the best whites were killed in war or were reproductively “deselected” (for expressing non-docility or taking personal responsibility in the materialist social-political-economic scene).  You are foolishly seeking life for an urban “middle-class” race overwhelmingly comprised of moral defectives with average to above-average intelligence; i.e., witch doctors, scalawags, and carpetbaggers.  You will not succeed, ever, for its racial loyalty is secondary to money, status, ease, and Gawd.  This, I remind you, is a female ordering of priorities – Lindbergh’s wife, for example.  Furthermore, from its faux revolutionary Metzger and Linder side to its paleoconservative complement, Internet “white nationalism” is no different.


Posted by PF on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:25 | #

You are foolishly seeking life for an urban “middle-class” race overwhelmingly comprised of moral defectives with average to above-average intelligence; i.e., witch doctors, scalawags, and carpetbaggers.

If you are suffering from Marginal Man and wish us dead cuz you cant belong, just say it. Don’t waste our time coding your parents’ mistakes into spiffy ideological language, Mr. Crystal Ball.


Posted by G_Lister on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:35 | #

OK politics is not my area of knowledge - I’m more focused on social evolution and inclusive fitness theory etc., but if the multicultural left speak with forked tongues - why shouldn’t the right? Which political ideology doesn’t have conceptual gaps, double standards etc., implicit and explict elements (there are all models of how and why the socio-political world works and are all inaccurate to some extent, or in some cases willfully misleading). Complete honesty in politics is nonsense. I mean why not learn from the likes of Strauss about the nature of noble lies and deadly truths - or people like Gramsci on cultural hegemony. Whatever or whoever might have insights into the nature of creating and manipulating ideological discourse.  Or even from the likes of an analytical marxist such as GA Cohen that have interesting things to say on the formation of ideology.

In my own view the first step in undermining multicultural/politically correct ideology is to undo the central almost pivotal notion that we have universal moral obligations and to reintroduce the notion of Carl Schmitt that the concept of the political is in defining friend from foe. That is legitimate for a political community to have a boundary - that not everyone can legitimate be a member of that political community. Now this is what is interesting about Wilders and his cultural nationalism - it implicity revisits this particular question in a way which subtle enough so it cannot immediately be closed down by the multicultural left (clearly part of the multicultural ideology is to deny that this boundary question exists).

If the idea that any set of cultural practices and sub-populations can happy coexist with each other without deep fundamental problems is comprehensively discredited (at the everyday “common sense” level of ideological narrative) then, in my view a very important “potential space” within ideological discourse will have been opened up. After all it is generally not the differing cultural practices of sub-groups of whites upon which the multicultural ideal is falling apart but rather cultures from more “exotic” origins.


Posted by PF on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:45 | #

Friedrich Braun wrote:

I’ve observed before that the biggest anti-Semites are almost always the dumbest, most vicious assholes around. It’s hard to decide whether CC, for example, is more vulgar or stupid. It’s a toss up. Even the very patient HW had to ban his on his blog.  The vast majority of M.R. is more preoccupied withe Naming the Jew than with actual results favorable to our ultimate interests. Anti-Semitism of this type embraced by many here is detrimental to our goals. Assuming that our survival as a people is our goal.

I think you dont give Captain Chaos enough credit. He likes NS-style, its true, but you can see flashes of brilliance in almost every other post from him. The fact that he likes to ‘wield the club’ and wants things to obviously become more than words, isn’t a mark against him. I don’t even know how you can call him stupid as he puts his weight into the deepest discussions that go on here.

It wouldnt be too hard to put together some harsh words describing the reality disconnect which used to manifest itself on here two years ago under your pseudonym. Yet things change. Judge not that ye be not judged.


Posted by danielj on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:59 | #

I think you dont give Captain Chaos enough credit. He likes NS-style, its true, but you can see flashes of brilliance in almost every other post from him. The fact that he likes to ‘wield the club’ and wants things to obviously become more than words, isn’t a mark against him. I don’t even know how you can call him stupid as he puts his weight into the deepest discussions that go on here.

I second that.

I think he will be a force to be reckoned with when he matures. This isn’t to imply that I’ve attained, because I certainly have not and I don’t think anybody here would accuse me of that. It is to state, however, that Cap’n has potential that will hopefully be realized and hopefully continues along its current trajectory. We don’t all have to be polite, tea drinking Englishmen do we?


Posted by G_Lister on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 05:11 | #

Re - the Swiss news…

Look at at this well-known duplicitous scumbag - clearly he is worried by the implicit political direction of his “homeland”

Perhaps the Swiss could next take up Roger Kimball’s modest proposal for resisting the multicultural worldview.

Speaking as a right-wing, knuckle-dragging Eurocentric infidel, however, I feel it incumbent on me to point out that where traditional jihad is probably best dealt with by talented chaps like General Petraeus, soft jihad might often be more effectively countered by quieter crusades. Clever readers will doubtless have many fertile ideas to contribute to the fulfillment of what I hope will become the West’s new Quiet Crusade to make the World Safe for Christendom (remember that?). Here’s a modest proposal to get the ball rolling. It was suggested to me by another story from the London Times today. Under a headline shouting “Muslims shocked to learn that crisps contain alcohol” is the illuminating news that that Walkers snacks “contain traces of alcohol” and that eating them is therefore prohibited by Islam.

Shuja Shafi, who chairs the food standards committee of the Muslim Council of Britain, said that he intended to investigate. “Certainly we would find it very offensive to have eaten food with alcohol.”

Is that so? Well, here’s my modest proposal, which I offer to free and for nothing: start putting a bit of alcohol in everything edible or potable. There are, of course, other reasons for wishing to increase one’s usual consumption of alcohol, but here is a patriotic imperative to guide you: what if you went into Harrod’s food hall or your local grocery shop and every item had at least some trace amount of alcohol (or, alternatively, pork residue)? I understand that there might be certain logistical difficulties, but if the EU can effectively police the system of mensuration used in its jurisdiction, if it can prohibit certain types of bananas because they deviate too markedly from the perpendicular, then surely they can employ the vast apparatus of their bureaucracy to assure that a drop of alcohol or a dollop of bacon fat is added to any food stuff sold.

It’s only a start, I realize, but from a tiny acorn the might oak does grow.

Not a bad idea wink


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 05:16 | #

I stand by my comment.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 05:29 | #

We don’t all have to be polite, tea drinking Englishmen do we?

I’m afraid we must, only Friedrich “Our Fuhrer At Last” Braun gets to flip that switch on and off as he pleases.

So fuck you, Screwby Jew, you nutbag and liar.


Posted by danielj on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 06:10 | #

I’m afraid we must, only Friedrich “Our Fuhrer At Last” Braun gets to flip that switch on and off as he pleases.

The only sad part is that we can’t extend good graces and good will to each other because it makes us look like bookish assholes incapable of proper human interrelations. There seems to be no benefit of the doubt extended to peoples even within  our circles, but rather, immediate accusations of stupidity, flashes of hostility, projection, condescension, anger, threats of bodily injury, impolitic and lack of restraint.

I suppose part of it can be blamed on the medium but I secretly hope that all of it can. Generally, when I met up with people outside of the virtual realm they tend to display the exact opposite characteristics mentioned in the list above. They tend to be genteel and long suffering above all.

I would urge everybody to temper their rhetoric. What good does it do to decry playing Nazi dress up but then put on the very same costume through intemperate verbiage? If monitors were capable of expressing some of the seething contempt that comes through in posting, I’d need safety goggles.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 07:22 | #


a poster yesterday recommended two books to me, regarding a somewhat similar topic:

How to Win Friends & Influence People


Marc ‘Animal’ McYoung‘s commentary on the importance of body language and other means of influencing and interacting with people. I admit his name is odd, but so far the site looks serious.


Posted by Angry Beard on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 10:15 | #

    I humbly admit that most of your analysis goes right over my head, for example I have no idea what ‘Pymian’ means.
Anyhow as I wrote in another place I base all of my assumptions and postulata strictly on observation of the world as I see it around me - allow me to illuminate with a little tale of what is going on right now as I sit here and type in my warm, comfortable well-appointed living room.
Last year something like 700,000 immigrants (of course vastly 3rd world were admitted into Britain). Something like 300,000 people left Britain and it’s safe to assume most of those were White Britons who’ve had enough.Indigenous Britons stopped reproducing sometime around 1968 - it’s almost certain that more White British die than are born, so we can safely say that all of the current average birth increment of 700,000 or so per annum is of ultimate immigrant origin.
This enumeration doesn’t even include the massive, continual flow of illegals.
Now, let me perform a little accounting exercise - I’ll add up the English losses to the wog gains to give the real rate of replacement per annum - every English loss is an effective wog gain.
Conservatively, the English lose and the wogs gain something like 1,500,000 per annum.Just bear that in mind GW 1,500,000 per annum.If we assum that 5 million wogs are here already (pretty certain that#s an underestimate), and this trend will only accelerate in the wog’s favour, well you’ve got less than 15 years to implement your grand idealistic schemes - better get started right now as you can’t waste a second.
  Perhaps I’m endowed with a second-rate mind and never studied PPE at Oxford, or whatever it is - and I am totally unable to penetrate whatever school of philosophical and high-brow political thought (along with its mystical mode of instant action), that you subscribe to, but I am well aware of the flesh-and-blood reality of life on streets of inner London as I see it.


Posted by Angry Beard on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 10:47 | #

    I don’t know if you play chess or not - I would assume that you are a very good player, but chess has given a very useful word to the English language , namely, ‘checkmated’.
You see it’s a direct analogy to the end-game in chess in which your king cannot possibly avoid capture by any possible move and thusly you’re defeated.
  Yes, it happens for real on that wonderful simulcram of tactics, trends and strategies we play on a 64 squared chequered board - if you’re lined up for defeat because you mis-calculated and your adversary’s stronger you lose, simple as that.No rabbits jump out of hats, they’re are no fluke hands or ‘get out of jail free cards’, if you are weaker you are simply crushed.


Posted by Angry Beard on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 12:48 | #

        I don’t know what he exact statistics are but I wager that muslim immigration (and 3rd world immigration in general) to the USA is now substantially and exponentially higher than it was on September 11th 2001.
Further to my chess analogy what is happening in England right now is that the White king is being chased around the chessboard by the multiple hostile black knights, rooks, bishops and queen , not to mention numerous pawns.Running madly from square to square he thinks he’s still in the game and its only a matter of the ‘right tactics’.Of course all of the pawns were sacrificed 30 years ago when whitey merely shrugged off their loss and thought to himself “I’m bigger and stronger and a better player, I’ll win in the end”.
As Joseph Stalin once wryly said “How many divisions has the Pope?”. - How many divisions has GW got?, I know he’s playing his cards close to his chest, but I do wonder where his unseen cohorts are hidden and I often ponder the exact identities of his paralell cabinet that somehow is watching, ‘ghost-like’ the proceedings ready to ease their way smoothly in with Eton and Oxford accents, macassared hair, bristling moustaches and a curt ‘Indian army’ manner (think of an earnest John Cleese if you will), you know just like the bods who ran Britain when it was great.Well I suppose, King Arthur like, the are slumbering in a cave smewhere waiting for the call.

“Bunnies can and WILL go to France”.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:00 | #

By advantage, I mean providing conditions that potentiate revolutionary change.

Change that could be overall good, bad, or neutral with regard to natives. 9/11 combined with Bush vaporised the US right that had built up under Bill Clinton.

It’s not a matter of there being no hope but of simply learning how to play the game. In order to get on Angry Beard’s chessboard, players need certain skills and abilities. Money is not everything… Immigrant groups to the US have risen from nothing. It’s just a question of whether anyone wanders onto the board.


Posted by Angry Beard on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:04 | #

Rumours have persisted for years that there was a secret plot (apparently formented by military top brass in the UK), to oust Harold Wilson’s Labour government of the late ‘60s from power and to replace it with a provisional military dictatorship headed by none other than Louis Mountbatten as a ‘figurehead’ leader.
Apart from good Sunday afternoon pub gossi, I doubt there is any truth in the story, it seems like pure bullshit, but as it happens the late ‘60s were perhaps the last crucial juncture at which Britain could have been ‘saved’ and the disaster now unfolding averted.
There has never been a history of Bonapartism in Britain.The interests of the establishment, the landed gentry and the army were all supposedly wrapped up by the Conservative Party.Britain’s immigration disaster is, therefore, primarily a function of Conservative failure.

Bunnies can and WILL go to France.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:10 | #

I don’t know what sort of references to use for European politics, but I’m familiar with what’s been going on over here the past few decades.

Skills and ability are how people rise in our societies though. Nepotism isn’t rampant. It requires money to buy an education, but it isn’t impossible to get one; and there are things that can be done without an education too.

It seems like there are players on the board, but the nationalist side’s machines are still lacking components. We’re not organised into organic units. I don’t mean that only with reference to flesh and blood communities but also with regard to culture, media, advocacy groups, and of course leaders.

Coming together into efficient machines is the next phase. And I don’t mean “machine” as the stereotypical bureaucracy that doesn’t know the whole of what’s going on (blindly following orders). But I do mean synergies of specialised workers who each do their part as the need arises, or adapt and learn new skills as needed.

The virtue of our people will decide their fate. If enough selflessly act and serve as is needed, then we’ll win (survive). If too many go cynical and choose to escape from their duty or to pursue pleasure, forgetting duty entirely, then we’ll lose (mix into some new social unit).


Posted by Selous Scout on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:29 | #

If enough selflessly act and serve as is needed, then we’ll win

I’m ready. I’m going through training. I’m learning the discourse. Where do I sign up? wink


Posted by Wanderer on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 16:40 | #

Frederich Braun:
A German software engineer friend tells me that it’s technically feasible to impose a nation-wide filter aimed at sites the political establishment deems as dangerous or hateful.  Germany will undoubtedly the first nation to take that step, with others to follow.  I see the E.U. moving in that direction very soon.

Try accessing Stormfront from a German IP now. What you will see is a police logo and a short message saying something like “This website is unconstitutional and illegal to visit within the BRD.” (I can’t remember the exact wording. This was true as of 2007 when I was last there.)

If only we became radical philoSemites—the more slovenly the better—this would all change overnight. tongue wink


Posted by Q on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 18:16 | #

Muslim Demographics: The Islamic Tidal Wave

Q note: I vehemently reject the premise that a culture, or native population, cannot recover if TFR is less than 1.9. Certainly a native population can increase it’s fertility rate no matter how low it is and recover given time. However, as the video warns: massive Muslim immigration will eventually dispossess the native populations and overtake the very nations that invited them in. Key word in this debacle - immigration.


Posted by Mark on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 18:41 | #

danielJ, be careful, Dasein will ambush you and cry that you are being a baby if you complain about people’s behavior.

It appears really that it’s not about behavior, but about some privileged people having their feelings hurt.  They can dish it out but can’t take it.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 18:58 | #

“I vehemently reject the premise that a culture, or native population, cannot recover if Total Fertility Rate is less than 1.9. Certainly a native population can increase it’s fertility rate no matter how low it is and recover given time.”  (—Q)

Excellent point and a very important one to remember, one which goes somewhat against a particular Charles Darwin excerpt Desmond posts from time to time, in which Darwin says that once a race finds itself on the slippery slope of diminished birthrate it usually ends up disappearing altogether.

The other side’s bag of propaganda tricks includes one in which they try to brainwash us to believe that the low post-Pill white birth rates are no longer reversible.  Hogwash of course.  They’d be easily and fully reversible if they got down to a tenth of what they are, a hundredth.  They’d be reversible if they got down to Adam and Eve level.

I once saw something I liked posted somewhere (by a woman if memory serves) which said something like “We have the right to voluntarily reduce our population numbers without government coming in and using that as a pretext for filling the place up with alien peoples.”  Maybe we have good reason for reducing our numbers.  Japan certainly did at one point when that island was becoming overcrowded.  Maybe improved quality of life through general demographic “decompression,” creating more living space, more land available to homeowners and farmers, becoming less packed together like a can of sardines, and so on, is one consciously hoped-for result of a population’s voluntarily lowering its own birth rates.  Government has no right to then come in and use the lower birth rates as an excuse to race-replace the population, filling it back up to overflowing in the process.  No right!


Posted by Mark on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:11 | #

Dasein, your immaturity, hypocrisy and anti-social behavior are eating at you, try to cope with your many faults.  You may feel the need to turn to alcohol and drugs, but therapy and prescription medication are better options.


Posted by Mark on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:37 | #

Repeat yourself more, Dasein, seriously, it’s like a broken record.  The reality is you harbored a grudge for a long time, thought of me for weeks, then went on a childish tirade to protect your boyfriend.  I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy, eat crow.

You’re wrong about the House Rule #2764, cry more.

“Criticism, constructive or otherwise, remains fine - and personal criticism too.”


Posted by Mark on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:48 | #

Mark IJ, seriously?  Do you recall how you spammed obscenities at me at OD, when I didn’t go along with your misogyny and double standards?  Wow, how about some self-awareness and honesty.  Way too much hypocrisy going on here.


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:51 | #

I find that if you raise these sorts of topics with ordinary folk and they realise that they can speak freely in your presence, they tend to agree completely and with a strong charge of emotion.

It is very importanat to let people know that others share their concerns, and things like cab rides are excellent opportunities to broach these topics because you are anonymous, and there is no “social pricing”.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 20:52 | #

GW, does not this anti-social behavior merit his proscription?

Mark IJsseldijk, you are not supposed to expel the Jews from your society - that’s what they call anti-semitism. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe anti-semitism is against the law in Britain, GW can be prosecuted for doing what you are suggesting.


Posted by Mark on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 21:02 | #

I know facing the truth doesn’t come easy for you, Dasein.  Keep trying, you’ll get there one day.


Posted by PF on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 21:30 | #

Final score:

Dasein: 5
Mark: 2

I declare Dasein the winner!! hoorayy!


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 21:48 | #

PF is very politic to treat Mark’s commentary as a comic episode.  No one gets to feel the full fury of 2764!  But the thing that strikes me about Mark is that he has manufactured this spat to test how far he can go.  Say it ain’t so, Mark, and that, actually, you have the interests of our people at heart and you want to participate here in that spirit.


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 22:01 | #

I seem to have missed the opening bout in Mark vs Dasein.

Sounds like it might have been fun, can somebody direct me to it?


Posted by Mark on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 22:09 | #

PF is very politic [sic] to treat Mark’s commentary as a comic episode.

As is the case of most of the commentary here, so it’s par for the course then.

No one gets to feel the full fury of 2764!  But the thing that strikes me about Mark is that he has manufactured this spat to test how far he can go.

If I did, then others would have been along for the ruse as well.  There actually is some history to it.

Say it ain’t so, Mark, and that, actually, you have the interests of our people at heart and you want to participate here in that spirit.

When you start applying that fairly without bias, I’ll answer it.


Posted by Mark on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 23:23 | #

There’s no “matter to settle,” you are what you are.

I wasn’t addressing you here, I was warning danielj of a possible ambush, like you did on #230.

You obviously want to keep this going, otherwise you wouldn’t have responded, and continue to post about it breaking your word to GW.  Very dishonest, just like the lies from your initial disrespectful comment at #230.  Your brooding of course began before that thread.

You may have your fanboys, but the record agrees with me.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 23:59 | #

Both Marks,

All we want from our guests here is to treat their peers with civility.  You can disagree, you can dislike.  But you cannot abuse.

That’s the least we can demand of those whose presence and whose thoughts we otherwise welcome.


Posted by Mark on Tue, 01 Dec 2009 00:53 | #

Guessedworker on November 30, 2009, 10:59 PM | #

Both Marks,

All we want from our guests here is to treat their peers with civility.  You can disagree, you can dislike.  But you cannot abuse.

That’s the least we can demand of those whose presence and whose thoughts we otherwise welcome.

Please don’t include me with him, because it’s obvious there is a huge difference.  I did not disrespect you, or anyone who didn’t first attack me.  Mark IJ and some others however are clearly abusive personalities that attack at the slightest provocation or none at all.

I agree with mutual civility.


Posted by Armor on Tue, 01 Dec 2009 01:16 | #

Someone: “We have the right to voluntarily reduce our population numbers without government coming in and using that as a pretext for filling the place up with alien peoples.”

At some point, as the population keeps going up in a country, circumstances will become less favorable for having children, and the population will stop growing. Couples who were hesitant about having a baby will renounce their project. But they will have regrets. The decision is not completely forced on them, but it is not completely voluntary either. There is some pressure from the environment. In an ideal world, with infinite room and resources, most of us would have big happy families. When the birth rate goes down, the government can take the view it’s a sign that people would rather live in a less crowded place, or it can decide there is something wrong that keeps people from having children. How can we tell? We never know for sure.

It’s easy to take measures to raise the birth rate. The most obvious one is to provide parents with financial help. Economic growth and low unemployment will also increase the birth rate. In the long term, measures could be taken to stop the concentration of business and people in big cities. We could try to reverse the trend of letting young people spend too many years in college. And so on.

What happened in the West in recent decades is that our circumstances suddenly became much less favorable for raising families, due to the government policy of mass immigration. And it will get much worse in the future. To me, it isn’t a sign that white people are happy having fewer children ; it’s a sign that we desperately need to expel the third-world immigrants. Once they are out of here, our birth rate can pick up much faster than in the past, as our economy has become much more efficient and children no longer die in their early years.

Government has no right to then come in and use the lower birth rates as an excuse to race-replace the population, filling it back up to overflowing in the process. (— F.Scrooby)

Also, saying the economy needs immigrants to use as cheap labor is like saying someone’s feet are too big or too small for a particular pair of shoes. We should consider it is the shoes that are too small, or too large. Theoretically, the economy should serve the people. Improving the economy through race-replacement doesn’t make sense.


Posted by M on Fri, 04 Dec 2009 15:52 | #

Unless you have control of the media, everything is useless. Pool some money to start a couple of TV channels. Have some popular programmes and start introducing important videos slowly.


Posted by Willy Garrett on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 06:43 | #


I am envious of your story.  Why?  Here in the JewSA going all the way back to the late 90s and covering scores of cab rides in several different big cities I recall 2 “caucasian” cab drivers one of whom was a loony Sicilian type driving me through NYC in such a way I didn’t think I’d survive and the other was a Jew who played Sinatra over the radio.  Needless to say there were no edifying conversations re. “our” people since there was never a kinsman behind the wheel.

Regarding Muslims Europeans are actually blessed if they are of the devout type as opposed to other types of third worlders.  The reason being is they are much less likely to initiate race-mixing with non-Muslims (infidels) than 3rd World Christians.  Count your lucky stars.  Even Hindus are much less likely to mix based on my observation of them here in the JSA though I believe your class of Hindus is lower than our typical H1B high tech job scab.  As we all know currently Whites have next to no defense mechanisms in place as regards our young women so we are at the mercy of the foreigners hopefully choosing to stay aloof.  As JWH used to say here - Balkanization is good.

Miscegenation is by far the biggest threat; much more than low White or high mud birth rates.  As a holding action it above all else needs to be dissuaded to all within our spheres of influence.  It is also why the timetables for ejection of the invaders and/or migration of us to safe areas needs to be kept to as short as possible.  You mention 5 years in Britain.  It has to happen or the remnant of our people may just be swallowed by the slide since we have not yet adapted Jew-like means of surviving as a minority in a sea of hostiles.

I live in Northern Idaho now in one of the Whitest areas still left in the kwa and even here I see mongrels mostly from the union of Blacks with Whites though they are still rare.  Where I used to live in the Washington DC suburbs of Alexandria and Annandale Virginia Whites have been dramatically (well over half) replaced in the span of 30 years.

I share both your impetus to stay positive and focused on a solution and also a large dose of Angry Beard’s pessimism.  Nothing is inevitable and history does chime in against us.  We must defy it.


Posted by Zarathustra on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 20:36 | #


I’m all the way in Australia and I’m been reading some of the comments to a few posts. I came across this site when I was searching for mongoloid markers in a google search.

Could you enlighten me on whether or not you are racist? And what is your definition of racist?

In some of your posts/ comments you rave on about blonde and blue eyes being the markers of Nordic beauty. I must admit that I’ve never found most blue/ green eyed blondes attractive especially here in Australia i.e. Lara Bingle, Jennifer Hawkins and/ or Miranda Kerr. However, Charlize Theron is so amazingly beautiful and so is the dutch model Doutzen Kroes. I’m not a fan of dull, lifeless, disinterested blue eyes either. However, there are some stunning women with blue eyes and no not Megan Fox. Although her eyes are very captivating her two pound make up of a face isn’t and that’s a shame.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m a racist. A ex friend of mine who was half chinese half english said I was just because I described an asian girl as having slits for eyes. Well, she asked me what I thought of her asian friend’s “beauty” and I said I can’t see her eyes as they look like two slits. Oh well if that makes me racist then so be it. Her friend wasn’t ugly but to me I’ve seen prettier asians who’s eyes were visible. smile

I was also wondering what makes you any different to Hitler, the kkk and other hate-mongers? I don’t agree with your sentiments regarding the pollution of the white race. And some of the comments by other posters are so racist that you haven’t even tried to distance yourself or your cause from them. Its 630am and I can’t be bothered to supply any evidence to my criticisms. Rain check?

Overall, I think that most white women that I’ve encountered (of northern and/ or western european descent) have tiny droopy breasts with disgustingly big nipples, flat pancake buttocks, veiny white skin or too tanned, flat thin hair, non existent thin lips, masculine angular faces (except for most finns who have round faces), do not age well, have wide/ loose vaginas, flat footed, tall in a bad way like a sasquatch…anyways the list goes on. And don’t try to feed me “they have long slender legs, they’re taller” BS. Why can’t all Northern/ Western Europeans look like Charlize Theron? She’s perfect except for her small boobs. I’m quite partial to brunettes with healthy pale skin, c cups and brown, hazel or green eyes maybe someone like Rachel Weisz granted she has a masculine nose but at least she’s better than Claire Danes. Now she has to be one of the most unattractive blonde celebs around with her big manly nose.

I’m not blind, I see beauty in all breeds…its taken a while for me to forget the crap that the jew media has force fed me about light eyed blondes but I finally see beauty in all.

Zhang Ziyi (100% chinese?!?) who I used to consider ugly is quite pretty, as is mixed race Maggie Q and Jessica Alba, Adriana Lima however is very unattractive in fact her squished face is scary, Monica Bellucci is almost perfect, Alicia Keys is gorgeous. Kate Beckinsale, Kate Winslet, and Jennifer Ehle are beautiful English roses. And there are many more examples of the types of people I find unattractive and beautiful.

That’s all. I hope to get a response to my queries above. smile

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)
