It won’t be 12 million.  It won’t ever be enough

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 17 May 2007 22:33.

On the White House lawn, a loyal Jew and faithful Mexican.  With George W Bush, to speak about ...

Leading U.S. senators reached an agreement on Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would fortify U.S. borders and grant lawful status to millions of illegal immigrants, a move that could lead to a major legislative victory for President George W. Bush.

The agreement sets the stage for what is expected to be a passionate Senate debate over the proposal, which would give an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants legal status, create a temporary worker program and establish a new merit-based system for future immigrants.

“The agreement we’ve just reached is the best possible chance we will have in years to secure our borders, bring millions of people out of the shadows and into the sunshine of America,” said Sen. Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat who helped lead the bipartisan talks that included Sen. Jon Kyl and administration officials.

Source Reuters.




Posted by GT on Thu, 17 May 2007 23:23 | #

Is anybody surprised?  GW is right: This is not going to stop.  How should we handle it?  Shall we “hide” and dwindle away?  Or should we avail ourselves of our people’s strengths now, while there’s time?


Posted by NEC Watch on Thu, 17 May 2007 23:25 | #

Explain: why this bill is bad for white Americans, and do so in a manner so that the noted problem(s) cannot be addressed through some aracial quick fix.


Posted by Daedalus on Fri, 18 May 2007 00:34 | #

Keep voting Republican! Everything will be fine. GOP in 2008!


Posted by TG on Fri, 18 May 2007 01:23 | #

I hate to say it, but White America has become a sick old-man unable to defend himself.


Posted by GT on Fri, 18 May 2007 03:19 | #

“I hate to say it, but White America has become a sick old-man unable to defend himself.”

The problem is leadership.  We have none.  All we have are managers and supervisors “directing” people who are, justifiably, unwilling to “own” their actions as “employees” and “consumers.”  Legitimate leadership is personal.  Hierarchies begin locally and grow to include other locales.  In other words, from the ground up - not from the top down.  Internet wordsmyths can never be anything more than “leaders” of Internet afficionados who “like” what is written.  On the Internet all a man can do is suggest something good, hope somebody on the ground recognizes it is good, and runs with it locally.  Nobody really “follows” an electronic signature.


Posted by LeaNder on Fri, 18 May 2007 12:12 | #

The problem is leadership, Hitler thought, and than he took over with a little help by his friends.


Posted by Might makes Right on Fri, 18 May 2007 12:43 | #

Who would’ve thunk it’d come to this?

This war against America is a tragedy. It is illogical and devoid of any foundation of reality. It is one of those queer twists of history that just as I was assuming power in Germany, Roosevelt, the elect of the Jews, was taking command in the United States. Without the Jews and without this lackey of theirs, things could have been quite different. For from every point of view Germany and the United States should have been able, if not to understand each other and sympathize with each other, then at least to support each other without undue strain on either of them. ... I am prepared to wager that well within twenty-five years the Americans themselves will have realized what a handicap has been imposed upon them by this parasitic Jewry ... It is this Jewry that is dragging them into adventures which, when all is said and done, are no concern of theirs and in which the interests at stake are of no importance to them. ... <b>One thing is quite certain - within a quarter of a century the Americans will either have become violently anti-semitic or they will be devoured by Jewry… </i>[Roosevelt] has made them see the world through the eye of Jewry,
and he has set them on a path which will lead them to utter disaster, if they do not pull themselves
together in time—Adolf Hitler, The Testament of Adolf Hitler: The Hitler-Bormann Documents (62-66)


Posted by Long Tail Watch on Fri, 18 May 2007 15:52 | #

Read here:

Hopefully the more thoughtful of the MR bloggers and commentariat can discern the implications of the “long tail” concept to political marketing as well as economics?

Now, in America’s “winner take all” political system, dominated by “two” (sic) parties, the practical influence is at “the head”, rather than the tail, catering to the masses.

But, if the aim is to dusrupt, balkanize, spread alternative ideas and weaken the hold of the centralized “head”, there’s some meat in that tail, no?

Constant “mainstreaming” and “moving to the center” may no longer be the future of an overarching metapolitical strategy.


Posted by My long tail on Fri, 18 May 2007 15:55 | #

From the article:
“The Long Tail has possible implications for culture and politics. Where the opportunity cost of inventory storage and distribution is high, only the most popular products are sold. But where the Long Tail works, minority tastes are catered to, and individuals are offered greater choice. In situations where popularity is currently determined by the lowest common denominator, a Long Tail model may lead to improvement in a society’s level of culture. Television is a good example of this: TV stations have limited time slots, so the opportunity cost of each time slot is high; stations therefore choose programs that have the broadest appeal. But as the number of TV stations grows or TV programming is distributed through other digital channels, the choice of TV programs grows and the cultural diversity rises.”


Posted by Daedalus on Fri, 18 May 2007 16:28 | #

The GOP has to be destroyed before anything will change. A similar situation existed before the Civil War. The secessionists knew they would have to split and destroy the national Democratic Party or it would continue to compromise Southern rights.


Posted by GT on Fri, 18 May 2007 17:23 | #

When the Senate bill passes this graphic’s projections (EuroAm % 1790-2090) become outdated:

Click for visual:

Posted by “Myles” at VNN.


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 18 May 2007 17:59 | #

The safe politics of yesterday are dead. It is not politics as usual anymore. Prepare for the worst and act accordingly. But first, contact the numbers and addresses Fred Scrooby provided.

About long tail: The concept might be useful if there would be more coordination e.g. among nationalist/immigration restriction sites and their readers. It probably would have to be done according to the lowest common denominators, but it would still be good. We could e.g. ask every site in Usa to count, how many would participate in a demonstration in Washington to oppose immigration, organized with the lowest common denominators. That would mean, that everybody in the demonstration uses normal clothes and commonly decided slogans. There could not be slogans ranging from Brimelov to Hitler. Also every group would market the event with common advertisements to the general public and spreading them far and wide. Similarly any large action or campaign of influence could be prepared. We might find out that there are many more active people in these circles than previously thought. Permanent activist networks between these sites could be established. Worthwhile is thinking about common marketing and economic measures. Donations from every organization / site combined could finance a large anti-immigration campaign in major medias. The network could buy more cheaply (economies of scale) products to sell on the sites by the organizations (anti-immigrant or creative products just to earn money). Voting coordination and common lobby group could be arranged. It is more incentive to anti-immigrationists to vote a candidate, when they know there is countrywide common voting group. Politicians are more prone to listen such voting group.  Ideas could be spread more efficiently, like coordinated methods to resist illegal immigrants locally by opposing their state/county granted ID cards, land ownership, boycotting the banks that give loans to them, their social security etc.


When the big network is working, it becomes easier to entice other organizations and people that are not nationalists or anti-immigrationists to join. Farmers fed up with immigrants. Nature preservationists. All kinds of normal people.

Good and useful article.


Posted by long tail on Fri, 18 May 2007 18:14 | #

“It probably would have to be done according to the lowest common denominators….”

That is in fact completely contradictory and inconsistent with the long tail concept.

Majority Rights marches onward…..

An idea: instead of having to copy some word-number combination before posting, how about a Raven’s progressive matrices problem, with the correct answer required.

That would eliminate 99.9% of the posts, but would do wonders for the signal-to-noise ratio.


Posted by long tail on Fri, 18 May 2007 20:42 | #

Fred, that’s the same link I already posted.

The meaning: it seems as per politics and society and “popular culture”, race realists and preservationists are in the “tail” - small numbers of people with “unusual” tastes and beliefs, often with schisms between each other for a variety of reasons.

Now, one wonders if many others are in the tail as well.  It seems that both the right and the left both complain about the lack of political choice, that the parties merge toward the “center”, and that they always have to choose “the lesser of two evils.”  American politics is definitely a mass marketing, lowest common denominator, tailored-to-please-the-many-weakly-than-please-the-fewer-more-strongly phenomenon.

With the internet allowing for easier distribution of memes, and with memes having no storage costs, it would seem that ideas and policies would be ideal targets of a long tail strategy.  Stop moving “toward the center” and start focusing on “satisfying” the sociopolitical needs, interests, and beliefs of all those more thoughful people scattered along the tail.

“Sell less of more” - more different ideas to fewer people.  The aim, eventually, of course is to shift the curve so that the memes you wish to promote move more and more toward the “head”, being believed in and desired by a larger and larger number of people.

The take home point: perhaps at least part of the nationalist message should be aimed at the tail.  If some wish to engage in centrist mass politics, that’s fine, if they can nudge the center further right.

But I think the real progress is going to be made identifying the dis-satisfied sociopolitical “customers” in the tail and providing them with “satisfying” alternatives.


Posted by Daedalus on Fri, 18 May 2007 21:56 | #

My comments haven’t been appearing over there either. I reposted them at The Civic Platform.

The “Whites as Cancer Myth”: A Response to The Realist

The Decline of American Renaissance, or the Failure of American Conservatism?


Posted by Ernest on Sat, 19 May 2007 03:57 | #

It’s more than amnesty; it’s genocide for European-Americans


Posted by a Finn on Sat, 19 May 2007 09:54 | #

Long tail wrote: “That is in fact completely contradictory and inconsistent with the long tail concept.”

- Yes, do indeed take the Raven progressive matrices test before answering. Do you think that concept have to be taken exactly as it is said in theory. Part of it can be taken, and used in a new concept. Failure to understand this indicates narrowness in thinking.

There is more people in the tail than seems. How to get those people to do something useful for our cause? If long tail concept is used as said in original theory, we would have to in practice produce numerous different contents. Having been in this scene long enough, I know there is two major reasons why this does not work properly:

1. Lack of all kinds of resources and coordination among anti-immigrationist and nationalist circles to produce enough varied material in organized way.

2. People in these circles have strong opinions and convictions. They produce what they produce because of them. It is hard to find e.g. EGI nationalist who would want to produce material suitable for citizenist, or citizenist who would want to produce EGI nationalist material. This resistance grows stronger, if you want them to produce something that is in the tail, but is not at all related to their thinking.

To circle this, and still get the potential in the long tail, it is suitable to use the lowest common denominator concept. It is fairly easy to get varied people to work together because of something they all have in common and is important to them. Good things follow from this. According to real life situations and academic studies, when varied people work in a group/organization for common cause, they start to grind their sharpests edges and form stronger bonds and understanding between them. This bigger group then has the advantages and uses I described previously.

Still, I dont knock out the long tail methods completely. Some lighter version of it could be used alongside the lowest common denominator. Maybe at some later stages, when our structures have developed and grown properly, it can be used in it’s totality.


Posted by GT on Sat, 19 May 2007 17:34 | #

How do multinational corporations and the U.S. Government plan to control us and the world?  I’ve previously mentioned the plan to tie food to increased cost of fuel, thus minimizing our physical mobility.  Now read the following and understand why our network of microcommunities must dominate the countryside, water resources, and electrical grid:

Impacts of biotechnology on the farming communities
Manjula V. Guru, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Agricultural Policy Specialist
The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Inc.
Poteau, Oklahoma, U.S.A.

Crop genetic diversity is not just a raw material for industrial agriculture; it is the key to food security and sustainable agriculture because it enables farmers to adapt crops suited to their own ecological needs and cultural traditions. Without this diversity, options for long-term sustainability and agricultural self-reliance are lost.

The type of seed sown to a large extent determines the farmers need for fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation. Communities that lose community-bred varieties and indigenous knowledge about them risk losing control of their farming systems and becoming dependent on outside sources of seeds and the inputs needed to grow and protect them. Without an agricultural system adapted to a community and its environment, self-reliance in agriculture is impossible.

Genetic engineering techniques have made possible the extension of the private ownership and patenting of life forms down to the level of the gene. The new patenting and intellectual property regulations will permit corporations to continue to freely appropriate unpatented seeds from around the world, to modify a single gene of these seeds, and then patent and acquire exclusive rights over them.

These new patenting laws are clearly designed to transfer the ownership and control of the world’s seed diversity–most of which has been developed and maintained by traditional farmers in the Third World–into the hands of First World corporations.

Meanwhile, seed/biotech corporations have been buying out or taking control of seed banks and smaller seed companies in order to reduce the availability of unpatented and non-hybrid seed varieties. It is in the interests of these corporations that farmers repurchase these patented seeds year after year.

There are two strategies now being used to prevent farmers from being able to save and replant their seeds from the previous year’s crop. Firstly, seeds may be engineered to be biologically sterile, like the hybrid seeds of the Green Revolution. Hybrid seeds produce high yields but do not perform well if they are saved and replanted, ensuring that farmers repurchase their seeds every year.

Genetic engineering now makes possible the creation of hybrid varieties of some common food crops that had previously proven too difficult or too costly to hybridize using earlier plant breeding techniques.

It will also be possible for scientists to deliberately engineer any crop variety to be sterile or non-reproducible. This technique, which critics refer to as “Terminator Technology”, has been patented in the USA, and will be used to target important crops such as wheat and rice. In these ways, the logic of “planned obsolescence”, and therefore the interests of the corporation, will be able to be engineered directly into the seed’s DNA.

Secondly, all patented seeds will now be legally sterile, as the new patenting and plant breeding regulations give patent holders rights which enable them to prohibit farmers from freely saving and replanting their seeds. Farmers either have to repurchase their seeds, or pay royalties to the company to save and replant patented seeds.

To help enforce these regulations, new DNA “finger-printing” techniques can be used to identify the genetic structure, and therefore the ownership, of crops growing in any farmer’s fields. For the first time in history farmers are losing both the ability and the right to save and replant their seeds. Yet it is these very practices of saving, replanting and crossbreeding seeds by farmers that have created the enormous diversity of domesticated crops and crop varieties we have inherited to this day.


Posted by GT on Sat, 19 May 2007 17:43 | #

LeaNder writes: “The problem is leadership, Hitler thought, and than he took over with a little help by his friends.”

LeaNder (whose namesake drowned in the Hellespont) is a victim of his own propaganda.

A newsflash for ya, bud:  We are the Hellespont.


Posted by Tommy G on Sat, 19 May 2007 21:01 | #

This is off topic but I wanted to give everyone an update on whats taking place with hate crimes bill, H.R. 1592. What’s happening is powerful Jewish groups are pressuring Bush big time to sign it. If Bush does indeed veto the bill, their next step is to attach it to a “must pass” piece of legislation.


Posted by Tommy G on Sun, 20 May 2007 00:59 | #

“Right now Jews rule way too much over Euros.  We see the result all around us:  they keep trying to exterminate them.”

Yes, Fred, first it’s amnesty to make us a minority, then hate crimes legislation to shut us up. The next logical step is to ban private gun ownership so that we can’t defend our families against the non-white primitives or a government that turns it’s military on it’s own citizens.


Posted by Daedalus on Sun, 20 May 2007 02:41 | #

Why does our side keep swallowing such nonsense?


Posted by Matra on Sun, 20 May 2007 18:39 | #

At the Vanishing American blog I saw this link about the recent vote in Farmer’s branch, Texas to ban rentals to illegal aliens. Bill Brewer, a local landlord, made some interesting comments:

“This is not a good idea,” said Brewer. “This is going to increase tensions and make this a more difficult place for my kids to live.”

Brewer called Texas a state in transition.

“Anglos are going to be in the minority and we’re going to have to live with the majority. It’s only a matter of time before they start to take control.

“If we do things like they want to do in Farmers Branch now, then we’d better watch out. There may be a little pay back. It’s practical for us at one level to live and work together rather than promote these divisions.”

So he knows there could be “pay back” once whites are the minority but he still accepts the “inevitable.”  (Let’s hope when the Hispanics do take over their first action is to introduce strict rent controls and hurt Brewer’s bottom line.)

It is not just landlords who are sanguine about whites becoming a minority. In my personal experience the only whites who can be relied on to understand the danger ahead are from Northern Ireland, the former Yugoslavia, South Africa and, occasionally, Anglos who left Montreal when the Quebec nationalists came to power.  Whites not used to ethnic conflict have a difficult time concentrating their minds on the potential consequences of changing demographics.


Posted by Bo Sears on Sun, 20 May 2007 22:39 | #

Bill Brewer, local landlord in Farmers Branch in Texas, quoted by Matra above:

“Anglos are going to be in the minority and we’re going to have to live with the majority. It’s only a matter of time before they start to take control.”

What many people don’t understand is that when Brewer refers to himself by the Spanish-language epithet “Anglo,” his fight is already over. There is nothing more fundamental to our existence than an understanding of who we are and that we have the right to a name we choose. When you adopt the labels of adversaries (goy, Anglo, shiksa, blanco, redneck, cracker, gentile, etc.), it really is all over for you.

If you don’t know who you are and if you internalize the name the invader assigns you, you are a loser. Ultimately, all you really have on which to build a culture & community is your name and the right to label, describe, and define yourself.

If you are one of the few who thinks the “Anglo” label is a cute short-hand way of saying “Anglo-Saxon” or just an innocent way of saying “English-speaking,” you are simply riding on the turnip truck driving to the dump in the marsh just outside of town with Bill Brewer.

As far as pay back is concerned, the debts to be settled go all the way back to the conversion of the Spanish & Mexican state of Texas to control by the USA, not to mention the Alamo. The need for pay back is taught in Mexican elementary, middle, and high schools.

Can anybody hear me?


Posted by Matra on Sun, 20 May 2007 23:54 | #

If you are one of the few who thinks the “Anglo” label is a cute short-hand way of saying “Anglo-Saxon” or just an innocent way of saying “English-speaking,” you are simply riding on the turnip truck driving to the dump in the marsh just outside of town with Bill Brewer.

Since I used the “Anglo” label in referring to Anglo-Montrealers (as they call themselves) I should clarify that the term is not insulting in bilingual Canada where political divisions between Anglophones and Francophones have existed for centuries and nor does it refer exclusively to Anglo-Saxons. In non-English-speaking Europe references to “Anglo” bars usually run by Irish, British, or Australians, or “Anglo” book and coffee shops, usually run by Americans, is not intended to be derogatary either.

As someone who is not a United Statesian (as my high school history teacher insisted on labelling those who hog the word “American”) I use the word “Anglo” as it is used within the culture of the country I live in.


Posted by Bo Sears on Mon, 21 May 2007 22:49 | #

While no criticism of Matra was made or intended, he has rejected a great deal of my point about Farmer Branch’s Bill Brewer.

1) The first thing to notice is that our Resisting Defamation analysis relies in no way on names being processed through one’s feelings to determine whether or not such a name is derogatory or insulting to oneself. Our argument is that a name or label by the other may be freely deconstructed, not on the basis of our feelings, but on the basis of what an interrogation of the namer’s reveals.

2) We have four elements we review with namers. One is whether or not the name smothers our richly-textured European diversities. Another is whether the person doing the naming has based his claim to name the other on a claim of supremacy. We don’t ask whether we are offended.

However, when the SPP program goes through and Canada, the US, and Mexico are unified in a EU-like monstrosity, we can all be United Statesians or Norte Americanos. It’s unlikely we’ll be Canadianistas, with or without the “Anglo.”


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 22 May 2007 17:34 | #

Bill Brewer, a local landlord, made some interesting comments….

He is not a landlord; he is a lawyer who founded the most disreputable law firm in Texas:  Bickel & Brewer.  He brought two of the suits challenging the Farmers Branch ordinances.


Posted by Daedalus on Tue, 22 May 2007 19:01 | #

As a white Southerner, I don’t have a problem with the term “Anglo.” I’m actually quite proud of my English heritage.


Posted by Matra on Wed, 23 May 2007 02:25 | #

He is not a landlord; he is a lawyer who founded the most disreputable law firm in Texas:  Bickel & Brewer.  He brought two of the suits challenging the Farmers Branch ordinances.

Today a federal court in Dallas issued a temporary restraining order preventing Farmers Branch enforcing the ordinance that 68% of its voters approved. The suit was filed by the ACLU and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. That appears to be a separate suit from the one the landlords are involved in.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:09. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 20:01. (View)

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uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 22:45. (View)

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uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:04. (View)

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