Jimmy Marr Takes The Social Constructionist Turn

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 26 September 2014 04:15.


A chat with Jimmy Marr following his interview by Circus Maximus reveals..

daniel sienkiewicz: nice show.

Jimmy Marr: Thanks. I knew you were listening, so I didn’t worship Hitler even once.

daniel sienkiewicz: wise guy

daniel sienkiewicz: the Irish guy was cool too

Jimmy Marr: Yeah. We kept talking for nearly an hour after the show was officially over. There were actually two Irish guys on there. Was that part audible to you?

daniel sienkiewicz: yes…and I was very pleased with what you did with Nietzsche..

... that you were taking-on scientism

daniel sienkiewicz: that it will be left to us to create what is important to value

Jimmy Marr: Oh great. I’m glad someone was out there to appreciate that. I felt like maybe I was getting too abstract.

daniel sienkiewicz: But you know Jimmy that is, in essence, social constructionism

daniel sienkiewicz: and that is not wrong.

daniel sienkiewicz: it is right.

Jimmy Marr: Yes.

daniel sienkiewicz: v good.

daniel sienkiewicz: lots of subtle ideas..I was impressed..I look forward to listening to the show a second time.

....it also clarified some of the things with “the bugs people”..fascinating..

you acquited yourself quite well, I thought.

Jimmy Marr: Great. Thank you. It was tough.

daniel sienkiewicz: you’re welcome..these things are tough…when people whose best interests you have at heart are tangled-up with antagonistic forces.




Posted by Will. on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 05:16 | #

cool grin .


Posted by Guest Blogger on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 07:39 | #

* Note that there is a distinction to be drawn between what IS, ontologically speaking, and how those facts come to count or be valued, as implied in this sentence:

“that it will be left to us to create what is important to value”


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 10:00 | #

* Note that there is a distinction to be drawn between what IS, ontologically speaking, and how those facts come to count or be valued, as implied in this sentence:

“that it will be left to us to create what is important to value”

There is a distinction, but it’s possible that the distinction is merely an unintended side-effect of language, which happens to be our only means of communicating it.

If we think of objectivity as a side effect of syntax, the profoundest truth derivable from it, or describable by it, will be the artificiality of its initial premise, the subject/object differentiation that we humans placed there for our own convenience in the first place.

Gods “R” us*.

*Leon Haller excluded.






Posted by melba peachtoast on Sat, 27 Sep 2014 12:46 | #

Yes but we are all wondering how you transport that intricate instrument. Can a bagpipe fit inside a kangaroohide musette bag?


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:59 | #

Can a bagpipe fit inside a kangaroohide musette bag?

I’d be very surprised if it could be so fitted, and even if it could, I wouldn’t do it. I have four sets of bagpipes and none of them are in bags or cases of any sort. On the rare occasions when I do use a bag, it’s to prop up a sign rather than carry the instrument.

Disassembly of pipes, particularly drone segments, necessitates re-tuning, which I prefer to avoid. On some occasions, however, the extra effort is well worth the trouble:




Posted by Guest Blogger on Sun, 28 Sep 2014 04:50 | #

...a good occasion to take the trouble to remind people that nobody around had anything to do with World War II in any case.


Posted by Noachideous on Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:46 | #

There is substantial evidence in the occult that the two world wars were fought for the creation of this ‘israel’ monstrosity in 1948…..  Search Rav Ashlag and Kabbalah Secrets for the text.

It is not by accident that in the time domain, WW2 takes the form of a temple menorah, with three years either side of the central year 1942….. 42 being the number of the deity the jew feels has chosen the ‘jew’.

The implication being that the ‘allies’, being predominantly anglokelt in origin were deceived into the subjugation of the german who was bullied into taking a defensive position that was construed as the opposite.

Also a Piper here Jimmy, I and on behalf of others if they knew,  request that you remove the israel piper link as it is seen here as an affront to my people, Kelts and Anglo Saxons who died in contrived wars for the benefit of jews and their ‘israel’ monstrosity. The 6 million number is derived of jewish numerology and its forensic verification is not permitted. Those that demand it incarcerated in some countries.


It would be entirely rational and logical to demand the exclusion of those who comprise the jewish establishment, particularly members of the Bnai Brith, from the gentile war memorials…..

Their presence as a coterie of mendacious liars and deceivers and defiles these places.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:04 | #

Jimmy, I love ya guy, but can you appreciate

A) that it is not necessarily the greatest tact to forefront that, even if it is your agenda?

B) some people are in Europe and your tough talk, while not much risk to you may be to others

Even if it is just a matter of bad tact, that does not comport the moral high ground.

Before you get all Nietzsche on me, the moral high ground comports power, that’s why we should care

A lot of Jews died in World War II, and whether it is called a holocaust or Shoah is not necessarily important. We know they are preoccupied with theirs and not with ours. Worse, that subsequent generations of Whites have been unjustly punished, having had nothing to do with it; that there should be criminal liability for those particularly culpable for that injustice; and that there is warrant for separation from Jews en toto, as they look after their own, strictly without regard for ours.

But the piles of skeletal bodies we have all seen are not a “hoax.”

Neither is the fact of our far greater losses - losses that we continue to sustain.

Whether the account as told is perfectly accurate, or even if it were a figment of our imagination and photoshop imagery, scarcely anybody left alive had anything to do with events of that time and I am sure you can agree that nobody of subsequent generations should be penalized.

From what I have seen of different historical accounts, I am not at all convinced that the revisionists are truth seekers or that their whole angle of revisionism is very useful at this point.

Whereas we might all be convinced that people of this generation are innocent of any doings of Nazi Germany if they want to be.

They might begin to lose that moral high ground, however, lost in the logic of an argument with Jews.

Revisionists rather come across as propagadists just a little bit biased and telegraphing sadistic ways and means that not everyone wants to be associated with.

And it is easy to be flamboyant with other people’s asses being on the line (for bad or unnecessary tact at that).

Add this to the list of tricks:

Reject Hitler and you are a Jew….

Reject “revisionism” and the absolute terms* that Nazis would proffer and you are Jew..

Hitler was totally good. All negative things attributed to Nazi German are a total fraud.




Posted by JamesatRedIce on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:15 | #

For an approach to Jews not quite so headlong, here is James giving a refresher on horizontal transmission at Red Ice.



Posted by Noachideous on Fri, 03 Oct 2014 22:14 | #

When the link was cracked open and saw what was there I nearly barfed my brekky bagel…..

There’s an agenda at work with the jews… Whether individual jews know it or not, their collective behaviour appears designed to bring about the things required by their ‘religion’ hahaha…..

The messiah is due to arrive in 2018 according to the kabbalah secrets goy. They’ve got form on this as in the 1948 contrivance. 

The jew feels itself….......... “Chosen” by Saturn Chronos El, who is the allegorical Father of Veritas or Truth and also Isis.  There appear to be occultists about the place who dispute the things the kike attributes to itself….  Search OnceWereWarriors JaketheMussbeatsupUncleBully…

WunceWereWarriors.  WWW…...  The letter double U is a menorahic letter and given that U is the 21st letter of the alphabet, then double U amounts to 42, or 8 or 6 and is product and sum of 4 and 2…. It is no coincidence either that a menorah looks the like a W, the temple three W’s superimposed, thus if 8’s 24 or 6’s 18, summing to 42.

In that particular allegory of WWW’s,  Uncle Bully, 21 by 2 or 42 rapes the Daughter aged 13, the sum of 7 and 6, product 42,  of the one who can only be Saturn…... yet continues to sit about the round table in favour of Saturn….. who subsequently discovers that his ‘friend’ is in fact the lowest piece of Shit in the allegorical world…. and the Natural Father metes out Natural Justice as understood by most.

If allegory is framed in human terms for the purpose of our understanding, then clearly, rapist’s and defilers of Truth and Innnocence are subsequently undone not by ‘anti-semites’, but the Father of Truth, SaturnIsrael himself.

So the agenda is the creation of the false state of this ‘israel’ by the current manifestation of Uncle Bully… the ‘jews’.  It is founded in lies and the blood of innocents and will likely be torn asunder by Saturn himself as an abomination. The jew is given free reign to show its colours.

If the jew tout for the messiah is arriving in 2018, then it makes sense that this prevailing war in the ME is for the purpose of Greater ‘israel’ between the brook of the Nile and the Eurphrates.

WW1 and WW2 were fought ultimately for that purpose as well.  The jew is destroying the other races to manufacture a racial bipolarity consistent with the jew delusion that they are the singularly magnificent purpose of the creation….  The symbolism of racial diasporisation is that if that can get away with destroying the races, then it grants them approval to eliminate the goyim altogether, so that the words of the ‘jew’ are the only words heard and thus become immutable Truth….  And most jew words are deceptions as heard by goyische ears.

For a possible origin of the word ‘jew’ search Theban Alphabet…or Witches Alphabet.. In the original version there are equivalents for every letter in English other that J U W….. The significance of which is still being determined here…  In the ritual killings of Jack the RiP…er or 86 er,,,,,,  the Goulston street graffitti was spelled, and spells are cast with words… as JUWes….


Posted by Noachideous on Fri, 03 Oct 2014 22:59 | #

As an aside Jimmy, the GHB appears to be a Saturnine Instrument.

In devices it contains 3 Drones and 8 Chanter holes amounting to 24
To sound in ‘words’..... 2 drone frequencies and 9 chanter notes amounting to 18.

Sum 42…....

Given that there is some evidence the Scots are in part derived of Egypt as in the story of Princess Scota,  the Flag if square would appear as the plan view of a pyramid, and the 42 negative affirmations of Maat, the instrument may be out of Egypt and the design of genuine Masons and gnostics before the current crop of materialistic Masons decided to deify and worship the ‘jews’ in lieu of higher principles.

This writer has no affiliation with Masonry or any organised religion that recites dogma drawn from curriculum for the purpose of compliance.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 05 Oct 2014 04:55 | #

I am posting this here because frunobulac is doing its thing again.

Twisting my words and making false attributions of my motives.

In case she tries it with my response against her latest diatribe, I am re-posting my comment to her as a result of this -

she begins twisting and misrepresenting my words and majorityrights near the end of this podcast


I respond:


STOP SAYING THAT I AM ANTI-GERMAN (DO NOT LIKE THEM, WHATEVER YOU ACCUSE ME OF). There is ample evidence that is not true and it is slander.

I am against Hitler; not against all aspects of national socialism. I am satisfied holocaust revisionism is largely counter productive.

I did not get my thoughts on it from Greg Johson, this is what I always thought.

I am saying that (also) Germans of this generation had nothing to do with it and should not be blamed or penalized.

I even went on to say that those (Jews or whomever) who are resposnbile culprits, reponsible for punishing subsequent generations should be brought to justice.

This is what is so crazy about your world view - one cannot even say to you, hey! I am not blaming you and do not want to lay guilt on you and see people of this generation penalized. Those responsible for crimes against our (including Germans, of course) people should be brought to justice.

I do not say the things that I say because I am Polish. I am a half Italian half Polish American and I take the position that I do because I defend all European peoples, their nationalisms.

The priorities thereof are not cowardice, they are determined of relevance.

Oh, and I never said that Jews have the moral high ground, though they are good at assimilating as much.


Carolyn did post this, but in response re-posted my number 9 above, as if it said something damning, bolding what she apparently thought was damning.

So, I clarified it another comment, which perhaps she will post:

I said:

One point at at time:

Yes, that is what I said. The moral highground of is in separatism, not in a tactlessly stated agenda to exterminate them. I knew that Alex and those who follow his line of argumentation would take that to mean that “the moral highground” means always playing fair and nice. That is not what it means. But there is power in having it.

2. Yes, I maintain that these names are not important.

3. Yes, there is warrant to separate from Jews entirely.

4. Yes, there were piles of skeletal bodies. And here is where you have an important misunderstanding of me - you assume that what it is called means that these names (holocaust, Shoah) mean that it counts in a certain way. It does not mean that to me. All it means is that somehow a lot of Jews died in an unpleasant manner and they call that these names. The rest of it becomes less and less relevant with each passing generation, clearly having had nothing to do with whatever happened in World War II. And no European of subsequent generations should be penalized for it, no matter what the case.

5. Yes, I am not convinced that revisionists care for the truth. Just look what happens when you read a post of mine. You never read where I speak (truthfully) that I am not against Germans. But in the examples of historical revisionists, I have seen all too often that they take an - absurdely - one sided position.

6. The list is of Jewish tricks.

Rich said: “you are allowing for the continual indoctrination of our children”

Rich, I am doing nothing of the kind. I am promoting media and confirmation of the obvious fact of ours and our children’s innocence. Our prerogative to defend ourselves and our separatisms.

With regard to the H, my preferred angle is to ask why such rancor might have been provoked by Jews. This is also an intuitive question that can yield fruitful answers that go toward taking Germans out of the “ex-nihlo evil” narrative.


“I am saying that (also) Germans of this generation had nothing to do with it and should not be blamed or penalized.”

What you’re missing is that the Germans of Hitler’s generation had nothing to do with what Hitler is accused of either, nor did Hitler. But he and they were accused of it anyway, and suffered horrible punishment for the lie, much of which was concocted in Poland by Poles, not even Jews!

And the reason you refuse to look at this IS because you are Polish and identify with your Polish side much more than with your Italian side.”

I don’t think so. See my comment to Rich. I do not identify with my Polish side more than my Italian side. It is necessary to defend them more because Nazi propaganda made anti-Polinism a fundamental plank.

Hadding Scott says:

“There is no moral highground without the truth. Any pretense of morality that doesn’t have truth on its side is a fraud.

One of the biggest barriers to seizing the moral highground, which means stating the truth and exposing the fraudulent moralizers, is fear.”

And how can you have truth when the only thing you care about is Germany? Germany uber alles?

You cannot.

Further, that is an insufficient definition of the moral high ground, which must rely on judgment of relevant importance of truth claims.

Mr and Mrs “Truth”, that you supposedly care for, my father was Italian, neither of my parents held anti-German prejudice, most of my friends growing up were of German extraction and what is supposed to be untruthful about this statement?:

“It wasn’t like they and their predecessors in WWI had any responsibility for the death of more than 50 million Europeans. No, nothing was there fault. Everyone should have just done what Hitler and Himmler wanted!”

What is the alternative to this statement, that Germany never did anything wrong?

You care about truth? Obviously not.

You know, thinking back on it, I never heard my mother say an anti-German thing in my life. Not once.

Your bad will is perverse. One cannot say anything to you - not even extending an altercast of innocence and good will to help - that you two will not twist into a bitter dispute unless one allows you to continue with your false accusations and aburd postion that Nazi Germany was one thousand percent right and everyone else wrong. The good news is that no reasonable people will take you seriously in the end.

Hadding Scott says (disgustingly):

“Okay so it was your mother that pumped your head full of Polish cow-dung. Sorry about the mistake.”

He would say something disgusting like that after I told him truthfully that my mother never said anything bad about Germans.

Hadding the truth seeker, yeah right.

Hadding goes on to say:

“I think that almost anybody other than you can figure out that there are possibilities other than (a) Germany started the First World War and (b) Germany does no wrong. The myth of sole German guilt for the First World War was written into the Treaty of Versailles but it was already being abandoned by thinking people about ten years after the war with Professor Harry Elmer Barnes leading the way.”

I don’t say that Germany was solely responsible for the start or the course of World War I, but they were far from innocent.

Hadding says:

“By affirming thet Germany caused the First World War you show yourself as a backward and stupid Polish chauvinist.”

Again, you attribute words that are not mine and you reveal yourself Hadding to be a backward, stupid chauvinist.

Carolyn Yeager is a liar - she says:

“I can attest that Daniel sometimes gives his parental ethnicities one way and sometimes the opposite.

The reason for this? He can’t remember? He is all mixed up? He wants to mislead? I don’t know but think he should get his story straight.”


Why would you attest to something that isn’t true, Carolyn? I NEVER said anything other than that my father was of Italian descent and my mother was of Polish descent. Yours and Hadding’s will to misunderstand things in the worst possible way is apparently inexhaustible. Clearly that is just what you are going to do, because you do NOT care for the truth.

Carolyn gives fellow Nazi, Markus, the last say on that thread

he says:


I will not debate with Daniel. We had our arguments in the past and I offered to agree on disagreeing, which was accepted by him. I later found out that he was bashing me on his blog.”

As if Markus has honor.

Before long, I will show why, after a mistaken attempt to treat him as a reasonable person, one who might see things in an accurate and decent way, I had to resume a critical stance with regard to him.



Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:32 | #


I’ve read and appreciate your comments about the bagpipes. I find them interesting, but don’t know what to say in response except that I appreciate having them to read.

I’ve been long banned from the two major Internet pipe forums and am a pariah from the local pipe band, whose former pipe major was a lesbian who prided herself on the making of a magen david sporran.

The board of directors was kind enough to bar my membership on the basis of their opinion that I would not be happy there.

Am I mistaken in sensing something quintessentially English in such a rationalization?


Posted by Noachideous on Wed, 08 Oct 2014 18:11 | #

What was her merkin made of ?  Weasel Fur, with a sporran of porcupine leather. You have committed a thought crime.  Your exclusion is more pathetic pandering to political correctness, and all because they imagine themselves as protectors of a pouisemacuted minority.  Another coagulation of knob gobbling noachide snivellers.

When piping for Soldiers who’ll never grow Olde, I often contemplate what their thoughts would be in the context of the things that their formerly homogenous Peoples have become…...

And conclude as a one of working class origins who knows his own well,  that most would feel somewhat deceived if they knew. They may well know now.


There are about the place extrapolations in the occult and metaphysical that suggest these malevolent Kosher Klowns of the BnaiBrith, the same ones active against any who oppose the racial diasporisation of nations, are involved in the manufacture of remembrance ceremonies for reasons other than the racial kin of the remembered.


Apparently the Dropkick Murphys are uncomfortable with the continuance of their own in any form other than as an exhibit in a Judaic designed multicultural Noachide zoo.

Why did and for what did they die ?  Well surely outcomes suggest that they died for this “Israel”......  And the jews know it….... The allied nations suffer the same punitive imposts as occupied Germany.

So to those who knowingly collaborate with the jews and their designs, while Death is inevitable you may well have a choice to make….

Death before Dishonour.


Posted by Harumphty Dumpty on Fri, 10 Oct 2014 20:38 | #

“....it also clarified some of the things with ‘the bugs people’”

Hopefully this will clarify that more:


Posted by eTuJimmy? on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:25 | #

“We need an answer when the enemy shrieks “Nazi!”

Jimmy says (snipping a bit off the Dogen quote):

“To become one with nature, we must first become one with ourselves.”

Then adds

“Anti-Nazi is anti-White.”

Come on Jimmy! Try again, you can do better.

“The pretense of objectivity is a luxury no race can long afford.”

That one is good.

As is the Dogen quote proper. It goes more to the effect of:

To know yourself you must become one with yourself, to become one with yourself you must become one with Buddha, to become one with Buddha you must understand that you are one with the universe, along with the stars and galaxies, to become one with the universe you must forget that you are one with the universe.

- Dogen

As for the orthodox chief, it seems skepticism was well placed:


About what you can expect of him: still you’d hope for better.

On the other hand

This guy’s site is interesting - so far doesn’t seem necessarily conflictual with MR:


Posted by Noachideous on Tue, 02 Dec 2014 18:42 | #


Recently came to the same conclusion, seached ‘sons of maat’  and the above was revealed.


The inference is that the current crop of masons in collaboration with jewry cannot possibly be Sons of Maat.  Their treachery precludes it.  They have become “Noachides”......

Considering that the GHB has notes Low G to High A amounting to Great Architect, it was likely designed by Masons ...... thankfully not ‘jews’.......and their fauxmasonic children of isfet.



Posted by Noachideous on Sun, 08 Feb 2015 05:26 | #

Good work Jimmy.


Posted by Noachideous on Sun, 08 Feb 2015 06:10 | #

I know he does good work…..and would suggest the he’s not in this for accolades or celebrity or condescending patronising pats on the top of his noggin’ ,  but for the collective enlightenment of his own kind…..

The stuff I wanted to post was a continuation and development, with interpretation of the idea that the Pipes and Masonry were creations of a collective ‘goyische’ European mind, now subverted by dark forces that seek their elimination…....

You might consider publishing. ......  Others might find it pertinent with something useful within…
Particularly those who regard themselves as “Masons”........ 

The jew does not like this thread because it might awaken European sleepers to judaic treachery…

That is the only reason I am here….. as are others….


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 08 Feb 2015 07:22 | #

As a rule, we don’t want to encourage this kind of exotic and protracted conspiracy stuff around here. It is distracting and discrediting of otherwise serious and urgent matters, often a troll strategy for diversion at that.

I’ll re-post it this time:

Noachideous said:

So who killed the Masonic ‘messiah’ known as Hiram Abiff ?


The story is that he was killed for refusing to divulge his accrued knowledge to three ruffians.
Masonry declares that it is wrong to suggest that they were ever known as the ‘juwes’... Though some how that assertion entered the discourse and is now denied by an obeisant and jew friendly (corrupted?) ‘Masonry’ .  This new ‘masonry’ appears as one where all things asserted as Truth immutable are no longer measured with an allegorical square and compass dedicated to inviolable metaphysical law but whether Truths so measured are likely to offend and elicit the feigned indignation of artful deceivers…..

The numbers suggest the cryptic origin of the ThreeRuffians as a possible warning that the admission of the Juw into the lodge will secure the elimination and death of Masonry as place dedicated to Truth by means of open and free enquiry…...
The missing letters J U W in the Theban alphabet amount in gematria to 10 21 23…. summing to 54….
In Masonic crypsis the term Three Ruffians could be interpretted as 3 R… with R the 18 th letter of the alphabet, amounting to 3 by 18 or 54…..

So were Masons of Olde issuing a warning to future devotees….. Beware the JUW   ?   

On 1948…. birth date of this ‘israel’........
And substantial proof that that WW1 and 2 were fought for the benefit of jew israel.

WW2 in the time domain takes the form of temple menorah with ‘42 as the central candelabra.

To derive 1948 from the number 42…..

By grade 2 math discern two numbers… 42 58…..  Sum 100.
Then by more 8 40 as in 4×2 and 5×8
Then by more 6 13 as in 4+2 and 8+5
Then by more as in 48….
Then by more as in 19
Pointing to 1948….

More important than anything else as a means to preserving open and free inquiry is the preservation and advancement of Racial Nations.
Racial Nations are targetted for the fact their existence represents an impediment to global governance…......it being the existential manifestation of a genocidal jewish tyranny.


Posted by Jimmy Marr meets Millennial Woes on Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:32 | #

“Good times had by all, Daniel. Thanks for setting it in motion” - Jimmy Marr

...I had told Jimmy that Millennial Woes was headed to Oregon.

The meeting of Scottish souls produced this lovely ditty:

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Previous entry: Jewish Control of the British Empire, Divide and Conquer, Comandeering European War efforts

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