Jewish tricks: paradoxic injunctions, reversal of terms ..and movements. Proscriptions of European organization and defense, promulgated under a guise of moral acceptability, that have European peoples arguing against their own interests and organization thereof. Conservatism Racist/Racism Diversity Multiculturalism Hermeneutics Marginals Tolerance Civil Rights Hippies/Feminists Sexual conservatism as pathological Christianity
For an MR radio discussion coming-up, I set-about to speak with Stan Hess, seeing him as a comfortable voice in public speaking for European advocacy. It was suggested against my original plan that I might be featured in this discussion - not something I really wanted to do, but conceding the utility in that, I prepared for it as such. However, as the conversation turned-out, I wasn’t able to emphasize the significance and unfold some ideas that I had carefully plucked-out of my experience as I had intended. Knowing that the subject matter is important, viz., understanding what, why and how Jewish academic power-brokers are devising, manipulating, perverting and reversing terms by which we might understand ourselves, our European interests and the permissibility of organizing in defense thereof, I have set-out the key terms here so that they might be unfolded and analyzed for their (pejorative) significance for European interests. Some terms are more well-known and accepted as coerced and coercion than others but I have included them with those still met by more resistance from European advocates in order to underscore the pattern.
It is extended to Christianity as well, which, being a universalist religion is also liberal. Thus, when American Whites argue for “conservatism” in these terms, of course they are really arguing for neo-liberalism.
Jews are keen on this, of course, knowing how Locke’s rejection of social classification as non-empirical worked against their group organization. However, confident enough of their group organizational maintenance, they weaponized anti-classification against Whites in the form of anti-racism. Thus, when a White Nationalist such as David Duke argues against “racism” and expresses indignation at the hypocrisy of Israel as it prohibits interracial marriage, he is falling for the trick of arguing on behalf of liberalism and the stigmatization of what is necessary to European interests - social classification and discrimination on its basis - for the purpose of systemic accountability and human ecology.
Thus, the Jewish trick: For Whites to argue against “the left” as the enemy (or even against “the ‘phoney’ right/left paradigm), is to argue against White unionization (organization for the purpose of their defense, accountability and human ecology). A White Leftist framework would provide a succinct organizational framework. It is a union for European peoples only, establishing key maintenance points of accountability straight away: Those most potentially destructive to our interests would be held accountable - there would be vigilance of the elite so that they do not betray our interests; and there would be accountability and incentive for the middle and lower classes to remain loyal - their disaffection and looking for satisfaction outside the race being another critical problem for solidarity. Moreover, by asserting the term “White Left” we are begging the question from others, perhaps surprised, what do you mean? Thus creating an occasion to define the term in terms of White interests and in contrast to Red (Jewish) Leftism, which is liberalism for Whites and anti-White unionization for non-Whites. Your needs and aspirations are cared for, even if you are not the best in every way (unlike many facets of the right). We believe in private property. Equal outcomes in wealth and achievement are not the goal; though incentive for achievement is sought along with a basic safety net for those sufficiently accountable to the class and its social capital. More individualistic, free enterprising or more social ways of life are accepted provided the borders of the race are upheld. As a union of Whites it is contrary to liberalism and anti-Whites, it advocates the maintenance of European group borders, national and otherwise; not tearing them down as Jewish/Red Leftism has had it. White leftism comports the moral high ground as it provides for accountability of its members and elite while not narcissistically viewing all peoples of the world as members of the same group and having the same interests; recognizing our different interests the means are provided for negotiation or coordination with them without necessarily trampling their interests or having ours trampled by them. Well aware of its - White Leftism’s - power as an organizational tool, Jewish interests do not want us to have it and constantly refer to our enemies as leftists; and to us, accordingly, as “right-wing extremists” and “supremacists” (another form of rightism).
However, Jews, in setting-forth the paradoxic injunction, have gotten Whites to take the bate and make obnoxious fools of themselves, stirring-up resentment and hate for them by arguing against “equality.” The hubris becomes worse as many Whites find that in reality, non-Whites can be better in some ways as they are confronted with objectivist/equality testing (ignoring improper comparison of incommensurate paradigms) running rough-shod over the qualitative differences of Whites that do distinguish us as more than worthy of defense.
The result of this confusion is that Whites/Europeans would be arguing against “post modernity” - construing it as being strictly against tradition and ancient forms, when in fact it was meant to preserve them, in fact holding the cure to the modernist destruction of our people and borders; whereas de facto arguing on behalf of either strict and sometimes anachronistic traditions or for more modernity, would correspond with being almost laughably hide-bound with easy mark traditions or foolishly going along and resuming the modernist project (the default) of hazarding liberal experimentation and impervious, unaccountable destruction as it does.
Whites falling for the Jewish trick, laughing at “social constructionism”, are laughing-off one of the most important means to defend and advance our interests.
Heidegger’s Jewish student, Gadamer, and Gadamer’s students promulgated by contrast a notion of hermeneutics which served Jewish interests and antagonized Whites, claiming it as central that “marginals” (read not marginals, but outsiders) must be included in order to achieve perspective. Furthermore, its anti-scientism was associated with anti-science, to such an extent that when I broached hermeneutics with Professor MacDonald, he insisted that this idea put-forth by Heidegger was strictly anti-science - when it is not anti-science at all outside of Jewish abuse. On the contrary, science is one end of the hermeneutic process, the closer reading as opposed to the broader narrative orientation, the two ends continually complementing one another in an ongoing process. Again, Whites are encouraged to argue against a discipline that would serve our interests because we’ve been put-off by Jewish abuse of the term and concept.
Here again, Jews reversed the notion, to where “marginals” were not marginals to the social classification at all, but outsiders from it, who were somehow and for some reason to be introduced as “enrichment”, etc, supposed to be included in European classification. Camus and Derrida are notable exponents of this ruse. They made the marginal, who could be our most loyal supporters and useful centurions guarding the fronts, into a repugnant catch-all PC category of queers, non-White interlopers and anti-White Whites. I.e., marginals were rendered from our most dependent advocates into some of our worst traitors. In having Whites argue against marginals, they wind-up arguing against humaneness to our own marginals, which is all of us from time to time, including those marginalized for their excellence. More, such harshness, inhumaneness, demoralizes and de-motivates participation in White/European organization and defense..
Hippies did have an authentic and important motive for White interests - midtdasein, viz., the right of the male to Be-in his social classification. More specifically, being in his social classification meant that his basic human needs were readily attainable: intrinsic valuation, food, shelter, protection, sleep, security, communal interface and acceptance as an organic member of the group. This was sensed as violated by the Viet Nam draft and hippies rightfully rebelled on behalf of their midtdasein - a motive expressed in many ways; e.g., long hair* and varied, colorful clothes as opposed to the look of male anonymity and military regimentation. However, it was difficult, stigmatic to articulate in comparison to historical expectations, though a necessary adjustment to oppose incessant militarization which took for granted males as intrinsically valueless (disposable rather than having inherent value to genetic interests). While nature does not consider them as valueless as this tradition there is a price to pay for male being, intrinsic valuation, and that is defense of the borders (as opposed to attacking nations on the other side of the world to secure corporate interests). And, for these low grumbles to be assuaged, some allowance for the higher grumbles of feminists to be relieved. Note the rage and bad blood that might be engendered between the genders that relatively petty complaints might inspire in contrast to low grumbles ignored. Thus, our hermeneutic process can manage gender in a humane way, allowing women to develop their potentials where they should and not treating males as disposable. Unfortunately, the Jews put the high grumbles and comparatively trivial complaints of feminists before the fundamental needs of White male being (which should have been prioritized). Moreover, rather than allowing this motive to be apprehended, the ineloquence of the hippies was exploited, any concessions to White male midtdasein vanished after the pathetic sacrifices of Viet Nam were over. Jewish feminism, having that embarrassing shadow no longer cast on it, went into over drive with its perversion (note there were White forerunners and Europeans are distinguished by their generally good and flexible treatment of their co-evolutionary genders by contrast to non-Whites; thus, feminism aimed at White males is, again, a backwards, Jewish thing). The bonafide motive of White males was buried with Jewish promoted movements of feminism in antagonism to White men, black civil rights, Herbert Marcuse’s destructive “free love”, the Marxism of the 68ers (GW tells me they occupied the London School of Economics with a sit-in) none of which was essentially related to White male being; all of which were affectations associated with hippies, by Jewish media, and have come to provide another way of not only blaming White men where Jewish radical activist programs were behind the liberalization of the times (not wanting to go to Viet Nam is not liberal, it is conservative), but also a way of burying the essential White male motive of midtdasein - a project still to be incorporated into White nationalism * This is not meant to promote nor to insist upon the hippie look and ways but rather to insist that the military look and regimented ways not be idealized.
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Posted by DanielS on Sat, 04 Oct 2014 06:08 | #
“Hispanics” may as well be another one to add to the Jewish bag of tricks (or right wing hubris). However, in this case, it is not a reversal of terminology, but a deliberate or careless ambiguity that allows for the clumsy or disingenuous classifying of importantly different peoples as one.
Bill Johnson, president of the “A3P” party or “The American Freedom Party” (whatever), interviews a conservative White woman from Southern California:
I do not blame her (a “conservative friend of Israel”, she obviously has some things to be brought abreast of) but rather I blame the colossal assholishness of the Right for having instilled in her a dichotomy of “White” versus “Hispanics.”
She says that “Hispanics’ have all of Central and South America, whereas White people have no country of their own.”
I could scream from the very instance of her uttering this, which would summarily render all Argentinians, for example, as “non-White.”
But one wonders how much destruction of White people has happened over the years as a result of this right-wing ignorance - conceiving Whites, Indians, blacks and blends thereof as one people because they all speak Spanish.
“Hispanic” was a term that came into use during the Nixon administration, not based on genetic grounds, but grouping all Spanish speaking peoples under its rubric.
Kissinger or his assistants may have had something to do with the term.
Thus White people, or European, anyway, for argument’s sake, could be lumped-in as “Hispanic.”
How much destruction has happened, how much helpful alliance has been shunned for this snobbery (or Jewish disingenuousness) that does not distinguish a relatively trivial difference from a profound one?
I will never forget an occasion where I had to work in a “Hispanic” area in Massachusetts: it was teaming with Puerto Ricans, mixed AmerIndian, black, and White, that sort of thing….and I went into a supermarket that was full of these, admittedly, non-White people, but the cashier was the most lovely, diminutive woman of European descent. Ok, her hair was dark, that’s about it as far as her “non-White” qualifications went. The anger that I felt and feel at this term that would lump her with non-Whites and give that kind of pearl to non-White men; it is infuriating.
And Bill Johnson has put forth this ignorant hard distinction, where a softer one should be, from the onset, with his first announcement of the A3P party.
In the analogy of the body and its parts and immuno-defense against anti-White virulence, it may be that some Europeans have non-White anti-bodies which help to protect Nordics; but not allowed to perform that function if excluded as “non-White.”
Those on the margins, such as southern Europeans, could have all the more incentive to fight to not be thrown into the black and brown throngs.