Laura Fairrie’s Battle for Barking: the nationalists’ verdict

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 03 December 2010 00:19.

Described by the film company Dartmouth Films as “this unique observational documentary”, Laura Fairrie’s “True Lives - The Battle for Barking”, which aired on More 4 on Tuesday night, has been written about at some length elsewhere.  The Telegraph, The Independent and, particularly noxiously, The Guardian (twice) have all devoted space to it, along with several nationalist blogs.  In fact, as is usual with the BNP, the amount of political and journalistic attention the programme has received most probably contrasts with the viewing potential for a late-evening broadcast on a digital TV station.

I watched the programme yesterday on-line here.  Already aware that it was fairer and more politically neutral than other mainstream media coverage of and investigation into the party, I was nevertheless surprised by the tenderness of some of the portrayals - not of Nick Griffin and his (then) coterie but of the local party members and the ordinary people of the borough (the English ones).  Its title aside, which bowdlerised the BNP’s own much-derided genuflection to the Churchillian, the film treated of the sincerity and sentiment of these people with something very like compassion turning all the time to a wry recognition that their campaign was, like the people they love and try to aid, doomed.  Even the music score plucked these strings, and the whole, I felt, captured the perhaps inevitable unfulfillment and failure that is the lot of folk nationalism in the hard, shiny, Blue State Digital world of modern electoral politics.

But that’s all I want to say myself.  True to the spirit of the observational film-maker, I thought I would confine the rest of this post to the voices of some of those BNP supporters and sympathisers who have commented on the various “Battle For Barking” threads.  But I will begin with the words of Laura Fairrie herself:

Despite a year of increased national exposure, the BNP suffered a crushing defeat, finishing third behind Hodge and the Conservatives. “They didn’t stand a chance. They were so disorganised. The media were building them up as this viable threat, but that wasn’t what I was seeing. They were just going around with their photocopied leaflets, shoving them through doors. That was the extent of their campaign.”

No one can forget Bob Bailey’s scuffle with some Asian youths while canvassing. Was it not frightening filming alone – Laura didn’t have a film crew – when there was a constant threat of violent confrontation? “I did feel vulnerable and scared on my own. Without money it’s very difficult to get people to commit people to a year’s work. I had a tiny budget. I can’t really say how much because I think my executive producer would be embarrassed! Many people assumed I was BNP. I was even spat on. Sometimes going home on the tube I would think “what the fuck am I doing? I’ve got two young kids.” There were times when I just didn’t feel safe, especially when I was out with Nick Griffin walking the streets. There was a real sense that someone would come and kill him. Cars would drive by slowly, and they’d drive off, and then another would drive up really close.”

... Laura tells me that some people feel the BNP come off better than the Labour Party in the film. Does she feel the camera inhibited their honesty? “I was there so much with the BNP, and they got so used to me being around, that often they’d forget I was there. So there is a lot of honesty in the film. Having said that, Nick Griffin is incredibly calculating and incredibly careful. So I didn’t get the Holocaust denial moment or whatever else it is that people are hoping to get out of this!”

What does Margaret Hodge make of it? “She’s disappointed. It’s not the film she wanted. She wanted something that was going to show all the brilliant work she was doing in Barking to reconnect with the white working class vote, something that would show what monsters the BNP are. But once Nick Griffin announced he was standing, she wobbled a bit and for a while she wasn’t so keen for me to make the film. It became quite difficult because I started moving between both sides. One day I’d be in the Labour Barking office, and the next I’d be in the back of a BNP van. But to her credit she allowed me to carry on making it even in the times she was terrified, when she thought she would lose.”

The BNP ran a dirty campaign against Hodge in Barking, calling her ‘Margaret the Egyptian Hodge’ because she was born in Egypt, before coming to Britain with her Jewish parents, who were fleeing Nazi-occupied Austria. What about Labour’s campaign? “I very much had the sense that Labour was playing just as dirty a game as the BNP. Margaret’s whole thing on the doorstep was: “the BNP are Nazi fascists. You either vote for me or the Nazis.” And that’s demonising and calling everyone who wants to vote for the BNP in her community a fascist. Well there are reasons they are voting for the BNP – they’ve been so let down by the Labour Party. They’ve been left to rot in revolting tower blocks for seventeen years without a chance of being moved, with no one to listen to them.”

Why, I wonder, didn’t the BNP unite the local political issues with the nationalist meta-issue and go with the line that, “The ethnics are being housed by Labour and you are not because they are being used to replace you.”

Here is a selection of other commentary, with links where possible:

Look at the housing shortages, look at the unemployment figures, look at the NHS queues, look at the high tax rates, look at the British lads dying pointlessly in Afghanistan ... what bloody ‘convincing’ should any sane and sensible person need.

the fact is the British people were mesmerised by the phoney ‘leaders debates’ and like good sheep they went out and voted for one of the three party con trick candidates.

The documentary managed to run for one and a half hours without mentioning ‘Operation Black Vote’ once.
Hodge got 54% of the vote in a (according to the documentary) 36% immigrant constituency.
The immigrant block vote and the way it was organised by New Labour was all important in this constituency.
You do not have to be in minority to loose control of your country. The indiginous vote simply has to be balkanised while the immigrant vote is organised as a block.

This is state sanctionned oppression. The BNP were clearly subjected to tons of this abuse. On the day they briefly fought back, the documentary showed they had been spat at and assaulted numerous times. Yet you and the media chose to portray the BNP as too quick to fight back. The youths obviously thought they could get away with it. I wonder why?

Finally talking of presences and policies which create tensions, would you be so sympathetic to EDL youths subjecting an iman to a new mosque (or a councillor or mp supporting it) to such abuse? Of course not. They would be arrested straight away.

I thought the big letdown with The Battle For Barking was the complete absence of UAF’s efforts in getting rid of the BNP. They put in far more hours and effort in than most Labour members. They were a major influence in the routing of the BNP, and yet barely got a mention. I suppose it makes for a better narrative if it’s just Labour v BNP.

I think anyone watching that last night can be in no doubt, the majority of decent white working class people in Dagenham were supporting the BNP, I know, I was there canvassing / leafletting every nite from January through to the Goresbrook by-election! Labour got elected due to the ethnic vote which they deliberately allowed to increase threefold in Dagenham since 2006! The Somalian chap and his mother were given British passports within a very short time of being here, she couldn’t speak one word of English, this isn’t immigration its ethnic cleansing on a grand scale! A strong vibrant BNP are needed more than ever!

The only thing that will wake the majority of British sheep from their slumber is hardship and pain. Hardship and pain is coming to them, that is a certainty, but will they wake up before it is too late to save what our ancestors left for us all or will they wake up when all that was ours has gone for ever?

the fact is the British people were mesmerised by the phoney ‘leaders debates’ and like good sheep they went out and voted for one of the three party con trick candidates.

The only thing that will wake the majority of British sheep from their slumber is hardship and pain. Hardship and pain is coming to them, that is a certainty, but will they wake up before it is too late to save what our ancestors left for us all or will they wake up when all that was ours has gone for ever?

How many people in Barking had sons in Iraq/Afghanistan or knew someone who had? Remember, this was used as the campaign theme for the BNP.

Now, how many in Barking needed a home or a job, and knew someone who needed those things? THIS WAS NOT YOUR CAMPAIGN THEME.

we fought our campaigns on local issues; unemployment, housing shortages and anti-social behaviour. We spent thousands of man hours delivering high quality locally produced literature to the electorate. In key wards we sent personalised mail merge letters too. With the resources available to us there was little more we could do. Pray tell what you would have done that we did not and what is your plan to ‘win’ back our country and incidentally, what did you do during the election campaign of 2010?

What was not shown on the programme was the various antis attack leaflets. 

I believe these argued that the BNP councillors had done little to change the situation locally, that many of them had sparse attendance or little understanding of the process and consequently the BNP did not offer the change the people were after.

No doubt these leaflets and a sophisticated campaign on many fronts by a range of groups not operating out of the local Labour HQ added significant weight to Hodge’s chances.

BNP supporterrs are incorrect when they say that the labour canvassers were saying that 75% of the B&D voters WOULD vote BNP. The section of the film that they are misinterpreting shows margaret hodge and her election team discussing the demographics of the borough and saying that in some wards 75% + of voters MIGHT vote BNP. This is based on the socio economic profile of the ward and the socio economic profile of bnp voters. What Hodge and her team did was to persuade 55% of voters to vote for her, whilst another 25% voted tory and 20% voted BNP. The BNp lost the arguement with it’s own core vote – 73% of the B&D population is white british, and adding in white Irish and other white residents takes the white population of the brorough to near 80%. The BNP lost simply because people did not believe their arguments.

Was interesting, showed how low Hodge was prepared to go to get votes, obviously with no thoughts for the future of our green and pleasant land.
I think it gave a glimpse of what we’re up against and what the future holds for our Grandchildren.
The glimpse of the Muslim candidate canvasing in an enriched area where the family/s in a flat that looked like it could be condemmed to make way for slums couldn’t speak a word of English but for a young lad translating said he would be voting Labour and he had an British passport, he also had a flat screen telly the size of one wall.
It’s poor consolation but to lose with English votes in such an area against imported votes is to be expected, the fact that the imported votes come along with imported disease, street crime, inbreeding and child grooming wont bother Hodge, she’s in, that’s all she cares about.

How does one learn the psephological arts?

The documentary is already outdated.Labour won the elections but it got a poisoned chalice as now the councillors there have to make huge cuts and upset the people they voted for them in the first place. 
As for the immigration you are right but…now there is a huge shortage of school places and government cut money for new ones.

It was refreshing to see footage of the real British National Party and not the usual biased format. I have stood as a candidate for the British National Party for the past two years and have faced the hostility shown in this programme. The actions of Hodge and her kind are disgraceful and in my opinion should be classed as incitement, because it is people like her that encourage attacks on the British National Party’s members and followers. This woman made no effort to inform people of what she would do if she were elected, her campaign was based solely on stopping the British National Party beating her. As more and more people wake up to what consecutive governments do to our once wonderful country they turn to The British National Party. Our time will come, of that I am sure.

I watched the battle for barking last night, and frankly it disgusted me.
The filmmaker obviously was trying to portray Hodge in the better light but honesty I think the BNP came off better.
It is true that they did come across as a bit thick and lonely, but they have genuiene grievances about what has been inflicted on this country. It seemed to me that most of the white people filmed seemed to support them. Hodge herself seemed to admit this, when she told her team to ask constituents whether they would go for BNP or Labour. If they admitted BNP, she said it was best to focus on other voters. Ignore the BNP voters.
Then the only campaigning we saw from Hodge was meeting ethnic groups either in their churches or mosques. Her grovelling in the mosque was sickening. She would talk to the odd white person on their doorstep, but the group diplomacy seemed to be reserved only for ethnics.The only time she met white people in any sort of a group was the multicultural street party in the photo above. And obviously there were lots of ethnics there too.
Some of the things she said to people about the BNP were very dodgy and bordered on lies or incitement. She told a group of africans in church that the BNP would send every one of them home. She said something similar to a the mother and baby in the picture above. Then came a white man with an asian wife. There she did not say they would send her home but they would cause her trouble.
Then we saw groups of youths aggressively attacking the BNP with impunity. If not actually hitting them they would be shouting and swearing aggressively right in their faces. Calling them “white C###s”. Spitting at them again and again. Spitting is assault. Throwing fruit at them. A few punches were definitely thrown at the BNP too. Serious violence was only averted by the BNP constantly moving location. They were not free to stand where they chose. Much of this was in the build up to the fight that was reported in the news just before the election. That news report made out that the BNP were to blame. From the documentary it is clear that the youths were spitting at and gouding them all day long.
To me the documentary showed that the establishment stoked a deliberate campaign of intimidation against the BNP. The BNP were demonised and dehumanised. Ethnic minorities were wound up with claims they would be deported, and it was made clear that the BNP were fair game for the youths. The BNP could not fight back as they would instantly be labelled thugs, and no doubt actually be arrested, unlike the youths.
The establishment media always make much of Griffin’s minders. They are used as proof of his thuggishness. However, as the documentary showed, if Griffin did not have security, he would likely be dead. And no doubt the police would miraculously have no leads on the suspects.
Some bloody democracy.

I think anyone watching that last night can be in no doubt, the majority of decent white working class people in Dagenham were supporting the BNP, I know, I was there canvassing / leafletting every nite from January through to the Goresbrook by-election! Labour got elected due to the ethnic vote which they deliberately allowed to increase threefold in Dagenham since 2006! The Somalian chap and his mother were given British passports within a very short time of being here, she couldn’t speak one word of English, this isn’t immigration its ethnic cleansing on a grand scale! A strong vibrant BNP are needed more than ever!

I thought “THE BATTLE FOR BARKING” showed the BNP for what we really are .A decent -moderate,democratic political party. I REALLY ENJOYED IT.I would love Margeret Hodge to knock my door asking for a Labour vote,i would invite her in and explain how i had to leave my home in Erdington due to Labours immigration policy, and end up having to get myself MORTGAGED up to my eye balls to live in a area i can feel at home in.


Tags: Journalism



Posted by Sam Davidson on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 03:37 | #

The BNP ran a dirty campaign against Hodge in Barking, calling her ‘Margaret the Egyptian Hodge’ because she was born in Egypt, before coming to Britain with her Jewish parents, who were fleeing Nazi-occupied Austria.



Posted by Sam Davidson on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 03:59 | #

Apparently the BNP are going to contest the election via legal maneuvering:“liar-hodge”-parliament


Posted by Anon23 on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 04:25 | #

I was laughing pretty hard when I saw your post at Isteve, the one in which you said:
Just as America will be better off with smarter immigrants from Asia, Africa will be better off with smarter immigrants from everywhere but Africa.

Svigor, I understand of course that for you personally America is a worse place because we have immigration of Northeast Asians to America.  Fair enough.

But many of the high IQ whites I know that are fed up with things in America are not fed up with Northeast Asian immigrants.  In fact, they long to live in a society of fellow high IQ people, not an all white society.

Svigor, I don’t know where in America you live (perhaps you can tell us) but I spend my time traveling among the high tech centers of the USA and there is a pervasive sense among the high IQ whites that America is heading in the wrong direction.  The most common thing I hear from high IQ whites is that America is doomed and they are going to move to either Vancouver or Singapore.

Now Svigor, I don’t know how much time you have spent in either of those two places, but it should be obvious to you that high IQ whites who think America is going downhill are not looking to move to an “all white ethnostate” rather they want to move to a place where they are surrounded by a mix of high IQ Asians and high IQ whites. 

Svigor, indeed there are a number of places where a white person can spend his time almost 100% among other whites.  These places are Maine, West Virginia, Idaho, and a few others.  The general rule is that high IQ whites, no matter where in America they were born, seem to flock to the places where they mix with high IQ people of other races.  High IQ whites are NOT rushing to move to Maine, West Virginia, or Idaho.  Now you might say that is because those three places lack high paying jobs, but even when the same high paying job is available in an all white place vs a place with a mix of high IQ people, the high IQ job seeker goes where there are other high IQ people.  Svigor, for an example of this go to the medical job placement sites.  You will see that for example a heart surgeon will get paid LESS in Manhattan than he will in Maine.  Similarly the heat surgeon will get paid less in San Francisco than he will in Idaho.  Even when the jobs are there, the jobs are begging for candidates in the all white sections of the USA the white people with very high IQ (such as heat surgeons) will not accept those jobs.  They just don’t want to live among the common white types they want to live among the high IQ people of all races that populate the exciting coastal cities.

Now of course I support strongly the establishment of a formal white homeland for any and all whites that want to move to it.  I also support giving this white homeland a very attractive piece of real estate, perhaps all of the pacific coast North of Marin County and South of Portland.  This is a beautiful and attractive area, and is already today nearly all white today, so it shouldn’t be too hard to make it in to the official white homeland.

I assume that for those that want to establish a white homeland, this is the best possible piece of land, but if others have an idea for an alternative piece of land I’d like to hear it.

Anyway, high IQ whites seem to be very happy living among Northeast Asians.  May I suggest an anonymous survey of the readers of Majority Rights in which you ask your readers their IQ, their income and their preference as to where to live.

Again, if you carve two new countries out of North America, one new country is “whites only” and the other is open only to people of above average IQ, and is explicitly welcoming of high IQ whites, high IQ Brahmins and high IQ Northeast Asians, my prediction is that many more of the high IQ whites would choose to live forever among a mix of high IQ Northeast Asians, Brahmins, and whites rather than in a whites only ethnostate.

From the people I have spoken to, there is a sense that a whites only ethnostate may actually attract lower than average whites at first, since lower than average whites tend to live near NAMs and tend to be victimized by NAMs. Lower IQ whites are in a real rush to get away from diversity right now.  High IQ whites, not so much.

So if you Svigor establish a whites only ethnostate with an average IQ of 95, with free and open immigration of whites, and you also have a high IQ country nearby, and the high IQ country has an average IQ that is substantially higher, where do you Svigor think that the high IQ whites will move to? 

Again, which state will have the better surgeons?  Which state will be doing more interesting scientific research?  Which state will be inventing new products?

Again, I respect very much those that want to set up a whites only ethnostate,  But Svigor I wonder if this is what the high IQ readers of your blog really want, or is it that they want a state that contains no NAMs, and are agnostic about living near high IQ Northeast Asians.

Svigor, I support your right to live in some part of America that is 100% white. Presumably you would have an educational system that celebrated whiteness and that motivated your children and grandchildren to stay within this homeland and marry other white people.

Svigor, the last time we discussed this you were very open minded about these questions and worked with me to explore these issues (the post you did last time is re posted below)

Thank you (though I suspect you’re intelligent enough to know that acknowledging your fellow man’s right to self-determination and freedom of association is only an act deserving thanks in a world gone rather mad).

The rub with ethnocentrism in an homogeneous ethnostate is its most compelling motives are removed. I suppose that’s a bridge to be crossed later.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 06:12 | #

I assume that for those that want to establish a white homeland, this is the best possible piece of land, but if others have an idea for an alternative piece of land I’d like to hear it.

All of it.

But many of the high IQ whites I know that are fed up with things in America are not fed up with Northeast Asian immigrants.  In fact, they long to live in a society of fellow high IQ people, not an all white society.

There’s a percentage of people who are naturally inclined to prefer novelty and the other.

We’d need enough living space to allow for a German with that nature to get their novelty in Colorado while someone with that nature from Denver could get their novelty in France etc.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 07:15 | #


You make a valid point, but times are changing. Bellevue WA, Silicon Valley of the North, is a perfect example. While the area has been flooded with Brahmins, and high I.Q. Whites are thankful to have them as a minority, (if they must affiliate with muds of any type), both groups tend to self segregate themselves.

I suspect that if the financial collapse starts to destroy the affluence of these havens for young, high IQ, White males, things could change very rapidly.

I was speaking with someone involved in the computer game industry in Bellevue, who has been beta testing a geopolitical simulation game. One of the virtual countries was initially named “Germany”, but the designers had to change its name because it was the only country anyone wanted to be affiliated with.


I’m sure sure 99% of the players would deny an conscious sympathy with National Socialism, but when they were allowed to participate anonymously in a virtual realm, a strong sense of unconscious identity quickly revealed itself.

This video:
suggests a lack of complacency among Whites in the Calcutta of the North.

If and when we see this sort of video theme being produced in the form of computer games, I think it will be time to reconsider your thesis.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 07:32 | #

Thanks for this GW!


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 07:54 | #

Even the creative efforts of lower IQ Whites are making news in the Northwest Homeland.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 15:49 | #

As I see it.

The Battle for Barking.

This conversation is taking place at a very superficial level; it’s not even knocking at the door of the rabbit hole.  After reading the above article plus the BNP democratic forum comments I have gleaned nothing new, in fact, my long held (varied and tested) viewpoints have been reinforced or otherwise destroyed.

Upon setting out on my quest for answers as to ‘why immigration?’ I soon came to the conclusion that it was only a question time before the people of this country woke up as to what was going on and would rise en mass in protest and vote the champions of English white dispossession out on their ear.  Equally soon however, at some point down the line following the fortunes of the BNP, I realised it wasn’t gonna happen, the thinking and strategy of the BNP became (to me) unfathomable, the scale fell.  What folly!  What dreams!  Now, several years down the line, nationalism is once more reduced to the margins, treading water in the sea of post modern British politics.

In last May’s 2010 general election, over 90% of those who voted, still voted for the race replacers (dispossessors).  The BNP’s choice of change for nationalism was decidedly ignored by the people of Britain.  It is this rejection by the British people which is puzzling to distraction the nationalist blogosphere of Britain.  It is the dominant theme of this post as to why the collective nationalist psyche is swirling down the plughole of oblivion of our nation - and by extension, white civilisation.

Is it the information media?  Is it consumerism?  Is it the economy taking precedent?  Is it Bread and Circuses 24/7?  Is it white Guilt?  Is it indifference?  Is it ignorance?  Is it the demands of everyday living?  Is it Christianity?  Is it the inevitable results of atomised liberalism?  Is it the bullying of political correctness?  Is it anti racist legislation?  …. the list goes on.

Yes, it is all of these things and more.  But what is it that is really behind it all?  I have long since, (from the outset) had lurking in the recesses of my mind that something profound is happening to our civilisation.

For me, this journey has been a roller coaster ride, my opinions swaying to and fro in the post modern breeze.  As I write, the people of Britain seem to have come to terms with the media message and accepted as fact, that Britain has become, and now is, a multicultural nation.  Surveying the evidence all around, how could anyone argue differently?  The people of Britain have settled for reality TV and multicultural premier league soccer. 

Our civilisation has hit the buffers; bin there, done that, got the Tee shirt.  In the age of modernity the human race has run out of ideas as to what life is all about and why we are here?  To what purpose?  Nothing makes sense anymore.  The historical reasons given for our purpose of life here on earth have been rejected by the modern zeitgeist.  Science has debunked age old reasons for our existence.  In a nutshell, something calling itself liberalism has decided and convinced millions of people world-wide that we are randomly plonked down on this earth to experience the pleasures of being, and that’s all there is, live for the moment, there is nothing more, live for yourself, live for the moment for you are your own god.

Western human populations intuitively know this; they subliminally sense it in their everyday lives.  It manifests itself as Televisions substitutes real life with parallel make beliefs.  Endless trivia now provides an infinite choice of alternative parallel lifestyle.  When our people come home from a days work, they hang their real lives on a coat hanger and settle in front of the television for a dose of their parallel existence.  Real life has no meaning, no purpose, even the female of our specie consider children are not worth the trouble for they cramp a woman’s freedom.  Humans feel they are not only born into the slavery of nature (hunger, warmth, health) but also enslaved by their fellow elites. (Money, job. shelter)  The world’s power elites have known all of this for a long, long time, and with the tools opportunistically provided by our one off scientific technological civilisation they have now found the means to advance their goal of complete dominance over humanity.  All of which is behind today’s phenomena of mass immigration into white lands.

So you see, when I say the Battle for Barking is being viewed at a very superficial level, is it any wonder when the vast majority of our fellow population know nothing of what is being written here?  If the people were really aware of what is behind the elite’s programme of mass immigration they witness each day, would the result of the Battles for Barking have been any different?

If, say, for the past ten years, the BNP had told the British public as it really was, would the story of the Battle for Barking been any different?

It makes you think.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 17:17 | #

In the end, Bill, everything arrives at Hamlet’s door.  The choice has to be made.  It is nationalism’s sacred task to explicate that choice.  It has not done so because, as it is today, it is only a simple folk movement of people ... often very good people ... but people who see too little, and who, by themselves can never detach from the power of the parallel, as you put it, from debt slavery, from the myriad demands of the immediate, and from the subtle but very great power of cultural suggestion which entrammels and temporizes their lives in modernity, and acts as a bulwark against real change.

That change, in the nationalist sense, is change at the fundamental level of human personality, so that human nature, which is unchanging, may play its part in the course of politics and the life of the people.  The real question which thinking nationalists eventually come to is this: What in the people is real, and how can it speak politically through the din of the modern age?

Answer that, and the rest can flow.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 19:20 | #

Thanks GW.

In the end, Bill, everything arrives at Hamlet’s door.

“Hamlet” is the first work of literature to look squarely at the stupidity, falsity and sham of everyday life, without laughing and without easy answers. In a world where things are not as they seem, Hamlet’s genuineness, thoughtfulness, and sincerity make him special.

Dying, Hamlet reaffirms the tragic dignity of a basically decent person in a bad world.

“Hamlet” is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest semi-answers like most people do today. Unlike so much of popular culture today, “Hamlet” leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by imperfect people in an imperfect world.

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is full of talk about death, dead bodies, murder, suicide, disease, graves, and so forth. And there is no traditional Christian comfort or promise of eventual justice or happiness for the good people. But the message is ultimately one of hope. You can be a hero.

Aristotle wrote that in a tragedy, the protagonist by definition learns something. Whatever you may think of Aristotle’s reductionist ideas about serious drama, Shakespeare’s heroes all develop philosophically. (You may not agree with everything they decide.)

As you read the play, watch how Hamlet—who starts by wishing he was dead—comes to terms with life, keeps his integrity, and strikes back successfully at what’s wrong around him.

So far as I know, it’s the first time this theme—now so common—appeared in world literature.”

Selected from

Enjoying “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare by Ed Friedlander, M.D.


BTW, do you think Ms Fairries has any inkling of what her documentary is ultimately all about?  Also I was not having a pop at you about the level of debate on the Battle for Barking.

They say if you repeat a lie enough times it becomes true, so no matter what the message, if you keep banging it out the sheeple will accept it.

The media are playing a blinder, we’re all in this together - even the weather.


Posted by "Griffin Wants His Munchies". on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 19:36 | #

In retrospect Barking will be seen as the Waterloo of British nationalism (even that is exaggerated since it won damn all before hand), and by extension the final defeat of any organised mass attempt to win back Britain for the British.
Demographics will see to that, if the BNP couldn’t make any progess in the post-Blair Britain of 2010 (uncontrolled massive 3rd world immigration of at least 600,000 per annum, a bombed out economy, impending housing catastrophe, savage welfare and spending cuts), it simply will never, ever see such fortuitous circumstances again and in a mere few decades the demographics will rule it null and void.
  The reasons?
Yes, football, EastEnders and ‘charlie’ all did their bit, but put the blame on the Tory Party fairly and squarely.You see in the cold, civilized nordic nations of Europe avowedly nationalist parties (explicitly aimed at kicking the wogs out), have actually achieved power (unthinkable a decade ago), and their programme is being implemented.
The Tories whilst impersonating a rightist party are in reality just as bad as Labour, but crucially they have stymied every attempt to bring in Proportional Representation (THE crucial factor) into British general elections.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 22:25 | #

I soon came to the conclusion that it was only a question time before the people of this country woke up

I thought the BNP strategy would work - deliberately stand just over the line of acceptable while otherwise acting mainstream - and in terms of the background noise those tactics worked. The amount of positive noise did increase more or less in a straight line over the course of the ten years. I wasn’t expecting them to win a seat but i did expect closer to 5%. However it didn’t happen.

Part of that is obvious and pragmatic. You might have 20% support in an area but if 15% of that thinks you can’t win then it makes short-term sense for them to vote *against* whichever of the two main parties they see as the biggest short-term threat (and that’s pretty much what the majority do every election - they don’t vote for anything they vote against whichever of the two biggest parties they percieve as the biggest short-term threat).

So i think the BNP strategy would have worked with PR.

But…when you step back and think about it, 5% is still pathetic considering the huge crime being perpetrated against the western nations.

So i think the biggest problem is psychological. I think white people are different. There’s a spectrum from ethno-centricity to extreme abstract idealist but at the average mid-point, i think white people are designed to unify around tribally accepted foundational ideas and these have the effect of law without needing an external cop.

As an example of the distinction imagine a school with two rules 1) you must keep your tie pulled up to the neck and 2) don’t say ni**er. If the first rule is just a rule then all the kids pull their ties down as soon as they leave school and the external authority of the teachers. If the second rule is an internalized moral rule then those kids who have internalized it still don’t say ni**er even outside of school. The kids who haven’t internalized the second rule say ni**er as soon as they leave school the same way they pull their ties down.

So to me what’s happened is quite simple. A hostile group stealthed their way into the factories of foundational ideas i.e education and the media and rewired our nations, starting with the younger generation with poisonous foundational ideas that would lead to our genocide.

Obviously there are 101 other concrete reasons on top of that including globalism and all the mainstream parties being funded by the same people etc but i think the psychological conditioning is what is prevents a proper resistance to those concrete physical factors.

So somehow attacking and destroying those cultural chains is neccessary.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 22:39 | #

but put the blame on the Tory Party fairly and squarely

I think there’s a lot of truth is this. They are more consciously anti-white than continental “conservative” parties for the usual reason. Mrs Thatcher’s cabinet for example had five out of twenty whereas i imagine most continental countries apart from France the proportions would be much less.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 03 Dec 2010 23:57 | #

Most British folk (as indicated by the May general election) form their voting opinions through the same filtered lens of the MSM. (A feature coincidentally resonating throughout the Western political world)

I commented at length at the time what a masterly role the MSM played in orchestrating events to the extent a coalition government was engineered between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats (after much horse trading with the hated Labour party, under the stewardship of the equally despised leader, Gordon NWO Brown.)

The BNP went into the election with high expectations, only to be humiliated, finishing up among the flotsam of the also ran.

As a result of the blogoshere’s court of enquiry, it is in the opinion of many that this was the death knell of the British National Party.  Over half a year later the BNP are still in a state of disarray and have no home to call their own.

As for Cameron’s Tories, British nationalists are dumbfounded as to why and how millions of British citizens could bring themselves to vote for the liberal globalist multi-cult Cameron.

It’s the same old, same old story, that is systemic in the two party Red team Blue team revolving door scam.  Toss the useless buggers out rather than vote positively for fresh ideas.  It defies credulity that millions are still suckered into this ancient scam of all scams.

Anyway, many moons ago I opined in a national daily blog that after the current election (back in 2005?)  the next prime minister would be David Cameron, but when Cameron revealed his true colours he wouldn’t survive more than two years, and that his election would be the last of its kind, after that British politics will be in uncharted territory and all bets would be off.  (thinking the British National Party would by then - sweep the board)

That brings us up to the present day and I am sticking to my prediction, with the exception that the BNP will not be stepping up to the plate.  Hey, we might have a tea party.

My crystal ball mists over at this point - so watch this space.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 00:16 | #


Do you think Ms Fairrie has any inkling of what her documentary is ultimately all about?

I think Miss Fairrie has an exceptionally well-developed moral sensibility.  It is, in fact, better developed than her commercial sensibility, and I would be at all surprised if that works out to her cost as the programme’s moral message, intended or otherwise, sinks in with the liberalistas upon whom she is dependent for work.

the BNP will not be stepping up to the plate.

No it won’t.  We are in a period of recalibration.  It could last three, even four years.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 07:59 | #

Well said that man.

Philip M. writes from England:

I had a big argument about this with my father and one of my nephews a couple of weeks ago. Many people in the BNP are quite bitter and resentful about the royal family. The Queen is still widely admired amongst the British, particularly amongst people of my father’s generation. I suppose she is the one beacon of stability they have left.
My father came out with all the usual cliches—how it’s not her fault, she isn’t able to say anything because of her position and so on. But my feeling about that is that if the Queen cannot say anything about the racial and cultural dissolution of her own people, what on earth is the point? When she came to the throne, Britain was a white country. What has happened has happened on her watch. People will defend her by saying that she has no real power, but this is not true. She has a huge amount of popular support. She should have made her stand years ago. She should have said “to Hell with convention, I will not stand idly by and watch the destruction of my own people.” She should have demanded an end to immigration and the denigration of “her” people, and dared the Government to depose her. Even if they had, monarchy is about more than the official blessing of the State, she would have had the people behind her, she would have remained the true monarch, even if the Government had stuck a Quisling in to replace her—and what credibility would such a monarch have had? None. But she made a pact with the Devil, she has decided to hang on to her palaces as long as her sclerotic fingers would allow, until the Muslims come and prize them off and cart her and her family away. She could have made all the difference. She chose to let her people die, and now every year at Christmas she delivers a speech, to her “subjects” about how we need to embrace tolerance and diversity. This woman, who has had the best of everything for her and her family since the moment she was born, deigns to lecture us, we who are living in a virtual jungle where expressions of our own identity have become a crime, about the need for tolerance (i.e. passive acceptance and surrender). She isn’t the Queen we needed, and she isn’t the Queen that some of us deserved. I despise the woman, and I despise her all the more for the fact that she made me feel this way about an institution I revered.

I don’t think my father will be bringing up the subject of the Queen again. But British people need to hear this, they need to have their security blankets ripped away, they need to be forced to understand that everything they have has been taken from them and turned against them with the aim of destroying them. They need to understand that we have no friends, no one on our side, and no one in a position of influence who wants us to exist.

From View From Right   01.12.2010


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 10:37 | #

Most British folk (as indicated by the May general election) form their voting opinions through the same filtered lens of the MSM. (A feature coincidentally resonating throughout the Western political world)

Earlier. The foundation is set when they’re children. Each generation since the war has been conditioned at school to be more left-liberal than their parents.

For example, how many people have at some point in the last 30 years been at a family gathering where one of the older people made some anti-gay comment only to be told off by one of the kids?

“Give me the child for seven years, and I will give you the man.”


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 11:27 | #


Only good for (a majority of) faithists, Wandrin.  They can’t force (a majority of) non-faithists to hold out indefinitely against their own natural interests.

Have you checked the email account you enter in the pre-comment window here.  I mailed you about something important a few weeks ago.


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 12:00 | #


Not even the faithists. It wears off over time but people are still locked in by the rest of their family and social circle - like an atheist pretending to be religious to please their gran.

(No sorry, i always make emails up)


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 12:11 | #

Please mail me through the contact button under the header.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 19:24 | #

“A hostile group stealthed their way into the factories of foundational ideas i.e education and the media and rewired our nations, starting with the younger generation with poisonous foundational ideas that would lead to our genocide.”

Wandrin, you’re absolutely correct.

“The task before UNESCO… is to help the emergence of a single world culture, with its own philosophy and background of ideas, and with its own broad purposes.”

“Taking the techniques of persuasion and information and true propaganda that we have learnt to apply nationally in war, and deliberately bending them to the international tasks of peace, if necessary utilising them, as Lenin envisaged, to ‘overcome the resistance of millions’ to desirable change.”

UNESCO: Its Purposes and Its Philosophy (1946) Julian Huxley.

John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964), On page 112 of his book ‘None Dare Call It Treason’, author John A. Stormer said:

“Under Huxley’s guidance, the United Nations prepared a guidebook for teachers. This guidebook reminds them that the destruction of a child’s love of country and patriotism is the first step in educating that child for world citizenship.”

The report said on the opening page of Vol. V: In the Classroom with Children Under Thirteen Years of Age:

“…Before the child enters school his mind has already been profoundly marked and often injuriously, by earlier influences… first gained, however dimly, in the home.”

On page 8, the teacher is told :

“The kindergarden or infant school has a significant part to play in the child’s education. Not only can it correct many of the errors of home training but it can also prepare the child for membership, at about age seven, in a group of his own age and habits - the first of many such social identifications that he must achieve on his way to membership in the world society.”

On page 58, the guidebook for teachers says: 

“As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes.”

UNESCO gives specific suggestions in Volume V, page 11, on how this can be done:

“In our view, history and geography should be taught at this age as universal history and geography… The study of history…raises problems of value which are better postponed until the nationalist prejudices which at present surround the teaching of history…”

Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Robert Muller, has been described as the ‘Father of global education’. He created the ‘World Core Curriculum’, described in New Man Magazine, July-August 1995 as an attempt to “steer our children towards global citizenship, earth-centred beliefs, socialist values and collective mindset which is becoming a requirement for the 21st century workforce.”

In the preface to the Curriculum we learn that:

“The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey ... The school is now certified as a United Nations Associated School providing education for international cooperation and peace.”

Alice A. Bailey was the third head of the Theosophical Society originally set up by Helena Blavatsky. In her book ‘The Secret Doctrine’ Blavatsky clearly stated:

“Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress.. Civilisation.. Liberty.. Independence.. Lucifer is the Logos..the Serpent, the Saviour.”

“It is Satan who is God of our planet and the only God.”

“The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity…but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestrial Light, ‘the Holy Ghost’ and “Satan’ at one and the same time.”

In the early 1920’s Bailey and her 32nd degree Freemason husband Foster set up the Lucifer Publishing company. This has since changed into the Lucis trust which is recognised as a United Nations NGO and is represent at regular briefing sessions.

Referred to as the ‘Illustrious’ Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Freemason in his book ‘The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff’ writes:

“The day has come when Fellow Craftsman must know and apply their knowledge.  The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion , which places the energy of the universe at their disposal.  Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly.  When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft.  The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.”

Gordon Brown and Tony Blair were both Freemasons. So was Nick Griffin’s grandfather and so is his father, it runs in the family. It’s not the only reason why I’m sure that Griffin is an establishment stooge. Just one look at the BNP in recent times can see it’s been deliberately destabilised and weakened. There are plenty in the Nationalist movement only too aware of the role Griffin has played.

The above is just the tip of the New World Order iceberg. It should give you some idea of how long this has all been planned as well as its occult dimension.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 20:56 | #

Its occult dimension is childish.  If the “illuminatis” can’t comprehend more than this garbled nonsense about Lucifer, their project is doomed to fail from unbridled assininity.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Sat, 04 Dec 2010 21:51 | #

Their ‘project’ seems to be doing very well. However ‘childish’ you may think it is you’d be unwise to underestimate its scope, power and influence. That said, let’s hope it does indeed fail.

For anyone who is interested in looking at this a little more here are a few links.

On the theme of the manipulation of the education of children in pursuit of world government, a few quotes from Bertrand Russell will show exactly what it is we are up against.

“It is the manipulative type of idealists who will create the scientific society. Of such men, in our own day, Lenin is the archetype.” and Mao Zendong. “All real power will come to be concentrated in the hands of those who understand the art of scientific manipulation.” “Science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated” in other-words the public will not be allowed to know how it’s beliefs and opinions were scientifically manipulated by the government to think a certain way.”

“Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play.”

“Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.”

“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology…. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen .... Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation. There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion; the other is nationalism….A scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government.” 

“Anaxagoras maintained that snow is black but no one believed him. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will fay different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at: First, that the influence of the home is obstructive; second, not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before age ten; third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective; fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate it is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark grey.”


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 05 Dec 2010 16:04 | #

That change, in the nationalist sense, is change at the fundamental level of human personality, so that human nature, which is unchanging, may play its part in the course of politics and the life of the people.  The real question which thinking nationalists eventually come to is this: What in the people is real, and how can it speak politically through the din of the modern age?

Answer that, and the rest can flow.(GW)


Way too abstruse, way too difficult. As someone else above stated (hey, as I’ve been stating repeatedly), it’s a numbers game, and the enemy is decimating us as rapidly as possible through “reverse-attrition” (flooding our territories with aliens, while ideologically delegitimizing nationhood amongst our own people).

We needed this fundamental (ontological) recalibration 30-40 years ago - but here we are now. No bloody time!! Because ultimately we face a physical problem: actually reclaiming our lands, which will mean war with the invader-colonists (and execution / extermination of the traitors amongst us). By the time enough whites actually have been “de-programmed”, will there be enough to constitute the army necessary to win our war for survival?! That should be uppermost in your thinking.

“Ripening harvest / encroaching jungle.”

We just need to 1) appeal to people’s fundamental material fears (I thought I was the anti-materialist!) about finances, personal security, long term happiness - and the immigration invasion; and 2) convince them that it is ethically acceptable to stop the invasion. Why is this so hard, esp in an ancient land like England?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 05 Dec 2010 16:48 | #

By the time enough whites actually have been “de-programmed”, will there be enough to constitute the army necessary to win our war for survival?! That should be uppermost in your thinking.

One word, Leon: justification.  What is criminal in one code is justified in and by another.

We just need to 1) appeal to people’s fundamental material fears (I thought I was the anti-materialist!) about finances, personal security, long term happiness - and the immigration invasion; and 2) convince them that it is ethically acceptable to stop the invasion.

So we win the battle of materialistic thinking and we send out the foreign colonisers.  Next problem: the economy is failing because there are too few workers.  So we take a scalpel to the economy and place the workers in the productive parts where we want them, letting the rest die.  Next problem: contraction in GDP, no repayment of debt.  So we default on debt.  Next problem: the bond markets collapse.  We issue our own currency.  Next problem: we can’t buy foodstuffs and fuel with our currency because it is put in the deep freeze by the rest of the financial and political world.  So we go out and take what we want.  Next problem ...

And all because we didn’t work it out properly at the beginning.


Posted by Sam Davidson on Sun, 05 Dec 2010 18:17 | #

So we win the battle of materialistic thinking and we send out the foreign colonisers.  Next problem: the economy is failing because there are too few workers.  So we take a scalpel to the economy and place the workers in the productive parts where we want them, letting the rest die.  Next problem: contraction in GDP, no repayment of debt.  So we default on debt.  Next problem: the bond markets collapse.  We issue our own currency.  Next problem: we can’t buy foodstuffs and fuel with our currency because it is put in the deep freeze by the rest of the financial and political world.  So we go out and take what we want.  Next problem ...

And all because we didn’t work it out properly at the beginning.

There is a difference between solving the problems of the universe and simply removing foreigners from the West.

We will worry about the ‘Thousand Year Reich’ later.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 05 Dec 2010 18:34 | #

We will worry about the ‘Thousand Year Reich’ later.

I’m not sure about this, Sam. There may be a huge inspirational advantage to dreaming big.

I’m not a martial artist, but I’ve read that the best among them fix their gaze not on the target, but on an imaginary point beyond it. They direct the strike not at the enemy’s nose, but at the rear of his skull by way of his nose.

It seems to be very effective.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 05 Dec 2010 18:54 | #

There is a difference between solving the problems of the universe and simply removing foreigners from the West.


Given the fact the entire power structure in the world—save a few holdouts—are hellbent on relocating populations in the name of saving the planet, it’s going to prove to be a much easier task to colonize Mars than to remove foreigners from white homelands. The fact is: more and more turd wold immigrants will relocate to white homelands. What or who can to stop them? The renneR?

Heh! again.


Climate Alarmists Push Forced Relocation At Cancun Summit

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not content with merely pushing world war-style rationing and the complete de-industrialization of the planet, global warming alarmists meeting in Cancun Mexico this week will propose the forced relocation of entire populations in the name of offsetting man made climate change.

The shocking proposal appears on page 6 of the executive summary of the Special Climate Change Program.

As a means of mitigating climate change, encouraging sustainability and reducing CO2 emissions, the document calls for, “the implementation of relocation programs for human settlements and infrastructure in high risk areas.”

Relocation of populations has historically been achieved by force at the hands of an authoritarian ruling elite, to the “substantial harm” of the target settlement, with loss of private property and harrowing social dislocation, and in some cases genocide, being three primary outcomes. The most odious example in recent history was of course the forced transfer of Jews from wartime Germany by the Nazis.

Political scientist Norman Finkelstein notes that forced relocations are often justified by the ruling authorities as a necessary solution to a drastic crisis, which is precisely the rhetoric used in the Cancun document.

The proposal by climate alarmists to forcibly relocate communities against their will is yet another revealing indication that the green movement has dispensed with all pretense of liberal legitimacy and has openly bared its teeth as an authoritarian and despotic undertaking.

Yesterday we reported on how ultra elitist environmental group The Royal Society published a series of papers to accompany the conference which stated that wartime-style crisis rationing should be implemented by Western governments in order to reduce carbon emissions.



Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 05 Dec 2010 19:19 | #

it’s going to prove to be a much easier task to colonize Mars than to remove foreigners from white homelands.

Right, because removing detritus is n*gger work, and creating a visionary future is the realm of the White man.

This is why I’m being drawn more and more to the utility of the fictional world created by Harold Covington. It seems to posses that magical ingredient which is capable of actually mobilizing racially awakened White people to take action in the physical world, (i.e. migrating and congregating in Pacific Northwest).

Covington refers to this area as the Northwest Homeland, but if there are those among you who prefer to think of it as Marr’s, don’t let me stand in your way.

Just get your butts up here!


Posted by Armor on Mon, 06 Dec 2010 01:08 | #

We just need to 1) appeal to people’s fundamental material fears (I thought I was the anti-materialist!) about finances, personal security, long term happiness - and the immigration invasion; and 2) convince them that it is ethically acceptable to stop the invasion.(—Leon Haller)

When defending our collective existence, it’s useful to show the congruence between high principles and our materialistic interests (and also: between morality and kicking out the wogs). Joining the practical and the theoretical is a good strategy. For example, nationalists should try to get involved in the building of explicitly white communities. Very often, it will mean finding ways around anti-white laws, so that white children can associate with other white children. Many people are already doing it naturally, but it’s better if it happens as part of an explicit, political, pro-white movement. So that even if an activist doesn’t get any immediate political results, he will achieve concrete social results and won’t feel discouraged.

We will worry about the ‘Thousand Year Reich’ later. (—Sam Davidson)

If white nations survive the current crisis, the next generations will learn at school how close we came to annihilation. At least, it will serve as a warning. But I don’t think we can find the perfect political constitution or the perfect philosophy to ensure that our descendants will behave properly.

Is it the information media?  Is it consumerism?  Is it the economy taking precedent?  Is it Bread and Circuses 24/7?  Is it white Guilt?  Is it indifference?  Is it ignorance?  Is it the demands of everyday living?  Is it Christianity?  Is it the inevitable results of atomised liberalism?  Is it the bullying of political correctness?  Is it anti racist legislation?  …. the list goes on. (—Bill)

I think the main problem is the intimidation and censorship by the Jewish media. For some mysterious socio-psychological reason, even if everyone knows the truth, the truth needs to be said publically before people start taking action (as in Andersen’s tale: The Emperor’s New Clothes). It seems that no collective action can happen unless it is preceded by public speech.

William Pierce used to stress the importance of leadership. I think he was right. People have the right instincts: they resent race-replacement. But in the absence of leadership, even smart people behave like lemmings and vote for the same political parties everyone else around them seems to be voting for.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 08 Dec 2010 17:06 | #

I am always misunderstood, even though I am correct ...

Let us do everything we can to save our race. Who disagrees? But the rate of immigration is such that in a few decades at most, even if an awakened white majority should arise, it will be unable either to legislate the ethnostate, or to physically/militarily achieve it without horrendous economic (not to mention human) losses - losses that even diehards like me, let alone most whites, even the conservatives, even the race preservationists, will NOT want to incur, for personal, ‘selfish’ reasons.

The only thing that matters at present is also that which is both least intellectually or strategically contentious (among patriots), and most legislatively achievable; ie, stopping immigration.

The focus of serious WNs should be on strategy and tactics for dealing with immigration. Once stopped, we can worry about the larger and longer-term issues.


Posted by PM on Thu, 09 Dec 2010 16:28 | #

I helped leaflet in Barking and wrote on here about the positive reaction we got and the hope this gave me for the future. Since the election I haven’t been able to force myself to even talk to another member, let alone go out leafleting. This endless loop of hope and despair seems to pretty much be the life-cycle of race-conscious whites, both as individuals and as groups, the world over. It sums up about 90% of threads on right-wing sites on the internet: from ‘people are finally waking up’ to ‘our civilisation is finished’ repeated without end, forever. At the moment I think I am trying to come to terms with the idea that it really is all over for us as a people.
It rather reminds me of the plot of War of the Worlds. Perhaps this novel was the closest we got to a prediction of the ‘alien invasion’ we have actually succumbed to. Just looking at the Wiki entry about the book, the parallels are amazing, really. First the coming of the aliens seems an insignificant event which is ignored by the people, then the invasion of the South-East sparks a mass exodus, with Londoners fleeing to Essex and the Continent. The narrator meets an artilleryman who, driven mad with despair, dreams of building cities underground, much like the grandiose schemes for future ethno-states on this site, and then meets a clergyman who sees this as the fulfillment of the bibilical apocalypse…perhaps this is the National-Socialist who sees our plight as a judgement for sins against the volk. The book even draws a parallel with the alien invasion and British imperialism, which of course is the moral justification often seen in the comment section of the Guardian, when the ‘diversity is a blessing’ routine has been roundly debunked by commentators.
The comment above by Bill from VFR above was written by me after an argument with my dad about the Queen. I guess this is the way I feel at the moment. I can no longer be bothered to dispute with people who tell me ‘the BNP will never win.’ I just restrict myself to telling them that this also means that they will never win, that they are doomed to see their country overtaken by the ‘red weed’ of mosques and black ‘culture.’ I will continue renewing my BNP membership whatever the case, as a matter of principal, and would urge all others to do the same. It is, as one member put it to me, a form of ‘secular martyrdom’ if that doesn’t sound to grandiose. Being a member is at times frightening, frustrating, and unfair, all the things a white person SHOULD feel if they are sentient and caring in modern Britain. But it is also thought-provoking and a useful way to cut-to-the-chase when meeting new people. You get to see what people are really like when it matters. They fear us because we are right. My existence is a judgement on those who secretly know we are finished but are to cowardly to admit it, and who hate me for it (sometimes). I am happy to have a badge that marks me as an outsider when I do not like the look of what goes on inside.
Critisism of the BNP reminds me of people who used to complain how crap Tim Henman was at tennis: it’s not his fault he the no.1 Brtiain instead of the no.10. They are a working-class party with limited intellectual capacity, with the full weight of every part of every institution massed against them. If you think you can do better, go ahead.
I sometimes cannot bear the thought of whites being extinguished from the world. When I think of my nieces and nephews, with their expressive blue eyes and their fair hair, or when I see a beautiful white woman with pale skin and red cheeks, it seems horrific that the powers that be could seek to deliberately engineer us out of existence by cross-breeding them with niggers until there is nothing left but some filthy mulatto third-world shithole. But this is what seems to be happening. So I tell myself now that if it was inevitable our race had to end,  I guess this was the most interesting and the most challenging time for someone who loves their race to be alive.


Posted by Randy Garver on Thu, 09 Dec 2010 21:23 | #


There’s some 600+ million white people, and to hear you tell it, they’re a generation from extinction. From a purely scientific standpoint it’s a ludicrous belief.

If you care so much about the noble and angelic white DNA of your nieces and nephews, all you need to do is convince them not to screw dark people. Apparently, this is a herculean task which is beyond your capacity, so you litter the universe with leaflets and maudlin e-imperatives in hope that some government bureaucrat will succeed where you have failed. Sounds like a brilliant strategy.


Posted by PM on Thu, 09 Dec 2010 22:21 | #

Randy, I never said we were a generation from extinction. But in the long-term, who knows? Many of those 600 million whites are older, and from what I have seen of the statisitcs white birth-rates are below replacement levels.  Races need seperation to survive in the long term, or we will inevitably slowly mix, as has happened in India and Brazil.  And once populations fall below a certain level it becomes difficult to impose your culture on the land in which you live. This is already happening with strong black/Islamic influence on our society now. And in the future I think there will be increased and more blatant attempts to coerce people to race-mix. Sarkozy has said as much in France, without controversy. It’s all very well giving simplistic advice about the way I should talk to my sisters children ‘hey kids, don’t fuck blacks’ which I obviously cannot do and would certainly alienate my family, but it actually DOES seem like a herculean task, given the way the education system, film, TV and music promotes these things.  Although in my own way I shall try, but not in the way you suggest.
After putting a lot of time, energy and hope into something it does get you down to see it fail, so you’re right, I am rather maudlin at the moment, and aware that there is more that I should have done, although I have still done more than most, and will doubtless pick myself up and try some more. Aside from the leaflets and the canvassing you deride, I’ve stood for the council numerous times, been on the local radio to argue my case, sold our papers in town and discussed the issues with people who stopped to argue, I’ve always declared my membership at work and socially to try and show people that it is OK to publically hold such opinions. Of course this is not enough, and I’m always willing to learn from others, so if you have anything to offer other than sarcasm, please let me know. What have you done to affect change where you live—bearing in mind that if you are American we do not have the ‘free speech’ laws that you have so not everything may be applicable here.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 09 Dec 2010 22:35 | #

so if you have anything to offer other than sarcasm, please let me know

Stop talking about race and focus on capital.

“[w]hatever the dominant sexual and racial ideologies of the day have been, capital has always been quick to jettison them when they no longer served,”

Investigate Bowery’s Citizen’s Dividend plan. A similar measure has been proposed by the Greens in the UK, but apparently without much success. Find out why.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 09 Dec 2010 23:08 | #

Interesting comment(s) PM, I’m pleased you posted that comment over at VFR.  I’ve done similar over the years but given up in despair (until the next time of course.)  This “endless loop of despair” seems to be the lot of many nationalists who understand fully what is going on, and are reduced to imploring their fellow countrymen to wake up!  As you say, it’s a very interesting time to be around and observe it all being played out. 

To a nationalist in Britain today, the biggest, most perplexing conundrum is - why aren’t the people of Barking (Britain) ready or willing to vote for the BNP?  Is it nationalism per se or just the BNP?  Many acres of column inches have been written at length trying to figure out the reason(s) as to why this reluctance to embrace the BNP, even when holding one’s nose.  People not living in an overly enriched vibrant area I could possibly understand, but for those people living in Barking or London, Birmingham, Leicester or Bradford - the mind just gives up. 

A few days before the recent general election, I decided that I could no longer support the BNP and further decided I would not vote at all.  One May evening, whilst outside my home I sensed a presence of figures approaching me as if from nowhere.  One of their number detached himself from the stroll and purposefully strode toward me with outstretched hand.  A young man enthusiastically introduced himself as my parliamentary candidate for the Conservative party and with the speed of a striking rattler was pumping my arm.  His opening gambit was to ask me who I was I going to vote for?  With my mind still somewhat elsewhere, I vaguely replied that I did not intend to vote for anyone, upon which he visibly recoiled and asked (with wide eyed astonishment) why ever not?  I said that none of them were worth voting for as they were all the same and asked him if he knew what the three main parties were known as on the Internet.  Puzzled, he replied that indeed he did not know.  I told him they were known as the lib/lab/con trick because they were all the same and it was all a scam.  Again he appeared puzzled and after a brief pause asked which party did I think was the party best suited to serve Britain?  My instant reply was the BNP, at which he took fright and astonishingly shouted out to all who could hear “He’s BNP!” - He’s BNP! “He then beat a hasty retreat hurling over his shoulder “you’re wasting my time,” you’re wasting my time.” He rejoined his entourage in a group huddle and then slowly moved on.  I’m still not sure if my neighbours know they have a nationalist living among them.

The young gentleman is now my parliamentary representative for the Conservative party. 

For several nights approaching the election, I had decided I was not gong to vote for the BNP or indeed any party.  As the election approached I could not help but think of the BNP chap who had put his head above the parapet to stand as candidate for the BNP.  I relented and on the night of voting and voted for the BNP.  Had the BNP candidate been present at the time I would have praised him for his courage and thanked him for the opportunity for people like me to vote for a meaningful choice.  Unfortunately, he was not there.

PM you say you are a member of the BNP and were leafleting at the coalface in Barking, any chance of expanding and sharing your experience on the front line?  Also perhaps your views on how you see the direction and future potential of the BNP.  You must obviously think they have a future or you wouldn’t subscribe to them.  Indeed, share your views on anything you think is interesting.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Thu, 09 Dec 2010 23:58 | #

Here’s another example of the occult dimension to what we face.

“The New Atlantis sets forth an ideal government of the earth. It foretells that day when in the midst of men there shall rise up a vast institution composed of the philosophic elect — an order of illumined men banded together for the purpose of investigating the laws of life and the mysteries of the universe … The age of boundaries is closing, and we are approaching a nobler era when nations shall be no more; when the lines of race and caste shall be wiped out; when the whole earth shall be under one order, one government, one administrative body.”

(The illustrious) Manly P Hall (33rd degree freemason), ‘Lectures on Ancient Philosophy,’ published by the Philosophical Research Society Inc, Los Angeles (1970).

This s typical of the sort of ‘spin’ freemasons put on their plan for a ‘brotherhood of man’. Albert Pike (33rd degree freemason) was probably much closer to the truth when he said the world was:

” ... to be integrated into a mass of mongrelized humanity and enslaved body, mind and soul.”

Enslaved to serve the ‘philosophic elect’.

The ‘vast institution’ is often referred to as the New World Order and there isn’t anything they won’t do in order to create it.


Posted by Randy Garver on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 01:30 | #


First off, thank you for the very thoughtful response.

I read your last paragraph as inferring that this racial genocide was rather imminent. Perhaps I erred.

What struck me about your comment, and those of many others on various WN sites, is a sense of defeatism and powerlessness coupled with hyperbolic dystopian imagery. My belief is that this not a successful strategy for meeting and motivating the type of driven, high-achieving, and socially connected people that any movement requires in order to advance. Successful people gravitate towards positivity, even in adverse environments.

While I have no desire to take up the banner of ethnic nationalism, I do care about the fate of my fellow Europeans. To me, this focus on negativity is ultimately self-defeating, and is similar in flavor to how some african-americans believe that racism imposes insurmountable barriers to their own success.

The mantra goes like this: “They are doing something to us, and until they stop, we can’t thrive.” Whites and blacks have a different “they” in mind, but the melody is the same.

Let’s say for a minute that the supposition of a “they” is completely true. What does this mean for the average person? “You’re powerless until some broad cultural and political change takes place, which may never come.” How depressing, and in my opinion, rather false.

Imagine this thought experiment: how would your town, city, county, and country be different if 30 years ago, folks were motivated to have plenty of children and then devote their greatest efforts into properly educating them while demanding personal responsibility and civic participation?

Further, can you imagine a future where a strong and thriving Britain can exist without individuals changing their beliefs and behaviors, and doing exactly that?


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 05:37 | #

What struck me about your comment, and those of many others on various WN sites,

There are certain consistent elements to your commentary as well, Randy.

The tendency to minimize the threat to the existence of our race.  For example:

There’s some 600+ million white people, and to hear you tell it, they’re a generation from extinction. From a purely scientific standpoint it’s a ludicrous belief.

Sarcastic, sterling appraisal of the value of the White race such that, if it cannot be shown to be of that value, then there is no sense in preserving the White race at all.  Such as:

If you care so much about the noble and angelic white DNA

Ridiculing of the efforts White advocates take in attempting to preserve their race:

so you litter the universe with leaflets and maudlin e-imperatives

Then criticizing White advocates for not advocating for the preservation of their race:

all you need to do is convince them not to screw dark people.

Implicitly pathologizing White advocates as ‘losers’ whose concern for their race is ultimately motivated by their envy of the ‘successful’:

driven, high-achieving, and socially connected people

Attempting to subliminally associate the existential threat to our race with the merely materially aspirational group goals of blacks:

similar in flavor to how some african-americans believe that racism imposes insurmountable barriers to their own success.

Attempting to shift the focus of activism from developing a mass movement, a response self-evidently appropriately scaled to an existential threat to an entire race, to the mundane and local level:

Imagine this thought experiment: how would your town, city, county, and country be different if 30 years ago, folks were motivated to have plenty of children and then devote their greatest efforts into properly educating them while demanding personal responsibility and civic participation?

Either Randy is too dumb to understand what he is doing unconsciously, or he thinks his interlocutors are too dumb to pin-point his conscious obfuscations.

Anyone ever tell you that you are a supercilious and oily shithead, Randy?  I don’t think I’ll be inviting you to my dinner parties.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 05:59 | #

Let it be resolved: How many here think Randy, with all the low cunning and exaggerated self-appraisal stereotypical of a used car salesman, is the kind of guy who would spit in the fondue pot when (he thinks) no one is looking?

Let is be known:  What number of the commentariat believe the tendency for Whites to race-mix, using Randy as a characteristic example, is based in a sense of personal inferiority that leads White race-mixers to believe they cannot hope to find a White mate, so best then settle for a chink?


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 09:00 | #


Eloquent post.

So I tell myself now that if it was inevitable our race had to end, I guess this was the most interesting and the most challenging time for someone who loves their race to be alive.

Interesting times. Personally i think we’re ***** ** **** **** *** and **** *** ****** ****** but it was pretty depressing for a while after the election.

How many here think Randy is

Void comp. Apparently it’s actually Voight-Kampfner or something but i heard it as void comp the first time i saw the film and i like it. It’s the machine used in Bladerunner to spot replicants. Most of our nation-wrecking chums are void comp.


Posted by Brock on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 09:29 | #

Randy, there’s always the danielj option. smile


Posted by Randy Garver on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 18:34 | #

@Dasein: Lol! You got me.

Deep down, I think he knows that there is something noble and angelic in the genetic legacy of the white man.

It’s a good thing then that I bequeathed to my children just as much of my seraphic genetic legacy as you did to yours. High five, buddy!



It’s not the goals I’m commenting on, but the tenor and methods which are on display.

Implicitly pathologizing White advocates as ‘losers’ whose concern for their race is ultimately motivated by their envy of the ‘successful’:

  “driven, high-achieving, and socially connected people”

The topic of that statement was regarding the nature of successful organizations, irrespective of their politics or purpose.


Attempting to subliminally associate the existential threat to our race with the merely materially aspirational group goals of blacks:

  “similar in flavor to how some african-americans believe that racism imposes insurmountable barriers to their own success.”

Again, I’m addressing efficacy of methods, not the goals. You appear to have inaccurately conflated the two.


Attempting to shift the focus of activism from developing a mass movement, a response self-evidently appropriately scaled to an existential threat to an entire race, to the mundane and local level:

My point there is that real improvement to the lives of Europeans (or anyone else for that matter) is ultimately dependent upon acceptance of personal responsibility. Regardless of whatever other political conditions exist, this is a necessary task, and one that each and every person can begin to make a difference with immediately. 

Do you really care about actual white people, or is this advocacy just a zoological breeding exercise whose purpose is to promote the propagation of certain patterns of genetic base sequences?

Whether or not real people go hungry, or live in substandard council flats, lack educational and work opportunities is perhaps of no concern so long as they’re white?

Maybe your vision is of a pure white ethnostate that is allowed to gently wither away into senescent mediocrity in the thrall of our modern bread and circuses. If so, then there’s no need to engage the difficult task of exhorting your fellow whites to take up the burdens of making babies and educating them properly.



Randy, there’s always the danielj option.

Not sure what that is.


Posted by PM on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 19:00 | #

Randy, do you really think the way I posted above is the way I talk to people about the BNP in the flesh? Do you think I stand in the street and tell passers that we are finished and may as well give up? You are confusing a contribution to a website with real-life activism. I am writing here on a forum for people who I assume are well appraised of the threats we face, I’m not trying to gain converts to a party. I have enough sense to tailor my message to the person I am facing, with the one proviso that I do not lie to people that race matters. You might be surprised to know just how many people are at least prepared to hear me out on this—I have openly espoused racial views to stoners, students, pampered middle-class girls, kids in bands, professional people, even ethnics. When I joined the party I was a different person, afraid and non-confrontational. The thought of selling papers in town used to make me feel sick with fear (still does, to be honest). But I learned how to defend myself, physically and rhetorically. I forced myself to change because I felt I had to do something. And you know what? People do not dismiss me, and I manage to be in the BNP and still be fairly popular. Funnily enough it is my membership of this party that made me a man, and made me NOT a loser. And the African American thing?! Blood, you WISH you had black neighbours like me!

You are at least correct that I have a very dystopian view of things. But look around you Randy, the dystopia is already here. Our whole society is premised on the notion that whites are irredeemably racist and are the cause of non-white failure, coupled with massive non-white immigration. All that remains now is for the implications of this situation to play themselves out. A little while ago I picked up some of my nephew’s school text books. I thought I was pretty unshockable about these things, but I was amazed that almost his entire English literature syllabus seemed to consist of quite openly anti-white stories and poems, long lurid descriptions of apartheid South Africa, pre-Civil-Rights America, awful Benjamin Zephaniah poems about being mixed race… it’s all there, Randy, it’s about as subtle as Der Sturmer, there’s no doubt about what this stuff is supposed to do. Incidentally, talking of the future of my angelic nieces and nephews, a few years ago my brother in law, their father, did in fact join the BNP, something I like to feel I contributed towards. But I now learn that he is letting his membership lapse, because my oldest nephew is wanting to go university and he feels that his membership might stop him getting in. He fears guilt by association, in Britain, in 2010. Isn’t this rather terrible, and rather dystopian? I think that what BNP members go through today, white people generally will go through tomorrow. Call it hyperbole if you will, but I think there will come a time when to have a white child will be seen as a terrible burden, a curse, and something to be avoided; a form of genetic guilt by association. This is why I say that everyone should have the sensation of being a BNP member. It does give you an insight into how it feels to be part of a group earmarked for destruction by the state. When I hear about plans to curb trial by jury, or increasing police powers against ‘extremists’ my first thought is “how will this affect me if I’m arrested for political reasons?” If you understood modern Britain, you would know this is not African-American whining, this is a rational appraisal of what we face, and all white people should think like this, because we (the party) are seen as a threat precisely because we are white. Trevor Phillips has publicly stated that BNP members should be treated as ‘less than human.’ I’ve had people tell me to my face than people like me should be rounded up and shot, scream ‘you’re a cunt’ into my face for far longer than was strictly necessary, and the list of jobs I cannot do grows by the year (the Tories are now giving power to head-teachers to sack BNP members). Blacks in America do not get this.

Bill, thanks for the comments above (indeed, I’m honoured by many of the above comments, most of the names on this thread just above are like a roll-call of my favourite MR contributors, I do not ofen comment myself, because it frankly seems out of my league and I do not want to expose my intellectual failings, but I often sit and read through entire threads from the like of CaptainChaos, Wandrin, Dasein, Leon Haller,NeoNietzsche and others, and am amazed at the level of wit, erudition, and insight they have, this site is a stunning read). I am glad you voted BNP, Bill, and if I hadn’t written so much already I would like to talk more about your post, I’m sure I will another time. As someone who has stood as a candidate many times I can tell you those votes mean a lot, I usually get about 200 on the ward I stand in. It’s not enough to win, but it’s something, it’s 200 people who feel like me and have been given a voice. I know our party is not up to much, but it deserves your vote until something better comes along. You ask why we can’t get people to wake up? I’m reminded of an article by a classicist, listing, in alphabetical order, all the reasons historians have given for the fall of the Roman Empire. There were dozens of possible causes for each letter of the alphabet. It’s all been speculated on so many times, I can’t really say anything you won’t have heard or thought yourself. One thing I will say is that the immigration phenomena is a funny thing. In areas where there are few non-whites it seems impossible and alarmist when you tell people that one day it will be full of blacks. And in areas where it has already taken place, it seems impossible to imagine it as ever being any other way, and is treated as a regrettable fact of life, like the weather. There is a tiny space between the two where the flood just starts to happen in which there is a bit of a shock (although even this is now mitigated by seeing them on TV all the time) before, maybe, it becomes too late. Nick Griffin gave a speech in our town a few years ago, and I think this is the point he was trying to make, as we are in that early stage ourselves. He told us ‘we have to hold the line in places like this.’ But that isn’t happening.
I only spent a day leafleting and canvassing in Barking, so I don’t want to overstate my insights,  but thinking about it now I do wonder about the reaction we got from ‘supporters.’ It was often a nod and a wink, a cheeky smile, the way they would maybe treat a comedian like Bernard Manning—“you’ve got to hand it to them, they really say how it is, bloody immigrants!” Is this the reaction of really desperate people, people who see themselves as under an existential threat, or is it the reaction of people who still do not see immigration as something that is being done to them? David Cameron once said that the British people have still not taken immigrants to their heart, and in a way, I fear he is right. It is just an ‘issue.’ It is external to them and their lives, even when it surrounds them. They lack the sense of ethnic and racial solidarity to see this process as a direct attack on them and their families.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 19:32 | #


It’s a good thing then that I bequeathed to my children just as much of my seraphic genetic legacy as you did to yours.

By that reasoning, it’s bad that they aren’t white, Randy, and bad that the European line which has come down to you has ended.


Would you speculate on the electoral effect, in your experience, of either:

(a) Unilateral cancellation of our international debt, and an end to the issuing of money through the bond markets as debt plus interest, and

(b) Plus the cancellation of all mortgage debt.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 10 Dec 2010 21:42 | #

Enter the youths of the banlieues?

I haven’t been taking much notice of the current round of student protests complaining of proposed university tuition fees.  I must confess I’m warming to what I see.  Is this the baptism of the banlieues?

We now have the image that will define this age of retrenchment and rebellion, splashed across all the frontpages this morning. Even Grosvenor Square ‘68 can’t compete with that kind of iconography. But the real images of the night were not of the violent black-flag brigade, nor of the middle class heirs to the ‘68ers, but of London’s black teenage youth.

BBC News Night’s Paul Mason had it spot on:

‘Young men, mainly black, grabbed each other around the head and formed a surging dance to the digital beat lit, as the light failed, by the distinctly analog light of a bench they had set on fire.

‘Any idea that you are dealing with Lacan-reading hipsters from Spitalfields on this demo is mistaken.

‘While a good half of the march was undergraduates from the most militant college occupations – UCL, SOAS, Leeds, Sussex – the really stunning phenomenon, politically, was the presence of youth: bainlieue-style [sic] youth from Croydon, Peckam, the council estates of Islington.

‘Having been very close to the front line of the fighting, on the protesters side, I would say that at its height – again – it broke the media stereotype of being organised by “political groups”: there was an anarchist black bloc contingent, there were the socialist left groups – but above all, again, I would say the main offensive actions taken to break through police lines were done by small groups of young men who dressed a lot more like the older brothers of the dubsteppers.’

See more @

PS.  What’s a dubbstepper?


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 05:23 | #

(a) Unilateral cancellation of our international debt, and an end to the issuing of money through the bond markets as debt plus interest, and

(b) Plus the cancellation of all mortgage debt.

Heh heh, cracking. Straight for the jugular.

My current escapade, slightly messed up by the weather, is related to pushing that line in a fertile environment.

A useful primer:


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 05:33 | #

Enter the youths of the banlieues?

Shhhh wink


Posted by Hamish on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 05:49 | #

I thought the protestors were overwhelmingly white?


Posted by Bill on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 10:43 | #

‘Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello, what’s goin’ on ‘ere then?

Has the current student movement protest been hijacked?  There’s rumblings of comparing the present round of student protests with those of May 1968 in Paris.  I don’t know about that, but there does seem to be a sudden turn of direction - as this morning’s Guardian reports.

Thousands of students rallied in London on Thursday for a common purpose, but not necessarily under a common banner. Instead of the more established bodies, such as the National Union of Students, being the driving force, it was several less high-profile groups, some assembled within the past few months, which have caught the attention and encouraged people to turn to direct action.

While some at the protest will have digested the message given out by these groups and then decided to act, others were there out of pure fury and disillusion. Some of the younger people on the march were among the most angry, with some pupils from schools in deprived areas of London who appeared on television presenting a different picture of the protesters from some of those children seen on earlier demonstrations.

Read on….

What forces are at work here?  The BBC are openly cheer leading the * common purpose of disorder, in fact the media is in the vanguard of the long intended overthrowing of the status quo.  Our vibrant guests it appears, are being called upon to show their appreciation for being invited here.

Suddenly, there’s an increase in the pace of this marathon.

* My emphasis.


Posted by Randy Garver on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 15:26 | #

PM: “I am writing here on a forum for people who I assume are well appraised of the threats we face, I’m not trying to gain converts to a party.”


“Our whole society is premised on the notion that whites are irredeemably racist and are the cause of non-white failure…”

Such low populist pandering defies a logical and reasoned analysis of the conditions of minorities, and consequently serves as a barrier to their success. We probably share a similar disdain towards that agenda, although I’d take it further and say that those particular whites who say that immigrants are always the cause of their own failure are similarly misdirected.

“I thought I was pretty unshockable about these things, but I was amazed that almost his entire English literature syllabus seemed to consist of quite openly anti-white stories and poems,... “

I would object to this as strenuously as you would.

“But I now learn that he is letting his membership lapse, because my oldest nephew is wanting to go university and he feels that his membership might stop him getting in. He fears guilt by association, in Britain, in 2010. Isn’t this rather terrible, and rather dystopian?”

Such a case would indeed be a sad and shameful state of affairs, and I shudder to imagine if such associative blackballing were to return to America.

”(the Tories are now giving power to head-teachers to sack BNP members).”

That’s a truly frightening proposition.


  “It’s a good thing then that I bequeathed to my children just as much of my seraphic genetic legacy as you did to yours.”

By that reasoning, it’s bad that they aren’t white, Randy, and bad that the European line which has come down to you has ended.

I’ve passed more of my genes on to posterity than a childless white person. Where’s the commentary about the genocidal nature of the unfruitful?

Also, the concept of “European line ended” seems somewhat arbitrary, since most people who you identify as white, and who identify themselves as white, have little to no idea whether or not they have any non-white ancestors and would therefore have to recuse themselves from the cohort of “European people”.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 16:10 | #


I’ve passed more of my genes on to posterity than a childless white person.

Fifty per cent of Europe is not Europe.  Unless Europe can transmit itself in toto, it is no longer Europe.

I don’t want to punish you for the choices you have made, but I do want to disallow you your self-apologetics.

Also, the concept of “European line ended” seems somewhat arbitrary, since most people who you identify as white, and who identify themselves as white, have little to no idea whether or not they have any non-white ancestors and would therefore have to recuse themselves from the cohort of “European people”.

You don’t know that.  You are just saying it.  More apologetics.

Accept the meaning of your choices.  If you love Europe, be brave enough to encourage it to save itself, even though you are not a direct participant yourself.


Posted by Race mixing = genocide on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 17:15 | #

It sounds to me like this Randy character has a willful distorted/perverted understanding of how genetics works. He completely ignores—deliberately, I beleive—the fact that white genes are recessive and once they’re mixed with non-white genes, it results in hundreds of thousands of years of evolution being flushed down the toilet. Once it’s done, it’s irreversible.

Randy, you are representative of the quintessential SMUG white “educated” libtard. As far as I’m concerned, you and your type are BY FAR our worse enemies. The enemy within invariably proves to be our worst enemy.


Posted by Randy Garver on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 20:33 | #

Guessedworker: Fifty per cent of Europe is not Europe.  Unless Europe can transmit itself in toto, it is no longer Europe.

The belief that Europe was ever “in toto” European, except in the distant past, seems illusory. Trade, invasions (Huns, Mongols, Moors), and the emancipation of Roman slaves of varied origins are 3 vectors by which non-white DNA has entered Europe over the past 2000 years. If you were to change your criteria to “mostly European”, then that would probably be more accurate.

I don’t want to punish you for the choices you have made, but I do want to disallow you your self-apologetics.

None of my current or previous comments should be taken as self-apologetic, as they’re not intended as such.

RG: “Also, the concept of “European line ended” seems somewhat arbitrary, since most people who you identify as white, and who identify themselves as white, have little to no idea whether or not they have any non-white ancestors and would therefore have to recuse themselves from the cohort of “European people”.”

GW: You don’t know that.  You are just saying it.  More apologetics.

Nominal Europeans have low but extent frequencies of non-European genetic admixture. Outside of genetic testing, neither you nor they are likely to know which among you aren’t “European in toto”, and thus not eligible for your ethno-national fraternity.


Accept the meaning of your choices.  If you love Europe, be brave enough to encourage it to save itself, even though you are not a direct participant yourself.

I love Europe and Europeans, and I do encourage it to save itself. My message is that survival depends on having babies and educating them properly. I cannot imagine any scenario where a thriving Europe or European state can exist without those conditions being met. Can you?


Posted by PM on Sat, 11 Dec 2010 23:22 | #

GW—I’m not ignoring your question, my laptop has stopped working today, so I can only keep it brief on my friend’s computer, and restricts my background-reading. But seeing as your question requires some serious pondering, a bit of time-out on this one may be no bad thing.

Randy, with regards to your thought-experiment: If I’ve read you correctly, you are saying that instead trying to build a mass-movement we should focus on keeping our heads down and raising our children correctly. This would clearly not be enough. In fact, I think the Government would be delighted if this is what we chose to do. That way they could just keep treating us like the cattle we are, milking us as needed and sending us to slaughter at the time of their choosing. What has the religious right done for America? George Bush?
I grew up in a Christian family and part of a fairly close Christian community. Few of my childhood contemporaries are still part of that world. You are really suggesting avoiding the difficult questions that are being asked of us, and I think our church was pretty much doing the same thing. It avoided (or failed to understand) the difficult issues, the elephants in the room, such as race, culture and sexuality. People are not fools, and I think we all grew up to recognise, on one level or another, that our world did not have an answer to the radical society that was evolving around them, and was governed, like everyone else, by fear. The church is seen as weak and effeminate, and the lifestyle you suggest seems to attract only derision, because traditionalists have lost the ‘commanding heights’ of their culture (music, arts, education). They have lost their children to the pied-piper, because they would not see that a radical threat requires a radical counter-vision. If people fail to do this, then they themselves will be perceived as ‘losers.’
This is just a cursory answer, I would like to have been a little more articulate, but I’m writing in a rush and it is the weekend after all, and I’m slightly, let’s say, worse for wear.


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 13:09 | #

My message is that survival depends on having babies and educating them properly. I cannot imagine any scenario where a thriving Europe or European state can exist without those conditions being met. Can you?

Not enough and therefore a red herring.

There is a limitless number of immigrants who could be brought over and given our living space. With an ever-shrinking living space no amount of breeding will prevent our genocide.

The only thing that guarantees our survival is our own separate living space. Personally, once achieved, i don’t care if individual white people want to go to live somewhere non-white and have non-white kids. But our survival *requires* a suitably large enough separate living space.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 13:52 | #

The belief that Europe was ever “in toto” European, except in the distant past, seems illusory.

You are trying to introduce a “slippery slope” argument.  But it is an untrue argument:

Do NOT argue again that Europeans do not exist as a racial group.  We exist.  We are not Mongols.  We are not half-mongol.  The reality is that you have no principled or historical excuse for your race-treachery.  None whatever.  Your place now is in the MultiCult, not among us.  You must deal with it in the privacy of your own heart, and not by the palliative of denying the existence of Europe.

That’s genocide talk, and we do not need or want it.

Outside of genetic testing, neither you nor they are likely to know which among you aren’t “European in toto” ...

One per cent of the eternal nation of the English, for example, carry modern African genes.  We are not Africans, and thank God for that.  Do not attempt to deny our existence again.  It is completely immoral.

... and thus not eligible for your ethno-national fraternity.

You are eligible.  Your wife is not.  Your children are not.  Your children’s children will not be eligible, nor will theirs.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, when asked how long immigrants had to live in France before they could be considered French replied, “When their ancestor’s bones have lain in French soil for 500 years.”  It is a good reply.  I agree with it.

My message is that survival depends on having babies and educating them properly.

We are “having babies”, but not at a level that would maintain our population size.  There is nothing wrong with that per se.  Populations rise and fall for many reasons, and since child mortality has so dramatically decreased there is no fundamental need for the large families of yesteryear (for example, my mother, who is 90 years old now, was one of twelve).

But, especially in a period of declining population, we have to remove foreign incursion.  We must live alone.  That is the key.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 13:58 | #


But seeing as your question requires some serious pondering, a bit of time-out on this one may be no bad thing

No hurry.  Debt and nationalism is a big question.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 17:17 | #

Nice work, GW.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 17:22 | #

I’m done here trying to offer interesting contributions (which I haven’t done of late, because the problem remains the same: no immigration moratorium, no ultimate ethnostate victory possible, for reasons I’ve elucidated at other points here at MR). I ask only this:

1) What matters more than stopping nonwhite immigration?

2) How can we do it? (A big question; I am a veteran of much US anti-immigration activism, but the goal is further away than ever.)

We nationalists, for the moment, need to be focusing only on awakening our fellow whites to the facts of immigration and its negative consequences.

Among ourselves, we need to be arguing tactics to achieve immigration cessation.

Stop the bleeding, then other projects can be addressed.


Posted by Andrew Neather on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 17:59 | #

‘Randy Garver’ writes an aful lot of verbose, pretentious pseudo-scientific dogshit, and not failing that tries his level best to obfuscate and buil-up straw-men.
Genetic science tells us that all European peoples ‘cluster’ genetically together - there being but little difference between them, whilst the other recognised races of mankind cluster distinctively and separately.But let Garvey-bollocks pontificate and obfuuscate away, trying to pull wool over the eyes of the gullible by quibbling, nit-picking and bombaasting, after all in his own mind, he’s ‘cleverer’ than all of us here.


Posted by Randy Garver on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 18:08 | #

Guessedworker: Do NOT argue again that Europeans do not exist as a racial group.  We exist.  We are not Mongols.  We are not half-mongol.

I’m not claiming that Europeans aren’t a distinct racial group, or that Europe doesn’t exist, nor am I trying to insult you. Rather, I’m commenting on the “European line ended” concept. There is a distinct background frequency of non-white DNA circulating amongst native Europeans, yet I doubt very many ethno-nationalists are pronouncing to the inheritors of these genes that their “lines have ended”.

We are “having babies”, but not at a level that would maintain our population size.  There is nothing wrong with that per se.  Populations rise and fall for many reasons, and since child mortality has so dramatically decreased there is no fundamental need for the large families of yesteryear (for example, my mother, who is 90 years old now, was one of twelve).

The world is growing more competitive, not less. Demand for resources is increasing, not decreasing. What is your vision for Britain and Europe? Will it again lead the world, be the driver of progress and innovation, propelling civilized humanity even further into a brighter future?

From what I’ve been reading, that idea seems rather an afterthought, and the worked-towards goal here is that of a racial reservation, a seed bank, a human petting zoo for yobs and increasingly penurious pensioners.

I’m not arguing against your desire to save Britain for the British. That’s your prerogative. However, I do think that by itself it’s an easy way out.

To be clear, I’ve got no doubts that political advocacy is difficult, exponentially more so if one is on the less popular side of a highly contentious issue like racialism. Yet compare that to the efforts of bearing and properly raising children to be leaders of men, the decades of unwavering commitment and sacrifice which that requires.

Furthermore, one would be additionally tasked with convincing one’s own supporters that they bear most of the responsibility for improving their future, and that true success can only be met by these loyalists filling up nurseries and university positions instead of pint glasses. It’s no wonder that populist leaders almost invariably earn their bread and butter by offloading responsibility away from their supporters, where it usually belongs.

Achieving your stated goals would seem to require both political advocacy as well as societal/biological renewal, yet what I read on this site and others is nearly all of the former and very little of the latter.

How bizarre it seems that the idea of “making babies as a solution to being out-bred” is derided so vehemently. I’m surprised that white nationalist forums aren’t as baby crazy as the most enthusiastic mommy websites, with family sizes and leadership/educational achievements serving as an ultimate mark of one’s commitment and dedication to the cause.


Posted by Randy Garver on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 18:19 | #

Andrew Neather: ‘Randy Garver’ writes an aful lot of verbose, pretentious pseudo-scientific dogshit, and not failing that tries his level best to obfuscate and buil-up straw-men.
Genetic science tells us that all European peoples ‘cluster’ genetically together - there being but little difference between them, whilst the other recognised races of mankind cluster distinctively and separately.But let Garvey-bollocks pontificate and obfuuscate away, trying to pull wool over the eyes of the gullible by quibbling, nit-picking and bombaasting, after all in his own mind, he’s ‘cleverer’ than all of us here.

I actually think that there are quite a few folks here that are well smarter than I.


Posted by Race mixing=genocide on Sun, 12 Dec 2010 18:56 | #

“How bizarre it seems that the idea of “making babies as a solution to being out-bred” is derided so vehemently.”

It seems all that “nice work” (Jimmy’s words) GW patiently provided went for naught…at least in the case of smug-face Randy. Randy is all about feeling morally superior. He’s basking in the warmth of the anti-white sentiment which is all the rage nowadays. Hey, all the cool kids are doing it, right?

I have news for the disingenuous Randy: You’re fooling no one here. So why don’t you just cut the BS and scram?


I agree with Leon. Non-white immigration is the number one existential threat we whites are experiencing. One way to fight non-white immigration is to donate to organizations who specialize in fighting it. Eg.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 13 Dec 2010 00:09 | #

I’m commenting on the “European line ended” concept.

There can be no honest and productive debate with you, Randy.  When your clear intent and obvious implicit meanings are laid bare you simply deny it.  You lie.  By your own estimation, I reckon you do not yourself believe the White race will have survived as anything recognizable to its former self in the instance of panmixia, which is what threatens us now, and not some minor admixture, here and there, over the course of millennia.  And I suspect you will agree to that proposition, all the while continuing to insinuate to the contrary.  And why will you continue to do that?  Because for what you wish to see come to pass in the world, for your own family life to not be upset, for you to continue to be able to dine at the table the White man has set, so long as this is possible, and damn the later consequences, this genocide must proceed apace.  But you won’t say that, because then you would have voiced your support for our…genocide.

Will it again lead the world, be the driver of progress and innovation, propelling civilized humanity even further into a brighter future?

Not if Europe is mongrelized.  But you manifestly do not support us in doing what need be done to prevent that, i.e., the removal of all non-Whites and mongrels from our living space.

the worked-towards goal here is that of a racial reservation, a seed bank, a human petting zoo for yobs and increasingly penurious pensioners.

Right.  So long as the denizens of Europe have pale skin and caucasoid features we’ll be content to shamble around in animal skins and hit each other over the head with clubs. 

So full it shit it is coming out of your ears, Randy.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 13 Dec 2010 02:12 | #


CC has spoken for me.  But you wrote this:

Achieving your stated goals would seem to require both political advocacy as well as societal/biological renewal, yet what I read on this site and others is nearly all of the former and very little of the latter.

This is the only site that I am aware of where people are actively and creatively thinking about the second of those issues, certainly in an holistic way.


I said to you many months ago in our private correspondence that you are welcome to propose your ideas formerly here.  We are interested.  We want to engage.  You have done yourself no favours by working solely from the threads, where it is so much more the thing to criticise than to propose.  If you want to do the latter, do it in the right way.

Oh, but I can’t give you the scalp of Jimmy Marr.  You will, or would, still have to contend with his gaelic mischief, I’m afraid.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 13 Dec 2010 03:24 | #

You will, or would, still have to contend with his gaelic mischief…


Rockwell and Pierce would both have been chastened
if by our Lord’s grace, Leon’s birth had been hastened.

A product of breeding. His family’s crest
would have been destined to salvage the West.

But unlike his heroes, Francis and Staddler,
the would-be saint took the bait of a babbler.

Now worse may befall the fate of this Haller
in a state of nature with a low class brawler.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 13 Dec 2010 03:46 | #

...your ideas formerly here…

Fer Christ’s sake, GW. He’s not even dead yet!


Posted by Randy Garver on Mon, 13 Dec 2010 20:57 | #

Captainchaos: “When your clear intent and obvious implicit meanings are laid bare you simply deny it.  You lie.  By your own estimation, I reckon you do not yourself believe the White race will have survived as anything recognizable to its former self in the instance of panmixia, which is what threatens us now, and not some minor admixture, here and there, over the course of millennia.”

I thought that GW’s original comment lacked a certain historical congruency, but perhaps I failed to communicate the intended nuance. You seem to have inferred quite a collection of motivations, none of which are accurate. And to answer your question, I do think the white race will survive just fine.

Captainchaos: “And I suspect you will agree to that proposition, all the while continuing to insinuate to the contrary.  And why will you continue to do that?  Because for what you wish to see come to pass in the world, for your own family life to not be upset, for you to continue to be able to dine at the table the White man has set, so long as this is possible, and damn the later consequences, this genocide must proceed apace.”

I have no idea what it’s like where you live, but my part of America is very tolerant, and I’ve got no personal interest in seeing any type genocide “proceed apace”. It seems a bit paranoid for you to think that, especially when the only thing I’ve advocated is the production and proper education of children.

Why would I make that suggestion? After doing some rough math, it seems that interracial mixing accounts for 10% of white couple births in America, while voluntary family planning has decreased white family sizes some 75% or so in the past 100 years. I’m not saying this because I want you to like me, or to pass my kids off as “white enough” to warrant an invite to Mrs. Captainchaos’ autumn garden party, but because those appear to be the relevant facts.

I don’t quite understand the hostility to that idea. Maybe I’m completely missing the boat here, or maybe this site is a big bachelor’s club, and you don’t appreciate some impertinent race-mixer like me telling you that you’re not living up to your race’s procreative duties.


Posted by LULZ on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 05:49 | #

Garver, you’re an idiot. You’re either too stupid to understand what’s been explained to you many times, or you’re a dishonest liar.

If you can’t comprehend why racial survival requires separation and why separation is more important than fertility rates, you’re too stupid to comment here.

Once again, here’s Frank Salter in On Genetic Interests.

The special quality of a defended territory is that it insulates the population from the vicissitudes of demographic disturbances in the metapopulation, namely the connected phenomena of uneven population growth and migration. When an ethny controls the borders of a territory that is large enough to support the population, loss of numbers relative to other ethnies is not necessarily fatal, i.e. it need not lead to replacement. Territory adequately defended guarantees genetic continuity and the chance to ride out a temporary downturn in numbers.

As I argued in Chapter 3, in the absence of mass immigration of genetically distant groups, a population occupying a fixed territory is guaranteed continuity at or below that territory’s carrying capacity, even when its global representation falls due to high fertility overseas. But mass migration inevitably reduces the native ethny’s relative fitness within its own territory, risking its continuity as a distinctive gene pool.


Posted by LULZ on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 05:50 | #

Why are you even here, Garver? We’ve heard your trite, hackneyed lines of bullshit hundreds of times, long before you ever popped your twisted self in here and started lecturing us as though you’re presenting something brilliant, new, and insightful.

You’re incredibly arrogant and boastful about how wonderful, successful, high-achieving, and sophisticated you are, but you’re such a failure that you couldn’t even find a white woman to marry. As a result, you’re a passive-aggressive bitch with a huge inferiority complex and chip on your shoulder.


Posted by LOLZ on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:23 | #

You’re incredibly arrogant and boastful about how wonderful, successful, high-achieving, and sophisticated you are, but you’re such a failure that you couldn’t even find a white woman to marry.

I thought he married the Asian because she was “more traditional” than the white female alternatives.

Maybe he was dissembling, but how would you know?


Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 09:13 | #

How bizarre it seems that the idea of “making babies as a solution to being out-bred” is derided so vehemently.

The problem isn’t being out-bred. The problem is losing our living space. Losing your living space inevitably leads to being out-bred.

Making babies helps buy time but is not the solution. The solution is getting our living space back.

Part of that solution will involve bringing to trial for treason and attempted genocide those individuals who have been using mass immigration to bring about the global genocide of people of white european descent.

I don’t quite understand the hostility to that idea.

Because we understand it’s part of the jewish culture of critique. Constantly attacking and blaming white people for everything stops them seeing the gargoyle on the roof.

Immigration reduces the native birth rate by putting pressure on housing.

If you want white people to make more babies then completely halt mass immigration.


Posted by Randy Garver on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 15:08 | #


No one is being boastful; this is a discussion of ideas. Salter seems to offer a reasonable point which would be more applicable if one were founding a nation, rather than the current situation where western countries have heterogeneous populations.

Even if immigration were immediately ceased, to the extent that ethnic populations engage in divergent political advocacy there will be continue to be competition. That’s the current reality. Actually reversing immigration isn’t going to happen tomorrow (if ever), so what will you all do in the meantime? Continue to decline in numbers and political agency? If anything, that would limit your capacity to bring about political change. God is always on the side of the big battalions.

At the risk of digressing too far into economics, I would further suggest that even if your goals are eventually met, there is still no escaping from cut-throat global competition which continues to ratchet up at an accelerating pace. The days of pastoral tranquility (to the extent that this idyll existed) appear to be over.

Stopping people at the border is far easier than stopping electrons. Quality of life will depend on education to a greater degree than ever before. Regardless of political configuration, our children are not likely to have the same luxury of leisure time and tolerance of laddish diversions that our generation did and still hope to earn a decent living.

Wandrin: “Because we understand it’s part of the jewish culture of critique. Constantly attacking and blaming white people for everything stops them seeing the gargoyle on the roof.”

This isn’t really about blame, but rather a discussion of the most rational steps that should be taken given the reality of the current situation.

If you want white people to make more babies then completely halt mass immigration.

Possibly, though Japan has a very low level of immigration, yet still has a rapidly aging/declining population.


Posted by petliurian on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 16:04 | #

This isn’t really about blame, but rather a discussion of the most rational steps that should be taken given the reality of the current situation.

No. When “discussing” with guys like you, it is about dodging blame of those most responsible and most in the way of coming to some mode of living suitable to the age without abridgement or total abnegation of our native, majority rights, and first of all the lands on which they and we arose. The gargoyle on the roof (great phrase) doesn’t wish even so much freedom of thought among our kind as goes on here. Given the reality of this current situation, all that you counsel is further genocidal folly by picking up their slack in towing us into absolute oblivion. Your “babies”, like Kievsky’s “mindweapons”, are personal insurance against majority extinction, but we are not elites and we do not wish to ignore the plight of our kind to teach our children pre-calc and piano. You counsel us to fiddle as the city burns. We want national insurance. Perhaps you ought to be applauded for realism, but perhaps you’ve absorbed too much globalization messianism. Nothing more than oil, spices, textiles and “skilled foreign workers” stand in the way of a nation cutting global ties and remembering itself. The oil and spices for example could be had from Venezuela and Brazil, which are “western” whatever these guys say. We don’t need the east. We don’t need Jews. We don’t need blacks. And however many offspring we all could have, it would not be remotely enough to compete with the teeming mudsill that has collected over us, thanks to the welcome extended it by white leftist elites and their Jewish overclass.

Having that personal insurance isn’t even to “buy time” as Wandrin put it. It is merely to fulfill life’s dictate in spite of absolutely unsuitable conditions. Again, we are not elites. The Indian upper castes produce successful offspring because they were elite ab initio; they have the momentum of many centuries behind their eugenic “strategy”. You and Kievsky have this thought model of the WN “cognitive elite” focusing on successful offspring to form a racial elite in the achieved, irreversible, post-white global state. And it is a pretty thought, but one no more likely to come off than the collapse/opportunity model upon which WNs rely. Actually that is a contradiction in your moralizing—you angle for a racial elite, but seem to believe WNs alone can compete with non-white superspawners. For which are you really advocating? small pockets of highly successful white race-realists or the 5,000 WNs of the world, 90% of them men, in a furious race to demographic saturation of living space?

In my opinion:
We are waiting. We wait either for something or for nothing. Likely it will be nothing. But something may come along to bail us out.

At the risk of digressing too far into economics, I would further suggest that even if your goals are eventually met, there is still no escaping from cut-throat global competition which continues to ratchet up at an accelerating pace.

” ... which continues to accelerate” would have been fine. You’re watching too much American news.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 15 Dec 2010 08:40 | #

If you want white people to make more babies then completely halt mass immigration.

Possibly, though Japan has a very low level of immigration, yet still has a rapidly aging/declining population.

If you want white people to make more babies then completely halt mass immigration.

Halting mass immigration would increase the native western birth rate through reduced pressure on housing

If Japan instituted mass immigration it would reduce the native birth rate further through pressure on housing.

Immigration is not the solution to the birth rate “problem” because it exacerbates the problem.

Below replacement birth rates are not in themselves a problem. It seems to me fairly obvious that growing prosperity leads people to want more space. A falling population is a logical consequence of that and is not, or would not have been, a long-term problem. As the population fell and housing costs fell with it eventually an equilibrium would be reached where the birth rate went back up to replacement levels.

The birth rate “problem” isn’t a problem it’s a natural adjustment to prosperity.

Regardless, the white survival problem is a living space problem not a birth rate problem.


Posted by Randy Garver on Wed, 15 Dec 2010 15:47 | #


You made a number of fair points.

We are waiting. We wait either for something or for nothing. Understood.

I suppose that my primary focus is on what I perceive to be the Realpolitik of the situation.

”...we are not elites and we do not wish to ignore the plight of our kind to teach our children pre-calc and piano.”

[cut-throat global competition] which continues to accelerate” would have been fine. You’re watching too much American news.

My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that the west has no choice but to strive for being as “elite” as absolutely possible or else face significant decline. Globalization and it’s consequences drive this. When most people think of globalization, they tend to think of manufacturing, call centers, and computer programming.

The impact goes far beyond these. Examples of outsourced work happening this very minute include: medical billing, payroll processing, legal research and brief writing, financial analysis and accounting, auditing, management consulting, CAD/CAM, engineering, and xray/MRI analysis. Improvements in technology are accelerating this trend, and as it does the prospects for the west’s middle class are diminishing accordingly.

Attempts to prevent white collar BPO are likely to fail from a technical standpoint, and backfire from an economic standpoint. If you think you have a hard time now convincing white folks to embrace their ethno-national identity, that task may become far more difficult if and when the best and the brightest face pressure to out-migrate to earn a decent living.

Like it or not, our children will be competing for jobs with kids in china and india, and in fact it’s happening right now, and many of those kids are indeed being force-fed pre-calc and piano. I suppose that one of the reasons why the commonly discussed WN ethno-state visions have seemed so infeasible to me is that many of them appear to exist in a vacuum, and don’t seem to address the externalities of the rapidly changing global economy.

For the people who say, “we don’t care about a declining standard of living so long as we have ethno-national security”, I would only suggest out that history tends to treat uncompetitive nations unkindly.

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 01:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)
