Losing it.  Getting it back.

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 03 November 2009 01:14.

I was fourteen years old at the end of July in 1966 when, with my parents, I took my seat at Wembley Stadium to watch England win the World Cup for the one and only time.  I’ve seen the match and, especially, the goal replays on TV so many times since, most of my memories of the actual game have been blotted out.  But one memory that survives is driving away from the ground afterwards with the team page from the Daily Express’s World Cup Final Special pressed against a rear window of the car, so the residents of north London would get the message, if they had not already done so.

Without ever considering the fact, of course, I had just witnessed twenty-two white men playing football in front of 94,000 white spectators, and now we were edging through the traffic in a Wembley populated by, as far as I recall, white people, my people.  To the south-west, in Greenford and in Southall, there was an enclave of Indian immigrants, to be sure.  But Wembley was still ours, and there seemed no reason to think it would ever be otherwise.

That was four decades ago.  Here is the situation today as explained, partially anyway, by Andrew Neather and recorded for us by the South Wales BNP activist Roger Phillips:

The video is on the BNP’s website.  A long thread is already appended, with comments like: “Slough is exactly the same, Reading and Maidenhead are due to follow” ... “And its exactly the same in South London, e.g Balham, Tooting, Lewisham, right through to Bow, Leyton and Walthamstow in East London” ... “Bradford Dewsbury large parts of Leeds…the list goes on” ... “We have two areas, here in Glasgow, called Govanhill and Pollokshields, both predominately Muslim, so much so, that it is unsafe to be there after a certain time of night.”

About Wembley and, more generally, London, one BNP member notes:

In actual fact Wembley is part of the London Borough of Brent, a borough with a population in excess of 200,000 people. An interesting fact about the London Borough of Brent is that it consists of around 20 wards - with not a single ward having a native British majority. In that respect it is like the London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets and Newham - both having populations above 200,000, with not a single ward between them in which native Brits can be claimed to be in the majority! Add to to that other London boroughs, such as Westminster, Soutwark, Haringey, Ealing, Redbridge, Camden and Harrow - in which native Brits are now in the minority - then it will not surprise you to learn that Greater London (population 7.5 million) will become the first major city in Europe within five years whose native population form an ever diminishing minority!

And what should be the proper response to this political crime?  Well, possibly not the BNP’s realpolitik.  First, for me, mourning for what has been done to our people and our land.  Second, a deep, cold anger that nothing can placate.  Third, an unbending determination to undo it all - absolutely all of it, so that nothing, no detail however small, will speak treachery to posterity.  Not the people who did this to us, not any part of the political structure they created, not the human tools they employed ... none of it must remain in place.  This isn’t simply about our genetic continuity.  This is about the completeness of our political victory, too.

UPDATE - 4th November 2009

A new school of cinéma vérité appears to be emerging among BNP activists.  This time it’s Peckham in South London going on Joburg, and the thread promises further visions of the MultiCult.

I want to adorn this footage with an article written by the former editor of the Guardian, Peter Preston - a resident of South London and a man with the same perverted and puerile - and noticeably party-political - enthusiasm for English race-replacement as Andrew Neather.  The article dates from April 2005, and the money quote is right at the end:

Crossing continents on the Old Kent Road
One small stretch of London seems to capture half the world - and it is Britain’s future, whether Michael Howard likes it or not

Eat Portuguese chicken or Caribbean goat in one of the Elephant and Castle cafes. Drink a half of Danish or Aussie lager at the Charlie Chaplin, eponymous pub of the actor’s birthplace. And then, with a twirl of the cane, turn sharp right in search of England.
“We are all British, we are one nation,” Michael Howard said the other day. And “in the mad pursuit of the folly of multiculturalism, more and more people of all races are confused about who and what exactly the British - which means themselves - are supposed to be”.

That second quote isn’t a Howard border guards special, it is just Sir Max Hastings doing his Mail rather than Guardian column (and picking “the only Tory election issue that scares New Labour”). Put Michael and Max together, though, and they make a single, coherent text for voter inspection, a top issue on every poll. So, cane twirling, let’s head down the road from the Elephant on our own inspection tour. It’s a road full of memories.

You can almost hear the lyrics over the roar of traffic as you walk. “‘Wotcher!’ all the neighbours cried, ‘Who you gonna meet, Bill, have yer bought the street Bill?’ Laugh! I thought I should ‘ave died, knock’d ‘em in the Old Kent Road.” Welcome to the ancestral London of Albert Chevalier’s music hall songs and lovable cockneys.

But these are modern, not ancient times; and the sign at the Bricklayers Arms is po-faced symbolic. “Straight on to the Channel, Dover and Peckham.” The El Aztec catering service for tacos unlimited is just down that alley. A newsagents’ window has a “tall, exotic, Brazilian beauty” offering the “ultimate massage”. All the kebab bars (and, less predictably, Old Kent Fish and Chips) advertise undying devotion to halal.

Those first shops on the left tell most of the story. A pizza place, balti house and Chinese takeaway, of course - but that Polish delicatessen, too, and an Ethiopian restaurant just along from the west African hairdresser and Mediterranean grocer. Turn the corner by Paragon Gardens.

There’s the World Turned Upside Down pub. What would Chevalier have made of Karaoke Wacky Wednesdays? Or Resurrection House 10 yards on, home of Divine Gospel Ministries? Perhaps he’d have crossed the street to pause outside Southwark’s Turkish Cyprus HQ or window-shopped for a tribal wedding dress in Phil’s Garment Design - or got himself buffed at Diamond Nails. Perhaps he’d have browsed for God and Mammon in the Divine Bookshop and Money Transfer Centre.

Or perhaps, by now, he’d be getting peckish. Where shall we eat, Albert? You’d feel at home in Bert’s Fish and Chips a few yards back in East Street - or the “sausage, bubble, beans, liver and onion” £4 bargain at Ozzie’s (plus “two slices, tea or coffee”) would set anyone’s taste buds throbbing. But welcome, alternatively, to the Parillada del Sur, dishing out masses of meat “tipica Bolivia”. Not to mention the Auberge patisserie, the Bar Afrik, the Tawfiq Cappucino, El Paso and El Turkistan.

Food shopping? There’s always Tesco, of course. On the left, past Dr Lee’s Surgery (the one with the Chinese signboard), the Ryad Halal Emporium and the Bangladeshi grocery. Yes, past the Miami Health Centre as well as Mount Zion Church, “the dwelling place of God”. When you hit the Bali car wash, you’re almost there.

And see the money transfer places cluster tighter. Send your cash home to Ghana, Nigeria, España, Italia, Francia, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Chile, South Africa. Find a room or a flat while you wait. The notice boards now are all in Spanish. “Se renta habitacion.” The walk, before it peters out in a wasteland of Asdas and Big Macs (redeemed only by a Chinese restaurant, which the boss has turned into an Elvis shrine), seems to capture half the world in 20 minutes. I saw direct shop window pitches to 31 countries. I could have missed another dozen.

What would Chevalier - the “costers’ laureate” - miss? Possibly he and his beloved Florrie - “There ain’t a lady living in the land, that I’d swap for my dear old Dutch” - would look in vain for the wonderful Gin Palace, blasted at last to its final, hiccupping rest. They might cry at seeing the great fire station turned into an antique palace flogging old red telephone boxes at £2,000 a time. They might blub when they find the Thomas A Beckett pub, part of boxing history, transformed as Beckett’s estate agents.

But is this Old Kent Road, this melee of faces and colours and tongues, a boring place? In no way: it bursts with unlikely life, it turns a drab, traffic-choked exit route into a rumbustious assembly. And the point (if you remember the Guardian’s settlement map of London a few weeks ago) is that this isn’t a ghetto, or even a huddle of Victorian cottages covertly annexed. This is a few hundred yards of all together and cheek by jowl, a stew pot, a melting pot.

After a while of living in south London, you get used to the mix. Little Cyprus in Camberwell, little west Africa in Peckham, little Portugal in Stockwell. But this stretch of the Old Kent Road is more than that - more, in fact, than any other small stretch of Britain I’ve come across. It fuses the continents. Omnicultural, not multicultural. It fizzes. It hums.

Is there poverty and exploitation in the mix? Of course, like squeak along with the bubble. But is there anywhere else in the world so heedlessly, naturally polyglot? “We are all British, we are one nation.” And here, dear Michael and dear Max, knocking ‘em in the Old Kent Road, is quite another definition of quite another Britain. A Britain future, not Britain past. A Britain that is and, now, ever will be.

Well no, little Peter.  You have had your way thusfar.  Our turn will come, and it won’t be anything that you have seen before or ever want to see.  But you are still only 71 now.  If you live another 10 to 15 years you will see it.  It will fizz.  It will hum.  It will free the English people.

Tags: Immigration



Posted by Bill on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 07:13 | #

I have commented many times that the next election will be the last of its kind, I’ve no idea what will follow (EU?) but it is clear to me this system is finished.

Will the media be successful in preventing immigration from becoming centre stage in the coming election in a few months time?

Interesting piece in the Times this morning, our Right Honorable Friend the Home secretary Alan Johnson admits they got it wrong.


This is the man who said he doesn’t lose any sleep over a population of 70 million people in a white minority Britain.

GW, I feel your pain.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 07:13 | #

“And what should be the proper response to this political crime?  Well, possibly not the BNP’s realpolitik.  First, for me, mourning for what has been done to our people and our land.  Second, a deep, cold anger that nothing can placate.  Third, an unbending determination to undo it all - absolutely all of it, so that nothing, no detail however small, will speak treachery to posterity.  Not the people who did this to us, not any part of the political structure they created, not the human tools they employed ... none of it must remain in place.  This isn’t simply about our genetic continuity.  This is about the completeness of our political victory, too.”  (—from the entry)

Could not be better said. 

A related facet:  if people think the other side necessarily gets to keep the gains it’s made, on grounds they’re impossible to reverse (exactly as the other side were hoping people would see things), people lose heart and the will to resist, for obvious reasons.  When on the contrary people realize, “No, we don’t have to accept this, not one bit:  we’re not defeated, but with effort can halt and reverse this,” it’s instantly as if a great weight has been lifted from their shoulders and they take heart and resolve to do whatever is necessary.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 07:46 | #

My point being the mere fact of stating we don’t have to accept it, but can halt and undo it, recruits a great many more people to our side who otherwise would’ve lost heart and resigned themselves to looming disaster. 

Everyone has to understand this is being done by men.  It can be undone by men.  (And the men doing it can be brought to justice.)


Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 09:44 | #

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

– Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II

It’s self-evidently treason and attempted genocide.

The eventual Nuremberg will be very satisfying.


Posted by Angry Beard on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 09:55 | #

It’s all a numbers game.
The mathematical concept of ‘dynamic equilibrium’ ie births minus deaths plus immigration explains it all.
To whit - even Home Office statistics admit that 25% of births in Britain atre to foreign born mothers - in London the bald-faced liars at the Home Office een admit to that number being around 50%.
Now allow for the huge number of 2nd and 3rd generation wogs (at least equal to new immigrants).Allow for the huge rate of miscegenation.Then it’s not too far-fetched to say that MOST new births in Britain are non-White.
And now consider London - Good God, this number MUST now be at the 90% level!.
So the certainty is that Britain will have a wog majority in 40 years at the outset.
London will be overwhelmingly wog in very short order.The rate will accelerate frighteningly in a very short time - it’s a mathematical certainty.
Sorry to break the bad news GW, but a frank, cold assesment tells us we’re f*cked.It’s gone too far. The pendulum swung out of our grasp.
The BNP couldn’t do anything now even if they tried (as Griffo admitted).


Posted by morticia on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 10:21 | #

Look, do yourselves a favour and quit that hole called England. It’s not worth fighting for. Genes are all that matter.


Posted by John on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 14:18 | #

“Look, do yourselves a favour and quit that hole called England. It’s not worth fighting for. Genes are all that matter.”

Where do you suggest they go? Nearly all of Europe is overrun. Das Blut is rather difficult to maintain when you’ve surrendered den Boden.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 15:28 | #

Regarding Angry Beard’s and Dasein’s “cold hard look at the demographics,” yes, looking at those, it looks quite bleak and as if the other side have already succeeded in placing us before the irreversible fait accompli.  But they haven’t:  despite appearances, and despite what the other side wants us to believe, their fait is not yet accompli.  Angry Beard and Dasein quote certain figures, but those figures in reverse were what the other side, the side wishing our race-replacement, encountered when they started their project decades ago, their project of turning us into Brazil.  Those figures they at first encountered, namely the current ones in reverse, which they should have found daunting, were what they had to work with and what did they do?  Did they give up, and say to each other, “This is impossible, we’ll never get these figures reversed — we’re screwed, might as well give up”?  No.  By deftly, singlemindedly waging demographic warfare (the real “Fourth Generation War” which, as is blindingly obvious, has been methodically waged against whites for decades although Lind is too stupid to see that) they managed to reverse those figures.  White people are now under demographic attack in a demographic war.  We are already in this “Fourth Generation War.”  “Fourth Generation War” does not lie in the future.  It is here and has been raging for decades.  To paraphrase Lord Aragorn replying to King Théoden, Demographic War is already upon us.  We didn’t know it before, so we weren’t defending ourselves properly.  We know it now.  Proper defenses can now begin, and not just defenses of course, but counteroffensive operations till the enemy’s advance be rolled back and the ground he has taken re-taken from him.  Our ground.  Ground that belongs to us.  We can take it back.  When new methods of war come along, the crossbow, gun powder and cannons, the maxim gun, the submarine, the bomber aircraft, the Blitzkrieg, the atomic bomb, they are studied by military men and new defenses planned and Demographic War is no different.  That’s all that’s happening now:  we’ve been under sneak attack and didn’t realize it, so have been losing.  Now we realize it.  We can study this new method of attack, adopt appropriate defenses, and stop losing, then start winning, as we roll back the other side’s offensive.  This attack is being launched by men.  It can be studied by men, as the Blitzkrieg was studied, and then defeated by men.  The other side are not gods or some irresistible “force of nature.”  They are men.  They can be beaten.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 15:41 | #

One-third of Europe perished of the Black Plague.  One-third of Central Europe perished in the Thirty Years’ War.  Each time, Europe regrew from the remnant.  If one-third of Europe is lost to miscegenation, Europe, the true unmiscegenated Europe, can recover from the unmiscegenated remnant and re-expand to take back its lands.  If instead of one-third, half is lost, if two-thirds, if nine-tenths are lost, the true Europe can still recover from the unmiscegenated remnant and re-occupy its lands. 

Therefore, to those of you who miscegenate:  your line will end.  Only the unmiscegenated lines will go on.  Just know that.


Posted by Q on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 15:43 | #

” ... Total colonization [...] No British person gave THEM permission to do this in any election ...”

This is one of the most disgusting events ever to happen in human history, and its happening in every white nation.

The nature of the war is demographics and our bought and paid for “leaders” chose to fight against their own kith and kin.

It’s amazing what thirty pieces of silver and the temporary taste of power can do to a man’s soul….


[U.S.] Census Bureau Estimates Nearly Half
of Children Under Age 5 are Minorities
Estimates find nation’s population growing older, more diverse


If you think its bad now, wait until citizenship is granted to 15 to 25 million illegal aliens ... then comes chain migration. The bastards will win the tribal war without even firing a shot.


Posted by dfgdgfd on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 16:49 | #

Britain is dead. Hole up and give up, or flee.

Look, do yourselves a favour and quit that hole called England. It’s not worth fighting for. Genes are all that matter.

Not when they’re hopelessly adrift.

Our genes are going under. Go down with the ship or deal with it on your own.


Posted by SUCH on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 17:06 | #

“This attack is being launched by men.  It can be studied by men, as the Blitzkrieg was studied, and then defeated by men.  The other side are not gods or some irresistible “force of nature.” They are men.  They can be beaten.”

Humans are one thing, but how does one destroy something like Pan Islamization with respect to profit/market forces?  Killing/subjegation (to the rejoice of the shaheeds and everywhere)?  In what way do you think post-colonialism plays a part in this?  Why do you think immigrants aren’t compelled to stay in their own homelands and build there? 

“It might be that a democratic solution becomes impossible, but at least Whites will be in control of (or at least settled in) most of the territory in these countries when the system finally breaks down.”

Is white flight detrimental, then?  Or are the urban areas deemed too unfavorable?  How have the practices of racially-restrictive covenants played a part in the urban decay and what part does gentrification play in all this?  How do you see the system breaking down and how do you propose territory in these countries be governed? 

In reading about Celal Nuri, it seems many Islamic intellectuals still cling to this notion that the (or idea of the) Ottoman Empire is a vehicle for Pan-Islamization and one requisite for creating an East vs. West binary opposition favorable to the former.  A reclamation of sorts as well, perhaps.


Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 19:04 | #

This map, which is based on data from the 2001 census, vividly portrays the nature of the problem as it relates to Greater London.

Angry face

It does beg the question as to whether an interim solution might not lie in a cession of territory, perhaps making London a sovereign state with a physical barrier between it and the rest of the country. As things stand at present the boundary might lie along the route of the North and South Circular Roads; in ten years time it would probably need to follow the M25.

We’re fast approaching the time when we will be needing to think about the unthinkable.


Posted by notuswind on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:27 | #

Unfortunately, this phenomena is all too familiar to us White Americans.  We lost many of our great cities several decades ago.


Posted by Alfred of Wessex on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:28 | #

It is entirely probable that the situation is beyond remedy, at least on a human scale.

However, those of us who love our country enough and are angry enough may have to grow the testicles to at least ensure that those members of the political, media and administrative elite responsible for formulating and carrying out one of the most wanton acts of betrayal of a people by its ruling classes pay for their treachery with their lives.


Posted by kurt9 on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:46 | #

The ranting Iman and the Muslim Welfare Association makes a nice background to the video.

I have heard that there is a huge mosque, that will accommodate 70,000 worshipers,  being built near the Olympic village that is set to open shortly before the start of the 2012 Olympics. Is this true?

The problem is not only immigrants, per se, but Muslim ones at that.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:52 | #

From Spiro (Patrician Racist):

“In truth, the Grantians had also considered repatriating the Jews, but Laughlin grumbled to Grant that the Jews had become so politically powerful that “the deportation of four million Jews would be many times more difficult than the repatriation of three times as many Ne­groes.” [Which also failed]The native American, sighed Laughlin, would have to resign himself to the fact that “the Jew is doubtless here to stay,” and all the Grantians could do was try “to pre-vent more of them from coming.” Charles Benedict Davenport did suggest to Grant, in jest, that as far as the Jewish problem was concerned, perhaps the eugenicists could fol­low the example of the Puritans who had burned their witches, but he added that “it seems to be against the mores to burn any considerable part of our population.”


Posted by Angry Beard on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 21:07 | #

      It’s not as simple as that.Race means nothing without living-space - it is living space that is the womb that race sprung forth - as any Darwinian will tell you geographical isolation is the second necessary precondition (after a shared gene pool), that turned an amoeba into a man.
  When yu have two or more sub-species duking it out for the same living space, then things get very complicated.As I said it’s purely a numbers game and the othe side have got the momentum - and now cruciaaly, they’ve got the edge.What happens in the immediate future is critical.
Yes i know some entertain all sorts of fantasies involving a ‘fight-back’ possibly or possibly not involving nuclear weaponry, but I, sitting here in the thick of race replaced south London am deeply sceptical - the ‘edge’ will be lost very soon, and once gone won’t be won back (here I’m talking about who’s got the majority of fit young men).The shenanigans surrounding the Big Griff the other week was really vaudevillre and a side-show - pantomime wannabe marxist guerilla throwing pantomime bombs at a a pantomime villain straight out of central casting.And that is that, perhaps 5 years down the line a similar jolly jape will divert the masses whilst the BNP will still lose deposit after deposit in the Westminster elections (the only ones that count).
Sorry for my pessimism, but having lived here during the entire period of the unfolding disaster and seeing the political class get its own way against a passive population, I am very loath to think anything will change.
If a mass movement was to exist its day would have been around 1968 after the Powell speeches, when the sheer shock of seeing nig-nogs hit the the post-war, post Empire British populace like a lead cosh over its head.But the revolt never occurred.
The mistake is to think of the ‘masses’ as having a ‘will’.In modern Britain we’ere dealing with a largely deracinated, demoralized White population the lower class of which care for nothing except Eastenders, football, ‘reality TV’, clebrity magazines, alcohol,horrid nig-nog ‘music’,soap operas,horrid nig-nog ‘fashion’, horrid mock Jamaican (jafaican) accents,track-suits, baseball caps,pit-bulls, marijuana and oh, of course ‘Charlie’ (‘Bolivian marching powder’ to you Americans), the nasal inhalation of which has become to modern chavvy Britain the equivalent of the blessed sacrament of bread and wine to their Catholic forbears.
- and their women copulate and birth sprogs with blacks at a frightening rate.It’s no accident that the horrid old slag Jordan is idolized by the chavs.


Posted by It's Not Numbers That Matter on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 21:23 | #

It’s not numbers that matter, it’s organization.  Somehow Englanders need to find ways to organize themselves to repel the boarders from the swamplands around the world.

As has been proven many times, a relatively tiny minority can swing the dead cat very effectively.  It works both ways.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 21:54 | #

their Catholic forbears.

They’re Gaelic Irish. 



Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 22:10 | #

It’s simple.  We do it politically or we militarise.  But we do it.  No trace remaining.  Not in our land or our blood.

I predict that liberalism will fall and nationalism will succeed it, and the split thereafter will be between absolutists like me and pragmatists like so many of you.

You should understand that it is the extreme who dictate the terms of the debate and the direction of ideological migration of the zeitgeist, and it is the extreme who see their programme turned into facts on the ground.

We will do it.


Posted by re-torgeséþe 2066 (reconquesta 2066) on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 22:29 | #

re-torgeséþe 2066 (reconquesta 2066)

do it, england!


Posted by Fr. John on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 22:47 | #

A government that would strip its’ citizens of their right to keep and bear arms in the wake of bestial behavior on the part of non-Englishman, is de facto no lawful government at all.

I believe that was the Yanks’ comment, against a former sovereign of your’n.

And, by mentioning the ‘final solution’ from the standpoint of the American Colonies in 1776, that doesn’t mean it can’t be applied there,[UK] as well as here. [US] It just means that a despotic ruler MUST be removed, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Why do you think Obama’s election resulted in the largest sale of guns and ammo in the history of the country?

he he. The times, they are a’changin.’

Deo Vindice, as they say in the South.



Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 23:38 | #

We do it politically or we militarise.

It’s often forgotten how close Britain came to a revolutionary state during the economic turmoil precipitated by the oil crisis in the early 1970s. Rumours still persist that a military coup was only narrowly averted.

This source indicates that the target of the coup would have been the post-1973 Labour government of Harold Wilson, but I think that’s only the case because Heath lost the 1974 election. If he had won, the Conservatives would have been the target instead.

It is going to take a chain of events on at least the scale of 1970s chaos to provoke a popular rising and military intervention, and even then I doubt that the present generation of military leaders have the bottle. They are also disciples of the Long Marchers. The rank-and-file are of course perfect BNP or NF material but who is going to lead them?


Posted by Frank on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 23:49 | #


if the English move, they’ll be displaced from their roots.

Look at Aussies and Americans: they’ve been convinced they’re not Brits / whites.

Move and there’s a good chance your descendants will severe ancestral ties and form a somewhat new nation.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 23:58 | #

“We do it politically or we militarise.  But we do it.”  (—Guessedworker)

If it comes to that in future, maybe our chances of success will be good.  For German-speakers:  in a JungeFreiheit.de interview a couple of months ago,

http://www.jungefreiheit.de/Single-News-Display.154+M54b5146ea5b.0.html?&tx;_ttnews[swords]=Martin van Creveld ,

Martin van Creveld, the prominent Israeli military historian and theoretician, discusses among other subjects his concept of “asymmetrical warfare,” saying that in future it will be the small irregular guerrilla-like forces that will prevail over standing armies, as the world has already seen happen in many instances since (to take one example van Creveld cites) the Jews kicked the British out of Palestine in 1947.  (Of course, neither van Creveld nor this other military “genius” Lind of “Fourth Generation Warfare” fame, these two supposedly “brilliant” military minds, has grasped the reality of demographic warfare now upon us in all its force, that which is right now as we speak being waged to the hilt and is threatening to eradicate the entire Eurosphere in the worst civilizational cataclysm in human history — a pretty big blind spot these two “geniuses” have there …..)


Posted by Selous Scout on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 00:01 | #

Kill them, drive them out, or surrender. There’s no other choice.


Posted by Fr. John on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 00:06 | #

‘Look at Aussies and Americans: they’ve been convinced they’re not Brits / whites.’

Frank, to whom are you speaking? If England drove out the infidels (including the Bishop of York), I’d be the first Englishman to ‘come home.’

But you won’t, and you don’t. And the Deicides are engaged in a death grip over here in the USA in case you haven’t noticed. Can we at least agree not to ‘suffer a witch to live,’ and then get on with the executions?



Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 00:20 | #

We do it politically or we militarise.

Spoken like a Kraut.  But if we don’t win in America all bets are off.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 00:21 | #

                You say ‘we will do it’.
This is where I take issue with you.Who exactly do you mean by ‘we’? - yes, of course you mean ‘the English’, but as I repeat any talk of ‘mass action’ by such and such an entity or such and such popular movement or whatever it is, is simply an abstraction.I’m not of course saying there’s no such thing as the ‘English’ but my hackles are always raised whenever I read of a mass movement as an historical force as if the ‘masses’ actually have a will in the collective that somehow expresses a ideal or a destiny.
I’m sorry but I’m much more into the chaos school of history where events are explained by ‘happy accident’, mega-mistakes and fuck-ups, bad leaders and bad decisions and random occurrences.think of Gavrilo Princip in 1914.Now, we all know that the Habsburgs were headed for the cliff, but, oh, what were the results of those fatal bullets:
Soviet communism - tens of millions dead untold suffering.
National Socialist Germany.
Britain shorn of its empire - and ultimately lumbered with a load of niggers and pakis who are fated to take over.Just to name but a few consequences (the fact it was THE death-knell of the White race is another matter).
Why do I pontificate thus? - Just imagine Princip’s gun had jammed.Would any of this have come to pass?
What are ‘mass movements’ whether real or hypothetical compare to these punctuation points on which destiny hinges?
No, what I’m really trying to say is that if the English people were really minded as a group to kick out their invaders and parasites forthwith, then that wish would have manifested itself already and would have been unstoppable and irresistible to ANY political class, no matter how tyrannical.That the manifestation of that hypothesised ‘group will’ has not occurred previous to now (when the invasion really kicked off and its power of shock was most acute), infers that this hypothesised ‘group will’ never, in fact, existed.
For an effective leadership to exist the ‘group will’ must first exist for the leadership to channel.


Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 00:39 | #

And I meant to add above, that almost every combat unit in the British army has now been cycled at least once through the Middle East in recent years. At the operational level that will have produced a hearty dislike for fuzzie-wuzzies just like that our forefathers developed during their own years of colonial policing.

I don’t think there would be any shortage of willing helpers in conducting robust domestic policing action geared towards evicting unwanted intruders, should leadership emerge which wasalso that way inclined. Besides the military there are also of course large squads of auxiliaries in the form of football supporters and others in the WWC who are also not averse to a spot of Paki-bashing if the occasion should present itself.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 00:45 | #

Sorry to pontificate again, but I believe the best metaphor is of the frog being slowly boiled.
Massive wog immigration into Britain is insidious.That’s the right word insidious.
Like disease or a cancer it slowly worms its way in and eats up the body.
It is NOT a direct head-on threat in the way GW seems to think is ie in the manner of the leadership cadre or one nation declaring all out total war on another nation - that’s purely political in the sense that poltical structures that ultimately control every last detail of a nation are able to organise against other polities - the citizens of those nations are to the leadership cadre just another resource amongst many ultimately.
No, mass wog immigration into existing nation states is something very, very different altogether, and the this is why the analogy (ie ‘taking the nation back’ by ‘waging total war’), breaks down entirely.As I said the disease is insidious, slow and insidious it worms its way in from within tunnels its way through bone and generally rots from within - the host is unfamiliar with this line of attack hence has no defence against.At the risk of repeating myself GW, we are not fighting a war or even fantasising about fighting a war but we are slowly being eaten alive by worms embedded in our tissues whom magic bullets cannot reach.
It’s a totally different kettle of fish to your world view which identifies ‘enemies’ who can be dispatched on a battle field or ‘kicked out’.It’s a different ball-game that involves darker, subtler forces than blanket black and white (literally) political opinions shouted from roof-tops that somehow are supposed to mobilize a fictitious public out there ready to fight your corner - things just don’t work like that.what I am talking about is more along the lines of trends and demographics such as admen or marketing exec would understand - can’t be pinned down to either/or, yes/no but generalised long-term trends.
Trends that tell me we’re fucked.


Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 01:00 | #

Sorry to pontificate again, but I believe the best metaphor is of the frog being slowly boiled.

Massive wog immigration into Britain is insidious.That’s the right word insidious.

I don’t see any evidence of pontification, what you say is completely correct I think. Earlier you also made the point that history often turns on unexpected events (eg Sarajevo 1914) rather than simply happening as the predictable outcome of long-term processes. This is also demonstrably correct.

As to what form or type of event might occur in the future sufficiently disruptive to provoke an agressive reaction, who can tell? It might be something in the nature of a short sharp shock, perhaps a terrorist atrocity at the 2012 Olympics, or a Sarajevo political assassination. Or it might be an explosion of festering discontent at some necessary Government initiative to restrain energy consumption during the forthcoming Age of Shortages (remember the three-day week?). Shortages that will be severely exacerbated by having a population appraoching 70 million, a third of which are unwanted intruders.

The key thing, it seems to me, is to have the leadership cadre in place ready to take advantage of just such eventualities. Which is what we are assisting with here in some small way.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 01:35 | #

Angry Beard,

You will never achieve anything if you cannot grasp the fundamentals of action and the demand for action.  Reasonableness, pragmatism, realpolitik add up to ways we can spray air freshener while standing in a rat-infested house.  I’m not interested in any of that.  I am an inveterate scorched earth man, and I know that:

a) Scorched earth must be the only demand,

b) If we who are extreme are steadfast in our demand, then the earth shall indeed burn.

This doesn’t mean that one relinquishes good analysis and subtlety of thought, or that one ceases to be a moral man.  It means we decide for life for our people, and we do NOT compromise.  On that, we can never, ever compromise.


Posted by GoyAmongYou on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 02:15 | #

Posted by Angry Beard on November 03, 2009, 11:21 PM | #

my hackles are always raised whenever I read of a mass movement as an historical force


Posted by Angry Beard on November 03, 2009, 11:45 PM | #

It’s a totally different kettle of fish to your world view which identifies ‘enemies’ who can be dispatched on a battle field or ‘kicked out’.



Posted by Mogie on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 02:59 | #



Posted by Armor on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 05:07 | #

If a mass movement was to exist its day would have been around 1968 after the Powell speeches (—Angry Beard)

We’ll have new opportunities in the future. As white people become a minority, it will become harder to forbid racial solidarity between them. Today, the whites are kept in an inferior position and incapacitated by other whites. The anti-white policy is mainly enforced by white politicians, white civil servants, white journalists, white teachers, white judges, white policemen. The string pullers may be largely Jewish, but the enforcers are mainly white. As white people progressively get replaced by non-whites, the system will start working less smoothly, and I expect the white enforcers of anti-white policies will no longer be as efficient. The system cannot rely on nonwhites to brainwash a white minority into believing that race-replacement is good for us, and that non-whites are good-natured savages who have been victimized. I think the politically correct anti-white nonsense will cease to be enforceable long before the whole Western world turns into something like Brazil. As our culture breaks down, the violent ways of non-whites will rub off on white people, who will become less inhibited. White people will start to retaliate against violent attacks. It will become unstable. All the more so as the economy breaks down. Americans who know cities like Detroit should have an opinion about that. From what I understand, cities like Detroit have remained partly functional thanks to the many whites who still live in the suburbs?

Maybe as early as next year, the anti-white political structure will collapse in Belgium or the Netherlands, and it will induce a chain reaction in the whole Western world, as happened to communism in Eastern Europe two decades ago. (In fact, it should have happened a long time ago!)

If a pro-white revolution happens in one European country, it will be interesting to see how it tries to spread the revolution to the rest of the eurosphere.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 06:06 | #

Everyone has to understand this is being done by men.  It can be undone by men.


A couple of points:

It’s not us against a singular them. The invaders are split a hundred ways.

If it comes down to machetes in the street and we’re outnumbered then yes we’ll probably lose. If it’s anything more technical than that then we can win against most of the invader groups at odds up to about 3:1 against or maybe even higher through brains, organisation and tactics.

I predict that liberalism will fall and nationalism will succeed it, and the split thereafter will be between absolutists like me and pragmatists like so many of you.

If you can generate enough momentum then the underlying conditions will decide where that momentum eventually takes you - a bit like Mussolini’s march on Rome.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 06:12 | #

As white people progressively get replaced by non-whites, the system will start working less smoothly, and I expect the white enforcers of anti-white policies will no longer be as efficient.

Yes, another major fly in their ointment.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 10:57 | #

    The major difference in our respective points-of-view is this - I base my extrapolationsand judegements purely in line with facts as I see them (ie a majority of births in the UK today are probably wog, ergo the majority of the population a generation or so hence will be wog and the ratios will accelerate in the adverse direction and there is no sign of anything on the horizon to check this, furthermore if a ‘popular uprising’ amongst the English was indeed plausible definite signs and premonitions of it would have manifest before now).
If you forgive me for saying this, your view point is pure fantasy - there is simly no trend line evidence (demographic, political, theoretical or otherwise) to back it up.You might be right and I might be wrong, but as an eminent rationalist I always judge on general trends, past form and the evidence of what I see going on around me and use this as the only basis of forecast, and here i return to my ‘worms in the bones’ analogy - we’re not dealing a clear-cut black/white us them situation (although this at first sight seems the intuitively obvious comparison), but with a gradual, systematic cancerous rot-down of the body politic from within in which the host CANNOT (for many reasons) fight back in the simple and obvious way (perhaps the main reason is that the hypothetical ‘group will doesn’t exist) and thus is easy meat.

As we used to say in school - “You and who’s army?”.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 13:31 | #

As white people progressively get replaced by non-whites, the system will start working less smoothly, and I expect the white enforcers of anti-white policies will no longer be as efficient.

The multicult carries the seeds of its own destruction.

What happens when the phone system breaks down intermittently, the lights go out, the police cant process paperwork properly (OK, even less properly) etc etc

Angry Beard - I suspect that just as things get, seemingly,  to the point of no return, thats when enough people will be galvanised, thats when all bets will be off.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 14:13 | #

Angry Beard’s defeatism — for that’s all it is, he may call it “rational trend-watching” or whatever he likes, it’s mere cowardly defeatism — will convert more people who read it to grim determination to resist and guarded, determined optimism than to defeatism.  That’s exactly as it should be.  The Angry Beards in all this will fall by the wayside and be totally ignored while people actually do something about the crisis.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 14:31 | #

Just a couple of examples:

“a majority of births in the UK today are probably wog, ergo the majority of the population a generation or so hence will be wog and the ratios will accelerate in the adverse direction and there is no sign of anything on the horizon to check this”

Non-defeatist reply:  “All right, let’s put something on the horizon to check it:  let’s look at every factor that influences white birthrates in an upward direction and implement as many of those as possible, and let’s look at every factor that influences non-white birthrates in a downward direction and implement as many as those as possible.  Look at tax policy, social service policy, immigration policy needless to say, let the government stop subsidizing and promoting any aspect of women’s lib whatsoever and tell the organized lesbians to go fuck themselves if they don’t like it, look at abortion policy, housing policy, affirmative action policy, anti-discrimination policy, and so on.  At one time the respective white/nonwhite birthrate proportions were the reverse of what they are now, then a movement among the Jew-and-communist-led élites decided to change that — this began in the mid-1970s in its earnest planning stage.  What we see now is the outcome of those unpublicized meetings and secret planning sessions and agreements.  It can all be undone.  Defeatists like Angry Beard, instead of recognizing all that, recommend rolling over and dying.  You can roll over and die, Angry Beard.  Me, I’m going to do what it takes to live.

“furthermore if a ‘popular uprising’ amongst the English was indeed plausible definite signs and premonitions of it would have manifest before now”

These things take time.  You’re starting to see signs right now, all over the place, from the explosion of internet commentary in our favor, to the beginnings of electoral gains for those generally in our half of the spectrum rather than the other half.  The biggest change has been the advent of the internet as a means of commucation for us, ending the total monopoly of the Jew-and-communist-controlled mass media gatekeepers.

One can go right down the list of reasons Angry Beard cites for his recommendation that we adopt an attitude of pessimism and defeat, and invalidate them all.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 14:49 | #

My Dearest Fred,
                Alas, one must look at the situation in your own country, the USA, to have some idea of my ‘defeatism and pessimism’.Just look at the the golden state itself - southern California and LA in particular.LA’s gone.Any realistic chance of a White fightback Fred to win it back?.
Any chance of wresting Detroit or Chicago back Fred?, NYC, Cincinatti, Cleveland, Philadelphia etc etc or even Texas (50% mestizo) Fred? - Do you *really* think that’s plausible, that it’s going to happen?
All I am saying that exactly the same phenomenom that the USA experienced 30 or 40 years ealier than the UK is unrolling over here.Only brits have got no hinterland to run to.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 14:57 | #

All I can say is that the Big Griff carries an enormous burden on his shoulders.
Is our modern-day Atlas really titanic enough for the job?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:07 | #

“let’s look at every factor that influences white birthrates in an upward direction and implement as many of those as possible, and let’s look at every factor that influences non-white birthrates in a downward direction and implement as many as those as possible.”  (—my comment above)

I hope it’s clear that this needs to be done in a spirit of “just do it, no holding back no matter who doesn’t like it, and let the chips fall where they may”:  if part if it, for example, is let’s say — to take just one example among dozens — dismantling the “anti race-discrimination” laws, thereby restoring freedom of association for whites, which would result in the inevitable, automatic and rapid transformation of present racially mixed neighborhoods into all-white or almost all-white ones, making it, in turn, more attractive for white couples to start families (from the safe streets perspective, good quality schools perspective, and so on), giving in turn at least some additional impetus for higher white birth rates — if that chain of actions and consequences lead to howls of protest from the usual culprits (Jews, communists) they must simply be ignored and told where they can get off (and when the Jews specifically start in, launch counteroffensive campaigns about how their beloved Israel is a national-socialist apartheid state that treats Palestinians like animals, and do it all the louder the more they squawk — if done loudly enough, persistently enough, and on a large enough scale, that ought to help shut the Hebrew hypocrites the fuck up).


Posted by Selous Scout on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:13 | #

Only brits have got no hinterland to run to.

Exactly. That’s why it’s wrong to concede defeat at this early hour. Brits are being hounded into a corner and eventually will turn and fight. It is inevitable. There are only so many who can immigrate to Spain or Australia. You can say the same thing about the US, where for decades the wide open spaces have acted as a safety valve. But as these lands fill up, whites increasingly will be compelled to stay put and fight. War is inevitable. I honestly believe we will see civil war in Europe and the US. We will see ordinary white people picking up small arms and gunning down Muslim militants, negro gangs, and Mexican supremacists. White Marxist traitors will be executed in their offices. There will be gun battles in our streets. Whites (being whites) will have certain moral qualms at first, but these concerns will subside and a larger quest for survival at all costs will prevail.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:18 | #

Angry Beard, in regard to the race-replacement crisis the situations of the U.S. and the nations of Europe are different.  Approaches that might be feasible in Europe might not be feasible here and vice-versa.  The solutions, when all this will have played out, will prove different.  It is more important to save Europe than North America.  That’s why many on this side of the ocean “stick our noses so much into” your handling of the crisis over there.  Many of us understand we have a bigger stake in the outcome over there than in the outcome over here.  We all sense the absolute necessity of saving the home continent even if North America goes down.

Now:  you are nothing but a defeatist.  You have no business continuing to post here.  Take your defeatism elsewhere.  No one here wants it.  Fuck off.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:19 | #

Angry Beard,

The major difference in our respective points-of-view is this - I base my extrapolations and judgements purely in line with facts as I see them

So if your bath was filling with water, you would observe the facts of flow-rate and the continuous retreat of the dry volume, and it would not occur to you to ask whether the man with his hand on the tap intends the floor to flood and should be sent packing, the tap turned off pronto and the bathplug pulled?

It’s true that I am bound to defend principle and have a particular weakness for looking over the longer distance.  I am also ill-intentioned to what few enemies I make in life, and it grieves me if I cannot impose my will on them.  We English must impose our will on those who do us harm.  This is so obvious, it should not need stating.  We must never settle like you for a multiracial England, nor a single drop of non-English blood in the veins of our people ... nothing.  There is no difficulty we cannot surmount if we are singular enough in our purpose.  Cease your prattle, then, and let us be singular.

we’re not dealing a clear-cut black/white us them

If not, let us make it so.  Let our discourse refer to it as such, and infect the thinking of more and more of our people.  Where is your will to fight?  Fight, AG, while you have the energy to do so.

perhaps the main reason is that the hypothetical ‘group will doesn’t exist

The mind in that respect is quite plastic, and since “group will” is a naturally occurring phenomenon, it can be summoned up much more easily than it can lapse into dissipation.  “Summoning up” goes with Nature’s grain.  Look at Germany in the 1930s.  There is your model of the plasticity of the mind.

What would you rather have, health or sickness?  You seem to be saying “sickness” because it is difficult to envisage the route to the alternative.  Nevertheless, I am for health.

“You and who’s army?”

What you are saying is that the binding between us does not exist.  What I am saying is that it does not exist yet.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:26 | #

If you want to see something like this break out, Angry Beard,

“I honestly believe we will see civil war in Europe and the US. We will see ordinary white people picking up small arms and gunning down Muslim militants, negro gangs, and Mexican supremacists. White Marxist traitors will be executed in their offices. There will be gun battles in our streets. Whites (being whites) will have certain moral qualms at first, but these concerns will subside and a larger quest for survival at all costs will prevail,”

if you want to see something like that break out, just keep up with your defeatism.  For you it’s all a joke.  For others, like myself, Selous Scout above, and GW, <strike>it’s deadly serious</strike> ..... it isn’t and let’s leave it at that, shall we?

Now go away.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:39 | #

Angry Beard doesn’t understand something, namely as GW has said, this will be done peacefully or it will be done [.........] but it will be done

Let’s opt for “peacefully,” shall we?  We are asking for that, pleading for it, begging on our knees for it.

But the time will come when the pleading and the begging will stop.  And then will start the gnashing of teeth and the tearing of hair and the moaning and the wailing.

We don’t want that.  But we will not, to quote the poet, “go gently into that good night.” 




Posted by Armor on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 16:25 | #

Guessedworker : “since “group will” is a naturally occurring phenomenon, it can be summoned up much more easily than it can lapse into dissipation.  “Summoning up” goes with Nature’s grain.”

Indeed, a lot of effort is put into deactivating our natural instinct and preventing the formation of a white “group will”.


Posted by Q on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 16:32 | #

Maybe out of a dark cloud can come a silver lining in the form of a white-preservationist army? What I’m thinking is white people will remain docile as long as they have money to buy their creature comforts. WHEN that money supply no longer exists, then whites will look for the reasons for their suffering. That’s when the masses will be receptive to the truth about whom caused their suffering. They will be ripe for revolution. Heads will roll. The time is close to an economic collapse. The numbers don’t lie:


In my estimation, the race-replacers are in a race for time. They are flooding white nations with non-whites as fast as they can while simultaneously flooding Western economies with dollars in order to keep whites placated long enough until a racial tipping point is achieved. I pray the economic collapse comes soon. That way we can start the process of undoing what the last 65 years of Jewish tyrany has wrought.


Posted by notuswind on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 16:55 | #

Angry Beard,

The trend line that many of us are focused on is the very real decline of our civilization.  The nature of this decline is such that logic tells us that it can only go so far before discontinuities in mainstream consciousness start to appear.  This discontinuity in the political life of our people, which logic tells us is inevitable, will herald the fall of the current liberal regime that has been dominating Western man since the conclusion of WWII.  Moreover I would predict that this event, this cataclysmic moment in our race’s history, will climax with the fall of the U.S. in North America.  It is not possible to underestimate the spiritual trauma that this will bring.

Yes, on this terrible day, the mind of Western man will finally be liberated from the grip of the liberals and their propaganda machines.  Logic demands it.

But what comes next?  Once the current liberal regime has fallen, upon whom will the mandate of heaven rest?

That mandate could fall upon a reinvigorated Western man, equipped with the appropriate ideology, or it could fall upon something non-Western and alien.  But in any case, the mandate of heaven will be wrenched away from the liberals as the very society that they have worked so hard to create comes undone.

Let us be the ones that come next.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 16:59 | #

Fred Scrooby,
              I was hoping for better manners on your part, but I couldn’t really give a shit about you or what you think about me, but I was merely trying to make some very serious points on the state of play - as it actually exists - and not some kind of overgrown schoolboy revenge fantasy (sorry to be insulting GW, but I can’t really dignify your position with any other description), only to be greeted with foul-mouthed, foul-breathed uncerebral invective rather than rational discourse.
For the record I am a committed WN and I happen to live in area of inner London that is even more ‘enriched’ than Wembley.I know what’s going on, I see it everyday with my own two eyes, I speak with people who say ‘fucking wogs’ first thing every morning as a casual greeting.
I really wish you would actuallt try to digest the gist of what I am trying to say rather than disiss it as ‘defeatism’.Look here - London has gone to 50% wog in a few short years and the BNP only got around 5% of the vote in the mayoral elections, wogs kill, mug, rob , maim at will and there simply is no backlash, no nothing - don’t try to convince me otherwise.
You’re all just entertaining fantasies that some avenger will come by on a white steed and magically sort it all out - you know just like those Superman comics.Forget it boys.Grow up.I realise a great deal of denial and projection is going on.
Look I’m not here to goad or provoke anyone.All I’m asking for is rational, intelligent debate on the subtle, ephemeral inponderables - the elusive smoke like zeitgeist in which the matrix of history is formed.I thought this was the place for grown-up debate- writers with the quality of Dan Dare, Wandrin and others encouraged me in that belief and I decided to post after a bit of lurking.I expected a modern athenaeum of WN - all I got was bar room tramp farting in my face.
I’m merely seeking to dispel notions of ‘revenge fantasies’, ‘white knights’ etc etc and ground is back down to reality as it is.We cannot base policy or theory on emotion and not logic.Demographic trends are real, the fantasy of an English dictatorship is just that.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 17:17 | #

            I would never classify myself as a political extremist.To understand Britain’s immigation disaster we must understand the history behind it, and as the recent thread on 1948 Act and all that followed amply showed it was parliamentary acquiescence that was the mother and father of the disaster.
I’m fairly convinnced that if Britain had a system of strict proportional representation (where all seats are alloted only by absolute share of national vote) in place prior to 1948, then the disaster wold never have unfolded.A single issue anti-immigration bloc would have emerged and the public’s will would have been done.No doubt.
But as the issue has been ruled extra-democratic by succesive governments all effective opposition was not merely neutered but destroyed.
-This is the sad fact of British immigration policy and the singular reason why no mass action against has occurred or will occur.The key issue of ‘momentum’ has been stymied.


Posted by John on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 17:17 | #

“All I am saying that exactly the same phenomenom that the USA experienced 30 or 40 years ealier than the UK is unrolling over here.Only brits have got no hinterland to run to.”

I’m not too sure I’d cite that as a disadvantage.


Posted by Armor on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 17:22 | #

War is inevitable. I honestly believe we will see civil war in Europe and the US. We will see ordinary white people picking up small arms and gunning down Muslim militants, negro gangs, and Mexican supremacists. White Marxist traitors will be executed in their offices. (—Selous Scout)

In a civil war, I think our enemies would be fellow Whites and Jews.

if people think the other side necessarily gets to keep the gains it’s made, on grounds they’re impossible to reverse (...), people lose heart and the will to resist, for obvious reasons.  When on the contrary people realize, “No, we don’t have to accept this, not one bit:  we’re not defeated, but with effort can halt and reverse this,” it’s instantly as if a great weight has been lifted from their shoulders (...) (—Fred Scrooby)

By the way… In what way is it difficult to reverse the situation and send third-worlders back to the third-world? For most white people, the only obstacle is that they are afraid to break immigrants’ hearts. This is a ridiculous situation.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 17:43 | #

Came across this the other day, looks as though I’m too late to the party.

Consolidating the Paradigm

Just a taster to get the flavour.  Note the date 1991.

In a 1991 anthology of the work’s of Tavistock which he edited, Trist wrote that all of the international ``nodes’’ or centers of the institute’s brainwashing apparatus were deployed for the central purpose of consolidating the paradigm-shift to a ``post-industrial world order.’’ Their goal, he stated, was to make the shift irreversible. In this work, and in other locations, Trist, like Alexander King, urges a mass ``reeducational’’ campaign to break the last vestiges of national resistance, especially within the United States, to this new, one-world order.

Western industrial society will break down into chaos; this chaos can, he said, either lead to a fascism of the authoritarian type that the British helped install in Nazi Germany, or to a more humane and benevolent form of fascism, which Gross called a ``friendly fascism.’’ The choice, Gross proclaimed, is to attempt to go back to the old industrial paradigm, under which there will be Nazi fascism; or, to embrace post-industrialism, where there will be a ``friendly fascism.’’ The latter, he said, is clearly preferable, since it is merely a transition to a new ``global information world order,’’ which will involve more personal choice and freedom, a true open and participatory mass democracy

It is an enlightened international elite, based within the powerful European-centered oligarchy that controls the global multinational communications industry, as well as other critical resources and global finance. This elite must be instructed and informed by the intelligence of the Tavistock networks; they must be shown that the great masses of television-fixated mental zombies can be won easily to this brave new world, through inducements of entertainments and the endless supply of ``information.’’ Once the masses are won over, through ``education,’’ then the resistance within national sectors will collapse.

In addition, since 1981, there was now a new technology at the disposal of the brainwashers—the Internet. According to Harold Perlmutter, one of the participants at the Case Western seminar, the Internet represented a subversive means to penetrate national borders with ``information’’ about this new world order; it also serves as a glue for a network of non-governmental organizations, all circulating propaganda for the new world order. These NGOs are to be the superstructure upon which the new world order is to be built. Perlmutter, and other conference participants, argued that their movement cannot be beaten, because it doesn’t exist, in a formal sense.

As television was the information drug during the last half of this millennium, so the Internet, with its glut of mostly useless chatter and ``information,’’ with its subversive, programmed messages, is to be the new ``drug’’ of the next millennium, Tavistock boasts. [12]

There’s a lot more at…


Note of interest.  I haven’t detected anything about mass immigration, but there’s so much to plough through - maybe it’s there and I haven’t come across it.

Maybe most of you have seen it anyway.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 18:23 | #

Angry Beard is a race-replacement advocate.  He lies and says he’s “a committed WN.”  He’s not of course, and it’s now clear he’s not even a defeatist but is an outright race-replacement advocate who loves forced race-replacement.  Yes he’s one of those.  He needs to clear out of here.


Posted by Armor on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 20:09 | #

Being sent back home won’t break the hearts of many immigrants. What they will miss is the money and comfort. If they don’t mind leaving their own people for Western money, it is absurd to think they will terribly miss our company when we finally expel them.

If someone is afraid to hurt the immigrants’ feelings but doesn’t mind genociding European nations, there is something wrong with him. It is incredible that white people can be hypnotized into thinking that way. To help them snap out of it, we should remind them there are laws against treason and genocide (as Fred did here).


Posted by Bill on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 20:16 | #

Dasein November 04, 2009, 01:51 PM


One of the common criticisms in the WN community is that people are hiding behind their computers, tap-tap-tapping away on their keyboards, instead of taking action in the real world.  There’s certainly some validity to the criticism, but I suspect it comes more from those who’ve been distributing newletters for decades.

We’ll never motivate the masses via the Internet,

Imagine no Internet.  Liberal atomisation would ensure there was no meaningful inter communication at any level, local, national, worldwide.

No BNP information escape the media blanket censorship, ditto white nationalism.

No MSM mention of anything that we all openly discuss here. Complete blank.

In other words, the elites would be running things exactly as they wished, no public resistance whatever, move along there, nothing to see here.

But that’s not the case, we on the Internet have created reality in the virtual world, much to the chagrin of the elites.

There is resistance out there, resistance that we, from humble beginnings, (HT. GW and his ilk) painstakingly creating a spider’s web of information to like mind people from a multitude of sources.

Little was understood, no-one had the big picture - it had to be pieced together piece by piece.

Now there is a small band scattered throughout the white world, who share the big picture of what it’s all about, and as a result I suspect there is, due to the Internet, a rapidly growing awareness, which through time will become an avalanche.

The instrument of the elites, the media, have been forced to come out and counter this growing resistance.

The printed media in the UK have for some time, through pressure of the bloggers, been forced into publishing candid comments in their blog columns.  The volume of traffic passing through these blogs has increased beyond measure and I suspect is likely to continue doing so.

Likewise, the British National Party is gaining in stature which is translating into votes and increased support.  All of this in spite of (or because of) a constant barrage of loathsome vilification by the MSM.

This struggle was always destined to be fought through the power of the media, this battle is intensifying as each day passes and we here are slowly but surely winning.

So let us here on the Internet, not undersell ourselves, of course in the end it will come to boots on the streets - but history will record it was from the Internet that resistance first started.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 20:20 | #

I don’t want to waste time arguing with Fred Scrooby.
He’s got no right to tell me what to say or what not to say and I shall ignore his crude impertinence.
Anyway, on pressing me on the issue at hand, I’ll reiterate it in the starkest possible terms.
- I have no faith whatsoever in the ability of the English people to implement a ‘final solution’ of the type GW wants.
I agree with GW that a mass, ruthless expulsion is the only remedy - anything else is bullshit that just won’t do.
My assesment on the inability of the English to do the necessary is based on first hand observation and experience.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 20:37 | #

Thanks, Bill.  Much appreciated.

Angry Beard,

I will give some consideration to a post to reply to your remarks, which should be replied to regardless of the goodor bad faith in which you make them (I trust, good faith).


I wish you would reconsider the request I made to you right at the start of your visitations here to blog for us occasionally on events in France.  I think that would interest many of our readers, and me too!


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 20:51 | #

Imagine no Internet.  Liberal atomisation would ensure there was no meaningful inter communication at any level, local, national, worldwide.

No BNP information escape the media blanket censorship, ditto white nationalism.

No MSM mention of anything that we all openly discuss here. Complete blank.

In other words, the elites would be running things exactly as they wished, no public resistance whatever, move along there, nothing to see here.

From the Chartists to the KKK and beyond, it’s not what the historical record shows.


Posted by Frank on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 20:55 | #

Fr. John,

I was addressing “morticia”.

My point is this: were England to move to Siberia, it would be more apt to marry out with other Siberians and essentially become a new nation. Even though race is the nation, the land and buildings serve that race too by tying them to their ancestors and origins.

Many English and Celtic (or ought I say “British”?) peoples in America have married out or at least come to identify more with citizens of America than with the British race(s). That’s not to say such is inevitable - only more likely.

The counter example might be Rhodesians who were known as “more British than the British”.


I too identify as British, though I don’t wish to move there for various reasons.


Posted by Frank on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 20:59 | #

Ah, I should add that I’m part French and really identify more as northwest European. The future remnant nation of America seems Anglo-centric made up of northwest European stock.

That’s my sense of nationalism - to each his own. (I’m addressing those who fall outside such a definition and are quietly “offended”...)


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 21:08 | #

- I have no faith whatsoever in the ability of the English people to implement a ‘final solution’ of the type GW wants.

The problem with faith, both yours and Guessedworkers new teleology, group will, is that it’s not falsifiable. Catholics, like Fred, are notorious for not reading the book but happy to just follow the papal decree. How is the English desire/ability to implement the final solution actually measured? Wilberforce repatriated Africans. The mass migration of Irish into Liverpool was never repulsed. The mass migration of Jews, held in enormous contempt by those living in proximity, into London was never repulsed. The Italians were rounded up and interned, in 1940, but the hysteria faded when some died crossing the Atlantic to Canada.

Demographics change. If immigration was restricted and family unification denied, the demographic trend seems to suggest a decline in immigrant birth rates to the level of the English. Without replenishment these “settled communites” may decline on their own.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 21:13 | #

There’s no bad faith involved at all GW.
All I’ve been trying (and obviously failing according to certain bigots here) to do is try to make sense of the real world we live in - the irrational circus punctuated by random acts of lunacy - and the way it actually works vis-a-vis ivory towers built upon clouds in the sky that seems to substitute for the first ‘acceptance’ stage (as opposed to ‘denial’) in the grieving process that passes for rationality here.
I hate the wogs as much as you do GW and wish them gone…...BUT…..we cannot found policy on hypotheticals - ‘if that happens - then this happens - then this group will rise up’ etc etc,just understand that I’m deeply sceptical about that particular line of thinking (the best laid plans of mice and men etc), history rarely if ever pans out along railroaded lines of thought - the truth is always much deeper and subtler.That’s the only point I’m trying to make - and getting insulted by barbarians for my pains in what I thought was a marketplace of ideas is rather unseemly.
It’s mechanistic thought I’m daring to protest against.My own view, for what’s it worth is that te future is an unformed matrix of general trends and themes yet to realise, and the best we can do is relate actual trends and tendencies we do know about into the future.The British political system won’t change, ‘race’ will be ruled out of debate and in short it’s business as usual.Count on it.
- That the wogs will get more jumpy as time marches on is really incidental to the main picture ie things just won’t change and what you are really doing is projecting your own anger onto a hypothesised (and no-existant) ‘mass movement’ that will act saviour-like in the way you crave.That’s where I have my problem as I keep repeating, yes it’s psychologically comforting but what scrap of real evidence have you got that events will take this turn? - yes, yes, yes ‘things will get so bad’ - but in itself that statement counts for nought, the kulaks starved by Stalin probably thought the same ‘oh it’s impossible that things will reach such a sorry pass SOMETHING will be done’.
If i’m guilty of anything (I can take being spat at and sworn at by barbarians), it is of trying to shake people out of loose thinking and harden them up to face reality as is, the Nietzschaen ideal in fact.


Posted by Frank on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 21:40 | #

The Spanish sent the Moors home. The Americans sent Mexicans home during Operation Wetback.

Nothing’s written in stone.


Another cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit; for a state is not the growth of a day, any more than it grows out of a multitude brought together by accident. Hence the reception of strangers in colonies, either at the time of their foundation or afterwards, has generally produced revolution; for example, the Achaeans who joined the Troezenians in the foundation of Sybaris, becoming later the more numerous, expelled them; hence the curse fell upon Sybaris. At Thurii the Sybarites quarrelled with their fellow-colonists; thinking that the land belonged to them, they wanted too much of it and were driven out. At Byzantium the new colonists were detected in a conspiracy, and were expelled by force of arms; the people of Antissa, who had received the Chian exiles, fought with them, and drove them out; and the Zancleans, after having received the Samians, were driven by them out of their own city. The citizens of Apollonia on the Euxine, after the introduction of a fresh body of colonists, had a revolution; the Syracusans, after the expulsion of their tyrants, having admitted strangers and mercenaries to the rights of citizenship, quarrelled and came to blows; the people of Amphipolis, having received Chalcidian colonists, were nearly all expelled by them.

If the nation state is truly too large to resist suicide, then rally the clans!


Posted by Frank on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 21:43 | #

“Demographics change” is a euphemism for “nations die”.


Posted by Angry Beard on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 21:46 | #

Frank’s hit the nail precisely on the head.
With that sharp little phrase he expressed the spirit of what I’m trying to get across in one sentence rather than hundreds of words.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:12 | #

The Spanish sent the Moors home. The Americans sent Mexicans home during Operation Wetback.

The Spanish also embraced mass miscegenation. How many Mexicans were actually repatriated is still debated, however, even if the premise is accepted, Americans were unable to repatriate Africans (neither Lincoln nor Grant), Jews, Catholics (Irish or eastern and southern Europeans). Demographics changed. Was it nation killing. No. It produced the white multicult now known as “White Nationalism”. 1924 is no longer the high tide point for “American” decline. Now it is 1965.

What does that tell us? The English are more or less likely to rise up and expell the “Other”. Please enlighten us o’ wise one.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:21 | #

Angry Beard November 03, 2009, 08:07 PM

The mistake is to think of the ‘masses’ as having a ‘will’.In modern Britain we’ere dealing with a largely deracinated, demoralized White population the lower class of which care for nothing except Eastenders, football, ‘reality TV’, clebrity magazines, alcohol,horrid nig-nog ‘music’,soap operas,horrid nig-nog ‘fashion’, horrid mock Jamaican (jafaican) accents,track-suits, baseball caps,pit-bulls, marijuana and oh, of course ‘Charlie’ (’Bolivian marching powder’

But it’s not only the British who are, passive as you say, it’s the whole of Western civilisation from Alaska to New Zealand, from Spain to Demark, From Ireland forever Eastwards.  Let us say a billion white souls, why do think all those others are passive as you call it?

I’ve opined here before, the reason is far more profound than just being passive.

But on a fairly superficial level, as regards Britain, I would say apathy is due in large part because our natural order of leadership has abandoned, nay declared war on them.  In fact our natural leaders or let’s say ruling class, quit the scene shortly after the end of WWII - but that’s another story.

Also to remember is there is no counter message to the one they constantly receive from that screen in the corner, or tabloid press, or cinema, or the myriad of computer game consoles. 

Add to this the relentless deconstruction of our culture by liberalism and it’s a no contest - game set and match.  Indifference, lethargy, passivity, apathy, unawareness, rudderless, dumbed down, uneducated, you name it.

But when England play soccer and attract a hundred thousand of the above baying and chanting, they soon become interested - especially if goaded on by the Sun.  Don’t forget, there is a million or more of such ‘passive’ youth on the streets of Britain.

But I guess your not talking about only youth, but all British people.  I too was disapointed at the results of the London elections - how can you explain that?  (Ignorance - unawareness)

We have to believe there’s a lot of pent up anger out there that only needs channelling to wherever it is needed.  Which shouldn’t be too difficult when they are cattle prodded from their comfort zone.

But you say no, you don’t see it.  Fair enough!


What and when was the defining moment that caused you to find out more or did you know already what was going on - and why?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:21 | #

Or Chinese or Japaneses during and after WWII. Even after the infamy of December 7, 1941,(or for Canadians, Christmas 1941 in Hongkong) all that North Americans could muster was internment. Even the horrors of Battan and Japanese POW camps would not rally Yanks and Canucks to expel the Oriental other.



Posted by Bill on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:29 | #

Frank November 04, 2009, 08:43 PM

“Demographics change” is a euphemism for “nations die”.

Make that civilisations.


Posted by notuswind on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:43 | #

In my opinion most of the contributors to this thread have missed the point.

Yes it is true that Westerners have degraded themselves to the point where we have (for the most part) lost the will to resist our own dissolution.  We are in such a state that it is almost comical to imagine the likes of the English (or my fellow White Americans) rousing themselves in defense of their own in any significant way.  I think Angry Beard’s main point rests on this observation.

However, the unfortunate state of our people is irrelevant to the fact that the current liberal regime is dying.  Just because these people have been able to seize power and hold onto it for more than a generation doesn’t mean that they can do it forever.  There will be opportunities.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:48 | #

Make that civilisations.

Yeah baby, that will really rally the troops! What time will you be at the barricades? Do you even a own gun?


Posted by Armor on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:55 | #

” I honestly believe we will see civil war in Europe and the US. “

Today, we have a huge majority of white people who disapprove of race-replacement but do nothing about it, a class of immoral traitors (politicians, journalists, bishops…) who go along with it, high-ranking officials who are satisfied to follow any orders they are given, a number of misanthropic “left-wing” nihilists who like to wreck people’s lives, and a tiny number of anti-white string-pullers.

In a civil war, who would take arms against us? Not the string-pullers, not the politicians, not the bishops. Maybe a handful of stupid, ornery “left-wing” lunatics would dare to take arms against the white majority, but they would be no match. If a civil war broke out now, our declared enemies would stand no chance at all. The real danger would come from the self-styled moderates on our own side. Some of them will recommend we renounce our plan of entirely cancelling the race-replacement of the last half-century.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 23:00 | #

In a civil war, who would take arms against us?

The state. Remmember Waco, Randy Weaver or the LDS Church in Texas?


Posted by Armor on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 23:23 | #

If Western governments send the army to subdue white people and continue the race-replacement policy, I don’t think the army will go along with it. Of course, I may be wrong.

I see the Waco shootout as only a botched police operation.


Posted by Armor on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 00:00 | #

I too was disapointed at the results of the London elections - how can you explain that?  (Ignorance - unawareness) (—Bill)

It shows that people are not entirely rational. They will vote for someone who enjoys a reputation as a decent person even if he has a record of supporting race-replacement. They will react to slogans, posturing, vilification and social pressure. If the English could enlist in a liberation army to help expel the immigrants and reclaim England for the English, I think there would be no shortage of volunteers, even from people who voted for Labour or the Conservatives in the last election. Unfortunately, they are not ready yet to join a clandestine army. Giving their lives for their country is all right, but only if it is approved by government. People have a need for official approbation.


Posted by ben tillman on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 00:09 | #

It’s not as simple as that.Race means nothing without living-space - it is living space that is the womb that race sprung forth - as any Darwinian will tell you geographical isolation is the second necessary precondition (after a shared gene pool), that turned an amoeba into a man.
When yu have two or more sub-species duking it out for the same living space, then things get very complicated.As I said it’s purely a numbers game and the othe side have got the momentum - and now cruciaaly, they’ve got the edge.What happens in the immediate future is critical.
Yes i know some entertain all sorts of fantasies involving a ‘fight-back’ possibly or possibly not involving nuclear weaponry, but I, sitting here in the thick of race replaced south London am deeply sceptical

Angry Beard—

They are parasites.  They cannot live without sufficient numbers of us to support them.  At some point, it is inevitable that the territory will revert to our control.


Posted by Svigor on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 00:26 | #

The problem is not military or political, but spiritual/psychological.  Our eminence grises are few in number.  If a few swing from lampposts, the rest will change their tune.  The trouble is will, not way.

It will be easy to solve our problems if we perceive the problem and resolve to act.  In sufficient (much less than most would think) quantity and quality, of course.  But that’s the rub, isn’t it?  We’re pretty busily pretending the problem’s a great good.


Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 00:35 | #

If Western governments send the army to subdue white people and continue the race-replacement policy, I don’t think the army will go along with it. Of course, I may be wrong.


As to who might take arms against us, in Britain the military owes its allegiance to the Crown not to the state. I believe that’s still the case in Canada and Australia also.

A subtle distinction but one of great potential significance at a future time of serious internal conflict.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 00:51 | #

The enemy would be the security apparatus working offensively through south Asian and Arab proxies trained in terror tactics and defensively though a MultiCult militia in the urban landscape.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 02:42 | #

If Western governments send the army to subdue white people and continue the race-replacement policy, I don’t think the army will go along with it. Of course, I may be wrong.

Back to the paradox of multicult power. Its at its strongest now because the functioning of the state and its police/military is still dependent on competant whites to make it work and whites are still the majority of the population.

As non-whites reach majority status either the state will have to maintain the whiteness of these institutions in which case we have the clear beginnings of a de facto ‘us and them’ situation. Or these instituations will increasingly reflect the demographics around them. Thus they will become more incompetant and their use to enforce tolerance</irony> will make the racist nature of the system to to the white minority.

One could argue then about SA or Rhodesia but one cant look at these in isolation. Behind their black usurpers stand western multicultists and their political/economic power.

If countries like the UK & US go down that route who is going to lead ‘international opinion’ (along with the necessary power) to crush white interests then? Thats also the paradox of the multicult writ large and international.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 02:45 | #

Ah the irony, I spelled ‘incompetent’ wrong!

I was in a hurry!


Posted by Western Rebirth on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 03:34 | #

Ignore the proclamations of defeatists like ‘Angry Beard’ and remember the words of historian Kenneth Clark: “It is lack of confidence, more than anything else, that kills a civilisation. We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs.”


Posted by ben tillman on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 04:54 | #

For those of you who are discouraged and wonder, what is the point of fighting?—I have a better question for you:

What is the point of giving up?


Posted by Baldwin de Cormier on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 05:10 | #

What is the point of giving up?

I prefer to call it “benign neglect.”  It is an expression of my general powerlessness.  At this time we can only go the way fortune’s wind deign to blow us.  Perhaps our prospects will improve, perhaps they will not.  I’d love to see all of this hell put to right, but who can say what the outcome will be?  I wash my hands of the constant worry and harbor no expectations.  Going on with my life is imperative, seeing the survival of the Aryan race is secondary.  This present situation has come about as the result of plans made generations ago, why waste time agonizing over the facts as they now sit?  Most Aryans alive today don’t.

My promise is, if the opportunity presents itself to rise and throw off our slavers and persecutors, I will fight beside you.  If, if, if.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 05:16 | #

And talking of declining competence in the US military…

How long can an effective army be maintained while accomodating garbage like this in the ranks?

Saw that linked to at isteve.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 05:38 | #

“My promise is, if the opportunity presents itself to rise and throw off our slavers and persecutors, I will fight beside you.  If, if, if.”  (—Baldwin de Cormier)

But that’s all anyone asks, Baldwin — asks of you; asks of anyone. 

Your promise is gold, comrade. 

Thank you.


Posted by Frank on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 06:09 | #

One could argue then about SA or Rhodesia but one cant look at these in isolation. Behind their black usurpers stand western multicultists and their political/economic power.

Pres. Carter, with help from the Brits, took out Rhodesia.

Before the mindless missionary stepped in, Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa!

Whites have and can rule blacks when necessary, even when in a very small minority. It’s tough to sell produce though when major trading partners and media orgs are boycotting and propagandising…

Carter is a perfect example of an honest, well-intending idiot liberal.


Posted by Thunder on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 08:10 | #

Angry Beard
“...for what’s it worth is that te future is an unformed matrix of general trends and themes yet to realise, and the best we can do is relate actual trends and tendencies we do know about into the future.The British political system won’t change, ‘race’ will be ruled out of debate and in short it’s business as usual.Count on it.”

Angry Beard already has his hands in the air muttering some sort of existential, fatalistic mumbo jumbo.  He doesn’t sound like the kind of ally I would want watching my back.  He may consider himself a WN but he is not a worthwhile ally, angry or otherwise.

He may be one of those (insert Deadwood nose gesture here) or arguing in bad faith. I don’t know.  Hopefully we will see.


Posted by Silent_Majority on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 09:54 | #

This Angry Beard character is just a typical hipster with all complaints and no constructive suggestions. And/or consumed by fatalist depression. It happens to the best of us, but ignore or block those kinds of posts. This “scene” is in vital need of (compassionately) silencing the all-talk, no-ideas hipsters.


Posted by Angry Beard on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 11:14 | #

In reply to Dasein, I think the the best example of tmy thesis is the fate of southern California.
‘The Golden State’, ‘the earthly paradise’ ‘mediterranean climate, you can go skiing in the morning, surfing in the afternoon etc etc’.
It was the epitome of the American dream, cheap houses , plentiful good jobs in the aircraft industry etc.
Forty years later it is - in the main - an utter, utter shithole infested with the most vicious type of wog, Rio de Janeiro mark 2.
How and why did ‘White America’ give up te jewel in its crown for nothing?, no pay-back, nothing in return nada.It was purely simply a unilateral rout with nothing gained in return - a passive rape (I resisted the temptation this time to insert the prefix ‘arse’ before rape).
Don’t you think there’s a moral there?.
Wasn’t exact the same phenomenom repeated in half hundred cities across the USA?
Certain people here can talk, talk, talk about ‘provisonal governments’ ‘5 year plans’ ‘once the revolution comes’ etc (in this they remind very strongly of many a pathetical old lefty I know who still clings to the fantasy that the ‘working class’ will rise up - only he’s been knocking on thir door for 40 years and has only grown more grey, bald and pathetic), but no matter how much hot air is generated, how many castles in the sky erected every day America gets a little browner and whole states let alone cities tip to the other side with nary a squeak.
As I said before does anyone here really, seriously believes that White America will get LA back?
Will it get Chicago back or NYC back?
  The state of Texas?
Do you really, seriously believe that? - that’s the knub of the matter.The fact that the USA will be majority non-White in a generation I merely mention in passing.
Yes you can all slag me off as much as you want as ‘defeatist’, pessimist’ etc etc - but I don’t like dealing in fantasy.No hope is better than false hope, delusion.
As Deasein said, we must examine the reasons as to why? - one theory I have is the ‘worms eating the bones’ theory namely that the nature of the threat is by nature underhand and thusly no strategem of a leadership (sans membership mind you), is adequate to deal with a threat that is atomized and sociological in nature - it’s not a battle of apparatus versus apparatus but a slow deadly infiltration of people, viruses admist a body politic that hasn’t got a clue and hasn’t got an ‘overbrain’ (no matter how many here think they are the ‘overbrain’).
Yes rage as much you like about ‘elites’, ‘political classes’, teddy kennedy, Jews etc - the levers of power policy, no democracy etc etc etc.But the point is what’s done is done.they’re plan worked beautifully - why wasn’t oppostion expressed years ago when we had our chance? - That’s the real question.
Why were we dumb then? (Powell was the exception).
Anyhow.I stress I am not here to provoke or anger or for any foul reason (as some have stated).I’m simply trying to engage debate, serious soul-searching and if I’ve done anything I hope to have dispelled the notion of some Jesus-like saviour waiting in heaven who will deliver you all from evil.
Man is made of dust and to the dust he shall return.
The realisation must be that we live or do according to the realities of brute life, we cannot waste effort indulging fantastical ideas whose real and only root is the psychological need to blind ourselves to reality.


Posted by Angry Beard on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 12:51 | #

At least in Britain we’ve got the BNP.
Yes, the parliamentary system is biased against it and it faces overwhelming odds, but the ‘cluster’ or ‘powerbase’ theory which I propose (ie BNP activists target specific geographical areas such as Dagenham and Barking etc where an actual potential vote base receptive to BNP ideas - most notable council housing - actually exists), is the way to go.In clusters can ‘community values’ be wrought and the elusive sense of ‘identity’ and the desiratum that that sense of ‘identity’ extends to thinking of a political party as being of the ‘same blood’.A tall order but one that must be achieved.
I know that the Big Griff gets slagged off here a lot, but by and large I think he’s a good and astute leader, and he seems to intuite a lot of what I say notably the folly of any proposed ‘sudden revolution’.Griffo is at his best speaking at the stump - the Question Time performance is not typical of the man’s calibre.
Strangely enough, I think Griffo is mostly Irish and not very English at all - he seems to have the main Irish characteristics in looks, verbal agility aand passionate speech and the big body build/bluff bully aspect notable in the Kennedys.
Alas you Americans haven’t even got anything like the BNP to contend with - and no hard-core of disaffected expatriate Cockneys (displaced to Essex) to appeal to.


Posted by eh on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 14:17 | #

Roads and televisions and medical care. They come for the superior technical infrastructure available in western countries. Since they’ve been unable to build the same environment for themselves, no one should be surprised when they fail to contribute proportionately once they arrive. Yet this seems hardly to be noted by the bureaucrats.

From my comment link:

One in three Muslim homes have dependent children but no working adults.


Posted by Angry Beard on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 15:08 | #

When Scrooby blasts a mouthfull of bad-breath in my direction and others throw all sorts of nasty names at me I was merely trying to make this point which I’ll attempt to itemize:
1/. Serious demographic studies in the UK tell us that the UK will be majority non-White by around the year 2040.Non-Whites probably already account for the majority of live births.UK government knows this but keeps a circumspect silence.You can glean it from the (disclosed) fact that 25% of births are to foreign mothers.
2/. It is not unreasonable to assume that demographic power equates to political power and thusly the state organs of ‘police’ and ‘security’.Bear in mind by mid-century most of the young male adolescents will be black or brown - hence extrapolating from demographics alone (somthing that is actually tangible and predictable), we can see our situation is dire.I cannot see how this statement can be rationallly challenged.Unfortunately the fantasy expounded by some here of somehow in the future an uprising of Whites will throw the wogs out seems more likely to be reversed than to be actualised.
GW, Scrooby et al. - you should entertain the possibility that Whites might be on the receiving end of any ‘forced expulsion’.Here I am myself indulging in a ‘futuristic fantasy’, but judging on evidence this fantasy is perhaps the more likely of the two.

Such is our dire state.We must be hard-headed and rational in facing up to it and not ostrich-like.
Britain has hope in the form of the BNP which must form the generalized ‘umbrella group’ of White EGI.
  I believe that Griffo’s strategy of winning elections at all costs, ‘cluster’ formation and mainstreaming the BNP (ie at least silencing those who advocate openly extreme measures), is the right course of action.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 15:41 | #

Psychologizing others is always a form of supremacism, and psychologizing one’s own racial brothers, or pathologising their views, is a form of sibling rivalry in which the normal bounds have been broken.

Like “uh”, who is made worse by his superfice, Angry Beard seemingly cannot comprehend that Freud was wrong, and immorally so, because Freud was not motivated by the pursuit of a human truth but of his own and his tribe’s supremacism.  When one turns away from such alien hatred, ceases to be its servant, ceases to analyse and thereby clamber above one’s brothers one might ... might:

a) See into the world.

b) See oneself and one’s own.

Angry Beard will want to do neither.  For reasons only he can know, but probably doesn’t, he is too attached to the need to label and mischaracterise others.  His chief but by no means only mischaracterisation is to fail to distinguish between a childish refusal to face facts - so pleasurably unlike his own bearded but no doubt lantern-jawed and gimlet-eyed, superior self - from the detailed and proper examination of the politics of a European life and the creation of new ideas tending to the same.  He cannot see that a dirge-like analysis of postmodernity (which, in fairness, is just about all he is offered elsewhere, and which is the standard method for kicking the sleepful sheep into wakefulness) is not the same as creative thought, and so he cannot apprehend MR.

If I was going to psychologise him, I would make great play of his projection of sibling rivalry.  But I am not going to do that.  I am going to challenge him to step free of the protective carapace of false pride and dirge-like sentiment and attempt, at least, to find the meaning of what is done here.


Posted by the Narrator... on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 15:50 | #

There is reason to be optimistic about the ultimate fate of our people. But we are at the end of an era. America as she was is gone for good. There will hopefully be a place for Whites in North America, but it will be an island surrounded by hostile foes.
The America that existed 50 years ago is gone and will never come back. Whites today are probably around 52% of the population and dropping.

Western Europe will most likely (in a similar vain) be forced to partition off for itself areas for its people.

One thing we have to face is that we will be a divided people. It’s not just the non-Whites but the Whites who have pledged allegiance to others who we must contend with.

Our darkest and most dreadful days our before us, not behind us.

We have a future. It is just that it will be less than it might have been. It will be bleak and it will be harsh. But from those conditions a stronger people may be forged and a golden dawn will come in the long centuries ahead.



Posted by Angry Beard on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 16:35 | #

I’m not ‘pathologising’, patronising or ‘psychoanalysing’ anyone.
Whilst on the subject of all things medical, it was only in the 18th century that medicine bcame a science, strictly speaking, and the former quackery that prevailed was banished.
- What do I mean by a ‘science’, the medical establishment great physicians and anatomists all who took over and cleared out the profession made the following principle sacrosanct - everything must be traced back to its first causes only reference to direct evidence and observation.
The erroneous theories of Galen and the Greeks which previously held sway were unceremoniously junked.No more black bile, yellow bile, leeches, full moons etc.
- Why this pompous little digression? - As I’ve repeated a hundred times my conclusions are merely drawn from strict, impartial, disinterested observation concerning trends which are as real as the nose on your face.I don’t deal with hypotheticals ‘maybe this, maybe that, Hister* shall arise in the east with a host of chariots etc etc’ - perhaps the talk here is little more refined, but the general gist is the same, yes, yes it’s a planned programme for the future, but it no more represents reality than picking the Derby winner of 2012 based on numerology.
No all I’m trying to do is to inject realism - and therefore real strategies - into the debate.No offence is intended, but losing focus on the real state of play by indulging in fantasy is not merely unproductive but dangerous in the sense it’s delusional.
What is ‘shallow’ or ‘unfair’ about my ‘complaints’? If anything’s shallow it’s building a false utopia.
I also find the intolerance given to constructive dissent here unsettling.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 16:36 | #

I will repeat:  the piece of excrement signing as Angry Beard is a knowing, conscious race-replacement advocate who, for whatever reason, feigns sympathy for our side while endeavoring to get us to mentally surrender and embrace divershitty.  This person secretly likes race-replacement.  Count on it.  He does not want race-replacement overthrown.


Posted by Angry Beard on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 18:44 | #

With idiots like ‘Fred Scrooby’ (who has the manners and demeanour of a flatulent caveman) apparently being the leading-light of this forum, then you’ve got no hope.
Actually I couldn’t give a shit about Scrooby and I’d just wish he’d spray his foul breath somewhere else and not on the thread I’m attempting to use.I’m more interested in the cerebral writers here like Dan Dare or Wandrin not hysteric hissy-fit morons.
Scrooby, fuck off and leave my line of thought alone - I’m not interested in you or your hysterics.

Count on it.Scrooby will get all upset and petition GW to ban me.Fair enough, but it just shows that the people here aren’t big enough or strong enough to listen to what they don’t want to hear.
-Anyhow Scrooby after running crying to GW will get me banned (web fascism), but here’s my parting shot:
GW, you’ve got 20 years at the outset to implement your grand scheme - the same length of time in the future as to when Maggie Thatcher was kicked out in the past.Do you really think you can do it?, do you really think that Westminster, the Tories, Labour, the whole political damned machine, the whole gubbins of the state the juiciary, the police ,MI5, the army, the local authorities,everything, all the vested interests let alone the mass media and the globalists are all going to roll over and disappear just because you want them to?Do you really, seriously believe that? Do you?, Have you any possible, nay last vestigial understanding of the sheer inertia of vested interests , have you any idea of the lack of interest in your schemes amongst the general population? do you really think you’ll get any traction? any support base? we can pontificate as much as we want but try explaining your schemes to the punter that matters the lorry-driver from Wembley, see how far you’ll get.

*Hister, not tob confused with Hitler (qv), mythological figure mentioned in Nostradamus’s ‘quatrains’, quite instrumental in amateur apocalypse theory.


Posted by Baldwin de Cormier on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 19:01 | #

Yes rage as much you like about ‘elites’, ‘political classes’, teddy kennedy, Jews etc - the levers of power policy, no democracy etc etc etc.But the point is what’s done is done.they’re plan worked beautifully - why wasn’t oppostion expressed years ago when we had our chance? - That’s the real question.
-Angry Beard

Why?  Because international Jewry is very good at wholesale infiltration and transformation of political systems, i.e. the “Glorious” Revolution (yes, it was funded by the Suassos), the “French” Revolution which enslaved my ancestors, the “Russian” Revolution, and now the MultiCult Revolution.  It is a reversible state of affairs but I am pessimistic about it because changing it would require a momentous effort of will on behalf of our people which I am not sure we are any longer capable of.


Posted by anonymous on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 19:47 | #

Posted by Angry Beard on November 05, 2009, 10:14 AM | #
‘’I’m simply trying to engage debate, serious soul-searching and if I’ve done anything I hope to have dispelled the notion of some Jesus-like saviour waiting in heaven who will deliver you all from evil’’
‘’Serious soul-searching’’/’’dispelled the notion of some Jesus-like saviour waiting in heaven who will deliver you all from evil’’.
The ’White European’’ race the wannabe ‘’Bani Israel’’ LOOOOL.


Posted by Martin Spencer on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 21:27 | #

Angry Beard,

Thank you for trying to introduce some reason into this “debate”.



Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 21:40 | #

I will repeat:  the piece of excrement signing as Angry Beard is a knowing, conscious race-replacement advocate who, for whatever reason, feigns sympathy for our side while endeavoring to get us to mentally surrender and embrace divershitty.

Or maybe it’s the Putnam Syndrome.

In the presence of [ethnic] diversity, we hunker down. We act like turtles. The effect of diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it’s not just that we don’t trust people who are not like us. In diverse communities, we don’t trust people who do look like us. —Harvard professor Robert D. Putnam

If there is a sociological impact of living in a diverse society, can reason be trusted or is it somehow impacted by proximity to a diverse environment?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 22:27 | #

Martin Spencer,

Failing to distinguish the purpose of raising and discussing ideas from that of taking actions is not “reason”.  Further, revolutionary potential is not the same thing as, and is not dependent upon, the anger of the public.


Posted by Aphoristic on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 22:46 | #

Dasein:“One thing I also learned fairly recently, part of his unfortunate baggage, is that he has a glass eye.  I’d assumed the problems with his left eye were congenital.”

On Griffin: “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” [Erasmus]


Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 00:11 | #

It is a reversible state of affairs but I am pessimistic about it because changing it would require a momentous effort of will on behalf of our people which I am not sure we are any longer capable of.

It is reversible. This is a man-made problem. It is not an irreversible act of nature, like a tsunami or an earthquake. The invasion and occupation of white countries are a direct result of government policy and as such can be reversed.

What it requires, when you get right down to it, is a willingness to—nay an enthusiasm for—draw enemy blood. No more debate. No more discussion. The time for action is near. And when I say action I mean acts of war that will shock the country, the world, but which are entirely morally justified.

There is a minority of us for whom this does not present a problem. But for the gutless majority who balk at what the impending crisis will require them to do, whose outdated pseudo-Christian ethics stop short of actually defending themselves and their families, all I can say is: when the time comes get the f*ck out of our way.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 01:57 | #

Selous Scout,

Anyone can stand up and say “this is what x religion teaches”.

Takimag is celebrating this pagan getting a City Council seat (some part of Queens, NY, USA)


Posted by Armor on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 05:04 | #

Dasein: “Whites aren’t disappearing, they’re just moving somewhere they can start over again.”

In fact, white people are both displaced AND replaced. They are moving away, but their birth rate has also been badly hit, as shown by the inverted pyramid.

Dasein: “Presently, we are building up a sufficient titre with which to infect the body politic.  If we can even just get a few memes, like ‘race-replacement’, into public discourse we will have done much more than ‘talk, talk, talk’.”

Some explosives work with two components that go boom when they meet. In our case, the bottom component is basic, instinctual anger building up among white people (at least, I hope so), and the top component is the intellectual zeitgeist.

Selous Scout: “for the gutless majority who balk at what the impending crisis will require them to do”

Americans did not balk that much at the Iraq war, which killed more than 4000 Americans, and was useless from an American point of view.

Selous Scout: “What it requires, when you get right down to it, is a willingness to—nay an enthusiasm for—draw enemy blood.”

I wonder what a civil war would look like. A lot of political assassinations? Racial riots followed by curfews and total racial separation in some cities? Bomb attacks against government troops? Will the diversity-is-strength propaganda go on during a civil war? If it stops for more than three days, I hope people will come to their senses long enough to rebel and destroy the propaganda machine.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 07:58 | #

One could argue then about SA or Rhodesia but one cant look at these in isolation. Behind their black usurpers stand western multicultists and their political/economic power.

South Africa is a good example. Would apartheid have ever fallen internally without the hostility of the white nations? If the white nations turned round and said they would support an apartheid South Africa does anyone think the remaining White South Africans couldn’t take the whole place back despite being outnumbered?

I believe that Griffo’s strategy of winning elections at all costs, ‘cluster’ formation and mainstreaming the BNP (ie at least silencing those who advocate openly extreme measures), is the right course of action.

I think there may have been a misunderstanding on here over means and ends.

I agree with Griffin’s tactics. I agree even if they’re not just tactics but his actual end game. I think the enemy control of the mass media means people have to be radicalized in stages and if you present them with an endgame before they’re ready then they’ll reject it. However i also agree that any endgame that would be acceptable enough to gain substantial political success and avoid being bombed to the stone age by US aircraft carriers would not go far enough. It’s a catch 22.

My personal conclusion it that there needs to be a first stage and a second stage but they must run concurrently not sequentially. The second stage must exist in the background and be thought of and planned for but separate from the first stage.

Striving for the first stage, as long as it is acceptable to the people but unacceptable to the enemy, could lead to a reaction that automatically creates the second stage - most revolutions happen that way, it’s the state crackdown of a peaceful political movement that sparks the revolution.

If that doesn’t work then the second stage must let the first stage mature as far as it can and at the point where it has become acceptable and stagnant then the second stage leapfrog over or splits off from it to take things further. (At which point a separate 3rd stage may be neccessary to repeat the process if that 2nd movement also stops short).

Lastly, if neither of those works then it’s the reconquista solution where physically defended enclaves like the Loyalist/Nationalist areas of Belfast are created from which we may be able to reclaim what is ours, even if it takes as long as it did the Spanish.

So i agree with you that one neccessary half of the means is something BNP-like. However i also think there’s a second neccessary part of the means which should be more private. Speaking personally GW’s post would fit into what i would call that second stage thinking even though i’m more of a 98% man rather than 100%.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 08:07 | #

Forgot to say what a great idea this video series is from the BNP boys. Thanks to the red media there’s still many people in the UK outside the big cities who have no idea how far things have gone.

What it requires, when you get right down to it, is a willingness to—nay an enthusiasm for—draw enemy blood.

What it requires is numbers. Once there’s number and momentum things will start to take off on their own. One of the things that prevents numbers and momentum is premature violence. There is much greater benefit from the enemy striking the first blows, as is proven by the public reaction to the UAF’s activities in the UK.


Posted by Angry Beard on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 09:34 | #

Lest I get further accused of peddling negativity, I state again England’s only hope lies with the BNP and onto Nick Griffin’s shoulders rests an enormous burden.
The right strategy is for the BNP to assume the mantle of a ‘popular front’ and an all encompassing umbrella organisation - which becomes associated in the (aware) English public mind as *their* party and *their* defenders.
That is the herculanean task facing the BNP.To this end it ill-behooves us to snipe at Griffo and BNP policy.
The analogy is that we must srive for the BNP to be the authentic ‘national voice’ rather in the same vein that the ANC, Sinn Fein and the PLO assumed the mantle of being the ‘voice’ of their own particular sectional interest.
It is here that I take issue with GW - we cannot speak of ‘provisional governments’ ‘mass expulsions’ and all the rest until we get the basics sorted first, most notably power-base building - a long, tortuous and mostly thankless task.
That’s why I keep banging on about the disenfranchised, wog-hating, Cockney lumpen-proletariat of Dagenham, who see African savages from Congo get roomy council houses whilst Gordon Brown condemns them to damp garretts.This is the ‘cluster’ theory.All politics is local and by degrees we must prey on these peoples natural instincts, frustration and anger, coupled with the deep call of blood that is only barely buried with these people.We must also capitalize on their bloody-mindedness and sense of indignant defiance in order that they are happy to be ‘awkward’.
It is from these clusters that momentum will gather.

This is the ‘realistic’ alternative - actually trying to work with the material we’eve got rather than airy-fairy fantasies with no actual grounded reality.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 12:17 | #

This is the ‘realistic’ alternative - actually trying to work with the material we’eve got rather than airy-fairy fantasies with no actual grounded reality.

I may be wrong but i think there still may be a misunderstanding here.

I agree with the realistic approach as a tactic. Griffin’s proved that it’s the right way, or at least one right way, to get the ball moving. However, I also think there’s a natural and possibly unavoidable human tendency with that tactic to gradually start believing the currently realistic endgame is the only realistic endgame. So alongside the main realistic approach i believe there needs to be something else and separate that helps to keep eyes focused on the prize.

The way i see it is something like a three stage moon rocket. The first stage gets you to a certain point, then the second stage takes over and finally the third. Each section of the rocket is a means and has an end but only the last gets you to final destination. If that makes sense?


Posted by Angry Beard on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 13:55 | #

Yes, I understand what you are saying - I am the first to argue that a “secret” cabal - a dark temple within a temple must be at the heart of policy-making, and its ultimate plans must be kept hidden from the profane.
I like the analogy of an ‘intiated priesthood’ and of the freemasons (Griffo’s dad is one of the world’s leading masons).
The’outward’ BNP might be considered the ‘public’ church, but the dark ‘priesthood’ actually planning and running the show shall remain forever hidden.
Needless to say ‘the temple’ first allegiance will be to the ‘god’ of genetics.All else is profane and for the birds.


Posted by Antisocialist on Wed, 11 Nov 2009 18:47 | #

Bill linked to an article called ‘How the British Use the Media for Mass Psychological Warfare’ Anyone wondering how we’ve arrived at the situation now facing us need only read that article to get an idea of the psychological onslaught that’s been waged on the people of Britain and elsewhere in the world. The article focuses on the mother of all mind control organisations ‘The Tavistock Institute’. It also discusses its links with the cultural Marxists of The Frankfurt School. Both colloborating in new and imaginative ways of subverting the West.

In the article we read how they “reduce complex problems to simplistic formulas [in order that people] form their opinion by what they believe others around them believe”. They conclude that “truth hardly enters into such considerations”. They talk of enforced “retardation” and inducing “regressive mental states”. One of the aims was “a mass ‘re-educational’ campaign to break the last vestiges of national resistance, especially within the United States, to this new, one-world order.” The ability to ‘shape public perception’ is extremely important to the success of their World Government aim. ‘They’ control the source of the news as well as its dissemination through print and TV. The TV, that box in the corner of the living room, being the most important propaganda tool of all .

Anyone imagining that a violent struggle of any sorts will bear fruit is, I’m afraid, delusional. They have already given themselves all the authoritarian powers they need and they have an army (quite literally) of mind controlled ‘servicemen’ who have sworn allegiance to the Crown. Besides, with the final barrier to the creation of a European Federal superstate having now gone any resistance is likely to be met by security forces of a European type. The real war, as we can see above, is the one for the minds of the masses. As soon as someone becomes aware of the fact that they are being programmed, conditioned and brainwashed its effectiveness greatly diminishes. It also causes a huge amount of re-appraisal on everything. They are aware of this but place their hopes in the idea that “the mass of absolutely illiterate, of feeble minded, grossly neurotic, undernourished and frustrated individuals is very considerable, much more considerable, there is reason to think, than we generally suppose. Thus a wide popular appeal is circulated among persons who are mentally children or barbarians, whose lives are a morass of entanglements, people whose vitality is exhausted, shut-in people, and people whose experience has comprehended no factor in the problem under discussion”. That they have helped to create this state of affairs is beyond dispute.

For me, this is the war that not only needs to be won but can be won. It requires great consideration over both what is said and how it’s said. For example, Majority Rights is written for and appeals to those of a higher intellect and quite rightly so. It is certainly necessary to discuss matters in this manner. But consideration should also be given to how relevant information is compiled and disseminated for those of medium and lower intellects. A great degree of discipline is also necessary because it’s not only important what is said but how it’s said. No more references to ‘wogs’ (which is not something I’d personally ever do anyway), Hitler (though it beggars belief that anyone should want to be associated with him) or even referring to the ‘Jews’ in a generalised manner. Not all Jews, by a long stretch, are involved in this and neither is it a purely Jewish enterprise. Be specific. Language is everything.

The vast majority of people dismiss the idea of there being a conspiracy to create a World Government. That in itself is testament to the power of the mind control techniques being used against us. They have a euphemism for this agenda which is the creation of a New World Order. The International Marxists and Fabians Socialists (Communists) and other assorted ‘leftists’ and the Global Capitalist (Corporatist) ‘right’ make up the thesis and anti-thesis of this particular Hegelian dialectic. The synthesis, or ‘third way’, will look a lot like China. Monopoly capitalism for the elite few and socialism for the masses. Not an appealing prospect.

Pretty much everything that happens in this country and the wider world can be seen through the prism of the World Government agenda. This includes mass immigration and political correctness (cultural Marxism) which are the main weapons in the attempt to destroy our nationality. Multiculturism and diversity are really no more than euphemisms for the oldest trick in the book, divide and rule. The most important assault on the nation is, of course, the European Union. The agenda is relentless, destructive and I’ve no hesitation in describing it as evil. The nation states of the world and the indigenous inhabitants of those states must be destroyed or effectively neutralised. I could go in to this a lot more but the point I’m attempting to make is this. It seems to me that you here at MR see the fight from the sole perspective of the destruction of the nation and natives of Britain (particularly England), Europe and the wider ‘white’, Western, world. What I’m saying is that this is merely one (though possibly the most important for us) aspect of a much larger agenda. One that affects both us and the ethnic minorities that have been cynically used to further the aims of the global elites. A correct and clear expression of what the agenda involves could gain a degree of sympathy and support from ethnic minorities. After all, we both have the same enemy. I’m not saying that you necessarily have to dilute your aims to do this, just understand the bigger picture and discuss it with honesty.


Posted by Antisocialist on Wed, 11 Nov 2009 18:53 | #

It’s my feeling that a large degree of ‘shaping public perception’ is at work in regards to the BNP. Many place all their hope in them. All I can say on that subject is that the World Government agenda has been planned for many, many years. They have always controlled all political parties of any relevance. The idea they wouldn’t have foreseen the development of a ‘nationalist’ resistance movement of some sorts is impossible. As ever they would want to control the opposition. The history of Freemasonry in the Griffin family is enough to ring alarm bells. Then there are a few who claim to know for a fact that Griffin is controlled. I made contact with an ex BNP councillor from the Midlands who left because he was convinced that both Griffin and Simon Darby (the press man and deputy leader) were state controlled and he knew both of them very well. For me the thing that makes me suspicious is the involvement of Mark Collet. His various pronouncements have earned him the nickname ‘Nazi boy’. Whether allowing him to be the subject of a Russell Brand documentary was sensible is debatable. To then retain him as part of your ‘team’ is highly questionable. But after all that to then put him forward as the voice of the young BNP for a recent BBC radio interview is more than a little strange. Collet is not the only one of those in positions of responsibility within the BNP that have such baggage and is tolerated and protected by Griffin. Giving your opponents such easy opportunities to criticise you makes no sense at all. I can think of no other political party that would do such a thing. As the author of ‘Griffin Watch’ pointed out, there’s enough information on his site to bury Griffin for ever. The elites seem more than happy to keep him in power.

It’s been said before that if the pro-immigration, diversity is strength lobby didn’t have the BNP they’d have to invent them. The BNP in their current form are absolutely indispensable to the multi-culturists. In the context of brainwashing and psychological persuasion it’s far easier to convince people to be against what the ‘fascists, ‘racists’, ‘Nazis’ and ‘extremists’ of the BNP want or stand for than it is to make a cogent argument for the radical transformation of our towns and cities. It also makes it easier to close down any debate. The ‘elites’ are using an enormous amount of reverse psychology to build the BNP up as a credible force. Their biggest fear is that a reasonable, clear and coherent nationalist group or organisation that has no links or associations with Hitler, the Nazi’s, Holocaust Denial or Fascism should become a force. Such an organisation with the courage of its convictions, the will to stand against the inevitable psychological onslaught and the knowledge with which to argue its case would be much harder for the elites to handle. It seems to me this is exactly what’s needed, a vehicle that cannot be easily tagged with the ‘extremist’ label. Relying just on the BNP and Nick Griffin for salvation seems a foolish tactic. An effective pressure group would be much easier to create, develop and mobolise and could be used to counter the influence of the Tavistock inspired social engineers. Its aim would be to inform the public and to put pressure on all political parties, including the BNP.

The harder question is what would be the organisation’s aims. A clear expression of what is being fought for rather than against. To be successful it would need to include a broad spectrum of anti-immigration, pro-British opinion. Its appeal would have to be wide enough to accomodate those at Majority Rights as well as the Laban Tall’s of this world. My own suggestion is that it is one step at a time. Lessons need to be learnt from the tactics that have been deployed against us. Step one is to stop all further immigration. It can be easily proved that the agenda is to destroy the British as a race and a nation and that therefore this is a defensive action. Emphasis should be placed on how immigrants themselves are being cynically exploited. From the perspective of the agenda to create a New World Order the dots can be connected that will show that the ‘elites’ doing this are the descendants of those who were behind both the Empire and the Slave trade. Over-population, strain on public services and cultural cohesion without the need for an overbearing all powerful state are additional reasons.

Step two is to reverse the process. This can be couched as an apology to the developing world for the theft of their skilled workers (particularly medical staff); an attempt to make Britain more self sustainable; linked to development aid and as a move towards greater social cohesion in this country. On this point I make an observation that may be disagreeable to many at MR. Even assuming the brainwashing tactics were exposed and neutralised and that there was now the possibility of free debate on the general subject of immigration and multi-culturism, I’d expect there to still remain a number of people, particularly among the young, who would be in favour of it. We would, by now, have established that they have no right or mandate to impose such a state of affairs on an unwilling majority (or possibly large minority). Would that majority (or possibly large minority), in turn, have the right to impose their will on the multi-culturists? Would a compromise have to be reached? Multicultural areas might remain with those who have no desire to live in such circumstances free to live in their own communities. Living as minorities amidst the temples and mosques may focus the minds of the multi-culturists a little, who knows? It seems to me that even without the globalists attempting to manufacture a false unified world government, that thought has to be given to living in a shrinking world of cheap air travel.

Step three would be the wholesale dismantling of the ‘race relations’ industry along with all of the cultural Marxism that helped to create it.

This, really, is what I’m interested in. Resisting the psychological onslaught and finding what would constitute the ‘flag in the sand’ around which the broadest base of nationalist minded people can gather.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 11 Nov 2009 20:11 | #

Here’s something I started and then lost interest, I relegated it to the back burner.  But seeing a couple of recent posts I fished it out and dusted it off.

It’s a bit more half cocked than usual.

Casting around the usual sites I get the general feeling of a prevailing sense of (disorientation for want of a better word) with regard to our predicament.  To put it bluntly, what we’re dealing with is a many headed hydra and we haven’t got a clue as to which head(s) to attack.

What we’re faced with is a coalition of forces of such disparity that we simply do not have the resources or time to deal with each head, so as I see it, in some way we have to decide and prioritise a coordinated resistance to maximum effect.  Dare I say there is an enormous amount of energy being dissipated throughout the blogosphere by not prioritising (triage) a coordinated response. 

To start with, Europe’s problems are not the same as Americas, but as it is both Britain and America who are spearheading this culture war then two factions cannot be divorced from each other.  Plus, what happens in America today Britain/Europe will have to deal with tomorrow.

What and who are this coalition of dispirit forces arrayed against us?  As I see it these coalition forces are (in no particular order) the following, the super transnational elites, the media, the politicians and bankers.  From these, a whole panoply of organisations sprout forth, victim groups, NGO’s, the long marchers, legal industry, military, civil administration, police and all the major institutions that constitute the nations infrastructure.

The forces of influence at the command of the enemy are formidable, and in truth near absolute, so where do we start?

Perhaps the most potent weapon our opponents possess is disguising their intentions, as tens of millions of whites haven’t a clue as to what is in store for them, perhaps it is this ignorance we should start addressing in earnest, after all, it numbers that we need to accumulate and quickly.

The public face of most of these principle factions is the media, so do we concentrate our efforts in that direction?

Time is something we do not possess in abundance, so deciding on a strategy would be a start, all else is interesting and maybe even important but in the end secondary - what is required now is something solid we can run with and get people to believe in.

It is this regard that I find the BNP’s direction somewhat puzzling.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 12 Nov 2009 12:30 | #

It is not ground breaking news that Murdoch’s Times and Sun has ditched Brown.

I wondered why I was seeing less trashing of the BNP in the Times, don’t know about the Sun though.

What’s going on?


Posted by Milka Giordano on Thu, 12 Nov 2009 23:00 | #

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Posted by Bill on Fri, 13 Nov 2009 10:05 | #

Huge Cost of Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants Quantified

November 4, 2009

An amnesty for illegal immigrants would be bound to encourage further illegal immigration, their present number has been seriously underestimated and the lifetime cost would be in the order of £130 billion even on that low estimate of numbers, says a report out today from think-tank Migrationwatch.

More at



Posted by Griffin Watch on Sat, 14 Nov 2009 19:01 | #

An interesting debate.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 15 Nov 2009 09:13 | #

Are times really a changin’ ?



Posted by Angry Beard on Sun, 15 Nov 2009 11:35 | #

Actually, Rod Liddle has got quite a track record in being brutally honest about the immigration disaster - and in particular black criminality.


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 15 Nov 2009 11:57 | #

Angry Beard

Needless to say ‘the temple’ first allegiance will be to the ‘god’ of genetics.All else is profane and for the birds.



Posted by Bill on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 00:19 | #

Simon Darby talks to Jim Giles



Posted by Bill on Sat, 21 Nov 2009 18:46 | #

A little light reading on a wet murky afternoon.

Testing the water, taking the temperature?



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 21 Nov 2009 21:18 | #

A hoodie treating a certain politician with exactly the contempt he deserves.

(Above photo is trom the article linked by Bill.  I only hope all the angry Brits cited in the article who now see what’s going on will be voting for the BNP from now on and only the BNP.  I hope they’ve learned their lesson.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 21 Nov 2009 21:53 | #

And if they don’t vote for the BNP and only the BNP from now on, it’s a sign of one thing and one thing only, they haven’t yet learned their lesson and will continue in pain, suffering, and agony until they do. 

Yes it’s really that simple:

“To vote for the BNP is to vote for yourself.  To vote for anyone other than the BNP is to vote for your self destruction.”


Posted by Bill on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 07:10 | #

An interesting piece by Fjordman over at GoV (Don’t visit much these days)

H/T VFR. Should we accept that the existing order of the West cannot survive?  22.11.2009


The Coming Crash   by Fjordman 22.11.2009

I would rank Britain as the Western European country most likely to first get a civil war caused by mass immigration and Multiculturalism. Denmark follows as number two and possibly Holland as number three. Both Belgium and Sweden are pretty bad, but too repressive to be first in line. Germany is too weighed down by her history to be first.


Posted by Bill on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 17:26 | #

Nick Griffin.  Global Warming scam for NWO.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 18:11 | #

In re Bill’s comment a couple above:  Good-sounding piece by FJ, and thanks, Bill.  But with FJ you never know if he’ll be up to snuff in the “Where the rubber meets the road” department.  I admit he’s learning ... ever so slowly, but he’s learning, he’s not standing still ... but he continues to have this mental brick wall against acknowledging the race thing.  He nibbles around the edges of race but seemingly can’t permit himself to actually take the plunge and think frank racial thoughts.  The biggest thing I learned from Steve Sailer in 2000 when I discovered him was it was OK to think certain thoughts, ones I realized I had been suppressing in my brain all my adult life.  I was seeing in Steve’s writing that it was OK to think them.  A volcano went off in my head.  That was all I needed.  I did the rest:  no one had to think the thoughts for me that I needed to think, I thought them for myself.  I began figuring things out.  If FJ, at this stage of the game where he’s talking openly about armed revolution, still suffers from this paralysis of the cerebral race-awareness faculties, a paralysis he’s known for, he’s worthless for our side because he’ll support the continued importation of hundreds of millions, and hundreds of billions, and hundreds of trillions of non-Moslem non-whites into Europe while satisfying himself that when all the dust had settled he succeeded in his most important aim, namely being neither racist nor anti-Semitic nor sexist nor homophobic nor anti-LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender), and we’ll all still be in the same soup for all the good FJ will accomplish.  One way or another, to get out of the soup we’re in you have to awaken to race, and FJ will never awaken to race, and let’s not even talk about awakening to the Jews, that with him is forget it, ain’t gonna happen, ever.  So that was a good-sounding piece, and was as Shakespeare wrote, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”  When the chips are down, and the big crunch comes, FJ will be out there fighting against “the racists” and against the “anti-Semites.”  He won’t be fighting first and foremost for his people, his race.  Why?  “That’s the way I was raised,” he’s already explained.  My reply?  “We don’t need people raised the way you were, FJ.  Go home and pride yourself on being unracist and un-anti-Semitic.  We’ll get the job done.  Ourselves.”


Posted by Bill on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 21:07 | #

Fjordman, GoV, VFR, Takuan Seiyo, Melanie Philips, and the list grows longer, and the list grows….yada, yada.

Thanks Fred but I think I’ve had the measure of these people for sometime now, (thanks to MR) it’s what they don’t say that gives them away.  I nearly signed off that piece by saying - please don’t shoot the messenger.

No, my reason for linking them was twofold nay, maybe even three fold or more.

Looking around my blogosphere stamping ground I was getting vibes that this whole business is taking off, taking off to the point where there’s a head of steam building that’s gonna blow.  And when I read Auster’s link to FJ and GOV and others, it seemed others feel the same way.

I’m eagerly awaiting to being a fly on the wall at next years general election,

I’m particularly startled at the pace of America’s awakening and anger, it’s difficult for a limey to gauge the American psyche whether it’s the Wall Street crowd that’s stirring them or whether it’s immigration,or looming socialism or a combination or what, but they certainly seem to be getting seriously pissed off.

All of these FJ types are very well educated and articulate our present plight in an easily understood manner, (with the exceptions we know about and take note of) but to the the eager emerging wakeful the FJ’s are performing the vital task of spreading the word. 

Not only that, the FJ’s are intelligent bellwethers to the awakend and awakening alike and therefore are an asset to building the big picture,

It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.  I think on balance, at this stage of the proceedings, they are far more useful to us than a hindrance.

Over the years I’ve learned a great deal how liberalism fits into the scheme of things in our postmodern world from the likes of Auster, so I appreciate that.

But it’s as you infer, if you compete in a rifle competition you’re never going to win anything if you cannot bring yourself to aim for the Bulls eye.  But in England now is not the time.

Jim Giles aims for the Bulls eye, where did he come from?  He seems a very resolute sort of guy, and doesn’t sound as though he takes many prisoners.  He’s swept into MR like a Katrina, I’m looking forward to him talking things over with Nick Griffin.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 06:22 | #

I see in today’s Mail some people in high places are getting a little concerned over immigration.


They must have been reading MR.

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