MajorityRadio: Susan Lindauer talks with Daniel and GW Susan Lindauer, peace activist, 9/11 activist, former CIA asset, and true American patriot, talks to DanielS and GW about power, politics and corruption, immigration, and the future of America and the West. You cannot fail to learn something new from an hour’s conservation with this remarkable woman.. Comments:2
Posted by jrackell on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:52 | # How about interviewing Henrik Palmgren of RedIceCreations? Perhaps get his take on EGI. He’s done a couple of interviews with Frank Salter, so it might be an interesting conversation. He did an interesting interview here—Frederik Andersson—The Swedish Surveyor—with a half-ethnic Swede “most of whose friends are non-ethnic Swedes.” Palmgren seemed to be led along with saying Cultural assimilation to Swedish ethnicity is sufficient, yet in his heart and in other interviews he seems to believe in EGI for native Swedes. 3
Posted by Palmgren and Andersson on Sat, 24 Jan 2015 18:10 | # We’ve got a request in with Henrik Palmgren posed as a suggestion that he might interview GW. However, the other way around, with Palmgren being the interviewee, would be good too. Perhaps a “conversation” to merge the two in a back and forth would serve best. Frederick Andersson was good, yes, and that was noted here - his deference to full natives and his assimilation of our way of talking, viz. in terms of qualitative differences as opposed to “nobody being equal.”
Used to think McLaughlin used the wrong key in this song, “meeting of the spirits”, but have come to believe that is what makes it more challenging in an interesting way than it otherwise would be.
Posted by Corporatists Don't Identify As.. on Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:45 | # “People look at these corporatists who are screwing up their environments and economies as if they are White people, but what they do not understand is that these corporatists do not identify as White.” - Ghost Wolf Radioman
Posted by Pervasive Ecology - a White cause on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:50 | # Pervasive Ecology is the cause of European/White people. Je ne suis Pas corporatists, Bush family or military industrial complex
“People look at these corporatists who are screwing up their environments and economies as if they are White people, but what they do not understand is that these corporatists do not identify as White.” - Ghost Wolf Radioman
In what follows she ignores issues of population and immigration impact on European peoples, transfer of wealth from European middle classes and workers, casting a vague notion of “White Supremacy” over all of us as the victimizing group, not the corporatists (who seek cheap industry, labor and consumers of any color) and avaricious, genocidally integrationist, war-mongering Jewish elites who deserve a focus of blame.
‘Thinly veiled notions of racial superiority have informed every aspect of the non-response to climate change so far.’ ‘If we refuse to speak frankly about the intersection of race and climate change, we can be sure that racism will continue to inform how the governments of industrialized countries respond to this existential crisis.’
by Naomi Klein
Posted by Pigs on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:03 | # Regarding another matter, the pigs at the top, I rejected depression early-on as a poor, wasteful philosophy, a commercial of itself - more a prescription of haplessness for the disingenuous purposes of maintaining the position of the PTB than it is descriptive; and with that looked askance at significant tracts of Shakespear’s philosophy; but like his, some art (e.g., Pink Floyd, The Smiths) captures depression’s capture of the enormity of tragedy so well that it is worth wallowing-in the instruction of its pessimism before moving to an optimistic position, such as - Prior to that, one worthy way station of wallowing was Pink Floyd’s “Pigs” - here dedicated for Naomi Sarna and other pigs who have been on top, homeostatic of the powers that be and their vast destruction. Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you are
Posted by Libya on Mon, 26 Jan 2015 12:35 | # Susan interviews Al Fatah–a prominent Libyan woman activist, who maps out the Failed State of Libya with full geo-political impact 9
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:44 | # GW saved the point by asking Susan to come back to “the component” which was served by ignoring the benefits of peace negotiations. Specifically qualified by her as “the Haliburton-Military Industrial Complex.” 10
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:36 | # JamesUK may post on a site where the editorial position is in concert with his views. 11
Posted by Obama met Hillary just twice on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 05:09 | # Susan Lindauer tells us that Obama had just two face to face meetings with Hillary Clinton in her entire four year tenure as Secretary of State, effectively allowing her to run a catastrophic foreign policy, brazenly animated in summation of her Libya program: “We came, we saw, he died”, Hillary laughs: <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=”//” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe> That is characteristic of empty suit Obama’s hands-off Presidency, held over a barrel, cowed with blackmail and other means of control by the powers that be. He has allowed for a foreign policy to rival that of W. Bush.
Honorary head of the CFR says Obama must listen to the “four wise men” - Kissinger, Scowcroft, Brzezinski, James Baker, who demand that the following men be installed (and they apparently couldn’t be much worse): Richard Armitage - former assistant to Colin Powell Michèle Flournoy, right wing NeoCon, cofounder of CNAS and President of this pnac spinoff group Frank Wisner Jr. - son of old OSS officer, famed for the mighty wurlitzer quote - “we have so many contacts in the press that we can play the American public like a mighty wurlitzer when we want a foreign policy agenda put across”; so he’s a generational CIA war monger. Thomas Pickering - former Ambassador of the CIA and another war monger The CFR are demanding that these people be installed. The CFR want a war in Syria and a war in Libya and to intervene in Ukraine
On other news, Germany is joining BRICS ..........................
covertreport | Jan 31, 2015 12
Posted by Ukrainian troops encircled on Wed, 04 Feb 2015 09:01 | #
Posted by criminalization of whistleblowing on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 14:01 | # Susan discusses criminalization of whistleblowing 14
Posted by Blogger jailed on Sun, 08 Feb 2015 09:42 | # Susan interviews a blogger jailed for exposing hypocrisy of a pro-life politician who had paid his mistress to have an abortion. 15
Posted by Stan Hess News on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 01:40 | # Pravda : Putin Threatens To Release Satellite Evidence Of 9/11
- News from Stanistan - By Gordon Duff Pravda: US fears Russian publication of satellite photos of the tragedy of 9/11
Posted by terrorism financing on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 13:31 | # Susan discusses terror financing with Scott
“Moussaoui Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of Al Qaeda” New York Times Feb. 4, 2015 17
Posted by technocratic globalism on Sun, 15 Feb 2015 12:08 | # Technocratic control of globalism by way of trilateral commission TECHNOCRACY RISING w/ Patrick Wood 18
Posted by BBC sex scandal on Mon, 23 Feb 2015 20:15 | # Susan interviews SAM HILL ON BRITISH SEX SCANDAL
Susan Lindauer - Covert Report | Feb 22, 2015 19
Posted by A celebrative treatment of sex on Sun, 08 Mar 2015 06:49 | # On the celebrative side of sex: covertreport | Mar 07, 2015
Posted by Tax Wall Street on Thu, 12 Mar 2015 18:37 | # Susan interviews DANIELA WALLS of The TAX WALL STREET PARTY
Posted by Accuser desroyed on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 07:13 | # Report from Bob in D.C. Conspiracy of Silence
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 30 Mar 2015 05:57 | # “communism” the anti-nature vs. “NS” the nature - a false either/or Andrew Anglin: “How could Hitler have done so well if he had allowed women to his decision making table?” Here is what is not negotiable - the race and its boundaries. After that you might want to establish some basic justice for members (i.e. of both genders). There have been matriarchies (not that I would want to live in one - have had enough of that, thanks)...and I’m willing to have women step-up if they are committed to guarding the borders and they have a concern and understanding of what is just and necessary for Europeans of both genders. That includes understanding that there are logical reasons why men have been almost exclusively represented in leadership roles but also at the bottom of the heap in a “natural” society; and why then, we might consider (and have considered) mediating rule structures to correct imbalances some in order to protect homeostasis of social capital. I doubt Hitler’s war, a war which Anglin seeks again, did any good for gender relations and the preservation of masculinity. Quite the opposite. Hitler, and by proxy, Anglin, would propose Hitler’s world view as “natural” and communism as “unnatural” - a simple binary choice, to get us caught up between the two “opposites.” The hermeneutic world view treats the one side - let’s say the race, or what I like to call the class, as synonymous with race but without the scientistic baggage - as a working hypothesis: that does not mean it is not real or negotiable at its borders. For us, it is not negotiable - male/female, it doesn’t matter at that point. For either gender, if you want breeding outside the class/the race and members of other classes/races to be able to dwell amongst, then you are out of this nation. This “communist” side of working-hypotheses, the organization of a social group into a classification (a “race”) can, probably should represent (compared to the “natural side”) a smaller margin of reality, of cultural, social rules, the borders of the class being its non-negotiable baseline. Now, the reason why females have generally and rightfully not been entrusted to look after the race is because they do have a natural inclination to incite genetic competition and to get-off on breeding with the winner, race irrespective. These brute, natural facts must be taken into account, but especially as they are manipulated by Jewish rules and pandering. Though also by the naiive pandering of wailing modernists looking to return to a “natural state” of gender relations, only to perpetuate the runaway of modernity, and its rupture of “unnatural” social classificatory bounds, as further instigated by Jews - “you don’t want any of that ‘post modernity’ stuff” (which would allow for the “fiction” of hermeneutics, the assertion of the class, the race - White post modernity properly understood). It must also be understood that it has been a correction - “natural, unnatural”? - to reserve positions of leadership and important decision making for males both as compensation for males being up against harsher tests (in that role for obvious, practical reasons) and for the fact that if they can make it through, they more often bring to bear more rigorous ability and knowledge. However, there can be problems in over compensation and that is one reason to return to a critique of the dark side of actualization (and there, feminism) along with its propensity for sociopathology, its actualization of the individual at the expense of the social classificatory bounds, for its “natural truth” or whatever be damned excuse, especially as taken to runaway through the U.S. experiment In “civil individual rights” contra (White) classification and Jewish machinations behind. By contrast, the parameters of the classification need to be set as a working hypothesis - our system and constituents are then invariably subject to laws of nature (which might otherwise be exploited and pandered to by Jews et al), but can also be tested deliberately or subject to hypotheses of rules which might improve individual and systemic functioning by our own lights. Recent posts of Graham’s considerations touched upon the fact that we are not born into a state of raw “nature.” That we are social creatures. I have frankly never been very interested in Hitler or his philosophy, seeing him quite the opposite of Anglin, not as a success but a catastrophic failure. But it is evident that Hitler’s philosophy erred in this pseudo “natural” direction. Jews have been playing a game to exaggerate and turn people off to normal corrections, organization on the “unnatural” social and “communist” side, even reversing the social corrective* side, a fact I’ve observed and explained repeatedly. I’m not so sure that they’d be happy with a Hitlerian world view gaining popularity again, but they might just prefer our people diverted into that again as opposed to gaining our bearings as healthy, homeostatic systems and individuals. I’ll return to homeostasis of gender relations/ actualization, probably next essay.
Posted by O'keefe, anti-war actionist on Tue, 31 Mar 2015 00:15 | # Susan interviews anti-war activist, KEN O’KEEFE: Anti-War Action on the Rise covertreport | Mar 29, 2015
This man’s position on race in America is extremely shallow. - claims that blacks are mistreated in America, rather than the fact, which is that they’ve been given trillions and carte blanche to attack, pilfer and claim White civic resources, social capital and evolution as their entitlement, while Whites have been bound from defending themselves and their co-evolutionaries from them.
Posted by PNAC protests RT on Fri, 17 Apr 2015 18:46 | # PENAC people contrive RT resignation protest over Russia’s part in Ukrainian conflict 25
Posted by Death Throes of Military Industrial Congress on Mon, 04 May 2015 22:15 | # Death Throes of The United States Military Industrial Congress 26
Posted by No worry about immigration if Yellowstone blows on Tue, 19 May 2015 08:49 | # If Yellowstone blows you won’t have to worry about Nashville…and Bozeman would be gone in a flash.. Seriously, it is uncanny.. had been wondering myself whether or not there was a way to drill down and let off, diffuse, so to speak, the eruptive power of the Yellowstone super-volcano before it blows…
Posted by Patriot Act shut down on Mon, 01 Jun 2015 13:49 | # Patriot Act being repealed
. 28
Posted by Reflections on The Patriot Act on Sun, 14 Jun 2015 03:18 | # “You can spy on the emails and phone calls of ordinary people but how many actual terrorists are going to discuss their plans by these means?’
Posted by AIPAC vs Iran deal on Mon, 31 Aug 2015 03:46 | # fight with AIPAC over the Iran deal
Hence, not only the government but U.S. media has been Zionist occupied
Haim Saban is funding the Democrats and backing Hilary Clinton Point person at CNN: Wolf Blitzer - former news letter editor for AIPAC
Feith was in there at the Pentagon manipulating evidence to get us into the Iraq war. How do we know that he was responsible for manipulating evidence for getting us into war with Iraq? “Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (who had worked with Powell for years by that time), who was responsible for the bogus intel that basically George Tenet had?” One word answer: Feith
Susan Lindauer did warn Powell that his intelligence was bad, it was manipulated by Israeli interests. The military did not want to go into the Iraq war, but Powell is on the political end of the military and not being of strong character eventually bent to Israeli interests.
The same people who now want to kill the Iran deal are associated with JINSA, the group that got us into Iraq 30
Posted by Oregon stand, Finicum shot w hands up on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 16:21 | #
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Posted by Russia's South Front on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 16:20 | #
Russian Winter, a site that discusses Russia’s “South Front” - The Ukrainian conflict - from a Russian perspective.
Courtesy Bob D.C.