Marine’s six million

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 22 April 2012 23:45.

I’m not entirely sure what to make of Marine Le Pen’s healthy third place in today’s first round of the French presidential election.  It was good enough for the Telegraph website to run the main page headline One in five vote for Marine Le Pen.  The exact percentage was a little less, in fact:

Hollande: 9,172,959 votes (28.4%)
Sarkozy:  8,658,811 votes (26.8%)
Le Pen:  6,041,235 votes (18.7%)
Melenchon: 3,590,359 votes (11.1%)
Bayrou:  2,932,274 votes (9.1%%)
Joly:      709,644 votes (2.2%)
Dupont-Aignan: 594,364 votes (1.8%)
Poutou:  383,635 votes (1/2%)

... but it is clear that the economic difficulties that France faces within the Euro - weak growth, vast debts, and unemployment at over 10% - chiefly benefited the Socialist candidate Francois Hollande.  Marine had a clear anti-EU, anti-globalist policy.  But it was not what the majority of voters wanted to hear.  They are still willing to give the usual suspects the benefit of a no-doubt growing doubt.  And this despite the racial disaster that nobody now can dismiss with an insouciant, Gallic shrug.

The “worse is better” school of nationalist optimism is being tested to destruction in France, as in the southern Eurozone, and while Marine’s vote was better than some predicted, it does demonstrate that national crises alone are insufficient to impel nationalist parties very far electorally.  Not even the redoubtable Marine, a class act by any political standard, could break the mould with one blow (not that she ever said she would, of course).

There is always a “where next” in electoral politics.  FN activists will likely split their support more or less evenly in the second round vote between Hollande and Sarkozy.  Not that there is any love for the socialist, but there is a powerful desire to smash Sarkozy’s UMP.  Expect Hollande to triumph, and Sarkozy’s failure to present an inviting opportunity for a re-alignment of right-of-centre politics in France.

Beyond the presidential election FN will look for a spring-board effect from Marine’s six million votes in the legislative elections to be held on 10th and 17th June.  They are probably more important to the FN’s prospects of real, sustainable growth than the presidential election is.



Posted by Hail on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 02:13 | #

Among French of European ancestry, it seems there was a Le Pen—Sarkozy—Hollande three-way split of the vote, ~25-25-25.

When factoring in the Nonwhite vote, Le Pen falls away. Or so is my supposition: Paris suburbs had noticeably-low Le Pen totals, e.g.—not much over 10% for Le Pen in those heavily-immigrant districts. Nonwhite Overseas territories contributed to this.

French Presidential Results by Region

Elsewhere in France, we find this:

80,751 Hollande
72,088 Sarkozy
78,452 Le Pen
30,360 Melanchon
36,291 Others

37,075 Hollande
49,341 Sarkozy
40,893 Le Pen
12,912 Melanchon
22,498 Others

72,207 Hollande
75,290 Sarkozy
60,424 Le Pen
34,875 Melenchon
45,453 Others

100,778 Hollande
103,927 Sarkozy
106,646 Le Pen
55,731 Melenchon
50,594 Others


Posted by Hail on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 02:23 | #

Question for Enterprising Readers of French:
The OP claims ~32.0-32.5 million valid votes were cast. How many of these were likely cast by persons of Non-European ancestry?


Posted by A Great Big Steaming Pile of Dirty Bull. on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 07:09 | #

All-in all, it was a damned good result for the FN, although they didn’t win, I would argue that, symbollically they did win, and win handsomely since their essential message, their policies are out there, in your face, in the open and can’t be ignored any longer and swept under the carpet - the political class are forced to cope with them (something you would never have guessed at a few decades ago, and to trim policy accordingly. Basically the days of mass immigration into France are over - it will never happen again, the political price (ie Sarkozy’s hopes were scuppered on this issue), is just too high.Mass public opinion can be mustered on this issue and it will wreck political hopes and careers.
Contrast continental Europe with the UK. All continental nations pretty mch have more representative electoral systems, therefore nationalists shape policy, in Britain they are stifled and ignored. Apart from the Euro elections that is, which are run under PR - they invariably give results totally at odds with Westminster turnouts, and are, in fact, a truer measure of public opinion.
Rest assured PR wiill NEVER be introduced to Westminster elections. Britain will dissolve into civil war before that happens.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 12:22 | #

First, thanks for this.

Second, I am struck by how evenly France (and it seems most white countries) is divided between Right and Left. While virtually the entire planet is to Leon Haller’s Left, and so I genuinely consider even Marine to be no better than a moderate rightist, it must be admitted that, in French electoral terms, the “Right” includes Sarkozy (as it surely does Cameron in the UK, however disappointing he has been). I think we can group together on the Right Sarko, Marine and the pro-business Dupont-Aignan. So we have:


Sarko 26.8%

Le Pen 18.7%

Dupont-Aignan 1.8%


Hollande 28.4%

Melenchon 11.1% (a truly frightening number, given his communism)

Joly 2.2% (ditto ditto ditto her Greenism)

Poutou 0.5% (ditto his worker syndicalism)

RIGHT: 47.3%

LEFT:  42.2% +1.4% = 43.6%

Note: The 1.4% left unaccounted almost certainly went to leftist candidates (mainly the horrid Trotskyite Natalie Arthaud)

The wild card is “centrist” Bayrou. I think he’s somewhat more on the Left than Right. His 9.1% might be expected to go something like, say, 3.1% Right, 6% Left.

So I think this is a very evenly divided electorate. If the FN were to back Sarkozy, I think he could win. But if the FN does not affirmatively endorse him, then he’s done. Given how awful Hollande is, this is a dangerous game the FN is playing.

Overall, however, I am happy that Marine did this well. I think this is a victory of sorts.


Posted by Franklin Ryckaert on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 13:42 | #

The FN still has to grow more if it wants to win elections and have its way in all respects. But at this junction it could already achieve something if it offered a coalition to Sarkozy on the condition that he adopts as his program the stopping of all further immigration into France. In this way the FN’s major aim can be achieved while still being a relatively small party. Sarkozy is a vain man, he wants to rule and seriously would consider.


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 16:10 | #

Yes, FR, I believe that attaining the role of king-maker is the most appropriate political objective at this time for nationalist parties across Europe, including the UK. In France, as in Denmark and Holland, it seems eminently doable right now.


Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 19:48 | #

I’m not entirely sure what to make of Marine Le Pen’s healthy third place in today’s first round of the French presidential election.

How about, “white France is doomed within one generation”?  Third place after four decades of effort is not ‘healthy’.

And this despite the racial disaster that nobody now can dismiss with an insouciant, Gallic shrug.

Not counting the 75% of the French electorate listed above. 

“Merah, a French citizen of Algerian origin, boasted to police negotiators on Wednesday night that he had brought France to its knees and said his only regret was not having been able to carry out plans for more killings.”

What about this particular event is supposed to galvanize a people who generally ignored (when they weren’t cheering) the Afro-Muslim genocide of the white pied noirs in Algeria in the early 1960s?

The Fuhrer of Beloved Memory pegged this one too when he said the French Empire was not France in Africa, but rather Africa in France.

Whoops!  I just saw a Dr. Eigenvalues Listerbag fly past my window.  Hey, Danny Boy!  Contact!  I gotta get my doped fabric Fairey biplane after him!



Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 22:07 | #

@Ex-Pro White Activist

Thanks for those insights - perhaps your focus should be on American politics? I suspect you know the square root of fuck all about French society. Just a guess on my part - middle Americans tend not to be Francophiles. At least there is a wider spectrum of ideas in this French election than anything seen on the American scene for many many years - perhaps you disagree?

Apparently Le Pen gave a TV interview saying she doesn’t trust Sarkozy or believe a word he says - the inference for her supporters is obvious - do not vote for him!

Perhaps the gamble is to attempt to crush the Euro-centric centre-right in France and ultimately replace them?

captcha = french52


Posted by GenoType on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 23:35 | #

We know a little more than “the square root of fuck all,” Dr. Eigenvalue Listerbag - certainly more than you know about the those cold winters in mid-Western USA.

Full version of The Day of the Jackal here, if you folks don’t mind the Vietnamese subtitles:

The story was fiction but the OAS and the rest of the history was real.  Jean-Marie Le Pen emerged from the twilight of the French colonial empire.  Foreign Legion officer in Algeria, etc.:

And about the upcoming legislative elections:,_2012

This is a two round system without proportional representation.  It was specifically designed to keep out the FN and prevent a repeat of 1986 when the FN won legislative seats under proportional representation.  This is only part of the FN has to contend with:

“In order to make the election possible of some candidates with non European ethnic background (North African, Subsaharan African and West Indian) as well as for female candidates, the Socialist Party has, like in 2007, reserved several constituencies for them, 22 for ethnic minorities and 49% for women.[7][8][9] There are presently at least six metropolitan MPs with non European ethnic background, two (Christian) Lebanese-French, Henri Jibrayel (PS) and Élie Aboud (UMP), the Afro-Caribbean George Pau-Langevin (PS) and the Algerian-French Arnaud Montebourg (PS, whose mother is a native Muslim Algerian), Julien Dray (PS, born in Algeria from native Jewish Algerian parents) and Jean-François Copé (UMP whose mother is a native Jewish Algerian). At the beginning of the legislature, there were also two Tunisian-French deputies, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (PS, whose mother is an indigenous Jewish Tunisian) and Pierre Lellouche (UMP, born in Tunisia in an indigenous Jewish Tunisian family), the first one was called at the head of the International Monetary Fund, the second one entered the government as a junior minister.”

The French political landscape surrounding these issues is now settled beyond reasonable discussion.  The party most likely to win, the “Socialists”, is taking positive action to increase Muslim and non-white political power via “diversite”.

The stability of France’s downward slide is remarkable.





Posted by GenoType on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 23:51 | #

This is a two round system without proportional representation.  It was specifically designed to keep out the FN and prevent a repeat of 1986 when the FN won legislative seats under proportional representation.

Still white France continues wasting time and resources fighting the enemy under its rules.

Camp of the Saints

I sit and pour the finest wine into a crystal glass of mine
With the Brandenburg concerto keeping time

Now I’m very weary, I know the time’s at hand
The camp of saints is under siege but, there is no final stand
And what is left to hold when your culture has be bought and sold?
And what is left to need when you have no more blood left to bleed

A little farewell toast to give to a culture with no will to live
The western world adrift admist the flood

And what is there left to do, when the battle’s in the hands of the few?
And what is there left to say, when your own people turn the other way?
And what is left to hold when your culture has be bought and sold?
And what is left to need when you have no more blood left to bleed

As I walk along these windswept streets I shudder at the scenes I meet
I guess it’s true that what you sow… you reap

And what is there left to do, when the battle’s in the hands of the few?
And what is there left to say, when your own people turn the other way?
And what is left to hold when your culture has be bought and sold?
And what is left to need when you have no more blood left to bleed



Posted by Trainspotter on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 01:00 | #

Graham Lister: “I suspect you know the square root of fuck all about French society.”

LOL!  Well done!  Love the phrase, and now consider it to be part of our common patrimony. 

On to more serious matters, particularly the issue of “worse is better” as raised by GW.  While a member of the worse is better camp myself, I also believe that we must come to terms with its limitations. 

A ruling system always seeks legitmacy in order to perpetuate its authority.  If it should lose this legitimacy, it may still hold on for awhile through brute force and suppression, but its days are numbered.  At the very least, a system that has lost legitimacy has created a fertile field for dissent, revolutionary movements, and challenges various and sundry.  From the revolutionary perspective, that’s all to the good. 

Given that, and as stated before, I’m a member in good standing of the worse is better club.  This does not mean that I believe deteriorating conditions guarantee us victory.  It simply means that to replace one system with another, a more fertile field to work with is a good thing. 

And yet, it is painful to come to terms with the limitations of it all.  Looking to France in particular, let’s assume Le Pen garnered about one quarter or so of white French voters.  That’s an impressive result in many respects, but we also must consider the late hour.  In the context of 2012, with Africans, Arabs and Asians running riot over our traditional homelands in Europe (and France in particular), and the tidal wave of mestizos and other non-whites swarming over North America, top it off with a historic economic crisis…and this is the best we can do within the current system? In 2012?

In 2012 America, when one would think that any white with eyes to see and ears to hear would understand that something is dreadfully amiss, we still see most whites giving politically correct answers on race in opinion polls.  Interracial dating?  A-ok!  Immigration?  As long as it’s legal! This, in 2012, after people have had years to observe the predatory behavior of non-whites.  This, in 2012, when everybody has been able to see with their own eyes that the reality of a multiracial society is nothing like the sweet propaganda offered in “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”  The modern title should be “Guess What a Gang of Mestizos Did To Your Underage Daughter Last Night?”

With all of the pimping and predation, the millions of destroyed families and ruined lives, the disease and degradation, most still claim to approve!! They claim this approval not while having to face down a menacing crowd, but in the comfort of their own home while holding a telephone in their hand. 

I realize that opinion polls can be massively flawed, and the results skewed by how the question is framed, the behavior of the pollster, and so forth.  Still, no matter how you slice it, there is a deep sickness in our people.  The liberal order has now saturated every level of white society.  The typical white has essentially bought into the liberal order, complaining only of hypocrisy that he imagines interferes with a multiracial utopia.  We should all be “color blind,” and if that leads to the end of our people in time, who cares?  The displacement of our people is perfectly fine, just don’t do it too fast, and administer the extinction fairly without too many government benefits to non-whites.

Think about that for a minute: affirmative action is bad, but extinction is acceptable.  One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.  This in 2012.   

That is how far we have fallen, and to me the lesson from it is clear: the ballot box will not save us.  The system controls are simply too great for that to happen. 

This is not to absolve us of our own failure.  Long before we were born, whites pretty much conceded the battleground of ideas to the anti-whites, and offered no coherent defense of our existence as a people.  Instead, we got worthless conservative arguments of impracticality.  Blacks weren’t “ready” for equality and miscegenation (ok, what happens when they are “ready?”)  The road to hell is paved with good intentions (liberals are good people, just impractical and pushing things too fast.)  I also remember, as a youngster, often hearing phrases such as “Communism is a good idea, but it just doesn’t work.” 

What it boils down to is that anti-whites are good people, just a bit unrealistic. 

Our benighted masses have never even heard a coherent defense of their people, their place within that people, and why that people should continue to exist at all.  Every system institution seeks to deny them this.  It would have been nice if tens of millions of them had sought out white nationalist websites on their own innitiative, but I think we all understand that’s not going to happen.

No enduring victory can be had at the ballot box in such a situation.  We lost the culture war good and proper.  In fact, we didn’t even fight it. 

That’s not to say that we shouldn’t use the ballot box as much as we can.  It can be used to spread a message, polarize, shift the discourse, and so forth.  But it cannot bring us the victory that we need - which necessarily requires that the dominant liberal order, and the core component parts of the system that prop it up and protect it, are smashed.  The best voting can do is, perhaps, buy us a few extra years by slowing down the demographic onslaught, and in so doing gain a bit more time for pro-white ideas to spread. 

So yes, worse is better.  But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy, and I’m quite doubtful that a single white country will be saved through use of the ballot box.  Far more likely is that nationalist parties will continue to do reasonably well at the polls in coming years, and some may even do extremely well.  The system will then throw the nationalists a bone or two, while being undeterred in its primary mission: to destroy our identity and replace us with non-whites.  Until we have a movement that is absolutely and unapologetically pro-white and is determined not to appease the powers that be, but to replace them entirely, a true victory is not even a possibility.

And yet, despite all of this, I’m optimistic.  Even as it still exercises near total control, the old order is dying all around us.  It bleeds legitimacy, and becomes more of an obscene joke by the day.  It has jumped the shark.  Nothing about it is sustainable: economically, socially, culturally, racially, spiritually, environmentally.  The present system is not the final disposition of the universe, and the future belongs to something different.  Let it belong to our people.     


Posted by Leon on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 02:37 | #

I’d like to hear Armor’s take on all this. He around?


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 04:27 | #

Trainspotter: I’m a member in good standing of the worse is better club.  This does not mean that I believe deteriorating conditions guarantee us victory.  It simply means that to replace one system with another, a more fertile field to work with is a good thing…

With all of the pimping and predation, the millions of destroyed families and ruined lives, the disease and degradation, most still claim to approve!!... That is how far we have fallen… This is not to absolve us of our own failure…

Still, no matter how you slice it, there is a deep sickness in our people.

Your community filthy Khazar, not “our people.”

Lying, feigning concern, demoralizing… the Khazar revealeth himself.

Marine Le Pen is effectively a receptacle for Jewish semen or else she’d be a nobody.  The Khazars are in a bind: how to make key European nations minority-white without creating too much of a Muslim trouble for themselves?  And if it’s Muslim trouble vs. a resurgence of something like the German national socialists, then Muslim trouble is preferable any day.

Le Pen and her ilk are back-ups for the Khazars through which they can rule by proxy.  The electoral placement of Le Pen makes no difference to the prospects of white French as Le Pen’s actions aren’t directed against Jewry, the chief culprits.

But it takes a Khazar like Trainspotter to turn the useless show of an election into an opportunity for demoralization.


Posted by Armor on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 05:30 | #

I agree with Ex-Pro White Activist and Trainspotter that the results are not good. Most voters don’t realize how serious is the race-replacement crisis.

@ Hail,
Google also has a nice map of the election results.

GenoType: “Montebourg, Julien Dray, Copé, Strauss-Kahn, Lellouche”

I think you can add Hollande to your list. Here with his son : clic.
Not exactly Norwegians.


Posted by Franklin Ryckaert on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 06:31 | #

@ Armor,
I already suspected it by looking at pictures of Hollande, especially by the form of his nose. This picture of his son definitely betrays him as a member of the Tribe. Give his son a tan and he can easily pass for an Arab bedouin.

So now the French can “choose” between two Jews, both devoted to their racial destruction. Oh the blessings of democracy!


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 10:38 | #


If you have the time, I’d like to read a deeper analysis from you on the French situation. What is the white (non-Jewish) percentile of the French population? It’s been a while since I’ve visited there, but surely it hasn’t gotten as bad as the US (nearly 40% nonwhite - all in my lifetime, too, sheesh!)? Do you have any definitive info re Hollande’s ethnicity? The internet is conflicted on whether he’s Jewish. What are the modal racial views of the (white) French? Le Pen (the idiot JRichards @13 notwithstanding) was obviously the only acceptable choice, but how many Sarkozy voters do you think share her views on immigration, but were too scared of a Socialist victory to want to ‘throw away’ their votes on her?(the question which really interests me)

[Frankly, despite my strong support for the FN over many decades, the ugly socialism of Hollande, in the context of an ongoing (socialist created) European economic crisis, might well have caused me to hold my nose and vote Sarko, rather as I will telling friends to vote for Romney, even if Ron Paul - someone I’ve met and spoken to many times, had dinner with on several occasions in groups of fewer than a dozen, and greatly admire - improbably runs as an independent; defeating Obama is literally too important to let ‘the perfect ruin the good enough’ (I would vote for Ron in this scenario, but only because I’m a Californian, and Obama has about a 1% chance of losing CA in the electoral college.]

Finally, why was Hollande so strong in southwest central France? A lot of those areas are still pretty rural and traditional. They are comfortable with a Jewish Socialist?!


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 10:59 | #


Good hortatory comment (and ignore the silliness of JRichards), but I can’t help noting - YOU’RE MAKING MY ARGUMENT FOR WHITE ZION!! (XPWA, too)

Are you now a “White Zionist”? Haven’t I been saying for years (in fact, decades before I discovered MR) that WNs (shorthand for “whites who want their race and civilization to endure”) will never be a majority in any major, sovereign white nation? That we will grow stronger in the coming years, will corral an ever larger number of our racial kinsmen, but that we will never be strong enough anywhere actually to create a White Republic out of an existing white national population?

Please, people, face the brute fact. Everywhere there are WNs, and everywhere they are a perpetual minority. Even counting only whites, we have never been a majority anywhere. And even as we make slow ideological inroads in white communities all our efforts are numerically swamped by immigration invasions.

NO ONE has ever made a convincing case against WZ - the idea that our race will only survive through a global WN ingathering into a sovereign polity which we can democratically control through sheer numbers of our own. Call it “international White flight” or whatever, but we must face the reality that only a minority of whites actually cares about racial preservation - and that racial preservation will only be assured where and when race-conscious whites have attained a sovereign majority.

Not a pleasant thought, I admit, but facts are stubborn things.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 11:02 | #

Sorry for the grammar problems in 16-17. Plain sloppiness.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 12:38 | #

This was a good article that MR regulars might enjoy:

Alas, things have not worked out as we might have hoped:

What a surprise, then, to find the National Front’s Marine Le Pen picking up support precisely on the left . <u>In 2002, her father Jean-Marie caused a sensation by winning nearly seventeen percent</u> of the vote in the first round of France’s presidential elections, eliminating the Socialist candidate Lionel Jospin and moving on to a second round run-off against the incumbent Jacques Chirac. Current polling foresees Marine doing even better in the upcoming French presidential elections in 2012.

When, however, Marine Le Pen made her first big breakthrough in the polls in January of this year, it was not only the “moderate” right of President Nicolas Sarkozy and his Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) that had cause for alarm. In an internal party memorandum cited in the French press, Socialist Party public opinion analyst François Kalfon concluded that Le Pen was siphoning off support from the traditional working-class electorate of the left.

The January poll by France’s CSA public opinion institute showed Le Pen pulling seventeen or eighteen percent in a first round of voting, depending upon the candidate fielded by the Socialists. By early March, polling by Harris Interactive showed her pulling twenty-three to twenty-four percent of the vote and coming out on top in a first round against Nicolas Sarkozy and any of three different Socialist candidates.

Marine raised the FN’s vote totals One Whole Percent - in TEN FUCKING YEARS (which included the horrible 2005 race riots, as well as a decade’s worth of additional immigration), and after considerably ‘softening’ the FN’s image on ethnicity issues.

Trainspotter (and I) are right: there is indeed a deep mental illness that has lodged itself in the Western mass-psyche. The hypothesis that somehow an exogenous agent (eg, Jewry) is completely responsible (per JRichards) for the white man’s enervated character is simply empirically belied by visceral events. How many times do you have to get kicked in the stomach before you understand that you’re being kicked in the stomach, even if someone next to you is denying that anything is happening? Jewry can preach the multikult all day, but saying War Is Peace does not make it so - and if you’re in a war you’ll know the difference. If you don’t, then there’s something wrong with YOU. 

Whites are simply maladapted as a race for the particular contemporary confluence of: moral anti-racism; general cultural anomie arising from desacralization and secularization; 20th-21st century communications and transportation technology; and special interest capture of bureaucratic democracies.

Somehow we are going to have to persuade enough of our people to want to endure as a race, and then enact physical strategies to ensure that we can and will endure.


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 13:38 | #

We can’t even take over the local Rotary Club, Elks Lodge or small church and you are thinking on a national scale?

The liberals have us beat. They have entire cities that operate under their own laws and have entire machines of state essentially under their control.

Any White Zion without nukes and their own resources capable of sustaining the population would be crushed.

Plus, you’d be loathe to populate it with actual White people. Your zion would be full of bankers, lawyers, “investors"and such. Who’d build your houses, collect your garbage etc? Theodore Hurzl you’ve never read Leon. Israelis (see Hymie in Afula), the people that built Zion proper, aren’t bankers Leon. They were farmers with rifles.

Fuck off. It isn’t even your fucking “idea” anyway. You didn’t invent anything original. You’re just mind-numbingly repetitive about a concept you haven’t properly thought thru and which you aren’t even willing to do any work onaccount of.


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 13:41 | #

And why is everyone excited about a female politician anyway?

I thought White Nationalists were in agreement demographic collapse requires radical redomestication of women? What the fuck are conservatives getting excited about bitches that don’t their place for?


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 14:50 | #


I addressed the need for nukes issue long ago.

WZ is not to be populated by bankers, or any other group, except WNs of all classes and countries.

WZ (migratory demographic electoral conquest) is my original idea. (I think Sam Dickson has discussed something like it at one of the more recent AR conferences.) There are websites out there dealing with “White Zion”, but they don’t mean what I do. Their idea is more along the lines of domestic racial secessionism (which shouldn’t be discounted, of course), or else religious sectarianism (similar to Christian Identity).

I’m at least passingly familiar with Zionist Theodor Herzl. 

Relentlessly negative people like you end up accomplishing nothing. I hate to sound cliche, but successful people look for why something can be done, not why it can’t.

Anyway, until you can argue for something better, you ought to do us a favor, and be silent.

Re Marine: she was the best option available. Indeed, in the future, WN may well be led by women (at least as political figureheads), given the need to overcome the ridiculous but real “gender gap”.


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 15:00 | #

The gender gap. What the fuck? Any program for racial survival that addresses the “gender gap” is doomed.

Talking on the internet isn’t “doing something” Leon. It’s doing anything but something. Start the 501, elect a “government in exit exile”, pick a target country, start fundraising and stay the fuck away from Majority Rights and I’ll eat my words.

In fact, just start a website and explain to your girlfriend that where you’re going, she can’t follow. That’ll be enough work for you to command my silence.

What a ridiculous dream world you love in. pure id, totally unpunctured by reality.


Posted by FB on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 17:11 | #

It’s good to see Jew Richards as bonkers crazy as ever!


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 17:39 | #

WZ is not to be populated by bankers, or any other group, except WNs of all classes and countries.

They would all be, almost invariably, too socialistic for you. You yourself said you wouldn’t be happy with all the Communists dead. What the fuck is socialism if not communism lite?

Relentlessly negative people like you end up accomplishing nothing.

Except for last year I made 220,000 and I, unlike Dr. Gasbag, have the paper trail to prove it. I’m taking on a managerial/supervisory position (this is at 28 years old - quite a feat in my trade) this year, finishing up a degree (again, I’ll have the paper trail unlike you and Gasbag), etc.

I’m not negative Leon, I’m realistic. You go to war with the army, the supplies, the material and the circumstances you have. You are a supremely naive, utterly incompetent, wishful thinker with no generalship ability as far as I can discern.

No nukie = No zion

I’m at least passingly familiar with Zionist Theodor Herzl.

You really got me there genius! I feel so fucking ashamed!

And no you aren’t. Actually read them.

Anyway, until you can argue for something better, you ought to do us a favor, and be silent.

Break up with your girlfriend, find a White woman, have lots of children and raise them to be racist.

Bam. Done.

Marine: she was the best option available.

Fucking impossible. But, if true, more’s the pity.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 18:05 | #


Yeah I’m sure you’re a real expert in the dynamics of European politics and culture (in general) and in particular French affairs. What was the last French book you read out of interest? Or even French writer in translation? Hervé Juvin perhaps? Or Gérard Duménil & Dominique Lévy perhaps? Or maybe the work and thought of Jean-Luc Gréau is more your cup of tea?

BTW do you want me to do some basic matrix algebra or something? Why instead don’t you try some basic critical thought beyond your banalities?


Posted by rrrew on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 18:25 | #

French Presidential Candidate François Hollande Uses “Niggas in Paris” (rap song by rappers Jay-Z and Kanye West) for Campaign Ad


Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 22:38 | #

OK I know I shouldn’t but I noticed this:

Classic Sparkle thus spoke:

Except for last year I made 220,000 and I, unlike Dr. Gasbag, have the paper trail to prove it. I’m taking on a managerial/supervisory position (this is at 28 years old - quite a feat in my trade) this year, finishing up a degree (again, I’ll have the paper trail unlike you and Gasbag), etc.

Good for you - so can we have some of this paper trail to look at for ourselves please? I mean it’s not a totally unreasonable request to ask a stranger on a website to put up such details is it? You boast of it being there for all to see, so can you point us all in the right direction perhaps? Just on factual note I don’t think I’ve ever discussed my salary - is it relevant?

Helvena don’t worry I’ll be lurking and more importantly discussing a variety of things with GW (as and when I think we have something worthwhile to chew the fat over).

But just on the practical politics of your world-view - how does it go from a very very minority position that is internally orientated (people simply repeating things to other ‘true believers’ typically online) to an outward orientated position that seems attractive to millions? Unless such concerns are unimportant? Or are you a more ‘will to power’ style authoritarian? Seriously what’s you ‘vision’, in something like concrete terms, as to how your political views will be put into practice?

Don’t worry I will not go all Momus on you - I’m genuinely interested in teasing out the details. Less froth more substance from you please. I think everyone would like that, yes?


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 23:12 | #

Good for you - so can we have some of this paper trail to look at for ourselves please?

Gimmie a throwaway email address and I’ll send the actual thing with nothing redacted as long as I have your word that you won’t send it to anybody else or divulge anything.

Just on factual note I don’t think I’ve ever discussed my salary - is it relevant?

You claimed to have a fucking phD and I don’t believe you. You claimed to be the voice of authority on the subject. I don’t give a shit about your salary or your degree. I’m not the one with a hard-on for credentials. Leon is. My point was that I’m successful and he tries to claim the opposite all the time.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 01:01 | #


I never made any claim about your specific successes, salary, or anything related. I could not possibly care less!

This sentence

Relentlessly negative people like you end up accomplishing nothing.

was a general statement about the self-defeating nature of relentless negativity in the political sphere. It had nothing to do with your salary, education, marksmanship, etc. I have a paleocon friend who is quite high up in a major American manufacturing company. He might possibly become CEO one day. (And the relevance is ...?) I apply the same stricture to him all the time. Every political discussion with him is an exercise in empirically unfounded despair. “Everything’s hopeless”, and that’s it. Well, with that attitude, it surely is.

I am the realistic one, not you, as would be apparent from a perusal of my comments over the years. Our collective situation is very bad, but the notion that nothing can be done is simply inaccurate. Indeed, it reveals a profound ignorance of the ebbs and flows of history. Sudden and unexpected change has occurred repeatedly. But usually a lot of hard groundwork preceded it.

You are someone who likes to strike an oppositional pose, but otherwise who will do nothing more. maybe attend a rally or something. What I am doing for the cause is infinitely more valuable.

BTW, I’ve encountered many persons far less intellectually nimble than Dr. Lister who have likewise had PhDs. Without knowing any doctorate’s institutional origin, having one is only moderately impressive (I mean, outside the hard sciences, which usually, though not always, represents a major achievement, or at least is indicative of considerable quantitative ability; I did have a boarding school classmate who was decidedly my cognitive inferior, not just imo, but in terms of grades, awards, test scores and university admissions, who, to my great surprise, nevertheless eventually went on to earn a PhD in chemistry; there are some oddballs who aren’t very bright, but possess outstanding quantitative ability). There is no reason based on the academic quality of Lister’s contributions at MR to disbelieve his claim of having a PhD.

It is true, however, that if YOU claimed to have a doctorate, I would assume that either you were lying, or had attended the “University of Trinidad and Tobago”, or some such place.

Genuine intellectuals can usually recognize each other, even when they violently disagree.





Posted by GenoType on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 02:57 | #

XPWA wrote,

How about, “white France is doomed within one generation”?  Third place after four decades of effort is not ‘healthy’.

Gasbag is certainly welcome to demonstrate how, after four decades of effort, the FN’s third place showing in a two-round system without proportional representation is healthy.

I suspect you know the square root of fuck all about French society.

One thing we know is not even French society knows the extent of their problem because the French constitution forbids the tallying of race, ethnicity, and religion.

Something else we know is that regimist parties are the political equivalent of homo economicus and will always act to maximize their political power.  The money behind them might allow for a change to proportional representation, for example, if the preservation of power can be made to appear “politically legitimate” in that way.  The courts offer a better route.  Try googling Pete Wilson, State of California, Proposition 187 – California immigration activism’ signal failure.

In France, proportional representation was adopted at the end of World War II, discarded in 1958, used once more for parliament elections in 1986, then terminated almost immediately afterwards.  France’ two round system without proportional representation was specifically designed to keep out the FN and prevent a repeat of 1986 when the FN won legislative seats under proportional representation.

Again, all of this is beyond reasonable discussion.


Classic Sparkle,

Good job!



Posted by Hail on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 03:00 | #

Armor, thanks for the map link. The Le-Pen heartland seems to be in the northwestern regions, as well as the heavily-‘Youth’ region around the post-French coastal enclave Marseilles.

After WWI, a number of French and foreign writers reported something curious. The French generals, during that war, would generally assign those divisions conscripted from the north of France the most vital assignments on the battlefield. The northerners were regarded as the most reliable soldiers. Southern divisions were less reliable, would take longer to get anywhere, would give up an attack sooner, would not push the initiative. They were less reliable. (Consequently, the atrocious manpower losses in France, 1914-1918, disproportionately affected its more-heavily ‘Nordic’ [Celtic and Germanic-descent] northerners than France’s Alpinic and Mediterranean elements, a fact lamented by Racialist writers of the day).

Perhaps there are echos here of that, a century later.


Posted by GenoType on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 03:22 | #

Indeed, in the future, WN may well be led by women (at least as political figureheads), given the need to overcome the ridiculous but real “gender gap”.

I have a better idea.  American WN’s should rejoin the Republican Party and work to “usurp” the Money Power by dropping the explicit racism and “anti-semitism,” and getting behind the Austrian religion.  What say you to that, jewboy? 

Genuine intellectuals can usually recognize each other, even when they violently disagree.

We’re extremely glad to know that you and Gasbag recognize each other.


Posted by Hail on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 03:29 | #

What Percent of the Non-Paris White Vote Went for Le-Pen?

My amateur attempt at an estimate, using this, is below. More informed persons, please comment or correct.

Group—Share of France’s Voters—% to Le-Pen 2012
(1) Paris Metro Area (Paris + 7 surrounding departments)—15%—10%
(2) Immigrant-Origin Non-Paris Voters—10%—1%
(3) White-French Non-Paris Voters—75%—23-23.5%

I calculate the final figure—23.25% of White voters outside Metropolitan Paris voting for—by assuming the preceding two figures are true. If they are, the 23.25% figure is necessarily true, mathematically, to come to Le-Pen’s final 17.9%. Only ~10% of Metro-Paris voters voted for Le-Pen: this is true (if the wiki is correct). The x-factor is what the Nonwhite vote share was. I can only assume that about as many would support Le-Pen as Blacks supported David Duke in Louisiana 20 years ago.


Posted by Silver on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 04:47 | #

The Le-Pen heartland seems to be in the northwestern regions, as well as the heavily-‘Youth’ region around the post-French coastal enclave Marseilles.

I think you meant the northeastern regions.  North as well. The other stronghold is the southeast. Le Pen commonly reached closed to 25% in these parts (occasionally over). 

Weakest is the southwest and northwest (Basques and Bretons?).

As for Paris, two things jumped out at me.  First, Le Pen did fairly well in districts hardest hit by the riots a few years ago (over 25% in the arrondissement next to Clichy-sous-Bois, which figured prominently in the news back then).  Second, parts of Paris went overwhelmingly for Sarkozy (as in over 50% of all votes in some cases).  I interpret this as the “respectable right” effect (although I’m sure there are plenty of rich assholes in those parts who voted for Sarkozy for economic reasons).

Perhaps there are echos here of that, a century later.

I assume you mean echoes of racial “bias” not echoes of the loss of manpower.  The reasoning seems sound to me.  The more northern one is the more likely one is to notice racial difference, reflect on it and consider it important.  The more southern one is the more likely to “excuse away” racial difference, depending on the degree of it.  (I want to stress, though, that this a matter of likelihood, not some iron law. Other factors also come into play.)


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 04:53 | #

Thanks be to God you don’t assume that I have a doctorate.

What a dishonorable credential in today’s world.

However… Truth be told. What a fucking bull shit front. To believe that you, me and Gasbad aren’t on the same level. I think you are both idiots but I don’t doubt for a second that we all have about the same IQ.

Pathetic that you are so obsessed over status.

I prefer GT and Maguire any day of the week.


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 04:55 | #

It is true, however, that if YOU claimed to have a doctorate, I would assume that either you were lying, or had attended the “University of Trinidad and Tobago”, or some such place.

Seriously. To reiterate: I’ve never once doubted your intelligence.

I think it’s fucked up what you’ve said about me.


Posted by Hymie in Afula on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 05:29 | #

>>> nevertheless eventually went on to earn a PhD in chemistry

the requirements to earn a PhD are not all that daunting; they mainly require perserverance, and not running out of money.

The graduate schools are not in the business of screening for ONLY THE MOST TOP FLIGHT research; they are in the business of being in business, justifying their existence. Their product is, the churning out of Masters degrees and PhDs. 

Like the banks who ONLY make money from interest or fees, the graduate schools do not have any other job. Well, they can get “research grants” if they are well connected; but the foundation stone for those is - they are manufacturing new graduates.

Go find some obscure un-answered question in the constellation of chemistry, do some reasonable quality work trying to answer it - you’ll get your PhD. Just don’t run out of money.

A PhD in the “social sciences” is even less rigorous…. they ==imagine== problems there, then invent answers.  No requirement for a connection to reality. Just the requirement to pay all your fees.


Posted by Trainspotter on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 06:15 | #

JRichards: “But it takes a Khazar like Trainspotter to turn the useless show of an election into an opportunity for demoralization.”

Nice.  Now I’m “Khazar like.”  My very un-Khazar like ancestors would no doubt be surprised and disappointed with this revelation, as we’ve always been under the impression that we lack so much as a single drop of Jewish blood.   

Moronic twaddle aside, let me be absolutely clear here, not for your benefit but for others less deranged. 

I do have an agenda, but it is not demoralization per se.  Rather, it is a specifically targeted demoralization.  Yes, I want people to give up on the system.  I want to smash the illusion that we can be saved at the ballot box.  That is not to say that working within the system can have no value at all.  I think it can, especially in Europe.  None were happier than I with the success of the BNP a few years ago.  It’s just to say that it cannot get us anywhere near our final destination, though perhaps it can help us get a start. 

We’ve got to come to terms with our limitations.  This is painful to do.  We cannot win within a rigged system, so we must think outside of the system.  Leon is doing that sort of thing with WZ which, while I’m not on board with it, is a far more productive line of thought than imagining we can win within the system.  Kievsky also gives a lot of thought to outside of system thinking.  This is good.   

I truly believe that victory is possible, and in some ways even likely.  But it’s going to take a revolution: first in thought and ultimately in action.  Electioneering should be thought of as simply a way to spread a message, and perhaps buy a few years.  Even better as a means of building up an infrastructure.  But the idea that we’re going to win our homelands back, free and clear, by simply trundling down to the polling place is beyond ludicrous. 

The U.S. now has well over 100 million non-whites within its borders.  The idea that we’re getting rid of all of them at the ballot box is absurd.  The idea that we’re even getting back the old America, flawed as it was, at the ballot box is absurd.  Europe isn’t so far gone at present, and the ballot box may therefore be able to accomplish a bit more, but still.  Time to smell the coffee.

Certain ships have sailed, and they aren’t coming back.  While “demoralizing” in a sense, this is actually good news.  It means that we are going to have to go for the brass ring, upon pain of losing it all if we fail.  But half measures won’t work anyway, so the brass ring it is.  It should have been all along, as we’ve half measured ourselves nearly into the grave.   

On the other hand, there is some demoralization on this thread that I believe is unwarranted.  I suspect that this demoralization more easily affects Europeans who come from lands that don’t have an extensive history of dealing with non-white hordes within their borders.  For such lands, this problem is extremely new.  For my people, it is not. 

As a Southerner, I can tell you that solid views on race were near unanimous here until quite recently.  Miscegenation was virtually non-existent in anything remotely resembling normal circles.  In fact, I never saw a single example of it until the 90’s, after college. 

As late as the 80’s (when I was a teen, and admittedly the consensus was breaking down somewhat amongst the younger generation) the typical teenage white girl would have reacted with disgust at the mere suggestion of becoming involved with a black. Go back to my parent’s generation, who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s, and the consensus among normal white people was even stronger.  (Leon, if you see this, this is one of the reasons that I think we can do much better than WZ)

Point is, it’s simply not true that we always have to be a minority amongst our own kind.  It’s simply not true that, even if we regained our lands, most whites would be ready and willing to reopen the gates and let the cesspool flood back in.  Our views are natural and healthy, life affrming rather than death seeking.  They are also prudent, and have the additional virtue of actually being true. 

In the last couple of centuries, many hundreds of millions of whites have held healthy racial views.  Think about that: hundreds of millions. It was perfectly normal to do so.  But those whites lived in fairly healthy societies that taught fairly healthy lessons.  (yet STILL couldn’t stop the system agenda at the ballot box…a historical fact that should set some lightbulbs off) 

It is therefore shocking and disturbing that, with our enemies in control of the system, so many whites can be misled, can be made sick, can reach the point where they don’t know up from down.  But then, one not only looks at who is running the show (actual Khazars, as opposed to just Khazar like, eh J?), but also at the art, music, architecture, and so forth.  It’s all horrible, sick and diseased - at every level. 

As a teen developing some political awareness in the 80’s, I would have never believed that media control could be so powerfull as to turn an entire nation into gibbering idiots.  But as it turns out, it pretty much can.  Oops.  Lesson learned.   

We have learned, and very much the hard way, just how much power the system can muster through its control of all of the key cultural institutions and means of disseminating ideas.  Until it is removed, ripped up root and branch, we will indeed be the minority.  The system has reached the point where not only do they have our children before even kindergarden, but white parents are afraid to teach their children the realities of race in the privacy of their own homes, for fear of their child mispeaking outside of the home and bringing the Sword of Damocles down upon them.  I’ve seen this firsthand, and could only think that we’ve now reached, or even surpassed, Soviet levels of fear and control.  The enemy finally did it: sever the last means of intergenerational cultural transmission, at least pertaining to race.  Parents are afraid, and that’s where we are today. 

Fortunately for us, the system is unsustainable, and will find itself increasingly unable to cope with new and varied challenges.

I suppose you take your demoralization as you find it, but we can win this thing if we don’t go down blind alleys and follow pretty illusions.     


Posted by Silver on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 06:16 | #

I think it’s fucked up what you’ve said about me.

Aww, poow wittle daniel had his feewings hurt. 

You insolent little shit, didn’t anyone ever teach you that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones?



Posted by Classic Sparkle on Wed, 25 Apr 2012 12:17 | #

You insolent little shit, didn’t anyone ever teach you that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones?



Posted by Rollory on Sat, 28 Apr 2012 03:23 | #

This is a funny thread.

There will be no voting one’s way out of this situation.  The situation will change when one’s neighbors are milling about in the streets angrily muttering to each other, and ready to start acting outside of law.  But the last time I touched on such things (after Breivik) I got smacked.

Of course only dead ends are apparent if dead ends are the only things permitted to be spoken.

France is not dead.  There’s going to be a war, no way around that, no matter how preferable it would be to avoid it.  The only relevant question is the fighting of it.

It’s logistics that wins wars.  How many of you can contribute to that?


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 28 Apr 2012 09:45 | #

The last thing Le Pen needed was to win.

That way the right would be blamed when the system collapses.

Now the masses have voted for the last of the systems lifeboats - the NWO controlled pseudo-socialists.

Now the masses are split between the left and the right.

When the left fails, as it will, then the right will step forwards.


Posted by Trainspotter on Sat, 28 Apr 2012 10:17 | #

Jrichards, according to you, Greg Johnson works for Jews.  Apparently, I’m one upping him by actually being a Jew.  Sure man, you’re really got it figured out. 

I have stated categorically that I am not a Jew and, to the best of my knowledge do not have a single drop of Jewish blood.  Pure northern European here.  It truly amazes me that anyone remotely familiar with my posting history, and the agenda that I clearly push, could believe that I’m of the levant, but then some things are beyond reason. 

That’s a polite way of implying an opinion that I’ll now make plain: you are bat shit crazy, but without any of the insight or charm.  While you’re not worth bothering with per se, you are yet another poster boy of a trend that plagues this movement.  Also, I don’t feel particularly obligated to treat kindly some clown who falsely accuses me of being a Jew, even if he is a nutter.  Recently on this board some utter mediocrity questioned my sexuality.  So now I guess it’s a Jewish homosexual.  One can only shake one’s head in amazement. 

It’s interesting that as the movement begins to get some momentum, and as cracks start to appear in the system, the lies and trashy claims become ever more brazen and ridiculous.  Very telling.     

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: until this movement can shed its crazies/liars/moles/general dysfunctionals, we’re not getting anywhere, or at least not as far as we could.  There are very, very few places on the internet where quality discussions of our people’s future can really take place.  To have them disrupted and cluttered with increasingly outlandish liars, slanderers, and nutcases is not doing anyone any good…including the nuts. 


Posted by uh on Sat, 28 Apr 2012 12:43 | #

It truly amazes me that anyone remotely familiar with my posting history, and the agenda that I clearly push, could believe that I’m of the levant, but then some things are beyond reason.

Welcome to the Richards Bot ~*FuNhOuSe*~.

It’s interesting that as the movement begins to get some momentum, and as cracks start to appear in the system, the lies and trashy claims become ever more brazen and ridiculous.  Very telling.


Don’t go there, dude. Don’t be like the Bot.


Posted by Trainspotter on Tue, 01 May 2012 07:07 | #

Uh: “Don’t go there, dude. Don’t be like the Bot.”

LOL! Good advice. 


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 01 May 2012 08:44 | #


You are beyond ridiculous. Matt Parrott is actively hostile to Jewry. You should be praising the guy.

Some folks, including some racialists and nationalists–namely Anders Breivik–believe we should unite against Islam as our foremost opponent in response to 9/11, other terrorists attacks, and the ongoing Islamic invasion of Europe. This is a dangerous distraction which will only play into the hands of our true enemies. Our true enemies are the Jews and corporate cronies at the helm of Western Civilization. With them deposed and authentic and indigenous tradition-directed leadership at the helm, we’ll have the power and will to expel our hostile invaders, balance our bankrupt budgets, empower our struggling workers, and invigorate our barren families. (Matt Parrott)

I, on the other hand, am not especially hostile to Jews. Unlike most here, I do not object in the least to those who are willing to stand up for Western Civ, and tell the truth about racial differences. I am interested in preventing white extinction, and I welcome all the allies we can get.

That said, I perfectly well understand that Jewry in general is and has been hostile to white EGI. I oppose Jewish immigration to the US as well as foreign aid and military alliance with Israel. I also strongly support as much Christianity (provided it’s ‘old school’) in the ‘public square’ as possible. I think Christian holidays should be secular ones as well, but not those of any other faith, including Judaism. I also think the jewish neocons need to be politically marginalized.


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 03 May 2012 01:05 | #

The desperation of Haller!  He thinks that MR readers are dumb enough to fall for Parrott’s pathetic sleight.  The statement Haller quotes as indicative of Matt Parrott being “actively hostile to Jewry” is a sham.  I explicitly referred to it in the past as an illustration of the deception coming from the hook-beaked creature.

Seen in context, the statement is a non-sequitur, in an essay intended to promote major Jewish lies.  That Jews did 9/11 is such a slam-dunk case that Haller could do nothing other than troll when it was being discussed, and Parrott himself declined to address any germane facts on the topic.  And it’s not just 9/11; Parrott extensively promotes major Jewish lies, insulting those exposing big Jew crimes and lies as cranks, buffoons, truthers, birthers, conspiracists, etc., declining to address facts, even when they’re embarrassingly obvious, as in declining to retract his article on “cranks and credibility” after a forensic examination of Obama’s long-form birth certificate unambiguously showed it to be a forgery.

Parrott’s writings are in full accord with his physiognomy.  And Haller thinks he can successfully pass himself off as a non-Jew by covering for Parrott!


Posted by HW on Sat, 05 May 2012 23:02 | #

I’m afraid J Richards has figured us out. #lolcrank


Posted by HW on Sat, 05 May 2012 23:22 | #

That’s not to say that we shouldn’t use the ballot box as much as we can.  It can be used to spread a message, polarize, shift the discourse, and so forth.

I told you that two years ago.

SCOTUS will uphold Arizona’s immigration law. Obama will make a big deal about it this summer. Hispanics will get riled up which was the whole point of the legal challenge (see also Texas Voter ID and redistricting). Conservatives will become more alienated. Racial attitudes will continue to harden. We might even see something like a dual immigration system emerge i(this is why 11 states are opposing Arizona) if the Supreme Court decision broadly returns power to the states.

Hispanic voter registration is down 5 percent. They are also fleeing states like Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Arizona. Hundreds of thousands of Hispanics have left Florida since the 2008 election. That is not insignificant.

The ballot box is not completely worthless. It is useful for pushing wedge issues (state immigration laws, drug testing for welfare laws, gay marriage laws, etc.) that forces the system to reveal its undemocratic nature.



Posted by Trainspotter on Sat, 05 May 2012 23:57 | #

HW: “I told you that two years ago.”

It has always been my position that if the ballot box can be used to polarize, spread the message, build infrastructure, etc., then by all means employ it.  However, I also recognize the limitations to what such activity can accomplish, and the idea that it alone will get us a land of our own is utterly ridiculous.  But “remember” what you will.




Posted by HW on Sun, 06 May 2012 03:38 | #

J Richards is Exhibit A of why the Jewish Question remains so toxic.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 06 May 2012 05:57 | #

JRichards contributes nothing but disruptive vitriol. Endlessly attacking those on the same side only fractures the broader movement. Richards is too immature or else self-absorbed to understand that any ideological movement must be, to some extent, a “Big Tent” if it’s actually to garner influence. Richards thinks everyone should agree with him, and that those who don’t can therefore only be secret agents of the other side.

What a buffoon!


Posted by Lew on Sun, 06 May 2012 06:52 | #


The ballot box is not completely worthless. It is useful for pushing wedge issues (state immigration laws, drug testing for welfare laws, gay marriage laws, etc.) that forces the system to reveal its undemocratic nature.

Exactly right, and well put. You identified the heart of the issue.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 06 May 2012 09:33 | #


The ballot box is not completely worthless.

At this moment in time it’s the only thing we’ve got.

In Britain, Red team - Blue team ‘democratic’ politics is in crisis.  Since Cameron was handed the keys, the scale soon began to fall.  This year the term omni-shambles has been coined to described the ‘inevitable’ results of Cameron’s global liberalism.  I say inevitable because Cameron is being seen by more and more by all hues that he is anything but conservative and is seen to be acting against the interests of those who voted for him, the fact that it has taken this long to sus him out is indicative of how savvi the electorate is about globalism.

We all know the ballot box is a king size scam, but again, the electorate haven’t yet sussed it out.

As ‘yesterdays’ nationwide election results are number crunched and blue-red tag team choreography is analysed to death by the media,  a large number of people are beginning to smell the coffee.

Cameron has taken a hammering according to the media, and so he has, he’s under the cosh and to add to Cameron’s woes he is about to appear in front of an official judicial inquiry to answer questions about his dealings/relationship with Rupert Murdoch’s News International.

It is expected he will receive more hits below the waterline.  Similar to Watergate I suppose.

There’s no doubt in my mind a hornets nest is awakening, well perhaps not wakening exactly, but at least stretching itself and expressing a puzzled look.

As Cameron continues to push his master’s globalist agenda, things can only deteriorate even more quickly, and more puzzled angst generated.

From now on in it is all about to career out of control, how they are going to keep the lid on things and for how long - is anybody’s guess.

So perhaps there is some merit in the ballot box.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 06 May 2012 10:08 | #

Ah, but Bill, what is your alternative? Labour? Liberals? cameron is bad, but he may be as good as the UK will get.

“Every nation gets the government it deserves” - de Maistre. He was speaking in a monarchical time - how much truer for democracies!

The brute fact is that the people everywhere have been indoctrinated into various species of leftism.

Remember the arguments for White Zion!

There is no nationalist majority.


Posted by uh on Sun, 06 May 2012 11:14 | #

Hispanic voter registration is down 5 percent. They are also fleeing states like Florida,



Posted by HW on Sun, 06 May 2012 18:55 | #

The Pew Hispanic Center claims Florida has lost 225,000 illegals since 2007.


Posted by uh on Sun, 06 May 2012 20:28 | #

If true, it’s but a drop in the bucket. In states like Florida, New York and California, where saturation-point is highest, a few hundred-thou just don’t make a difference. There are millions of legalized Hispanics in temporary & permanent residence in this state. Polk and Citrus Counties — oranges, blueberries, raspberries — are practically summer resorts for half of Michoacan. 

So I just looked at the data at and I am seeing positive growth from 2000 - 2010, with Flagler County reaching 225%.

Those other three states may be emptying of Hispanics, but not this one.


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Sun, 06 May 2012 21:09 | #

They best part about immigrants is their citizen kids!!!!


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 07 May 2012 00:11 | #

So why is anyone arguing against White Zion? Oh, wait, they’re not, they just ignore the one idea - a Haller original - which can actually result in long term survival for the white race.




Posted by HW on Mon, 07 May 2012 05:12 | #

Here’s the report that I was referring to: 230,000 illegal aliens left Florida between 2007 and 2010. It was the biggest decline of any state. About 1 out of 4 illegal aliens left the state.

The latest report shows that net immigration from Mexico has fallen to zero. More Mexicans are leaving the U.S. than are entering:

Is it plausible? Well, if you consider that it was the housing bubble that was attracting illegals to Florida in the first place (those who are not blueberry and citrus wage slaves), it makes sense that some of them would have left given the dearth of new construction going on across the Sunbelt.

If you look at the numbers from 2000 to 2010, you will find positive growth because of the Bush era housing bubble. But if you look at just the post collapse years, you will see a net decline.


Posted by HW on Mon, 07 May 2012 05:15 | #

Have we reached Peak Mexican?


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 07 May 2012 09:03 | #

Well, today France committed economic, national, and perhaps even racial suicide.

Note, American conservatives are simply incredulous at the Europeans’ refusal to face economic reality. Apparently, this socialist fool Hollande is going to take a (Keynesian) page from fool Obama’s playbook, and spend France’s way to prosperity. Does man never learn from history?!

The one blessing is that this economic illiterate may so wreck what is left of what is still, despite all of its decades of socialistic insanity (and centuries of dirigisme), a reasonably prosperous economy (allegedly the fifth largest in the world, though sinking rapidly, both absolutely and especially relatively), that he might end up unintentionally paving the the way for an FN government at long last. Maybe in 5 years, with sky-high taxes, 30% unemployment, rampant inflation, and, let us hope, endless criminality spewing forth from les banlieues, even the liberal frogs will finally say j’en ai assez! , and elect a patriotic front for national salvation.

One hopes ...

On the other hand, tolerably good news from Greece. Golden Dawn got 7% and thus will enter Parliament for the first time!!!

Of course, world markets are going to tank this week, and as usual, I shall be hit especially hard, in this unending financial meltdown ...  Merde!


Posted by namelessone on Wed, 09 May 2012 10:41 | #

Good interview with her:

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:58. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 19:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:15. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 01:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:04. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 22:59. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 21:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Thu, 06 Feb 2025 22:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 05 Feb 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 05 Feb 2025 22:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Richard Williamson, 8th March 1940 - 29th January 2025' on Mon, 03 Feb 2025 23:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:40. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 14:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 14:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Tue, 28 Jan 2025 14:28. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 12:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 02:07. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 18:23. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 16:02. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 14:43. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 18:52. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 15:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 01:06. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 10:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:22. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:26. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 10:33. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:30. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Charles crowned king of anywhere' on Thu, 09 Jan 2025 20:31. (View)
