Matt Forney blindly defends Judaic jurisdiction. On 02 August 2015, Robert Stark interviewed Matt Forney and they had a conversation with each other that went on for some time. One thing which leaped out to me about it in particular, is the questions rhetorically asked by Matt Forney after the 55 minute mark in the audio, which are transcribed here:
Usually people aren’t expected to answer rhetorical questions, but these ones are too funny to resist. So I’ve inserted some numbers, and I’ll answer each one, so as to show the slavishness and unsuitability of Christianity when it comes to talking about the ethnic genetic interests of Europeans.
Christianity asks that you should show hospitality and support for all immigrants into your countries without complaining, which runs entirely contrary to your ethnic genetic interests. At the same time Christianity does however maintain that gay people are ‘bad’ and apparently advocates persecuting them for what seems to be no reason whatsoever. Of course, how that would help anyone’s ethnic genetic interests, has yet to be determined. Forney scores one out of four. It’s a pretty bad score, but then most people don’t seem to know what Christianity is really saying, and that’s why they keep making these pro-Christian statements, even though Christianity is complete rubbish. Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 05 Aug 2015 09:48 | #
Yes, it’s supremely ironic. And what does kissing the behinds of Christians get them in the end? Absolutely nothing in return. It’s a totally useless enterprise. 3
Posted by voznich on Thu, 06 Aug 2015 12:28 | # Who is this illiterate Jap who knows nothing about Christianity, or how to understand Biblical context? This is precisely the type of ignoramus who drives needless wedges between whites of faith and nonreligious whites. 4
Posted by Now now Haller, remember Hebrews 13 on Fri, 07 Aug 2015 05:41 | #
Now now, Haller, Remember Hebrews 13:
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 07 Aug 2015 12:39 | #
Read the grey text at the bottom of every article I write. You’ll also find that my literacy is just fine, I’m simply drawing conclusions that you don’t like.
That’s a funny one, coming from you. Since I can see based on Daniel’s above comment, that you are the same person as the user that used to post here as ‘Leon Haller’, I thought that it would be a good idea to get acquainted with the kind of comments that you’ve been making. Some examples from you: [Link 0] [Link 1] [Link 2] Your comments are unreasonably pessimistic about European survival and offering only Judeo-Christendom as the ‘salvation’. Now, to address your point about ‘driving a wedge’. It’s not a wedge between ‘whites of faith’ and ‘nonreligious whites’. It’s possible for people to have a religion and have that religion not be one of the Abrahamic monotheistic organised traditions. One of the most tyrannical things about monotheism is how it assumes a monopoly on religion, so much so that its adherents start to characterise all attacks against it as ‘an attack against religion at all’. The wedge between those who profess allegiance to Jehovah and those who do not, is not ‘needless’. It also is not a wedge that is driven by me. It’s a wedge that pre-exists, because monotheism by its very nature takes reverence for anything other than the alleged ‘true god’ as being ‘outside the law’. So Voznich, you and your Jewish, Christian and Muslim co-religionists in fact created that wedge, you create and reproduce that wedge every time you appeal to the Semitic desert-god Jehovah, because monotheism is by definition demanding that ‘there shall be no other gods before Jehovah’, and that ‘there shall be no other pole’ around which society will be organised. It is by definition divisive. The idea that somehow the people in your camp will leave dissenters alone, is a complete farce. You people never leave dissenters alone, because your agenda is to convert everyone to your religion and bring them under the yoke of the desert-god Jehovah and the Noahide laws. We absolutely refuse to allow you to do that. Furthermore, all of the above argumentation aside, even from the perspective of completely cynical politicking within the European Union there is complete de-Christianisation which is occurring and ongoing. So my position here in fact hitches itself to a rising tide of non-Christian white expression which is only going to keep growing. As such, we at Majorityrights are catering to what is a growing discontent among Europeans, a discontent with the tired old ideas of Christianity. This is a coincidence, but a very happy coincidence. You, on the other hand, are alienating yourself from Europeans by clinging to Judeo-Christendom as ‘the end-all be-all of civilisation’, as the demographic for that kind of view shrinks ever smaller by the day. Consequently, my message resonates more with Europeans, whereas your message resonates more in the Middle East and Africa. So for you to come into this thread insulting me and throwing an ethnic slur at me is truly incredible. You want to lead people down a road to where there is almost no support within Europe, and then you act like you are being put upon because we don’t want to follow you there. Isn’t that unreasonable? My outlook is completely reasonable and logical, and if challenged I can always bring facts to back up my assertions. Christianity’s largest growth continues to be in subsharan Africa, so I think that it won’t work out as you might have envisioned. 6
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 07 Aug 2015 23:07 | # voznich @ 3 Good comment. Let’s not kid ourselves. East Asians are nothing more than “evolved” negroes - slightly evolved negroes. At the end of the day, East Asians are niggers - mentally, genetically, and spiritually. Their relationship to the creator is separated by a thick layer of stupid. 7
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 07 Aug 2015 23:10 | # Amazing, you lot are getting pretty upset by the sound of that language. Now everyone can see what you Judeo-Christians are really like. 8
Posted by Bob on Fri, 07 Aug 2015 23:35 | # CHRISTIANITY AND JUDAISM ARE SICK AFRICAN CULTS. Thanks for the great article. I agree with you. It is time to get out of Christianity and Judaism, which are both African/Middle Eastern cults. Look the anti-white alienist Pope: POPE FRANCIS WASHES/KISSES FEET OF BLACKS AND MUSLIMS FROM AFRICA. 9
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 08 Aug 2015 00:01 | # Kumiko Oumae @ 7 Fuck you, you POS Jap puke. Only an idiot like DanielS could respect fucktards like you. GW too it appears. 10
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 08 Aug 2015 02:18 | # Thorn, you are having a meltdown. This is a sign that you have no argument that can defend your ridiculous position, and so you’ve resorted to the most egregious ad hominem insults. Your insults are so weak and so pathetic that they don’t even merit a response from me. 11
Posted by Forney doesn't get "the game" on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 01:25 | # Matt Forney foolishly endorses the OLD GAME of US Politics: And what is that OLD GAME? Well, the Democratic party is elected to completely fuck up EGI by passing laws and imposing the incitement of rabid, unaccountable genetic competition, foisting myriad hordes together in a racemixing hegemony that they do everything to make hopeless to oppose… And then the Republicans are invoked to act like “real men” to enforce the the new mulatto or whatever demographic as what “real men” accept and defend. Forney doesn’t realize that Trump is simply stabilizing the liberal juggernaut’s forward advance in destruction of ethno-nationalism, posing only a false opposition which actually obstructs the trajectory of its revolutionary correction. Post a comment:
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Posted by "Hebrew scripture, our moral vocabulary" Jeb Bush on Tue, 04 Aug 2015 20:22 | #
“Hebrew Scripture & the New Testament still provide the moral vocabulary we all use in America – may it always be so.” - Jeb Bush
Remarks from Jeb’s Commencement Speech at Liberty University on May 9, 2015
Isn’t it ironic that Forney and Stark would start out by chiding Jeb Bush as a “cuckservative” and then wind up affirming his position?