Message to The Last Man by Grimoire To Silver, in fact … in response to his contributions to the That Word Again thread:- Your analyses in terms of irrational whites and aracial whites is accurate, but historically superficial. The Western collective consciousness has been under the sway of a wide array of circumstances and influences that have about played themselves out. The forces that have mounted and steered the circumstances are also at the end of the playbook. It is not yet closing time, but it clearly the last call. History, in a certain sense, is like a children’s game of musical chairs. The music plays and everyone dances or runs about, and then the music slows and stops, and everyone must find a chair. Inevitably, someone is left out. Not everyone gets a chair, but not everyone is left out - only some, and they disappear from the game. No amount of multicultural brainwashing nor immigration can change this historical cycle. Unlike the children’s game, those who get the chairs are not the aracial, the atomized, the isolated, the apathetic. Nor are they the self-satisfied bourgeois, happy in his townhouse. It is those - and it has always been those - who are conscious of themselves as a unity, an entity and bloodline to be preserved. It is those who see the chairs that are their own. Those that made each individual chair, know the music and have played and won the game since time immemorial. It would surprise you, Silver, that even among the aracial happy campers you describe, when the tempo of the music starts to fade, and the illusions of the modern media economy begin to dissipate in order of priority to zero, it would surprise you which type of camper you will find then. It is who you see here now. I can understand why you as, let us suppose, a Pakistani, would look at contemporary society and be led to believe that the postmodern bourgeois ‘normal’ is, as an entity, nominally aracial, and passive in terms of its own history. Pakistanis are ancient tribal peoples who are fundamentally ahistorical. The great actors in the subcontinental drama were the Aryan and the Mongol. The native subcontinental populace acted no more than as a multicultural sink of humanities and cultures. In a sense this modern 21st century society is more typical psychologically of you. We made it more for you, more than for ourselves. In fact it was created specifically for you, in it’s latest guise, not really for us. You are more natural here than us, because for you the music just plays and never stops. Pakistani or not, you are what Spengler, among others, termed “The Last Man” … and what others later have percipiently termed “The End Of History”. And what they meant when they wrote the secomd of those terms, was that from here the music just goes on and on, and never stops. So I understand your complacency, and why we seem to you “obsessive” and so on. Don’t worry about us however. We’ll be fine. We will just sit down and work through the whole “anti” thing, and eventually we’ll find our way round it. Don’t stop enjoying the music and dancing, or whatever it is you’re doing. Do you like the music? You and your aracial friends? It was written specially with you in mind. Enjoy while you may. Comments:3
Posted by Grassy McKnoll on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 00:32 | # Hi Grimoire. There are an awful lot of Behmoths out there that need Battling eh? 4
Posted by Gorboduc on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:38 | # Soren, I watched the video. Just WHAT is it for? What’s it ABOUT? The fact of self-alienation? The fetishisation of mere speed? Is it a warning or a celebration? The daft old Italian futurists were ALL IN FAVOUR of speed and the destruction of the past. Read their manifestos. Listen to their toshy music. I mention the Futurists because a member of that school was very recently memorialised here, and because I don’t know which is worse, the fetishisation of the past or of the unknowable future. For a group that’s looking towards a survivalist FUTURE, it seems a bit dispiriting to deliver messages to us about the LAST MAN. Please would the LAST MAN put out the light when he leaves? Well, I’ve made a few implicit warnings ove the last few months. We live in a fallen world. What can you REALLY expect of it? 5
Posted by Jean West on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:33 | # “Western collective consciousness?” You jest. A friend mentioned a few days ago that the Irish despise the English. I responded, and the English despise the Germans ( - the silence was deafening). MR is pro-race and anti-German. Angles has Germanic roots. MR must not be as racial as it purports to be. Visualizing the Jewish Collective as a tic, deeply imbedded in a Gentile calf, or thigh, or head, or whatever, I was offer this observation from experience: no tic was ever voluntarily or involuntarily removed by way of folk song, by way of new and unique philosophical invention, or by the host climbing in there with it. Tics can only be removed by targeted, intentional force. Since MR discusses “the Jewish problem” with steady persistence, I think the analogy with tics “works.” So, what next? In addition to impenetrable intra-group solidarity, a major strategy of Jews, who anyone can see have been successful to the nth degree, is to form alliances—with *anyone* who is not the targeted enemy. I think it’s inaccurate to say that MR is racial and anti-German. I, as an outsider, would say MR is simply pro-English, racewise, culturewise, politicswise (and unwise?). JW 7
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:44 | # Alice, provider of Gorboduc’s famed vomit receptacle, was, as everyone should know, amanuensis to that Caledonian, Beaverbrook protege, John Junor. Junor succeeded his fellow Scot, John Gordon, as editor of The Sunday Express and was as assiduously dedicated to the avoidance of praise for that prescient British patriot, Enoch Powell, as any other power broker in the London of the late 60s. 8
Posted by fellist on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 15:35 | # o/t, sorry. Curt Maynard, a blogger some here have surely read, died recently in sad circumstances. 9
Posted by DRS on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 16:32 | # Fred Scrooby wrote:
Not quite Fred. First you have to build your country up, you know, create some real, tangible wealth aka “a progressive society”. Then they inivite themselves in, sneak/bribe their way into power and proceed to show you how wrong you were going about things by ruining everything. 10
Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 16:41 | # That last bit about different species is of course my own way of seeing matters; no one else here sees matters that way. - FS Uhh ... I do. Niggers are not human in the sense of Homo sapiens sapiens, in fact they are not even primitive sapiens. I tried to mention Fuerle and other works here last year and nearly got banned by GW. For saying they aren’t human. That seems a tad odd for a “racialist” website. I, as an outsider, would say MR is simply pro-English, racewise, culturewise, politicswise (and unwise?). - JW I agree, people like Dan Dare, while obviously smart, don’t seem particularly racialist to me. In fact, DD disparages racialists regularly. Oh, he does it under clever guises, but he does it nonetheless. Imagine, he tells me American racialists are a joke. Yeah, no kidding. This BNP of theirs isn’t even racialist - their party line is more-or-less “we are so good for whites but we’ll include non-whites and are not racist.” Gee, so much more promising over there isn’t it? LOL, yeah right, EU is more fucked than we are. We have useless scum everywhere but at least there is enough land here to separate us. Not in Europe there isn’t. 12
Posted by Jean West on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:11 | # Fred Scrooby writes: Though a “racialist,” you “identify” geographically. Neither saying nor wishing can make it true. I distinguish between Jews and Germans, or Jews and any place of residence or ancestry. JW 13
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:27 | #
I tend to favour a more oblique approach in these things, Gudmund, and think that the really high-octane stuff should, like the JQ, be reserved for cadre building and private conversation amongst the cognoscenti. But that’s just me. MR is a broad church and is robust enough to accommodate different, often wildly differing, notions about ways to proceed. As long as it is only the means and not the ends that are in dispute then I don’t see any great harm if someone does not take a properly purist line. 14
Posted by Gorboduc on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 20:34 | # Well, mildly tepid. I hope no-one here wants to line up with the poor benighted backward savage shown in the picture. Is that the result of the “brain”-storming session up behind him? Balliol indeed! My old chum Hilaire Belloc was at Balliol. O quantum mutatus ab illo . . . On the subject of the entry of certain alien scum into someone else’s country, Belloc wrote the following pungent little paragraph, which is from an essay, True Advertising (1926) suggesting what adverts might be like if forced by law to be utterly truthful:
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 28 Apr 2010 02:20 | #
Look, DD, I was simply saying. Certain things you’ve written raise my eyebrow. I want true racialism, not a watered-down substitute. That is all, sir. 16
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 28 Apr 2010 04:42 | # I’m definitely more tribal, English, than racial by inclination. For me being white was part of that larger package and sometimes, and in small numbers, a negotiable part of that package. It’s different now through realizing white people as a whole are under attack and need to re-arrange the world collectively both to survive the current attacks and to reduce the chance of them repeating in the future. This may require turning the clock way back and repairing various bits of damage. Also diversity kills. I’ve seen it. 100% homogeneity at least on the left half of the bell curve is simply a matter of protecting your people. I’m ok with 98% homogeneity on the right half but no less than that. So for me WN is all about an alliance of free white tribes for the collective defence of their lands plus a bit of re-arranging. Personally i’m ok with Indians, Chinese, Japanese etc as people but each nation has to have a home that stays fully English, French, German, Korean, Japanese etc. It’s different in a place like America where “white” is an identity in itself as a subset of American as opposed to white American being a tribe and on top of that there’s anglo-american, german-american etc to complicate things.
Thing is white rabbits aren’t that racial naturally so it’s easier to get them to oppose immigration in a non overtly racial way. However at the same time the jews want to wipe us out with immigration and they are the most racial people on the planet. So what happens if the two are set on a collision course? The jews will eventually make it racial through their constant attacks. This strategy may not work but i think there’s a reasonable chance it will. I think the same with the tea parties in the states. WNs shouldn’t go to them and try to make them racial. They should go and try and make them anti-immigration and then let the jews make it racial through constant attacks.
I think it means our backs will be to the wall sooner. This may turn out to be either very good (if nasty for a while) or very very bad. 17
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:32 | # Brown only spoke as all liberals speak, regardless whether they are on the left or the right. To all of them a “bigot” is anyone who questions the anti-white default. A “racist” is a “bigot” who is winning the argument. The chastising, of course, is to prevent the logical inconsistency inside their own heads from impinging on their consciousness. It’s a desperate measure, but what can a boy do? The great mystery is why have so many otherwise intelligent people fallen into this miserable and destructive state. Desmond Jones’ explanation that anti-racism offers a fitness gain may be all there is to it. But all the same, these people look very much like pathological cases to me. A fair number are so full of self-loathing they seem driven to harm their race almost as an act of self-mutilation out of which they anticipate some release for themselves. Others are, basically, vampires feeding off the supposed suffering of the white man’s non-white victims. They all have to be cured - all except the ones who have charges to answer. 18
Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:53 | # An amusing thread on Liberal Conspiracy about ‘Bigotgate’. Being banned I can’t join in but it looks like it might be fun to do so. 19
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 03:31 | #
A very interesting point that has been explored in some depth by Cesar Tort at The West’s darkest hour. And though anecdotal, it does fit neatly with this recent story. Allegedly, she was abused as a child. The question is does such abuse result in this kind of psychosis? 20
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 03:34 | # The BNP puts the boot in. The following press statement received by email:
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 03:47 | # On the other hand, Sailer references a review of Tory MP David Willetts’ new book The Pinch: How the Baby Boomers Took Their Children’s Future - And Why They Should Give it Back which appears to give credence to the theory of a fitness gain from pursuit of wealth to what Willett calls the middle class.
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 06:47 | #
Sometimes. Self-destructive behaviour of all kinds is very common.
Long-term survival may be best served as part of a homogenous ethno-centric tribe secure inside their own homeland but most white students come from all-white areas and because of media censorship they have no understanding of racial reality. Occupied academia provides an immediate employment benefit in exchange for white students betraying their own ethno-centricity - something they don’t value because they don’t understand racial reality. So basically it’s a case of an obvious short-term benefit versus a hidden long-term benefit.
The most rabid (non-jewish) anti-racists are completely consumed with white guilt which they’ve been infected with through the media and schools. I think some people are more susceptible to it than others, similar to how hypnosis is supposed to effect the most suggestible people. I’d say the most hysterical are those who are both the most infected and the most instinctive i.e the most conflicted. 23
Posted by Drifter on Sun, 02 May 2010 02:40 | # Help Obama win again by supporting National Nobody Left Behind Human Rights holiday August 4th! Post a comment:
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Posted by Gorboduc on Mon, 26 Apr 2010 21:08 | #
One for Silver here: pass the sick-bag, Alice.